Community Profiles
In 2021 the Hornby Housing Network applied for funding from BC Healthy Communities to hire a research assistant to create comprehensive community profiles of both Hornby and Denman Islands. This project created a a comprehensive profile of each community. These profiles include all available local, provincial and federal information available in the following social determinants of health: Economy, Education, Environment, Food Security, Health, Housing, Safety, Social Inclusion, and Transportation.
Visit the site to explore more information about Hornby and Denman:
Community Vision Statement
Hornby Islanders envision a future in which our community remains diverse, sustainable, and viable.
Central to this vision are the values we share as a community: living in balance with the natural world, working together cooperatively and peacefully, taking personal and collective responsibility for the well-being of the community, and celebrating the special spirit and energy of this unique island and its people.
We embark on a spirit of reconciliation with our First Nations neighbour communities and honour cooperatively working together on the unceded territory we call Hornby Island.
The Hornby Way
The Hornby Way is a booklet written in 2006 that gives an overview of the mechanics and the spirit of local governance and “how things work” on Hornby. This includes the branches of local government, the networks of island associations, and the unique possibilities and responsibilities offered by island life in a small community.
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Land Claims
In 2008 negotiators and interested parties gathered on Hornby Island as part of the First Nations land claim settlement process. K’omoks peoples’ identified crown land on Hornby as potentially being part of a settlement package.
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