2006 Minutes


HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

January 11, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and approximately 45 members. Dan Bruiger & Lynn Nunley on vacation. New members registered Larry Pierce, Liz Earle and Bernice Goodridge.

Fred Hunt welcomed new members and called attention to HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette Meetings and reviewed the posted agenda. Minutes of the Special Meeting and Regular Meeting December 14, 2005 were read.

MOTION: Serena Laskin/Margaret Sinclair, “That the minutes be approved with the following corrections noted: Motion to amend (bylaws), seconded by Ron Emerson, not Ron Sitter; the all candidates meeting scheduled for 1:30 – 3:30 P.M. January 7th and the trail segment approved was from the Outdoor Education Center driveway rather than from Sea Dollar Road.” Carried with none opposed.

Executive Report: Fred reported that the executive and administrator have revised the administrator’s job description. This will be posted to the web page and placed in the library minute binder. The revised bylaw document, approved at the December meeting, has been submitted to the Registrar of Companies for approval. The executive is organizing a volunteer appreciation event at the hall on February 14/06 – Caring and Sharing, Fred called it! Betty Kennedy, Regional Parks Committee Chair gave an update outlining initiatives to offer the community’s thank you to Bill and Christa Yeomans for their donation of 15 acres of land to Mount Geoffrey Regional Park. There was acknowledgement of the significant contributions made to the Hornby community by Bill Yeomans and there was applause. HIRRA was requested to write to Bill Yeomans to offer our sincere thank you for his years of work in the association, especially in land use acquisition and planning.

Recycling Committee Report presented by Della McCreary and Kathi Sauve,
co-chairs of the committee.

a) Kathi Sauve reported that the water diversion along the depot road has helped to prevent further erosion during this heavy rain winter. The garden fence is being rebuilt and the Recycling Depot will share the proceeds of the 2006 Community Quilt project with the Community Hall Committee. Staff member Elizabeth Macdonald is busy designing and painting new signs.

b) Composting Toilet Project: Della McCreary noted that the innovative, unique construction and design, using recycled materials have resulted in a higher than estimated cost. The details of the expenditures, totaling $29,722.59 were read. The regional district has indicated that capital funds, which the committee and staff had thought were available to fund this project, are not forthcoming. The recycling committee met with the executive to discuss this dilemma, and now asks for the support of the members in requesting that the regional district give this reconsideration.

c) Composting Toilet Project Report: Della stressed the broad community support being such that the project “took on a life of its own.” The educational potential is viewed by the committee to be an ongoing benefit to the island and visitors. The design details, and some detail of the system, supplied by the contractor ED Hoeppner, were read. Excerpt follows:

“The load bearing of the roof is all through posts and beams, and the bearing of the walls is all on a continuous concrete footing. This is a capital project in that it has everything to do with the management of municipal solid waste and/or the recycling component thereof. Education is commonly considered to be the number one consideration when discussing reduce/reuse/recycle. The facility will educate and stimulate the recycling imagination of the general public in a way that is practical, effective, economical in a material sense, artistic, and whimsical. A quick guesstimate is that approximately 2 tons of materials were diverted from the waste stream. The other recycling component here is the compost. On-site composting builds up the local soil base and reduces the production of green house gas emissions that are inherent in the hauling aspect of pumping and hauling, which has been the practice with the current toilet. In terms of solid waste management, to adhere to regulation, before biosolids are applied to land they are required to be composted thermophilically, which involves turning a number of times in order to raise the temperature by introducing oxygen by way of turning and mixing. This guarantees pathogen elimination. The composting method being applied at the recycling depot is known as vermicomposting, in other words using worms. The worms ingest, digest, and express the organic matter as worm castings (worm feces). The resultant end product is pathogen free after having passed through the worms’ intestines. This process has been proven and demonstrated on a large scale in Orange County, Florida, where it is used to compost all of the residual sludge from the community’s sewage treatment facility. Water management strategies in terms of storm water management, rainwater harvesting, storage and use, wastewater management, and landscape irrigation are also being practiced and demonstrated with this project, with an engineer signing off on the wastewater management aspect. The main differences in the end product between thermophilic and vermi composting is that the thermophilic process will kill seeds such as tomato and squash because of the high temperatures, where as the vermi process does not kill seeds. The other difference is that the compost from vermicomposting has been shown to be much more valuable as a soil amendment than standard compost in terms of the resultant plant vitality. This is because of a more diverse community of organisms present in the worm castings that improves the overall health and vitality of the soil that it is mixed into. Regulations require that composted biosolids that do not conform to the regulations must be landfilled or treated at a municipal sewage treatment facility. Considering that our demonstration garden sits on a landfill it would seem appropriate to bury the compost in the soil that sits on top of that landfill. The other options for disposal are to place the compost in the Dumpster or transport it to the sewage treatment plant where it can be thermophilically composted with the rest of the Comox Valley sewage sludge. Either way, the intention is to test the finished compost in a lab to verify that it is pathogen free. Perhaps this can be the start of the process to have this type of composting approved in B.C.”

d) General Discussion: There was concern expressed in the lack of approval process and the cost of the composting toilet. It was noted that the toilet is being registered with the Vancouver Island Health Authority as required. In response to a question, it was reported that the engineer who signed off on the project has professional liability insurance. Final stucco coat needs to be done later this year; modifications to the roof are also needed to complete the structure. Carol Quin reported that Janet has briefed her. Carol has requested that Debra Oakman, Manager of Corporate Services with the RDCS come to Hornby Island to meet with HIRRA committees to review funding processes. She suggests that the committee put together a package of information for presentation to the RDCS for funding approval for the composting toilet. Carol also asked to be kept “in the loop.”

e) Composting Toilet Project: General Discussion: (cont’d): Alternative funding sources will be investigated. It was suggested that grant funding could be explored. Continued efforts will be made to secure RDCS funding and the committee will report progress at the February HIRRA meeting.

Community Hall Report: Presented by Judith Lawrence, Chair.
Summary: The contract for the hall booking agent expires March 31st, 2006; incumbent Suzel Bernier, will not be reapplying. The committee is reviewing the job description and duties associated with this position. The outside lighting has been upgraded for safety. A thank you letter from Katherine Grieve for this project was read. There may be extra funding available for hall improvements this budget year and last. We are consulting with Debra Oakman. One improvement high on the list is the installation of flashing and new fascia boards around the roof perimeters. In response to a question, Judith noted that the contractor who refinished the wood flooring surfaces will be doing an on site visit soon. It has been determined that the surface is too worn to accommodate sanding as an option. Will advertise for a carpenter to build new porch.

Shared Lands Committee: Serena Laskin presenting, assisted by Katherine Ronan:
Summary: Serena reviewed the history of proposals for the development of the 5.8 acres of unsurveyed Crownland that is located between the Community Hall and the Joe King Ball Park. She noted that all land use initiatives advanced by citizens’ committees since the mid 80’s proposed the acquisition of the 5.8 acre piece for an extension of HIRRA land for community use. The development of the ten acre leased land between the RCMP detachment and New Horizons has been suspended due to concerns of local residents on the issue of substantial tree removal for parking spaces.
The continued need is increased space for hall parking and different public land for the Farmers Market. Serena is now requesting the HIRRA assembly to authorize the committee to pursue ways and means of acquiring this 5.8 acres. Tim Biggins noted that this land contains a natural amphitheater that should be preserved. Drawings of site plans were available for review. The work of Bill Yeomans on land use planning for these public lands was acknowledged and a letter will be written to thank Bill. It was noted that there is a wetland area within this land segment. A detailed plan needs to be developed. Serena was thanked for her stewardship of this process, and her hard work in keeping all past plans available to the process.
MOTION: Serena Laskin/ Katherine Ronan, “That HIRRA make application to the appropriate authorities for the acquisition of the 5.8 acres of unsurveyed Crownland adjacent to the Community Hall.” CARRIED with none opposed. Letters from island groups supporting this initiative will be solicited.

Ferry Advisory Committee: Andrew Carmichael, HIRRA appointee, reporting:
New appointments have been requested. Andrew is willing to serve.
MOTION: Carol Quin/Jan Bevan, “That Andrew Carmichael be named as HIRRA’s representative for appointment to the B.C. Ferries Advisory Committee.” CARRIED with none opposed.

Committee perk: Andrew received free tickets for ferry trip to the lower mainland from BC Ferries: Andrew will return these to BC Ferries.
Fuel Surcharge: The corporation is suggesting another 6% rate hike as a fuel surcharge – to be phased in this Spring.
MOTION: Andrew Carmichael/Tom Knott, “We urge the province to increase the Service Fees paid to BC Ferries so that government shares the increased fuel costs with ferry users in coastal communities where BC Ferries is a crucial component of British Columbia’s integrated transportation infrastructure.” CARRIED with none opposed.
This letter to be copied to RDCS and Islands Trust.
Commuter tickets: Andrew noted that the corporation is proposing a 90 day expiry and using non transferable single commuter cards, similar to credit cards. The Hornby discount rate that ticket pre purchase provides is currently 52%; the corporation would like to see this at 35%. A letter writing campaign opposing these initiatives was suggested.

RDCS Area K Director, Carol Quin reporting:

Carol noted that the RDCS will be purchasing 10 Dumpsters with lids, four of which will be put into service for Hornby Island refuse transfer. These cost $6600 each. She also noted that the service review of the Economic Development function is underway.
Carol is consulting with BC Parks regarding additional upland Crownlands being reallocated to the Mount Geoffrey Regional Parkland. These land acquisitions will provide easier access to the Regional Park. Carol stated that Hornby Island is covered by the RDCS noise bylaws, but we are not subject to the region’s dog control bylaws.
(NOTE: Due to the length of the meeting, the agenda item dealing with animal and noise control bylaws was postponed till February).


Election/2006: Kay Inglis noted that Jack Layton and Shirley Douglas are speaking in Courtenay on January 12/06 in the evening – further information can be accessed through the NDP constituency office of Catherine Bell.

ISLA (Islanders Secure Land Association): Jan Bevan announced that the Annual General Meeting of is scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 1:30 P.M. at the Community Hall. In addition to annual reports, there will be a guest speaker, a representative from Habitat for Humanity, who will address the topic of providing housing for families and will update us on what is happening elsewhere.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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February 8, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 45 members of the community. New member registered Neil Fawcett.

Minutes: The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved by general consent.
Fred read a letter of thanks to the community for the excellent participation in the letter writing campaign to protest the hike in B.C. Ferry rates.
Thanks to Tina Wai, Margaret Sinclair, Jan Kennedy, Tony Law and others for this initiative. Thanks to Metta Wullum for assisting at the January meeting in keeping a speaker’s list. Fred welcomed Lynn and Dan back from vacation.

Executive Report:

1. On the request of the executive committee, the year-end audit will include an in depth study of the composting toilet project and a review of the financial controls of the association.
2. Nominating Committee, Elections March 8, 2006: Dan Bruiger has agreed to chair the nominating committee. He and Fred are not seeking re-election. Volunteers are needed to assist Dan. Paul and Lynn will stand for re-election.
3. The Volunteer Appreciation event is on February 14th, 4 – 8 P.M. at the Hall.
4. The Information booklet, “The Hornby Way” that Dan is producing will be posted to the HIRRA web site later this month. Some organizations have yet to provide summary information for inclusion.
5. The RCMP is required to offer the former residence trailer (the white one behind the clinic) to public tender. HIES is submitting a bid, hoping to secure the trailer and continue operating the HOPE kitchen. Thanks to April Lewis for her article in the recent Grapevine acknowledging the efforts of the RCMP in
their support of our community initiatives.

Recycling: Update on the Composting Toilet Project funding. Fred reported that HIRRA has not made formal representation to the RDCS regarding the funding of this project. Fred gave a brief summary of actions taken and noted that no more funds are currently allocated to this project. CHTV interviewed Fred, Carol and Ed and aired the story recently. There was an article about the project in the Comox Valley Echo last Friday. The auditor’s report is expected in the near future, certainly in time for the AGM in March. The funding for the project has come from HIRRA’s reserve RCMP rental revenue fund. In response to a question, Treasurer Paul Clemens noted that it is HIRRA policy that 10% of HIRRA’s total operating budget is available as a contingency fund from reserves. The bridge funding of the composting toilet project, at approximately $28,000, is within this 10% amount. It was noted that the recycling committee chose to not proceed with capital funding in support of vehicle processing, and assumed that the capital funds budgeted for this could be applied to the new project, namely the composting toilet.

The project should have been offered for public tender and a contract written with a budget. The issue of the necessity of obtaining a siting and use permit from the Islands Trust for the composting toilet was raised. Can the project be partially funded through donations? In light of the fact that the community quilt initiative has been awarded to the Hall and Recycling Committees, the question was asked, “Do HIRRA committees require assembly approval before requesting to coordinate the community quilt annual fund raising event?” The responsibility of contractors in “cost plus” jobs was mentioned. The efforts of volunteer committees, local autonomy and fostering good relations with the RDCS staff were discussed. Should the Privy Council have a role in the continued operation of the composting toilet?

MOTION: Tony Quin/Andrew Carmichael, “That the executive undertake to make recommendations to the HIRRA assembly re procedural revisions arising from the auditor’s report.” CARRIED.

Fire Protection Services Report: Lu Ackerson Committee Chair reporting.
Background information was given in support of the recommendation that the 2006 Fire Protection Services budget be increased by $7000 for a Fire Underwriters’ Survey, and $12,000 for the purchase and transport of 9 water storage tanks, 3 @ 20,000 gallon capacity; 3 @ 15.000 gallon capacity and 3 @ 5000 gallon capacity. The transport costs of these tanks has reduced considerably as they are now in Campbell River, whereas they were previously on Stewart Island. Although the RDCS had suggested that the Fire Underwriters’ Survey could be done at the same time for several fire departments, the committee is recommending that this audit of our service be done this year. Rob stated he had inquired re cost savings and been advised they would be relatively small. It was noted that the last audit was done in 1982; the increased capabilities of our fire protection service could result in a lowering of fire insurance premiums for all islanders, in addition to the benefit of a full service review. It was noted that the tanks would be stored in the gravel pit until decisions on siting were made. The costs of installation could be absorbed within the 2006 operating budget, Rob Zielinski stated. Rob also stated that if the RDCS did not approve the revisions to the 2006 budget, for the tanks, that funding could be accessed through the RDCS’s fire protection capital reserve fund.

MOTION: Lu Ackerson/ Basil duPlessis, “That the 2006 Fire Protection Services capital budget be increased by $12,000 to fund the purchase and transport of 9 water storage tanks, 3 @ 20,000 gallon capacity; 3 @ 15.000 gallon capacity and 3 @ 5000 gallon capacity.” CARRIED with none opposed.

MOTION: Lu Ackerson/Cari St. Pierre, “That the 2006 Fire Protection Services operating budget, public relation line item, be increased by $7000 to fund the Fire Underwriter’s Survey.” CARRIED with 2 opposed.

Carol Quin stated that there is a budget meeting at the RDCS on Monday, Feb 13/06. The proposed revisions will be submitted immediately for approval.

Jan Bevan recommended that emergency vehicles such as fire fighters en route use their four way flashers to alert regular motorists of their emergency speed situation and that this information be included in the tourist brochure.

Trails Committee Update: Phil Bailey reported.

The committee is flagging the trail route from the Outdoor Education Center driveway to a site 100 yards beyond the St. John’s Point Hill and are inviting public comment on the route. They hope to proceed building the trail this spring once the final public consultation process is complete. The RDCS owns a piece of property along this trail route and is researching to determine if the trail can be permitted to pass over their section.

At this time Fred Hunt noted that the animal and noise bylaw discussion would be postponed to a future date due to time constraints.

Islands Trust update was given by Cari St. Pierre: There is a Trust sponsored conference in Duncan in February -details on the islands trust web site. The Trust Council meets on Saltspring Island March 8 – 10, 2006. The agenda will include budget discussions and ferry costs. The Hornby Island Local Trust Committee will meet prior to the full Trust Council meeting. There is a session on Healthy Communities at the Kingfisher Resort on February 16th. Open to the public at no cost.

RDCS report was given by Carol Quin: Carol attended the annual UBCM meetings in Vancouver and found this to be a worthwhile experience. On February 23rd Carol has scheduled an information meeting to be given by RDCS staff – more details in tomorrow’s Grapevine. Grant In Aid application forms for non-profit societies can be downloaded from the RDCS web site. The process of a service review for the economic development function is proving to be slow. Carol may request to have this mediated. Carol met with Serena regarding the initiative to have the RDCS apply on our behalf for a lease for the 5.8 acre unsurveyed Crownland adjacent to the Community Hall property. Carol will inquire to determine if HIRRA can apply directly to B.C. Lands. There needs to be a plan for use of the area and a survey should be done. Carol will consult again when Serena returns from her winter vacation.

Adjournment: Fred Hunt noted that discussions this evening had been difficult; he thanked everyone for their participation; the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.

Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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March 8, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, at the Community Hall

Present: Fred Hunt, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Dan Bruiger, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 60 voting members, 1 guest and 1 new member registering, Hanna Tiferet Siegel.

Fred Hunt called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. Members entered their names in the master registry. At the opening of the meeting there were 47 voting members present; for the annual elections, 60 voting members were present.
The Island Trustees Cari St Pierre and Ron Emerson are absent with regret.
Fred acknowledged this being International Women’s Day.

Minutes: Janet LeBlancq read the minutes of the February regular meeting and they were approved by general consent.
Fred Hunt welcomed Serena Laskin home after an extended vacation; it was reported that the regional district has given approval for the trail segment along St John’s Point Road to traverse land under RDCS jurisdiction.

Executive Report:
Fred introduced the executive and informed the assembly that the information booklet, compiled by Secretary Dan Bruiger, is available on the HIRRA website: www.hirra.ca. Dan stated that he is willing to continue editorial work on this 40 page compilation titled “The Hornby Way”, if so requested by the newly elected executive. There was applause acknowledging Dan’s work.
The special audit of the Composting Toilet project commissioned by the executive has been completed by auditor Lloyd Neufeld. A written report received by the executive last week, has been reviewed and copied to the recycling committee and managers for review. This report and follow up recommendations will be presented to a future HIRRA meeting, to be determined by the new executive.

Fred asked April Lewis to speak and she informed the assembly that the RCMP former residence trailer, the white one behind the Clinic, has been sold to HIES for a nominal fee and will continue to be the Hope Kitchen. There was applause.
The first annual HIRRA Volunteer Appreciation event was enjoyed by all and it is hoped this will be an annual occasion.
Thanks were expressed to Donna duPlessis for the coffee, tea and cookies she makes and serves to all of us attending HIRRA monthly meetings. Donna was welcomed home from her recent holiday, visiting the Tuele family in the Caribbean. It was noted that the money donated to coffee/tea/cookie fund are donated by HIRRA to the school hot lunch program.
Fred reported that the RDCS staff is recommending the approval of funding for the purchase and transportation of the 9 water storage tanks recently acquired by the fire department. The fate of the funding for the Fire Underwriter’s Survey is as yet unknown.

Annual Reports:

The annual report booklet, available as a handout, was introduced by Fred Hunt.

President’s Report: Read by Fred Hunt. Fred concluded by thanking administrator Janet LeBlancq, whom he referred to as “totally engaged”. He also expressed gratitude to his colleagues, Dan, Lynn and Paul. There was applause and the report was approved by general consent.

Auditor’s Report and HIRRA Balance Sheet/Income Statements: Treasurer Paul Clemens presenting. It was noted that the Core Services deficit has been applied to the general fund, as has the recycling capital fund deficit. Paul reported that the Core Services will henceforth be funded from the various services administered by HIRRA, and budgets prepared will indicate zero balances. Paul requested input from the assembly, as he plans to continue to develop HIRRA balance sheet and Income statement reporting and will include land and building asset valuations in future statements. The need to reestablish the reserve fund was noted. Community donations toward the cost of the Composting Toilet are expected and fund raising is being undertaken.
MOTION: Paul Clemens/Catherine Grieve, “That the Auditor’s report and HIRRA financial statements be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.
MOTION: Paul Clemens/Tony Quin, “That Lloyd Neufeld be appointed as auditor for the 2006 fiscal year.” Carried with none opposed.

Community Hall Management Committee Report author/chair Judith Lawrence is away on vacation. Derek Ward, committee member, presented the report. There was applause in recognition of the six years of dedicated service given by Suzel Bernier, hall-booking agent.
MOTION: Derek Ward/Jeremy Payne, “That the Hall Committee report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Shared Lands Committee Report: Serena Laskin presenting. The RDCS Area K Director is assisting with investigating how to bet proceed with application for HIRRA to acquire the 5.8 acres adjacent to the Community Hall. One use for a portion of this land will be an extension of hall parking spaces.
MOTION: Serena Laskin/Gabe Jeroschewitz, “That the Shared Lands report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Regional Parks Committee: Betty Kennedy reported that the Parks Committee recently met with the RDCS staff and Area Director. The regional district is acting on the initiative to acquire the beach access parks from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Betty offered a big thank you to retiring committee member Ron Sitter for his contributions. There was applause.
MOTION: Betty Kennedy/Richard Laskin, “That the Regional Parks report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Motorless Traffic Trails Committee: Phil Bailey summarized the public consultations over the past year. It was estimated that 250 hours of volunteer labour was expended in the construction of the trail segment from the Bakery to the corner opposite Lea Smith Road. Paul Clemens noted that the volunteer hours are vital to HIRRA and we plan to develop a method of counting these hours, HIRRA’s most important assets. Sheila McDonnell thanked the Trails committee and commented on the health benefits gained by trail walking.
MOTION: Phil Bailey/Dan Johnson, “That the Trails Committee report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Recycling Committee: Presented by recycling manager Phil Bailey and committee member Margo Bushnell. Volunteers were again thanked for the tremendous amount of work done, especially in the Free Store. There was applause. There was brief discussion regarding the educational benefit of the composting toilet and the impossibility of tendering such a prototype project. The administrator reported that the revisions to the hydro line project are being managed by the RDCS. To date, the lowest estimate for having a buried cable line are upwards of $80,000; more options are being investigated.
MOTION: Margo Bushnell/Basil duPlessis, “That the Recycling Committee report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Privy Council: The councilors, Allan and Jill Beattie and Shelley Tetz were unavailable for comment, but their virtues were extolled. Janet LeBlancq presented the report. It was suggested that the role of the Privy Council vis a vis the composting toilet project be explored. Also suggested that public consultations be initiated on the possibility of building permanent privies. Where should they be sited? Sandpiper Beach and Grassy Point have portable Privies in the summer. Should they have permanent privies? What say the people?
MOTION: Jan Bevan/Margot Bushnell, “That the Privy Council report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Recreation Committee: April Lewis announced the awarding of the Recreation Coordinator Contract to Bonita Wexler who currently is working 4 hours per week, and more time in spring and summer season. A recreation survey has been distributed island wide to ascertain people’s recreation programming priorities. The Recreation Committee is working in conjunction with RDCS staff.
MOTION: April Lewis/Gabe Jeroschewitz, “That the Recreation Committee report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Fire Protection Committee: Catherine Grieve and Basil duPlessis, committee members and Jeremy Payne, David Cloud and Ron Sitter, fire fighters were present. It was noted that the department has two women fire fighters. There was applause for this volunteer group.
MOTION: Catherine Grieve/ Jeremy Payne, “That the Fire Chief’s report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Fire Chief Appointment: Fred Hunt reported that the Fire Protection Committee has recommended the reappointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief.
MOTION: David Cloud/Alex Graham, “That Giff LaRose be re-appointed as Fire Chief as recommended by the Fire Protection committee.” Carried with none opposed.

Cemetery Stewardship: Eleanor Kneffel summarized her written report. She offered thanks to Annie Fearman and Pat Colin for their contributions to cemetery maintenance and improvement projects, “for doing the bulk of the work,” as stated by Eleanor.
MOTION: Eleanor Kneffel/Serena Laskin, “That the Cemetery Stewardship Committee’s report be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.

Police Liaison Report: April Lewis summarized initiatives the committee addressed including mental health protocols, domestic abuse protocols. April noted that a broad representation is desired on this committee. The RCMP will attend the March meeting of the committee. The verbal report was approved by general consent.

Fall Fair Committee: Jan Bevan reported that this newest committee of HIRRA has not met as yet. Sheila McDonnell did most of the work of previous fall fairs. The committee will have a start up budget of approximately $1965 and a further $500 that was noted by Sheila McDonnell to be Fall Fair monies. This verbal report was approved by general consent.

Elections 2006

Nominations List of Candidates: was distributed to all members and introduced by Dan Bruiger. Dan announced several additional candidates to be added to the nomination list. Margaret Sinclair was invited to assume the Chair to conduct the election process. Jan Bevan, Tom Knott and Basil and Donna duPlessis assisted with ballot distribution, blackboard duties and scruitineering. There were three calls for nominations from the floor for each candidate being elected.

President, one-year term: Ron Sitter, named on the nomination list, was declared elected by acclamation.

Vice President, 2 Year term: Lynn Nunley, named on the nomination list, was declared elected by acclamation.

Treasurer, One-year term: Paul Clemens, named on the nomination list, was declared elected by acclamation.

Secretary, 2-year term: Judy Cross and Len Olsen were nominated. In his absence, Len Olsen was introduced by Tony Quin. Judy Cross gave a brief autobiography. Ballots were distributed. 55 votes were cast. Len Olsen: 36; Judy Cross: 19. Len Olsen was declared elected. Motion to destroy the ballots: Paul Clemens. Ballots were burned in the wood stove.

All committee members are elected for one-year terms.

Cemetery Stewards: Eleanor Kneffel, Annie Fearman, Pat Colin, Jim McLeod and Margaret Pethick, named on the nomination list, were elected by acclamation.

Hall Management: In response to a question, Fred Hunt read the HIRRA conflict of interest policy, established in 1996. There was discussion. It was agreed by general consent that an individual who is a regular renter of the hall in a for-profit enterprise would be in a conflict of interest should that individual be elected as a member of the hall management committee.
Judith Lawrence, Derek Ward, Jennifer Fletcher, Anne Ngan, Valerie Pagnier and Pete Kimmerly, named on the nomination list, were elected by acclamation.
This leaves one vacancy on this seven-member committee.

Fire Protection Committee: Lu Ackerson, Dave Colley, Catherine Grieve, Basil duPlessis and Lynne Carmichael, named on the nomination list were elected by acclamation.

Police Liaison Committee: April Lewis, Tony Law, Sheree Shigehiro and Greg Titcomb, as named on the nomination list and Daniel Siegel, Richard Laskin and Gabe Jeroschewitz who volunteered to fill the vacant positions were elected by acclamation.

Privy Council: Allan Beattie, Jill Beattie and Shelley Tetz, named on the nomination list, were elected by acclamation.

Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Joan Brears, Mathona Thomson, named on the nomination list, and Jeremy Payne who volunteered, were declared elected by acclamation. April Lewis, named on the nomination list, chose to not seek re-election to this 5-member committee, but offered to assist.

Recycling Committee: Della McCreary, Kathi Sauve, Joan Harris, Tom Hayes, Toglia Baird and Margot Bushnell were named on the nomination list. Ballots were distributed. Voting Results: Della: 42, Kathi: 40, Toglia: 40, Margot: 40 and Joan: 35. These candidates were declared elected. Tom Hayes, not in attendance, will be thanked for his willingness to serve.

Parks Committee: Betty Kennedy, Jeremy Payne, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Judith Wilson, named on the nomination list, were declared elected by acclamation.

Trails Committee: Phil Bailey, Dan Johnson and Andrew Carmichael, named on the nomination list were declared elected by acclamation. This leaves two vacancies on this 5-member committee.

Fall Fair Committee: Jan Bevan, Judith Lawrence, Marianna Trucco, Jack Hansed and Pam Gordon, named on the nomination list, were declared elected by acclamation.

Shared Lands Coordinator: Serena Laskin, named on the nomination list, was declared elected by acclamation.

Margaret Sinclair, Jan Bevan, Tom Knott, and Basil and Donna duPlessis were thanked for conducting the elections and Fred Hunt assumed the chair.

Fred Hunt, out-going president, stated that the three years he served on the executive were always challenging and he learned a lot about due process. He stated that HIRRA is an important community forum. Out going secretary, Dan Bruiger, in his remarks, stated, “I’ll be back!” Lynn Nunley presented Fred and Dan with farewell cards. There was a standing ovation by the assembly.

Ferry Advisory update: Andrew Carmichael reporting:
Tony Law is the Chair of the Ferry Advisory Committee; the committee recently met with David Hahn, CEO of BC Ferries and senior staff. They are implying there will be some flexibility on the ferry pass cards; the expiry dates may be increased to 6 months or even up to 12 months. Their aim continues to be operating BC Ferry Corporation on a user pay system with subsidies phased out. Andrew noted that the provincial gov’t defines the Coastal Ferries Act and user fees through negotiated contracts with B.C. Ferries. Citizens’ protests should be directed to the Ministry of Transportation & Highways, Kevin Falcon, Minister.
There was a request that the issue of ferry transportation is included in the agenda of the next HIRRA meeting. What should be the role of HIRRA?

Union Bay Credit Union: Jan Bevan noted that a $10/month fee being levied on accounts that do not meet an activity baseline defined by the bank is a concern. Jan advised people to lobby the UBCU on this issue and not to give up.

The gavel and a copy of Robert’s Rules were handed over by Fred Hunt to Ron Sitter with appropriate amounts of pomp and circumstance.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.
Fred Hunt, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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April 12, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Lynn Nunley, Vice President, Chair; Len Olsen, Secretary, Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 32 members of the community.

Lynn introduced the executive and welcomed everyone, introducing HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings, posted.

Minutes of the AGM March 8, 2006 were read. MOTION: Tony Law/Jeremy Payne, “That the minutes be approved as read.” CARRIED

Executive Report: Lynn reported that past president, Fred Hunt attended the first meeting of the newly elected executive; this was well appreciated. The auditor’s special report on the composting toilet project has been distributed to all committee chairs for information and discussion. The executive will discuss with the recycling committee and will receive input from other committees; this report and its review will then be brought before the assembly. As part of the policy review process, committees were asked by Lynn Nunley to review the policy, “Committee Terms of Reference” and put forward suggestions for revision to the executive. The revised policies will then be brought before the assembly for approval. Lynn stated that the April 1st orientation session for volunteer committee members was well received, and Ron Sitter was congratulated for the relevant content of discussions that he led. Tom Hayes has been appointed to the Trails Committee and Paul Clemens has been appointed to represent HIRRA on the HI Community Economic Enhancement Corporation board. It was happily stated that BC Ferries has put an indefinite hold on the “Coast Card” prepaid ticket system; everyone is relieved.

Community Hall Management Committee Report: Judith Lawrence, Chair, offered thanks to President Ron Sitter for the excellent volunteer orientation workshop. The hall committee, at its inaugural meeting, elected Judith, Chair, Jennifer Fletcher, Secretary and Pete Kimmerly, Treasurer. The process of hiring the booking agent is underway; hope to announce the successful candidate by month end. The front porch construction project is nearing completion. The hall needs more firewood. Judith noted that Anne Ngan and Steve are working to solve the one persistent leak in the roof in the area above the sliding door. The renovations to the Green Room are ongoing – work is underway to install bathroom facilities. All funding for the Green Room/back office area is from donations, primarily from the estate of Moira Armour. Judith noted that the hall is a high maintenance building, and the challenge for the committee is to prioritize projects to keep within the budget.
The hall report was approved by general consent.

Regional Parks Report: Betty Kennedy, Chair, explained the protocol for securing a Park Use Permit from the RDCS. Betty referred to the Bike Race Permit that has been applied for by Jeremy Payne for an upcoming one day event using the trails within the Mount Geoffrey Regional Park and the upland Crownland. It was noted that this is a fully insured bicycle racing event, with coverage provided by the Comox Valley Bike Club. It was also reported that three Hornby Islanders, Jeremy Payne, Yana Pethick and Ira Vet will attend the International Mountain Bike Association and World Mountain Bike Conference in Whistler in June. Jeremy Payne fielded some questions about details of the event.

The RDCS is contributing $1500 toward travel and accommodation costs; there will be a report to HIRRA from Jeremy, Yana and Ira presented to the July or September regular meeting. The Regional Parks report was approved by general consent.

Hornby Island Arts Council: Lynne Carmichael (Chair HIAC) was invited to present. She outlined the HIAC proposal to move a singlewide trailer to HIRRA’s leased 10 acres of Crownland. This trailer would be sited in the vicinity of the 2 trailers owned by HI Education Society one operating as a Hope Kitchen (food service center) and the other, a teen trailer. A map was displayed. There was discussion. The mission statement of HIAC was read. It was noted that decking would be added, outdoor sculptures would enhance the area and the exterior finish would, in future, probably be cedar shingles. The main focus of activities of HIAC is art education for the general population. Septic and water hookups would need to be negotiated with HIRRA: the current systems are deemed to have sufficient capacity. The site works with the removal of only two trees. Firewood will be given to the community hall. Pictures of the trailer were available for viewing. The details of moving it to the site have been worked out. A siting and use permit will be filed immediately upon approval.

MOTION: Lynne Carmichael/Tony Law, “That the Hornby Island Arts Council’s application to locate their Arts Center on the southwest corner of HIRRA’s leased 10 acres Crownland, as shown on the map, be approved.” CARRIED by unanimous vote.

Shared Lands Update: Andrew Carmichael presented details of expanding the Community Hall parking capacity through applying for approximately 2.5 acres of the 5.8 acre unsurveyed Crownland parcel situated between the Community Hall and the Joe King Ballpark. Andrew referred to himself as the cartographer, standing in for Serena Laskin, coordinator of Shared Lands Initiative.

The following is a summary of discussion:

a) The OCP records the deficit in hall parking spots. The traffic congestion on Sollans and Central Roads during hall events is unsafe.
b) If the Crownland applied for has a market value of less than $100,000 the sponsorship of a provincial ministry is unnecessary.
c) It could take quite some time to develop a master plan for the whole 5.8 acre piece. A ministry sponsorship would be required and may be a lengthy process.
d) The plan for hall parking expansion using a portion of the 5.8 acres has a good chance of being approved.
e) The application would be for a nominal rent tenure designation, deemed to be the most appropriate for our purposes.
f) The entrance would be from Central Road with straight in parking slots as recommended by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.
g) The tree removal would be selective and as eco friendly as possible.
h) There is no funding available from the hall budget to pay for such development.
i) The costs could be spread out over a couple of years.

MOTION: Paul Clemens/Tony Law, “As Phase One, that HIRRA apply for a nominal rent tenure designation for the approximately 2.5 acre portion of the unsurveyed Crownland parcel adjacent to the Community Hall to be used for Community Hall parking as recommended by the Shared Lands Committee.” Carried by unanimous vote.

Island Trust Report: Cari St. Pierre encouraged attendance at the regular Trust community meetings as advertised. She noted some progress being realized in HIRRA’s original request to Crownlands for a license of occupation for the trails on the upland Crownlands. More information to follow from Area K Regional Director Carol Quin who is absent with regret from tonight’s meeting. Cari noted that minutes of local community meetings would be posted to the web site. There is a future charette planned to discuss public land use planning.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned with applause at 9:30 P.M.

Lynn Nunley, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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May 10, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 33 members of the community. Absent with regret: Paul Clemens, Treasurer and Len Olsen, Secretary.

Ron introduced HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of Meetings, posted, and then we sang Happy Birthday to June Crichton.
Minutes of the April meeting were read by Janet and approved by general consent.

Executive Report:

  1. A selection committee composed of Ron Sitter, Len Olsen and Anne Ngan interviewed several candidates for the contract position of Hall Booking Agent. Lynn Nunley was awarded the contract.
  2. Auditor’s special report on the Composting Toilet Project has been circulated to all committee chairs for discussion. This report will be scheduled for presentation and discussion at the July general meeting. Ron will be unable to attend the June meeting due to work commitments.
  3. “The Hornby Way” booklet: Len will coordinate the next steps in this process with Dan Bruiger. The information contained in this work could become a “welcome wagon” type publication for new islanders.
  4. Policy Review: Committee Terms of Reference: We have advised committee chairs that we require their input into this policy review by the June executive meeting in order that the draft revised policy can be presented at the July meeting. The next policy to be reviewed will be the “Employment and Contracting” policy. Ron noted that the review would be done one policy at a time.
  5. The executive after consultation with the Hall Management Committee reaffirmed that the prime uses of the Green Room Suite are for theater and for all HIRRA committees to have a public place for committee meetings so as to facilitate public participation. A private office is not an option for the “green room”.
  6. The Farmer’s Market group will meet May 15th; a member of the executive will attend.
  7. The trailer that was to be moved to the 10 acre leased land was deemed not able to sustain the move. Hornby Island Arts Council is looking for another suitable structure.
  8. VIHA changes to water quality monitoring will result in HIRRA having to assume responsibility for managing water sampling for the Hall, the clinic and the Sollan’s Road pump. HIRRA is looking at how this will be accomplished; the Water Stewardship group may be consulted.
  9. We are renegotiating a rental contract with the RCMP for the land they lease from HIRRA. We hope to meet with a representative from their land management division.
  10. There was general consent for the cemetery committee’s application for a Grant In Aid from the RDCS for cemetery improvements.
  11. Ron has proposed that we develop a HIRRA family tree composed of the names of all executive members since the inception of the association.
  12. The Secure Food Action Team, under the umbrella of HDCHCS and HIES requested that HIRRA contract to permit the HOPE Kitchen Trailer to remain in its present location with a “rent free” guarantee for the next 15 years. Ron explained that HIRRA supports the efforts of the HOPE Kitchen, but cannot enter into such an agreement. The services of septic, water and land rental are costs to be recovered by HIRRA.
  13. The Regional District of Comox Strathcona approved the 2006 operating budgets for Recycling, Fire Protection and the Community Hall as presented. The Directors and Officers Liability insurance has been renewed at a cost of $1606.


  1. Tom Knott stated that Bill Yeomans died on May 9th. Tom spoke of Bill’s many contributions to Hornby Island through HIRRA and the Forest Management Society; his is a legacy of land conservation and stewardship. HIRRA wrote a letter to Bill in gratitude for his work; it was agreed by general consent that Janet write a letter of condolence on behalf of the membership to Christa Yeomans. The memorial to honour Bill Yeomans is scheduled for May 21st.
  2. Judith Lawrence, Hall Committee Chair, formally acknowledged the excellent contribution to the community made by Suzel Bernier, the booking agent for the hall for more than six years, There was applause.

Committee Reports:

  1. Recycling: Kathi Sauve reported that additional parking areas have been created adjacent to the barrel composter area and where the old burner previously resided. It has been moved elsewhere on the lot. Garth Millan donated his machine and time to do this – thank you Garth! Donated funds have also been utilized for extra work in the garden, including the construction of a new garden gate. Freon was extracted from 109 fridge/freezer units; the hulks will now be used or recycled with the “inert” scrap metals. New signage is evident. The Festival will arrange a musical performance at the depot as part of the new “spot” performance initiative. The RDCS is managing the hydro line replacement which will be the traditional above ground poles and lines. The committee is working to insure minimum disruption to depot operations during this project. Jan Bevan asked that the roadside wildflowers be protected.
  2. Fire Protection: Giff LaRose stated that Lu Ackerson was reelected as Chair of the committee. The department has experienced a quiet time both for fire suppression and medial call outs. Burn permit sites are inspected on Hornby Island. This offers an opportunity for education and information exchange. The department is pursuing training courses for rookies, as well as survival training for long term volunteer fire fighters and pumper training. The role of the fire prevention officer was explained. Allan Derbyshire inspects public buildings on Hornby Island and advises on fire safety issues. This inspection includes B & B’s. The water storage tanks are to be moved for storage at the highways gravel yard. The lack of available moving equipment and personnel delayed this process. Giff is working on site planning with neighbourhood residents. Some tanks may be located at beach accesses. It was stated that the improved water access will enhance the department’s capability and could result in a general lowering of homeowner fire insurance premiums. This will be determined in the Fire Underwriters’ Survey Audit that is planned in concert with the regional district. The RDCS did not support the departments initiative to study and manage the fuel loading in the island’s forests. However, funding was accessed through the UBCM to develop a wild fire protection plan. The department has applied for a $25,000 UBCM grant to do a pilot project on wildfire protection.
  3. Trails Committee: Andrew Carmichael was elected Chair; Dan Johnson, Secretary and Phil Bailey, Treasurer. Andrew reported that the from Sea Dollar to past the hill on St John’s Point Road goes inland more than the other island trails the committee has built. Phil reported that $2242 was spent completing this segment, a total of 550 meters in length. There is a trail revenue balance of $7413 and a $1000 pile of gravel stashed away. There was discussion re proceeding with the trail segment from Sea Dollar Road to the Outdoor Education center driveway. This segment was originally approved by HIRRA assembly last September. BC Parks was consulted as a neighbor to the trail, which is scheduled to run on the road allowance on the south side of the road. A response from BC Parks is awaited. The Trails Committee is wishing to proceed, and is asking for direction from the assembly. There was discussion.
    MOTION: Judy Cross/Robear LeBaron, “That HIRRA write to Bill Woodhouse, BC Parks representative, reaffirming approval for the construction of a trail along the road allowance on the south side of St. John’s Point Road from Sea Dollar Road to the Outdoor Education Center driveway, as approved at the September 2005 regular meeting of HIRRA” Carried by Unanimous Vote. It was noted that the public consultation process would be activated by the Trails committee to discuss continuation of the St. John’s Point Road trail to the Big Tree and to the Co-op corner.
    It was suggested that when the trail segment proposals are presented to the assembly for final approval, that this be the first item of new business on the agenda.


  1. Lynne Carmichael requested a letter of support from HIRRA for the ongoing mandate of the Hornby Island Arts Council. This was agreed to by general consent.
  2. An email from Director Quin alerted that there might be a reduction in staffing levels of the RCMP members stationed on Hornby Island to service Hornby and Denman this season. MOTION: Lu Ackerson/Donna duPlessis, “Because of the Hornby Island population increasing from 1000 to an estimated 6000 – 7000 in summer, and our remoteness from ready assistance in emergent situations, that HIRRA request that the RCMP staffing continue at the same level as last year.” Carried by general consent.
  3. Tony Law announced a HICEEC session on Tourism scheduled for May 24th.
  4. Discussion on the use of microphones for HIRRA meetings was postponed due to the lateness of the hour.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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June 14, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 26 members of the community. New members registering, Gary and Suzanne Duke.

Ron Sitter reviewed HIRRA’s etiquette guide and introduced the posted agenda.

The Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved by general consent.

Executive Report given by Ron Sitter:

  1. The revisions to the HIRRA policy, “Committee Terms of Reference”, will be presented for consideration and approval in July. Committees are in the process of a final review of the proposed revisions.
  2. Financial policies are scheduled for review and revision next.
  3. Auditor’s special report on the Composting Toilet Project will be presented in July with executive recommendations for the assembly to consider and vote on in September.
  4. The information package, “The Hornby Way” authored by Dan Bruiger, is posted to the HIRRA web site. The plan is to publish a limited number of paper copies of this work for selective distribution in 2007.
  5. In December 2005 HIRRA approved a task force “to develop recommendations on actions that can be taken before the next Islands Trust election to insure that the election process is clear, honest and fair.” Alan Fletcher and Margaret Sinclair have accepted appointments and will address a future HIRRA meeting on how they plan to proceed.
  6. Trails Committee – public consultation: There are two public meetings scheduled, July 2nd and 6th, where everyone has the opportunity to discuss the proposed roadside trail to run from the Tribune Bay Outdoor education center driveway along St John’s Point Road around the Big Tree corner and on to the Co-op. The trails committee members will be present at the trail route to hear from interested parties. There will be a vote at the July HIRRA meeting re whether to proceed with this next trail segment.
  7. The Hornby Island Arts Council and HIRRA were granted a siting and use permit by the Islands Trust and the new HIAC trailer is in place adjacent to the Teen Trailer on HIRRA’s leased 10 acres.
    The executive is recommending the extension of the Community Hall property boundary into the unsurveyed 5.8 acres of crownland situated between the hall and the ballpark along Central Road. This initiative will be advanced by the executive, aided by Serena Laskin, Shared Lands point person, and with assistance and guidance from the Trust and the RDCS. It was noted that the Official Community Plan calls for increased parking area for the community hall.
  8. Water sampling and testing for all shared well system users, public and private, has been transferred from the Vancouver Island Health Authority to the owners to carry out. HIRRA is responsible for taking samples from the hall, preschool, room to grow, the clinic and the Sollan’s Road well and transporting these to Courtenay. We are investigating the feasibility of working with other shared water system users and the Water Stewardship group to assure a quality process in sampling.
    Property Insurance: Hall, Clinic and Public Liability for thee and Trails: Ron noted that the administrator is attempting to find coverage at a cheaper rate than the current $8000+ annual premium.


  1. Letter from Inspector Gray explained the planned staffing levels of RCMP members to provide police service over the summer was read.
  2. Letter from Rudy Rogalsky discussing the acoustical challenge of people attending meetings in the Community Hall and suggesting the use of microphones was read. Agreed by general consent that we use a microphone on a trial basis; the Blues Society will be asked to lend their portable amp and microphone. The plan is that the amplifier could be placed in the center of the HIRRA meeting circle; the cord is of sufficient length to reach everyone. We will attempt to have this in place for the July meeting.

Committee Reports:

  1. Police Liaison: Daniel Siegel reported on recent meetings held and attempts made to offer opportunity for community members to meet with the summer RCMP officers. Goals of the committee in liaison with the RCMP are to look at what they RCMP could do better and what community members could contribute. There is a need, Daniel stated, for the community to decide what are our standards. Proactive steps taken recently include providing the Tribune Bay Park attendant, Tony Law, with a portable communicator and acquiring funding through HDCHCS for a youth addiction counselor. As well, the police have attended high school assembly sessions at Vanier and informed students that Hornby Island is not a free party zone. There was discussion regarding the use of signs with wording such as “Please help to keep our public areas safe and alcohol free. Drinking alcohol at the beach and in other public areas is against the law. The RCMP is patrolling. We want Hornby to be safely enjoyed by everyone.” It was proposed that sponsoring organizations to these statements could be listed on the sign.
    MOTION: Tony Law/Daniel Siegel, “That HIRRA endorse signage as stated above.” CARRIED.
  2. It was noted that coating the sign back with liberal amounts of axle grease may prevent its unauthorized removal.
  3. Recreation: Mathona Thomson reported that the annual program brochure has been published and distributed island wide. Recreation Coordinator, Bonita Wexler is developing a database on island recreation programs. A survey was done to determine islanders’ priorities. The recommended allotments of this year’s recreation grant will be presented at the July meeting for approval. The recent tennis lessons offered to islanders were terrific.
  4. Regional Parks: Judith Wilson attended the June 13th meeting on the topic of management of certain beach access parks; this was hosted by the RDCS and Director Quin. A park sign was vandalized sometime over the May long weekend. The heliports are being cleared and the park fire patrol is being organized. Jeremy Payne, Mic Vet and Yana Pethick are attending a bike fest in Whistler, with funding provided by the RDCS. The role of HIRRA in Beach Access management under the umbrella of the RDCS is to be determined. The committee is soliciting comments.
  5. Fall Fair: The committee will ask Arne Olsen to host the fair on his farm.


Tony Law is recruiting an assistant park operator to work with him at the Tribune Bay Provincial Parks over the summer. There was brief discussion on the topic of calming tactics for summer revelers.

Adjournment: By general consent, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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July 12, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 63 members of the community. New members registering, Graham and Sharon Leask.

Ron Sitter reviewed HIRRA’s etiquette guide and introduced the agenda.

The Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved by general consent with two corrections noted: Ira Vet will attend the mountain bike conference and Judith Wilson presented a summary report on the regional district meeting about beach access parks but had not attend this meeting.

Executive Report given by Ron Sitter:

  1. The policy review process will continue with committees’ comments being sought on the financial policies.
  2. The executives have met several times with regional district staff and members of fire committee, fire chief and recycling committee and staff. Lidded Dumpster bins are expected soon at the depot and capital projects planned with the RDCS assistance include replacement of the hydro lines, upgrading to three phase power supply and the installation of replacement balers.
  3. The Cemetery Committee has been awarded a $2000 grant in aid for cemetery improvements.

New Business:

Recreation Committee Presentation: Donna Tuele acknowledged with thanks the work done by April Lewis, Sheila McDonnell, Roxanna Mandryk and Carol Quin in securing additional recreation tax dollars for Hornby Island. In addition to the $4000 recreation funding previously approved by the RDCS for HIRRA’s recreation programs, $12,000 is expected as the 2006/07 recreation grant. HIRRA’s recreation committee is working to expand programs to year round initiatives for all ages. The recommended allocation of the $12000 (+ $4000) was presented:

HIRRA Recreation Committee: $7500 coordinator’s wages, $2000 community events; $1250 administration costs. HIRRA total: $10,750.00
Hornby Island Athletic Association: $2000.00
for the Fitness center initiative.
Hornby Island Tennis Association: $1000.00
Hornby Island Educational Society: $500 Volleyball initiative; School gym subsidy: $1750. HIES total: $2250.00
Recreation funding Hornby Island total: $16,000.00

MOTION: Donna Tuele/Allan Fletcher, “That the recreation funds be allocated as presented.” CARRIED by unanimous vote.

Donna reported that the committee is studying a method of accountability to provide information on how the recreation dollars were used to benefit a specific service.

Committee Terms of Reference Revised, General and Fire Committee.
The revisions have been circulated and fine-tuned by the executive working with HIRRA’s committee members. The documents, HIRRA Committees’ Terms of Reference and Fire Department HIRRA Committee Terms of Reference were read aloud.
MOTION: Tom Knott/Lynne Carmichael, “That the terms of reference policy documents be approved as read.” CARRIED by unanimous vote.
These policy documents will be posted to the web. It was requested that the revised policy proposals be posted to the web in advance of HIRRA meetings for review by the membership prior to the approval vote. This will be enacted for the financial policies review process.

These approved policies are appended to the minutes: (a) & (b).

Auditor’s Special Report on the Composting Toilet Project: Ron Sitter reported that this document has been reviewed by all HIRRA committees.

This document is appended to the minutes: (c).

The executive recommendations arising from the auditor’s report were read by Lynn Nunley.

This document is appended to the minutes: (d).

Discussions summarized:

  1. HIRRA has revised the invoice approval stamp to include the designation of the budget cost center to which a particular expense is to be allocated.
  2. Recommended that committee’s have a system of signing budget comparison spread sheets to verify review at the committee level.
  3. A policy is being developed on project management, including tendering. When should tendering be required, if costs are $1000+ or $1500+?
  4. The timely reporting of performance to budget may be further enhanced by updated software for the Simply Accounting program used by HIRRA.
  5. The use of Purchase Orders was encouraged.
  6. The caution of over regulation was stressed.
  7. The RDCS policies will be referenced during our financial policy review.
  8. The revised and new financial policies will be presented for approval in the fall. The executive recommendations arising from the auditor’s special report will be revised, posted to the website and presented for approval in Sept.

Kathi Sauve announced that the recycling committee is selling T-Shirts as a fundraiser to restore HIRRA’s reserve fund.

Trails Proposal: Andrew Carmichael presented maps and information, stating the committee is requesting approval to proceed with the construction of a road side trail from the outdoor Education Driveway to the Co-op. Andrew noted that the road allowance from the Big Tree to the Co-op is not sufficient to accommodate the trail, so Parks permission will be secured if this segment is approved by the assembly. The proposed trail route was flagged and two on site public consultations were hosted.

MOTION: Andrew Carmichael/ Kathi Sauve, “That HIRRA give approval to the Trails committee to proceed with construction of a road side trail from the Outdoor Education Center, along the south side of St. John’s Point Road to the Big Tree and continuing to the Co-op lot boundary.”
There followed discussion. Letters were read: One from the Provincial Parks Committee noted community support for the trail building and encouraged the Trails Committee to tred lightly and consult with the Provincial Parks authorities for permission to build the trail on park property. A second letter from Schuyler Matthews supported the building of the trail for the safety of children and others.
A letter from Metta Wullum requested that the trail meander away from the roadside, through the park.

Amendment to the MOTION: Tony Law/Ilze Raudzins, “That the trails committee explore with B.C. Parks the possibility of the trail meandering in the park.” There was discussion and the question was called on the amendment. DEFEATED by a show of hands indicating a clear majority.

The question was called on the main motion. CARRIED with one opposed.

Andrew reported that the current assets of the trails committee include $6400 and a pile of gravel. He requested approval for soliciting Direct Access Funding to cover the costs of the trail building.

MOTION: Andrew Carmichael/Donna duPlessis, “That HIRRA approves the Trails Committee making application to the Direct Access funding authority for grants to pay for approved trail construction costs.” CARRIED by unanimous vote.

Adjournment: by general consent at 10 P.M.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary


In accordance with bylaws and policies of the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association and the terms of the management contracts between the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association and the Regional District of Comox Strathcona, the association’s committees direct
i) the operations of specific services or
ii) the efforts to fulfill specific mandates as determined by the general assembly.

Primary Committee Responsibilities:

  1. Election of officers: a chairperson, secretary and, where indicated, a treasurer.
  2. Following the models, procedures and guidelines established by the HIRRA Executive Committee, the committee is responsible for making hiring recommendations to the executive, assuring that clear directions are given through written job descriptions, conducting personnel performance appraisals, and, where necessary, making recommendation to the executive for termination of employment and/or contracts.
  3. Scheduling and publicizing monthly meetings as follows:
    a) 10 meetings per year for Recycling, and Community Hall committees.
    b) 6 meetings per year for Recreation, Parks and Trails committees.
    c) 4 meetings per year for Cemetery Stewards, Police Liaison, Privy Council, and Fall Fair committees.
    The general purpose of meetings is ongoing review of operations and progress, including financial performance to budget. Committee meetings are open to the public; presentations will be received at the beginning of any scheduled committee meeting.
  4. Reporting to the HIRRA Executive by:
    i) submitting copies of the minutes of committee meetings within ten days of the meeting.
    ii) attendance by chair or designate at scheduled Executive meetings when requested.
  5. Reporting to the HIRRA general assembly at least quarterly.
  6. Formulation of policies to direct the operation of the service and presentation of new policies to the executive for information and/or approval by the membership.
  7. Participation in planning processes for future directions of the service based on the perceived needs of the Hornby Island Community.

Public consultation
In order to ensure opportunity for community consultation, committees shall:

  1. Assure the posting of regular meeting times on the HIRRA website so community members may attend as observers or, by prior arrangement, to make presentations.
  2. Host meetings in an appropriate public venue.
  3. Report regularly to the HIRRA executive and to the HIRRA membership.
  4. Make minutes publicly accessible, available in the HIRRA binder at the library.
  5. On issues of significant community impact, committees shall also ensure the community is informed through articles, flyers, posters, neighborhood meetings and/or other available media, well in advance of the meeting at which the issue will be discussed and/or decided.

Adopted: 1996 Revised: 2000, 2003, July, 2006

Appendix (B)
Fire Department HIRRA Committee
Terms of Reference

The Fire Department HIRRA Committee responsibilities include:

  1. Election of a Chairperson.
  2. Meeting monthly (at least 10 meetings per year) to review the Fire Chief’s report on Department activities, training and call-outs.
  3. Financial accountability:
    A. Monthly review of expenditures.
    B. Discussion and input on large, non-budgeted expenditures.
    C. Participate in the preparation of the annual budget and 5-year budget plan for presentation to HIRRA.
    D. Review financial performance to budget.
  4. Assist the Fire Department with special community projects that may arise from time to time and act as a liaison with the community.
  5. Elect one person to participate in the HIFD Safety Committee as required by Work Safe BC
  6. Reporting to the HIRRA Executive by:
    a. submitting copies of minutes of all committee meetings.
    b. attendance by chair or designate at scheduled Executive meetings, as requested.
  7. Reporting to the HIRRA general assembly at least quarterly.

The Fire Department HIRRA Committee responsibilities do not include:

  1. The appointment of the Chief and department officers.
  2. The Fire Chief’s performance evaluation. (Note: the performance appraisal is done annually by the volunteer fire fighters at the time of the election of the Fire Chief).
  3. Hiring of Fire Department staff, or termination of employment.

Public consultation:
In order to ensure opportunity for community consultation, the committee shall:

  1. Post regular meeting times in the HIRRA display case on the Co-op porch so community members may attend as observers or, by prior arrangement, to make presentations.
  2. Report regularly to the HIRRA executive and to the HIRRA membership.
  3. Make minutes publicly accessible, e.g., available at the library.
  4. On issues of significant community impact, the Fire Department, with the HIRRA committee, shall ensure the community is informed through articles, flyers, posters, neighbourhood meetings and/or other available media, well in advance of the meeting at which the issue will be discussed and/or decided.

These terms of reference are intended to be in accordance with the terms of the management contracts between the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association and the Regional District of Comox Strathcona AND/OR in accordance with the general administrative policies of the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association. In the event of a conflict between the wording of the Policy on this page and the wording of the paper copy kept in the central HIRRA file, the wording of the paper copy shall prevail.
Adopted: July, 2006

Appendix (C)
February 20, 2006 Lloyd M Neufeld, BA, ChFP
Board of Directors, Executive & Membership of HIRRA

Capital Expenditures : Recycling Depot, year 2005

In addition to my annual audit I have been asked by the HIRRA Executive to review issues arising from the capital expenditures budget for the Recycling Depot for 2005.
My role is to objectively outline the event which took place and to recommend changes to procedures if warranted.

A total of $ 29,722.59 was spent in 2005 towards the construction of a composting toilet on the site of the Recycling Depot. I have no opinion on the merits of the community having this facility. I have, however, found three main issues to discuss. The first is the failure of the Regional Board to approve this as a Capital expenditure. The second is the internal approval and management of the project within HIRRA, and thirdly the total costs of a still unfinished facility.

Regional District Agreement
The management Agreement with the Regional District states that no expenditure shall be made unless provision has been made for it in the five year financial plan adopted by the Board of the Regional District by March 31st of each year. It also requires that the financial plan clearly differentiate between operational and capital expenditures. The Regional District approved $ 30,000.00 for capital expenditures but I have found no record of discussion at the time of budget approval that this might include a composting toilet. Considering the concern about it’s cost it is difficult to see that the total capital budget was intended for this facility. When the Regional district subsequently refused payment because it was not considered a ‘solid waste’ project there was no specific line item in the budget to refer to in response.

Internal Project Management
The references to this project in committee minutes seems quite sparse. Although capital expenditures are approved before the end of March, the first reference in Hornby Island Recycling Depot (HIRD) minutes in May 2005 postpones any discussion until confirmation of a budgeted amount is received. In July HIRD the minutes indicate discussion with Ed Hoeppner that a decision to use his services was already made and approximate costs of $ 4,000.00 approved. There is no detail on these figures. The next reference in HIRD minutes from Sept 13/05 mention no dollar amounts, only that the project seems to be going along satisfactorily. The Recycling committee report in the HIRRA meeting minutes of the next day, however, state that Ed Hoeppner has been contracted for a total cost of $ 10,750.00. There is no explanation of the jump in costs but the term ‘contracted’ suggest a final definite price. The HIRD minutes for October/05 state, however, that the project has cost $ 13,000.00, ‘so far’, suggesting this is an opened ended project. There is no financial reference in the Nov 3/05 HIRD minutes to the composting toilet project although cost have already reached over $ 19,500.00. The HIRRA minutes following on November 9/05 ‘anticipate total costs of $ 15,000.00’, when this figure has already been exceeded. It is not until the January 11,2006 HIRRA meeting when costs have totaled $ 29,722.59 that it is noted that District funds are not forthcoming and the project is halted.

Total Cost
The reactions to this project make it clear that it was not intended to have reached $ 29,722.59, let alone still not be completed. Since there was no written contract there are no figures by which to measure the performance of the builder.

It seems to me that the policies and procedures are already in place which could have dealt with this project in a more satisfactory manner. The Agreement with the Regional District specifically states that all expenditures must be provided for within budgets. No specific reference was made to a major item such as a composting toilet. The Financial Controls policy outlines a procedure for expenditures over $ 1,000.00. This was not followed. There is a Committee Invoice Approval policy for Non budgeted expenditures. Considering the extreme fluctuation in costs this project could not be considered to have been budgeted. It is not clear to me if members of committees are made aware of these policies and whether they are trained in their implementation. A compulsory workshop where all committee members sign out a succinct manual would be appropriate.

There are already at least two points, after committee approval, where expenditures can be questioned. The first is when cheques for committee approved expenses are presented for signature. The second when budget progress is reviewed by the Executive committee with the assistance of the Administrator.

It is understandable that there is some latitude in the approval of regular monthly expenses which are required to keep each of the different committees operating. Where the expenditures are for a ‘project’, in particular one which is not imperative to day to day operations, there would seem to be no impediment to simply halting all activity until a full review has been done. In this particular case, where HIRRA did not actual enter in to a contract, its seems from my perspective that this review could have happened at any point. As I saw no reference to this in any official Minutes I assume it was not done.

In general terms, over the years that I have audited the HIRRA financial records I have found them to be in good order. As in the case of the Composting Toilet Project there has always been full disclosures of all expenses incurred.

Lloyd M Neufeld, BA, ChFP

Appendix (D)
Special Audit of Composting Toilet Project
Recommendations (Draft June 9)

1) Follow all existing HIRRA policy, and most specifically:

  • All expenditures must be within approved budget
  • Invoices over $1,000 must be accompanied by a purchase order signed by authorized staff or committee member OR shall be accompanied by a signed copy of the minutes of the committee meeting wherein the said payment was given approval.

2) Training for committee members and managers to ensure they are aware of and understand HIRRA policies and practices.

3) For any new major projects, e.g., over $5,000, the HIRRA committee will manage the project in accordance with RD policies and practices, and using project management controls to be developed.

4) All contracts of $500 or more must be tendered.

5) HIRRA committee treasurers or Chair will be required to inform HIRRA executive at any time that the service area is over budget and the associated reasons.

6) HIRRA Treasurer will be available to guide any committee through the budgeting/5 year planning process for their service area.

7) Review all HIRRA financial policies, e.g., change the “Committee Invoice Approval” policy by removing the clause “Non-budgeted expenditures must be approved by special motion at a committee meeting”.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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September 13th, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

There was an island wide power outage so we came equipped with flashlights, candles and great spirits. Attendance was good; what else do you do on Hornby with no power? You create your own, via a community meeting. A special warmth pervaded this, the unlit but enlightened meeting. JLeB

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 33 members. Ron welcomed new members registering, Jeannette Edmonds and Ron Edmonds.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Ron Sitter who stated that HIRRA etiquette for meetings called for respect for each other’s points of view. The agenda was introduced.

Minutes: The July minutes were approved as read by general consent.

Executive Report:

  1. The financial policies are currently being revised. The committees are being asked for input into this process. The suggested revisions to the financial policies are available at www.hirra.ca. As well, paper copies may be obtained from Janet. The plan is to have a final draft to present to the October meeting for approval.
  2. Acquisition of the 5.8 acre crownland adjacent to the Hall. Serena Laskin is handing over the stewardship of this initiative. There was acknowledgement and applause for her excellent contribution to the land use planning for our owned and leased lands.
  3. $2,000,000 public liability insurance coverage for the Fall Fair has been purchased for $150. Jan Bevan summarized the plans for the Fall Fair scheduled for this Saturday, September 16th beginning with parade mustering at 10:30 am. Volunteers are needed for the day’s activities that include all manner of assessing the results of the Hornby Harvests and agricultural triumphs. As well, there will be display tables and the draw for the Community quilt.
  4. Ron noted that the Recycling Committee has received a letter from the Ministry of Environment designating the depot as a hazardous waste storage area. What this means to us is being investigated by the recycling managers and committee.
  5. We have received a request to submit 5-year budget plans for the Community Hall, Recycling Depot, Fire department and Comfort Stations to the RDCS by Nov. 15th.

Area K Regional Director, Carol Quin’s Report: Summarized in point form

  1. Economic development service under review: at the mediation stage.
  2. Regional hospital planning on the workplan of the RDCS board.
  3. A formal methodology of upland crownland trail protection is an initiative of the director and HIRRA.
  4. Keeping ATV’s off the Regional Park trails is important. Gates were discussed.
  5. The scheduling of Raves by off islanders in the Regional Park is not acceptable. There is a formal permission process for any use of Regional Parks for public events. It is unlikely that Raves would ever be a permitted use within the Regional Park boundaries.
  6. Recognition of Islanders’ Special efforts: Ron summarized work Garth Millan had done as a volunteer at the Recycling Depot. He loaned his tractor to do the work normally done by the depot tractor, compacting Dumpster contents to maximize the loads. He also did parking lot expansion excavating, all of this at no charge. There was applause in acknowledgement of this volunteer effort.
    Ron also offered the association’s thanks to Dale DeVost who has produced a Recycling DVD and is donating a significant portion of the proceeds from sales of this video to the recycling program. There was applause.
    Elizabeth MacDonald also was applauded and thanked for donating her artwork, a rendition of the composting toilet that graces the T-Shirts, currently on sale as a fund raising effort by the recycling group.
  7. The HIRRA family tree which was published in the First Edition will also be posted to the web site, www.hirra.ca This lists the names of islanders who have served on the HIRRA executive over the years. Everyone was asked to help “fill in the blanks”, identifying missing names so the tree can have all branches accounted for! Ron Sitter was acknowledged and thanked for this initiative.
  8. Ron reported that an inspection of publicly funded service areas was done on Monday, September 11, 2006 by a consultant for the Municipal Insurance Association. The goal of this visit was to assess facilities from the perspective of fire safety, security and public liability. A written report is expected. The consultant was also assessing the community hall replacement value on behalf of the hall’s insurance underwriter.

Committee Reports:

Police Liaison CTE: Daniel Siegel reporting: The committee is hoping to have an end of summer meeting with the RCMP. The sense is that the summer activities were calmer than previous years. Public meetings to determine community standards were helpful and will be continued. There was brief discussion about an act of vandalism and a loud party that disturbed two neighbourhoods. The scheduling of Raves at the gravel pit in Strachan Valley is a concern. The danger of fire was mentioned. Cigarette butts were found after the event in significant numbers. There was thanks offered to Tony Law and Gregg Kendrick for their roles in calming Big Tribune parties and fire safety education and patrols.

Fire Department: Fire Chief Giff LaRose reported a very quiet summer both for medical call outs and fire suppression. The tanker truck maintenance costs will cause an over expenditure in equipment maintenance costs this year. Training has included driver training on the large vehicles. Fire Hall planning is slow. The RDCS will meet with us in October and Giff hopes that the planning pace will increase. The newly purchased water storage tanks are stored in the gravel pit; the installation costs will be in future budgets.
There is a detailed installation process that must be followed in siting these water tanks.
There was mention about fire bans and the impact the constant fire ban posted on Denman Island from Spring through fall has on Hornby citizenry.

Mount Geoffrey Regional Park: Betty Kennedy detailed maintenance items yet to be done this budget year including moving a gate and specific trail work. The 2007 -2011 budget plan was distributed and summarized.
Motion: Betty Kennedy/Lynne Carmichael, “That the 5 year budget plan for 2007-2011 be approved as presented.” Carried with none opposed.
The RDCS is printing an updated brochure; this process has been slow. The Northwind Trail sign was vandalized. There was a request for more directional signs inside the park boundaries. It was noted that we are still waiting to assume more community control over the beach access parks.
Motion: Janet LeBlancq/Lynne Carmichael, “That we urge our Regional Director, Carol Quin, to work toward the RDCS gaining authority for and contracting to HIRRA the task of management of the beach access parks on Hornby Island.” Carried with none opposed.

BC Ferries Advisory Committee: Andrew Carmichael reporting. The improvements to docks at Buckley Bay and access at Denman West were detailed. Noted that pedestrian and school bus access improvements are planned at these terminals. There are plans for improvements to Gravelly Bay and Hornby terminals in the winter of 2008.
BC Ferries is reluctant to have a Denman West reserve lane for the early morning Hornby traffic. There is an advisory meeting in September. Negotiations will commence for a second contract and there will be discussions on rates. It was suggested that we draft a resolution from HIRRA and submit to the advisory committee. There was thanks offered to Andrew and Tony Law for their work on this committee. They noted that much of the committee work is done by email communications.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:15 P.M. and we all went outside and looked up at the stars. This was only the second meeting since 1990 that was held in the dark; deliberations, were, for the most part light, but not so the hall.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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October 11th, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 22 members.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 by Ron Sitter who stated that HIRRA etiquette for meetings called for respect for each other’s points of view. The posted agenda was introduced.

Minutes: The September minutes were approved as read by general consent.
Ron introduced the microphone and amplifier on a trial basis for this meeting. Thanks to Ron Sitter for arranging this equipment. Carol Quin requested that a letter be written to the RDCS requesting that they proceed to work toward gaining authority for and contracting to HIRRA the task of management of the beach access parks on Hornby Island, as approved by the September meeting.

Executive Report:

  • Presentation of the revised financial policies has been postponed until November due to recently received committee input which is being reviewed by the executive. The November agenda will also include 2007 budget presentations for the tax funded services.
  • The executive has developed a wage structure system for regular employees and contractors of the association. This includes wage schedules including starting rates, maximum rates and are designed to assist committees and managers in fair wage protocol throughout the association.
  • Della McCreary has resigned from the recycling committee. Ron thanked her for her contributions. Tom Hayes was appointed to the committee, and was welcomed by the president.

An email communication from Janice S. Kovacs Financial Accounting Technician at the regional district approving the 2006 Recreation Grant Funds of $12,000 indicated the following allocations:
$6,750. – Hornby Island Residents & Ratepayers
$2,250. – Hornby Island Education Society
$1,000. – Hornby Island Tennis Association
$2,000. – Hornby Island Athletic Association

Regional Director’s Report: Carol Quin reporting

  • Tree removal to accommodate revisions to hydro lines up to the recycling depot: Approximately 22 trees, suitable for being milled, will be available to non profit societies upon payment of the stumpage fees, about $600.
  • Service review of the economic development service is proceeding.
  • The Union of B.C. Municipalities’ convention is in Victoria; Carol will attend. The agenda will include policing, ferry service, crownland management and groundwater regulations.
  • Carol met with local health group and the RCMP and others to discuss health and welfare issues on Hornby and summer policing services.

HIRRA Special Recognition of contributions by volunteers:
Lynn Nunley recognized the Fall Fair Committee, Jan Bevan, Marianna Trucco, Jack Hansed and Judith Lawrence and others in the assembly recognized the contributions of Ron Sitter to the successful Fall Fair in September. Judith Lawrence, Derek Ward and Margot Bushnell were thanked for their contributions to the annual quilt raffle ticket sales coordination. It was estimated that 66 islanders and summer residents contributed time to sell tickets. The proceeds were portioned to the hall committee: 66% and the recycling committee: 33%. Pete Kimmerly was thanked for building the table and bench that served the served as ticket sales headquarters in the Ringside. Donna Tuele was acknowledged for generously offering office space storage of the quilt, eliminating the need for volunteers to trundle up two sets of Co-op stairs lugging the quilt and all the sales accessories. The system evolves toward a state of bliss! There was acknowledgment of the contributions to the Hornby community by Sheila McDonnell and a “we’ll miss you a lot” guarantee. A motion, passed by unanimous vote, advanced this expression of gratitude.

Special Report:
Jeremy Payne reported on his attendance at the World Mountain Bike conference in Whistler last June. Yana Pethick and Ira Vet were the other Hornby attendees. Jeremy thanked HIRRA for the opportunity and noted that he learned a lot about mountain biking and trail building including progressive skills bike park development, liability issues, understanding levels of responsibility, and the importance of accurate signage for trails. A written summary by Ira Vet was read out by Jeremy.

Conservancy Hornby Island letter regarding the Rave that was held within the boundaries of the Mount Geoffrey Regional Park in summer, 2006:
This letter, expressing dismay at this happening was read aloud. Ron noted that it has been forwarded to the Regional Parks and the Police Liaison Committees for comment and recommendations. There was brief discussion.

H.I. Community Enhancement Corporation Update: Tony Law reporting
HICEEC requests a second HIRRA member for their board.
Joanne Ovitsland continues work on the marketing initiative.
There will be a meeting October 23rd to discuss proactive tourism.
Want to work more closely with Denman islanders.
Hornby has been suggested to be a host community for a leadership development initiative. A brief description of this process was given.

BC Ferries Advisory Committee Update: Tony Law reporting
Contract negotiations that will establish service levels & rates for 2008 – 2012 will soon be underway. More information to follow.

HIRRA Committee Reports:

Fall Fair: Jan Bevan did a show and tell of a basket full of small items found at the fair. The results of the competitions will be in the grapevine. In 2007 the fair will be held on September 15th. The opossum will be featured in the challenge competition. The committee forecasts an operating surplus. Jan encouraged all to support the fall fair.

Trails: Andrew Carmichael reported that a Direct Access grant of $6500 has been received. Direct Access grants have totaled $16,500. Total grants to date since the beginning of Trails work by the HIRRA committee is $48,000.00. Since the end of summer, the trails work has been proceeding on the approved segment between the Outdoor Education Center and the Co-op. Excavation and work by men and machines has been done. Volunteers are welcome. Andrew noted that approximately 40% of the projected costs have been spent to date.

Recycling: Kathi Sauve reported that the depot handled a lot of waste materials over the busy summer. Wood waste is abundant and the committee is looking for innovative ways to reuse. There was brief discussion about a chipper. Approximately $8000 has been raised in donations to restore HIRRA’s reserve fund. Fund raising was summarized: (Figures are approximations): Sale of T-shirts ($4385), Quilt raffle proceeds, 1/3 portion ($2700), DVD sales ($300) and individual cash donations/sale of mulch and card sales ($1480). A second order of the fund raising T-Shirts were obtained at half cost and now offered for sale. In response to a question, Kathi noted that the transportation of metal to recycling markets is done at no cost to us, due to the high price of scrap metal.

Community Hall: Judith noted that the proceeds of the quilt raffle has eliminated the hall’s budget deficit. The roof has been patched for temporary relief. Volunteers and one paid worker stripped the sod from the flat roof portions to facilitate the patching job done by Thatcher’s Roofing. The committee is investigating the ways and means of total replacement of the aged roof. Recent work party cleaned up generally and organized winter wood supply. A truckload of reusable materials was delivered to the Free Store. Lynn Nunley, hall-booking agent will be meeting with local artists to discuss hall rentals. The rental policies and contract will be reviewed and revised over the winter. The Green Room Suite’s washroom is now complete, paid for by Moira Armour’s estate.

Recreation Committee: Joan Brears noted that a walking/running track is being built on the school grounds. Volunteers needed this weekend. Summer recreation programs were well used and were funded primarily through user fees. Coordinator Bonita Wexler’s efforts have been fruitful in advancing the scope of community recreation programming. Bonita currently working 16 hours/month. Office space is needed for the recreation coordinator. April Lewis was appointed to the recreation committee to assume the vacancy created by Jeremy Payne, who has resigned his position. Thanks to Margaret Sinclair for donating a computer, Keith and Bertie Stonehouse for the use of their swimming pool and to Peter Walford for coordinating the sailing lessons. Joan reported that gymnasium fees are subsidized by HIES using the recreation grant funding. Ilze Raudzins is the contact person for volleyball participation; the gym has lots of available use time over weekends.

General comments: The microphone and amplifier were recommended for all meetings by general consent. The assembly was reminded of HIRRA’s mandate in conflict resolution.

Adjournment: at 9:20 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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November 8, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 34 members.

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 7:30. Ron Sitter introduced HIRRA’s etiquette and the agenda, both of which were posted.

Minutes: The October minutes were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Ron Sitter provided the following information:

  • The review of the financial policies has been accomplished and will be presented tonight for the approval of the assembly. The next policies scheduled for review and revision are the Employment and Contracting Policies. The current policies will be distributed to all committees for their review and suggestions for revision.
  • Fred Hunt has agreed to work with the executive on HIRRA’s initiative to acquire the 5.8 acres of vacant crownland adjacent to the community hall.
  • The HIRRA family tree is posted on the wall; all present were asked to review and fill in the names of past executive members that they may know to complete the family tree.
  • Carol Quin sends regrets. Our Area K director is attending meetings attempting to have Hornby economic enhancement tax dollars returned to the island. There was discussion.
    Motion: Patty Tsurumi/Cathy Howard, “That HIRRA supports the Area K director’s initiative to remove Hornby Island from the Comox Valley Economic Development Service and to use those tax dollars to directly support Hornby Island’s economic enhancement initiatives.” Carried by unanimous vote.

HIRRA Special Recognition of contributions:
Len Olsen recognized Lloyd Neufeld who provided audit services for HIRRA for 10 years.
Lu Ackerson was acknowledged for her diligence in the revisions of the financial policies. There was applause. Fred Hunt was thanked for his willingness to work with the executive on the acquisition of the 5.8-acre crownland.

Revised Financial Policies: presented by Paul Clemens, Treasurer.
Paul reviewed the process of review and revision. Ron Sitter highlighted the new policies and the intentions vis a vis the operations of HIRRA’s services. Fred Hunt, Past President, noted that the policies address the 2006 auditor’s special report on the composting toilet, and he thanked the executive for the thoroughness of the process.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Tony Law, “That we adopt the revised financial policies as presented.”
Carried by unanimous vote.

Appointment of Auditor: Vice President, Lynn Nunley reported that the RDCS had asked the HIRRA executive to assure that a Chartered Accountant or a Certified General Accountant performed our annual audits. Lynn noted that our current auditor does not have these qualifications. Lynn solicited quotes from Comox Valley firms and qualified individuals. She received only two quotes, one of which was withdrawn, leaving the firm originally recommended by the regional district, as the sole respondent. That firm is Meyers Norris Penny LLP from Campbell River. The quote was for $5500 including administration costs and GST. Motion: Lynn Nunley/Lu Ackerson “That the HIRRA’s executive recommendation for the appointment of Meyers Norris Penny LLP as our auditor for the 2006 fiscal year be approved.” Carried by unanimous vote.

2007 Budget Presentations:

  1. Comfort Stations: Allan Beattie provided details of the operating costs for maintenance and repair of permanent privies at the public beach accesses at Whaling Station Bay, Big Tribune and Little Tribune and the rental privies sited at Sandpiper Beach, Grassy Point and the rear of the Community Hall during the summer.
    Motion: Allan Beattie/Phil Bailey, “That the 2007 Comfort Stations budget forecasting expenditures of $9535 be approved as presented.” Carried by Unanimous vote.
  2. Recycling Program: Phil Bailey, co-manager of the depot, detailed expenditures of the recycling/waste management/garbage transfer station. It was explained that the capital budget of $50,000 is for public safety improvements that are anticipated recommendations resulting from the recent site inspection by an agent of the Municipal Insurance Association.
    Motion: Paddy Tsurumi/Margot Bushnell, “That the 2007 recycling budget, forecasting operating expenditures of $157,562 and capital improvement expenditures of $50,000 be approved as presented.” Carried.
  3. Fire Protection/1st Responders Services: Fire Chief Giff LaRose detailed the 2007 budget.
    It was noted that the Fire Underwriter’s Survey audit and new fire hall planning costs are included in the operating budget. The siting and installation of several water storage tanks is the capital project for next year.
    Motion: Giff LaRose/Lu Ackerson, “That the 2007 fire department budget, forecasting operating expenditures of $162,530 and capital expenditures of $20,000 be approved as presented.” Carried.
  4. Community Hall Management: Pete Kimmerly summarized the 2007 budget for the community hall. Pete noted the new roof and fridge would require a loan, with the loan servicing to be an operating expense paid through the RDCS operating grant. Resolution to Borrow Money to Pay for Hall Capital Projects, 2007:Moved by Paul Clemens, seconded by Lorenne Clark,“Whereas the 2007 capital projects, Community Hall roof replacement and commercial refrigerator acquisition are estimated to cost up to $60,000;Whereas the 2007 Community Hall Budget identifies a $60,000 loan and debt servicing costs over a 5 year period;

    Whereas sufficient funds are available from the RDCS community hall operations funding to service the debt;

    Whereas the Union Bay Credit Union manager will meet with the HIRRA executive and hall committee members to negotiate the loan;

    Therefore be it resolved that HIRRA approves the borrowing of up to $60,000, the terms of which are to be negotiated by the executive committee of HIRRA.”

    Carried by unanimous vote.

    Motion: Pete Kimmerly/Derek Ward, “That the 2007 Community Hall operating budget, forecasting operating expenditures of $57,788 and capital expenditures of $60,000 be approved as presented.” Carried by unanimous vote.

  5. HIRRA 2007 Core Services and General Fund Budgets: were detailed by administrator Janet LeBlancq.
    Motion: Ron Sitter/Donna duPlessis, “That the 2007 Core services budget, forecasting expenditures of $44,500 and the 2007 General Fund Budget detailing rental revenues and forecasting expenditures of $7482 be approved as presented.” Carried
    It was noted that the clinic insurance is shown to decrease in 2006; this will be re-checked and reported at the December meeting.


  1. Ron Sitter read the Islands Trust resolution TC 129/06, passed at the March/06 meeting:
    That Islands Trust Council endorses the following declaration and commit the Islands Trust to upholding its principles:

    • Water is a sacred gift that connects all life.
    • Access to clean water is a basic human right.
    • The value of the earth’s fresh water to the common good takes priority over any possible commercial value.
    • Fresh water is a shared legacy, a public trust and a collective responsibility. And encourage all citizens of the Trust Area to endorse the above declaration and commit to upholding its principles.
  2. Motion: Ron Sitter/Mary McKenzie, “That HIRRA send a letter to the Islands Trust Council and the Hornby Island Trust Local Trust Committee endorsing the principles expressed in the “Water is a sacred gift resolution.” Carried by unanimous vote.
  3. Notice of Motion: Ron Sitter announced that the following motion will be voted on at the December HIRRA meeting: “Be it resolved that HIRRA request the Comox Valley Regional District, through the Regional Director, to look into how the new funding for small community infrastructure, announced by the premier, can be applied to groundwater management and protection projects on Hornby Island.”
  4. Water Stewardship group meets the fourth Wed. at 7:30 P.M. at the Room To Grow.
  5. Ferry update: Tony Law remarked on the raise in fares. He encouraged people to speak up and voice their dissatisfaction over the steady increase in fares, estimated at 65% since 2002. There are meetings scheduled with the minister responsible for BC Ferries, the deputy minister and the ferry commissioner.
  6. Charette: Ron spoke of some of the benefits of the Trust Charette attended by several HIRRA members. He noted that HIRRA would be actively pursuing acquisition of the 5.8 acres of vacant crownland adjacent to the community hall. Fred Hunt will assist in the initiative and Serena Laskin will also be involved.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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December, 2006

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall


Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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In the event of a conflict between the wording of a motion on this page and the wording of the paper copy kept in the central HIRRA file, the wording of the paper copy shall prevail.