2004 Minutes

HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

July 14, 2004

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary, Lynn Nunley, Treasurer, Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 54 members of the community. Fred introduced the executive and invited guests, Constable Rod Pick, RCMP and Ian Baikie, 911 Corporation. New members registered Wendy Burton and Roger Tro. Fred reviewed “Roberta’s Guide” and stressed the importance of these principles of conduct.

Minutes: The administrator read minutes of the June Meeting. M/S/C

It was explained that to advance a topic to the agenda of HIRRA, please write a letter to the executive who will determine agenda placement. HIRRA committee activities are regularly reported at general HIRRA meetings.

Executive Report : Fred requested that we are soliciting designs for a HIRRA logo and ask that submissions be deposited in the HIRRA box at the Co-op freepost. The executive met with the committee chairs with the main topic of discussion being governance options for the island. There is a plan to invite speakers to provide further information to us in the fall.

Business Arising: The draft letter from the executive to HIES in response to their request for HIRRA to donate $5000 from reserve funds to the food program operated by HIES was read by the administrator. The letter stated the purposes of HIRRA and financial policies of the association regretfully did not allow for such donations. The association supported the program in principle, and noted strong public support voiced at the June HIRRA meeting, where this request was discussed. Dan Bruiger read a letter to Canada Post protesting the discontinuation of our local cancellation stamp which features the visage of our long time and very popular post master, Don Nixon. There was applause.

Committee Reports:

Fire protection : Fire Chief Giff LaRose provided a comprehensive review of training events for both volunteer fire fighters and the public. At a recent Fire Protection Committee meeting there was discussion and decision on campfire banning policy.

Henceforth, when there is a provincial campfire ban declared in the coastal region, the Fire Chief will impose a campfire ban on Hornby. Likewise, when the provincial ban is lifted, the Hornby ban will be lifted. It was further decided that, if local conditions warrant, a Hornby campfire ban will be declared, even in the absence of a declared provincial campfire ban in the coastal region. This information was well received by the assembly. The public is requested to call the fire patrol only for fire concerns not policy issues.

First Responders’ : Giff requested that when people call 911 for a medical emergency, they call the doctor also to save valuable time. He further reported on difficulties being experienced in obtaining assistance from B.C. Ambulance. This will be addressed by the committee.

Shared Lands Committee : (Janet reporting) Serena Laskin was elected Chair. She has determined the need for coordination among all island groups and islanders to decide the best uses for our shared lands, and especially the ten acres HIRRA leases from Crownlands.

Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park Betty Kennedy reporting: The park is very dry and regular patrols are being done. Yana Pethick has been asked by the RDCS to attend a Mountain Bike Conference in Vancouver . There was discussion regarding patrols in the park especially with regard to fire prevention. Regional and provincial park reps and the fire department will consult.

RDCS report: Carol is in the process of determining the recipients of the annual grants-in-aid funds. A list of recipients will be published in the Grapevine.

There is an initiative for us to consider: are we in favor of converting the old Comox Fire hall into an art gallery? The cost would be .03 cents per $1000 of assessed property value. There may be RDCS funding available for a workshop on planning for land use to augment the efforts of the Shared Lands Committee. The revision process for the recreation bylaw and subsequent funding is still in progress. The report on the analysis of 10 years of well water testing downhill from the depot has been released and reports no evidence of leachate from the previous landfill site.

Island Trust Report : Penny Griggs reporting. The schedule of meetings was announced. A summer meeting is August 8 at New Horizons at 10 a.m. The Trust is accepting nominations for the stewardship award.

Members of the Police Liaison Committee and Constable Rod Pick of the RCMP were introduced. A question about a police incident involving an islander was determined by the chair and the RCMP officer to be inappropriate for discussion.

911 Tower : A letter from The RDCS Park Planner, Alison Mewett, asking for HIRRA’s input regarding a proposed 911 radio communication tower to be installed on one of two sites in Mount Geoffrey Regional Park was read. It was noted that HIRRA recommendations should concern the tower site preference and the master plan revisions. Reina LeBaron summarized the public discussions on this topic that had taken place at the May HIRRA meeting. Ian Baikie answered questions. An arborist opinion of tree thinning requirements at each site was read. Betty Kennedy, Parks Committee, stated that they recommend a trial period prior to the master plan being revised. The Parks committee favors site two if the tower must be installed. Ian Baikie reported that balloons were put at each site at the approximate height of the tower and were visible at the summit and not at site 2. Ian noted that there would be no need for a trail to be built to service the tower site. Tony Law reported that the Trust favors site 2. Ian stated that installation at Site 2 will be approximately $5000 more than at the summit. There was discussion.

Motion: John Mills/Betty Fairbank, “ Whereas we are advised that the installation of a radio communication tower in Mount Geoffrey Park is the only viable option to address emergency communication difficulties regularly experienced by the volunteer fire fighters, be it resolved that we support the installation of such a tower on Mount Geoffrey at Site 2; that trees be felled or pruned to accommodate this installation as recommended by the arborist, and that the master plan be revised to permit this installation.” Carried with 23 in favor and 13 opposed.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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September 8, 2004

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 56 members of the community. New Members registering; Jason Whitfield; Andrea Lebowitz; Maureen Tierney; Ginny Jorgensen; Stan Combs.

Call to Order
: By the chair, Fred Hunt at 7:35 P.M. Fred introduced Roberta’s provisional guide, HIRRA’s code of conduct for meetings, still being developed.
The executive members were introduced and the agenda reviewed.

Minutes: The administrator read minutes of the July meeting. M/S/C that the minutes be approved as read, with one amendment as follows: the sentence Yana Pethick has been asked by the RDCS to attend a Mountain Bike Conference in Vancouver was amended to read “Yana Pethick will attend a Mountain Bike Conference in Vancouver . His expenses are being paid from the Parks budget. Information about the event originated from RDCS staff.”

Executive Report:
Fred Hunt reporting. The executive met in August. Noted that planning is underway to install an ultraviolet water treatment system in the clinic. This involves the building of a small building at the well head to house the equipment. Fred requested more submissions of ideas for a HIRRA logo. These can be left at the freepost, attention Janet. Fred gave information about upcoming public hearings in Courtenay to consider a new Bingo Palace/slot machine installation on Ryan Road . Janet LeBlancq has resigned as Recycling manager, a position she has held for 12+ years. Fred expressed regret, and complimented her on her work as manager. There was applause.


a) The RDCS wrote to inform us of insurance coverage for the waste management and fire protection services. The letter is available for perusal by members. The liability insurance for contracted services is $31,000,000.00.
b) Sheila McDonnell, administrator of the Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society sent the annual reports and a letter expressing hope for continued support of HIRRA for the HDCHCS endeavors.
c) A letter from Gary Snarch voiced concern about the public use of an established trail adjacent to his property. He is opposed to the publishing of this trail on any map that may be developed by HIRRA’s trail committee. This letter was referred to the Trails committee.
d) Rudy Rogalsky announced that the CEEC has received a grant for the continuation of the economic renewal project started over two years ago. The grant will fund more work on the four initiatives identified in the community visioning process. Advertising for a business consultant is scheduled to happen soon.

Committee Reports:
a) Recycling: Kathi Sauve reported that the summer was very busy. The committee has discontinued the end of life vehicle processing. Kathi noted that 24/7 towing company charges reasonable rates to remove derelict cars to off island scrap yards. There was an August meeting to begin the process of recruitment of a manager. Advertising is underway through the Island Grapevine. Unfortunately the 1 st Edition ad was misplaced so an extra grapevine insert has been requested. Kathi stated that the garbage volumes were decreased this summer over last and the recyclables shipped to market were more than last year.b) Hall Committee Report: Janet reported that committee chair Judith Lawrence is off island. There is a volunteer workday at the hall on October 3, a Sunday. Lunch will be provided. Please come out and help. The storage annex is in need of finishing. The provision of electricity to this structure is being worked out with B.C. Hydro. There is a delay due to a change in B.C. Hydro’s decision about how best to provide this service. Judith Lawrence is currently (pun intended) undertaking to resolve this impasse. A maintenance inventory of regular tasks has been developed over several months and the committee will advertise for a maintenance worker. It is estimated that there are about 12 hours per month of hall maintenance duties. The committee will be calling for quotes for the rebuilding of the front porch as designed by Katherine Ronan and Klaus Schmid. The committee is recruiting volunteers to serve as members. Rick Graham has resigned his position on the committee. Fred noted that volunteers would be appointed pending election at the spring AGM .

c) Privy Council: Allan Beattie reported that the main difficulty over the summer has resulted from people disposing of cans and bottles in the public toilet tanks. This creates a pump out nightmare and requires that maintenance personnel often dig these out by hand. The lack of consideration is a concern to the committee. Refuse containers at the public privies was suggested. The Privy Council has been approached by the Ford Cove Harbour Authority and asked to consider HIRRA providing additional funding for the Ford Cove Privy. The administrator noted that HIRRA couldn’t allocate RDCS service specific funding to a third party.

d) Trails Committee : Andrew Carmichael reporting. The trail referred to by Gary Snarch is not on any map produced by the trails committee. Andrew summarized the current trails work plan, as published in the First Edition (available only Sept 7 th ). More signage was created on the established trails. An application for another direct access grant has been submitted. The development of the trail from the Co-op to the big tree was explained. Motion: “That HIRRA supports the Trail’s Committee proposal to request approval from BC Parks to build a Motorless traffic trail along the south side of St. John’s Point Road from the Big Tree to Seadollar. The trail would be mainly at the edge of the Tribune Bay Park land with some sections on the road allowance where practicable.” There was discussion concerning public consultation and the protocol of a motion being advanced with a committee report. Motion: “To postpone voting on this motion until next month so everyone has a chance to read the published information.” CARRIED.

e) Trails Committee (Cont’d): Insurance has been purchased through the company that insures the hall and clinic and at a cheaper rate. There was applause.

f) Police Liaison Committee : Ron Sitter summarized the committee’s undertakings over the summer, and noted that a good rapport was established with the RCMP officers.

g) BC Ferries Advisory Committee : Andrew Carmichael reported that the commuter ticket system is being reviewed. Probably will be significant fare increases by 2006. Denman and Hornby Island will form a subcommittee to study our service needs. Jim Garton will chair this committee.
RDCS Area K Director Carol Quin summarized her report published in the First Edition.

She will advertise RDCS information regularly in the Island Grapevine. Noted that the RDCS application made to the provincial gov’t on our behalf, for a license of occupation for the upland Crownland trails was rejected. A monthly RCMP report will be made available to the Police Liaison Committee. Work is being done on a recreation bylaw. The RDCS is requesting more clarification from the province about fire closures. Revisions to the Hornby Island Fire Protection bylaws will be referred to the Fire Protection/1 st Responders committee for input.
Island Trust report by Tony Law: Next meeting is Sept 13 at 2:30 at Room to Grow. Summer rental issue is on the agenda. The APC is reviewing home occupations. Penny Griggs has relocated to Nanaimo . She plans to continue as trustee.
There was a public forum on summer happenings. A summary follows.
1. Bicycle helmets were absent too often; Traffic was heavy at times.
2. The policies governing the usage of the small Red Fire truck were discussed.
The truck is driven by one of the four duty officers when they are on call. The Chief is one of these four. The gas is paid by the fire protection budget. There is equipment on the truck used to fight small fires. When the fire rating is extreme, forest workers must cease activities. This poses an economic hardship.
4. Jellyfish were a problem with the doctor treating 3-4 people per day. He suggests that a beach area be netted off to for safe swimming.
5. A generator is needed at the clinic.
6. Riding in the back of pick up trucks is dangerous and illegal.
7. Noisy parties at Grassy Point were distressing to local residents.
8. Positive police behaviors were noted with approval and thanks.
9. Regret that the depot no longer accepts cars. A question about the policy on the recycling of car parts will be referred to the committee.
10. Denman islanders have noisy parties at the bottom of the hill at the ferry terminal. We are not alone.
11. Speeding cars and refuse on the roadways were concerns.
12. Next week is international beach clean up week, so let’s do it!
13. The Fall Fair is September 18 th .
14. A Flip Chart would assist our meeting communication process.

Adjourned at 9:50 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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October 13, 2004

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 48 members of the community. New members registering: Melisa Devost, Sarah Cox, Diane Mitten, Della McCreary. Member returning after a long absence, Diane Cox.

The agenda was posted and reviewed. John Fletcher requested that the assembly hear a motion concerning the Islands Trust; the Chair approved the hearing and added this to the business.

Fred welcomed newcomers and introduced the executive and administrator.

Minutes of the September meeting were read. M/S/C Serena Laskin/Jan Bevan.

Executive Report : Local governance is being discussed with trustees and the regional director. Public information sessions will be scheduled with Bob Long administrator of the RDCS and Lisa Barrett from Bowen Island as resource people.

Fred read a brief report from Director Quin on RDCS initiatives

• Free Crown Grant for the upland Crownland

• assisting the Shared Lands Committee of HIRRA by applying for a grant to fund a planning exercise

• Reviewing the fire bylaws with the Chief and fire committee.

Fred read a report from Andrew Carmichael re the Ferry Advisory Committee’s work. The report included information on public meetings and a survey giving islanders the opportunity to discuss ferry service.

Approval of Roberta’s Guide: The guide was read aloud and posted.

Everyone welcome; leave old grudges at the door.
Assume that everyone has a positive motivation and a valuable perspective.
Listen and speak respectfully, even in disagreement.
Allow for all to be heard (who want to be), with no one dominating.
Focus on issues rather than individuals or personalities.
Speak from personal experience rather than hearsay.
State opinions directly rather than contradicting others.

There was discussion. Dan and Fred explained how this guide was developed. M/S/“That the guide be approved as presented.”

Amendment: M/S/C Tony Law/Tom Knott “That the guide be renamed, HIRRA’S Guide to the Etiquette of Meetings.” The amended motion was carried.


• Letter from Gypsy Owen thanking the cemetery committee for assistance with the interment of her husband Ernie was read.

• A letter from Canada Post stated that the “Don Nixon” cancellation stamp was discontinued due to complaints received that the image was “unprofessional”.

• A letter from the elementary school invited all to a video presentation of Ryan’s well on October 20, 2004 at the school.

Regional Parks Report

Betty Kennedy was introduced as the newly appointed chair of the Regional Parks Committee. She reported that, in addition to the overseeing the routine care of the trails and parklands, the committee is working on the five year budget plan. Also, they are working with RDCS staff and the regional director on the erosion control problem at the Cross addition. Betty introduced Yana Pethick who reported the highlights of the International Mountain Bike Conference he attended in Vancouver last August. Yana noted that the conference topics covered environmental, social, economical and sustainability issues associated with this sport.

Recreation Report

April Lewis reported that 118 youth participated in the summer recreation programs, 40 participants from off island and 70 islanders. She reviewed the funding mechanisms and reported a surplus projected for this year. The committee is lobbying for increased tax based funding for recreational initiatives on the island. The public is requested to submit their ideas for future recreation programs to April so they can be considered as the committee prepares its five year budget plan.

Recycling Announcement

Kathi Sauve announced the appointment of Phil Bailey and Annie Nagle as Co-managers of the recycling program, hired to replace Janet LeBlancq who retired as manager. There was applause. Kathi thanked those islanders who wrote letters to the committee in support of this hiring.

Trails motion postponed from September meeting was read aloud.

“That HIRRA supports the Trail’s Committee proposal to request approval from BC Parks to build a motorless traffic trail along the south side of St. John’s Point Road from the Big Tree to Seadollar. The trail would be mainly at the edge of the Tribune Bay Park land with some sections on the road allowance where practicable.”

It was agreed by general consent to discuss and vote on this motion.

In opposition to the trail, 6 letters, 5 from individuals and 1 from the provincial parks committee were read. A letter and petition containing 69 signatures were in agreement with the proposed trail. Ron Sitter, Yana Pethick and Jason Dyer, represented the trails committee. Ron explained how the committee had got to #6 on the priority list that was decided on last December. There was discussion. The vote was called. The motion was defeated. It was noted that there continues to be general approval for construction of the trail sections proposed at Sorensen’s Pond area of St John’s Point Road , extension of the bike lane along Central Road by Seawright intersection and the unsafe turn at the Big Tree. Ron raised the question for the community to consider, “Where do we stop with the trail building?”

The chair recognized John Fletcher. M/S “That HIRRA ask that Island Trustee Penny Griggs consider resigning in light of her permanent move to Nanaimo .” There was discussion. M/S/C “That the motion be tabled.”

CEEC Report

Rudy Rogalsky noted that the CEEC has hired Sandra Post as business consultant. There were eleven candidates who responded to the ad. The task is to complete a feasibility study on the four initiatives selected through the economic renewal community consultation process. The time line is spring, 2005.

Fire Department Update

Albert Bremner reported on public education on fire safety, Fire alarm demonstrations were held at the Co-op and 31 islanders will have alarms installed in their homes. A comprehensive newsletter was recently distributed to all islanders.

Shared Lands report

Serena Laskin outlined the committee’s work in developing a new master plan for the 10 acres that HIRRA leases from Crownlands. The lease expires in 2018. The farmer’s market group is looking at relocating to a portion of this land (between the RCMP and the HDCHCS building) for next season’s market. The meetings have been attended by a broad representation of island groups including HIAC, HDCHCS, Market people, Wild Indigo Summer Theater and the Memorial Wall & Garden, and New Horizons, as well as the Hall Committee. The RDCS offered resources to educate us in the land use planning process. The members of the meetings routinely do walkabouts on the land to familiarize themselves.


Judith Lawrence offered special thanks to Ron Doucette and Garth Millan who donated a full day’s labor installing the wiring in the new storage annex at the hall.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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November 10, 2004

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present : Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 54 members of the community. New members registering Mike Mahony, Brenda and Herman Kovits.

Call to order : at 7:37 P.M. Fred welcomed new members and introduced the executive and administrator. The HIRRA guidelines to the etiquette of meetings were posted and read out. The agenda was announced.

Minutes of October 13 th meeting were read by the administrator. Noted that the fire department was promoting smoke detectors and the area commonly referred to as Sorensen Pond is owned by the regional district. The amended minutes were approved as read.

Executive Report : Fred reported that the review of the constitution and bylaws is continuing with the next meeting scheduled for November 18 th at the school. These sessions are open to the public. The RDCS chief administration officer, Bob Long was the guest speaker at a recent information session on the topic of local governance. This was well attended. The next education/information session on local governance is scheduled for December 15 th and will feature Bowen Island ‘s mayor, Lisa Barrett.

Announcements : Serena Laskin announced that Shared Lands Committee is hosting an open house at the Community Hall tomorrow, November 11th from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. Purpose is to discuss community use of the 10 acre land between the RCMP and New Horizons that is leased by HIRRA. Site plans will be available and options presented. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Andrew Carmichael distributed a handout announcing details of upcoming public meetings regarding ferry service to the islands.

Local Service Budgets

Recycling : Tom Knott presented. Noted that roofing project is underway. Capital project for 2005 included the construction of a containment area for storage of gas and oil. Tom noted that the budget expense item metal reclamation will be deleted in future budgets as metal recycling is a continuous process with regular hauls and is impacted by the policy change whereby end of life vehicles are no longer in the local waste management stream. In response to a question, Tom noted that metal reuse is encouraged; the recycling metals bin is the final destination for non-reusable metals.

Motion : Tom Knott/Jake Parker, “That the recycling program budget plan for 2005 – 2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED.

Fire Protection/First Responders’ Program : Albert Bremner presented. He reported that the committee did a survey to determine the range of wages paid to fire chiefs and based their increase on the information gathered. The department budget includes money for the acquisition of computer software specific to the operations of a fire department. Noted that the five-year budget plan does not include building plans. Giff noted that there is money allocated to the Fire Department through the regional park function and this will reduce the amount required in the fire department’s budget for fire patrol.

Motion: Albert Bremner/Kathi Sauve, “That the fire protection/1 st responders program budget for 2005 – 2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED

Community Hall : Judith Lawrence presented. She reported that there are many outstanding and significant maintenance requirements for the building complex over the next few years including electrical upgrades, roofing, septic field revision to name a few. The committee will attempt to access grant funding and is consulting with the RDCS to determine if there is any additional tax base funds available for these projects.

Motion: Judith Lawrence, Patty Tsurumi, “That the community hall budget plan for 2005 – 2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED.

President Fred Hunt opened discussion on the motion postponed from the October meeting, M/S John Fletcher/Janet LeBlancq, “That HIRRA ask that Island Trustee Penny Griggs consider resigning in light of her permanent move to Nanaimo .” There was discussion. Penny Griggs addressed the assembly. Many members spoke in support of Ms. Griggs continuing as Trustee for the third year of her three-year term. Tony Law reported that 5 other island trustees live outside their trust electoral area. The question was called. The motion was defeated with no recorded votes in favor.

Motion : Tom Knott/Kathi Sauve, “That HIRRA acknowledge confidence in Penny Griggs, Island Trustee.” Tom Knott and Kathi Sauve withdrew this motion after the chair ruled that this is not the domain of HIRRA.

Community land trust: Jan Bevan offered information on the progress of the creation of a Community Land Trust. The very first workshop, in 1993, was attended by 60 people. Now there is enough interest and energy to actually establish a local Community Land Trust. A name has been chosen– Islanders’ Secure Land Association, ISLA (Spanish for ” Island “). The group has met with Denman Islanders and plans to include provision for ISLA to hold lands on either island. The organizers are drafting a constitution and bylaws and intend to apply for non-profit and charitable society status. More information will be available in the First Edition and the Island Grapevine.

Comfort Stations : Allan Beattie sends his regrets; he is en route to New Zealand .

Janet presented the 5 year budget plan.

Motion: Shelley Tetz/Tony Law, “That the Comfort Station budget for 2005 – 2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED.

Recreation Program : April Lewis presented. April noted the revenue increase expected from the tax base in 2005. This was noted with approval. It was reported that the levy for HIRRA administration and bookkeeping is more than is shown in the budget. The 6% levy to be applied.

Motion: April Lewis/Judith Lawrence, “That the recreation program budget for 2005-2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED.

Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy presented. She noted that the MOTH has not yet transferred responsibility for the beach access park areas to the RDCS, but that this is expected to take place soon. Separate budgets for Mount Geoffrey and 5 beach access parks were detailed.

Motion : Betty Kennedy/Jan Bevan, “That the Regional Parks budget plan for 2005 – 2009 be approved as presented.” CARRIED.

Regional Director’s remarks : Carol Quin noted that Judith Lawrence is the appointed alternate director for Area K. Carol missed one RDCS board meeting due to her father’s illness. She explained the recreation bylaw mediation process that is expected to result in more recreation dollars allocated to Hornby Island for recreation as reported earlier by April Lewis. Carol noted that the RDCS is adopting a 0% increase in local service budgets for the year 2005. Carol presented Janet with a gift from the RDCS – a tote bag made from recycled juice containers.

Island Trustee’s remarks : Tony Law announced upcoming Trust meetings. Currently working on the 1st draft revision of the land use bylaw. Focus is on defining home based occupations and studying short-term rentals. Tony reported that 15 special land areas throughout the Trust Islands have been purchased for preservation with funding provided by the Trust fund. Calendars featuring photos of trust islands are on sale to raise money for this fund.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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December 8, 2004

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present : Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 36 members of the community.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Fred pointed out the posted HIRRA Guidelines to the Etiquette of meetings and the agenda.

The minutes of the November 10 th meeting were read. Approved. M/S/C John Grayson/Serena Laskin.

Executive Report : Fred noted that we are drafting a HIRRA letterhead for consideration by the membership. A drawing of the community hall will be featured along with the address and the statement “We value our unique opportunity to self govern.” Eva Vass has been asked to do the drawing. Noted that the Bowen Island Mayor, Lisa Barrett is not available to speak on December 15 th as previously scheduled. Andrew Carel, author of “Citizen’s Hall” and former mayor of Rossland may be available to speak in January or February. Fred noted that the portable storage area at the rear of the hall is being renovated and reorganized to provide meeting space for HIRRA committees. Noted that we need to appoint a nominating committee in preparations for the annual general meeting elections in March. Willing volunteers, please make yourselves known to the executive committee. Reina LeBaron is expecting her baby in late February and will not seek reelection.

The chair recognized David Work, who stated that he is preparing to move off the island and he wants to have access to the Recycling Depot. Motion: David Work/Cassandra Bassett, “That HIRRA write a letter in support of David Work’s appeal to the court to over turn the current condition that prohibits him from accessing the recycling depot.”

There was discussion. Fred noted that mediation is ongoing with the participation of a mediator from Denman Island , the executive and the recycling committee. The vote was called. The motion was defeated.

There was a suggestion that unscheduled agenda items be considered after the main business was complete.

Presentation of 2005 Budget – Trails – Jason Dyer and Andrew Carmichael presented this financial report. The revenues, all donations, are: RBC $2500; Regional District Grant In Aid $1000; Union Bay Credit Union $500; Private $500; Direct Access Grant $5000. Total $9500. Surplus from 2003 workplan: $6518. Total funds: $16,018.00.

Estimated Expenses: Trail building work: St. John’s Point Hill $1100; Central Road at Seawright $200; Syzygy corner extension $1500; Central Road , Seawright to the green tank $4500; St. John’s Point, Big Tree to Seadollar $7500. Total expenses if all these were approved would be $14,800.00. The following information was shared during the question and comment period:

If any certain trail segment is not approved, what happens to the donated money?

How are we funding the maintenance of already built trails?

The Ford Cove to Thatch trail is in care of BC Parks.

The December 2003 priority listing process did not imply final consent. This is agreed.

The financial planning challenges for trails are unique because the approval for all trails, which rests with the general assembly, directly impacts the workplan and monies spent. Therefore it was noted that the trails financial information is more properly called a financial report. The committee was applauded for its report.

Presentation of the 2005 CEEC budget: Rudy Rogalsky, committee member, presented the budget and explained the funding hoped for in 2005. M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/John Grayson “That the 2005 CEEC budget be approved as presented.”

A Trails Committee request to return a $5000 Direct Access Grant was discussed. It was noted that the funds can be used for any approved trail segments. There was a suggestion that funding could be used to maintain the trail behind the library.

M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Tom Knott, “That the $5000 Direct Access Grant be retained by the trails committee and applied to approved 2004 and 2005 trail building projects.”

The proposed construction of a new trail on Syzygy land from the Bakery to Evenside Farm was presented and discussed. Drawings were posted and explained by Andrew Carmichael. Richard Laskin gave background information. Suggested that more detailed engineering design be done. The next step is to consult with Robin Storkey, from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways for an assessment of the trail plan. It was noted that neighbors would be welcome to discuss the trail with Robin Storkey during on site consultations. M/S/C Alec Graham/John Grayson, “That the trails committee proceed with seeking MOTH approval for the Syzygy trail extension from the Bakery to Evenside Farm and that the trails committee present sufficient detailed information to the HIRRA assembly for consideration and approval.” CARRIED.

Correspondence received re trails: Letter from Leigh and Amaryllis Farrell expressed support for the proposed trail segment between the big tree and Outdoor education center, along St John’s Point Road . A petition signed by 32 people also supported this trail segment, from the big tree to Sea Dollar Road . These will be forwarded to the Trails Committee for their consideration.

Shared Lands Committee chair, Serena Laskin presented plans for public use of the 10 acres of HIRRA leased land situated between the RCMP detachment and New Horizons. The original drawings done in 1991 Bill Yeomans working with a committee of islanders was displayed along with the recent plan. Serena reported that the plan has been viewed by the public at an advertised open meeting on November 11 th and again at the Christmas Fair November 27 th . Islanders provided written comments, which will be considered by the Shared Lands Committee. Serena noted that she had been on the first committee charged with the task of developing a plan for the public use of this land. Now, some 15 years later she is leading this process. The first phase proposed is the creation of a Community Common area, which will involve the removal of some trees to facilitate road access and parking, and the hosting of the Farmer’s Market. The proposed road access to this first phase is to enter opposite Roburn Road . (MOTH advises that the safest access is a four way intersection. Serena reported that the largest trees to be removed are 23 centimeters in diameter.

Future public use of this land will involve siting structures such as an art center, a community kitchen, an outdoor band shell etc. All of these proposals will be subject to extensive public consultation. There has been interest expressed for siting affordable and assisted living housing on the 10 acres. The first step will be facilitated by the Farmer’s market establishing a presence on the land and helping all to become familiar with the area. There are no permanent structures proposed in phase 1. It was noted that the 5.8 acres of unsurveyed Crownland situated between the Community Hall and the BallPark should be acquired by the RDCS on our behalf. Trails will need to be developed throughout the ten acres. Serena reported that, once we give approval, applications need to be made to provincial authorities to permit phase one development. Fund raising to facilitate clearing etc. will need to be done. Much work remains.

M/S/C: Richard Laskin/Judy Cross, “That HIRRA authorize the Shared Lands Committee to proceed with all necessary applications to facilitate phase one development, the creation of a Community Commons on the 10 acre Crownland leased by HIRRA.”

M/S/C: Richard Laskin/Darlene Gage, “That HIRRA request that the RDCS apply for a free crown grant holding of the unsurveyed crownland adjacent to the community hall.”

The chair recognized Judy Cross who expressed concern with her perceptions of the liquor licensing regulation vis a vis liquor outlets as home based businesses. She referred to an article in the current issue of the Island Tides re North Pender Island .

Due to the lateness further discussion was not possible.

Adjournment : The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. by general consent.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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