HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
January 12, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present : Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members of the community.
Guest: R.C.M.P. Constable Dave Clair
Minutes of the May 11, 2005 meeting were read. There was a question as to whether or not Island Trustee Tony Law reported at the May meeting that the Farmer’s Market would be an illegal activity on the 10 acres of HIRRA leased Crownland. This was clarified later in the meeting. Also Tina Wai requested that the minutes record her observation that the parking area proposed for the 10 acres would only be used 2 times a week, and would not serve any other venue. The minutes were approved with these notations, by general consent.
Executive Report: Fred introduced HIRRA guide to the etiquette of meetings posted for all to read. He noted that the Co-op’s 50 th anniversary AGM was most enjoyable and offered congratulations to Margaret Sinclair, President of the Co-op Board of Directors, in attendance. He acknowledged the Co-op’s 50 years of service to the community. The Clinic lease agreement with the HDCHCS has been renewed for another year at the same rental rate of $350 per month. A Shared Lands consultation between the executive and Serena Laskin and Edward Kooij was held and it was decided that further community dialogue needs to happen over the summer and possibilities for the development of the 10 acres will be considered in the fall. The Community Economic Enhancement Corporation elected at 11-member board of directors at its AGM . HIRRA appoints two members to this board. Gerald Hodge, HIRRA appointee last year is willing to continue; Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA appointee wishes to step down. A volunteer is needed to serve. This appointment will be made at the July meeting.
Tony Law arrived and the agenda was interrupted to deal with the Farmer’s Market on 10 acres question. The current bylaw would not permit a farmer’s market on the 10 acres; the Official Community Plan, however, recommends that limited mercantile events be a permitted use of the public lands, which include the current market site adjacent to the RCMP detachment and the 10 acre Crownland leased by HIRRA.
Trails Committee Report: Fred read a thank you email from the Laskins for the new trail at the Syzygy corner. He then introduced the members of the committee in attendance. The committee has worked to complete the Syzygy and St John Point hill trails, both of which were approved last fall. Dan provided a list of volunteer hours on these projects: more than 200 to date and still counting. There was applause.
Phil introduced a revised proposal for building a trail from the Big Tree to St. John’s Point Hill, illustrating via a posted map. There were letters of support and against the proposed trail, portions of which were read by Phil.
Phil noted that neighbor consultations are paramount in the process of trail building. The executive met recently with Phil, Chair of the committee, as the trail in question was rejected last fall. Fred noted that the trail proposal has been revised significantly, hence this evening’s discussion.
Those speaking for the trail being built from the Big Tree to the St. John’s Point Hill noted the following:
• Safety – this was mentioned by several people.
• These are roadside paths and soon blend in to the natural environment.
• Outdoor Education students are at risk on the narrow roadways.
• Summer visitors tend to drive that section of road too fast.
• There were many letters received in favor of the trail; that motivated the committee to bring the revised proposal back to the HIRRA assembly.
• Grant funds need to be spent by October 3/05.
• Gravel packs down with natural soil to make a smooth surface as can be seen on the older trails.
Those speaking against the aforementioned trail segment noted the following:
• The roadway is quiet and fine for walking and biking except for the two summer months.
• The natural beauty of the area will be disturbed by trails.
• The public will be brought closer to the hidden pond, a very special place to area residents.
• The people shouldn’t be taken off the roads so that the cars can drive erratically.
• Neighborhood consultations should rule.
• The grant funds could be used to maintain all existing trails.
• Gravel surfaces are not good for cyclists.
It was also recommended that all debris left after trails are built be removed from the forest. It was generally agreed that a trail around the Big Tree Corner is needed. Phil Bailey will organize walk throughs and further consultations with neighbors. There was applause.
Recreation Committee : April introduced the Summer Programs brochure, recently sent by mail to all islanders. The Stonehouse’s swimming pool will again be available for lessons. All we need is an instructor! April reviewed the process undertaken to access more of our tax dollars for local programming, and less for the Comox Valley Recreation Centers.
Motion: Donna Tuele/Joan Brears, “That we name the Recreation Committee as HIRRA’s coordinating body for the recommendations to the RDCS for the allocation of 12,000 additional recreation tax dollars.” CARRIED
Thanks to April, the committee and to Area K Directors, Roxanna Mandryk (past) and Carol Quin, our present director, for the efforts made over several years to secure this additional funding for island recreational opportunities.
Privy Council Report : Committee Chair Allan Beattie sends his regrets; Janet noted that the Council is on track for the summer privy rentals and maintenance program, unchanged from last year.
Police Liaison Committee Report : Fred introduced RCMP Constable Dave Clair a member of the force for 24 years. Constable Clair gave a presentation about the policing program for Hornby Island . It was noted that Hornby’s policing is part of a rural initiative that is new. Three members, including Dave Clair will be focusing on the needs of the rural communities under service by the Courtenay detachment. Constable Rob Johnson, who served on Hornby last year, is returning this summer. Islanders interested in providing service as custodians should contact the RCMP via the non-emergency number.
Marcel Poulin, Chair of the Police Liaison Committee requested that islanders return their completed questionnaires on community policing needs/services to the box at the FreePost. There is an opportunity for community members to meet the RCMP officers on June 15 th at the Community Hall from 4 – 5:30 P.M.
The committee is coordinating its efforts with mental health, the peacekeeping group, the doctors and the fire department. Efforts are being made to develop protocol for specific situations. The committee was thanked for the recent articles in the grapevine and the 1st Edition.
Islands Trust Update : Tony Law reported that he is still trying to schedule Lisa Barrett, Mayor of Bowen Island to speak on the topic of local governance, Bowen Island ‘s experience. The Trust Council met with the commissioners of San Juan County , Washington State. Also there was a meeting with Trust lawyers on the issue of short-term rentals. Tony noted that all reference to short term rentals have been taken out of the Hornby Island draft bylaw currently under review. Tony will schedule summer meetings and the “Short Term Rental” questionnaire results will be studied. To date 3 public meetings have been held to review the 1 st bylaw draft. June 29 th is the last scheduled review of the 1 st draft bylaw. The 2 nd draft of these bylaws will be on the Trust’s summer workplan.
Adjournment : HIRRA bylaw review will be rescheduled for the July meeting. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 10 P.M.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
February 9, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Reina LeBaron, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary, Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members of the community.
Called to Order at 7:35 P.M. by Fred Hunt who noted that this would be Reina LeBaron’s last meeting as Vice President. She is expecting her baby at the end of this month. Reina was given a heartfelt thank you for her two year’s service on the executive. There was a round of applause. Fred then introduced the HIRRA guide to the etiquette of meetings.
Minutes of the January meeting were read. It was noted that all references to the transfer of Cross property to the regional district are to be prefaced with the word “proposed”. The minutes were approved as amended by general consent.
The agenda was reviewed as posted and approved by general consent.
Executive Report : Fred Hunt complimented the hall committee, and, in particular, Jennifer Fletcher, for coordinating the installation of new linoleum flooring in the hall kitchen and both bathrooms. Fred reported that we donated $51 to the school lunch program – money we collected for coffee served at HIRRA meetings by faithful Donna duPlessis. Fred stated that he will seek re-election as HIRRA president, Dan will stand again for election as secretary and Lynn will stand for election as vice president. The executive will need someone to serve as treasurer. Janet Morgan has accepted appointment to the nominating committee, and will work with John Mills and Donna duPlessis to present a slate of volunteers to serve on HIRRA’s committees. Approved by general consent that the Community Hall Management Committee is expanded to seven members.
The new HIRRA letterhead was debuted in the grapevine insert notice of this meeting. Dan was thanked for coordinating this effort, Eva Vass, for drawing the hall image and John Grunwald was thanked for assisting in the computerization of the image.
The annual performance appraisals are currently in progress for all HIRRA employees. These include the recycling staff, the hall cleaner, the fire chief and fire patrol officer and the administrator.
Administration Budget 2005 – Lynn Nunley introduced the assembly to the 2005 budget and invited the administrator to provide the line by line review of the budget and levy assessment spreadsheets.
M/S/C: Lynn Nunley/Tom Knott, That the administration budget for 2005, detailing core administration expenditures of $27,836.00 be approved as presented.”
There was discussion regarding HIRRA reserve funds and rental fees for the green room office/meeting space. The reserve funds are a possible source of funding for capital improvements on the Community Hall that is owned by HIRRA.
Trails: The committee was thanked for work and forbearance demonstrated during the work plan approval processes. Andrew Carmichael reported that approval is being sought for building the Syzygy trail segment from the Bakery to Lea Smith Road & the St. John’s Point Road hill segment. The Ministry of Transportation and Highways has issued permits for these trail building projects. There was discussion. The cost of these is estimated to be $2600 total.
M/S/C Andrew Carmichael/Judith Lawrence, “That the Trails Committee be authorized to proceed with construction of the SYZYGY trail extension and the St. John’s Point Road hill trail with funding of approximately $2600 to come from the Trails Committee reserve fund.” Maintenance work on the Library Trail was discussed. Noted that the Carmichael Road access is steep and often very wet. There was approval by general consent for the trails committee to study the maintenance requirements for the upgrade of this trail and report back to the assembly. Andrew noted that the trails committee members are not seeking re-election; 5 volunteers are needed.
CEEC Update : Helen Grond reviewed the CEE Corporation’s negotiations to date in purchasing the Thatch pub and restaurant. There is hope that a further two-week extension on the deadline for the conditions of the sale will be negotiated. Investors are needed.
Regional Director , Carol Quin reported that Hornby Island taxpayers are officially exempted from the Comox Valley Sports and Aquatic Center funding. There will be an increase of approximately $12,000 available to HIRRA’s recreation committee in 2005 as a result of this revision. There was applause and honorable mention to Roxanna Mandryk and Carol Quin for this effort on our behalf at the regional district government level. The RDCS is taking a power point presentation to inform the citizenry of Denman Island of the functions of the regional district. They may schedule a session on Hornby. Carol reported that changes in the regulation of septic systems are a concern. The Ministry of Health is downloading this regulatory function to installers and there is a percieved conflict of interest that may jeopardize the integrity of the application of standards.
M/S/C Judith Lawrence/April Lewis, “That we offer our appreciation and gratitude to Carol Quin and Roxanna Mandryk for assisting Hornby Island property taxpayers to be exempted from the funding of the Comox Valley Sports and Aquatic Center .”
Island Trust By-election : Fred introduced Eleanor Kneffel and Phil Bailey who are seeking election as trustees. Each candidate gave a short presentation and encouraged everyone to cast their votes on February 19 th . There was applause. Noted that New Horizons Hall is the polling station for this by-election. An Advance Poll was held today; another is scheduled for February 16th .
Constitution & Bylaw review process: Copies of proposed revisions for consideration by the assembly were available. The draft booklet contains the current wording of the constitution and bylaws, and on each facing page, the proposed revisions. Fred gave background information regarding the public consultation process. It is planned that the review will be scheduled over the next several general meetings, within an estimated 45 minutes to one hour time period.
There was discussion re adding an environmental stewardship statement but after exploration it was agreed by general consent to approve the constitution with revisions as proposed in the draft document. These revisions include reference to the community vision statements and the deletion of the reference to recreational facilities.
Page 5, introductory paragraph – there was discussion re procedural documents being revised, as necessary, by the executive. As a point of clarification, policy established by the HIRRA assembly is revised by the assembly. Procedures traditionally are changeable through the course of day to day administration. Def: Policy is a plan of action adopted by the organization. Procedures are the actions taken to accomplish the plan.
#1 Bylaw, Membership, page 5
Agreed by general consent to eliminate reference to “corporations” as proposed. There was full discussion regarding the length of residency clause. In the final analysis, by two informal votes, it was agreed to approve the membership eligibility clause for residents and landowners as proposed in the draft document – six months.
Everyone said good night, we washed the dishes and all went home.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 9, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, at the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 57 members of the community. New members registering Peter Elkins and Judith Wilson.
Minutes of the February meeting were read. In the Regional Director’s report, the minutes were amended to read “Carol Quin reported that the tax funding from Hornby and Denman islands for the Comox Valley Sports and Aquatic Center has been significantly reduced.” The amended minutes were approved by general consent.
Executive Report – Fred noted that Dan Bruiger is in South America on a tango vacation and Reina LeBaron is the mother of an 8 pound baby girl named Gwenna. Congratulations to Reina, and a good holiday wish to Dan.
Fred offered congratulations to Eleanor Kneffel, elected Island Trustee, and thanks to both Phil Bailey and Eleanor for a good election campaign.
It was reported that Denman is hosting an all candidates meeting for all of us to hear from the upcoming provincial election hopefuls. The date is April 9 th at 1:30 P.M. at the Denman Hall. Stan Hagen, our MLA is not planning to attend.
The Community Vision Statement will be reissued to all HIRRA committee members.
Fred noted that the RCMP have acknowledged the rental increase and the cheque is in the mail. A special thanks to Donna duPlessis for her work as the coffee/tea/cookie provider at every HIRRA meeting. Applause followed.
Annual Reports : A booklet containing all committee annual reports was available as a handout to each person. Fred summarized his report. Volunteer efforts are at the core of all of the association’s endeavors. President Hunt lauded the contribution made by volunteers. One clarification: The police liaison committee was reactivated in 2004 after a recess of several years. M/S/C Fred Hunt/Tim Biggins, “That the President’s report be approved as presented.”
Appointment of Auditor -M/S/C Lynn Nunley/Kathi Sauve, “That Lloyd Neufeld be appointed as auditor for this fiscal year.”
Auditor’s report: There was a request from the assembly to separate the park and trails reserve balances for clarity and that the reserve accounting include a separation of committed funds such as grants issued for specific projects.
M/S/C Tim Biggins/Judith Lawrence, “That the auditor’s report be approved as presented/”
Fire Protection/1 st Responders Committee : Albert Bremner introduced the annual report. The Chair offered thanks to the retiring committee members, Brian Pannel, Frank Elkins, Bob Jeglum and Lynn Nunley. There was applause. The report was approved as written by general consent.
Cemetery Stewardship : Janet introduced the written report. Noted that the family name Seabright should probably read Seawright. Tim Biggins volunteered to assist with a metal plaque imbedded in a large boulder to mark the pioneer graveyard that is adjacent to the Preschool. M/S/C John Mills/Jan Bevan, “That the Cemetery Committee report be approved as written.”
Community Hall Committee : Judith Lawrence summarized the written report. She noted that the roof is leaking badly and will need replacement this year, if funding available.
The Chair offered thanks to retiring committee member Rick Graham.
M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Lynn Nunley, “That the Hall Committee annual report be approved as presented.”
Regional Parks Committee : Betty Kennedy introduced the written report.
M/S/C Betty Kennedy/Katherine Grieve, “That the Regional Parks annual report be approved as written.”
Privy Council Report was introduced by Allan Beattie.
M/S/C Allan Beattie/Donna duPlessis, “That the report be approved as written.”
Recreation Committee annual report was introduced by Mathona Thomson.
M/S/C Mathona Thomson/John Mills, “that the report be approved as written.” The Chair acknowledged and offered thanks for the work done by all HIRRA committee members.
Recycling Committee : Kathi Sauve introduced the written report. In response to an inquiry, she noted that the committee is in discussions with the regional district staff regarding some kind of roofing structure over the garbage dumpsters.
M/S/C, Kathi Sauve/Ron Sitter, “That the report be approved as presented.”
Ron Sitter called a point of order, stating that the statement “thank God they’re gone” was made by someone in the rear of the assembly after Kathi Sauve announced the retirement of several of the committee members. Upon determining that this comment was heard by many, Chairman Fred Hunt requested that the speaker of the remark declare him or herself. There was no response. The Chair repeated the request. In the absence of anyone taking responsibility for this statement, the Chair noted that such comments are unacceptable, referred to HIRRA’s written guidelines to the etiquette of meetings, and requested member compliance.
Shared Lands Committee report was introduced by Serena Laskin who reviewed the efforts being made to create a community commons and market area on the ten acres of leased Crownland between the Hall and New Horizons. The contributions made by numerous islanders was acknowledged with gratitude. M/S/C Serena Laskin/Colleen Work, “that the report be approved as presented.”
Motorless Trails Committee Report was introduced by Andrew Carmichael who reviewed the funding grants that were received in 2004.
M/S/C Andrew Carmichael/Serena Laskin, “That the report be approved as presented.”
Police Liaison Committee: Phil Bailey handed out the written report. There was discussion regarding the Health Network encouraging RCMP attendance at their meetings and the need to encourage the regular use of bike helmets. The Police Liaison committee was invited to submit ideas to the Regional Director for follow up at the RDCS level. It was also noted that the Restorative Justice group is active. The report was approved as presented by general consent. Fred Hunt thanked the Police Liaison and Trails committee members for their service.
Elections 2005 (Election Results at a Glance)
The nominating committee, John Mills, Janet Morgan and Donna duPlessis were introduced and John Mills assumed the duties of Election Chair. The nominating committee report was available as a handout. It was noted that there are two vacancies -one on the Trails Committee, and one on the Police Liaison Committee.
M/S/C John Mills/Judith Lawrence, “That the nominating committee report be approved as presented.”
It was suggested that a notice announcing the nominating committee and the nomination process be published in the First Edition prior to the AGM . It was also suggested that the process include young islanders.
President : Fred Hunt was elected by acclamation.
Vice President : Lynn Nunley nominated by committee. Ian Walmsley was nominated by Leah Parker. Jan Bevan assumed the role of writing candidates names on the blackboard. Ballots were distributed. Donna duPlessis and Janet Morgan were appointed as scruitineers. The votes were counted. Lynn Nunley was declared elected and the ballots were destroyed.
Treasurer : Paul Clemens was nominated by committee. Katherine Grieve was nominated by Billy Little; she declined the nomination. Paul Clemens was elected by acclamation.
Secretary : Dan Bruiger was elected by acclamation.
Cemetery Stewards : Annie Fearman, Eleanor Kneffel, Pat Colin, Jim McLeod and Margaret Pethick were elected by acclamation.
Community Hall Committee : Anne Ngan, Clair Cronia, Derek Ward, Jennifer Fletcher, Gabriel Jeroschewitz, Judith Lawrence and Valerie Pagnier were nominated by committee. Ian Walmsley was nominated by Billy Little. Rick Graham was nominated by David Work. Rick declined the nomination. Ballots were distributed. The votes were counted. Anne Ngan, Clair Cronia, Derek Ward, Jennifer Fletcher, Judith Lawrence, Valerie Pagnier and Ian Walmsley were declared elected.
While the votes were being counted Dr. Henderson informed the assembly that the clinic will soon have added capabilities in treating acute coronaries. Also, he noted that Dr. Laura Chalfin is attempting to share the medical duties on the island but is experiencing some immigration difficulties.
Fire Protection/1 st Responders Committee : Albert Bremner, Basil duPlessis, Han Van Vugt, Lou Ackerson and Dave Colley were elected by acclamation.
Police Liaison Committee : April Lewis, Gregg Kendrick, Harry Fearman, Marcel Poulin, Phil Bailey and Wings O’Bray were nominated by committee, leaving one vacancy on this 7 person committee. David Work was nominated by Billy Little. Tim Biggins was nominated by Colleen Work. Tim Biggins declined and David Work was elected by acclamation.\
Privy Council : Allan Beattie, Gill Beattie and Shelley Tetz, nominated by committee, were elected by acclamation.
Recreation Committee : April Lewis, Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Joan Brears and Mathona Thomson, nominated by committee, were elected by acclamation.
Recycling Committee : Della McCreary, Joan Harris, Kathi Sauve, Margo Bushnell and Michael Hills were nominated by committee. David Work was nominated by Billy Little.
Candidates gave brief presentations. Ballots were distributed. Elected were Della McCreary, Joan Harris, Kathi Sauve, Margo Bushnell and Michael Hills . The ballots were destroyed.
Regional Park Committee : Albert Bremner, Betty Kennedy, Christine Hunt, Gerhard Kozel and Yana Pethick, nominated by committee, were elected by acclamation.
Trails Committee : Dan Johnson, Jason Dyer, Phil Bailey and Yana Pethick were nominated by committee, leaving one vacancy on this 5 person committee. Bob Henderson was nominated by Kristine Hunt. All were elected by acclamation.
President Fred Hunt, who assumed the Chair, thanked John Mills, Donna duPlessis and Janet Morgan and Jan Bevan for their contributions to the election process. There was applause.
Community Economic Enhancement Committee: Rudy Rogalsky noted that the CEEC has ceased to be a committee of HIRRA. The Community Economic Enhancement Corporation has purchased the Hornby Island Resort and assumes ownership on April 1, 2005 . This venture has been possible through the financial investments of Hornby Islanders. It was noted that it is no longer appropriate for the CEE committee to continue. HIRRA was thanked for the support and the opportunity for the CEEC to be involved in the public forum provided by HIRRA.
M/S/C Andrew Carmichael/Judith Lawrence, “That HIRRA dissolve the Community Economic Enhancement Committee.”
M/S Tim Biggins/Christine Hunt, “That the Community Economic Enhancement Corporation provide HIRRA with an annual report.” Motion defeated. It was noted that annual reports will be available to all at the CEEC annual meetings. Membership in the CEEC is available to all islanders. The executive will explore opportunities for ongoing liaison with the CEE Corporation. Fred offered congratulations to the Corporation.
Tom Knott referred to HIRRA’s Guidelines to the etiquette of meetings developed by the executive. He continued with thanks to the executive for a great year.
M/S/C Tom Knott/Judith Lawrence, “That the executive be thanked for the efforts undertaken to encourage harmony at HIRRA meetings.” There was applause
Adjournment : The meeting adjourned by general consent, at 10:10 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 13, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present : Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator, 18 members of the community and guest Ian Baikie from the 911 corporation. New Member registering: Bob Kungl
Minutes : The minutes of the AGM March 9/05 were read. Jan Bevan noted the following amendment: In the Election results, Police Liaison Committee, the last two sentences should read: “Tim Biggins declined. April Lewis, Gregg Kendrick, Harry Fearman, Marcel Poulin, Phil Bailey, Wings O’Bray and David Work were elected by acclamation.” Also, Jan’s granddaughter’s name is spelled Gwynna.
The minutes were approved as amended by general consent.
Correspondence :
• A letter from the RDCS requesting that HIRRA coordinate the Hornby Island Recreation Grant funding which has been increased to $12,000 for this fiscal year. It was agreed by general consent that HIRRA coordinate this service on behalf of the RDCS.
• The Ferry Advisory Committee requests that Islanders between the ages of 15 and 34 fill in the questionnaire as this group is the least represented to date.
Executive Report : Fred noted that the first meeting of the newly elected executive was held last week. He welcomed Paul Clemens as Treasurer and Lynn Nunley as Vice President and stated that Dan is soon returning from his South American vacation. The community vision adopted by HIRRA in July 2003 is published in booklets and has been distributed to all committee members. Fred announced the special presentation on the topic of local governance scheduled for April 21 at the hall at 7:30 P.M. Andre Carrel will be the guest speaker. Fred summarized his biography, which was distributed with the HIRRA Grapevine insert. The appointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief, voted on by the Volunteer Fire Fighters and approved by the Fire Protection Committee was ratified by general consent.
There was discussion about the concern of excess fuel loading on the Crownland mountain areas and the forest fire hazard. The fuel loading study commissioned by the provincial parks for the Mount Geoffrey Bluffs area has been released to the public for information. There are plans to do a demonstration project in the Mount Geoffrey Bluffs park where the excess fuel has been removed; this includes dead underbrush and dead tree branches. Members of the executive, the Fire Chief and others toured the mountain forest with Margaret Symons, the forester who did the Mount Geoffrey fuel load assessment study. The executive recommends that we apply for a UBCM grant of $5000 to study the situation. This application is directed through the RDCS. There was discussion.
Motion : Jan Bevan/Tony Law, “That HIRRA apply through the RDCS for a UBCM grant of $5000 to fund a study of the Mount Geoffrey Crownland fuel loading situation.” CARRIED with 1 opposed.
The Farmer’s Market Group will undertake the repair of the lawn area adjacent to the RCMP detachment. It appears to be a favorite spot for doing wheelies. The HDCHCS administrator Sheila McDonnell attended the executive meeting to request approval for some structural renovations to accommodate the installation of a power generator at the Savoie Clinic. This was approved. The fund raising efforts done by the community, lead by the HDCHCS, for this project were noted with appreciation. There will be a concrete pad required as well as some shelter from the elements. New Horizons will host an information meeting on the subject of proportional representation, which we will be voting on by referendum at the May 17 th provincial election. Watch for ads.
Co-op Gas Bar : Fred Hunt introduced Margaret Sinclair, Chair of the Co-op Board of Directors. She summarized the processes involved in acquiring land, permission to relocate the gas bar across the road, funding potentials and time lines. In a nutshell, if all goes according to plan, the Co-op will begin construction on a new gas bar in the spring of 2006. It is hoped that Federated Cooperatives will assist in funding this approximately $1,000,000 project. Margaret noted that Hornby Island C0-op is one of the few remaining cooperative grocery stores. The regional manager of co-ops has recommended that Federated approve funding for the gas bar. Very important that the Co-op continue as it is the economic engine of the island. The Annual General Meeting will also be a 50-year birthday celebration for the Hornby Island Co-op. This event on the 29 th of May is a must for all islanders. Starts at 10 a.m. and includes food and refreshments and a presentation by Alan Fletcher on what the new gas bar will look like. There was applause in appreciation of Margaret’s presentation.
Shared Lands Committee Update : Serena Laskin reported on communications with the Land and Water BC staff and the Forestry staff. She expects approval for clearing an area and hosting the Farmer’s Market. The number of trees to be harvested needs to be determined and Serena will enlist the assistance of community members for this. She is looking for volunteers who have forestry experience. Suggested that, if possible, an environmental assessment be done. Maps are encouraged to keep the public aware of progress. Ian Baikie recommended the use of the RDCS IMAP available on line. The regional district-mapping department can also be of assistance.
911 Tower : Ian Baikie reported on the progress made to date on the installation of a 911 communications tower in the Mount Geoffrey Regional Park. He provided background for information. The tower assembly should be completed as soon as weather condition permit. The roads into the park will be repaired under Ian’s supervision at the end of the project. There was a power point presentation available to view. Ian was thanked.
RDCS Director Carol Quin noted that the Grant in Aid applications are available on line at www.rdcs.bc.ca and these are to be submitted by the end of April/05. There is $20,000 total to be approved for projects on Hornby and Denman Island.
The amendment of the Hornby Island Fire Protection Bylaw is now complete. Any work on a new fire hall for Hornby Island will be undertaken only after the completion of the Oyster River Fire Hall. The master plan for the Mount Geoffrey Park is due for update. The RDCS hosted meeting is postponed until there is sufficient funding available. If problems with noise and animal control, please notify the regional district in writing; there may be some funding for local handling, especially dog control. The negotiations for the transfer of the Cross-property to the RDCS are continuing. Regarding the beach access parks around the island, these are still under the management of the ministry of Highways. The long awaited transfer to the RDCS has not yet been accomplished.
Island Trustee Tony Law summarized recent undertakings. The commuter ticket system has been discussed with the BC Ferry Corporation. The issue of governance is front and center for several islands in the Trust area. The 1 st draft of the bylaw will be released later this month and the community consultation process will begin. Short-term rental information will be distributed. Several islands and BC coastal communities are grappling with this practice. The Trustees are working on the issue of available affordable housing.
Jan Bevan noted that the Islanders Secure Land Association (ISLA) is applying for charitable status. Jan offered some information about land donation.
Section 2, Membership Rights and Obligations was read aloud by Fred. Part a) typo spelling of the word roll.
Section 3 Meetings, Quorums and Voting Rights
Recommended that Part e) be revised so that the last sentence “On those votes which serve to advise other levels of governance, a count of yeas and nays shall be recorded, along with summary arguments” shall become section (f) and following sections be renumbered accordingly.
Part h) should be revised to indicate that Special meetings can be called by “written requisition to the Executive..”
Part j) Quorum was discussed. General agreement with the proposed wording.
It was noted in the event that there were less than 25 members present, a public discussion could take place and reports could still be received.
Part k) Delete phrase “in addition to his or her vote as a member”.
Part m) Define emergency – Janet to consult with the RDCS and with HIRRA committees and the executive.
Adjournment : The meeting was adjourned at 10 P.M. by general consent.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 11, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present : Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 38 members of the community. New members registering Wayne and Tina Wai.
Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved by general consent.
Agenda introduced by Fred Hunt as posted.
Executive Report :
Fred welcomed Dan, home from vacation in South America .
Fred reported that the presentation by Andre Carrel on local governance was very informative. Copies of the presentation are available on request. Tony Law is hoping to schedule Lisa Barrett from Bowen Island for an end of June presentation also on the topic of local governance.
The Ultra violet water treatment system has been installed at the Clinic well.
This well supplies water to the clinic, dentist’s bus and the two trailers.
Fred met recently with Island trustees and the regional director to discuss areas of mutual interest. He noted that these sessions are valuable.
Committee Reports:
Community Hall:
Judith Lawrence noted that the capital project monies have been spent on the hall floor upgrades. Volunteer labor is being sought for the rebuilding of the front porch. They hope to complete this project before the summer. There is a work party scheduled for Saturday next to do landscaping/yard work. Start time is 8 a.m. Anne Ngan is the coordinator. Volunteers have been recruited; more are welcome. The roof needs replacement. September has been set aside for this project and the committee is determining the scope of work to done and obtaining quotes. Hall cleaner Colleen Work reported that the area adjacent to the new storage annex has been cleared of wood debris.
Kathi Sauve reported that planning is underway to construct a composting toilet. There are renovations planned for the depot garden and funding is being sought to finish the Dale Devost video about the recycling program. Della McCreary and Kathi Sauve are sharing the duties of the chair, with Kathi serving as HIRRA liaison. Margot Bushnell is treasurer; Joan Harris is secretary and Michael Hills is coordinating research and fund raising. In response to a question, Kathi noted that glass will continue to be stockpiled at the depot and is available to islanders for use as clean fill. There was a request that two ancient car hulks be removed from the perimeter bush at the depot.
Fire Protection/1st Responders :
Lu Ackerson, Committee Chair, reported that the current committee work includes reviewing the December, 2004 Fire Hall Planning report, exploring methods of assessing and dealing with the fuel load on Mount Geoffrey and planning to reduce interface hazard areas on our heavily forested island.
Shared Lands :
Richard Laskin read a report authored by Serena Laskin. There were two public walk abouts on the 10 acres land leased by HIRRA located between the RCMP office and New Horizons. There was also a meeting attended by several area neighbors, Fred Hunt, HIRRA president, Tania Hale representing the Farmer’s Market group and Serena. At this meeting there were concerns raised with the development plan and Serena now requests further guidance and leadership as to how to proceed.
Tina Wai presented a letter signed by 19 islanders stating concern about tree removal, increased noise through the reduced forested area especially from concerts at the Ball Park ; also stated that increased parking areas will attract new areas for car wheelies to be dug. The letter also stated that commercial ventures should not be permitted in a residential area and suggested that a park with walking trails might be a better option for the development of the 10 acres. A copy of this letter signed by an individual neighbor was also submitted.
Alaistair Heseltine, in a letter read aloud, requested that HIRRA distinguish between commercial and non profit activities for shared lands and give preference to non profit activities. He also requested that HIRRA clarify the perception that if we don’t use this land, it could revert back to the Crown. It was noted that the Health Care Society Building is a permanent presence at one end of the leased land; the lease term for the 10 acres expires in 2018. Alaistair’s letter requested that HIRRA make a statement regarding “the urgency or lack of it” for development of the Shared Lands.
In response to these questions, Fred Hunt and others summarized the public consultations done over the past year, which resulted in the phase one development plan under discussion now. There followed discussion re the farmer’s market initiative. It was noted that the marketers were encouraged to relocate to assist in establishing a community presence on the land as well as to relieve the problems of no shade and traffic congestion at the hall corner. Someone recounted that the ten acres was originally intended as a site for rebuilding the Community Hall. Zoning was briefly discussed. The Official Community Plan allows for limited mercantile events on HIRRA land. The private market land adjacent to the Co-op was mentioned as a possible site for the farmer’s market to relocate. There was opposition to this from one member who noted the instability inherent with relocation to private land and the detraction from the community market where islanders who “make it, bake it or grow it” are the only permitted vendors. There was support, expressed by applause, for Serena’s work and for the community farmer’s market. It was agreed by general consent that another Shared Lands meeting be scheduled to continue these discussions. Everyone was encouraged to attend to be part of the ongoing planning.
Island Trust Report:
Tony Law reported that the draft OCP is now available on line and at the Co-op. Three meetings are scheduled for concurrent Tuesdays, beginning May 24 to discuss land use bylaw proposed changes. Members of the APC will attend these public sessions. Short term rentals will be discussed.
RDCS Area K: Director Carol Quin reported on an RCMP education presentation given to the regional board on the topic of crystal meth. She noted that this presentation could be given on Hornby if we request. Grant in Aid process is underway. Crownland stewardship is being discussed and, commercial woodlots are, for the moment, at bay.
(Several members of the assembly left the meeting; a quorum remained)
Bylaw review continued from previous meeting:
Note Where sections are renumbered, the current numbering will be the reference in this record pending compilation of the complete, revised document.
Section 4:
• Sub section a) Agreed that we substitute the terms “odd” and “even” in place of the two “alternates” in the second sentence.
• Agreed that subsection c) should be the first section a). The sections to be renumbered appropriately.
• Sub section b) Following discussion it was agreed to accept the current wording “of between (3) and (7) members”. Agreed that the last sentence in subsection b) be revised “Any change in the number of committee members shall be recommended by the committee and decided by vote at the general meeting before the Annual General Meeting.”
• Agreed that Subsection e) second sentence be revised to read: “The retiring officers and committee members shall complete the records of the association.etc.”
Section 5:
• Vice President: Agreed to revise: “To assist the president and to perform the duties of president during his/her absence.”
• Committee Chairpersons: Agreed to revise: Committee Members. Also, last sentence revised to read, “In general each committee oversees the operational aspects of its function.” Revision for grammatical correctness.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 8, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present : Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members of the community.
Guest: R.C.M.P. Constable Dave Clair
Minutes of the May 11, 2005 meeting were read. There was a question as to whether or not Island Trustee Tony Law reported at the May meeting that the Farmer’s Market would be an illegal activity on the 10 acres of HIRRA leased Crownland. This was clarified later in the meeting. Also Tina Wai requested that the minutes record her observation that the parking area proposed for the 10 acres would only be used 2 times a week, and would not serve any other venue. The minutes were approved with these notations, by general consent.
Executive Report: Fred introduced HIRRA guide to the etiquette of meetings posted for all to read. He noted that the Co-op’s 50 th anniversary AGM was most enjoyable and offered congratulations to Margaret Sinclair, President of the Co-op Board of Directors, in attendance. The Clinic lease agreement with the HDCHCS has been renewed for another year at the same rental rate of $350 per month. A Shared Lands consultation between the executive and Serena Laskin and Edward Kooij was held and it was decided that further community dialogue needs to happen over the summer and possibilities for the development of the 10 acres will be considered in the fall. The Community Economic Enhancement Corporation elected at 11-member board of directors at its AGM. HIRRA appoints two members to this board. Gerald Hodge, HIRRA appointee last year is willing to continue; Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA appointee wishes to step down. A volunteer is needed to serve. This appointment will be made at the July meeting.
Tony Law arrived and the agenda was interrupted to deal with the Farmer’s Market on 10 acres question. The current bylaw would not permit a farmer’s market on the 10 acres; the Official Community Plan, however, recommends that limited mercantile events be a permitted use of the public lands, which include the current market site adjacent to the RCMP detachment and the 10 acre Crownland leased by HIRRA.
Trails Committee Report: Phil read a thank you email from the Laskins for the new trail at the Syzygy corner. He then introduced the members of the committee in attendance. The committee has worked to complete the Syzygy and St John Point hill trails, both of which were approved last fall. Dan provided a list of volunteer hours on these projects: more than 200 to date and still counting. There was applause.
Phil introduced a revised proposal for building a trail from the Big Tree to St. John’s Point Hill, illustrating via a posted map. There were letters of support and against the proposed trail, portions of which were read by Phil. Phil noted that neighbor consultations are paramount in the process of trail building. The executive met recently with Phil, Chair of the committee, as the trail in question was rejected last fall. Fred noted that the trail proposal has been revised significantly, hence this evening’s discussion.
Those speaking for the trail being built from the Big Tree to the St. John’s Point Hill noted the following:
• Safety – this was mentioned by several people.
• These are roadside paths and soon blend in to the natural environment.
• Outdoor Education students are at risk on the narrow roadways.
• Summer visitors tend to drive that section of road too fast.
• There were many letters received in favor of the trail; that motivated the committee to bring the revised proposal back to the HIRRA assembly.
• Grant funds need to be spent by October 3/05.
• Gravel packs down with natural soil to make a smooth surface as can be seen on the older trails.
Those speaking against the aforementioned trail segment noted the following:
• The roadway is quiet and fine for walking and biking except for the two summer months.
• The natural beauty of the area will be disturbed by trails.
• The public will be brought closer to the hidden pond, a very special place to area residents.
• The people shouldn’t be taken off the roads so that the cars can drive erratically.
• Neighborhood consultations should rule.
• The grant funds could be used to maintain all existing trails.
• Gravel surfaces are not good for cyclists.
It was also recommended that all debris left after trails are built be removed from the forest. It was generally agreed that a trail around the Big Tree Corner is needed. Phil Bailey will organize walk throughs and further consultations with neighbors. There was applause.
Recreation Committee : April introduced the Summer Programs brochure, recently sent by mail to all islanders. The Stonehouse’s swimming pool will again be available for lessons. All we need is an instructor! April reviewed the process undertaken to access more of our tax dollars for local programming, and less for the Comox Valley Recreation Centers.
Motion: Donna Tuele/Joan Brears, “That we name the Recreation Committee as HIRRA’s coordinating body for the recommendations to the RDCS for the allocation of 12,000 additional recreation tax dollars.” CARRIED
Thanks to April and the committee for their work in securing this additional funding for island use.
Privy Council Report : Committee Chair Allan Beattie sends his regrets; Janet noted that the Council is on track for the summer privy rentals and maintenance program, unchanged from last year.
Police Liaison Committee Report : Fred introduced RCMP Constable Dave Clair a member of the force for 24 years. Constable Clair gave a presentation about the policing program for Hornby Island. It was noted that Hornby’s policing is part of a rural initiative that is new. Three members, including Dave Clair will be focusing on the needs of the rural communities under service by the Courtenay detachment. Constable Rob Johnson, who served on Hornby last year, is returning this summer. Islanders interested in providing service as custodians should contact the RCMP via the non-emergency number.
Marcel Poulin, Chair of the Police Liaison Committee requested that islanders return their completed questionnaires on community policing needs/services to the box at the FreePost. There is an opportunity for community members to meet the RCMP officers on June 15 th at the Community Hall from 4 – 5:30 P.M.
The committee is coordinating its efforts with mental health, the peace-keeping group, the doctors and the fire department. Efforts are being made to develop protocol for specific situations. The committee was thanked for the recent articles in the grapevine and the 1 st Edition.
Islands Trust Update : Tony Law reported that he is still trying to schedule Lisa Barrett, Mayor of Bowen Island to speak on the topic of local governance, Bowen Island’s experience. The Trust Council met with the commissioners of San Juan County, Washington State. Also there was a meeting with Trust lawyers on the issue of short-term rentals. Tony noted that all reference to short term rentals have been taken out of the Hornby Island draft bylaw currently under review. Tony will schedule summer meetings and the “Short Term Rental” questionnaire results will be studied. To date 3 public meetings have been held to review the 1 st bylaw draft. June 29 th is the last scheduled review of the 1 st draft bylaw. The 2 nd draft of these bylaws will be on the Trust’s summer workplan.
Adjournment : HIRRA bylaw review will be rescheduled for the July meeting. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 10 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
July 13, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 22 members of the community.
Minutes of the June meeting were read. There was a request for the minutes to elaborate upon the actual number of letters received commenting on the current trail proposal from the Big Tree to St. John’s Point Hill. (Note: HIRRA received four letters in support of the current trail proposal in May 2005.) Also suggested that the minutes be amended to read, “It was suggested by one member that all debris left after trails are built be removed from the forest.”
The minutes were approved as amended by a show of hands.
The agenda was posted on the board. Bob Henderson requested the addition of a short information/discussion session regarding Trail proposal and public consultation. This was approved by general consent and added to the agenda.
Business arising from the minutes: Fred noted that the RCMP “open house” meeting in June was well attended and productive. There is no scheduled meeting with Bowen Island ‘s Mayor Lisa Barrett as yet. The Trust meetings have dealt with difficult issues and Fred thanked Island Trustees Tony Law and Eleanor Kneffel for their efforts. One member noted that the trail between the Co-op and the Hall is overgrown and requests some maintenance be undertaken.
Executive Report: Fred noted that Janet LeBlancq will serve as interim HIRRA appointee to the H I Community Economic Enhancement Corporation’s Board of Directors for July and August, after which time a permanent appointed volunteer is to be named. Katherine Ronan attended the July executive meeting as invited, and long range planning was discussed. There will be more work done on this initiative in the fall. Thanks to Dan Bruiger for suggesting this as a topic of interest.
Committee Reports:
Recreation Committee: April Lewis distributed a proposal for Allocation of Recreation Tax Dollars, 2005/2006. There was discussion. It was noted that, upon approval of our recommendation, the RDCS will distribute funds directly to the non profit societies.
M/S/C : Paul Clemens/Lynne Carmichael, That HIRRA recommends to the Regional District of Comox Strathcona that the $12,000 Recreation funds be allocated as proposed by the Recreation Committee:
Hornby Island Education Society..$2500.School gymnasium subsidy
HIRRA…………..$600.Recreation Bursaries
Hornby Island Education Society..$3000.Volleyball Group
Hornby Island Tennis Association.$2400
HIRRA Recreation Coordinator ..$3500
Total $12,000
Fire Protection : Fire Chief Giff LaRose noted that only four people attended the annual fire suppression training hosted by the department. With all the rain, people’s level of anxiety about fires is decreased. Fire hall replacement planning to progressing step by step. The proposals being studied are available at the library. Public information is planned to be distributed soon. Currently doing fund raising for a new defibrillator, with a goal of $10,000. There is a benefit planned at the hall; charitable tax receipts will be issued through HDCHCS. The fire fighters need to train by burning derelict structures referred to as burn houses. Please contact the department if you have a building suitable for burning for the purpose of fire fighter training. Funding from UBCM for studying the fuel load on Mount Geoffrey is expected to be announced soon.
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported that the main auditorium and round room floors have been inspected by the contractor on request of the committee. Some refinishing was done to problem areas and he noted that the floor shows signs of very heavy traffic resulting in permanent gouges to the wood. We are asked to be more careful when moving heavy equipment around the hall. The roof will be repaired, with flashing added and leaks patched. The front porch replacement is delayed due to a shortage of both volunteer and paid labor. Efforts continue. The administrator has been requested to research how other communities finance their community halls. Noted that our insurance costs are over $6000 annually. HIRRA also lacks the funding to replace the hall building. If the RDCS “owned” the hall, we would benefit from their group insurance rates. Further information to be distributed at the conclusion of the research project. There was a garden work party last Saturday and more are planned. Work included filling in the parking lot potholes. In response to questions Judith noted that the newly remodeled Green Room (portable bldg. off the rear stage entrance) is available as a meeting room; plans are in progress to install a bathroom in the suite. Members are encouraged to help the hall committee on these volunteer days.
Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy reported that the rains have been welcomed; signage is being upgraded. Parks will have limited bans during peak fire hazard times, enforced by special park patrols as required. There is a hold on any further progress toward community management of the beach access areas. These areas remain under the domain of the MOTH. If the community wishes to pursue this initiative, the RDCS staff advise that we speak to Regional Director Carol Quin. Yana Pethick has been hired as the maintenance contractor. There were four candidates interviewed. Yana will have opportunity to train with the present contractor, Frank Macneil whose contract ends September 1 st , 2005 .
There has been a vacancy on the Parks Committee since the May resignation of Yana Pethick. Ron Sitter has agreed to serve on the committee.
M/S/C : Betty Kennedy/Jan Bevan, “That Ron Sitter be appointed to the Regional Parks committee.”
In a brief discussion there were questions as to the future management of the Mount Geoffrey trails beyond the park boundaries. This land protection will be a topic of discussion in the fall by the Trustees, HIRRA executive and the RDCS Director.
Cemetery Stewardship: Janet reported that the cost of ash interments has been reduced from $150 to $90. Cal Witt is assisting the committee by creating head stones.
HIRRA bylaw review:
Section 6, “Borrowing Powers ” proposed wording changes vote to 2/3 majority from a simple majority. Agreed by general consent. In response to a question it was noted that HIRRA has never borrowed money.
Section 7,”Altering the Constitution and Bylaws” proposed new wording on the topic of publicity agreed by general consent.
Section 8, “Interpretation of Constitution and Bylaws” Agreed by general consent to leave unchanged with the addition of two commas in the two last lines, one after the word “altered” and the second after the word “seven”.
Section 9, “Inspection of the Books and Records” Agreed by general consent to leave unchanged.
Section 10, “Discontinuance of Membership” was proposed by the working group to be eliminated in its entirety. There was discussion and there was general agreement that the association needed such a clause for self-protection. Jan Bevan proposed the following:
“By unanimous decision of the executive, a member shall cease to be a member if
• He or she ceases to be a resident or a ratepayer for more than a year or
• He or she has repeatedly violated the terms of Section 2 “Membership Rights and Obligations” or
• he or she has, to the best understanding of the executive, conducted him or herself in a manner prejudicial to the reputation, credibility or proper operation of the association.”
There was discussion and it was agreed that this clause be referred back to the executive for further study. The Societies Act will be studied.
Section 10 or 11 if current Section 10 remains : “Establishment of Policies, Grievance Procedure and Conflict Resolution” This is new, proposed by the executive. Dan Bruiger’s rationale was read aloud. One amendment was recommended: Line 8 to read,
“Notices of enactment of the policies shall be made available to the public ..”
The new section be it #10 or #11 was agreed to as amended by general consent.
There was a question re the use of the word “assure” in Section 5 paragraph three, secretarial duties. (The dictionary was consulted and the word “assure” is appropriate, although the word ‘ensure’ could also be used in this context)
Trust Brief: Fred noted that the deadline for written comments on the 1 st draft of the Trust bylaws has been extended to July 31, 2005 .
RDCS Brief : The grants in aid have been awarded to island groups.
Trails Information : Bob Henderson stated that he is concerned about the controversy surrounding the proposed trail from the Big Tree to St John’s Point Hill. The Trails Committee is giving notice that this trail segment proposal will be put to a motion at the September meeting. In the meantime the committee will host a public meeting for discussion and information, targeted for the month of August. This session will include a tour of the proposed site of the trail. If the trail is approved, the committee must do a site survey and apply for MOTH approval to proceed.
Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
September 14 , 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice-President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Dan Bruiger, Secretary (recording minutes in Janet LeBlancq’s absence) and 37 members of the community
Fred made introductory remarks welcoming new members and noting recent Police Liaison Committee meeting, with apologies from RCMP who were unable to attend tonight’s meeting.
Minutes of July meeting were read and approved. There was a request from floor to clarify qualifications for membership.
Correspondence: one letter was read, from the Cross brothers, regarding their requested land swap. This will be referred to the October Executive meeting.
Executive Report: Janet LeBlancq has stayed on HICEEC board as permanent HIRRA representative. This is a volunteer (unpaid) position. Fred had been asked by Peter Elkin to announce the closure of the Thatch as of today, pending review of the operations by Peter and Judith Wilson. A report to the contrary was noted from the floor. At the very moment there is a meeting at the Thatch of all parties. Fred noted that there had been a feeling of general support for the proposed takeover at a recent Investors Meeting.
Rick Morritt has indicated that the additional filtration required for the Clinic well will cost about $1300.
Dan Bruiger reported on a proposed booklet to be published by HIRRA as an “owners’ manual” for Hornby residents and ratepayers. It would comprise information about emergency contacts, where to direct complaints, interrelationships of levels of government and island organizations, the Community Vision, etc.—basically how things work on Hornby, the “Hornby Way”. Those with editing or book-layout skills are invited to help.
Fred reported that the Executive have reviewed Administrator’s hours, and have increased paid hours from 9.2 to 12 per week. There was a question from the floor whether this would be paid for with an increase in administration rate (6%) within the budget. Negative. The remainder of this year to be paid for from RCMP rental income, and to be built in to 2006 budget.
Trails Committee Report: Phil Bailey reported on status quo, that little work was done over summer and much remains for the fall. He read two letters in support, and two opposed, concerning extension of the Saint John’s Pt. trail and filled in some background history. Ultimately, Trails would like to see this trail extend from Big Tree to Helliwell Park. The promised public consultation meeting was not held during summer for lack of interest and availability of people. . Many people have expressed support for this trail and expressed dismay over its delay. Jason Dyer has resigned.
Fred explained that the previous (defeated) motion concerning this trail was technically to approach Park authorities, which was therefore not done. He requested a relatively brief discussion.
A letter was read and submitted from the floor expressing dismay at the reappearance of this issue and protesting that the public consultation meeting did not occur. Should defeated issues be allowed to repeatedly be brought back to motion? A suggestion was made from the floor that the motion be brought forward. A suggestion that the matter be deferred was also made on behalf of the Parks Committee. Phil defended the process, saying it is driven by the community rather than an agenda of Trails. He noted that, of the correspondence and personal consultations he has received, the project is favored ten to one, but noted also that consultation with neighbors would continue throughout the building process, which would involve their participation. He added that without neighbors’ support the trail would not likely happen. He noted also that the OCP calls for such trails and that fears about this one are ungrounded.
After discussion, Phil moved that support be given for construction of Sections 1 and 2 of this trail – Section 1 extending east approximately 100 yards from the end of the present recently constructed section bypassing the hill near Sorenson’s Pond, and Section 2 extending west, from the other end of Sorenson’s Pond trail, to the entrance to the Outdoor Education Centre. Motion seconded by Dan Johnson. Discussion followed, including the irony that the trails are hard for locals to use in the summer because they are so crowded with tourists. Clarification was requested regarding the exact endpoints of the proposal being motioned.
M/S/C (14 in favour to 13 opposed) Fred noted that the proposed section contains little wetland and that ongoing public consultation was paramount owing to the closeness of the vote.
Recycling Committee Report: Kathy Sauvé apologized that she had been unable to report at the July meeting and that tonight’s report is incomplete. She reported that activity at the Depot has been slower this summer compared to last. Also there was less vandalism. She gave some background on the new composting toilet project, which is being made of recycled materials. Ed Hoeppner has been contracted; total cost is $10, 750. She apologized that this project has proceeded without official approval from the Association. Kathi noted that a sub-committee of the Recycle Committee will shortly be meeting with Fred and bookkeeper Rudy Rogalsky to discuss the project. Noted that money for the project is in the budget as other projects planned for this year had not proceeded. The documentary video underway should be finished this fall; donations of cash and materials are requested.
There was a question from the floor as to whether a permit was obtained from the Department of Health. Negative. Kathi will follow up. Another questioner: whether there are lids for the dumpsters yet. Negative. Carol Quinn (Reg. Dist. rep.) offered to obtain status report on lids. She also stressed importance of clarity in tax budgeted matters.
Fire Protection Committee: Giff LaRose reported that, since July, there were only eleven emergency call-outs (some not through 911). This was probably due to rain, and most were medical rather than fire. There was one small fire at Little Trib and one outhouse on fire. Greg (fire warden) is in El Salvador helping with volcano rescue work. A new bylaw in effect allows enforcement, not just education. Giff noted that trouble can arise when people decide on their own that burning is permitted, and noted that no permits are being issued yet. There was a good response to the defibrillator fund drive. He will submit a thank you in the First Edition.
Around thirty people attended the Open House this summer, mostly tourists attracted to the fire engines. Fire Dept. reports can be found in the library and at website: <HIFD.org>. They are looking for new recruits; some of the youngsters have left, but Jeremy is returning. Giff noted, with humourous response, that there is no real age limit and that “you do what you can”.
There was a question from the floor concerning what can be done about fires on Big Trib despite the fire ban. Giff explained that the tolerance of the Dept. was due to weather conditions, and always involves a judgement call. He reported that there has been a ten-fold increase in RVs camped at beach accesses, indicating possible need for a bylaw enforcement officer over the summer. RCMP does not presently carry ticket book from Reg. Dist. Carol (Reg. Dist. Rep.) commented that Provincial parks and laws regarding them are not Reg. Dist. jurisdiction, but agrees that the problem of illegal campers will only worsen and should be controlled. Other questions from the floor: how to help Greg in his duties, and whether the RCMP backs him up. Affirmative. Giff urged people not to hesitate to call 911 when Greg cannot be reached; it will be referred to “duty officer”, which is often him.
Police Liaison Committee: April Lewis apologized on behalf of RCMP that they were not able to attend tonight’s meeting. She reported that Marcel has resigned and the committee has not decided whether a replacement is necessary. Official stats were collated between both islands. The code descriptions are somewhat confusing. Please report complaints to RCMP, not to the committee. Thanks to all who participated in the recent survey. Highlights of their recent meeting included: camping on beach; traffic congestion impeding emergency vehicles; the number of campers including some homeless Hornbyites and some mentally disturbed; the threat that these might camp and make fires in the woods if moved off the beach. Police started out the season relatively tolerant of alcohol; lack of cooperation of parents and adults led to a zero tolerance policy later on. Police were shocked at number of parents driving their underage kids to raves. It was noted that a “special event” license is not valid when tickets are sold at the door. A buffer zone should be created around events involving alcohol. Police were disappointed that no one came forward with knowledge of the Thatch break-ins. Signage and tickets issued improved the parking problem at Whaling Station. The Fire Dept. may now issue tickets to those obstructing fire lanes. Numerous pot plants were seized and crystal meth is a concern. There is a need for guards and matrons at the jail, otherwise police cannot make arrests. Reports of a harassing individual. There has been widespread dismay over the summer treatment of Big Trib beach. A brainstorming session is needed to find solutions to diverse problems. April then read the police stats report.
A question was put to April regarding what to do about someone camping beside the road in the questioner’s neighborhood. Apparently RCMP directed the complainant to Tony Law, IT Rep,(and Big Trib security person) as the person to deal with the situation. Carol (Dist. Rep.) invited proposals for new Regional District bylaws regarding issues of concern. It was commented from the floor that Denman apparently has bylaw enforcement officer(s). Carol replied she was not aware of these.
Fred offered to schedule discussion of noise and other bylaw enforcement on agenda for October’s Executive and regular meetings. There was a comment from the floor that the RCMP are reluctant to interfere at raves because at least they “know where they are”. Suggestion that we think about where we would like such parties to be held. There was a complaint about noise at Seabreeze Lodge during wedding parties.
Regional District Report: Carol Quin requested letter of support for her proposal to retrieve tax funds from Comox Valley Economic Development Society, to be administered under joint umbrella organization for Denman and Hornby, under direct contract to RDCS. She read from the rationale published in Grapevine.
M/S/C: to provide such a letter (seconded by Lou Ackerson, unanimously carried).
Islands Trust Report: Fred read prepared statement, in absence of Tony Law and Eleanor Kneffle, who are away on IT business. The report summarized three items from recent business meeting. Coop corner temporary use permit has been renewed. Resolution was made on how to proceed with LUB review process. (There will be meeting on Oct 18 to review amendments to be drafted to old LUB. Proposals will be referred to Advisory Planning Commission and made public). Vacation rentals will be allowed and regulated.
Questions can be addressed to either trustee.
Announcement was made of the forthcoming Inter-Island Forum to be held on Saltspring Island Sept 23-25.
Parks committee thanked Christine Hunt for her contributions to the Committee. Albert Bremner has also resigned, and was thanked for his service.
Meeting adjourned at 10:07pm
Three new members were registered.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
October 12, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members of the community.
Fred reviewed the posted agenda and called attention to HIRRA’s guidelines for meeting etiquette. Added to the agenda on request of members were the consideration of a resolution in support of the teachers and attention to homelessness on Hornby.
Minutes of September meeting were read. Correction: In the Recycling Committee report it should read “There was a question…as to whether a permit was obtained from the Ministry of Environment.” Correction: The Trust meeting is scheduled for October 17. The minutes were approved as amended by general consent.
Executive Report: Fred stated that the question about a permit for the composting toilet sited at the Recycling Depot has been referred to Ed Hoeppner. The budget preparation time is here. 5-year budget plans for the tax funded services of Recreation, Recycling, Hall, Fire Protection and Privy Council are being developed by committees and the administrator. The recreation funding was approved by the RDCS as requested, with funds going to HIES, HIRRA and the Tennis association. The request by the Cross bothers for HIRRA to be involved in the proposed Cross property trade arrangement with the RDCS is being referred to the Regional Parks Committee for deliberation and recommendation. Additional background information provided as recently as today by the Cross brothers will be referred to the Parks Committee. HIRRA has been approached by members of the Hornby Island Radio Group who ask if we want to host a regular information radio show? Fred requested that this request be deliberated and interested members, and closet radio show hosts, please identify yourselves! For consideration and discussion.
Community Hall Report: Judith Lawrence reporting: The roof has been repaired; replacement of the roof not an option at this time. A thorough inspection conducted by electrician Ron Doucette and committee member Derek Ward has identified several electrical revisions necessary for safety and efficiency. These include improvement of outside parking lot lighting, and moving the fire alarm panel to a more accessible location. Anne Ngan is preparing a drawing of all electrical outlets in the building. The Halloween dance is a fundraiser for the Community Hall. Additional kitchenware, to bolster up our current supply, was purchased locally. When the front porch is reconstructed, structural reinforcement at the front end of the hall will be done as a beginning to seismic upgrades recommended in the McMurtrie report.
Privy Council: Fred reported that the councilors are working on the budget!
Regional Parks Committee: Betty Kennedy reporting: Busy summer with extra patrols for fire protection. Campers were asked to cease and desist. Working with RDCS on a new brochure. Entrance signs will be redone when park boundaries are finally determined. New signage at trail intersections has been well received by park users. Committee is operating within budget. Jeremy Payne and Brian Kittleson were appointed to the committee to serve until the AGM in March. There has been no progress on the transfer of beach access responsibilities from the MOTH to RDCS.
Public Forum: Topic: Noise and dog (animal) control on the island:
Summary: Can we develop an Area K Noise bylaw and animal control bylaw through the RDCS? Carol explained the process. Denman is making some progress on animal control issues working with a citizen’s committee.
RCMP need to know our bylaws in order to enforce them….is there a mechanism for this information flow? A recent dog/chicken tragedy was discussed. The need for a local solution to noise and animal control seems indicated. There was general consent to the administrator writing a letter of inquiry to the RDCS requesting the creation of bylaws specific to Hornby and Denman Island to address noise and animal control issues.
Fall Fair: Jan Bevan noted that volunteers Marianna Trucco, Judith Lawrence, Jack Hansed, Pam Gordon, Jan Bevan and coordinator Sheila McDonnell produced the fall fair. It was a community success. They request that the Fall Fair group become a committee of HIRRA. Discussion included insurance, HIRRA administration cost sharing, the danger of politicizing the Fall Fair.
M/S/C: Jan Bevan/Carol Quin. “That the Fall Fair Initiative become an undertaking of HIRRA and that a fall fair committee be appointed.” Carried. Members will be appointed to this committee at the November executive meeting.
Report on the Inter Island Forum on the Future of the Islands Trust:
Jan Bevan reported that this weekend event hosted by Saltspring Island was very informative and enjoyable. A written summary of deliberations will be available from trustees. There was music, laughter, musings, and sharing about the future of our islands and common challenges. Jan sang part of her report, much to our delight.
RDCS Report: Tomorrow, Carol will advance her request to have economic development monies collected from the Hornby tax base returned to the island for economic enhancement endeavors. There is locally published information detailing this process. Carol will follow up progress on the beach access management proposal with RDCS Parks Department staff.
Island Trust: Tony attended the UBCM conference. Trust meetings on Oct 16 and 17.
M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Tom Knott, “In order to have quality public education in this province we encourage teachers in their efforts to negotiate a contract in an atmosphere of respect. We support the restoration of services to students, recognizing the need for smaller class sizes, and adequate resources for special needs students.” This motion will be emailed to Minister of Labour and BCTF tomorrow.
Tim Biggins spoke about homeless people living here and there around the island. He asks that we reach out to this disenfranchised group. The housing committee, a committee supported by the Island Trust, is not currently active.
In keeping with their policy, the RCMP will be advertising their former residence trailer for sale. This is the current home of the Hope Kitchen operated under the umbrella of HIES. HIRRA is working with HIES with a goal to support the continued use of the trailer for the Hope Kitchen.
There was a reminder that the November meeting agenda includes presentations of 2006 budgets.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
November 9, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, Vice President/Chair; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members.
Minutes: Janet read the minutes of the October meeting and they were approved by general consent. Executive Report: Lynn reported that the bylaw revisions would be voted on at a special segment of the December 14th meeting. The proposed revisions are posted at the Co-op, Library, New Horizons foyer, Ford Cove and on the HIRRA website, www.hirra.ca . Lynn asked for 3 volunteers to serve on the nominating committee for the March 2006 annual elections.
Recycling Budget: Presented by Janet with background information provided by Phil Bailey and Annie Nagle. It was noted that engineer Ron McMurtrie has inspected and approved the composting toilet which is in its final stages of construction. Ed Hoeppner reported that he consulted with Graeme Faris, RDCS staff as well as the environmental health authorities during this project. The anticipated total cost is $15000. It was noted that a roof rain water catchment system feeds into a hand-washing basin inside the composting toilet chamber. It was reported that the recycling managers and committee are presently assessing the necessity for replacement of the main hydro overhead line. Local electrician Ron Doucette and Graeme Faris are consulting on this matter. The recommendation is that the hydro line be buried. The cost estimates are approximately $10,000. The capital budget for 2005 was forecast at $30,000. The tractor is in for a major transmission overhaul, a capital expense. The 2006 recycling operating budget detailing expenses of $151,500 was reviewed. The 2006 recycling capital budget detailed expenses of $35,000. Projects forecasted include the replacement of the cardboard baler, acquiring new tractor tires and replacing the roof on the tower. The hydro line replacement may be done in 2006. Motion: Kathi Sauve/Tim Biggins, “That the 2006 recycling budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED with none opposed.
Community Hall Budget: Janet LeBlancq detailed the 2006 budget projecting expenditures totaling $29,500. It was noted that the insurance premium is expected to be $7000. Janet is researching the issue of insurance for community halls. Motion: Phil Bailey/Andrew Carmichael, “That the 2006 community hall budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED with none opposed.
Fire Protection Budget: Fire Chief Giff LaRose gave details of the 2006 budget, which proposed operating costs of $134,750. The budget showed a decreased Fire Patrol wage from $15500 to $12000. There was discussion. Regarding HIRRA core service allocation, Giff reported that the Fire Protection committee was concerned about the process of notification of the substantial increase in cost. Treasurer Paul Clemens explained that the RCMP rental revenues have subsidized HIRRA core services. The executive agreed, at its October 31st meeting that this was not a sustainable situation. The core services provided by HIRRA include bookkeeping, general administration, audit, meetings, publicity, and director’s and officer’s insurance. Funding for core services will be allocated to each service based on operating revenue. The treasurer noted that the hours of work for the bookkeeper and administrator and the wage rates for both are increased in the 2006 budget, which is scheduled for presentation in December. There was further discussion.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Katherine Grieve, “That the Fire Protection operating budget be increased by $6500, to allow $15,000 for the Fire Patrol and $11,356 for HIRRA core services.” CARRIED with none opposed.
Comfort Stations: Allan Beattie reported details of operating the island’s privies including the costs of pump outs, contractor fees, sewage disposal fees and summer privy rentals. Motion: Allan Beattie/ Andrew Carmichael, “That the 2006 Comfort Station budget projecting expenses of $8500 be approved as presented.” CARRIED with none opposed.
Recreation Budget: April Lewis detailed the recreation budget which projects a $71 surplus with a total operating revenue of $28,750. She noted concern with the increased cost of Core Services. Motion: April Lewis/Tony Law, “That the 2006 recreation budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED with none opposed.
General Business: Jan Bevan noted that the Island Tides, a free regular publication at the Co-op is a great way to stay connected with what’s happening on the other gulf islands. Submissions are invited on the topic of “why I love the islands..”
Tim Biggins requested that the HIRRA executive consider forming a committee to address homelessness on Hornby Island.
Carol Quin Area K director will request a service review as the next step in the process to return more economic development monies to Hornby and Denman Islands. The regional board sub committee rejected the initial proposal. Carol is working on scheduling a spring visit to Hornby by RDCS staff. Airport board representation is an issue in terms of tax based funding and decision making. Regarding the problem of noisy airplanes, it was reported that a pilot advisory is issued each year asking them to avoid the skyways above islands as much as possible. This is considered to not be a very effective deterrent.
Tony Law, Island Trustee stated that community stewardship awards will be presented to Hilary Brown and to the Water Stewardship Society on November 23rd – everyone is invited to celebrate the contributions made by these islanders. Another draft of the Land Use Bylaw is before the Advisory Planning Commission for review and comment. This draft will be posted.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M. by general consent.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 14th, 2005
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Special Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Fred Hunt, President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Paul Clemens,Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq Administrator and 38 members.
Notice of the special meeting, including the complete bylaws, current and revised wording, has been posted at the Hornby Co-op, Library, Ford Cove and New Horizons since November 2/05, as well as on the web site, www.hirra.ca.
President Fred Hunt explained the bylaw revision process, which has been in progress for approximately two years. The process has involved executive and committee member consultations as well as general membership consultations commencing in January 2005. The revised bylaw document, including current wording and proposed revisions was available to all members as a hand out. The first 15 minutes of the meeting was scheduled reading time of this five page document.
Motion: Dan Bruiger/Tony Quin, “That the revised bylaws of the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association be approved as presented.”
Discussion followed.
Motion to amend: Tony Law/Ron Sitter, “That Section 2 c) of the revised bylaw be amended to read ‘A member may vote on any resolution once she or he has become a member.’” There was discussion. This amendment would abolish the 42-day waiting period prior to a new member having voting rights.
Several speakers stressed the importance of members being well informed on issues that come before HIRRA for decision.
The question was called. There was one vote in favor and 36 against.
The proposed amendment was declared defeated.
The method of registering new members was discussed. The membership roll was re-affirmed, as stated in the bylaws.
The question was called on the original motion.
The motion to approve the revised bylaws was passed by unanimous vote.
Judith Lawrence offered thanks and congratulations to the executive and administrator for stewarding the bylaw revision process. There was applause. The special meeting was adjourned by general consent.
The regular business meeting followed.
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. with 44 voting members present.
Minutes: The minutes of the November 9th meeting were read and approved by general consent.
Executive Report:
a) Fred and Dan reported on progress made in developing a Hornby Island information booklet. Island organizations have been requested to submit information for inclusion.
b) HIRRA executive members Fred Hunt and Dan Bruiger, administrator Janet LeBlancq, Island Trustees, Cari St. Pierre and Ron Emerson and RDCS Area K Director Carol Quin attended a planning meeting yesterday. Also attending were Giff LaRose, Fire Chief, Serena Laskin, Chair of HIRRA Shared Lands Committee and Katherine Ronan. There was agreement to continue these joint sessions every two months to discuss issues of mutual interest and to share information.
c) A call for volunteers to serve on the nominating committee for the annual elections in March 2006 was repeated. Fred noted that he and Dan Bruiger would not be seeking re-election.
d) There will be an all candidates meeting on Denman Island on January 7th from 11:30 to 3:30 P.M. All candidates running for election to the federal government have been invited to this session, hosted by the Denman Island Residents Association.
e) The agenda was introduced.
f) Congratulations were offered to newly elected Island Trustees Cari St. Pierre and Ron Emerson.
g) Tony Law was acknowledged and thanked for his years of service as Island trustee. Thanks were also given to Eleanor Kneffel. There was applause.
Public Forum: The chair invited Margaret Sinclair to present a resolution concerning the recent Islands Trust election. Excerpts of a letter mailed to non-resident property owners by the Hornby Voters Association were read. Concern about the contents of this letter and other published information from the same source led to the drafting of a resolution for consideration by HIRRA.
Resolution: Moved by Margaret Sinclair; seconded by Judith Lawrence:
“Whereas during the recent Islands Trust election we saw an unprecedented orchestrated campaign of personal attacks on named individuals, and
Whereas a previously unknown entity calling itself the “Hornby Voters Association” made representations to off island landowners in the guise of speaking for a large group of residents,
Therefore be it resolved that the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association finds unacceptable the distribution of slanted, inaccurate material that has the intention of discrediting a candidate or person holding a public position, or of influencing voters.
Further be it resolved that the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association encourages truthful, respectful debate and supports, and will endeavor to create, opportunities for greater communication between island residents and non-resident property owners.”
Summary of discussions:
- HIRRA has received copies of six letters that have been written by island residents to the Law Society of B.C. expressing concern regarding the published statements made by lawyer Larry Pierce during the months immediately preceding the election.
- The chair, responding to a point of order, agreed that discussion on information obtained from the Law Society regarding Mr. Pierce’s career history should cease.
- Members present were unaware of any duly constituted Hornby Voters Association.
- Members wondered how the names and addresses of non-resident property owners were accessed. It was noted that more than forty non-residents voted in this election, as opposed to about 10 in past years, and concern was expressed that they may have been unduly influenced.
- How can HIRRA assist in election protocols? Should HIRRA have a role in validating groups such as the Hornby Voters Association?
The resolution passed with 39 voting in favor, no one against and 4 abstaining.
Mount Geoffrey Regional Park 2006 – 2010 budget plan was presented by Betty Kennedy. Copies were distributed and the details were reviewed.
Motion: Betty Kennedy/Giff LaRose, “That the 5 year budget plan for Mount Geoffrey Regional Park, forecasting annual expenditures averaging $10,500. be approved as presented.” Carried by unanimous vote.
Beach Access Parks 2006 – 2010 budget plan was presented by Betty Kennedy. She noted that this budget would only take effect when the RDCS negotiates a transfer of beach access management from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.
Motion: Betty Kennedy/Judith Lawrence, “That the 5 year budget plan for the 5 beach access parks, forecasting annual expenditures averaging $8500. be approved as presented. Carried by unanimous vote.
HIRRA Core Services Budget 2006 was presented by Treasurer, Paul Clemens. He noted that the hours of work and wage rates for the administrator and bookkeeper have increased. Funding for core services is being entirely raised from HIRRA services operating revenues through the application of percentage ratios. The increase in core service cost to HIRRA committees could have been communicated earlier. It was stated that Trails Committee, whose revenues are realized entirely through grants and donations, would be subject to one time only levies applied to these revenues. The question was asked, should the clinic rent be increased from its current amount of $350 per month? The executive committee will review this early in 2006, as part of the annual lease renewal. $2500 listed as special project funding from the RCMP rent revenues is budgeted for a HIRRA volunteer appreciation event in February and for ongoing improvements to the Community Hall.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Judith Lawrence, “That the HIRRA Core Services budget for 2006, detailing operating expenses of $33,800.00; special projects expenditures of $3018 and Clinic maintenance expenditures of $3700 be approved as presented.” CARRIED by a unanimous vote.
Trails Committee Report: Dan Johnson stated that the $5000 Direct Access Grant funding has been spent doing the approved workplan at the Syzygy corner and at the St’ John Point hill. A final report to the funding authorities is being prepared. There is approximately $10,000 remaining in the Trails account for 2006. These funds will be used for the approved trail segments from Sea Dollar Road to the St. John’s Point Hill and a section approximately 100 yards from the top of the hill. Work will commence in early spring when good weather and volunteers are available at the same time!
RDCS Area K Director’s Report: Carol Quin summarized attempts to have more economic development monies returned to Hornby and Denman island initiatives. The RDCS is concerned about the increase in ferry costs. The details of the Cross-land swap with the RDCS are published in the December 15th Island Grapevine and on the RDCS web site. Carol read the resolution passed by the RDCS board. Jim Abram was reelected chair of the board.
Ferry Advisory Committee: Andrew Carmichael reporting:
- Public input being solicited for the 2008 contract negotiations.
- There was a response rate of 50% to the April, 2005 questionnaire about ferry service to Hornby and Denman Islands.
- The issues continue to be for Denman islanders: the Hornby traffic speeding across Denman and for and Hornby Islanders the perceived unsatisfactory access to the ferry at Denman west, especially in the early morning.
- The final report is in the Library. It has been received and accepted by the government and by BC Ferries.
- There is scheduled maintenance for the ramp at Buckley Bay. A floating ramp is to be installed.
- Tony Law is the Chair of the Ferry Advisory Committee.
Andrew answered questions from the floor. He was thanked for his contributions.
Motion: Ron Sitter/ Giff LaRose, “That HIRRA appoint a task force of 1 – 3 people to develop recommendations on actions that can be taken before the next Islands Trust election to insure that the election process is clear, honest and fair.”
Carried with one abstention.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
In the event of a conflict between the wording of a motion on this page and the wording of the paper copy kept in the central HIRRA file, the wording of the paper copy shall prevail.