2008 Minutes


January 9th, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members. Len was called out to drive the ambulance; he returned later.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. The agenda was introduced. New members were requested to register with the administrator.

Minutes of the December, 2007 meeting were read and approved by general consent.

CSRD Update: Carol Quin reporting. Division of the CSRD into two districts was recapped. Area K will cease to exist after November 2008. We will be amalgamated with Area A. Carol will be establishing an advisory committee from among members elected to committees currently overseeing regional district services on both Hornby and Denman.

Announcements: Tony Law representing HICEEC & Islands’ Trust: All were invited to participate in developing terms of reference for a housing needs assessment at a meeting on Jan 12th at 2:30 P.M. at Room to Grow. There will be a Trust information meeting on Jan13 11 A.M. at New Horizons.

Executive Report: Ron Sitter reporting. The community green space has been cleared and configured – a circular roadway has been established. Input will be sought from the Farmer’s Market people re the individual site preparations. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt in the new Green Space involving the school kids…to familiarize people with the area. HIRRA volunteers and staff were applauded for their contributions in 2007.

Hornby Island Arts Council: Lynne Carmichael introduced HIAC’s plan to apply to BC Lands to purchase the 5.8 acres between the Hall and Joe King Ball Park. This will become the new home for Hornby Artists Run Gallery, the Hornby Island Arts Council, resource centre and office, HITS theatre, and a dance studio. Benefits to this grouping will be sharing the core services such as office and staff. The plan also will offer artists’ studio space, a wetland with a boardwalk and an adventure bike park – small area to introduce people to mountain biking. Included is space for an additional hall parking area that HIRRA had applied for some time ago. Drawings were on display. Michael McNamara is involved in concept. Lynne Introduced Angelia Hoeppner and Rudy Rogalsky, board members of HIAC. An informal show of hands indicated support for the proposal.

Recycling Budget 2008: Using the overhead projection display, Manager Stani Veselinovic reviewed the budget line by line. The bag fee will increase to $3/bag in the summer and back to $2.50 in the fall. It was agreed that the tipping fee revenue be revised upward to $57,000 in support of the principle of user pay garbage. Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, increasing summer staffing and provision of manager’s benefits on his one year anniversary contributed to the increased wage costs. It was stated that capital projects will be those planned in consultation with the CSRD and will focus on enhancing safe storage of hazardous materials.
M/S/C “That the 2008 Recycling Budget be approved as revised on presentation.”

Fire Protection Services Budget 2008: Fire Chief Giff LaRose reviewed the budget line by line. Copies were provided to the members. An overhead display was also utilized. The budget was accompanied by a page of explanatory notes. A priority among fire departments throughout the Comox Valley is recruitment and retention of volunteer fire fighters. The value of health and benefit plans for fire fighters is realized in this budget preparation. There was discussion regarding volunteer benefits. The increase in the Fire Chief’s salary is to bring it into line with like positions in the district. The committee has approved the budget. There was a survey of volunteer fire departments to determine volunteer benefits and honorariums and their relationship to service and attendance at practices.
M/S/C That the 2008 budget be approved as presented.

In response to a question, Giff noted that the review of the operational policies by the regional district is in progress.

Trails: Andrew Carmichael reported that the proposed trail connecting Clinic and the library has met with no opposition. It will branch off behind the HDCHCS building in a straight line to the library.
M/S/C “That the trail building proceed as described”.
The bike Trail near water tank off Central Road to the Crownland previously trespassed on a neighbouring property. Consulting with neighbours and MOTH officials, the trails committee revised the trail so it is on public land. The committee needs one additional member to run for election at the AGM.

New Business:

Is the assembly in agreement with the executive entering discussions with the CSRD director and Islands Trustees on the subject of incorporation/municipal status? There was discussion. Approved.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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March 12th, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator & 41 members.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. The agenda was introduced. HIRRA etiquette of meetings was highlighted. New members registering: Mary and Terry Preston and Josie Fletcher.

Minutes of the January, 2008 meeting were read and approved by general consent.

Community Announcements: HI Arts Council AGM is March 27th at the HIAC centre.

Special recognition: A big thank you was conveyed to the volunteers who worked on the community green….you know who you are.

Executive report:

  1. Community Green: road in, major clearing is done, site prep is in progress. Another volunteer work party is scheduled for this Sunday the 16th at 9:30. To complete phase 2, the assembly was asked to approve an additional $7500. There was discussion.
    M/S/C Tim Biggins/Kathy Sauve, “That $7500 be approved for site preparation of the Green Space.”
  2. March 23rd – an Easter Egg hunt and the grand opening of the Community Green – all invited.
  3. March 17th – CVRD financial plan – public information meeting at 7 P.M. at New Horizons.
  4. March 18th – CVRD/HIRRA meeting at 12:30 at the hall – contract agreements & budget planning.
  5. April 19th will be the committee volunteer orientation luncheon meeting.
  6. Summer Season: liaison with the RCMP is being planned; information is that there will be fewer RCMP officers on Hornby this summer.


  1. Letter re CAST was read by Ron and Janet. HIRRA will be represented at the first meeting that is inviting organizations to identify their concerns re the sustainability of our community. Input is welcome.

Area K Director Report: Carol Quin

  1. All encouraged to attend the March 17th meeting on financial planning at the CVRD level. Regional Parks and economic development funding will be explained.
  2. The 2008 budget has not yet been approved at the CVRD level. A regional recreation funding baseline funding of $4000 has been discontinued for Hornby and Denman as the result of a vote at CVRD. The recreation function is being studied.
  3. A regional growth strategy is being considered. Province will pay.
  4. The final report on the service review is expected soon.

President’s Annual Report: Ron Sitter presented. There was much gratitude expressed in this enthusiastic view of the previous year’s activity. Approved by general consent, with applause.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul Clemens highlighted the auditor’s report, copies of which were available as handouts. An internal statement of income and expenses was prepared and summarized.

M/S/C Lynne Carmichael/Donna duPlessis “That the 2007 auditor’s report be approved as presented.”

M/S/C Paul Clemens/Paddy Tsurumi “That Meyers Norris Penny be appointed as auditor for 2008.”

Recycling Report: presented by Kathi Sauve. Highlights were the hiring of Stani as manager, revising the composting collection system, safety focus for staff and users, construction waste diversion from household garbage and a new baler. There were break-ins that were a concern. Thanks to committee, staff and volunteers. Tipping fees addressed. The committee and management have completed a master plan for capital improvements. There was applause, approval by general consent.

Fire Department: presented by Lu Ackerson as Giff is away. She reviewed the 3020 hours of emergency call outs done in 2007. 67% were medical call outs. Training initiatives were summarized. A financial summary was provided; a volunteer benefit plan proposed to CVRD was not approved, but the regional district did award a one time amount of $5000 to be used for volunteer retention. Service review included the consideration of the construction of a new fire hall. The fire underwriter’s audit will be part of a regional wide initiative managed by the CVRD. The siting of water tanks will enhance fire-fighting capabilities. Community training sessions were noted. Wild fire prevention planning was summarized.
M/S/C Tim Biggins/Lu Ackerson “That the following fire department officers’ appointments be approved as presented: Fire Chief: Giff LaRose; Deputy Fire Chief: Rob Zielinski; Captain: Al Cannon;
Lieutenants: Duncan MacCaskill (Training) and Gregg Kendrick (Fire Prevention).”

Hall Committee Report: Judith Lawrence reporting. Electrical system upgraded. Photos of hall from 36 years ago were available. Roof repairs were done and a new CSA approved wood stove was installed along with a chimney renovation. Folding tables were purchased. Halloween dance was a successful event shared with the HIAA. Thanks to committee members, Lynn Nunley, booking agent and Colleen Work and Steve Pacheco, maintenance workers. There was applause.

Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy reporting. Thanks to the committee members. Management plan is being reviewed by CVRD, province et al. No agreement for management of the beach accesses has been reached as yet. Bennett family bench has been installed at the top of Mount Road. Signage has been upgraded. Working toward bringing trails up to provincial standards. Maps were reprinted by the CVRD. Fewer blow downs over this past winter. Trail building work shop scheduled for April, 2008.
There was applause.

Recreation Report: Sharon Rogalsky reporting: A well-publicized recreation program was enjoyed by many islanders last year. Weekly walking group started. In Dec there was a fitness day for older adults and a kids day. Coordinator Bonita Wexler participated in the opening of the HIAA fitness center. Summer programs included swimming, sailing soccer, gym, weaving tp name a few. Societies are encouraged to submit their requests for CVRD recreation funds. There was applause.

Cemetery Committee: Eve Wetzel reporting: Shed has been built; water collection barrels installed; there is broom in the cemetery. Volunteers worked on three work days. Space is limited for full body interments. No prebooking. There will be an information sheet prepared and distributed. Looking at acquiring more land for cemetery use. There was applause.

Trails: Andrew Carmichael noted that the St. John’s Point trail is a two-year project due to its length. Funds are sufficient for this work and the new library to New Horizons trail. Some maintenance work on existing trails was done. Other volunteers assisted in trails…287 work hours. There was applause, approval by general consent.

All reports will be posted to the HIRRA web site.

Elections: The slate of candidates willing to serve was available to members as a handout and is attached to these minutes. Paul Clemens assumed the chair.

Vice President: Lynn Nunley willing to stand for re-election. Her remarks were read out by Ron in her absence. Lynn was declared by acclamation.
Secretary: Len Olsen willing to stand for secretary. Len was declared elected by acclamation.

Recycling: One vacant position. Mary Ann Handy was nominated. All declared by acclamation.

Recreation: Declared elected by acclamation.

Parks: Declared elected by acclamation.

Privy Council: Declared by acclamation.

Trails: Declared by acclamation .

Hall: Declared by acclamation.

Fire Protection: One vacant position. Richard Laskin was nominated. All declared elected by acclamation.

Cemetery: Declared elected by acclamation.

Fall Fair: One vacant position. Carole Chambers was nominated. All declared elected by acclamation.

Appointments: Daniel Siegel and Paul Clemens were appointed to the HI Community Economic Enhancement Corporation by general consent.

Ron Sitter assumed the chair.

Thanks to Jan Bevan, Tim Biggins and the executive. Judith Lawrence was thanked by Carol Quin for serving as an alternate Area K director. Fred Hunt will serve as alternate for the remainder of the Area K Director’s term of office. Thanks to Dan Bruiger for HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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April 9th, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members of the community.

Ron Sitter called the meeting to order, introducing HIRRA’s etiquette of meetings, and the executive and administrator. New members were asked to register with the administrator. The agenda was posted.

Minutes of the March AGM were approved as read by general consent.

Executive Report:
Community Announcements: Community Archives Celebration starts tomorrow at the hall and runs through the weekend. Kelp bed information on April 16th at 7:30 P.M. at Room To Grow. Trail building workshop is next Sunday.
Special Recognition: Trails committee were commended for their work. There was applause.
Community Green is nearing completion. Market people have assisted. Signage still needed. We need a name for this forested area.
Easter Egg hunt sponsored by HIRRA and the Community School was a success; about a hundred pounds of chocolate were given out. Some donations were received from businesses in Courtenay and on Hornby.
March 17th CVRD financial meeting was informative. The March 18th CVRD/HIRRA budget discussions were highlighted. Recreation core funding $4000 was voted to be discontinued by the urban directors.

Public Forum:
Tribune Bay Trashing: report of ad hoc committee, Mary MacKenzie and Kevin Woods reporting:
Tim Biggins, Cathy Mukai, Metta Wullum, Kevin Woods, Joyce Hookings, Daniel Siegel and Mary MacKenzie were members of the committee.
Activities during long weekends at the Tribune Bay Beach need to change to protect the environmental integrity. Committee members had discussions with many islanders and group reps directly associated with the area. Many people are familiar with the beach problems. Five committee meetings were held…just being litterbugs pick ups is not the answer. There are disturbing ads on the internet stating “drugs are great, booze and sex are great and the locals are afraid of us.”

  • Install wooden bin
  • Larger sign no overnight parking at foot of Shields Road
  • Enhanced police force presence…police on bikes wandering thru public places…were very visible.
  • Want RCMP to be more flexible.
  • Enhance road blocks and patrols on long week ends.
  • Considering asking Co-op to restrict liquor sales somewhat on long weekends. Sends a message. May be a difficult one to attain consensus.
  • Assure consistent bylaw enforcement re drinking liquor in public
  • Short term actions, such as signage at Buckley Bay re consuming alcohol in public is against the law, advertising a phone number that can be used to report large parties, big booze being amassed etc.
  • Advertising these facts in the rental homes and cabins via a printed information sheet.

Only 10% of beach party kids are islanders according to those interviewed.
The internet communications re Hornby on YouTube were noted to contain audio/video clips of kids telling each other where the action is, Hornby Island, where to get absolutely messed up on drugs. A professional job has been done on these clips. Audio sample was played. Youth flaunting the law enforcement (or lack of) on Hornby. Idea: Has the YOU TUBE video been forwarded to the RCMP?

Need some money to pay staff to clean up the beach areas – may get donations from food vendors in the area of Tribune Bay Beach. The role of volunteers was discussed. Waking kids in the early morning and asking them to clean up the mess is an idea for volunteers to do.

The executive will study the committee’s report and will make recommendations to the assembly re actions.

The entire report of Tribune Bay ad hoc committee

Open Discussion: Summarized

We need more than 2 or 2.5 RCMP officers.
Drunken rowdies do not pay attention to signs or garbage bins.
Beach closures established and enforced.
These problems are not unique to this community.
Closing Shields Road access after the Co-op closes.
Comment on YouTube videos….let’s do it.
We can complain to the people who run YouTube
Let’s post our own videos on YouTube.
Counsellors and or RCMP should talk to High Schools kids in the schools.
The 1976 HIRRA minutes referred to rowdies at the beaches.
BC Parks summer staffs do some patrolling.
Ambassador students to introduce people to Hornby.
Role of the fire patrol and the ferry workers was noted.
Keeping parties at the beach helps in allaying bush fire fears in the dry summer.
Islanders avoiding Big Tribune Beach is a sad state of affairs.
Garbage on the beach is very distressing.
Thanks to the committee for all their work. There was applause.
Feeling threatened from YouTube ads…write letters to the solicitor general.

Carol Quin, Area K Director’s Report:

There is a meeting of local org reps with the RCMP. More RCMP staffing is being considered. Asking for continuity is staff members assigned to Hornby. Grants in Aid applications are being received till the end of May. Applications on the web site. The core recreation funding of $4000 for each of Hornby and Denman has been reinstated by the CVRD board.

Tony Law Trust Report:
Bylaw revisions on public use land and set backs for septic systems being developed.
Vacation rentals – temporary use permits are being looked at – some problems foreseen.
Under current bylaws, this is illegal, but has been permitted. Secondary accommodation units to fill the lack of affordable housing units is being considered. Individuals or organizations can be nominated to receive stewardship award.

BC Ferry Information on the new tickets: Tony Law noted that there would be a BC Ferry staff member on the Co-op porch next Saturday to give information about the new ticketing system. General information re advisory committee’s activities was given. Encouraged all to continue writing letters protesting the ferry fare hikes to MLA and Minister of Transportation.

Naming the new forested area between RCMP/HDCHCS: Possible names were suggested:

Community Green YIMBY (Yes It’s My Back Yard) Community Grove Market Common Hornby Common Quiet Forest The Fairy Grove Round About Market Park Our Park

A show of hands indicated a majority supported the name Community Green. (“Name That Space” will be on the agenda of the May meeting to give all an opportunity to contribute suggestions.)

Adjournment at 9:14 p.m. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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May 14th, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 52 members of the community. Ron Sitter called the meeting to order, introducing HIRRA’s etiquette of meetings, the executive and administrator. New members were asked to register with the administrator. The agenda was posted.

Minutes of the April AGM were approved as read by general consent.

Community Announcements:
There will be a public meeting with the RCMP in the near future.

Margaret Sinclair gave information on the current activities of the Hornby Archives Project. She asked for old photographs to be turned in to be used in the archival displays. Summer residents with long associations with the island will be asked to submit Hornby photos also. A future display of Hornby architecture will feature photos of owner built homes.

Ian Thomson stated the Island Secure Land Association has an AGM on June 1st – wanting islanders to become involved. Weiss land grant is nearing completion and ISLA needs to organize efforts to discover how best to use and develop this land.

Daniel Siegel noted that HICEEC will have its AGM, on June 18th; the fee for membership is $10, reduced from $20. CVRD has granted funds to HICEEC for continued operations.

Bob Sarti announced a Tailgate party at the dePape ditch on June 21st 10 am till noon. Theme: Life’s a Ditch. Upcoming recreation programs were highlighted by Bonita Wexler. August 4th to August 8th sailing lessons for kids. Swimming and circus instructors need accommodations.

Donna duPlessis gave information on Pennies for Peace, a philanthropic initiative…..involved in building schools originally for girls, now co-ed. School is raising money for this and Co-op is partnering.

Heron Rocks annual plant and berry sale is this week-end.

Tony Law announced a workshop on community housing on June 7th and 8th.

Bob Kungl announced emergency radio station installations at the fire hall that will be keep us in touch with the outside world in the event of an emergency. Similar radio communication gear is planned for installing at the hall complex.

Special recognition: Alan Fletcher and Kurt Wetzel for their pledges to supply materials and build picnic tables for the new park area. There was applause.

Executive Report:
The new park is complete. Photos are on display. Market people and HIRRA executive met to discuss organization of the new area. Need a bike stand and signage.

Depot vandalism lately a great concern. Fire lit in the free store and a window broken in the office.
Recent meeting supported ISLA.

Correspondence: Letter from the vendors thanked HIRRA for the new park area. In response to a question, the treasurer noted we have spent $15,000 and market vendors have contributed approximately $1800.

Guest speaker, Debra Lyttle from Waiheke Island, New Zealand spoke on the topic of Transition Towns, sustainability, and resilience in the face of climate change…She is involved in developing a transition town in New Zealand. More information available at www.transitiontowns.org.nz or from Debra by email to debbielyttle at gmail.com

Recycling Report: Stani Veselinovic: Donated wood for raffling; t-shirts will be sold to raise money. Pidgeon Lake Landfill tipping fees will be assessed at $150/tonne if loads contain recyclable materials. Please, no recyclables in the dumpster! The budget was approved by the CVRD except for $600 for composting toilet maintenance. Hot water heater is not working. Stani continued with a short power point presentation on glass crushing which was enjoyed by all. Glass pulverizer can be purchased for $11,000-$20,000. Samples of finished product were passed around. There was discussion. Agreed that the glass pulverizing should be explored thoroughly. Depot vandalism, including a small fire set inside the Free Store and a broken office window are troubling. Other incidents of minor arson at the Tribune Bay picnic shelter and in a Helliwell Privy were noted with concern.

Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele, Chair reported that $15,363.38 is recommended for allocation to community groups, as listed:

$3000 – HIES Teen Night Activities, as requested.
$3000 – HIES After School Program, as requested.
$2500 – HIES Gymnasium subsidy for after school use, as requested.
$3171.13 – Sailing School, as requested.
$1442.25 – H. I. Athletic Association, as requested.
$1500 – H.I. Athletic Association Fitness Centre; $5000 requested.
$750 – Hornby Supernaturals Horse Group, as requested.

The Fitness centre applied for $5000 for training purposes. The Committee’s recommended amount of $1500 was based upon direct experience with costs of fitness trainer courses and previous year’s funds allotted to the Fitness Centre.

HIRRA’s Recreation fund allocation, supporting the budget approved earlier this year, is $13,479.62.

Motion: Donna Tuele/Donna duPlessis, “That the recreation fund allocations be approved as presented”. CARRIED

Community Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence reported ongoing roof problems. Bike rack is collapsing and Steve Pacheco will reinforce; plans are to locate another bike rack in the parking area adjacent to the RCMP building. Heat pump quotes have been reviewed, and cost estimates are $16,000 – $18,000: Motion: Judith Lawrence/Kathi Sauve That HIRRA approve the purchase and installation of a heat pump in the Community Hall.” CARRIED.

Extension of the Crownland Lease beyond 2018: Letter drafted by Ron was read for consideration. Andrew Carmichael referred to the fact that the Hornby/Denman Community Health Care Society building is located on HIRRA’s leased land; he also noted that expanded premises for a new health centre/clinic will be needed. It was agreed by general consent that HIRRA proceed with applying for an extension of our land lease. It was noted that HIRRA and HDCHCS will work collaboratively with the community and the government in determining land use.

Naming the Park: All suggested names were reviewed and written on the blackboard. Ballots and pencils were distributed. Donna duPlessis and Rudy Rogalsky were appointed as scruitineers. Five finalist name choices were: The Copse, Brown Green, Community Green, Market Grove, and Yeoman’s Park. Ballots were distributed and “The Copse” won the vote.

Adjournment: at 9:35 P.M. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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June 11, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 36 members of the community. Ron Sitter called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. introducing the executive and the administrator. New members were asked to register with the administrator. The agenda was posted.

Minutes of the May meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Community Announcements:
HICEEC AGM is next Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. at New Horizons
Heron Rocks AGM next Sunday at 1 P.M. at the annex.
Resilient Hornby Island group meeting tomorrow evening – potluck supper with local food encouraged – starts at 5 P.M. with the supper, meeting will probably start by 6 P.M.

Executive Report:
Anonymous donor paid $400 for the bike stand at the Copse. Tables are to be built by Alan Fletcher; Don Nixon is building the signs. Encouraged all to support the Farmer’s Market. Portable Pottie cannot be located in the Copse due to difficulty in access by the servicing truck.
We have written for a lease extension on the ten acres, rewording the lease to expand use potential; this was read by Ron. If accepted, the new lease would accommodate the expansion of the HDCHCS complex. The standard is for a thirty year terms. The Community Hall and Savoie Clinic building and property insurance will increase to approximately $11,300.00. RCMP will attend the July meeting.

Correspondence: An email from Kathi Mukai re litter management at beach accesses was read. There will be a discussion under new business.

CVRD report: Carol Quin expressed difficulty in getting some Hornby issues at the top of the staff agenda at the CVRD, Fire Hall and Parks planning to name but two. The transition of splitting the two regional districts is taking a lot of time. Some of the regional priorities in the district were noted. Also senior management staff retirements are affecting the workload. Carol apologizes for the waiting times experienced by Hornby Islanders. Debra has stated her intention to schedule a fire hall planning meeting in the next couple of weeks. There will be a project committee established. Doug Christie has worked on similar projects and has pledged assistance that has been accepted. Debra is also developing a contract between the CVRD and HICEEC, a first. The Regional Parks master plan is on the agenda to be updated. The management of five beach access parks will be transferred to the CVRD soon. James Bast will be working with Debra on the fire hall planning. The master facility plan for the depot has received no CVRD support or dialogue in spite of attempts by the recycling committee to engage.
The best methods of communication with the new director in order to assure that Hornby’s issues are dealt with were discussed.

Rock the Boat: Michelle Easterly introduced herself and thanked HIRRA executive and the assembly for their work. Ferry advisory committee has done good work, but the increased ferry costs have affected Michelle’s accommodation business. A stuffed doll named Fair fare ferry fairy frickin’ Freda is the mascot of the Rock the Boat Coalition. Seven founding members include 5 Denman Islanders and Michelle and Will Thomas of Hornby. Michelle read a letter of intent put together by the coalition that will be published in local media. Supporters are encouraged to join and support. They are a direct action group with plans to inform the public of the alarming increases in ferry rates and the impact on island life and livelihoods. There will be a rally on July 4th with actions planned to get the attention of the powers that be. There are rallies planned for other Gulf Islands and Haida Gwaii. Financial support is gratefully accepted. The rally will be held at the Hornby ferry terminal on July 4th between 4 and 7 P.M. Information at www.willthomasonline.net or contact Michelle Easterly. Will Thomas was introduced by Michelle. Will helped found the Georgia Strait Alliance and has been actively involved in environmental groups. He reviewed the privatization of BC Ferries. Complete privatization of the minor routes is thought to be a B.C. Ferries Corporation objective. Will stated the ferries are our coastal highway and are an essential service. There was applause as Michelle and Will were thanked for this information.

Andrew Carmichael offered some information re the work of the ferry advisory committee. The only economic opportunity on Hornby is tourism and somehow the government must be made aware of the huge financial loss potential due to ferry fare increases.

Fire Department: Giff LaRose called attention to a map of Hornby displaying the water tank placements done and planned for the future. The recent installations at the Co-op and Mount road were referenced. These will be certified as rural hydrants. The CVRD is turning attention to Hornby Fire Hall planning. Summer training is underway. Cliff rescue techniques are being practised tomorrow night. Also getting geared up for automobile accidents. Training was highlighted. There are 18 members on the roster. Ian Palmer, a long term volunteer fire fighter, has left for Kenya to volunteer and will return in the fall. The question was asked, where do you get the water from for the tanks? The Mount Road water was supplied from Doug Nixon’s pond and the Co-op’s new well is trickle feeding the tanks on its property.
The Highways well and school tank are also used to supply water for the assured water supply tanks. Giff answered some technical questions. Public wildfire training night will be on the second Thursday in July. Everyone encouraged to attend. Think of how you would respond if there was a fire in your neighbourhood and plan to attend this important training.

Regional Parks Report: Betty Kennedy highlighted trail building, meeting with CVRD staff Brain Allaert, and the progress being made toward CVRD acquiring rights to beach access management. There was general consent by the assembly to provide a new access to trails via the cemetery parking lot, which is being expanded somewhat. The objective is to minimize public accessing the trails through the fire department property. CVRD is holding a “safe park in summer” workshop in Courtenay and will pay for two attendees from Hornby. Park signage is being improved. Large entrance signs are being revised and updated. A small parking area is being developed at Strachan Road. New brochures will be available soon – from rack on the Co-op porch and at Jan’s Café. Len Olsen attended the May park meeting.

Shields Road waste bins: As a result of the Tribune Bay Stewards ad hoc committee deliberations, Gerhard Kozel built the waste bins currently sited at the far end of Shields Road; he was thanked by applause. Mary McKenzie brought samples of broken glass and cans and bottles found along the beach at Big Tribune. The Co-op has been asked to sell only cans and not bottles. Co-op cannot comply with this request. How can we stop broken glass from ending up on the beach? In response to the question “Can HIRRA pay personnel to clean up Big Tribune beach in July and August” it was noted that the development of the Copse has used up reserves for this budget year. Suggested that volunteer stewardship of the beaches continue with monitoring of the amount of garbage generated so HIRRA can include associated costs in 2009 budget planning. The problem of unsorted garbage and littering at other beach accesses was mentioned. Could these services be funded under the tax funded Comfort Station or Recycling/Waste management functions? There are international beach cleaning days – we should participate. The feasibility of waste receptacles being placed at other beach accesses was briefly discussed. The recycling management will be asked to waive the fees for beach garbage collected by volunteers.

Other: Basil duPlessis informed the assembly that there is currently a red tide alert; clams and oysters are unsafe to eat at this time.

Adjournment: at 9:35 P.M by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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July 9, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 52 members of the community. Ron Sitter called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. introducing the executive and the administrator. New members were asked to register with the administrator. The agenda was highlighted.

Minutes of the June meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Community Announcements: New fire door has been installed at the Sollans Road entrance to the Hall. Thanks to Roy Slack who designed, built & installed this door.
The HI Arts Council schedule of artistic events was summarized. They have applied to the government for tenure of the 5.8 acres adjacent to the hall. Dr. Henderson requests that more attention be paid to slow traffic zone for safety of the school playground. Should signs be made larger? RCMP members present took note. Shellfish still should not be eaten due to continued red tide.

Special Thanks: To the hall committee for the installation of the heat pump, new doors and the new coffee maker. There was applause.
Executive has not yet responded to the HI Arts Council’s request for partnership in the acquisition of tenure on the 5.8 acres. The concept of what a partnership would mean to HIRRA needs to be more fully investigated.

Introduction of RCMP officers: Constable Daina Basso and Constable Andrea Folk were introduced and spoke briefly before fielding questions. There are three full time members posted to Hornby, Constable Duncan McGeorge is the third regular member. On long weekends the baseline staff is increased to as many as 7 members or auxiliary members. On the May long weekend there were several thousand dollars worth of liquor confiscated dumped out. A community member informed the RCMP that hitchhiking is encouraged on the island. RCMP have some concerns re young people hitch hiking late at night without adult supervision, though generally they are okay with hitchhiking. Unopened alcohol has to be stored in the trunk or the back of a pick up…as far away as possible from vehicle occupants. There are two raves scheduled and extra RCMP staff will be on the island. The location of the raves was questioned by an islander who lives next door to where a rave was held last year. RCMP is actively seeking a solution to raves/loud parties on private residential lots with the associated noise etc. Little Tribune is becoming a party beach – the police are patrolling the beaches. Could they be on the beaches more? Parking around the hall on Market days is very congested. Question: commercial ventures are prohibited on private property. Festival is encouraged to get a temporary use permit for the outdoor festival events in the summer. Parking congestion at the bakery corner was noted with concern – asked that everyone park safely. Liquor licences for events are being carefully checked.
The faded lines down the middle of the road are a concern. Officers will give attention to illegal parking. A citizen outlined an illegal camp ground and loud music repeatedly on the neighbouring property and stated that nothing seems to be able to stop this illegal activity.
Officer safety is sometimes a primary concern when the police are vastly outnumbered. The officers are researching what action can be taken. Bicycle helmets: warning tickets are issued to helmet less riders. Free ice cream tickets are being awarded to kids with helmets – donated by LIX. People are not allowed to ride in the back of trucks and tickets are being issued for violations. The officers were thanked with a hearty round of applause. They attended the remainder of the meeting.

CVRD Report: Carol Quin reporting. Grant in Aids are being presented to the board at the end of July. The requests far exceed the available funds. Mt Geoffrey master planning will resume in the fall. There will be a new staff member working with economic enhancement initiatives on the two islands. Fire hall planning is moving along; there was a meeting between CVRD and the fire department committee and chief. Retired engineers have volunteered assistance. A possible site for the new fire hall is across the road from the entrance to the recycling depot.

Island Trust Report: Tony Law outlined trust bylaws being worked on currently: septic setbacks and the Weiss property subdivision/land donation. Staff report on secondary accommodations has been received and is being reviewed. Summer rentals regulations are also being discussed. A community plan update is scheduled. An up coming community meeting was announced. The parking congestion at Ford’s Cove was discussed at a meeting some months ago – waiting for BC Parks to act on the plan that was agreed to for a parking area in the park. BC Ferry Advisory committee summary was given. They have asked for relief for the fare increases. BC Ferries will apply for a 20% fuel surcharge. All are encouraged to write letters.
Carol and Tony were thanked with applause.

Privy Council Allan Beattie: Ferry costs will affect the privy rental costs…8%/year has been the increase per year and most of that has been ferry increases.

Fall Fair is scheduled for September 13th: Carole Chambers highlighted the fair events. More information will follow in a brochure that will include registration forms. Jack Hansed cannot serve this year so the fair needs a strong person replacement for what Jack does. Volunteers apply here.

HDCHCS: Ron Sitter stated that a motion would be requested to approve in principle the addition of an extension to the HDCHCS on the 10 acres leased by HIRRA. Mike Parrish was introduced and presented information regarding the need for a new clinic. Community visioning expressed the desire for a community owned integrated health care system. The current clinic facilities are outdated. New 3700 square feet addition to the current HDCHCS building has been planned with input from doctors and other people working in the field. If HIRRA is successful in attaining an extension to the current lease over the 10 acres, there will be an added security for the HDCHCS initiative to proceed. A new clinic will assist Hornby Island in attracting physicians. The proximity to the farmer’s market was noted to be 28 feet. Perhaps an electrical connection could be available to market vendors and perhaps a washroom could be made available to the public using the market.
Question: Can the addition be at the rear of the present building…It would be more difficult to dig out the back as it is sloped; more difficult for the ambulance to access. Dr. Bob spoke in support of the project and noted its importance as a recruiting tool for a new doctor. Questions and answers re design ideas were fielded. The HDCHCS parking lot will be expanded as well. Financial aspects of leasing the new facilities to VIHA were briefly discussed. Has water catchment been considered? Not yet. Septic field is adequate.
Dr. Laura spoke in favour of the construction of new facilities. Are they certain a mortgage can be attained for building on leased land? This is an issue that has to be dealt with. Corinne Ristau asked if the membership would approve HDCHCS securing 2.5 acres from Crownland. A new life pack machine has been made possible though fund raising and will be housed in the new clinic. Have other locations been considered? Mike spoke in favour of integrated services.

Motion: Mike Parrish/Lynne Carmichael: “Whereas the present clinic must be replaced in the immediate future; and whereas the HI vision is for an Integrated Health Centre; It is moved that the health care society “new clinic committee” be permitted and encouraged to develop and build a suitable structure attached to the health care society building.”
Carol Quin/ amendment: “subject to suitable tenure from Crownland” no seconder; the motion dropped.” There was discussion. The vote was called. Carried by unanimous. Question was asked by Ron Sitter: What level of participation does the HIRRA assembly wish to have regarding details of the clinic project? Past President Fred Hunt stated that the HDCHCS are best able to manage the project. Carol Quin, Area K director noted that the leased land is HIRRA’s tenure and the HDCHCS is the funding group; suggests that HIRRA should have good updates re project progress and minimal involvement.
Letters of support for the expansion and construction of new clinic facilities should be solicited by the HDCHCS from the CVRD and the Islands Trust.

Community Roadside cleanup is scheduled for September 7th – neighbourhood and Central Road groups to be developed. Plan is to have a noon luncheon at the hall and work hard in the morning collecting and hauling refuse to the depot. More details later . People are encouraged to do roadside clean up regularly to keep the island clean.

Adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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September 10, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq Administrator and 62 members of the community.

New members registered: Lucie Lemay, Claire and Humphrey Jones, MaryLou and Don Miller, Susan Arnott and Kathy Bell. Guests, RCMP Constables Daina Basso and Duncan McGeorge.

Call to order: at 7:35 with an introduction to the agenda, the executive and welcome to the six new members. HIRRA’s etiquette reviewed.
Minutes of the July meeting: Corrections: 2700 square feet clinic expansion; ice cream was provided by LIX and the RCMP.
The minutes, with corrections noted, were approved by general consent.

Community Announcements: Betty Fairbanks referred to the 1st Edition article on the Steven Lewis’s Foundation. Support is requested for this humanitarian effort to relieve the devastation in Africa from the AIDS plague. There will be a Hornby chapter of Grandmothers to Grandmothers starting. A pledge sheet was circulated during the meeting and donations were received.
Kathy Mukai of the ad hoc stewards of Big Tribune will be reporting at the October meeting. Thanks to the MOTH and ENCON for the yellow lines painted on our roadways. HIRRA was requested to write and thank ENCON
Special recognition: Bonita Wexler and the recreation committee.

Executive Report:
We have heard from Crownlands that our application to extend the term on our leased land for 30 years has received Islands trust support and is awaiting feedback from First Nations.

Budget comparisons from our various committees are in good order. The process will now begin to create 2009 Budgets and 5-year plans. Schedule for submission to the CVRD is December 15, 2008.

HIRRA-sponsored roadside cleanup took place on Sunday Sept 7. Approximately 20 islanders participated in the formal gang and any others did what they always do, pick up while on walks. 25 bags of garbage and 2 bags of refundables were collected and transported to the recycling depot. Thanks to all.

The first Farmer’s Market Summer in the Copse seems to have been a huge success. HICEEC conducted a survey of visitors at the market and the response was extremely positive.

Islands Trust: An email from Tony Law was read, by way of report.
“…….my apologies for missing the meeting – we have a Council meeting.
The Local Trust Committee has a business meeting on Monday at New Horizons at 1:30 – Town Hall session included. I have finalized arrangements for the meeting between the provincial treaty negotiators and the Denman and Hornby trustees on the 16th. With respect to ferries, I expect to hear soon from the Minister’s office with respect to details of a meeting with Kevin Falcon about ferries I would be representing the Coastal Communities Ferry Advisory Committee.”

Comox Valley Regional Director’s Report: The Fire Hall Select Planning Committee has been formed and will include Fire Chief Giff LaRose, HIRRA Fire Protection Committee Chair, Lu Ackerson, Carol Quin, CVRD Director, Area K, Doug Christie and Andrew Carmichael, retired engineers, residents of Hornby Island.
First Nations Treaty negotiations: CVRD board doesn’t know where they will fit in with the negotiation process. Treaty negotiation team, made up of provincial and federal members recently addressed the CVRD board. Several First Nations bands are involved in land claim negotiations on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Some of the details of the process were explained and are being published in the grapevine. There are many areas of uncertainty regarding the role of the CVRD and the Trust. October 21st will be a public meeting with some members of the negotiating team.
Ron read an information email from Tony Law. “I talked today with Trevor Proverbs who is the Chief Negotiator for the Province with respect to treaties.
Members of the negotiating team will be meeting with the Hornby and Denman Local Trust Committees on September 16 to explain the process and receive input. Trevor stressed that they are very much at the beginning of the process which will take years to finalize. He said there will be further meetings as the process proceeds.”

There followed Questions & Answers: How confident can we be that the negotiating team realize how vital the Crownland is to the islands water supply sustainability?
Will the Trust session with the negotiating team be open to the public? We believe all Local Trust Committee meetings are available for attendance by the public. Can the 1st nations manage their lands without regulation by the Islands Trust and/or the Comox Valley Regional District? Answer: yes. How is public consultation guaranteed in this process? Town Hall session at the Islands Trust on the 14th of September. October 21st is a public meeting.
Carol wants to inform the negotiating team of our community interests in the Crownland. Historical use of Hornby by First Nations was raised.
Motion: Lynn Nunley/Tim Biggins:
“Whereas HIRRA is aware that the Regional Director and the Local Trustees will represent us to the Comox Band land claims negotiation process, be it resolved that we ask our elected representatives to insure that our community interests are communicated and that opportunities are provided for full public consultation”. Carried by unanimous vote

Ron read an Aug 14th email from Crownland staff which indicated the numerous First Nations’ bands interested in land claims on Hornby Island and the forecast complexity of the land claims process. Tim Biggins noted that there is an abundance of local history in the museum archives in the old post office in Courtenay. Carol Quin was thanked for the informative report.

Fire Dept: Giff noted that it was a quiet summer. In July there were 19 callouts, in August, 31callouts. Of these, 20 callouts were medical, 4 community calls, 3 beach fires, 1 false alarm, 1 RCMP assist and 2 fires, at Joe King Laundromat – a fire in a washing machine…2nd wash machine caught fire due to overloading by the same person. The department is recruiting volunteer fire fighters. The Operational guidelines have been redrafted and sent to a lawyer. They are modeled after the Okanagan’s guidelines. Currently there are 20 members on the roster. July wildfire training was attended by 9 people….much better than last year when only two showed up. Water tank mural is wonderful; they may do murals on other tanks. Co-op large tank is full of water. Small tank has a leak which is under repair. Fire underwriters audit was done in the summer. Cost was much less than thought due to several fire departments being serviced at the same time. Fire hall planning is happening.

Suggested that wildfire training be done in other than summer months. First responders were commended on the excellent first care given to a biker with fractured cervical vertebrae. Giff told the story; applause and special recognition were accorded these volunteers, members of our community.

Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel addressed the cemetery expansion progress. Test holes were dug by Jim McLeod and Eban Walmsley and they were able to dig to depths of just three or four feet before encountering bedrock. There is no answer yet on what can be done to accommodate full body internments, which are preferred by significant numbers of island residents. The committee will continue to explore options.
Jan Bevan suggested that we encourage people to use the cemetery entrance to the Crownland trails to prevent congestion at the fire hall access roadways. Congratulations to Eva whose son won a gold medal in the men’s eight rowing at the Beijing Summer Olympics.

Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reporting. The fair happens this Saturday! Volunteers have responded well. Organizing committee has held eight meetings recently. Still need two stewards to assist the judges in the process. A Wandering volunteer and clean up crew also needed. Parade at 11 am and fair from then till 4 pm. All of this at Olsen’s Farm on a sunny Saturday and it will be a day to remember!

Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele thanked Bonita Wexler, recreation Coordinator, for the successful summer program. Thanks to Keith and Bertie Stonehouse for the use of their swimming pool. Sailing lessons were also successful – 32 kids enrolled. There are many activities planned for fall and early winter including a 3 km run, a bike event, and the provision of a fitness trainer to help train using the Joe King gym equipment. It was noted that the Terry Fox run is being organized by Len and Chris Olsen.

The recreation committee is planning to re submit an application for a Direct Access Grant. Ron noted that only one Direct Access Grant application from the association is eligible in any given year, therefore, if any other of HIRRA’s committees are planning to apply for this, the executive should be notified immediately. There was applause for the recreation committee’s report.

Summer Summary: Tony Law, Provincial Parks staff operator, sent the following email summary, read by Ron Sitter: “I believe that the atmosphere at Tribune Bay is getting incrementally better year by year. July was definitely quieter this year, but the period around the August long weekend was intense at times. It is discouraging to the reluctance of some Hornby Islanders (current and returning) to respect the Provincial Park regulations, particularly with regard to alcohol consumption and dogs. It makes the job of park staff more challenging when we are not supported by locals in upholding park standards. The amount of garbage continues to be discouraging with some locals being regular contributors to the messiness. I believe we should continue to try to get the message out that Hornby is not a place where people can expect to indulge in public drunkenness with impunity. The RCMP presence certainly helped in this regard. I wish to express appreciation for the excellent work of the RCMP. They made a major effort to connect with the community and to address issues pro-actively. Other demands on their time sometimes kept them from having the degree of presence on Tribune Bay that might have been ideal. Appreciation also to the community members who worked to address the garbage issue on the areas adjacent to the Park.”

RCMP Constable Duncan McGeorge reported the summer policing statistics:
29 calls for liquor violations; 7 assaults; 21 thefts; 13 calls for bylaw infractions; 19 seizures of drugs; 2 search for grow ops; fishing violations; 4 mental health act interventions; 40 driving complaints 80 miscellaneous calls such as disturbances, migratory bird act investigations and false alarms. Constable McGeorge offered a special thanks to Tony Law, stating that Tony was great with the kids, and needs community support and recognition for doing a fabulous job. Q&A period: Regarding bike helmet law enforcement. The RCMP often tell helmet less offenders to buy a $29 bike helmet rather than issuing a $29 fine. This approach was supported at the July HIRRA meeting. Discharging of a shot gun in area of Little Tribune Bay…what do we do? Call and report. RCMP will be providing Hornby with more policing in the off season than was the case last year. Calling the nonemergency RCMP number after hours has been troublesome. Camping on private land adjacent to the major beaches was mentioned. Tribune Bay Campsite was well run this summer. People were escorted off the island when they had no place to stay. Firearm regulations would be helpful to know. What liquor licenses will be available in the winter? Joe King Park had several liquor control act violations and will not be given a liquor license pending the RCMP meeting with the board.
Constables McGeorge and Basso were thanked and there was applause.

HDCHCS expansion to house the clinic: Mike Parrish and Chris Weixelbaumer provided the following summary: More public consultation has been requested of HIRRA and the executive has asked the HDCHCS project team for more public consultation meetings. HDCHCS will have a stall at the fall fair. There will be open house on the 27th and 28th of September at the HDCHCS from 11 am to 2 pm. In fact, the HDCHCS project team is putting forward a different plan than was presented at last month’s HIRRA meeting, as there were several identified problems with the first plan. The current plan suggests the construction of a separate 1800 square feet building on the far side of the parking lot. There was a scale drawing as reference. In response to a question “will the first nations land claims involve the leased 10 acres?” the executive and HDCHCS project team stated “We think not”. Fund raising for the new clinic building is going well. A mortgage, if necessary, will be a private arrangement. The urgency to have a new clinic overrides the downside of having a separate building and not crowding in on the market is a good thing. Thanks were expressed to the clinic project team. Lynn provided background regarding the HIRRA executive’s desire to hold public consultations. Mike noted that, while there were concerns regarding crowding the farmers market, the second plan is preferable because it affords easier access to parking, less impact on current office window views, easier emergency vehicle access and a superior roof rainwater collection system potential. The new building could accommodate a dentist office expansion in the future. This plan is not carved in stone; it is evolving with public input.

Ferry Advisory Committee Appointment: Andrew Carmichael applauded for his service to the Ferry advisory group. He is stepping down; Lynn Nunley is the alternate. Should we replace that appointee? With all due respect, do we want to appoint or do we want to say “no”, making a statement of protest to BC Ferries? There was discussion. Tony Law, Carol Quin, Tim Biggins, Giff LaRose, Jim Garton, and Jenny Brown all wrote or spoke in favor of appointing a HIRRA member to this advisory group. Ron Sitter declared Lynn Nunley as the appointed HIRRA representative to the Ferry Advisory Committee.

Adjournment: at 10 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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November 12, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 33 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:36 with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator. HIRRA’s etiquette was reviewed.

Minutes of the October meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA:

  • Fred Hunt for moderating the Oct 21 public forum involving the Government negotiators working on the K’omock’s First Nations treaty land proposal. Summary notes of the meeting are available to review on HIRRA’s website and at the library. Janet was thanked for this written record.

Executive report:

  • HIRRA Exec signed off a Direct Access Grant application filed by the recreation committee for $15,000 to help augment their 2009 program with additional staff time and programs.
  • Leased land extension: The extension for the leased 10 acres of land has now been signed off by all parties. The Lease period is from Nov 14, 2008 to Nov 14, 2038. First year cost is $735 which includes a lease replacement fee and GST. Annual cost is anticipated to be $500/yr plus GST.
    The following excerpt from the terms of the lease was read:
    We grant you a lease of the land for community, recreational and facilities to support police, health care and social services purposes.

    a. You must, at HIRRA’s expense, effect General Liability insurance of not less than $1Million.
    b. You must not cut or remove timber on or from the land without 1) our prior written consent, and 2) being granted the right under the Forest Act to harvest Crown timber on the land.
    c. You must obtain a “license to cut” from the Ministry of Forests before harvesting, clearing, cutting, burning or selling any merchantable or non-merchantable timber on the land.
    d. You must not use construction materials containing toxic substances.
    e. You must not alter, repair or add to any improvement without our written consent.
    f. You must permit us to enter on the land at any time to inspect the land and the improvements.”

  • HDCHCS Initiative: New Clinic
    The HIRRA executive has submitted to the ministry a scanned copy of the brochure provided by the HDCHCS showing their expansion plans. The HDCHCS has been requested to provide a scaled drawing of the plans and to coordinate with HIRRA in securing approval from Forestry for tree removal.
  • HIRRA/CVRD 5-Year Service Agreement renewal:
    Debra Oakman, CVRD Chief Administrative Officer, will be on Hornby on Nov 18 to meet with the executive and committee representatives to discuss service contract renewal terms, 2009 planning and budgeting for each service area.


  • Letter from Denman Island Resident’s Association, requesting that island tax monies for grants-in-aid be allocated to the islands was read. This initiative was supported by unanimous consent; this will be communicated to DIRA and the CVRD.

Report updates: Ferry Advisory Committee and CVRD:

  • Tony Law reported that the government seems more willing to consider the plight of coastal communities and participate in fare negotiations.
  • Carol Quin, retiring director, CVRD, Area K: The Ombudsman, who received complaints regarding the dissolution of Area K, supported the government’s position. The Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park Master plan is currently under review. Fire Hall Options Committee will be meeting soon. The separation of Hornby and Denman Grant In Aid monies from the rest of Area A is supported by Carol. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation funding contract is being negotiated. A crosswalk is scheduled to be painted at the co-op corner.

Motion: Carol Quin/Andrew Carmichael “That HIRRA inform CVRD that we support the separation of Grant In Aid monies from each island.” Carried by unanimous vote. There was applause.

On Going Business:

  • 2009 Budget presentations: Displayed by power point.
  1. Recreation budget: This budget, forecasting $15,000 in Direct Access grant funding and expenditures of $30,000 was highlighted by April Lewis. It was noted that a $500 expense has been budgeted for Trail maintenance as discussed with the executive and trails committees.Motion: April/Colleen “That the 2009 budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED
  1. Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy reported that the Mt Geoffrey Regional Nature Park and Crownland trails budgets have been amalgamated after consultation with the CVRD; the budget called for expenditures of $13,300 in 2009. Beach access management plans are in development stages at CVRD. Betty gave a summary of current park maintenance activities. An on island printer will print the trails information/map brochure.Motion: Betty Kennedy/Tim Biggins “That the Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park/Crownland Trail maintenance budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED
  1. Core Services: Janet LeBlancq highlighted a status quo budget, forecasting expenditures approximating $45,000. In reference to the $7300 audit cost, the question was asked: “Can we request a review engagement rather than a complete audit?” The will be raised in discussions with the CVRD.Motion: Betty Kennedy/Fred Hunt, “That the core services budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED
  1. Big Tribune Bay volunteer summer beach waste management – Metta Wullum reported.

A large amount of garbage was amassed at the Shields Road access bin which was built and sited by a volunteer group. 20 bags per day were removed on weekends. Hours of work by volunteers were considerable. Beach users were grateful for the new container at Shields Road. Committee recommends a permanent bin at Shields Road. Will MOTH take responsibility for this waste management? This task needs paid personnel. Merchants need to be approached re public education on waste management at the beaches. Ultimately the question is how do we handle the trash at Shields Road/Big Tribune? Ron summarized the challenge and invited discussion. Volunteers were thanked and congratulated for their report. Further discussion is needed. Ideas to engage people to do their bit. Could recycling program staff handle beach access waste management bins as a satellite program? Suggested that this needs a proposal from the executive. Need to identify types of waste that is being left.

There was applause for Mary and Metta.

New Business:

  • Hornby Island Education Society held its AGM on Nov 2. Ron Sitter noted that on a total budget of about $218,000 they have only $2,500 remaining after expenses. The Hope Kitchen, a HIES facility, is on HIRRA’s leased land and subject to an annual rental fee. This fee was waived last year and the HIRRA executive is recommending that we waive this fee again in 2009.Motion: Rudy Rogalsky/Donna duPlessis “That we waive the rental fee for 2009.” Carried
  • Fall Fair budget surplus – There is a fund balance of $3799 reported by Jack Hansed. It was agreed by general consent that the Fall Fair Committee would consult with the executive and would make recommendations to the HIRRA assembly re the spending of this surplus.
  • A proposal to remove blown down trees from the regional park – was summarized by Betty Kennedy.Purpose: To revise the master plan, regarding trail maintenance, to permit the selective recovery of blown down trees for community use. The main intent is to maintain and care for the Park with the wood fuel by-product being put to good community use.

    Background: On occasion, there are many blown down trees in the park. While it is recognized that the composting of these in place restores the earth, it is also recognized that an excessive number of blow downs increases the fuel load of the park. The removal of these trees is not intended to be a regular activity, rather, to be done only in extreme circumstances where there are many, many fallen trees.

    Process: The elected members of HIRRA’s parks committee would take on the function of overseeing the removal of these blow downs by:

    1. Selecting subject trees in vehicle accessible areas of the park and marking them; this to be scheduled after September 30 and before the heavy winter rains commence.
    2. informing the parks contractor of the location of tree(s) and approve the access method and any equipment to be used in transporting the wood out of the park. The work to be done by volunteers with the Park Contractor hired to supervise. (Both Contractor and volunteers are covered by the Regional District’s liability insurance.)
      Volunteers would be provided with lunch and fuel with expenses to be paid out of the regular park maintenance budget.
    3. assuring that minor ground disturbances are repaired immediately at the conclusion of the project.
    4. donating the wood for community use through the Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association. Wood to be given away with recipients selected by local non-profit groups (such as New Horizons, Health Care Society, or Educational Society).
    5. recording the removal of all blow downs and communicating this information to the administrator for compilation in a master file, accessible to the CVRD and the public on request.
    6. The Park Committee oversees the process and ensures that protocols are followed.
      1. the lands adjacent to the water springs and covenant area are exempt from this tree removal protocol.
      2. new access trails will not be built for the purpose of removing blow downs.


There was discussion: Concerns: safety in chain sawing; care in determination; don’t want to see chain sawed trees in the park; CVRD staff and park contractor Yana Pethick have said that the downed trees are the worst they have seen; fire hazard; Yana expressed an appreciation for the sensitive nature of the issue. The Park Master plan needs an update on topics of fire protection and other issues. This will be a long process. It was agreed by general consent that the proposal could be submitted to the CVRD as a draft proposal for discussion purposes.

  • Clinic Expansion: Chris Weixelbaumer thanked the HIRRA executive for securing the lease extension. He referred to the drawings of the clinic on display and gave a brief commentary.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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December 10, 2008

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator. HIRRA’s etiquette was reviewed.

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA: The Community Hall Committee members and Staff and Chef Ben and his staff for the successful Round Room Café. There was applause.

Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting.

a) Meeting held Nov 18 with Debra Oakman, CAO, CVRD; Carol Quin, retiring Area K regional director; Bruce Jolliffe, newly elected Area A regional director; HIRRA executive and committee members to review all service areas was summarized:

  • There is no direct impact anticipated on any of the HIRRA tax-funded service areas as a result of the split of the RD and the amalgamation into Area A.
  • The 5-year service agreement between HIRRA and the RD expires on Dec 31, 2008.HIRRA and RD agrees to extend this agreement to Dec 31, 2009 to accommodate the outcome of the planning work being conducted in 2009 with the Recycling Depot and the Firehall.
  • Recreation – the committee inquired about a higher level of funding than the current ceiling of 5 cents per $1,000 of property assessed value. To consider this, the RD would like to see a 5 year plan developed by an outside consultant that will show how that increased money will be spent. The committee’s conundrum is the cost for that consultant ($10-$15K) – money the committee does not have.
  • Fire department – if the new facility is built on a different property, then the RD will return the current site to Crown Lands. It is assumed that the building will be removed to minimize liability and because it needs to be brought up to code – earthquake standards etc. There is nothing to prevent HIRRA from applying to Crown Lands to take on the land and building for public use.
  • Community hall – Judith conducted a tour of the Hall and the work that has been done in the past, and needs to be done in the future. Because the Hall is also Hornby’s primary Emergency Reception Centre the RD approves of these upgrades.
  • Recycling depot – An RFP will be posted in the last half of December for an engineering firm to complete an Operational Review and Conceptual Design of the recycling depot. HIRRA has been asked to provide an opinion regarding the applications received. It is anticipated that this will result in new facilities and a new site plan to meet current codes and standards. There will be opportunity for community input in this planning process. It is expected that it will take 3 months to identify the engineering firm, and the remainder of the year to complete the process. Construction is expected to begin in early 2010.
  • Beach access areas – management plans, with community input, will be developed in the spring and the hand-over to be managed by HIRRA will take place soon after that.
  • Privy council – the wording of the current by-law/agreement does not cover the building of permanent biffy’s on Hornby. It is possible, however, that since the permanent structures being proposed replace temporary summer ones used on beach access areas, that permanent biffys will be included in the beach access management plans.
  • Collection of trash accumulation in public areas – including beach access areas – The question about providing trash and recycling bins in public areas and at beach access areas was discussed. There would have to be money to pay someone to service the bins during the summer. None of the service agreements cover this aspect. It was suggested that local businesses be canvassed to contribute to a fund to pay someone to collect the garbage. There will be no tax-funded HIRRA budget for this service in 2009. Waste management can be discussed for beach access areas in the management-planning phase.
  • Cemetery – we discussed the possibility of providing stable tax-funded money to the cemetery committee for annual maintenance costs. There is no wording in any agreement or by-law that provides for this so the RD cannot accommodate. It would not make sense to develop a separate agreement just for the cemetery because of the small budget ($500-$1000/year). It is anticipated that burial fees will be sufficient to pay annual maintenance costs.
  • A new service agreement – because of the evolving needs of our community that are not covered under any current agreement there was discussion about developing a new service agreement that could be an “umbrella” for these various items. This will be considered.

b) Meeting December 2nd on Denman Island – organized by Carol Quin to provide Hornby and Denman islanders an opportunity to meet with Bruce Jolliffe, newly elected Area A regional director. Ron reported that he focused on establishing regular communications with Bruce and HIRRA. He expressed the concern that Hornby and Denman islands may be pulled into future tax-funded services of little benefit to islanders.

c) HDCHCS Clinic expansion:

We are still waiting for information from the Health Care group so that we can apply to Forestry and Crown Lands for their approval for the clinic construction. HIRRA formerly approved the construction of an extension of the current HDCHCS building to serve as a clinic. The committee is now proposing to construct a separate clinic building on the site.

Motion: Mike Parrish/Donna duPlessis “That HIRRA approves the construction of a free standing clinic building located adjacent to the HDCHCS building on the 10 acre Crownland leased from the province of B.C.” Carried.

d) March AGM: HIRRA committee members were requested to submit to the executive a list of candidates willing to continue service on the various committees.

Correspondence: The following letters and emails were read by the administrator:


    • Dan Bruiger`s letter re trash management at Tribune Bay Shields Road

b) Conservancy Hornby Island regarding removal of blown down trees from Mt. Geoffrey

Nature Park.

c) November 18 – HI Provincial Parks Committee letter re trash containers at Big Tribune Park.

2009 Budget presentations: Lynn Nunley assumed the chair; Ron operated the power point displays.

a) Privy Council (Comfort Stations): The 2009 budget, detailing expenditures of $9960 was presented by Janet LeBlancq.

Motion: Donna duPlessis/Tony Quin, “That the 2009 budget be approved as presented.”

b) Fire protection: The 2009 budget detailing expenditures of $217,833 operating and capital costs was presented by Giff LaRose in a line-by-line review. There were questions and answers during the presentation. Blue cross insurance coverage for the fire fighting volunteers was explained.

Motion: Giff LaRose/Annette Hurtig, “That the 2009 budget be approved as presented.” Carried.

Giff reported that the fire hall renewal committee has met and many questions are being asked, such as, what happens to the old fire hall, and cost estimates for construction. Another meeting is scheduled for January. More information is needed before public consultations. Bruce Jolliffe was at the meeting.

The recruitment policy has been revised as a result of questions from the community that arose last year. A human rights lawyer was consulted and the member vote on accepting new recruits or not has been discontinued as recommended. The application process has also been reviewed, using an Okanogan application as a model. This is being reviewed by a lawyer and will be reviewed with the CVRD as well as the HIRRA executive. It will be posted to the web at the conclusion of this review process.

c) Community hall – The 2009 budget, detailing operating expenditures of $45,500 and improvements totalling $21,000 was presented by Judith Lawrence. It was noted that the community hall is designated as the island’s emergency reception centre.

Motion: Judith Lawrence/Giff LaRose, “That the 2009 Community Hall budget be approved as presented.” Carried.

d) Recycling & Waste Management: Stani Veselinovic presented the 2009 budget detailing operating expenditures of $202,090. Garbage being shipped off island is decreasing year by year, maybe due to reduced consumption. There was appreciation voiced for the depot staff and program. There was applause.

Motion: Judith Lawrence/Annette Hurtig, `That the 2009 recycling & waste management budget be approved as presented.` Carried.

New Business:

a) Ferry Advisory Committee – Using a power point presentation, Andrew Carmichael provided an historical summary of ferry fares. He also summarized proposed fare rationalizations being considered by the corporation for the Denman and Hornby ferry routes. After serving five years, Andrew is resigning from the Ferry Advisory Committee. He was thanked for his service; there was applause.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. by general consent.

Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary

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In the event of a conflict between the wording of a motion on this page and the wording of the paper copy kept in the central HIRRA file, the wording of the paper copy shall prevail.