2007 Minutes


HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

January 10, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator oooand 20 members.

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 7:40 p.m. Ron Sitter introduced HIRRA’s etiquette and the agenda, both of which were posted. It was reported that the December 2006 meeting had been cancelled due to an island wide power outage.
Minutes: The November 2006 minutes were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Ron Sitter provided the following information:

  • The final policies scheduled for review and revision are the Employment and Contracting Policies.The current policies have been distributed to all committees for their review and suggestions for revision.
  • Fred Hunt has reported that HIRRA’s application to B.C. Lands to acquire the 5.8 acres of vacant crownland adjacent to the community hall will be submitted later this month.
  • The executive will meet with CSRD staff to begin negotiations on the renewal of HIRRA’s 5-year term agreement outlining details of our provision of local services on behalf of the CSRD. A February meeting has been scheduled.

HIRRA Special Recognition of contributions:
Lynn Nunley recognized Donna DuPlessis for her volunteer efforts in providing coffee and cookies at every HIRRA meeting. There was loud applause! Lynn also offered appreciation and thanks to Ron Doucette who worked to install a diesel generator to provide emergency power to the recycling depot after the power supply was damaged by the big storm last December.

Ron Sitter introduced the following motion, as announced in November and advertised:
“Be it resolved that HIRRA request the Comox Valley Regional District, through the Regional Director, to look into how the new funding for small community infrastructure, announced by the premier, can be applied to groundwater management and protection projects on Hornby Island.” M/S/ Tim Biggins/Tony Law. Carried by unanimous vote.

Recycling Report:
Margot Bushnell reported that Annie Nagle has resigned from the position of Co-manager of the Recycling Program. Phil Bailey, Co-Manager, will assume the managerial duties on a temporary basis. The committee is working with the executive to proceed with advertising the position of depot manager. Phil Bailey has been invited to apply.
Appreciation for Annie’s efforts as co manager was offered.

Police Liaison Committee Update
Tony Law reporting. The committee has reviewed its mandate. There was confusion last summer regarding community communications with the RCMP. The committee is recommending a name change to reflect a broader purpose – Community Safety Committee is one possible title. In addition to HIRRA members elected to the committee, it is being recommended that members be solicited from the Health Care Society, Hornby Island Athletic Association, to name but two. The committee is investigating the development of a standard template for addressing community safety issues. Following some discussion, it was agreed by general consent that the committee’s recommendations for change be presented to the executive.

Ferries resolution: Tony Law provided background information.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Hornby Island Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association write to The Minister of Transportation, Kevin Falcon, requesting him to take action to recognize the importance of reliable and affordable ferry service to coastal communities by:

  1. Increasing the service fee the Province will pay B.C. Ferries for the next performance term sufficiently to ensure that fare increases do not exceed increases in the Consumer Price Index; and by
  2. Contributing to B.C. Ferries’ capital costs to provide similar support to that given for highway construction and other public transportation infrastructure; and by
  3. Paying a share of extraordinary expenses, such as higher than predicted fuel costs, at least equal to the percentage of operating costs covered by the service fee; and by
  4. Recognizing the need to regularly assess the impact of the Province’s ferry policies on coastal communities by establishing ongoing consultation with representatives of the Ferry Advisory Committees whose members are nominated by local governments and appointed by B.C. Ferries.
    M/S Tony Law/Andrew Carmichael. Carried by unanimous vote.

CEEC Report
Tony Law announced the Round Table on Housing is scheduled for January 25th at 1:30 P.M. at Room To Grow. The Community Economic Enhancement Corporation is hosting a discussion session on the topic of housing in small communities in April. Representatives from off island are expected to attend Hornby for this event.

Len Olsen assumed the chair.

Recreation Budget 2007 was presented by April Lewis. The budget, forecasting expenditures of $24,729 was approved by general consent.

Trails Financial Report
Andrew Carmichael provided details of current spending on the Trail segment from the Outdoor Education Center to the Co-op as well as established trail’s maintenance. It was noted that of the total $13,706 budgeted for these, approximately $5250 has been spent. The committee is predicting a final cost under budget. Andrew noted that the maintenance of established trails is being done partly by volunteers. 500 volunteer hours have been logged on the current workplan that began in September 2006.
Motion: Andrew Carmichael/Dan Johnson, “That the Trails financial report be approved as presented.” Carried by unanimous vote.

Cemetery Committee
Eleanor Kneffel reported that the committee has reviewed and revised all its policies and plans to post these to HIRRA’s web site. Maintenance: The falling down gate has been replaced by a chain. Brush has been cleared. The oak tree needs pruning. Grave markers have been provided for those gravesites that were unmarked. Harry Fearman, Bronny McLeod and John Phipps were given special thanks for volunteer work. A $2000 grant was received from CSRD in 2006. Income from burials totaled $570. The total expenditures for 2006 were $72.50. A future project includes placing a plaque to mark the original Hornby public graveyard adjacent to the preschool. Also the committee plans to provide a garden shed on site for tool storage. The committee is researching a system of water collection and storage for use by the public to water gravesite plants.

Stormy Weather
There was brief general discussion re how islanders fared during the storms of November and December last year. An emergency comfort/lodging center was established at the Joe King Club house and provided accommodation and warm food for islanders displaced due to the prolonged power outages of December. Many food contributions were received from local thawing freezers. It was noted by several that there was a wonderful sense of community during these trying times. Government funds were applied for and received for this emergency. There was general agreement that Hornby Island homes need to be equipped with non-electric dependent heat sources, such as wood stoves and propane space heaters.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. by general consent.

We were happy to go home on this cold winter night after an amicable session and with bright lights in the hall parking lot giving us the assurance that, at least for this moment, we have Power!

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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February 14, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 25 members of the community. New members registering, Bon Sarti and Muggs Sigurgeirson

The agenda and HIRRA’s etiquette, posted, were introduced, as was the executive. New members were welcomed.

Minutes of the January 2007 were read. In the Police Liaison Committee Report, the sentence should read, “The committee is investigating the development of a standard template for reporting police statistics.” The corrected minutes were approved by general consent.

Executive report:

  1. Fred Hunt, on behalf or HIRRA, has sent off a letter to Rob Rounds, Manager of Community Development, Ministry of Community Services, applying for their sponsorship of our application for nominal rent tenure of the 5.8 acres.
    The Hornby Island Local Trust Committee endorsed the application at their
    meeting February 12, 2007.
  2. Individual pay increases have been determined for HIRRA staff and will be paid retroactive to January once the budget is approved by the CSRD.
  3. HIRRA is providing $250 in support of the upcoming “Housing Solutions Conference for Small Communities” organized by HICEEC, April 11-13/07.
  4. Next month is AGM – annual reports elections. Committees please inform the executive if there are vacancies on your committee.

HIRRA special recognition: Rudy Rogalsky was offered appreciation and thanks for his efforts to prepare for the annual audit, this year being performed by Meyers Norris Penny LLP. There was applause in recognition of Rudy’s contribution to the Hornby community. Sharon Rogalsky was also acknowledged.
Report updates by RD and Island’s Trust:

Employment and Contracting policy: The review and revision process has been completed. The revised policy was read by the administrator.
Motion: Judith Lawrence/Donna DuPlessis, “That the Employment & Contracting Policy be approved as presented.” This concludes the year long HIRRA policy review process.

RD Director update: Grant In Aid applications should be filed soon. These grants are available to non profit societies on Hornby and Denman Islands. Progress report was given on the steps being taken to remove Hornby from the Comox Valley Economic Development function. HIRRA has been granted temporary permit to perform trail maintenance on the upland Crownlands. The regional parks committee is currently developing a work plan.

Discussion of an initiative approved at a meeting last year: “That HIRRA appoint a task force of 1-3 people to develop recommendations on actions that can be taken before the next Islands Trust election to ensure that the election process is clear, honest and fair.” Margaret Sinclair was in attendance and contributed to the discussions. Summary of points raised:

  1. What is HIRRA’s role vis a vis Island Trust election protocol?
  2. Should we make some recommendations to the Islands Trust?
  3. There is more work to be done to improve communication between part time and full time island residents.
  4. The Union of BC Municipalities, at its recent convention, vote3d to not have a proliferation of “out of town” polls during elections.
  5. Many people attending the HIRRA meeting after the last Trust election were requesting that HIRRA “do something” to address the negative electioneering tactics perceived in the community.
  6. It was decided by general consent to have another discussion on this topic in April and determine if any further action is to be taken by the association.

Margaret Sinclair was thanked for serving on the task force.

Committee reports:

Fire department: Giff LaRose reported on a plan to offer health benefits to qualified fire fighters. A compensation package was also reviewed by the fire department, but has been “put on the back burner.” Recruiting and retaining fire fighters is predicted to become more difficult given the demographics of the island. The Pacific Blue Cross benefit plan is recommended at an approximate cost of $670 per fire fighter per year. There are approximately 10 eligible fire fighters currently. The benefit plan has been presented to the CSRD at a recent meeting. The 2007 budget impact, were the plan to go into effect July 1, 2007, would be $3400.

Motion: Giff LaRose/Margaret Sinclair, “That we approve the Pacific Blue Cross benefit plan funding commencing July 1, 2007 and the submission of a revised 2007 budget to the CSRD.” Carried by Unanimous vote
It was noted that the CSRD has to consider the impact of this initiative on other fire departments in the region.

Giff reviewed recent training undertaken by fire fighters. Noted that the planning and siting of a new fire hall will be part of the CSRD’s master facility planning for all its services on Hornby Island. The Fire Underwriters Survey is tentatively scheduled for August 2007. This provides a thorough audit of the department’s fire fighting capabilities. There will be a fire-training academy at the Hornby Elementary School in March for students from Grades 5 – 7.

Police Liaison Committee: Daniel Siegel outlined the proposed mandate of an expanded committee with the recommendation that the name of this new committee be Community Safety Committee. In a written report, it was suggested that the committee membership be expanded to include representatives from the Health Network, the Fire department, the school, Tribune Bay campsite and Tribune Bay Park, Joe King Park, Co-op, Ferry, the regional director and the RCMP as well as the five members elected by HIRRA. The committee would report to the public through HIRRA meetings. The regional director stated that the CSRD has funding for police liaison work. It was agreed by general consent that the executive would study the committee report and report at the annual general meeting. Daniel was thanked for the presentation.

Community Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence highlighted the recent electrical upgrade improvements, including a rationalization of all control panels, improved side lighting fixtures and tracks, more outlets for electrical cords and lighting controls and safer electrical cord management. The new curtains on the end windows look great! Thanks to Una Keziere. The committee is currently studying roofing materials and costs. It was noted with regret that the Biggins stove which has heated the hall for approximately 25 years did not pass a recent safety inspection and is to be decommissioned in the next two weeks. Tim Biggins gave a brief history of the unique stove. The base is a logging railroad wheel found in the bush by Dale Chase. The rest of the stove was built from salvaged pieces picked up off the beaches around the island. The main belly of the stove is an iron boiler previously used in logging. The door handle was a water pump handle.
A wood burning replacement stove is favored as the hall is an emergency reception center and requires non electric heating. There was applause for the stove and for Tim who had loaned it to the hall for all these years.

Adjournment was at 9:50 P.M. Happy Valentine’s Day to all and to all a good night.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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March 14, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, at the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 65 voting members and 5 non voting members.

Ron Sitter introduced the executive, the posted agenda and HIRRA’s etiquette guide. We sang happy birthday to Rudy Rogalsky.
Annual report booklets, including the president’s report, auditor’s report, HIRRA management reports and the slate of candidates standing for election were available as handouts.

Minutes of the February meeting were read by Janet LeBlancq. There was one amendment to the Regional Director’s report: HIRRA will enter into an agreement with the CSRD wherein the details of the trail maintenance and the roles and responsibilities of both parties will be defined. The minutes were approved as amended by general consent.
Executive Report: Ron Sitter reporting: The mandate and membership of the police liaison committee is under review, therefore election of members to this committee is postponed pending the conclusion of this process.

President’s Report: Ron read his report.
Approved by general consent and applause.
Auditor’s Report: Paul Clemens introduced the financial reports and spoke briefly. All reports are appended to these minutes.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Judith Lawrence, “That the auditor’s report prepared by
Meyers Norris Penny and the financial report prepared by HIRRA management be approved as presented.” Carried.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Annette Hurtig, “That the firm of Meyers Norris Penny be appointed as auditors for the 2007 fiscal year.” Carried.

Ron sitter offered gratitude to Paul Clemens and Rudy Rogalsky for their contributions to the annual audit. He also thanked all HIRRA volunteers for their service. There was applause.

Committee Annual Reports: Lynn Nunley assumed the chair and introduced committee chairs and designates. All reports will be posted to the website: www.hirra.ca
Cemetery Committee: Chair, Eleanor Kneffel summarized the maintenance and improvements that have been done. She also reviewed the current policies guiding usage of the cemetery. Special acknowledgement of the efforts of Harry Fearman, Michael and Leia Parker, and Doug Nixon was made. A land survey will be done to determine the boundaries and more land will be sought. There was applause.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie, Chair thanked Colleen Work for her service as maintenance contractor and provided a summary of the committee’s year.
Fall Fair: Jan Bevan gave some insights into the duties of fair organizers and requested that islanders come on board and help with the fair!
Trails Committee: Andrew Carmichael noted the trail building along St John’s Point Road. He also reported that funding for the work came from Direct Access Grants, RBC Securities, CSRD and private donors. 500 volunteer hours were expended on trail work. There was sustained applause.
Regional Parks Committee: Judith Wilson noted the extensive blowdowns in the park as a result of severe weather last fall and winter. 2 benches have been built and sited on the cliff trail. There was applause.
Recreation: Chair, Gordon Campbell reviewed the recreation programs. There was a survey done to assess islanders needs in terms of recreational support.
Bonita Wexler was contracted as recreation coordinator and was thanked for a good first year. In discussions, Peter Elkins noted that funds are being sought for a fitness center at the Joe King Ball Park. It was also stated the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Center hosts events for islanders to avail themselves of the facilities such as the high ropes and the climbing wall.
Fire Department: Lu Ackerson stated that the committee had formed a terms of reference outlining the relationship between HIRRA and the volunteer fire department. Details are on the HIRRA web site. Fire Chief Giff LaRose offered details of the callouts and activities of the department. 98 callouts last year, 60% of which were first responders calls. New fire hall planning is expected to be high on the agenda for this year.
Recycling: Margot Bushnell reported that meeting the MIA inspection recommendations has been a priority. Fundraising to cover the costs of the composting toilet will continue. The hydro lines are being replaced; a generator has been in use since the power shed was damaged in a winter storm. Scrap metal yard has been reorganized. Annie Nagle resigned as co-manager in December/06; recruitment for a manager began in January. Following the interviewing of five candidates, Stani Veselinovic was hired. Margot introduced Stani to the assembly. There were questions regarding the recruitment and hiring. Ron Sitter summarized the process and answered questions. Lynn Nunley and Ron Sitter assisted committee members Margot, Kathi and Toglia in the selection process. The committee and executive developed criteria and interview questions and rated candidates within these. Two finalists were re interviewed with Ron Sitter representing the executive in the final round. There was general discussion.
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported, and spoke of the role of the hall and the under use over the winter. She thanked committee members and listed their major contributions: Derek keeps the fire wood supply replenished; Pete is very handy with many tools – he built the table and bench used for quilt ticket sales; Anne Ngan’s aesthetic sensibility is valued; Valerie Pagnier led the committee’s review and revision of rental policies and Jennifer Fletcher brought many good ideas to the committee. There was a suggestion that subsidies be available for renters who cannot pay the going rate.
All committee reports were approved by general consent.
Regional Director’s Comment: Carol Quin thanked HIRRA for the cooperative working relationship with the CSRD staff. She congratulated HIRRA executive and staff for their contributions.
Miscellaneous: Emma Joy offered thanks to Susan Crowe for her efforts during the emergency following the December storm.

2007 Elections
Fred Hunt assumed the chair. Tim Biggins, Judith Wilson, Jackie Gervais and Tony Law were appointed as scruitineers.
President: Ron Sitter elected to a two year term by acclamation.
Treasurer: Paul Clemens elected to a two year term by acclamation.
Recycling: Margot Bushnell, Kathi Sauve, Toglia Baird, Ilze Raudzins, Paddy Tsurumi and John Howard volunteered to stand for election. Emma Joy nominated Colleen Work. Ian Walmsley nominated Albini LaPierre. Ballots were distributed. The votes were counted. Results: Toglia-60; John-54; Kathi-46; Ilze-42 Paddy-42; Albini-42. Paddy withdrew and Toglia, John Kathi, Ilze and Albini were declared elected. There was a motion to destroy the ballots.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie, Gill Beattie and Shelley Tetz were declared elected by acclamation.
Cemetery Committee: Annie Fearman, Pat Colin, Jim McLeod, Margaret Pethick and Eva Wetzel volunteered to stand and were declared elected by acclamation.
Community Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence, Derek Ward, Anne Ngan, Valerie Pagnier, Pete Kimmerly, Serena Laskin and Suzanne LaRose volunteered to stand for election. Rudy Rogalsky nominated Jenny Brown who declined. Judith, Derek, Anne, Valerie, Pete, Serena and Suzanne were declared elected by acclamation.
Recreation Committee: April Lewis, Donna Tuele, Gordon Campbell and Jenny Gunn volunteered to stand for election. Gordon Campbell nominated Sharon Rogalsky. All were declared elected by acclamation.
Fire Department Committee: Lu Ackerson, Basil duPlessis, Bob Kungl and Jim Garton volunteered to stand for election. Lu nominated Margot Bushnell. All were declared elected by acclamation.
Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy, Jeremy Payne, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Judith Wilson volunteered to stand and were declared elected by acclamation.
Fall Fair: Judith Lawrence, Jack Hansed, Pam Gordon, Joan Harris and Lori Narwot volunteered and were declared elected by acclamation.
Trails: Phil Bailey, Dan Johnson, Andrew Carmichael, Tom Hayes and Charles Western volunteered to stand and all were declared elected by acclamation.
Appointments approved by general consent: Giff LaRose, Fire Chief; Fred Hunt, Shared Lands and Paul Clemens, HICEEC.

Ron Sitter assumed the chair and thanked Fred Hunt for chairing the elections.

Jethro Titcomb, a 15 year old, attended the meeting. Joy Jefferies announced that Jethro would travel to Newfoundland and Ireland to play soccer. There was applause as we all wished the lad well. He seemed a fine young man, eager to participate in island affairs.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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April 11, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 13 members of the community. The president declared that, in the absence of a quorum, this is an information meeting only.

The agenda and HIRRA’s etiquette, posted, were introduced, as was the executive.

Community Announcements: Betty Kennedy reported that Joshua Roberts is offering tennis lessons to Hornby Islanders. Contact Betty for further information.

Minutes of the March 2007 were read. It was noted that Jethro Titcomb’s sport is rugby.

Executive Report: Ron Sitter announced that the Islands Trust will host two education/information sessions, one for the general public and one hosted by HIRRA, both on the afternoon of May 2nd. The purpose of these sessions is to explain the workings of the Trust and its governance role on Hornby Island. The HIRRA sponsored portion is scheduled from 1 – 2:30 P.M. with the general public session following from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. Linda Adams, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Islands Trust and Kim Benson, the Chair of the Trust Council will be conducting the sessions. Ron Sitter, HIRRA president, will chair the first session.
The orientation session for HIRRA committee members is April 22nd from 10 – 12:30 P.M. at the Community Hall. All committee members and management staff are encouraged to attend. CSRD has approved HIRRA’s 2007 budget submissions with some minor variations.

Area K Director’s Report: Carol reported that additional recreation money will be provided to the Community School this year. Hornby and Denman are no longer part of the Comox Valley Economic Development service. Economic development monies will come directly to the two islands; $24,000 funding is earmarked for HICEEC. The regional district will be doing long term planning for existing and potential future services on Hornby Island. One possible future service is a community well, which may be located on Crownland. There was discussion; the CSRD will conduct a feasibility study involving public consultation on any new proposed services.
Islands Trust Election, 2005: The HIRRA assembly encourages fairness and civility in future election processes. There was discussion. It was suggested that HIRRA develop an etiquette guide for consideration as a community standard. The executive will take this under advisement. Also, Ron hopes to have discussions with the Islands Trust officials at the May 2nd meetings. Ron also noted that he has requested joint meetings with the Island Trustees and HIRRA executive to discuss areas of mutual interest.

BC Ferries Advisory Committee Update: Jim Garton noted that the Denman Buckley Bay connecting ferry will be taken for another extended period in the fall and we will have a smaller ferry. A transit bus across Denman is being proposed to the CSRD director for RD funding. The advisory group wants a resolution from HIRRA in support of this initiative. There was discussion. This will be advanced at the May HIRRA meeting.
If the gov’t accepts the proposed rate hikes for travel to Hornby Island, it will mean that in 2012 we will be paying double what we paid in 2002. Everyone is encouraged to make your wishes known on this issue by writing to government; they have the ability to subsidize the ferry costs. A letter writing campaign was suggested.

Community Hall Report: Judith Lawrence reported that a volunteer crew removed the wood stove. The stove did not pass recent inspection by the Municipal Insurance Authority and our insurance company required that the stove be decommissioned. Fates were positive and an islander with a backhoe on board just happened to be passing by the hall and was enlisted to load the very cast iron stove into his truck bed for transport to the property of its original creator, Tim Biggins. Thanks to Pete Kimmerly and his son, Derek Ward, Tim Peters, Naz Abdurahman and Jed Young as well as cheerleaders and helpers with the logistics, Lynn Nunley, and Verna Kimmerly (and Judith). The committee is researching a new wood burning stove for the hall. Local architect Michael McNamara consulted with the committee on the matter of the roof replacement and inspected the roof. The flat portion he advised needs reinforcement and re roofing. The drainage system is not adequate resulting in water pooling. As the next step in determining the scope of the roofing project, all the sod will be removed and further assessments will be done. McNamara advised that the shake portion of the roof appear to have “about five years” of usefulness remaining. The metal roof of the portable requires replacement as it is rusted badly. The challenge here is to create a firm structure to support the “air circulation” piping system that rests atop the portable roof. It was stated that the committee would bring forward its recommendations on the reroofing project to the assembly for approval.

Regional Parks Committee: Betty Kennedy reported on a recent meeting with CSRD staff working on details of the beach access management plans. Public meetings are being scheduled for later spring to develop coordinated approaches to the management of all parks on the island. Storm damage was significant in Mt. Geoffrey Park; limiting the fire hazard from blow down debris is an objective.
Managing the existing trails on the upland Crownlands is another joint project between the committee and CSRD parks staff. The CSRD policy prohibits parks and other public areas to be named after individual people. The small regional park at the top of Mount Road was given the name “Mt. Geoffrey Bench Park” and a small bench with a plaque to commemorate the Bennett family will be sited within the park in May. A new Park brochure, done by CSRD staff will soon be available.

Adjournment: At 9:10 P.M. with thanks to all.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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June 13 , 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 43 members of the community. HIRRA’s meeting etiquette and agenda was introduced. All were reminded to register their attendance if they were new members.

Minutes of April 11th regular meeting were read and approved by general consent.

Announcements: Lynne Carmichael detailed an up coming HI Arts Council event. Carol Quin gave an early bird notice that in July there would be an opportunity for public input into the master planning for the Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Park via meetings to be hosted by Parks officials from several levels of government. The new brochures for the Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park contain detailed maps of all the trails on the uplands.

Executive Report: The executive hosted the second annual orientation for committee members on April 22nd and hosted an Island Trust Information session on May 2nd and a meeting to meet the summer RCMP officers, also in May. The July regular meeting will include deliberations on the issue of rental fees for the tenants of the 10 acres, HDCHCS, HIAC and HIES. The executive is considering a cost recovery for the provision of basic services. Details will be available at the July meeting. The Directors and Officers liability insurance policy is being renewed at an annual cost of $1686; the term is three years. Daniel Siegel has agreed to serve as a HIRRA appointee to the HICEEC board. Paul Clemens is also a HIRRA appointee to this board.

Business Arising: Transit bus across Denman Island: Andrew Carmichael reported that during the fall interruption of ferry services due to retro fitting of the Denman West ferry, it would be a good idea to have a transit bus service across Denman island as a trial run. This could be funded by BC Ferries and the CSRD. Carol Quin noted that this proposal has been taken to the CSRD staff and was told that the budget for this year does not include funds for this initiative.

CSRD Area K Director’s Report: The CSRD has lobbied BC Ferries on the issue of rate increases. Grant in Aid applications request a total of $76,000. Funds available for GIA total $26,000. Carol noted that she would not be forming an advisory group for the GIA process. The CSRD hospital board rejected the Dove Creek location for a regional hospital. The board is proposing a Comox Valley location for the regional hospital with the acute care facilities at Campbell River upgraded and maintained. There is a proposal by a citizen’s group to consider the development of a mega municipality that would include Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland and several of the rural Areas including Area K. Area K has since been excluded from this initiative. This was noted with applause. An emergency preparedness table top mock disaster held earlier today on Hornby was most informative. The CSRD will be studying the Hornby Fire Bylaws with respect to fire bans during dry spells.

HIRRA Travel Expense Policy was introduced by Ron Sitter. The policy provides for per diem meal allowance and per kilometer travel allowance as well as details of over night accommodations. There was discussion and a minor revision to the text. The policy will be posted to the HIRRA website and will be appended to these minutes and filed in the library.
M/S/C Donna DuPlessis/Donna Tuele, “That we approve the travel expense policy as presented”.

Recreation Committee report: Donna Tuele noted that Recreation coordinator Bonita Wexler and the committee have been kept busy. Friday, June 15th is the closing date for Non Profit organizations to apply for tax based recreation funding. The committee will report on applications and make its recommendations to the executive. The assembly approval of funding will be requested at the July HIRRA meeting. Recreation activities include weekly family soccer, the building of a running track on the school grounds, bike events and summer program planning. The brochure detailing summer programs is published and is being circulated. The committee is deliberating whether to apply for a direct access grant. They will report back.

Recycling Committee: Kathi Sauve noted that the noisy generator is gone and the new power lines are operational. An on site smaller generator will be made available for future power outages. The committee is working closely with CSRD staff in capital planning. Public input will be sought when the committee has developed some options for consideration. The cost of truckload tipping is rising and there is consideration of establishing a separate waste bin for construction debris that would be charged a higher fee. There is need for volunteers in the free store and for garden duties.

Community Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence reported that the roof repairs are planned for the flat sections and the area over the front entrance. The cedar shake peaked section will last an estimated 5 – 10 years. Heating the hall in the absence of the Biggins stove and with the oil furnace long past its prime is a dilemma now being
tackled. The installation of a heat pump that would heat in winter and cool in summer and not be as noisy as the one at the RCMP detachment is being investigated. Judith noted that the Community Hall is a designated reception center in the event of local emergency and must be equipped appropriately. The school district has agreed to take over the provision of water to the preschool and the Room to Grow. The connections are scheduled for July. This will put a lighter draw on the hall well. The emergency doors at the Sollans Road entrance are scheduled for replacement.

Direct Access Funding: Andrew Carmichael spoke of the need for HIRRA to coordinate grant fund applications committee may wish to make. He gave some details of how this funding authority operates. He noted that the trails committee has no current plans to apply for Direct Access funds.

Ron Sitter provided some background regarding the 10 acres that HIRRA leases from Crownlands. Our attempt to secure the 5.8 acres between the hall and the ballpark has been unsuccessful and one of the reasons given was that the community hasn’t used the land we lease. Can we use the ten acres for the farmers market and perhaps a community garden with minimal removal of trees? The RCMP grounds could accommodate overflow hall parking. The public is encouraged to present ideas now and later by speaking with members of the executive. The floor was open to discussion.

Summary of General Discussion:

  1. Could the 10 acres accommodate a community well?
  2. A community garden has merit.
  3. Many trees in the ten acres are unhealthy.
  4. Could there be a horse-riding arena?
  5. It is zoned for public use.
  6. The official at Crownlands, Gordon Smaile, is well versed on our situation, having been in his position since the 1980’s.
  7. Should we propose a swap – the 5.8 acres for all or an equal portion of the ten acres? The hall needs more parking.
  8. Central Road is more user friendly.
  9. We should tred lightly; the planet needs all its trees.
  10. A farmer’s market, among the trees with a “vendor vehicle only” protocol would be desirable.
  11. Speaking of creating parking lots for hall parking seems at odds with what is going on in the world. Shouldn’t we be moving toward fewer cars on Hornby?
  12. HIAC is fund raising to someday build a permanent Art Center located in the vicinity of the current HIAC center.
  13. Farmer’s market people would need assurance from the executive that the plans formulated for a market on the 10 acres would be acted upon.
  14. There was concern that minority interests interfered with the last development planning for the 10 acres.
  15. The farmers market is the lightest footprint to begin the community’s association with this land.
  16. The HDCHCS would like to see more community use of the land so there is security that the lease will be renewed in 2018. HDCHCS has plans to add a clinic facility to the current building.

Ron stated that the executive would study the issue and try to determine what the next steps should be. Fred Hunt was thanked for his work on the 5.8-acre acquisition.

Adjournment: at 9:30 P.M. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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July 11, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer, Lynn Nunley, Vice President, Recording Secretary and thirty-five members. Guest: RCMP Corporal Andy Irvine. Administrator Janet LeBlancq on vacation..

Minutes of the June 11,2007, Gen Meeting, read and accepted by general consent.
A thank you from Jan Bevan for work done by Trails Committee.

Executive report

  1. Islands Trust Election:
    Trustee by-election has been set for Saturday August 25 with advance poll on August 15. Schedule to be here and vote for your future.
  2. HIRRA’s 10 leased acres
    • HIRRA’s current lease for the 10 acres was signed with the BC Ministry of Crownlands in 1988 – HIRRA’s current lease fee is $535/yr.
    • The stated purpose for which the land could be used was “shall use the land ONLY for the purpose of community use, recreational and police residential facilities.”
    • To date the only use of that land is for the HD Health Care Society building, Hope Kitchen, Teen Trailer and HIAC.
    • Jan , 2007 Fred Hunt sent an official HIRRA application for 5.8 acres between the Hall and JK. April, 2007, our application was turned down. The reason for their rejection was that HIRRA was not fully using the 10 acres that we already lease.
    • The current lease is a 30 year lease which expires Nov, 2018. The lease reads “if in the opinion of the lessor, the lessee fails to make reasonable and diligent use of the land for purposes permitted herein, this lease shall, at the option of the lessor, terminate, and all rights of the lessee with respect to the land shall be absolutely forfeited and shall lapse.” It is the opinion of the executive that HIRRA should try again to more fully utilize the 10 acres before reapplying for the 5.8 acres.
    • As a first step, the executive will be overseeing the development of a community park in the woodland between the RCMP station and the Home Support building.
    • A ring road with an entrance and exit is proposed to be built to facilitate access to the land. In total 25 trees of 6” diameter or less are proposed to be removed to build the access road.
    • (READ) April 13, 2005 letter from provincial authority confirming permitted use for market.
    • We are proposing that the farmers market set up in the woodland park in the busy season. The current market location would be used for parking. Other uses for the community park are family picnics, festival music venue, Easter egg hunt venue for Hornby kids etc.
    • The idea of naming this Community Park after a past Hornby resident who has made a significant contribution to the community was suggested. Name selection to be determined if appropriate.
    • It will cost money for machine work to modify the location. This money will either be paid from RCMP rent revenue or possible grants.
    • On July 6, a wild flower expert toured the site to see if there were any rare plants to be protected. Some plants were tagged for transfer but none were rare.
    • On July 8 the exec conducted a Farmers Market walkabout to introduce the plan. The few who did show up were quite positive and had good ideas.
    • At the Sept HIRRA meeting we hope to provide a scaled and dimensional drawing of the plan.
    • We have been in touch with BC Integrated Land Management (Crown Lands) and they are waiting for the same drawing.
    • This development will take time, money and volunteer effort. We will be putting out a call for help.
    • We are hopeful the new market area will be ready in the summer of 2008.
    • Date for walkabout in woods to be determined (with HDCHCS.)
  3. RCMP officer, Andy Irvine spoke of police presence here from May 17 to September (labour day). Yes there are some days the island is without any RCMP. So far pretty quiet. Advertising before May long was helpful to deflect some rowdies. Also Campground managers are keeping on top of security. They are doing foot patrols on the beaches, afternoons and evenings. Queried as re: on the water/boat patrol. Answer: Not a lot of boat patrol.
    Motion, T. Biggins, Seconded, T. Law, “That HIRRA write a letter to Tom Gray (rank?), thanking him for listening to us and giving us adequate/better police coverage”. Passed.
  4. Correspondence
    Letter read from Beth Rees. Letter read from Friends of Adams Rd.
    Presentation read by Avi Dolgin and Tom Hayes. See attached proposed motion, petition and paperwork from group.
  5. CSRD report by C. Quin. Announced that 13 & 14, CSRD and Provincial Parks are hosting a presentation and workshop at New Horizons. All invited.
    CSRD has hired a consulting firm to explore a water source for the community, water issues and other research.
  6. Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele reported that Bingo Application is not being pursued at this moment, deadline is November. The awarding of $6,250. to groups is:
    HIAA :fitness centre-$2,000.
    Eagles Ball: equipment-$1,000
    Tennis Asso.:-$1,000
    Gym & Recreation use:-$2,250
    Motion: Paul Clemens/Donna DuPlessis. “To accept the awarding of money’s to these groups.” Carried by Unanimous Vote.
    There is a total of $18, available; the committee will make further recommendations.
  7. Fire Dept report: Giff Larose. Infrastructure planning with money from Provincial Govt. Mountain’s fire/fuel load building. Needs maintenance. Another invitation to go to Park Planning workshop. Only 2 citizens showed up for the Forest Fire Course. Giff explained the chain of command when a forest fire happens. 1st Volunteer Fire Fighters. 2nd Trained citizens. 3rd B.C. Forest Service call out. 4th Air support.
  8. Fall Faire report: Judith Lawrence called for volunteers, explanation of different volunteer positions. Fall Faire date is September 15th, 2007. This event acknowledged as a wind down/wind up local’s event. Committee members: Judith, Laurie Narwot, Jack Hansed, Pam Gordon, and Joan Harris.
  9. Tenancy agreement: Ron reported the 3 groups now occupying the 10 acres.
    HDCHCS, HIAC, HIES. HDCHCS pays for their own services, water and sewage. Explanation of services provided to HIAC and HIES, water and road maintenance and sewage and dangerous tree maintenance.
    Special recognition of Susan Crowe for her generous volunteer contribution towards the much needed HOPE kitchen and Teen support.
    HIES representative Susan Crowe spoke in favor of waiving the proposed cost recovery fee of $25. per month, both trailers included. Explained the services provided from the Hope Kitchen trailer and Teen trailer. Other members spoke.
    HIAC, Lynne Carmichael spoke in favor of waiving the cost recovery fee of $25 per month. Explained the services provided by HIAC. Other members spoke.

Decision on the cost recovery through rent charges will be voted on at the September general meeting.

Adjourned 10:17pm

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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September 12, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and­­­­ 35 members. New members registering: Heather and Dick Goldman.

Ron Sitter introduced the executive and HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of meetings. and announced the agenda.

Minutes of the July meeting were approved by general consent.
Ron noted that Janet has a new laptop computer. Sharon Rogalsky volunteered to be the microphone runner.
Community Announcements: Margaret Sinclair, coordinator of the New Horizons Archival Project invited islanders to attend the archival booth at the Fall Fair. Stories of Hornby Island living are welcome and recording will be available.

Special Recognition: Len Olsen recognized John Grunewald for supplying materials and constructing hand rails in and outside the hall. Colleen Work and Tony Law were recognized for their extra work during the summer cleaning the Tribune Bay beach.

Executive Report:

  • HIRRA’s premium rates for property insurance, public liability and directors and officers liability were reviewed briefly. The increases were noted with concern.
  • The October meeting will include a summer wrap up.
  • HDCHCS is looking at expanding. HIRRA will discuss 10-acre land usage when the society has its plans more firmly set.
  • Fire department’s bid for benefit plan has been rejected by the CSRD. A $5000 grant for volunteer fire fighter recruitment was approved by the CSRD for this year. Details next month as part of the fire departments report.
  • The siting of a Liquid Natural Gas plant on Texada Island is a concern to Hornby Islanders. If anyone is willing to keep abreast of developments and report to HIRRA, please make this known to the executive.

Electoral Boundaries: Tony Law wrote that electoral boundaries are being revised.
M/S/C “That we write and ask the Electoral Boundaries Commission host a daytime meeting in the Union Bay Fanny Bay areas Hornby Island residents can attend”.
M/S/C “That we congratulate Tony Law on his election as trustee and we welcome his regular reports to HIRRA”.

CSRD: Carol Quin announced the Grant In Aid process. CSRD is working on economic enhancement initiatives for both islands. A consultant is being hired to assist in determining needs of both islands for which tax funds will be expended. A draft report has been done by Jennifer Brunn, CSRD Manager of Operations on the recycling/waste management program. She is waiting response from the Recycling committee prior to drafting the final report. Regarding the restructuring of the CSRD and the integration of Area K into Area A, Carol reported that the revisions will not take effect until the fall of 2008. There is time to lobby to retain Area K.

HIRRA Tenancy Agreements: The agreements with HIAC and HIES for siting of three trailers (the Arts Council, the Teen trailer and the Hope Kitchen) on HIRRA’s leased Crownlands have been negotiated. A Cost Recovery Fee of $300 per annum has been requested of the Hornby Island Arts Council.
M/S/C “That the cost recovery fee of $300 per annum is waived for the Hornby Island Education Society and be reviewed in 2009.” April thanked HIRRA for this. She noted that HIES permits the recreation coordinator to share the Room To Grow office facilities, and spoke in support of the spirit of sharing available public office spaces.

HIRRA Leased 10 acres: Creating the green space between the RCMP detachment and the HDCHCS grounds was discussed. This area will be available for the farmer’s market.
M/S/C “That HIRRA supports the development of a community green space in the aforementioned area and approves the expenditure of $2000 for this purpose.” Volunteers were requested for the task of doing a scale drawing for this project.

New Business:

Lynn assumed the chair. Due to the restructuring of the CSRD, Debra Oakman, in consultation with the executive, suggested that the management agreements, whose five year term expires December 31, 2007, be extended for a year.
M/S/C “That the term of HIRRA’s management agreements with the CSRD for the services of fire protection and first responders, recycling and waste management, and community hall management be extended to December 31, 2008.”

Committee Reports:

Fall Fair: Judith Lawrence reporting: The fair is Saturday at Olsen’s farm. Weather has been scheduled to be perfect. Prizes are guaranteed to be fantastic…a $5 bill! There is a challenge cup. Everyone welcome to attend this island event.

Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence reporting. Designated sections of the roof will be repaired; other sections will be replaced. A new wood-burning stove will be installed early in October. The stove project will include the construction of a new hearth, as well as major chimney upgrade. Quotes are being received for the supply and installation of a heat pump that will replace the very antiquated oil furnace as well as provide summer cooling. The Hornby Festival is planning the purchase of a grand piano; it will be stored in the side stage room and the festival will pay for all modifications necessary to accommodate this piano. The community hall committee welcomes proposals from islanders who may wish to operate a café using the hall facilities during the late fall and winter season as it is thought that the local restaurants are not remaining open. Could there be a designated parking space for disabled persons? Committee will take this under advisement. There was discussion about metal sculpture for behind the stove. There was applause.

Recycling Committee Report: Kathi Sauve introduced Stani Veselinovic who reviewed workloads over the summer. He provided statistics on the number of dumpster loads of recyclables hauled. He also noted the many incidents of vandalism that occurred over the summer. Security systems have been discussed. Certain commercial customers disregard for depot protocol has been a concern. A new baler is on site but no funds have been allocated by the CSRD for the installation.

Ron Sitter continued the recycling report. He noted that, during the summer, the CSRD manager of operations, Jennifer Brunn, sent a draft report on the Hornby Recycling Depot to the recycling committee for review and comment. The report reviews the recycling operations in detail and draws comparisons between other islands in the CSRD. The report listed 4 options for waste management on Hornby Island:

  • Status Quo: Maintain the existing system of recycling depot, free store and waste transfer station at present site.
  • Relocate the free store and keep recycling and transfer station as is.
  • Curbside collection – weekly for residents and businesses with recycling depot and free store remaining as is.
  • Remove the recycling operation and transfer station from the site and replace with unmanned multi material bins for recyclables and curbside collection for garbage.

Janet read the recycling committee’s response to the report and there was applause.
The committee highlighted factual, statistical and financial statements that we question, and commented that there was insufficient discussion of the cultural and social values of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle tradition that are the foundation of Hornby’s recycling program.
M/S/C “That HIRRA endorses the spirit and contents of the recycling committee’s response to the Brunn report.”

Ron Sitter read an email drafted by the executive that will accompany the recycling committee’s response letter. An excerpt: “It is our expectation that, within the context of the service agreement, HIRRA will be in a position to decide how to best manage its tax-funded service areas. These decisions will be a result of consultation with the CSRD and will be made with the community’s best interests in mind. As such, while you have listed four options at the end of your report, our expectation is that HIRRA will not be bound by the consultants’ perceptions and conclusions. While the consultants’ finding will be useful for community dialogue, it will be the community, through HIRRA, that will ultimately

Recreation fund allocations for 2007: April Lewis listed the committee’s recommendations for the expenditure of $22,000:

Tennis Association:…….…… $1000

H.I. Athletic Association.……. $3000 (ball equipment/fitness centre)

HI Educational Society.………$8500 (gym/after school programs/teen nights)

HIRRA Recreation…………….$9500 (maintaining expanded program and core funding)


M/S/C: “That HIRRA approves the allocation of recreation funds for 2007 as recommended by the recreation committee.”
It was noted by Director Quin that HIRRA could request that the tax requisition be increased for the 2008 year.

Discussion: Should we develop an elder council? Several members stated that they did not wish to be separated. It was stated that we do benefit from the experience of older citizens. Having the microphone and amplifier has encouraged more attendance at HIRRA meetings, thus eliminating a barrier commonly experienced by older citizens. There was a clear majority not in favour of this initiative and this was so declared by the chair.

Adjournment: at 9:45 P.M. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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October 10 , 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members. It was noted that Lynn Nunley is on vacation. The executive was introduced. :

The meeting opened with a special tribute to Hilary Brown, Hornby resident since 1937, who died on September 28, 2007 at the age of 98. Ron spoke of his association with Hilary Brown, through the Heron Rocks Friendship Society. Judith Lawrence spoke of Hilary’s life, her achievements as peace activist, her belief in the power of people working together and in the strength of the written word. Hilary was an advocate of justice. She was a principle organizer of the Credit Union, the Co-op, New Horizons Society, Elder Housing, Heron Rocks Camping Co-op and the Heron Rocks Friendship Society. She was the first chair of the Islands Trust. Hilary had a talent for public speaking. Judith spoke of Hilary’s hospitality. Tony Law spoke of his associations with Hilary and read comments from others in the Islands Trust, honouring her legacy. He also read an excerpt from Hilary’s inaugural address to the Islands Trust. There was sustained applause.

Ron reviewed agenda items, as posted and reminded new members about registering their attendance. The minutes of the September meeting were approved as read by general consent .

Community Announcements: There will be a Community Hall work party next Saturday. A memorial to honour Hilary Brown is scheduled for next Friday at 3 pm in Hilary’s garden at Heron Rocks. The Hope kitchen is being renovated; Tim Biggins is the principle labourer and organizer. Volunteers are needed. from the floor Hall work party next Saturday. Hilary memorial on Friday at 3 pm
Hope kitchen being renovated – Tim in charge..Volunteers needed

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA: Fall Fair committee members Judith Lawrence, Joan Harris, Jack Hansed, Lori Narwot and Pam Gordon were acknowledged for a job well done. Jake Parker was thanked for the cutting of blown down trees from behind the dental bus. Thanks to Cathy Mukai for baking cookies for tonight’s session!

Executive Report: presented by Ron Sitter.

  1. On October 22nd there will be a presentation of consultants’ findings and recommendations regarding Hornby community services – fire dept, recycling, community well and sewage handling, commissioned by the regional district. All are encouraged to attend.
  2. HIRRA committee budgets for the fire protection services and recycling/waste management will be presented for approval in January, 2008.
  3. The executive will be asking committee chairs and treasurers to
  4. attend a special meeting to discuss pay rates for HIRRA staff and contractors.

Regional Parks Budget: Betty Kennedy noted that the operating surplus is due to planned work on trails etc. not getting done for various reasons. Fire patrolling was not part of the park contractor’s duties this year as this was a very wet season. Betty reviewed some works planned for 2008. It was suggested that the committee consider retaining the services of Elizabeth McDonald to paint signs. There was discussion re fire fuel loads and patrol costs. The 2008 budget for trail maintenance in the Crownland adjacent to the regional parklands was highlighted. Whistler trails are built to international standards and are held as examples of ideal mountain bike trails. The committee may organize an on island trail building conference next year. M/S/C “That the 2008 budgets for Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park and the Crownland trails maintenance be approved as presented.”


  1. Issues raised in Mary McKenzie’s letter regarding the trashing of Tribune Bay beach areas (published in October First Edition) will be discussed in new business. A letter in support of the McKenzie submission from the Hornby Island Provincial Parks Committee was read.
  2. A letter of resignation from bookkeeper Rudy Rogalsky, effective February 28, 2008 has been received. Ron noted that we are announcing this resignation tonight and the actual job will be posted in November or December. Rudy spoke of how dedicated and cooperative people have been. There was applause for Rudy and his contributions to HIRRA.

Area K Director, Carol Quin, CSRD:
Carol acknowledged Hilary as her mentor. With reference to the meeting on the 22nd , Carol summarized the reasons for the services study that is currently underway as being:

  1. Our desire for a new fire hall
  2. Waste management centre’s public liability insurance and workers’ compensation safety standards
  3. Consideration of a community water supply
  4. Feasibility of dealing with septic pump outs on island
  5. The disposition of regional district lands on Hornby Island.

On the matter of retaining Area K, Carol reported there has been no response from the provincial government in response to a request for a meeting. The assembly voted to request that the provincial government not adjust the boundaries of regional districts without more consultation.

Islands Trustee Tony Law:
Tony noted that a consultant has been hired by the Trust Council to review the issue of voting by off island property owners in trust elections. A meeting is scheduled for next Sunday at 1 PM at New Horizons to discuss community issues.

Fall Fair Committee: Judith Lawrence noted that the Fair realized a small profit. The question was asked, “Can fair be held on a Sunday instead of Saturday?” Judith replied that the Farmer’s market vendors prefer Saturday; can the Co-op close for a couple of hours to allow staff to attend?

Fire dept. Giff LaRose reporting – new recruit training is in progress. 4 new recruits have enlisted. Water storage tanks will be moved to their new locations, one at the Co-op and two up on Mt. Road. Machine piled burn piles are now permitted – information has been circulated re proper handling of this type of burn pile. A machine is required to stay on site during the burn.
In summer, the contractor will be responsible to have water available to fight a fire that spreads from a machine piled burn pile. Venting requirements are also to be enforced. Fire hall discussions and planning at the CSRD level is a welcome process. When houses are built to code, they are generally more fire resistant.

New Business:

Ron summarized Mary’s proposals to address the stewardship of Tribune Bay:

  1. “I am willing to gather donations for a “summer bonus” for Colleen Work, maintenance person, as a gesture of thanks for the past and a commitment to really examine this problem for the future.”
    Discussion summary: Could the Privy Council pay Colleen extra for beach clean ups? There are a lot of trashy areas on the island in the summer. Do we need a municipal type worker? Mary was thanked for bringing this to public discussion. Should we do the “adopt a portion of roadside to keep free of trash” initiative that was suggested some years ago? Photos were taken of trash from just one night at Tribune Bay Beach. There are many people who help to clean up the Beach. How to reward these people as well? Will be referred to the Privy Council.
  2. “I propose that an ad hoc group be formed to see what we can do
    to remedy this truly unacceptable abuse of the Island.” Provincial Parks committee, Tim Biggins and Cathy Mukai volunteered to join Mary in this. Could there be trash receptacles at the lower end of Shields road so partying kids would be more encouraged to put trash in proper places? Educating the public was mentioned as an answer to this dilemma.

Adjournment: at 9:35 pm by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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November 14, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 13 members.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. In the absence of a quorum, this was declared an information meeting. The executive and administrator were introduced. HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings, posted was introduced as was the agenda for the evening. New members were encouraged to register.
Minutes of Oct meeting –were approved as read by general consent.
Community Announcements: Flu shot clinic was cancelled.

Executive report:

  • October 22nd CSRD presentation of consultants findings and recommendations regarding Hornby community services – fire department, recycling, community well and sewage handling and property sales. Go to the web site and read the report and comment.
  • Community green space on HIRRA 10 acres. Map was introduced. We have cleared the project with MOTH, Ministry of Forest to remove 19 tress (3”-6” diameter) and Crown Lands is reviewing our application in the week on Nov 19. We do not anticipate any hold ups. We will be advertising for someone to go in with a machine to build the ring road. Trails committee will be consulted re the building of trail networks in this community green space.
  • As discussed last meeting, Rudy Rogalsky has sent in a letter of resignation for the bookkeeper position. We will be advertising that position in November/December.
  • HIRRA and CHI will be co-sponsoring a public forum with the conservation officers to get first hand information regarding Bears and Cougars on Hornby. The conservation officer advised that we should cut brush around public areas, fence livestock, and it is not practical to trap and relocate these predators. He advised that purchasing a trap would be a waste of money.
  • We still have money in our Possum control program account – $5 is paid for each possum trapped and euthanized. This is an honour system.

Report updates by Island’s Trust and …Current work includes bylaws on septic set backs, tenants in common. Will be looking at visitor accommodation and setbacks and heights of buildings. Also will be studying issues around secondary accommodation and affordable housing. The Trust has put forth the idea that B.C. Parks purchase the Scott property, an acreage that fronts on Tribune Bay. There was discussion.

HICEEC Update: Daniel Siegel: Board structures and initiatives were summarized. The CSRD has hired a consultant to assess economic enhancement needs on Hornby and Denman Islands.
HICEEC is working with the consultant. Are working on a community economic development plan for Hornby Island and revising it continually as needs are identified. Cooperative ties being forged with Denman Islanders. One of the issues being looked at is the continued funding of economic initiatives from the tax base funding. All are invited to study the economic plan.
Looking for a new word for tourism. Looking at funding options to keep existing programs.
There was a question and answer period. Still recruiting board members.

New Business:

Committee reports:

  • Cemetery committee update by Eva Wetzel. Eva summarized the improvements made, including the tool storage shed and the rain barrel. There are 60 gravesites currently. There is a need for full body internments. More land is needed. Some of the available space within the cemetery boundaries is too shallow to permit an interment. Committee is looking into the feasibility of expanding into the adjacent Crownland.
  • Trails Committee: Andrew Carmichael reporting. We sang happy trails. From the Hill on St Johns Point Road to the Co-op is the current trail project. Sandpiper residents have requested a trail be built from Seawright to Sandpiper Road. Andrew requests that neighbours attain community consensus, leaving the trail building to the trails committee. There is a trail from the unopened road allowance at the green water tank on Central Road adjacent to the Snartch property to the Crownland…this present trail trespasses on the Snartch property and they have requested that it be decommissioned. Trails committee is working with government crown lands people and local volunteers to rebuild the trail to correct this. They have enough money to complete the trail along St John’s Point Road and will have money left over. There was a suggestion that a trail segment be developed between the Savoie Clinic and the library.
  • Ferry Advisory Committee update: Andrew summarized the role of the committee and summarized the responsibilities of the ferry commissioner, the provincial government and the FAC’s. Pre paid ticket rate increases have been imposed; loading time cut offs will commence in the New Year. A smaller ferry will be serving the Denman West/Buckley Bay route into the spring months this year. A second ferry may be needed. There will be a travel card system to replace the prepaid tickets in the future. The planned rate increases over the next few years were summarized. The provincial government has remained firm in not increasing subsidies, thereby passing the costs of capital replacements directly to the travelling public. New ferries are being brought into service on the major routes. Concern over the large rate increases has been expressed.
  • Proposal for annual community roadside cleanup: Suggested that we meet at the hall after the Labour Day weekend and coordinate a same day roadside clean up. HIRRA would supply garbage bags and trucks would pick up the full bags. At the end of the day we would celebrate at the hall – this would be a community event. There was discussion. The idea of neighbourhoods organizing their work teams was suggested. Suggested that HIRRA purchase gloves for volunteers.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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December 12, 2007

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. The executive and administrator were introduced. HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings, posted, was introduced as was the agenda for the evening. New members registered: Ronaldo Cruz.

Minutes of November meeting –were approved as read by general consent.

Community Announcements: School concert the 19th – theme is the History of Hornby – Ostby diaries.
Special Recognition: Michael McNamara was thanked for doing the site drawings of HIRRA’s Community Green Space.

Executive report:

  1. The computer was stolen from the depot and a second vandalism incident resulted in a broken window in the depot office.
  2. Community Green space development: we are awaiting the go ahead from Crownland. Have two proposals to do the site preparation.
  3. Conservation officers unable to come now – will phone them in January.
  4. Trail proposal from HDCHCS to New Horizons: public consultation is underway.

2008 Budgets: General Fund; Core Services; Privy Council and the Community Hall were presented by Janet, Paul and Pete. All were approved as presented. Attached to these minutes. (Available for viewing in the binder at the Library).

Email read from Director Quin who is unable to attend due to CSRD meetings.

Tony Law, Islands Trust Update: 1st reading has been given to a newly worded public use bylaw for areas in the vicinity of the Community hall. More flexibility in use will be achieved with this new bylaw. HIRRA will be asked for input. APC has been asked for input into short-term and vacation rentals. Trust Committee may be distributing a newsletter to non-resident property owners, which will include an information sheet on local organizations and contact information. Community discussion meeting to be scheduled in January. The bylaw enforcement officer will attend the Trust business meeting in January. Trust Council meeting dealt with local planning processes throughout the Trust area. 5% tax increase is projected for the Trust function in 2008. There was a workshop that dealt with the technical side of secondary housing units such as water and sewage systems. Looking at housing issues and the possibility of free crown grants for the island. Exploring ways to determine exactly what our housing needs are. Will develop Terms of Reference for this initiative.
Meeting with BC Ferries re the upcoming interruption in services that will happen in January due to the repair and refit of the main ferry between Denman Island West and Buckley Bay. Fare increases continue to vex. Trust will set up a meeting with MOTH re road conditions on Hornby Island. Meeting with BC Parks and Parks Canada included discussion re a rare butterfly reintroduction to Helliwell Park. Still looking at acquisition of the Tribune Bay beachfront property that is currently for sale.

Correspondence: Margaret Sinclair’s letter re fire department recruitment was read.

New Business:
Road Conditions: Judith reported on discussions she has had with highways personnel. Lane dividing lines are no longer visible, making driving hazardous, especially at night. It was agreed by general consent that we write a letter asking for lines to be painted….for safety all the time, but especially in summer.
M/S/C “That HIRRA write a letter to Highways district office requesting better maintenance, specifically referring to line painting and pot hole filling.”
M/S/C “That we write to Bill Woodhouse to fix the road accesses to Tribune and Helliwell Parks.”

Fire Department:
Giff LaRose provided the following information in response to questions: The volunteer fire fighter application procedure has been in use since the 1970’s and allows volunteers to have a say in who serves. A recent application was reviewed, and the applicant attended a meeting attended by all the volunteer members. By secret ballot, following a question and answer session period, this application was rejected. Four new recruits have been accepted.
Question asked: What are the criteria upon which you vote? Answer: Secret ballot. Discussion followed. Suggestion made that the policy be reviewed. Is there another way to do this recruitment? Giff reported that the CSRD will be reviewing the operational policies. Question: Do not probationary periods adequately determine suitability? Suggested that there be specific criteria and have a transparent process in recruitment of volunteers. If procedures need to be reviewed, do that, but is it appropriate to discuss a particular application in a public meeting?

Fire Department Update: Training sessions were summarized. Co-op water tanks will be relocated. 11 fire fighters – nine rookies and two probationary members. Ilze Rauzdins is working as secretary. Members will be honoured for length of service. Chair Ron Sitter offered
thanks to the fire department committee for work behind the scenes.

Nominating Committee: Tim Biggins and Jenny Brown volunteered to serve on this committee whose functions include recruitment of members willing to seek election to committees at the AGM in March, and assisting in chairing the election.

Prior to leaving, members viewed the map detailing the site plan of the Community Green Space, posted on the back wall.

Adjournment: at 9:15 P.M.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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