Community Vision Statements

Hornby Island Community Vision 2040

Approved by motion of the HIRRA membership May 8, 2024

Hornby Islanders envision a future in which our community remains diverse, sustainable, and viable.

Central to this vision are the values we share as a community: living in balance with the natural world, working together cooperatively and peacefully, taking personal and collective responsibility for the well-being of the community, and celebrating the special spirit and energy of this unique island and its people.

We embark on a spirit of reconciliation with our First Nations neighbour communities and honour cooperatively working together on the unceded territory we call Hornby Island. 


CONTENTS (links)




Recognizing Indigenous Territory and Living Sustainably

Strengthening Community

Building a Thriving Economy

Maintaining Local Control

Community Values


  1. Agriculture
  2. Arts
  3. Building Practices
  4. Community Enterprises and Infrastructure
  5. Education
  6. Environment
  7. Governance, Peace-making, and Conflict Resolution
  8. Health and Wellness
  9. Housing
  10. Recreation
  11. Social support
  12. Tourism
  13. Transportation and Green Energy




In the year 2000, the Hornby community initiated a project for envisioning the future of the Island.  Two years of deep discussion and wide participation resulted in Vision 2020. 

When 2020 arrived, HICEEC organized a review and update of Vision 2020 involving targeted consultations with approximately 50 people from the various community sectors of the Vision. After interruption of the process by the COVID pandemic, in 2023 a committee of HIRRA and HICEEC representatives drafted a summary document and brought it to a series of public meetings for community feedback.


The vision statements are intended to play two roles in the community:

  • To inspire and motivate actions that lead to the realization of the community’s sectoral visions, and the protection and preservation of the local environment and rural lifestyle
  • To provide a tool that groups and individuals can use to confirm that a particular economic or social initiative fits with what the community wants for itself. The visions are not intended as a limiting factor or enforcement mechanism for new initiatives, but rather to help guide the ongoing work of choosing the wisest directions for Hornby.


The Vision for Hornby places its hope for the future on the enthusiasm, commitment, and involvement of islanders themselves.  Making the Vision a reality will require the community to work together — as individuals, families and neighbours, visitors, local organizations, and governing bodies — one step at a time. Remember, the future of Hornby is in your hands — in all our hands.

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Recognizing Indigenous Territory and Living Sustainably

Hornby Islanders understand and appreciate that we live on the traditional territories of First Nations people, including the K’ómoks First Nation.

Because living in balance with nature is essential, we commit to:

  • Mitigating climate change impacts
  • Improving transportation systems
  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable building practices
  • Recycling
  • Water conservation
Strengthening Community

We pool resources, share skills, and work co-operatively to build a healthy diverse community that has:

  • Mutual respect
  • Food security
  • Adequate housing
  • A thriving education system
  • Healthcare available for everyone.
Building a Thriving Economy

We diversify the economy by building on community strengths such as:

  • the arts
  • sustainable agriculture
  • diverse healing arts
  • engaged conscientious tourism
  • living in harmony with nature.
Maintaining Local Control

We empower the community to establish local mechanisms for:

  • dealing with conflict
  • protecting the environment
  • providing essential services
  • creating peace and security
  • meeting the needs of all our citizens.
Community Values

We acknowledge – but do not try to impose on others – the core values that guide our personal lives and community decisions. Hornby Islanders value:

  • Connecting with the natural world and treading lightly within it
  • Diversity
  • The spirit and energy of this unique island and its people
  • Simplicity, self-sufficiency, and sustainability
  • Working through our disagreements in a respectful manner
  • The strong sense of belonging and safety that comes from living in this community
  • Our connections with the rest of the world
  • Local control over decisions that affect our community and our environment
  • Working co-operatively to create an inclusive and healthy community
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Reconciliation with Indigenous people
  • Science-based responses to technological changes
  • Addressing the climate crisis through enhanced understanding and effective responses.

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1. Agriculture 

In 2040, Hornby Islanders encourage local food self-sufficiency, organic horticulture, permaculture, aquaculture, and creating value-added agricultural products. Local agricultural products are effectively marketed both on and off the island.

The community uses a large percentage of cleared arable land for agriculture and facilities for food production are available for community use.

Visitors come to Hornby to learn about and participate in our thriving agricultural sector.

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2. Arts

In 2040, Hornby is known for its thriving arts community. All the arts are part of our daily lives, and we cherish the contributions that artists, performers, and crafts people make to our community.


Art is also one of the mainstays of the economy, with both residents and visitors buying local arts and crafts and enjoying the many learning opportunities provided around the arts. Through mutual support and collective initiatives, local artists work together to improve their skills and livelihoods.

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3. Building Practices 

In 2040, buildings on Hornby are known for their beautiful and creative design and their environmental sensitivity. Energy-efficient buildings with a light ecological footprint are the norm. Recycled and innovative materials are used where possible.

New buildings and renovations are done in a manner that is sensitive to the unique Hornby aesthetic and in harmony with the natural environment. The “Hornby style” embraces affordability, accessibility, and historical hand-built charm.

Building methods and materials incorporate a “zero-waste” philosophy and alternative energy practices. The community works to promote recycling and re-use of building materials. Buildings and landscaping integrate energy conservation methods and water catchment, storage, and waste treatment techniques.

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4. Community Enterprises and Infrastructure

In 2040, co-operative and community-run ventures are flourishing because the community believes that collective initiatives can be effective ways to meet the community’s needs, maintain local control, and create a healthy economy. In order to live the simple, low-impact lifestyle we desire, we have developed many effective ways for pooling and sharing our resources, talents, and energy. Mutual effort and respect enable us to achieve our goals of self-reliance and self-determination.

Local government bodies and community organizations play an active role in initiating and sustaining a variety of ventures for the common well-being, from land acquisition to construction of facilities and the establishment of communal ventures. We take inspiration from the many shining examples of our community spirit in action, particularly in the community buildings and services near the Hall corner, and around the Co-op corner.

Many of our needs are met locally in centrally-clustered service areas, which encourages the shared use of resources such as parking lots, energy, and equipment. These central areas also provide opportunities for people to gather, participate in the arts and cultural activities, shop, and visit.

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5. Education

In 2040, Hornby Island is known as a centre for learning. People of all ages have plentiful opportunities to develop their full potential. Education focuses on community assets such as healing practices, agriculture, the arts, music, natural history, conservation, Indigenous wisdoms, and the environment.

The community has created a lifelong learning infrastructure that is responsive to local needs, flexible, well-funded, and sustainable. Learners and teachers from around the world are welcome and important participants.

There is a high level of local involvement in all aspects of the educational system. The education system emphasizes inter-generational mentoring, global awareness and connection, developing life skills, creativity, and environmental awareness.

The community values its Community School and Preschool and works to ensure their continued viability. Teens are offered a choice of an excellent high school education on Hornby, on Vancouver Island, or anywhere in the world. Adult education promotes academic, social, creative, and economic development.  High speed internet provides more advanced learning opportunities and training.

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6. Environment 

In 2040 we are living in balance and harmony with the Earth. Many of us chose to live on Hornby because of the healthy rural environment and we cherish our intimate connection with the natural world. We understand the natural limits of this fragile ecosystem and strive to reduce our ecological footprint by living lightly on the land.

We take an active role in educating ourselves and our visitors on environmental issues and are known for our environmental sustainability. Our “reduce, reuse, recycle” program has integrated the “zero waste” ethic into our daily lives.

All forms of human activity are designed to have a minimal impact on the environment. Land use planning emphasizes resource conservation. We take a strong stand on protecting our water resources, defending native species from invasion, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals, and maintaining a GMO- and nuclear-free zone. Effective mechanisms are in place to conserve our supply of clean fresh water for everyone on the island. Safe, innovative systems for processing sewage are widely used and authorized.

Hornby Island is a centre of learning for conservation, living lightly, and innovation.

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7. Governance, Peace-making, and Conflict Resolution

Hornby Island community members value and actively participate in a model of autonomous governance, with referrals for expert opinions and guidance. This structure is responsive to the community, encourages and facilitates egalitarian participation, and is based on the principles of consensus building and cooperative conflict resolution.

This kind of governance structure will:

  • Be reflective of our diverse population
  • Retain local taxes to meet local needs, wherever possible
  • Be aware of the affordability of property taxes
  • Have in place clear conflict resolution mechanisms to resolve community disagreements on policy, neighbourhood, political, and land-use issues
  • Maximize local decision-making on local issues
  • Cooperate with off-island agencies and resources
  • Look for efficiencies in service delivery
  • Facilitate inclusive, informed, and widespread participation in decision-making
  • Encourage community groups to meet regularly to create a network/forum for discussion, celebration, referrals, and decision-making
  • Support of elected officials and committee chairs, with acknowledgement of their leadership role.

Hornby Island is a safe, understanding, and trusting community that is respectful of its core values, which include personal responsibility, informed decision making, respectful communication, and a variety of local mechanisms for resolving conflict.

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8. Health and Wellness

In 2040, Hornby Island is a place where people come to heal and to be healed. The community defines health as inclusive of physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. Individuals are supported in their effort to become self-actualized, integrated beings. Spirituality is recognized as a vital aspect of health and all sacred paths and health choices are respected and supported. People take personal responsibility to maintain their own health and have access to many options for preventive care and healing.

To assure lifelong well-being, we have high-quality, community-based health care. There is a community-run holistic health care centre that embraces conventional and integrative health practices. We reach out to health experts and networks in the wider world and invite people to visit our excellent healing facilities.

The community values its local health services such as permanent doctors, nurse, and clinic staff; First Responders team; dentist; home support services; Health Care Society; and diverse alternative wellness practitioners.

The community acknowledges and works to enhance all the determinants of good health, such as safety; affordable housing; food and clean water; social interconnectedness; economic well-being; support for children, families, and seniors; and easy access to all levels of health care. We have an integrated support system for people with addiction and mental health issues.

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9. Housing

In 2040, a range of secure, affordable housing options is available. Streamlined land use regulations and bylaws allow a broad range of housing options, from ownership to rental, from large rural lots to clustered housing. There are areas with mixed-use zoning, multi-generational housing, and community facilities and services. Landlords and tenants are responsible to, and respectful of, each other and the environment.

Housing is energy efficient, ecologically sound, and well maintained, with an adequate water supply augmented by rainwater harvesting and an environmentally friendly wastewater system.

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10. Recreation

In 2040, Hornby Islanders enjoy being physical and having fun, and have created many interesting opportunities to gather together, celebrate, and stay healthy in mind and body. There is a lively cross-generational cultural scene with activities that are an ongoing part of community life. The sea and local parks provide opportunities for outdoor activities. Children and teens have plenty of space and opportunity for creative and recreational activities. Facilities for recreation and entertainment fit with local values, are small in scale, and reflect a rural lifestyle.

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11. Social support

In 2040, diversity is a cornerstone of a healthy community. The Hornby community thinks of itself as a large multi-generational family—we take care of each other like an extended family would and take responsibility for meeting the needs of our community members. Strong neighbourhoods provide a place where people know and support each other, share resources, and form a close social network. Families, singles, youth, and seniors are all vital parts of our diverse community, and a balance of representation from all these groups has been achieved.

Activities, services, and support are available for families so that they are able to have a safe and enjoyable life on the island. Youth are a vital part of the community and have opportunities for education, recreation, and employment. We have excellent infrastructure in place to allow our elders to remain on the Island till the end of their days. This includes health care, housing, and other support services.

There are many opportunities for close connection among all members of the community from the very young to the very elderly. Effective relationship and communication skills are a vital part of maintaining a healthy community. Services and support mechanisms are in place to address the needs of people who are in crisis.

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12. Tourism

In 2040, tourism is an important part of Hornby Island’s diverse and thriving economy. Tourism is actively planned and managed for the benefit of residents, visitors, and the island itself. We foster low-impact, “intentional” tourism and have a manageable, comfortable number of visitors each year.

We prefer the concept of a “visitor” rather than a “tourist”. A visitor is someone who comes to the island in the same manner in which they would visit a friend – respectfully and lovingly – and we welcome them accordingly. We have found ways to inform visitors and summer residents about the lifestyles, values, and ecology of the island so that tourism is a positive experience for both residents and visitors.

The ideal visitor would:

  • come here because they appreciate and share our interests and values
  • walk, bike, or use public transportation
  • purchase local goods, food, and services
  • walk lightly on the land (including water use and disposal)
  • contribute time and energy for the benefit of the island and participate in the community

We have incorporated some of the ideas from the “Slow Cities” movement such as preserving and celebrating our traditions and lifestyles and encouraging our visitors to participate in them. We work at what we love, and people come to learn about what we have to offer. Visitor accommodation is accessible for people of all income levels. The community feels energized and stimulated by visitors to the island and welcomes the excitement and fun provided by interaction with new people and new ideas. Visitors leave the Island feeling revitalized in body, mind and spirit.

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13. Transportation and Green Energy

In 2040, Hornby Island no longer participates in the global petroleum economy.

There is strong support and encouragement for the development and use of renewable energy systems that promote local energy self-sufficiency and are environmentally sensitive. There are active research and development projects taking place on renewable energy sources.

We are forerunners in the use of renewable energy sources for transportation. We use environmentally friendly fuels to power our vehicles and have significantly reduced our use of individual motorized vehicles.

We have a low-cost, convenient, community transportation system, such as a bus or train to get around the island and into town. The ferry system is affordable and provides convenient service. There is a strong infrastructure, making it easy for visitors and residents to choose to travel by foot, bike, or horse. We encourage ride sharing and the use of community transit.  We have lessened the need to travel because many of our needs are met locally in a centrally clustered service area.

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The on-line version of the Hornby Community Vision Statement 2040 (also found on will include two appendices based on feedback from the community open-house sessions:

  1. What we could do: potential ways to realize the 2040 Visions. GOALS
  2. What we have done: accomplishments made in the twenty years since the original “2020 Vision.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS