HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
February 10, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Rob McCreary, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Barbara Baird, Secretary and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 23 members.
New member registering: Charmaine Logan, Andrew Mark, Meredith McEvoy.
Absent: Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; and Basil duPlessis, Bookkeeper.
Minutes of December 9, 2015 meeting, read by Barbara were approved by general consent with a unanimous vote. It was noted that Wendy Burton was thanked for her assistance in the development of the conflict resolution policy.
Executive Report: Rob McCreary summarized recent executive deliberations:
- Hall roofing project carrying over into 2016
- Sollans road well lease has been renewed with a 30 year term. We are investigating the cost of a new hand pump for this well.
- Savoie centre septic system being assessed
- Solar Panel project was a topic at the exec meeting with Jan Kennedy joining the meeting for this segment. Insurance costs continue to be researched; the project is moving ahead.
- The executive drafted the advertisements for the administrator recruitment.
- March meeting will have a segment as a farewell to Janet; there will be cake; bring your Janet stories.
- 2015 financial review is in progress
- HIRRA’s property management budget will be presented in March.
Recreation Report? Meredith McEvoy, new recreation coordinator was introduced by Donna Tuele. Meredith offered remarks about her first 6 weeks on the job. The recreation program is busy with a variety of on and off island activities. Ideas for programs/activities are welcome.
Recycling Report: Stani Veselinovic noted that new barriers have been installed along roadways adjacent to sloping banks and at the garbage bins approach. The bin barriers are high and a bit difficult for users. Various modifications are being tested to better the situation. Appreciation was expressed for the fact that this work did not interrupt normal access by users. The Product Care building is under construction. Stani noted that it is almost a year since the new Free Store was opened. Solar Panels will be installed on the Free Store roof. The Friday only acceptance of light bulbs and other special items poses a problem for islanders working Mon to Fridays.
Fire Protection/1st Responders: Giff LaRose Fire Chief reported that Quana Parker is the new deputy fire chief. There was applause. Stats will be reported at the April AGM;
In 2015 there were 92 medical calls. Training is in progress. Two women recruits are training. Cadet camp, for boys and girls between 10 and 14 years of age will be on the 24th of March.
Fire Hall renewal project: Tor Nawrot stated that tenders are being received by CVRD. The selected bid may be announced February 29/16. The land has been cleared.
Roadside trails: Janet LeBlancq reported that roadside trails have historically been funded by donations and community fund raising activities. The work has largely been carried out by volunteers. Community and neighbour involvement are integral in the process as well as approval from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. There is need for funding for routine maintenance of existing trails. Also there have been requests for an upgrade of the trail along the road access between MacLean and Fowler Roads.
Motion: Janet LeBlancq/John McLachlan “That HIRRA apply for a $2500 grant in aid from CVRD” There was brief discussion.
Amendment to the Motion: Donna Tuele/Donna duPlessis, “That HIRRA request a $4000 Grant in Aid for trail maintenance and an upgrade of the MacLean/Fowler Road connecting trail.” The amended motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Dale Chase originally a one person roadside trail builder, served on the first HIRRA committee to build the trail around Syzygy corner. Andrew Carmichael and Dan Johnson are original volunteers who built the roadside trail network that exists today.
Nominating committee: It was noted that the executive positions of vice president and secretary will be open for new volunteers as Daniel Siegel and Barbara Baird are not seeking re-election. To prepare for the April AGM volunteers are needed to serve on a nominating committee. Betty Kennedy has volunteered.
Hornby Island Athletic Association update: George Buvyer, board president, reported that HIAA is working to keep the lights on, offering free showers, and continuing with the established programs. 2017 will be land lease renewal time for the association. It has been 30 years since “Joe King”/HIAA was formed. They are looking for board members for the upcoming AGM elections. A summer worker’s campsite is one initiative that the board is investigating. Also HIAA is moving in a direction to be self sufficient in the event of an island extended power outage situation. Also looking to house people in an emergency. The Kitchen has been operating out of Joe King for over a year now and all is well. Recreation opportunities are supported by the board. There are still discussions about a swimming pool (ongoing these past 30 years); the radio station is operating out of the studio on HIAA’s leased land. There was appreciation extended to George and Charmaine Logan in the stabilization of the Hornby Island Athletic Association and congratulations to the board. There was applause. George noted that tax receipts are issued for donations received.
Gulf Islands Cable: Rob reported that HIRRA requested an extension of service beyond the January 1/16. Although there was no written response from the Gulf Islands Cable, their signal is still working though with a narrower channel menu.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. by general consent.
March 9, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Rob McCreary, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Barbara Baird, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil duPlessis, Bookkeeper and 35 members.
Guest and future member: Angel Blue Horvath Veselinovic
Rob McCreary welcomed all and introduced the executive; HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings was highlighted. The posted agenda was approved by a unanimous show of hands.
Minutes of February 10, 2016 meeting, read by Barbara Baird were approved by general consent with a unanimous vote.
The property management budget will be presented in May. Sollans Road well pump head estimates need to be reviewed and the new administrator will be involved in the process of the budget development.
Executive Report: Rob McCreary reviewed the current executive agenda:
- Review of applications for administrator position.
- Noted that the Hall roof is not leaking except at the Round Room chimney, this leak attributed to other than the shingle roofing.
- Solar panel installation at the Free Store: advertising is underway.
- Property assessment notices were received for all HIRRA owned and leased lands.
- Island Trust invited HIRRA to address the Trust Council at its March 23rd meeting. Lynn and Rob will attend.
- Audit: preliminary reports indicate all is well. Will be presented at the April AGM.
- Retiring Administrator Janet LeBlancq was gifted a 2.5 year old lap top computer.
Housing Committee: Daniel spoke of the history of ad hoc housing meetings and the background for the proposal to create a standing committee.
Motion: Daniel Siegel/Reina LeBron “That HIRRA creates a standing committee on housing for the purpose of exploring options and identifying opportunities for more available housing on the island”.
Carried by unanimous vote.
Fire Hall Renewal Update: Tor Nawrot reported. The low bid for the construction of a new fire hall was $2,175,526 submitted by Island West Coast Development in Nanaimo. The lower Canadian dollar and higher costs of materials and civil works and more complex mechanical systems have resulted in higher estimates. The budget was $1.9 million. A cost reviewing is being done to try and get the costs down. The CVRD has to develop a 2016 budget for approval …. $2.5 million has been estimated as the upper limit of expenditure and will be presented at the CVRD board meeting for approval. There is a capital works reserve in the fire services that could help fund the construction cost over-run. There will not be a further impact on taxes. There was discussion.
Nominating Committee Progress Report: Betty Kennedy reported that there are full slates of volunteers for Parks, Privy Council, Roadside Trails, Recreation, Recycling, Fall Fair and the Community Hall. The Fire Protection committee needs one volunteer; there are two executive positions available, although Daniel Siegel indicated willingness for re-election.
Adjournment: The business meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. by general consent.
There followed Warm thoughts and wishes, coffee and sparkling drinks and carrot cake and hugs and an appreciation of the experiences and opportunities we have in our HIRRA family and how we value these all this on the occasion of the retirement of Administrator Janet LeBlancq (and Daniel Siegel’s birthday) How sweet it was!
April 13, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Barbara Baird, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Basil duPlessis, Bookkeeper, 40 members and one off-island guest. Regrets: Rob McCreary, President.
New member registering: Shannon Warwick
Call to order: 7:40pm
Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone, introduced the executive and new Administrator, Reina LeBaron, and read aloud HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
- Minutes: Minutes of March 9, 2016 meeting, read by Reina, were approved by general consent, with the following corrections: under Executive Report, after “Janet LeBlancq was gifted” add “…with flowers and…”; under Nominating Committee, at the end remove: “although Daniel Siegal indicated willingness for re-election”.
- President’s Report: Daniel presented a (Vice) President’s Report, highlighting HIRRA activities of 2015, mostly accomplished through Committee work.
- Successful replacement of the Hall Roof, thanks to the Hall Committee.
- Meeting with the Komox Band Council and renewing of the HIRRA Crown Land lease.
- Developing and implementing a HIRRA Conflict Resolution Policy.
- Posting signs limiting dogs at the Farmers Market.
- Facilitating discussion of future uses for the old Fire Hall.
- Reviewing and adjusting the Fire Protection Committee terms of reference.
- Completing the new Free Store building.
- Assessing and replenishing the stored emergency supplies.
- Continuing work on Housing issues with meetings leading to the creation of a new HIRRA standing Committee.
- Renegotiating the lease with the RCMP, including a raise in rent to cover taxes.
- Revising and updating the HIRRA Financial Policy regarding the General Fund.
Daniel expressed gratitude to Rob for all his work as President. The presentation about HIRRA that Rob recently gave at the Islands Trust Council meeting on Hornby generated significant interest from Lasqueti islanders.
- Treasurer’s Report: Lynn and Basil presented and reviewed the year-end Review Engagement from Presley and Partners Accountants, including a new spreadsheet with summaries for each HIRRA Fund (available as handouts). There was a suggestion that revenue from the CVRD be labeled “tax funding via CVRD” to clarify that the revenue is being generated on Hornby.
M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Gary Manzer “That the Presley and Partners Review Engagement be accepted as presented.”
M/S/C Lynne Carmichael/Cathy Mukai “That Presley and Partners Accountants be appointed as auditors for 2016.” - Committee Annual Reports:
- Fire Protection/First Responders: Presented by Giff LaRose, Fire Chief. (Attached)
- Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Tina Wai. (Attached)
- Community Hall: (By Judith Lawrence) Presented by Wendy Burton. (Attached)
- Regional Parks: Presented by Betty Kennedy. (Attached)
- Invasive Weed Control: Presented by Eva Wetzel. (Attached)
- Community Recreation: Presented by Bonita Wexler, Coordinator. (Attached)
- Fall Fair: Presented by Gary Manzer. (Attached)
- Comfort Stations: (Privy Council) No report. Allan Beattie sent his regrets. (Attached)
- Recycling and Waste Management: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Manager. (Attached)
- Roadside Trails: No report. There was no Committee established last year.
- Elections:
- Executive: The President (Rob McCreary) and Treasurer (Lynn Nunley) are half-way through their two-year terms.
Andrew Mark is standing for Vice-Chair. Andrew gave a synopsis of his connections to Hornby and interest in standing for election. Daniel called three times for further nominations. Hearing none, Andrew was declared elected by acclamation (with applause). Rachelle Chinnery is standing for Secretary. Daniel called three times for further nominations. Hearing none, Rachelle was declared elected by acclamation (with applause). The Executive serve two year terms.
Committees: In each case, Daniel called three times for further nominations. Hearing none, members were declared elected by acclamation (with applause). Committee members serve one year terms. - Recycling: Jan Kennedy, Kathi Sauve, Ilze Raudzins, Barbara Baird, Alsoon Brine were elected by acclamation.
- Recreation: Donna Tuele, Bill Hamilton, Tim Chapman, Eban Wlamsley, Margot Bushnell were elected by acclamation.
- Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy, Brian Kittleson, Sasha LeBaron, Rusty Harrison, Tom Rutherford were elected by acclamation.
- Comfort Stations (Privy Council): Allan Beattie, Chris Aikman were elected by acclamation. (One more person needed for this three-member Committee.)
- Roadside Trails: Dan Johnson was elected by acclamation. (Two more people needed for this three-member Committee.)
- HICEEC Board: Cath Grey, Darren Bond were confirmed by acclamation to be appointed to the HICEEC Board.
- Ferry Advisory: Rob McCreary was confirmed by acclamation to be appointed to the Ferry Advisory Committee.
- Housing: Daniel Siegal, Julie Peacock, Jan Kennedy, Tim Biggins, Shannon Warwick, Kevin MacMahon were elected by acclamation.
- Community Hall: Judith Lawrence, Clair Cronia, Derek Ward, Ben Berkeveld, Wendy Burton, Vicki Bale, John McLachlan were elected by acclamation.
- Fire Protection: Jim Garton, Brian Amos, Garth Millan, Glenn Hadden, Tor Nawrot were elected by acclamation.
- Cemetery Stewards: Gemma Colin, Eva Wetzel, Judith Anastasia, Lyle Chambers, Larry Smith, Tina Wai, Margaret Pethick were elected by acclamation.
- Fall Fair: Gary Manzer, Alsoon Brine, Pat Mullan, Margot Bushnell, Holly Morgan, Ben Berkeveld were elected by acclamation.
- Invasive Weed Control: Ilze Raudzins, Eva Wetzel, Anna Zielinski were elected by acclamation.
- Executive: The President (Rob McCreary) and Treasurer (Lynn Nunley) are half-way through their two-year terms.
Lynn thanked the retiring Executive members, Daniel and Barbara, for their years of work.
Vicki Bale encouraged people to attend the Collective Impact Workshop with Petra Chambers-Sinclair on Sunday, April 24 from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
Giff LaRose invited people to attend the next Ferry Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday, May 11 on Hornby (location TBA).
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm by general consent.
May 18, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Andrew Mark, Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 19 members and one off-island guest. Regrets: Rob McCreary, President.
*It was noted that there was not a quorum of members in attendance.
Call to order: 7:38pm
Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone, introduced the executive and Administrator
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
- Minutes: Minutes of April 13, 2016 AGM, were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent.
- Executive Report: Lynn presented an Executive Report.
- The Presley and Partners Review Engagement documents were signed and returned.
- The 2016 invoices for the Hall Roof came to $37,662 which was well under the budget. (Admin note: the total for all roof related expenses in 2015 and 2016 was: $42,848. Very close to on budget.)
- Changes to the Societies Act will be coming in November. The Executive will need to review the Constitution and Bylaws and propose appropriate changes.
- The Executive will be reviewing the HIRRA web-site and encourage members to also visit the site and send feedback on any changes needed.
- Several applications were received for the Bookkeeper position as Basil is stepping down. The Executive will be creating a short-list and arranging for interviews in the next couple of weeks.
- RCMP liaison meeting: Tony Law gave a report on the meeting. The summer officers assigned to Hornby were introduced. “Chris” will be back for a fifth year. The participants asked RCMP to make spot visits during the week as well as having a weekend presence. There was strong support for the RCMP to talk to the Co-op about continuing with the policy of early closure of liquor sales on the two summer long weekends.
There was discussion. It was noted that the Co-op Manager has indicated that he doesn’t plan to close liquor sales early unless directed to so by the Board. The Health Network is planning to write a letter in support of early liquor closing to the Co-op Board. There was nearly unanimous support for HIRRA to send a letter to the Co-op Board encouraging them to continue with early liquor closing on the summer long weekends. - Property Management Budget: Lynn presented and reviewed a 5 year Property Management Budget. As there was no quorum, the budget will be brought forward to the next meeting.
- Correspondence:
- Solar Project: An e-mail was received from the Recycling Depot Manager announcing a Solar Installation workshop with GabEnergy on June 4, 1:15 to 7:15pm at New Horizons. ($25. Refreshments provided.) Contact Stani for further information.
- Roadside Trails: An e-mail was received from the Parks Committee Chairperson recommending that the Roadside Trails be cleared soon and that Yana Pethick (Parks Contractor) is willing to do the work. The Parks Committee is not willing to be responsible for overseeing the work at this time as it is not part of their budget.
HIRRA applied for a CVRD Grant In Aid to cover expenses for Roadside Trails maintenance and possible upgrading. It was noted that the Roadside Trails Committee has only one member (Dan Johnson) at this point. Tony Law expressed willingness to join the Committee. It still needs one more member. It was noted that a funding request for trail maintenance could be submitted to the Hornby Island Community Fund (deadline is June 30).
- Housing Committee Report: Daniel Siegal noted that he will be visiting Lasqueti to share information about HIRRA history, Fire Department, Recycling, etc. He invited people to share any information they think would be valuable to pass on.
The Housing Committee’s first project is to send out a survey to all property owners. HICEEC assisted in developing the survey. A link to the on-line survey will be added to the HIRRA website and on hornbyisland.com. Paper copies will also be available. The Committee wants to raise awareness and stimulate interest in housing solutions. There will need to be diverse strategies for addressing problems. The Committee will also stay in contact with Elder Housing, Islands Trust and ISLA. Everyone is encouraged to come to Housing Committee meetings to share ideas and perspectives. - Community Announcements:
- Leaf House/Ford Cove Conservation Project: Tony Quin reported that a small group of people have been exploring how to preserve the Leaf House and Ford Family orchard located in the Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park. After initial review, they agreed that the Leaf House is fairly sound, and only needs some minor repairs and addressing an ant problem. Reports were prepared in 2005 documenting the historic value of the orchard and Leaf House.
There was a meeting with the CVRD to explore funding through the new Historic Building Conservation service. The prerequisite for this would be to document and prove the heritage conservation values of the Leaf House, orchard and surrounding land. There is also the possibility of documenting the First Nations use of the land sufficiently to receive a designation of “cultural significance” on the area. These are the initial stages of a complex process to establish a conservation covenant on the historic orchard, Leaf House and surrounding area.
They will be meeting with the Provincial Parks planner regarding finalizing the Park Master Plan. There may also be funding available from other sources. CHI may be able to issue tax receipts for donations toward the conservation project. - Meeting about Hornby Roads: Several issues were discussed at a recent meeting with Highways. Highways may open up the Ford Cove end of the Shingle Spit road allowance to address parking congestion around Ford Cove. There have been funding cuts, so it is unclear when the center line painting will be done on Hornby: possibly next year. Roadside grass cutting should be happening this month. Highways established no parking along the road beside the Preschool for safety concerns. They recommend that the Preschool consider moving their fence to establish some off-road parking.
- Collective Impact Workshop: It was a successful workshop attended by fifteen people. It is important to have broad participation to identify community needs. Thanks to HIRRA for waiving the Hall rental fee. The second workshop which was planned for June has been postponed.
- Other Community announcements: Nine community announcements were made regarding upcoming meeting and event dates.
- Leaf House/Ford Cove Conservation Project: Tony Quin reported that a small group of people have been exploring how to preserve the Leaf House and Ford Family orchard located in the Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park. After initial review, they agreed that the Leaf House is fairly sound, and only needs some minor repairs and addressing an ant problem. Reports were prepared in 2005 documenting the historic value of the orchard and Leaf House.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:42pm by general consent.
June 8, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Rob McCreary, President, Andrew Mark, Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 12 members and one off-island guest.
*It was noted that there was not a quorum of members in attendance.
Call to order: 7:40pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone, introduced the executive and Administrator.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
- Minutes: Minutes of May 18, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent.
- Executive Report: Rob presented an Executive Report.
- The Roadside Trails Committee still needs one more member. The CVRD Grant In Aid was not granted. HIRRA will be applying for a Hornby Community Fund Grant.
- There will be a meeting in June with the CVRD, Fire Protection Committee and Executive representatives to discuss the process for hiring a new Fire Chief.
- A letter was sent to the Co-op Board encouraging them to maintain the early closing of alcohol sales on summer long-weekends.
- After interviewing three outstanding applicants for the Bookkeeper position, the Executive has offered the position to Joanne Ovitsland.
- The water for the Savoie Center was discussed.
- Rob and Rachelle will be attending the next CAST meeting to represent HIRRA.
- Property Management Budget: As there was no quorum, the budget will be brought forward again to the next meeting.
- Recreation Committee Report: Chair, Donna Tuele reported that the Summer Recreation brochure is out. Jade Wilson is doing a great job as Recreation Coordinator getting all the summer programs organized. The Committee has made its choices for distributing $8,100 of Recreation Grant monies. The remainder of the CVRD grant, $17,900 will be used for administration and advertising for Recreation Committee programs (with user fees generally covering the cost of teachers and supplies).The recommended grants are: $500 to Hornby Island Tennis Association for youth tennis lessons; $500 to the Football Club for junior soccer nets; $300 to Parents Advisory Committee for the Senior Class Field Trip; $6,800 to Hornby Island Educational Society for various recreational programs. Donna noted that the groups who receive grants must report to the Committee on how the money was used before further grants are awarded.As there was no quorum, the motion regarding the grant monies was deferred to the next meeting.
- Recycling Committee Report: Depot Manager, Stani Veselinovic reported that the Depot is already experiencing an early start to the busy summer season and have had to increase staff hours. Summer hours at the Depot (Thursday to Sunday) will start on July 7. Beach clean-up patrols will start on July 3.The Product Care Building has been completed and will soon be open. The CVRD has installed a fence around it for more secure storage. The Depot will be applying for more stewardship programs to expand the types of Household Hazardous Waste that they can accept. It is likely that this will require an increase in staffing time.GabEnergy installed the 28 new solar panels on the Free Store roof in a grid-tie system. They will generate up to 7.5kW of electricity which will offset the Depot electric bill by up to 50%. Because they are tied into the Hydro grid, the Depot will still close when there are power outages. GabEnergy also presented a Solar Panel Installation workshop attended by ten people. Thanks to HICEEC and HIRRA for their support of the Solar Panel project.The CVRD is planning on replacing the sliding barn door on the Free Store with a set of French Doors to reduce the tripping hazard.Thanks to all the staff and volunteers, including the Committee, for their hard work.
- Fire Protection Committee Report: Deputy Chief, Quana Parker reported that the Department will be hosting its Public Forestry Training night on June 23 with especial emphasis on reducing the forest fire risk to houses. Construction has started on the new Fire Hall and is estimated to be complete by January 2017. Three fire fighters attended the Training Officers Conference. Five fire fighters completed the air-brakes course on Hornby. The Department is hoping to get more people certified with Class 4 licenses to drive the First Responder vehicle. Three fire fighters will be attending the Hazardous Materials training course. The Department is hoping in September to develop its Auxiliary program to allow more people to participate in support roles.
- Community Announcements:
- Sandpiper Beach closure: The Environmental Health Officer, Josh Moran, collects water samples from several swimming beaches on Hornby. After getting very high bacteria results for Sandpiper Beach, he posted warning signs closing the beach to swimming. He could not find an obvious source of the contamination and took more tests. He will continue to investigate to find the source of contamination if the bacteria levels have not returned to safe levels.
- Level 3 Drought: Ministry of Forests has announced that Southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands are now experiencing Level 3 Drought conditions and called for voluntary reduction in water use.
- Center Line Road Painting: In response to community feedback, the Ministry of Transportation now has plans to paint the center line for Central Road and Shingle Spit Road this year.
- Other Community announcements: 4 community announcements were made regarding upcoming meeting and event dates.
- Next HIRRA meeting at New Horizons: It was noted that due to a sculpture show in the Hall, the July 13 HIRRA meeting will be held at New Horizons.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:24pm by general consent.
July 13, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Rob McCreary, President, Andrew Mark, Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper, 29 other members and 5 new members.
Call to order: 7:35pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone, introduced the executive and Administrator and particularly new members.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
- Minutes: Minutes of June 8, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent (one abstention).
- Executive Report: Rob presented an Executive Report.
- The HIRRA Executive has applied for a Hornby Community Fund Grant for Roadside Trails maintenance.
- A letter was received regarding the no dogs policy at the Farmers Market. This will be discussed in more detail later in the meeting.
- There has been no written response to the letter sent to the Co-op Board encouraging them to maintain the early closing of alcohol sales on summer long-weekends. Rob had a discussion with the Co-op Board Chair and was told that they feel there is no longer an issue with excessive alcohol sales to young people on long-weekends.
- The Executive will be considering the status of HIRRA employee and contractor positions.
- Joanne Ovitsland has taken on the HIRRA Bookkeeper position.
- The Free Store Solar Project had a couple of leaks in the roof from the installation. The leaks were fixed by the installer and it was noted that there is room for more panels if wanted.
- Allan Beattie will be retiring from the Privy Council after this year after many years of volunteer work. New volunteers are needed for this Committee. The Executive will be putting out the tender for bike racks beside some of the privies.
- Correspondence: A letter from Tony Law regarding the Shingle Spit boat ramp was read aloud. Concerns were raised by residents about maintenance of the boat ramp. Several groups were approached about taking on the maintenance: Ministry of Transportation, Ford Cove Harbour Authority, Emcon Highways maintenance and the CVRD. None of the existing groups are willing to take on the maintenance. This is the only boat ramp on Hornby. It is also an important asset in case of a major oil spill. There was a suggestion to set up a HIRRA committee to oversee the maintenance of the boat ramp.Tony Law reported that Peter Walford is willing to be on such a committee. Mike Pedneault offered to be on the Committee. Interested people should come to the September HIRRA meeting to set up a Committee and pursue improvements to the boat ramp.
- Property Management Budget:
M/S/C Daniel Siegal/Joanne Ovitsland “That the 2016 five-year Property Management Budget be approved as presented.” (There was one abstention.) - Recreation Committee grant distribution:
M/S/C Meredith McEvoy/Vicki Bale “That the Recreation grant dispersal be approved as proposed by the Recreation Committee at the June 8 HIRRA meeting: $8,100 to be distributed as follows: $500 to Hornby Island Tennis Association for youth tennis lessons; $500 to the Football Club for junior soccer nets; $300 to Parents Advisory Committee for the Senior Class Field Trip; $6,800 to Hornby Island Educational Society for various recreational programs; and the remaining $17,900 to be used for administration and advertising for Recreation Committee programs.”
(There was one abstention.) - Parks Committee Report: Committee member, Sasha LeBaron, reported that the Committee has been upgrading the Mount Geoffrey trails to International Mountain Bike Association trail standards to create trails that are sustainable and have adequate drainage. This often involves using machines changing trails that follow old unsustainable logging roads. The ditches and culverts have been made large enough to accommodate increasingly large volume rains.The 2016 project was an upgrade to Washing Machine Trail which was identified as a key access to the Mountain trails. Earlier work was done on Logging Railroad with a lot of 24″ raised tread and boardwalk through the low-land area. The next project will be upgrading the Cedar Grove Diversion part of Cliff Trail which has been damaged by motorcycle use.Hornby Island Mountain Bike Association volunteers have also been working on the trails, particularly side-ditching on Slick Rock Trail.The Committee welcomes community feedback and takes it seriously. All projects are considered thoroughly. The Committee held about ten site visits, some with the CVRD, before deciding the plans for the Washing Machine upgrade. The trail is fun, accessible, safe and sustainable.Work is also planned for the Trallee Point Park beach access and access between Maclean and Fowler Roads which ran on private land and has been blocked off by the new property owners.Rich Ward volunteered to help with the Maclean Fowler Road link trail.There was discussion of concerns, including: new fast, bermed trails being out of character for Hornby; water retention and infiltration; enforcing no motorized vehicles in the Park.Sasha responded: There are some historic fast bermed trails and the Committee has no plans for further trails of this type. The trails are a significant economic asset for Hornby.The Committee considers water flow, infiltration ponds and other water retention strategies when upgrading trails.Motorized vehicles are currently allowed on all Crown Lands. The Parks Committee has requested that the CVRD apply for a change in their License of Occupation on the Crown Land trails to allow for more community control including banning motorized traffic. The Committee has also talked to island residents who use off-road motorcycles and not had much cooperation to stop riding on the trails. Signage will be installed soon.Sasha noted that a new issue is electric-assist mountain bikes which can greatly increase trail usage (riders don’t tire as quickly).
- Community Hall Committee Report: Committee Chair, Wendy Burton, reported that the Acoustic Sub-committee has recommended four renovations to improve sound quality in the Hall: building a permanent 3′ thrust with rounded corners onto the existing stage; installing thick black curtains around the back of the stage to baffle sound; adding padded baffling to the stage ceiling; building several moveable sound baffles with one side padded to absorb sound at amplified events and one side hard to amplify acoustic events. The Committee has had a stage door installed to limit noise interference from the kitchen. The Acoustic Sub-committee is also working on specifications for a P/A system for the main Hall which would include five speakers, a sub-woofer and a permanent “snake” of wires so event technicians could plug in various equipment. The Acoustic Sub-committee has consulted extensively with local sound technicians and musicians.A 3-tonne heat-pump has been installed in the Round Room, with help from island electricians, to heat the Round Room and pre-heat air for the main Hall heat-pump. This should reduce heating costs by up to 50%. The air conditioning is deactivated since it would be very expensive when users generally leave the doors open in the summer. The main Hall heat-pump does have a fan function which can be turned on to cool the Hall in summer.
- Fall Fair Committee report: Committee member, Alsoon Brine, reported that the Fair will be held, as usual, on the second Sunday in September on the Geekie Farm. This will be September 11, 2016. The theme this year is “Water”.
- ISLA update: Board member, Michael McNamara, gave a history of the Islanders Secure Land Association from its founding as a Community Land Trust in 2005, through the 2010 Weiss donation of 18.5 acres of land bordering Beulah Creek, to the environmental assessments and Islands Trust rezoning of the land for 30 community housing residences. Most recently, a road has been put in and an engineer has given an estimate of $900,000 to develop the water, septic, roads and electric services. The 2016 AGM was well-attended and a new strong board was elected. After considerable research, ISLA has decided to establish this land as a free-hold strata title, with resale capped at inflation rate, to enable prospective residents to obtain financing for residences. Two community members have committed to building rental houses (limited to a maximum of one third of housing at any given time).HICEEC Administrator, Daniel Arbour, reported that HICEEC is assisting ISLA in 2016 with Administration support. This is in response to the HICEEC’s Economic Action Plan identifying housing as the community’s highest priority. Daniel gave a presentation to the CVRD Board and received approval to use $25,000 of HICEEC’s reserve funds to assist ISLA. HICEEC hopes to access up to $300,000 of gas tax Community Works Funds to help with ISLA’s initial infrastructure needs. This would require letters of support from the Hornby and Denman communities via HIRRA and DIRA as the Community Works Funding is shared with Denman. Although it would not require any financial commitment, it would mean not applying for further Community Works funding for about five years. It would be about a six-month application process with a lot of specific details to be decided. Daniel noted that creating housing will actually increase the property tax base and will recoup the investment of funds.M/S/C Daniel Arbour/Daniel Siegal “That HIRRA empower the Executive to write a letter of support for ISLA and HICEEC’s application for Community Works Funds.” (3 abstentions)There was discussion. There was a concern about foreclosure on an ISLA property if it is a free-hold rather than lease. There was a question about criteria for approving residents. Canada Mortgage and Housing requires the Canadian standard for low-income ($35-$40,000 per year), less than $50,000 in assets and the ability to finance their building. Beyond this, ISLA may give preference to long-term residents and younger families.
- Community Announcements:
- Dogs at the Farmers Market: Rob noted that HIRRA invested in the development of the Copse for the Farmers Market as a community asset with few conditions and no user fees paid to HIRRA. Last year HIRRA implemented and posted a “no dogs” policy at the Market in response to the insurance agent’s recommendations regarding potential liability in case of a dog attack. Recently, some Market vendors asked that the policy be changed to allow dogs in the Market again. Rob discussed the situation with HIRRA’s insurance agent and found that the current recommendation is to have a posted policy of dogs being allowed on leash and under the owner’s control at all times. This win-win solution will require new signage to be printed. In the meantime, the “no dogs” signs will remain.
- Ferry Advisory Committee report: Rob attended the June 2 Ferry Advisory Committee meeting with BC Ferries and 20 interested community members. Richard Stead video-taped the meeting and has posted the video on-line. Some key issues included the schedule; a reserve lane for Hornby traffic for the 8:00am Denman West sailing; unloading out of order at Denman West; Quinitsa potentially being used for Hornby in summer 2017. Passenger capacity and heavy washroom doors on the cable ferry were also discussed. Rob, Tony Law and Denman representatives will meet with BC Ferries to agree on the details of a pilot trial for a reserve lane in the third week of September. Other issues were also discussed.
- Housing survey: Daniel Siegal asked that all property owners fill in the Housing Survey either on paper copy or on-line via the HIRRA web-site.
- Hornby Spark Hacker-space: Quana Parker reported on the newly named Hornby Spark Hacker-space group that is researching repurposing the Fire-Hall. They have been in consultation with an engineer regarding how best to divide the space for multiple uses and with the Crown Land ministry regarding taking on the Crown Land lease. They are setting up a web-site to better share information with the community.
- Next HIRRA meeting in September: There will no HIRRA meeting in August, so the next regular HIRRA meeting will be September 14 at the Community Hall.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:27pm by general consent.
September 14, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Rob McCreary, President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 27 other HIRRA members.
Call to order: 7:35pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone and introduced the executive and Administrator.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
- Minutes: Minutes of July 13, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent.
- Executive Report: Rob presented an Executive Report.
- The Executive reviewed monthly financial reports.
- A letter was received in response to the letter sent to the Co-op Board regarding alcohol sales on summer long-weekends. The Co-op believes that the past restrictions served their purpose and are no longer necessary.
- Rob attended a Water Plan meeting. A lot of interesting information was presented.
- The review of HIRRA employee and contractor positions is a complex issue and will be ongoing.
- The Executive had extensive discussions about Farmers Market issues and may bring some recommendations to HIRRA for discussion at a later date.
- The application to the Community Fund for Roadside Trail maintenance was denied. Other options for ongoing funding need to be explored. This Committee needs more members.
- The Executive solicited quotes for bike racks beside some of the privies. The Privy Council needs more Committee members. When Committee’s do not have sufficient members to manage their responsibilities, it puts a lot of pressure on the Executive. Please consider joining one of these Committees and spread the word to others.
- Updates on the Boat Ramp will be dealt with later in the meeting.
- Basil’s Retirement: The Executive presented Basil with an “organ donor” insulated box and a gift certificate for local beef hearts as a retirement gift after his nine years of dedicated work as HIRRA Bookkeeper.
- Correspondence: A letter from the Hall Committee regarding the removal of the Hall pay-phone was read aloud. Telus removed the phone due to extremely low usage. There was a suggestion to install a privately owned pay-phone and collect the revenue as a fund raiser. Wendy Burton explained that this is not allowed by Telus.
- Parks announcement: Betty Kennedy announced that the Parks Contractor will be removing some hazard trees at Sandpiper Beach Park and will post a notice of the dates in advance.
- Ferry Advisory Committee announcement: Rob read aloud the notice received from BC Ferries regarding the implementation of the “Priority Loading Pilot Project” starting on September 19. The first 15 cars leaving Hornby at Shingle Spit on the 7:30am sailing, Mondays through Fridays, will receive a priority loading pass. At the Denman West terminal they will wait at the stop light, with their emergency flashers on, until directed to board by ferry workers. There was some discussion about potential difficulties.
- Boat Ramp update: Rob did some research on tenure on the Boat Ramp at Shingle Spit. Currently the Boat Ramp is “untenured” Crown Land. To maintain the Ramp, some group would need to apply for tenure on it. Rob also met with CVRD representatives to look at the Ramp. The next step would be to get an engineer to do an assessment on the Ramp and give an estimate on the cost to fix it. The CVRD will be looking into the possibility of paying for an engineer to do this assessment. Rob also received some more information from the former Harbour Master, Una Kezeire. She is willing to pass on her files on the Boat Ramp to HIRRA. Rob suggested that there may still be the possibility of some form of collaboration with the Ford Cove Harbour Authority.
M/S/C Vicki Bale/Colleen Work “That an ad hoc HIRRA Boat Ramp Committee be formed.”
Several people expressed interest in being on the Committee. - Fire Department Report:Fire Chief, Giff LaRose, reported on the brush fire started by a lightning strike on August 2 and not discovered until August 20. Photos of the area and a Forestry map of the lightning strikes were posted for interest.The Summer Fire Patrol went well with no major problems.The new Fire Hall construction is progressing well with the first floor preconstructed wall panels all installed. Photo updates are available on the Fire Department web-site. The CVRD has sent out requests for tenders for the new tanker truck.Recruitment of new members is a high priority. There is discussion in the Department about setting up a more formal Auxiliary Program to train people in support roles.Giff reviewed the list of summer callouts, including 28 medical calls, the brush fire and two motor vehicle incidents. The number of callouts is up slightly from last year.
- Recreation Committee Report:Committee Chair, Donna Tuele, reported that the Committee organized nine summer programs and three events. Donna thanked the new coordinator, Jade Wilson, and the retiring coordinator, Bonita Wexler, as well as several other islanders who supported and contributed to the Recreation programs.Upcoming Recreation events were announced: the Terry Fox Run, Full Moon Walks and a Hornby Amazing Race.The Committee is working on improving the disc golf course at the Ballpark.Recreation did not receive a Gaming Grant this year. The short-fall in funding was made up by selling a donated boat. Recreation would like to apply for Gaming funds for 2017, providing no other Committees are hoping to apply. They will make a formal motion at the next meeting.Donna announced that she is stepping down as Committee Chair after twelve years, but will remain on the Committee. Bill Hamilton will be the new Chairperson.
- Summer Review: Rob invited discussion of any summer issues.
- Garbage: Colleen Work brought up the issue of garbage build up at Little Tribune. She noted that this is the worst year she has seen for dumping at the beaches and public garbage bins, particularly from local residents. With an increase in shoulder season promotion, there needs to be an increase in waste management during that time. There was discussion. It would be good to have some solution for garbage/recycling for visitors leaving the island when the Depot is closed. Better baby changing facilities would be good at the Co-op area.
- Fall Fair: Rob appreciated everyone involved in the Fall Fair for an excellent event.
- Depot compost: Jackie Shoffner asked if there could be a way to drop off compost at the Depot that doesn’t expose people to wasps (particularly those with severe wasp sting allergies).
- Community Announcements:
- Community School: Vicki Bale announced that the Hornby school has 40 students and has the same teachers as last year.
- Roadside Trails: Rick Ward brought up the Maclean Road Trail situation. The old trail bypassed a wet area by going onto private property. The new owners have posted “No Trespassing” signs. Rich made a site visit with Parks Committee members to look at the situation. Rich, and other users, would like to have a year-round trail that is on the public road allowance. Betty Kennedy said the Parks Committee supports the project, but would need funding for the work.
Rob asked the Parks Committee to draft a cost estimate for the project.
Jackie Shroffner asked that HIRRA consider posting a commemorative plaque recognizing Andrew Carmichael’s work on developing the Roadside Trail network. - Other announcements: Several other announcements were made regarding upcoming events.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm by general consent.
October 12, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Rob McCreary, President; Andrew Mark, Vice President; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 21 other HIRRA members and 1 guest.
Regrets:Lynn Nunley, Treasurer.
Call to order: 7:39pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone and introduced the executive and administrator.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
- Minutes: Minutes of September 14, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent consent with one correction: 8. Change “pumper truck” to “tender truck”.
- Executive Report: Rob presented an Executive Report.
- The Executive reviewed various financial matters, including cleaning up the General Ledger, budgets, and agreeing to include a “community contingency” line in the Core Services budget. Any spending from these funds would require assembly approval.
- An e-mail was received from Bill Engleson of Denman Island, suggesting forming a joint Hornby/Denman Transportation Committee. The Executive will respond with support and suggestion to contact HICEEC.
- ISLA matters were discussed (more later in the agenda).
- Various administrative matters were reviewed, including employee and contractor positions; tenancy agreements and Society Act changes.
- The contract for 3 bike racks has been signed for completion within this budget year.
- The Roadside Trails will need about 50 “driveway crossing” signs and annual maintenance. The Parks Committee is considering taking on the maintenance.
- The Boat Ramp Committee met and elected John Struthers as chairperson.
- Parks report: Reina read aloud the report from Betty Kennedy. The Committee has discussed Roadside Trails maintenance and the Gull Road Trail (Maclean to Fowler) with CVRD Parks staff and received support. The Committee is willing to take on this extra work with HIRRA and CVRD support. This will require up to $5,000 in additional funds per year. The Gull Road trail upgrade will require public consultation and Highways permits.
- Invasive Weed Control Committee Report: Committee member, Anna Zielinski reported that the Committee uses CVRD funding to train people to remove various invasive species including Daphne, broom, bull thistles, holly and blackberries (in select locations). The Laurel-leafed Daphne around Ford Cove is once again becoming a large problem. It has been difficult to retain part-time workers to remove invasives. Anna asked people to publicize the job opportunity ($17/hr). Land owners are encouraged to remove invasives.
- Recycling Committee Report: Depot Manager, Stani Veselinovic, reported that of the 32 bins that were sent off island over the summer, 16 were recyclables and only 10 were landfill waste. There has been a lot of positive feedback and many people proud of how little garbage they are producing. He noted that some rags soaked in solvent caught fire in one of the bins and were put out by vigilant staff. The Depot will soon be able to accept more Hazardous Household waste through the Product Care accreditation. This will mean more staff education and work hours. Stani presented an example of proper packaging of button-cell watch batteries. Seven more solar panels will be installed on the Free Store array by the end of the month. Three megawatt hours have been generated so far (about $300). The Recycling Committee received a grant from the Community Fund toward the purchase of an AED.
- Bio-solids composting proposal: Ed Hoeppner reported that composting toilets and greywater systems are now legal in BC within specific guidelines. Regarding composting toilets, there are increasingly stringent standards for off-site disposal, on-site burial; and on-site surface application. Ed is working on a proposal for a composting facility at the Recycling Depot to comply with the standards for final composting of humanure, resulting in Class A compost (like Skyrocket). The Recycling Committee and Management have expressed support in principle for the proposal. The CVRD would like a formal proposal with letters of support from the community. Ed read aloud his letter to the CVRD requesting conditional approval to establish a bio-solids composting facility at the Depot, subject to mutually agreeable terms. The facility would only receive pre-composted material with no odor or obvious fecal matter, and would be covered and secured. The cost to users would depend on the type of infrastructure, grants and number of users. The first step will be a feasibility study to assess community interest and need.There was discussion including information on greywater systems.M/S/C Ed Hoeppner/Daniel Arbour “That HIRRA write a letter of support endorsing the proposal conditionally, based upon conditions to be mutually agreed between the CVRD and Recycling Depot.” (unanimous)
- ISLA request for support: Daniel Arbour outlined the background regarding an application to the CVRD for Community Works infrastructure funding. Daniel and Michael McNamara gave a presentation at the July HIRRA meeting that resulted in a successful motion for HIRRA to write a letter of support for the proposal. Daniel now requested that HIRRA, and some other island organizations, be included as “proponents” in ISLA’s 20-page application.There was discussion, including questions about the implications of HIRRA being included as a proponent of the application. Daniel confirmed that being a proponent of the initial application would not entail any liability or responsibility on the part of HIRRA, but was simply an indication of support for the proposal.Daniel reviewed the Community Works funding structure (shared between Hornby and Denman) and indicated that if ISLA received the $300,000 applied for, Hornby would probably not be able to apply for further funds for four to five years.M/S/C Daniel Arbour/Andrew Mark “That HIRRA change from writing a letter of support for ISLA’s Community Works funding application, to signing on as a proponent of the application.” 17 in favour, 4 opposed, 1 abstention
- Community School report: Alissa Pratt, School Vice-principal, appreciated the help the school received from HIES. Charmaine Logan, the new HIES Administrator, announced the upcoming HIES AGM, and initiated a round of applause for the hard work and dedication of the previous administrator, April Lewis.
- Fireworks funding: The Fire Department has traditionally paid for Community Fireworks for Hallowe’en. Last year they did not include fireworks in their budget and HIRRA covered the $1,000 cost from General Funds. There has been a verbal request from the Fire Department for the Executive to allocate $500 toward the 2016 fireworks. The Fire Department will contribute $500 and a local business will also contribute $500.
M/S/C Rob McCreary/Stani Veselinovic “That HIRRA approve $500 from HIRRA Core Services funds for the Community Fireworks.” 14 in favour, 4 abstentions. - Community Announcements:
- HICEEC: At the recent HICEEC Business Mixer, Peter Walford Dentistry was selected as the Business of the Year.
- BC Ferries meeting: Rob reminded people to pass on comments on the ferries (both complaints and appreciations) to BC Ferries directly or to the Ferry Advisory Committee. The Priority Loading Pilot project is going well so far.
- November HIRRA meeting: Members were reminded that November is budget meeting and requested to attend to ensure quorum for passing budgets.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:22pm by general consent.
November 9, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Hornby Island Community Hall
Present: Rob McCreary, President; Andrew Mark, Vice President; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 28 other HIRRA members.
Call to order: 7:34pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone and introduced the Executive and Administrator. He requested members stay through the entire meeting to ensure quorum to pass all the budgets.
1) Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
2) Minutes: Minutes of October 12, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent.
3) Democracy: Lynn spoke about democracy (in light of the recent US election), noting that HIRRA is a democracy without parties or platforms, where volunteers are all elected and work together to care for community assets and manage local tax monies.
4) Executive Report: Rob presented an Executive Report.
a) The Executive reviewed financial reports and approved the draft Core Services and Property Management budgets.
b) Lynn and Rob attended a meeting with the CVRD.
c) Farmers Market matters were discussed and the Executive plans to invite Farmers Market representatives to attend the next Executive meeting.
d) The CVRD will require a formal request from HIRRA to include the Roadside Trails maintenance as part of the Parks and Greenways service.
e) The Free Store Solar project expenses were significantly less than the original estimate, so Rob has been working with the CVRD to access the remaining funds to purchase more solar panels and increase the energy generation from the array.
5) Budgets:
a) Fire Protection: Fire Chief, Giff LaRose, presented and reviewed the Fire Protection five-year budget. He noted that a 2% increase has been applied across all lines. The Supplies budget was increased in anticipation of new fittings needed in the new Fire Hall. Two water tanks are planned for installation at the Emcon Highways yard to feed a roadside hydrant. There was a question regarding funding fireworks (which were much appreciated this year). $500 was added to the Public Relations budget line. There was a question regarding the insurance expense. For 2016, the CVRD made a significant one-time contribution to the Fire Fighter insurance which is now purchased as part of a joint package with other District fire departments. M/S/C Donna DuPlessis/Doug Chinnery “That the Fire Protection budget be approved as presented.” (one opposed) Giff noted that since he will be retiring in May, the CVRD is establishing a committee to review candidates and select the new Fire Chief. The committee will include representatives from HIRRA Executive, Fire Protection Committee, Fire Department and CVRD.
b) Recycling Committee Report: Depot Manager, Stani Veselinovic, presented and reviewed the Recycling and Waste Management five-year budget. He noted that there was a significant increase in tipping fees this year (received and paid out). The biggest change in the 2017 budget is in wages. The Committee approved a 5% wage increase for all staff, to bring their wages closer to similar positions elsewhere in BC, as well as an additional raise for the Backhoe/Hazardous Materials staff. Staff hours and Beach Clean-up were extended to address increased shoulder season demand. Beach Clean-up collects about ten bags of garbage per week. Another staff position was also added to process end-of-life electronics for recycling. Capital Project requests include installing a cistern beside the new Product Care building, painting the existing water tank and purchasing a 20’ shipping container to store excess textiles for recycling by the Diabetes Society. M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Bill Hamilton “That the Recycling Waste Management budget be approved as presented.”
c) Regional Parks: Committee Chair, Betty Kennedy presented and reviewed the Regional Parks five-year budget. She noted that including the Roadside Trails in the Parks service will require a formal request from HIRRA. The improvements to the Gull Road Trail were scheduled in conjunction with Tralee Point Park trail work as a Capital Project for 2018 to allow time for consultation and permit approvals. A Capital Project is planned for 2017 to establish a trail beside French Road joining Central Road to French Connection Trail. There was a question about Invasive Weed control. The Maintenance Contractor does some removal of holly, etc. but it is generally a lower priority than drainage and blowdowns. There was a suggestion that the Invasive Weed control funding from the Parks budget be directed to the Invasive Weed Control Committee. There was a suggestion to include signage on the Roadside Trails to address use by mountain bikers. M/S/C Vicki Bale/Giff LaRose “That the Regional Parks budget be approved as presented.”
d) Privy Council Comfort Stations: HIRRA Administrator, Reina LeBaron, presented and reviewed the Comfort Station five-year budget drafted by Committee Chair, Allan Beattie. She noted that the Bike Rack project is progressing, and some of the funds have been moved to 2017 to cover site preparation for installing the bike racks. M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Kathy Mukai “That the Comfort Stations budget be approved as presented.” (one abstention)
e) Invasive Weed Control Committee Report: Committee member, Anna Zielinski presented and reviewed the Invasive Weed Control five-year budget. She noted that in 2008, there was private funding for an extensive removal of Laurel-leafed Daphne in the 140 acres around Ford Cove. The Daphne has regrown from seed and is once again a serious problem. Ideally, areas would be cleared repeatedly about every three years. A team of four part-time workers has been hired to remove invasives. Committee member, Eva Wetzel noted that Broom is now more under control. The two old gravel pits, Ballpark and Lea Smith Road still need a lot of work. Land-owners were encouraged to pull small broom along the roadsides in their area. It was noted that Icelandic sheep will eat broom. M/S/C Wendy Burton/Donna DuPlessis “That the Invasive Weed Control budget be approved as presented.”
f) Recreation: New Committee Chair, Bill Hamilton, regretted that the completed budget had not been received in time for presentation at this meeting. He requested that it be approved at the December meeting.
g) Fall Fair: Committee member, Alsoon Brine, reviewed the Fall Fair annual finances. She noted that the Fall Fair Committee is not tax-funded, but income comes from donations, vendor fees, harvest basket auction and a Union Bay Credit Union grant. The main expenses are for porta-potties, prizes, and food and transportation for the off-island judges of the agricultural competitions. In 2016, the Committee also purchased some new tents and tables (which are sometimes loaned out to local non-profits). No motion was requested as the Committee is not tax-funded.
h) Property Management: HIRRA Administrator, Reina LeBaron, presented and reviewed the Property Management five-year budget. She noted that the Property Management income comes from rents and the surplus is retained as a reserve to cover maintenance and infrastructure expenses. M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Eva Wetzel “That the Property Management budget be approved as presented.”
i) Core Services: HIRRA Administrator, Reina LeBaron, presented and reviewed the Core Services 2017 budget. The funding for Core Services is shared by all the Committees. The percentage from each Committee is based on their percentage share of total expenses. Reina noted that the Executive has included a $4,000 Community Contingency amount to cover expenses previously drawn from the General Fund (now called Property Management) since that fund is now limited to Property Management expenses. M/S/C Daniel Siegal/Bill Hamilton “That the Core Services budget be approved as presented.”
j) Community Hall: Committee member, Judith Lawrence presented and reviewed the Community Hall five-year budget. She noted that there are several Capital Projects in the five-year plan. The urgent Capital Projects for 2017, are the Acoustic Improvements, which are already in progress, and Lighting Improvements, particularly replacement of the track lighting along the galleries. M/S/C Daniel Siegal/Bill Hamilton “That the Community Hall budget be approved as presented.”
6) Roadside Trails: M/S/C Daniel Arbour/Betty Kennedy “That HIRRA request the CVRD to add the expenses related to maintaining the Roadside Trails to the Hornby Island Parks and Greenways Service function.”
7) Community Announcements:
a) Hall Committee Resignations: Judith Lawrence requested that the assembly accept the resignation of Derek Ward and John McLachlan from the Hall Committee. Rob asked for a show of hands. The resignations were accepted by general consent with two opposed and one abstention.
b) Spark Hackerspace: Quana Parker reported that the Spark group has been working with the CVRD and Crown Lands to transfer use of the old Fire Hall to the Spark hackerspace group. They have also been working on concluding a feasibility study, setting up Spark as a non-profit society and developing a business plan.
c) Other announcements: Three community announcements were made regarding upcoming events.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:01pm by general consent.
December 14, 2016
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Hornby Island Community Hall
Present: Rob McCreary, President; Andrew Mark, Vice President; Rachelle Chinnery, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 18 other HIRRA members.
Call to order: 7:38pm
Introductions: Rob welcomed everyone and introduced the Executive and Administrator. He noted that there was no quorum so no motions would be passed, but reports would still be received for information.
1) Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
2) Minutes: Minutes of November 9, 2016 meeting were read aloud and approved as presented by general consent.
3) Executive Report: Rob presented the following Executive Report:
- a) The Executive reviewed financial matters and discussed the timing of regular monthly budget reports. To follow standard bookkeeping practice, as of January, Committee budget reports will be distributed around the 10th of each month following the reconciliation of the bank statements. On the advice of Presley and Partners, some changes will be made to the MasterCard accounts.
- b) Rob will represent the Executive on the CVRD Committee to select a new Fire Chief.
- c) Farmers Market matters were deferred to the January Executive meeting which Farmers Market representatives will be invited to attend.
- d) A formal request has been made for the CVRD to include the Roadside Trails maintenance as part of the Parks and Greenways service.
- e) The bike racks have been completed for installation near the privies at three public beach accesses.
- f) The CVRD has approved funds for seven more solar panels to increase the array on the Free Store roof. The panels will be installed when weather permits in 2017.
4) Recreation Budget: Committee Chair, Bill Hamilton, was prepared to present the Recreation budget, but due to lack of quorum, the approval was deferred to February.
5) Cemetery Committee: Committee member, Eva Wetzel, reported that at least since 2006 it has been challenging to find space for full-body burial in the existing Cemetery. The site is not very suitable due a layer of sandstone about three feet down in many areas and a high water table in other areas. The Committee has repeatedly urged HIRRA to explore finding a new area for full-body burials. M/S/ Eva Wetzel/Doug Chinnery “That HIRRA strike an ad hoc committee charged with finding suitable land for a new cemetery.” The motion could not be passed due to lack of quorum, but was deferred to the February meeting. Members were encouraged to volunteer for the proposed committee. Eva noted that Ellen Leslie has expressed willingness to be on the proposed committee. Rob confirmed that Ellen and other volunteers (minimum of three for such a committee) could start researching and gathering information in anticipation of the committee being formalized at a later meeting.
6) Community Fireworks funding discussion: Rob gave background: the Community Fireworks were funded by the Fire Department for many years. In 2015 the Department asked that HIRRA fund the fireworks. The Executive understood this to be a one time grant. This year, the Fireworks were funded from the Fire Department and a donation from AFC Construction. Both the Fire Department and HIRRA are reluctant to commit to the fireworks as a regular annual expense. Business sponsorships could be a good way to fund the fireworks. A letter from Giff LaRose to the Executive was read aloud, expressing two main concerns: encroaching on other groups fundraising efforts; and the need to order fireworks well in advance. Giff also outlined the challenges involved in getting the fireworks in 2016. Suggestions from the membership: get the school kids involved in fundraising; request sponsorship from BC Ferries, Co-op, Union Bay and Coastal Community Credit Unions; reconsider whether the community would like to fund fireworks from tax monies. Other comments: who will be responsible for ongoing annual fundraising? Fireworks could be considered “recreation.”
7) HICEEC report: HICEEC Chair, John Heinegg, reported that housing has been HICEEC’s main focus for 2016 following feedback from the Economic Action Plan survey. HICEEC donated $25,000 to ISLA and provided assistance in applying for Community Works funding. Ferries were also identified as a high priority, but improvements seem to require political intervention. HICEEC’s first joint renewable energy project to install a solar array on the Free Store roof came in under budget. HICEEC hopes to have more joint local energy projects. The Hornby Island visitors’ guide and Hornbyisland.com web-site are both fairly financially self-supporting. A micro-loan fund has been established, and the first loan paid off. HICEEC role is purely administrative support for the fund. HICEEC has been working on a Hornby Island Water Plan in collaboration with the Water Stewardship Committee and other interested parties. The top priorities were continued education and support for individual actions. John suggested that the project may need a new committee or stand-alone group and possibly a part-time staff person. HICEEC has recently approved grants for the Recreation Committee’s Sports Festival; Conservancy Hornby Island’s herring workshop and the First Edition. They did not give a grant to the Festival but will be assisting them to instead apply to the Coastal Economic Foundation for funding for their project.
8) Housing Committee report: Committee Chair, Daniel Siegal, reported that the Housing Committee used some of their HICEEC grant money to produce, distribute and review a Hornby Property Owner survey. About 170 responses were received. It seems to Daniel that there has been a change in the community narrative around housing. Formerly part-time and full-time residents worked together with visitors to support the community. Now there seems to be more tension between these groups. The Housing Committee would like to share more positive housing stories, possibly offer a rental “match-making” service and explore offering a workshop on rental issues.
9) Boat Ramp Committee: Committee Chair, John Struthers, reported that the Committee has about ten members, with Colleen Work acting as co-chair. The boat ramp at the ferry landing is narrow and deteriorating to the point that rebar is exposed and a serious safety concern. Rob has been very helpful in getting information. The first priority is to repair the ramp. After this a second phase might include expanding the width of the ramp and installing safety railings. The Committee is planning to have an engineering assessment done and then it seems that the cost for materials will be under $5,000. After the initial repair, the annual maintenance costs should be minimal. Possible funding sources include: CVRD, HIRRA, HICEEC, the Harbour Authority, and individual donations. At the moment, there is no official tenure on the boat ramp. The Committee hopes that the CVRD will apply to Crown Lands for tenure. There was a suggestion to ask government ministries for funding support.
10) Community Announcements:
- a) Cemetery Portal plaques: Eva announced that people can now buy standard plaques to be installed on the Cemetery Portal to remember loved ones who are interred elsewhere. Further information will soon be available on the HIRRA.ca web-site.
- b) Ballpark shelter: HIAA board member, George Buvyer, announced that the Ballpark is offering a cold-weather shelter (from 8pm to 8am) for people without adequate housing. Between one and six people have used the service over the past four nights. Janet LeBlancq has been working with Red Cross to access cots and blankets. Donations of firewood to keep the stove going, would be greatly appreciated.
- c) Spark Hackerspace: Spark member, Leanna Killoran, reported that Spark is now an official non-profit society and is continuing to develop a business plan and write grant applications. The group is getting support from the CVRD and is working with an architect to ensure that the old firehall can be renovated to meet building codes.
- d) Wassail: The Heron Rocks Wassail date was announced.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm by general consent.