HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
January 14, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 38 members of the community.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator. HIRRA’s etiquette was reviewed.
- Minutes of the December meeting were approved as read by general consent. Andrew Carmichael noted that if we are ever to get reduced ferry fares, we must lobby the BC government, requesting an increase in public funding.
- Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA: Betty Fairbank was applauded and offered gratitude for her leadership in raising community support and funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. $5000 was raised last fall from the Hornby Community in response to Betty’s requests. There was a special presentation and a display of artwork associated with this initiative. The artwork will be on display at the Clinic and at New Horizons. Carol Godwin, Chair of the HDCHCS and Judith Lawrence, member of the New Horizons Board, accepted the art.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting.
- Health Care expansion on the 10 leased acres. All materials have now been sent into the appropriate regulatory bodies:
- Application for licence to cut into Forestry.
- Site plan drawing into Crown Lands.
- Application for siting and use permit to Local Trust Committee.
- There was considerable damage to structures at the recycling depot as a result of the snow load in December 2008. Stani has taken photos and they have been sent into RD for insurance purposes. An adjuster will tour the site on January 16th.
- A preliminary polling of committees indicates a need for 1 volunteer to be elected to each of the Recycling and Fire department committees. Please consider serving.
- The HIRRA executive would like to send a special thank you to the road crew staff who worked so hard to look after our roads during the December snow and cold blast: Doug Nixon and Larry Smith. Larry worked from Dec 12 to Jan 5 with only one day off – Dec 25. Doug work Dec 25th in addition to a similar schedule. They were working 14 hour days and often skipped lunch and coffee breaks. Larry logged 105 hrs of OT and did not charge for many hours he worked. They were up at 5 am each morning to start their day. Larry is retiring in May after 35 years with Highways. The HIRRA Exec is concerned that he may not be replaced. This will be discussed at an upcoming meeting of HIRRA executive, Trustees and CVRD Area A Director.
Trust Report: Tony Law reporting. Will be doing a trustee work plan at a meeting next week. Louise Bell, Trustee from Denman Island, will be the Chair of the Hornby Island Local Trust Committee. Tony spoke briefly about reforming a committee to liaise with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.
December storm: Lynn Nunley assumed the chair: Lynn introduced discussion about the December snow and cold on a positive note, remembering the good parts, a white Christmas, exercise from shovelling and cozy nights by the fire. There was discussion.
Neighbours helping neighbours was valued. Efforts by the highways crew of Larry and Doug were again acknowledged and applauded. Special efforts of individuals were acknowledged, and machine operators Eban Walmsley, Brian Kittleson, Clayton Thom, Bob Nixon and Allan Fletcher were given special mention. It was reported that, prior to the December storm, Emcon had removed some of the heavy equipment from the island. There was concern regarding the policies of Emcon. The doctor’s driveway was not ploughed early enough. Highway safety issues were made more evident (ie) Seawright/Central intersection at the crest of a hill. Mike Parrish was given acknowledgement for doing the Christmas hampers distribution in spite of severe weather and road conditions. There was applause. HIRRA will write a letter to thank Doug and Larry and will copy this to Emcon. There was much good will, the harshness of the conditions experienced fading with the gentle passage of time.
What to do with the Savoie Building? Ideas welcomed by Lynn. In order to provide repair and maintenance of this building, HIRRA is targeting a minimum monthly rental income of $450. Ideas put forward included:
- Neighbourhood house to accommodate the hope kitchen and teen centre.
- A place for the archives.
- Could the archives be housed in a structure built on the current dental bus pad?
- The under utilization of the school was mentioned. Could the Hope Kitchen and Teen Centre be accommodated in the school?
- Mike Parrish informed the assembly that the Savoie name would be applied to the new clinic.
- Office space/resource centre for non-profit societies – HIRRA and Trust, recreation coordinator office to name but three.
- All were asked to continue to ponder the best community use of this valuable building.
Adjournment: at 8:45 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 11, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Paul Clemens, Treasurer; Basil duPlessis Bookkeeper; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 55 members of the community.
Call to Order: was at 7:40 P.M. with introductions of the executive and HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings as well as a review of the agenda. New members registered were Drew Stotesbury and Kim Mackay.
- Minutes of the January 2009 meeting were approved by general consents as read.
- A round of applause and appreciations of gratitude were offered to Paul Clemens who served 5 years as treasurer, and to retiring committee members Judith Elkins, Judith Lawrence ll, and Paddy Tsurumi.
- Thanks to Donna duPlessis was expressed with the presentation of a basket of fruit. Donna makes coffee and cookies each month for the HIRRA meetings. Money donated at this coffee counter is donated to the school hot lunch program. Donna reported that more than $700 has been raised over the last four years. There was applause.
Executive report:
- Health Care expansion on the 10 leased acres. Forestry personnel acknowledged
receipt of our application and reported progress. - Recycling depot – The insurance adjuster recommended that the major portion of the structures over the sorting stations needs to be rebuilt, and is not safe to carry any snow load. A Request for proposals for an operational review and conceptual design for the depot has been advertised by the CVRD with the deadline for submission being March 19/09.
- Triad meeting – A meeting of HIRRA president and administrator with Bruce Jolliffe, regional director and trustees, Tony Law and Fred Hunt was held in February. As a result of the deliberations a meeting is scheduled April 8 with EMCON and transportation officials from the provincial government to discuss Hornby road issues. The Triad group, after a briefing by Dr. Laura regarding physician compensation issues is drafting a letter to VIHA and others regarding compensation issues and service issues related to our doctors.
- A March 29th meeting of the CAST group will discuss possible uses for the HIRRA owned building currently housing the clinic.
- HIRRA new committee welcome event is scheduled for March 19 at 1:30pm at the Community Hall.
- HIRRA is sponsoring the 2nd annual Easter Egg hunt at the Copse April 12 at 11 a.m.
Ron noted that Daniel Siegel and Paul Clemens are willing to be reappointed to the HI Community Economic Enhancement Corporation. These appointments were approved by general consent.
Motion – Donna duPlessis/Kathy Sauve “That HIRRA approval the expenditure of up to $1,500 for The copse spring cleanup, including removal of large overhanging branches, for Kids Chocolate Easter Eggs for the Hunt and for the new committee welcome coffee, tea and pastries.”
Executive Annual Reports
- Ron Sitter read his president’s annual report which is appended to these minutes.
Motion: Chris Weixelbaumer/Tim Biggins, “That the president’s report be approved as presented.” Carried. There followed a spontaneous vote of confidence and thanks to Ron Sitter with sustained applause. - Paul Clemens gave the treasurer’s report; the auditor’s report, was available as a handout. It is appended to these minutes. Recycling had an operating surplus, which will need to be carried forward; Paul noted that there is still a considerable capital deficit in the recycling account.
Motion – Paul Clemens/Chris Weixelbaumer, “That the 2008 auditor’s report be approved as presented.” Carried.
Motion – Paul Clemens/Rudy Rogalsky,“That Meyers Norris Penny be appointed as auditor for 2009.” CARRIED - Election of President and Treasurer: Paul Clemens assumed the chair. Ron Sitter has agreed to stand for another term as president. On three calls, there were no further nominations; Ron Sitter was declared elected by acclamation. Rudy Rogalsky has volunteered to serve as treasurer. There were no other nominations and Rudy was elected by acclamation. There was applause.
Committee Annual Reports:
- Recycling highlights were given by Kathi Sauve: The harsh winter damages were difficult. The decrease in revenues for recycled products is a concern. Appreciation for the efforts of Stani and the staff for keeping island stuff flowing was expressed. Th committee feels that the staff of the CVRD understands that the Free Store is an integral part of the recycling depot. A group from Bella Bella visited recently and found great inspiration in our system. Committee members and the manager attended a Coast Waste Management conference on Vancouver Island and learned a lot about regional recycling and waste management. There was applause.
- Recreation Committee report was given by Donna Tuele who summarized the work of the recreation group and coordinator. Committee organizes recreation opportunities including a comprehensive summer program, Mt. Washington ski day, bike rides, full moon walk on April 10th, and numerous healthy lifestyle activities. Donna commended her committee colleagues and Bonita Wexler, program coordinator for the year’s achievements. Applause followed.
- Betty Kennedy: Judith Elkins was thanked again for her service to the committee. Yana and Jeremy hosted a trail building workshop. Sasha and Yana went to a trail building workshop in Delta. Cemetery trail is now the main entrance to the Crownland trails. New signs and a new trail map is being locally printed. Lea Smith has had a major upgrade. Crownland trails will be upgraded to provincial standards. Park is in very good condition as a result of very few winter wind storms. The plans for the improvements at Grassy Point, Sandpiper, Clamshell and Hidden Beach were on display. Comments are requested by the 23rd of March. One large change is a proposed gate at Grassy Point. There was applause.
- Trails Committee report was given by Andrew Carmichael. Trail building activities involved 80 hours of volunteer labour in 2008. The group relocated the Sawyer Trail so it’s all on the highway right of way and not on the adjacent property. St John’s Point Road trail was improved to combat erosion. They also built a new trail from HDCHCS to the library, improved the surface of St; John’s Point trail, did brush cutting and built tree stump seats with backs at regular intervals. The Co-op trail access to Central Road was improved. Andrew thanked the members of the committee and reported that Tom Hayes will not be standing for re election.
- Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence noted the success of the Round Room Café over the winter. All involved were thanked for the cooperative effort, especially booking agent, Lynn Nunley. The increased hall use has long been a goal of the committee. Projects and improvements in 2008 included the installation of a heat pump, rebuilding the fire exit door at the Sollans Road access, new curtains and the grand piano special storage cubicle. The piano arrives in the next couple of weeks. Judith offered thanks to many islanders who contribute to the community hall. There was applause.
- Fire Protection and First Responders report by Chief Giff LaRose: Written report available on the HIFD website. In 2008 there were 110 call outs: 81 were medical; 7 beach fires 3 brush fires, 3 chimney fires, 3 false alarms, and assistance needed calls. Training sessions were highlighted. There were 16 trained fire fighters and three recruits on the roster at December 31st. Weekly training sessions are comprehensive. Teen cadet camp is proving beneficial. Department experienced an operating deficit of $5900 for 2008 attributable to vehicle and building maintenance cost over runs. Honorarium was paid to members for attending practice. Fire hall planning is ongoing. CVRD is doing an option analysis to consider renovations to existing fire hall or the building of a new fire hall. A select committee was appointed to assist in this. Fire underwriters survey draft report has been received. The second draft is due and will be made public. Community water tank program is progressing. The tanks on Mount Road will both be certified as hydrants. Homeowner’s fire insurance could be reduced by as much as 40% once these improvements are finalized. Equipment requirements were summarized. In keeping with emergency planning, a generator that powers the fire hall has been installed. The Ambulance will be replaced this year with a reconditioned unit at an estimated cost of $8500. There was applause.
- Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel reported that there is a need for more land. The committee has researched green burials and these are all that we do now. Don’t need graves to be so deep, so there is more room. Still pursuing more land. Need a hydro geological report before land can be attained. In the summer there will be a hydro geologist on Hornby who will assist. A brochure has been designed by Stevi Kittleson. The enlargement of the cemetery parking lot, done by the Regional Parks Committee to serve as an entrance to the upland Crownland trails was a welcome enhancement.
- Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reported on a very successful fall fair in September…thanks to all onsite volunteers for great assistance. Purchased sign materials, a stage carpet, and various odds and sods. With the $2500 would like to purchase a storage shed for storing all the stuff and a bull horn. Meetings are on a different schedule with the most happening from mid August on. Now will be a committee of seven.
- Elections: The list of willing volunteers for committee membership was circulated to all. Maureen Tierney volunteered to serve on the Trails committee. There were calls for nominations from the floor for each committee in turn, but no nominations were made. The forty-seven members of HIRRA’s standing committees were declared elected by acclamation. Two appointments were approved by general consent. See the attached list for election results.
- Appointment of Fire Chief: Motion: Kathi Sauve/ Lynne Carmichael, “That HIRRA approve the appointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief.” CARRIED
- Committee member welcome and orientation: This session is scheduled for March 19, 2009 at 1:30 P.M. in the main room of the Community Hall.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 8th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 32 members of the community.
New member registering: Kent Lukinuk.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator.
- Minutes of the AGM, March 11, 2009 were approved as read by general consent.
- Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA: Fire Chief Giff LaRose presented a plaque to Frances Millan in recognition of her service as assistant to the Fire Commissioner. Gill Gathright, also retiring from her position as assistant to the Fire Commissioner has also been awarded a plaque. She was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. There was applause.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting.
- On April 1st, members of the Recycling Committee, manager Stani Veselinovic, Ron and Janet LeBlancq met with Drew Hadfield, CVRD manager of Solid Waste. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the engineering proposals for the depot upgrade that had been circulated to all participants. A Nanaimo engineering firm was recommended and Drew indicated that the CVRD would concur with this choice. The project is expected to begin immediately.
- The septic field at the Community Hall is nearing the end of it’s useful life.
- The March 19th committee volunteer orientation session was well attended and rated as worthwhile by the participants.
- The HIRRA sponsored Easter Egg Hunt is next Sunday at the Copse.
- Letter from the Triad consisting of HIRRA president, Trustees and Area A Director on the issue of fair on call compensation for Hornby Island physicians was read.
- Letter from the Nanwaklos Council acknowledged receipt of our application to site the new clinic on the 10 acres of Crownland leased by HIRRA.
Island Trust Report:
- Fred Hunt reported that there will be a public information meeting on the topic of the Four Corners project which is currently before the Trust. This meeting, to be attended by project team members, trustees and the public will be held in the Community Hall on April 30th at 7:30 P.M.
- Fred attended at K’Omoks Nation awareness workshop last week, the first of three such events hosted by the K’omoks people. He found this event very informative and helpful.
- The Trust budget, which included a very small increase to tax payers, was passed in March.
- Tony Law reported that the community plan update will be started and an update of the bylaws will be attempted concurrently.
- The issue of short term vacation rentals is due for some resolution as much information has been gathered over the past several years. The Local Trust Committee plans to proceed with crafting a draft bylaw.
- The Syzygy Cooperative has applied to have several more home sites approved on its land. This request is now before the LTC.
- The Trust is accepting nominations for the Community Stewardship Awards.
- Trust legal issues, of interest to Hornby Islanders were summarized: A vacation rental on Pender Island was found by the courts to not be a permitted use in a residential area. The accumulation of salvage on a residential lot on Hornby Island has been ordered to be removed after a six month period which comes to an end soon. A law suit launched by residents of Hornby Island, Costello versus the Island Trust and trustee Law and former Trustee Griggs, is now in court, expected to take more than another week to be heard and perhaps months after that for a decision to be announced. Legal action has been filed by Talbot and Vanichek against the Island Trust and the CVRD arising from the aforementioned salvage accumulation situation on Hornby Island.
- The published property tax increase for regional district services in Area A, 11.25% has been read with concern. It was suggested that we ask for more information from the CVRD.
- Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported that the Sollans Road emergency exit new doors are now sporting curtains sewn by Una Keziere. The septic situation is being reviewed; local experts are assisting the committee in siting potential new fields. This project, once defined, will be tendered in accordance with HIRRA policies.The Round Room Café operated primarily by Chef Ben Berkeveld, assisted by Sandi and Anita was very popular over the winter, though there was wear and tear on the kitchen equipment. The 50 year old fridge did not like the extra duty and was retired to its original owner, Rick Graham. A commercial fridge is now in use in the kitchen. Because the hall is a designated emergency reception centre, the old electric stove is being replaced with a propane stove which will be operable even in a power outage. The local health authority approved the hall’s increased food service activity, meeting with the operators who satisfied all health regulations pertaining to the preparation of food. Colleen Work was acknowledged for her excellent cooperation in adjusting her work schedule in respect of the café operations. The committee will be studying the café in the Round Room as a possible repeat experience for next fall and winter. There was applause.
- Ron reported on a meeting he attended along with the island trustees and Emcon and MOTH representatives as well as the local highways maintenance crew members. Summary of information:
- Private driveways such as depot road, clinic and Dr’s driveways will not be ploughed by Emcon due to liability potential.
- Larry Smith’s position (4-5 month seasonal job) will be filled by two crew soon to be hired.
- Emcon’s contract with the MOTH is valid till 2013.
- The full time crew member, Doug Nixon, will be relieved by Denman crew members for vacation periods.
- Priority route for snow clearing is Central Road from the ferry to Fords Cove.
- HIRRA will develop emergency snow ploughing plans for the clinic road, and the depot.
- The equipment breakdowns experienced by Emcon were greatly exaggerated; there was only one day when the ploughing truck was inoperable.
- All comments received from the public were submitted to Emcon and MOTH representatives for follow up.
- New Clinic Fund Raising: There is grant funding available through the Build Canada initiative. Deadline for applications is April 26th. There was broad discussion.
Motion: Carol Godwin/Lynn Nunley, “That HIRRA supports the Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society in its application to the Build Canada Fund to acquire funding for the expenses associated with the green energy component of the Hornby Island New Clinic Building. The green energy project portion is the solar panel array and related electronic support that will provide a sustainable energy component for the project and will reduce green house gas emissions,” CARRIED
- Doctor’s on call compensation and recruitment of replacement physician fro retiring Dr. Bob Henderson: Dr. Laura Chalfin reported that VIHA is not responding with any solution for the dilemma of underpayment for on call services. It was agreed by general consent that we post the Triad letter on this issue read under correspondence, to the HIRRA web site. There was discussion and general agreement that this is a serious issue. The physician currently looking at relocating to the island has expressed hesitation because of the on call under funding. There was general agreement to begin letter writing and phoning the Ministry of Health in protest. Media involvement was suggested.
- There was a thank you offered to all who keep the island running so well.
Adjournment: at 9:25 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 13th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 23 members of the community.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator.
- Minutes of the April meeting were approved as read by general consent.
- Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA was conferred upon Tina Wai and Francka for colouring the eggs for the kids Easter egg hunt and Paul Wullum for his credible impersonation of the Easter bunny.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting.
- HIRRA sponsored the 2nd Easter Egg hunt at the Copse on April 12; about 50 kids showed up – and so did the Easter bunny.
- Fire department has finalized its recruitment policy revision and the application forms are posted on the HIVFD web site.
- On April 29th the recycling program manager, Stani Veselinovic, recycling committee and executive members, Drew Hadfield, CVRD Solid Waste Manager and Chatwin Engineering Consultants met on Hornby to begin the process of the new conceptual design for the depot.
- A letter from the Integrated Land Management Branch granting re the authorization to cut timber on the building site for the new Hornby Clinic was read. This agreement will be signed and returned to the ILMB for their signature and return to us.
- A second bike rack has been provided by HIRRA at the Copse for the farmers market. The rack was built by Pat Perry. The first Copse market is on May 16th if it doesn’t snow.
- We have invited Bruce Jolliffe, Area A Director, to attend our June meeting to provide a budget and property tax impact update.
- We have invited the RCMP to the June meeting for introductions. It is thought that one RCMP member posted to Hornby last year is returning for a second tour of duty here.
Island Trust Report:
- Tony Law reported that more than 140 people attended the Four Corners development information meeting held on April 30, 2009. Written submissions are being received.
- LTC business meeting scheduled for May 28th at 11 am at New Horizons. Four Corners application will be discussed as will Options on the Short Term Vacation Rental issue.
- Community Stewardship awards: Trust received two nominations, Andrew Carmichael, and the Trails Committee. There was sustained applause in recognition of Andrew’s contributions over the past decade.
- K’omoks Treaty settlement negotiations: The first settlement offered by the negotiating team included 10 hectares (approximately 25 acres) of Hornby land, this parcel located between the gravel pit and Carmichael Road (on the north side of Central Road); also included was an offer for the K’omoks people to name the upland Crownland groundwater recharge area, being considered for designation as a provincial park. The K’omoks people are expected to submit a counter offer, though this is not forecast to involve the Hornby Island portion of the first offer.
Committee Reports
- Stani reported on meetings with Chatwin engineering and the depot upgrade. The CVRD has reported that there is $150,000 available for depot infrastructure upgrade and $80,000 for equipment acquisition and upgrades. Plans are due for completion by summer and construction to begin in the fall. Pat Perry fixed the backhoe and we are grateful for his workmanship. Mattresses being deconstructed and materials recycled. There is a new T-shirt that will be sold for fund raising. There were questions and answers.
Fire Department:
- Giff reported that the Fire Underwriter’s Audit has been done. Final report will be welcomed. There will be criticism that we have only one fire truck. Water storage tanks were noted with approval.
- Giff wrote to the chair of VIHA re Doctor’s on call situation on Hornby and received a reply a portion of which he read. First Responders cannot transport without being directed to do so by a doctor. There was discussion regarding the lack of medical replacement for Dr. Bob Henderson and the on call compensation dilemma. Members reported on their lobbying attempts.
- New recruits application is posted to the web site.
- The fire department has acquired a previously owned ambulance for $7500.
- Updates on the H1N1 virus are being received by the First Responders regularly.
- Having training for first responders to upgrade to paramedics was mentioned.
Community Hall:
- Judith reported why it’s fun to be on the hall committee. There followed a humorous account of the challenges faced by the hall committee, from roof leaks, to new fridges which open to the right and users changed the door to open to the left. When leaving the hall, instead of turning off the lights, someone turned off the main breaker, which activated the alarm system, resulting in call outs of several hall stewards. Lloyd House built shelves for the area beside the fridge, charging only for the materials.
When the hall was built, it was meant to represent the view of Helliwell bluffs from the ocean. This profile is precious to many islanders who crafted the present structure. The gas kitchen stove is on back order. The dishwasher is on the sick list. There was satire, laughter and applause.
Regional Parks
- Betty Kennedy reported that the CVRD has prepared budgets and development plans for the four beach accesses of Grassy Point, Sandpiper Beach, Hidden Beach and Clamshell. Community input being sought on the location and design of the outhouses. Privy Council will be responsible for the maintenance etc. Agreement transferring responsibility for the parks maintenance form MOTH to the CVRD is expected to be signed in July/09.
- The Crownland Trail maintenance is subject to approval by the provincial government.
- Memorial bench consultations are being done.
- Map brochures are to be posted at the entrance to the Regional Park.
- Recent quad motorized vehicles did some damage to park trails. The word was spread that quads are not permitted in the park. There was discussion.
- Fire patrols will continue for the summer, both by the Fire Department and the parks maintenance contractor.
- There was a complaint that beach accesses are in danger of being lost and the parking at the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education centre entrance is dangerous.
New Business:
Motion: Tim Biggins/Donna duPlessis, “That HIRRA inform the Regional District and the Integrated Land Management Bureau that, in the event that the current fire hall complex is no longer used as a fire department, that the land and buildings be transferred to HIRRA to be used for the community’s good as determined through consultation with the community.”
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 10th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary;
Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 34 members of the community.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. with an introduction to the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved as read by general consent. The dangerous parking area near the entrance of the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education was briefly mentioned. This has been reported to district highways managers over the years without a remedy.
Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA was to Lloyd House for building the shelves in the hall kitchen. There was applause.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting:
- Health care expansion on HIRRA leased land – Ministry of Forests has finalized the licence to cut for the clinic expansion project. K’omoks First Nations have no objections to the clinic being built on the leased Crownland. They request that we consider doing an archaeological impact assessment on the land. The cost of this would be a minimum of $1000. Will be investigated by HIRRA executive.
- Bruce Jolliffe – area A Director is not able to attend a HIRRA meeting until September – will put article in Grapevine to outline details of Hornby’s significant increase this year in the RD portion of the Property Tax. Beach access parks improvements, CV Transit and the HIFD were major elements in the tax increases for 2009.
- This Community Hall requires a new septic system and field. Cost about $30,000. Has become high priority for the hall committee.
- Regional Parks committee has received approval and a budget ($22,000 for 2009) from Regional District to proceed with maintenance, modifications and upgrades to our Crown Land trails. In November 2008 the RD sent a trails expert, Mark Schmidt, over and he made specific recommendations. The Regional Parks committee will manage the process in consultation with the HIRRA executive.
- RD representatives visited the depot on June 4 with the objective of figuring out how to provide building improvements that will satisfy the insurance company which has stated that they consider the buildings unsafe from winter damage and age. The goal is to provide some temporary structural improvements to give us time to design and build the new and improved depot structures that are planned for later this year. We will meet with CVRD staff on June 15th re temporary shoring up of the buildings to satisfy the insurance company until the new structure is built in the fall.
- Depot spiffy biffy – more than half the original debt of $30,000 has been raised by the recycling committee and manager’s efforts over the past several years – buy T-shirt “Recycling makes me Hornby”. There was applause.
- Improvements for the 4 beach access areas are planned for construction by late summer with HIRRA taking on management of the areas sometime thereafter.
- June 26 we will be meeting with Ian Smith, General Manager Community Services from CVRD, to begin discussions renewing our 5-year service agreement.
- Date for the Fall Fair will be Sept 12 (Sat). The parade will be lead by Roy Matheson who turns 100 years old on August 17. Parade theme is “Loving Life”.
- ESS email from Lynne Carmichael asking if HIRRA wants to take on the Emergency Social Services as a committee endeavour. There will be a fall meeting to discuss this further.
Trust Report :Fred Hunt reported he attended the third session of the K’omoks orientation program.Correspondence received on the four corners development is on the Trust web site. The decision was to not proceed further with the application for rezoning or amending the OCP to accommodate the Four Corners development. July 10th is the next LTC meeting with a Town Hall session where people can ask questions. The Trust planner is having 2 office days on Hornby in the next couple of months. Tony Law reported that there is a vacancy on the advisory planning commission – looking for a willing volunteer.
Trails: Maureen Tierney reporting: recent projects were summarized. Maintenance will be done over the next few months…pruning especially necessary. Signage and trail maps being updated. Committee will continue doing the majority of the work. There was applause in appreciation of these volunteer efforts.
Recreation: Bonita Wexler, recreation coordinator handed out the summer brochures and T-shirts. Programs were summarized. Coordinator’s office will be the ROOM to GROW for the summer. More information is available at the recreation web site www.realhornby.com
Committee recommendations for recreation funding allocations for 2009 were reported:
HIRRA Recreation………………………………….$2500 (major event planning)
Tennis………………………………………………. $1200
TaeKwonDo…………………………………………. $925
HI Athletic Ass’n baseball……..…………………… .$430
HI Athletic Ass’n basketball………………………. .$2498
HI Athletic Ass’n skateboarding……………………. $500
HI Educational Society Gym Use………………….$2500
HI Educational Society after school programs….. $3000
HI Educational Society teen nights………………. $3000
Total……………………………………………… $16,553
Motion: John Mills/Tim Biggins, “That HIRRA approves the committee recommendations for the grant funding of the various island organizations as presented.” CARRIED.
Fall Fair Carole Chambers reporting. The committee received $1000 from the CVRD Grant in Aid funding. Events summarized. A game of chance involving chickens and chicken poop is being planned. The agricultural theme of the fair theme is the Chicken. Olympian Jake Wetzel will be in the parade. Ben has agreed to play the role of harvest queen. There was applause.
RCMP members Duncan McGeorge and Ken Simmons were introduced and answered questions. RCMP members are on Hornby two days/week now and full time starting June 25th.
Adjournment at 8:45 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
July 8th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members of the community. Absent with regrets: Len Olsen. Guests Margaret Mitchell and Darlene Mazarri, former MP and MLA.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with an introduction to the HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings, the executive and the agenda. New members were requested to register with the administrator.
Minutes of the June meeting were approved as read by general consent. It was noted that the trust meeting is July 13th at New Horizons at 1:30 P.M.
Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA was to Andrew Carmichael and the Trails Committee members past and present, named as recipients of the annual Islands Trust Stewardship award. Ron read a newspaper article that explained the award. There was applause and the crowd chanted “Andrew”, “Andrew” who then gave a history of the trails development. Syzygy started the process by building a roadside trail along their property. Dale Chase spearheaded the early efforts. The committee collected about $47,000 from direct access funding and other grants and from individual donations from islanders. Fifteen islanders have served on the trails committee. Dan Johnson and Leigh Farrell were given special recognition for their outstanding contributions to the committee. 3000 volunteer hours have gone into the 11 kilometres of roadside trails. Maps were distributed to illustrate the trail locations. Citizen groups from other islands have visited to examine our trail networks, hoping to copy some of the methods used.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting:
- The land has started to be cleared for the new medical clinic on HIRRA’s leased land. The tree work being done now by Jed Young, and the excavating that will soon be done by Dean Ellis is at no cost to the healthcare society.Archaeological Impact Assessment – Jim Garton assured that care and attention will be paid in respect of this request. The opinion of both a local Courtenay consulting firm and local historian/researcher, author of “Hammer Stone”, Olivia Fletcher is that there is no significant First nation presence known on or near the site of the new clinic.
Dr. Henderson reported that, from August 2 – 15 there is no locum physician scheduled for the clinic. First responders will be unable to move patients without a doctor authorizing this; they will stay with a patient, stabilize, and wait for the B.C. Ambulance crew to arrive from Denman Island. Dr. Henderson stated that VIHA is not advertising for a locum and he is concerned. HIRRA will call and register our concern with VIHA. Carol Godwin, Chair of the HDCHCS had contacted VIHA to express concern.
- On June 15 Regional District representatives visited the recycling depot, together with representatives of HIRRA and the Depot committee to agree how to satisfy the anxiety of the insurance company, which has stated that they consider the buildings unsafe. The main concern seems to be that a gust of wind will lift the structures up and blow them down. We agreed to uncover the skylights so that wind will have additional channels to blow through the building. A new depot design is planned for later this year.
- On June 26 we met with Ian Smith, General Manager Community Services from CVRD to begin discussions renewing our 5-year service agreement. We included funding requests to cover cemetery expansion and maintenance, ESS funding, Hope Kitchen funding, summer garbage pick and removal on Big Tribune and eradication of invasive plants and opossums. (Total cost approx $16,500 in year one and $12,500 thereafter). If the RD accepts these items in principle, then we will have a discussion and vote at a future HIRRA meeting to go ahead with them or not.At the same meeting we discussed with Ian Smith the HIRRA motion “That HIRRA inform the regional district and the ILMB that, in the event that the current fire hall complex is no longer utilized as a fire department, that the land and buildings be transferred to HIRRA to be utilized for the community’s good as determined by the membership.” In September the CVRD staff James Bast, Drew Hadfield, Ian Smith and Director Bruce Joliffe will attend the HIRRA meeting with presentations on their roles and/or services.
- Janet LeBlancq has managed to save HIRRA $4,000 on its annual insurance premium. We thank Janet for her diligence on this.
- Kay Inglis submitted a funny poem about the “Other Side” of committee work. This was read aloud by Janet amid laughter and applause.
- Letter from Beth Dunlop, CVRD Manager of Financial Services regarding increases in property taxes was read.
Islands Trust Report: Tony Law announced that the Trust agenda includes receiving a staff report on how to proceed with issuing permits to regulate summer vacation rentals. Tony is lobbying for a task force to look at affordable housing in the Trust Area and sharing ideas generated from island to island. Trustees met with MOTH regarding improvements to the Co-op junction for safety of pedestrians and cars. Several options are being investigated. There is a possibility of a free crown grant for housing. Land adjacent to French Road is being considered as a site. Will need a new organization to take this forward.
Fred Hunt acknowledged the leadership of Tony at the Trust level on the issue of affordable housing. Mary McKenzie and Cathy Howard were thanked for their contributions to the pamphlet, Living on Hornby Island.
Community Hall: Judith reported vandalism that resulted in the breaking of light fixtures on the “mushroom” at the main entrance. The new propane cook stove is installed and all are learning how to operate. Roof is leaking and Lloyd House has offered to assist in repairing it. Dishwasher has a new motor and may live another 16 years. Committee’s vision is to have maximum use of the hall by islanders; it is the island’s living room. Carole Chambers noted that Fall Fair materials and equipment needs to be stored somewhere central, and she asked if the HITS section of the annex may be used. Fall Fair committee will consult with HITS.
Kathi Sauve and committee met with the Chatwin engineering representatives; the CVRD has their report and we will see it soon. Kathi noted that the recycling committee and staff are being kept very much in the loop by the CVRD, “treated like we matter”, Kathi said. The tires on the backhoe have been “flat proofed” at considerable cost and inconvenience due to the backhoe being out of service for periods. The depot had to be closed when the power was off due to unsafe work conditions. When the power is out, there will be a sign at the gate to inform the public. A generator is planned for the upgrade, as is a glass crusher. New T-Shirts are selling well. Vandals broke into the hazardous waste locked shed and took out gas and paints and set them on fire on the ground. No structural damage was done. This was a disappointment to all. Surveillance paraphernalia was discussed as was an on site caretaker. New brochure is being crafted for next year. Garbage costs are increased by 50 cents per bag for the summer to offset the costs of handling. Artists are being encouraged to paint the depot structures before they are forever gone with the upgrade program due to start in the fall.
Fire Department: Giff LaRose reported on the recycling depot fire, stating that this was arson and is being taken very seriously by the department and the police. Should a warning be issued that there is an arsonist on island? There are signs at the depot and the Co-op showing the fire site. Could a notice go into the Grapevine asking for tips? The theft and destruction of a vehicle and several break-ins have been reported recently. It was agreed that more advertising should be done to alert the community. There was considerable interest in this and discussions were plentiful. The campfire ban has been lifted since the rain dampened the island’s dry floor. There are 17 firefighters and 3 auxiliary members on the roster. There was a fire adjacent to the bench at the top of the mountain that was reported and extinguished quickly. The dilemma of prevention due to careless smoking was mentioned. Should a bucket of sand be stationed at the bench? There will be a public training on handling wildfire and logistical training Thursday night at the fire hall. The fire patrol was applauded as a great safety guard. Should the fire department have an ATV for trail access? The new ambulance has arrived. Cost was $15,600 and $9000 will go into capital reserve fund. The fire hall planning group is waiting for word from the ILMB for land acquisition potentials for a new fire hall site. Water source tanks are still a project. The occupancy rates for the hall need to be enforced. There was discussion regarding the fire dept. staff assisting the hall booking agent in this enforcement as it is a difficult issue.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie summarized the privy situation….all is well and Colleen Work was given thanks for her excellent maintenance program.
Regional Parks Report: Janet LeBlancq detailed the proposed budgets and improvements for the beach accesses of Grassy Point, Sandpiper, Hidden Beach and Clamshell. The CVRD has not yet finalized the transfer of management of these park areas, but estimates that within the next month this will be finalized. There was discussion regarding public input on the decision to erect a gate at Grassy Point. This will be discussed with the Parks committee and CVRD. Janet reported that the committee recommended to the CVRD that if a bench is requested to be sited in Mount Geoffrey Regional Park, that it be placed at one of the entrances to the park and that it be constructed similar to the benches in Helliwell Park.
Adjournment: at 9:30 P.M.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
September 9th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, Vice President, Chair; Len Olsen, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 70 members of the community. Absent with regrets: Ron Sitter. Guests Area A Director Bruce Jolliffe, CVRD staff, Ian Smith, General Manager of Community Services; James Bast, Manager of Fire Protection Services, Drew Hadfield, Manager of Solid Waste, Beth Rees, Manager of Community Parks and Wendy Byrne, Manager of Financial Planning.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. with an introduction to the HIRRA’s posted guide to the etiquette of meetings, the executive, CVRD staff and director and the agenda. New members registering: Mary Geppert and Linda Hanna, Rachelle and Douglas Chinnery & James & Ellen Leslie and Chris Aikman.
Minutes of the July meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA: Cemetery committee members and Volunteer Fire fighters/first responders for their tireless efforts. There was hearty applause.
Executive report: Lynn Nunley reporting:
1. HIRRA has now received authorization from the Integrated Land Management Bureau (Crown Lands) to allow the HDCHCS to begin building the new Hornby Clinic on HIRRA’s 10 leased acres.
2. Representatives from the Depot committee and the HIRRA Executive met with Drew Hadfield, Manager of Solid Waste CVRD, to review the proposed new layout for the Depot. There have been two drafts prior to the plan being presented tonight.
3. In discussions with Ian Smith, General Manager Community Services CVRD, we will be budgeting this year for summer garbage pick and removal on big trib and other public areas ($7K – if anyone asks). This will be a new budget line in the Depot’s budget. Other areas being considered for funding in 2010 are: cemetery expansion and maintenance, ESS funding, Hope Kitchen funding, and eradication of invasive plants and opossums.
4. Tonight we will see a final presentation of the plans for our new community parks. The only significant item outstanding is whether or not to put up a gate at Grassy Point. To make a final decision on this – a public gathering will be advertised for Sunday Oct 11 at 11am. We will meet at the Grassy Point parking lot area and everyone will have an opportunity to express their opinions. After everyone has an opportunity to talk, a vote will be held. The majority will win the day.
5. The cemetery committee has indicated that our cemetery is nearly out of space and that expansion is not possible due to shallow earth and proximity to neighbouring water systems. So we are looking for a new location. HIRRA will be advertising that we are looking for a community member who would feel good about “gifting” a piece of land to HIRRA for this purpose. If no land becomes available then there will be no further burials on Hornby once the cemetery if full.
6. The copse has now seen its second summer as a farmer’s market venue and it appears to have been very successful.
7. Representatives from HIRRA, the Islands Trust and the Regional District – called the Triad – will be meeting on September 11 to discuss issues that overlap the three jurisdictions. A major topic will be “this year’s summer challenges” and how to plan to manage these better in 2010. There are a number of very good ideas that will be discussed, including recruiting more guards for the Hornby lock-up, finding a way to impound cars that RCMP identify, develop a brochure that welcomes visitors but spells out our expectations. It is likely that the Triad will organize a public forum to ear others summer concerns and to review the Triad’s plans for 2010. Therefore, there will be no discussion on this topic at this meeting.
8. Since the roadsides on Hornby seem to be clean, we will not be organizing a roadside cleanup.
- Letter from Ron, Giff Fred and Tony to Inspector Grey re policing on Hornby, specifically the frequent dates where we had no police presence.
CVRD Area A Director, Bruce Jolliffe introduced himself and mentioned that the Triad will be discussing summer issues at the Sept.11th meeting.
Trustee Law gave an update of trust events and some detail of current work.
Ian Smith gave a short autobiography and introduced the CVRD information segment of the meeting.
Community Parks. Beth Rees presenting. There are 64 parks in the CVRD. There are six active parks here on Hornby, the Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park and adjacent Crownland Trails, the Mount Geoffrey Bench Park (includes just the area occupied by the bench) and the four beach access parks at Grassy Point, Hidden and Sandpiper beaches and Clamshell Park. The management agreements with MOTH and CVRD will soon be finalized. Beth gave summaries of improvements planned. The permanent outhouses, planned for Grassy Point and Sandpiper beach are to be designed by the community. October 11th will be the vote at Grassy Point re whether to install a gate or not. Clamshell and Sandpiper improvements were detailed: the stairs at Sandpiper will be rebuilt. There will be some work to the access path to Hidden Beach. Recycling bins may be included at Grassy and Sandpiper. The installation of picnic tables is a consideration for future years. Current management plans are to be posted on the CVRD web site in the near future.
Q & A & Comments: Will Little Tribune beach access be transferred from MOTH to CVRD in the future? Beth noted that it is not in the CVRD’s plan at the moment. But the pattern (of take over from MOTH) will probably be replicated. Do we need signs? Yes and signage will be discrete. There maybe a rock barricade at Clamshell in a future year. This barrier is needed to prevent this from being used as a boat launch or a place to camp overnight right next to the water. The importance of “public” beach accesses was stressed. Support for tasteful signage was expressed. Beach accesses are a complex issue in other communities in the CVRD. The planning for beach access development has been going on for ten+ years. Rules and regulations of beach accesses and enforcement will be a progressive experience as the CVRD management of the areas begins and progresses. CVRD staff will work with the HIRRA Regional Parks committee to effect the management of the beach access parks.
Recycling Depot: Drew Hadfield explained CVRD solid waste management responsibilities. CVRD resources are available for education sessions on Hornby Island. CVRD is starting a review of the Solid waste management plan in September. Target is toward zero waste. Will be asking for input on solid waste planning. Steps have been taken to assess the program here and community involvement has been encouraged. A site plan illustrating extensive rebuilding at the current depot site was available for review. There is a regional solid waste budget funded by region-wide tipping fee collections that will pay for the capital improvements on Hornby Island.
Q & A & Comments: Garbage management through taxation and tipping fees costs a homeowner $1500/year. Why? Reuse and Recycling are long held community values, as are the jobs created by this program were responses from others in answer to this query. Initiatives such as a drywall storage area for reuse results in waste reduction. The Free Store is the banner program, vital to the community. The name of the centre should always prominently feature the word Recycling.
Fire Protection: James Bast gave an overview of fire protection services in the CVRD and accolades for the Hornby Fire protection initiatives such as fire patrol, assured water tank siting and placement and the volunteer department’s efforts in general. Fire Hall planning discussions started in 1999 because of lack of seismic capability and the functional deficiencies of the present hall. In 2004 HIRRA commissioned a study of options. Two options were put forth…renovate or rebuild? In 2008 the CVRD appointed a Select Committee to deliberate and advise the CVRD board. The committee has requested more information from CVRD staff re options available. Information has been reviewed and a consultants report has been studied. This is available on line. The report sets out the options and costs. Select committee has requested further data and staff will be presenting more information to the committee in October. Select committee will then be in a position to make a recommendation. Once a recommendation is agreed upon, public information sessions would be planned. The taxpayers get a chance to say yeah or nay.
Q & A & Comments: How does the island pay for the project? Any increase will be borne by the local taxpayers. Could we choose to do nothing? Dr. availability was mentioned. Question re insurance for 1st Responders. They are covered by CVRD insurance. Could the recycling depot be relocated and be near a new fire hall if we elect to do a new fire hall. Depot doesn’t have to be up on the hill… road way problems such as closures due to being snowed in were cited. James explained the process for gaining public consent to spend money for fire hall renovations or a rebuild. Referendum is always a yes or no question. How many tickets were given out this summer to people who were caught with fires? Giff has the authority to write tickets and stated that he didn’t issue any this summer. Concern expressed re the fuel load in the woods. Someone camped on a person’s property; advised to call 911 in such a situation. Fuel loads in the forests are a concern province-wide. Managing this involves risk identification and a wild fire protection plan that Hornby has developed. There is funding available for mitigation of the fuel load.
Adjournment: There being no further questions, on a call from the chair, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, Vice President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
October 5th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 55 members of the community.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 1:05 P.M. with an introduction to the HIRRA’s posted guide to the etiquette of meetings, the executive and the agenda. New member: Rob McCreary.
Minutes of the September meeting were approved as read by general consent with the following proviso: It was noted that a letter addressed to the executive requesting a special meeting to discuss summer challenges was submitted.
Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting.
a) Community parks: There will be a public meeting at Grassy Point, Sunday, Oct 11 at 11am. to discuss and vote, by secret ballot, on the installation of a gate. The majority will win the day.
b) Cemetery – is nearly out of space and expansion of the current site for additional interments is not possible due to shallow earth and proximity to neighbouring water systems. We are looking for a community member who would feel good about “gifting” a piece of land to HIRRA for this purpose. If no land becomes available then there will be no further burials on Hornby once the cemetery if full.
c) Budget presentations will be the main focus of the November HIRRA meeting.
d) Representatives from HIRRA, the Islands Trust and the Regional District – called the Triad – met on September 11 to discuss “this year’s summer challenges”. A summary of these discussions will follow. A meeting with RCMP, HIRRA and Trustees is scheduled for October 23rd in Courtenay.
Correspondence: Email from Rob McCandlless regarding the lack of public access to potable water sources on the island was read.
Report updates by Islands Trust: Fred Hunt reviewed current business of the Islands’ Trust. It is the Trust’s intention to make reduction of green house gases a planning objective.
Summer Challenges: Ron Sitter introduced the process for this segment of the meeting. Tony Law circulated copies of his paper, Hornby Security and summarized its content.
The Triad meeting discussions were summarized by Ron.
a) RCMP: Coverage: General level of dissatisfaction – not enough RCMP members here, some times not here at all. There was very little ticket writing. For the first time in many years there were paid guards staffing the RCMP lock up. We will be advertising for one or two additional guards for next summer.
b) Noise bylaw: Bruce Jolliffe is currently organizing a review of the bylaw at the regional district level with the aim of increasing the amount of the fines from $100 to a higher fee.
c) Summer by-law enforcement: Is a part time fire bylaw enforcement officer possible?
d) Impounding vehicles: RCMP says this would be an excellent deterrent. Major hurdle is identification of an impound lot that needs to be chain-link fenced and staffed. As well, we are not sure if HIRRA has the legal power to impound or “boot” the wheels on vehicles. “Booting” illegal cars – was rejected by the RCMP because they assume legal liability of that booted vehicle while the boot is in place. HIRRA will investigate this action. We will be advertising in the GV for anyone interested in this initiative and who might have ideas – to contact us.
e) Big Tribune Beach, reckless boating: Is it possible to position a permanent float line at the low tide line to prevent motor boaters from entering that part of the beach when the water rises.
f) Brochure to be developed to discuss “Welcome…but”: Draft is in circulation. The suggestion was to not create a new brochure, but to add the words to an existing brochure.
Review what HIRRA has already considered:
a) Big Tribune/Shields Road Beach Waste Management and garbage clean up. We will be budgeting $6,000<<>> in the Recycling budget to pay for this service between July 1 (Canada Day) and Sept 10 (weekend after Labour Day). This $6,000 includes:
- Big Tribune and Shields Road: Estimate 2 people employed part-time.
72 days X 2 hr/day/person X $15/hr = $2,160/person or $4,320 for both (this includes taking the bagged debris to the depot)
- Approximately $600 to the depot for tipping fees for the garbage.
- Approximately $100 in materials, e.g., plastic bags, identification
- Approximately $1000 for additional Beach Waste Management needs
- Letter of request to be sent to the owner of the Big Tribune campground – requesting help to fund this service – possibly a $2 fee/registration to partially fund the beach clean up.
- Letter of request to be sent to the Coop Board – requesting help to fund this service – possibly dedicate the proceeds from the summer spare change donation jars to this service.
Open Forum: Ron invited public comment. Tony Law wrote discussion points on a flip chart.
Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for beach clean up.
RCMP was taking a soft approach with young people. This is a good thing.
What is the origin of Grassy Point gate initiative?
There is a serious potential for accidents thru drinking and boating carelessness.
RCMP is under staffed.
Park steward has been man handled during the course of patrolling the beach.
Can the budgets be posted to the Internet?
Toward a Civil Community letter in the Island Grapevine received 76 responses. Suggestions to be submitted to the HIRRA executive.
Image of Hornby in young people’s communication needs to change. Use the Internet to counter blog.
Policing at Buckley Bay needs to be consistent. Enforcing speed limits; controlling street side parking; illegal camping swat team; photograph drunks and post on the web?
Get the police out of their cars. Expect more from the RCMP – they are a contracted service.
In Point Roberts, they phone the parents of the kids and it stopped a lot of the out of control parties.
St. John’s Point Road parking opposite the Outdoor Education Centre causes dangerous congestion.
Over policing not the answer. Creative policing is the answer; RCMP should be on bikes, issuing tickets for fire starters, patrol the beach during the day before the people are too drunk.
Police need consistent message: strength at the beginning (i.e.) May long weekend.
Work with the food outlets to reduce the waste stream on the island…encouraging people to bring their own cups, utensils, and plates.
Concentration of bad behaviour is the problem – blogging is contributing to this. This is a long-term challenge to calm the behaviours.
Boots to disable illegally parked cars should be considered.
Take back the beach at night – talk to the kids and instill respect. We have given away our beach.
Police liaison committee may be a good idea to reactivate. Neighbourhood watch was proposed.
If you see someone drunk and driving a car, call 911.
Need accurate information about what is going on so we can address.
Gate could be moved inward to create more parking areas at Outdoor education center.
Computer image of Hornby – need a committee to blog what we want to say to incoming visitors.
The RCMP could provide training to civilians.
Could Co-op not sell liquor on the long weekends? Hornby is known as a party destination and tolerant community. Drinking at Buckley Bay ferry line up – ferry worker acted appropriately and the drinkers cooled their behaviour. Car checks could be done more often and open beer seized.
Lanna Kroening, Hornby/Denman Community Health Care Youth Team read the following letter:
The HDCHCS Child, Youth and Family Team had several concerns to express about the past summer on Hornby Island.
First, there appeared to be an increase in hard drug availability to the youth here on Hornby. Whereas alcohol and marijuana are prevalent and tolerated in the community, harder drugs such as cocaine, MDMA (E), and crystal meth have usually been less accepted if not openly discouraged. This appears to have changed. There is some speculation that due to an increase in RCMP marijuana law enforcement and seizures, there has been the unintended consequence of “filling a need” for relatively cheap recreational drugs. Whatever the reason, it seems that harder drugs are more widely available here and are taking a toll on local youth. People or individuals are giving some of these drugs to our youth and we suspect there may be a local connection, not the usual “outsiders” we tend to blame when looking at local youth issues. Whether or not locals do this, they are often around when the youth are using these drugs.
Secondly, we hope there will be a change in how the Ball Park is run as far as making concerts and events safer for young people. Despite promises and attempts to improve, it is well known that alcohol and drugs can be procured illegally at Joe King events, exposing youth to dangerous circumstances and potential sexual exploitation. Having the Ball Park adopt a “Party Safe” atmosphere with all that implies as far as cooperation with other local agencies (including HDCHCS), would be a huge step in the right direction.
We have also received complaints about the public consumption of drugs and alcohol by local adults at softball and other public events. The community must work together to create an atmosphere where all can feel safe, and where those who are vulnerable in our community are protected, not preyed upon.
Thanks for your consideration of our input in this matter.
Fire department called 7 times in one 24-hour period. RCMP searching for grow ops rather than policing brawling behaviours at the beach. A fire department blog may have inadvertently given the wrong impression. Take away the cars.
Tribune campsite rated as rowdy on the international web site.
Keeping the partiers on Tribune Bay has been touted as a good thing as “we know they are”.
“That’s the price you pay for living in paradise”. This is an often repeated phrase to a complaining islander from an off island authority.
We have a large percentage of regional and provincial parkland and should have resources to operate them safely for use by all the public.
The HIRRA executive, Trustees and Area A Director Jolliffe will present the Hornby community’s concerns to the RCMP at the October 23rd meeting.
Discussion points were grouped by topic. People were invited to offer to form and serve on ad hoc committees to take action. The following list of volunteers and area of interest was recorded.
Communications about Hornby: (brochures, flyers on cars, internet blogs, photo of drunks) Rob McCreary, Mary McKenzie, Basil du Plessis, Vicki Bale and Tony Law, Bob Sarti.
Planning/Coordination: RCMP, Organizations and Campground Operators: April Lewis, Tony Law,
Lana (Youth Outreach worker), Shawn Jamieson (Biff).
Police Liaison: Rachelle Chinnery, HDCHCS Youth Team, Joyce Hookings, Tony Law, Lindsey Allen.
Citizen Actions: (i.e.) Neighbourhood Watch, Take Back the Beach, Illegal Camping Grounds:
Rachelle Chinnery
Provincial Parks Issues: Kathi Mukai and the Provincial Parks Committee.
Litter: Vicki Bale
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
November 11th, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, Vice President/Chair; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 28 members of the community. Absent with regret: Ron Sitter and Len Olsen.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. New members: John and Cheryl Chapman.
Minutes of the October meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Special recognition: A letter to HIRRA, saying thanks for roadside trails was read. Trustee Tony Law presented to the Trails Committee the Community Stewardship Award plaque. Andrew Carmichael, a founding member and current Chair of the Trail’s Committee accepted the award. Tony Law read Fred Hunt’s congratulatory message. Tony noted that Hornby’s roadside trails initiative has been admired and copied by other islands. There was applause. Andrew honoured members of the Syzygy Co-op, Richard Laskin and Han Van Vugt as well as Dale Chase the first roadside trail builders along the boundaries of Syzygy land.
Executive report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
a) Community parks: There was a public meeting at Grassy Point, Oct 11 at 11am. to discuss and vote, by secret ballot, on the installation of a gate. The results were: 153 against; 17 for.
b) HIRRA executive members met with RCMP Inspector Grey on October 23rd: At this session, attended also by Hornby’s Fire Chief, CVRD Area A Director Bruce Jolliffe and Island Trustees, the summer challenges expressed at the October 5th HIRRA public forum were communicated to Inspector Grey.
c) 2.5% is the wage increase set for HIRRA employees for 2010.
Islands Trust: Tony Law announced there will be a November 15th workshop on targets for green house gas emissions to be built into the Official Community Plan. November 16th is the next Local Trust Committee meeting. November 22nd is an ecosystem mapping information meeting.
New Business:
a) RCMP request that the community consider having a quad vehicle for beach party patrol especially at Big Tribune Beach. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
b) Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel reported that there are unknown numbers of sites for graves (due to rocky terrain) and they cannot offer any assurances that a grave can be dug. Committee appointees Larry Smith and Margaret Sinclair are recommended to fill the positions of retiring members Annie Fearman and Jim MacLeod. Approved by general consent. Gratitude was expressed to Annie Fearman and Jim MacLeod for contributions to the committee.
c) Donna Tuele asked for approval to submit an application for a Direct Access Grant of $15,000 for the 2010 recreation program. This was approved by general consent.
d) Trails: Workplan approval: Andrew gave background to the current initiative for a trail connector.
Motion: Andrew Carmichael/Daniel Siegel, “That the Roadside Trails Committee’s proposal to build a new section of trail to connect the School trail and the roadside trail along Central Road near Sollans Road be approved.” Several people whose properties border the present School to Big Tree trail spoke against the connector, stating increased public use would be an invasion of their privacy. Opposition to the publishing of the existing School/Big Tree Trail segment was voiced. Three written submissions against the initiative were read. In response to a question, Andrew stated the neighbours adjacent to the proposed new trail segment (Nessman property and the School) were consulted and indicated approval. Some of the property owners along the School/Big Tree trail were consulted. There was mention that the connector would be useful for horse riders to avoid crossing the school grounds. Neighbouring property owners have traditionally done the maintenance of the Big Tree/School trail. There was assurance from some of these trail neighbours present at the meeting, that this would continue. The motion was withdrawn by its creators, Andrew Carmichael and Daniel Siegel.
Budgets 2010 (all budgets and core service calculation spreadsheet were available as handouts.)
a) The 2010 Fire department budget, detailing operating expenditures totalling $181,350, and capital and equipment expenditures totalling $42,150 was presented by Fire Chief Giff LaRose. There was encouragement by a member for more funding for fire fighter training initiatives.
Motion: Giff LaRose/Lu Ackerson, “That the 2010 fire department budget be approved as presented.” Carried.
b) The 2010 Recycling/Waste Management budget, detailing operating expenses of $201,974 was presented by Stani Veselinovic, Manager. Beach waste management cost, $6000, is a new expense in 2010. Garbage and recyclables’ volumes were all decreased in 2009, as was the revenue from tipping fees for garbage..
Motion: Stani Veselinovic/Chris Weixelbaumer, “That the 2010 Recycling budget be approved as presented.” Carried.
c) The 2010 Community Hall budget detailing operating expenses of $48,514 and capital expenses of $50,000. was presented by Jenny Brown, treasurer of the hall Committee. The septic system installation is scheduled for 2010. Roof repairs to the flat part over the kitchen have been on going. The administrator explained the process of the insurance cost reduction.
Motion: Jenny Brown/Donna DuPlessis, “That the 2010 Community Hall budget be approved as presented.” Carried.
d) The 2010 Core Services Budget, detailing expenses of $47,900, was presented by Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA treasurer. The 2009 audit expenses are anticipated to be over budget due to a first time asset amortization requirement. In response to a question, it was noted that the wage increases/bonuses are limited to 2.5 % for 2010 and that wage line items include mandatory contributions to EI, CPP etc.
Motion: Rudy Rogalsky/Eva Wetzel, “That the 2010 Core Services Budget be approved as presented. Carried.
Ferries Update: Tony Law reported that a report from the provincial auditor recommends that the government revise the Coastal Ferries Act and define the ferry service as a public service. Everyone is encouraged to write to Shirley Bond, Minister of Transportation urging the government to heed this recommendation; this would be in our best interests.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Lynn Nunley, Vice President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 9, 2009
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association – Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Ron Sitter, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 21 members of the community. Absent with regret: Lynn Nunley
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. New member: Sherry Lukinuk
Minutes of the November 11th meeting were approved as read by general consent.
There was a period of silence in honour of Tempest Gale who died November 17th 2009.
Executive Report: Ron Sitter reporting
- Representatives from HIRRA, Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Giff LaRose, Fire Chief and Ron Sitter, President, Island Trustees, Tony Law and Fred Hunt and Bruce Jolliffe, Area A Director met on Oct 23 with RCMP Inspector Gray to discuss our dissatisfaction with the level of RCMP policing this summer.Ron summarized discussions: Staffing issues were discussed and three officers are planned for next summer and extra staff for heavier demand times such as long weekends. The role and number of lock up guards were discussed and two additional guards are being hired for next year, In April the summer RCMP team will meet with a select group of Hornby representatives and will meet regularly with such a group over the summer. This will be a police/community liaison group and will include members of HIRRA, HDCHCS, HIAA to name but three. It was agreed that the RCMP should have direct communication with the beach fire patrol and park patrol personnel. The possibility of creating a suitable space for storage of impounded cars seems unlikely. The RCMP have recently stated that they would rather not have the beach as the gathering place for partiers due to difficulty for the RCMP to patrol and the experience of having the police car vandalized when parked at Shields Road while officer patrolled the beach on foot. Tom Gray would like the community to reconsider favouring the beach as a party place. In the meantime, would the community consider endorsing the use an all terrain vehicle (referred to henceforth as a quad) for patrolling beaches? There will be further discussion later in the meeting. Bruce Jolliffe, Area A director is investigating the feasibility of raising the fines levied for noise bylaw infractions.
- The HIRRA executive and the CVRD staff are investigating ways to budget for the following out of the tax base annually: Invasive plant/animal control ($2,000); Cemetery maintenance ($1,000 annually) Community kitchen funding ($3,000). We have received a weak positive response on the community kitchen funding proposal so we will need to have a motion tonight to consider this initiative.
- The HIRRA executive has asked Tom Knott to take the lead in preparation of a community impact statement concerning Tempest Gale’s death, now defined as a homicide by the RCMP. We will propose reading this statement to the judge prior to sentencing when the murderer is convicted. For more information please talk to Tom Knott.
- K’omoks land update – The negotiating team notified us that additional Hornby land is being offered in the negotiations. The parcel being offered is a continuous Crownland piece between Carmichael Road and Sollans Road. The new piece is the land that is currently leased by HIRRA (2015) and is the site of the Sollans Road well located east of New Horizons. A map detailing this piece of land was circulated to the members.
On Going Business:
- Discussion: Should the RCMP use a Quad vehicle for patrolling Hornby’s beaches? Following discussion, a show of hands indicated 16 members in favour, 5 opposed and 4 abstentions. The police liaison group would include members who volunteered at the October meeting as representatives from HIRRA. HDCHCS: update on the new clinic: Jim Garton summarized progress being made on the site preparations to date, Tree cutting and land clearing was all done by volunteer labour. The wood cutting was done on 3 Saturdays: 51 cords of wood were cut and delivered to local residents all by volunteer workers. Insurance is in place for volunteer labourers. The committee is negotiating with the government to have the stumpage fees waived or, at least, reduced. There is a web site www.hornbynewclinic.org. There were site plans and building drawings available for review. The plan is to complete the construction of the new clinic in 2010. Building the foundation will start in January. Fund raising support from the island has been fantastic but is not done yet. It will be a total cost of $559,000 and there is $240,000 in the bank and $179,000 worth of in kind donations of labour. Shortfall of $140,000. means fundraising will continue. It was noted that John Bennett is coordinating the volunteer crew. There was applause in thanks for the amazing efforts of this group.
- 2010 Budget presentations: Comfort Stations: Janet summarized, stating that 2010 budget, detailing expenditures of $39,900 includes a one time capital expenditure for the construction of two permanent privies, one at Grassy Point and one at Sandpiper Beach. CVRD may fund only one privy this year and one in 2011; we will know in the new year.Motion: Donna DuPlessis/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the 2010 and five year Comfort Station budget plan be approved as presented.” Carried. Public consultation and Hornbyizing is desired. Recreation: Donna Tuele presented budgets that predicted 3 scenarios: full direct access grant funding, 50% direct access grant and no direct access grant funding. Donna led a line-by-line review, detailing maximum expenditures of $39,610, and minimum expenditures of $27,910.
Motion: Dave Eldred/Kent Lukinuk,“That the 2010 Recreation budget be approved at presented.” Carried
Mt. Geoffrey Regional Parks budget, detailing expenditures of $17,000 was presented by Brian Kittleson, who reviewed projects, current and proposed for next year. There was discussion re equestrian use of trail bridges. The status report on the upgrade of the Crownland trails was also reported. Donna Tuele is willing to assist in equestrian trail consulting: can trails be more horse friendly? There was discussion re sources of tax funding for regional parks. It was noted that funding comes from a regional parks central fund, non specific to Hornby.
Motion: Brian Kittleson/Tom Knott, “That the 2010 Mt.Geoffrey Regional Park budget be approved
As presented.” Carried. - Executive initiative: Ron provided background to the initiative to secure funding in support of the Community Kitchen and local food producers.Motion: David Eldred/Donna DuPlessis “That HIRRA approves the annual budgeting of $3000 to pay local farmers to provide food to the (Hope) Kitchen starting in 2010, with funding to be accessed from sources deemed appropriate by the executive.” Carried.
- Inspector Gray will be thanked for attending the community information meeting after the death of Tempest Gale.
Adjournment: at 9:15 P.M. by general consent.
Ron Sitter, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
In the event of a conflict between the wording of a motion on this page and the wording of the paper copy kept in the central HIRRA file, the wording of the paper copy shall prevail.