2010 Minutes


HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

February 10, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 55 members of the community. Absent with regret: Lynn Nunley and Rudy Rogalsky.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Ron introduced the agenda.

Minutes of the meeting on December 9, 2009 were approved as read by general consent. It was noted that tax based Regional Parks funding is from Denman and Hornby Islands.

Executive Report: Ron Sitter reporting

  1. The service agreement between the Regional District and HIRRA has been extended to March 31, 2010 and is expected to be renewed for a 5-year period thereafter.
  2. The AGM is scheduled for March 10th. Initial indications are that there are few vacancies opening up. However, anyone can run because it is an election process. Committee chairs were requested to submit annual report summaries by email to the administrator for posting to the web.
  3. On February 1st there was a meeting of the Recycling Committee, Manager, HIRRA Administrator and Drew Hadfield, CVRD Manager, Solid Waste. Drew informed the group that the planned depot upgrade project has been scaled back significantly. The total budget is now predicted to be $250,000, down from original estimates of $600,000+.

Islands Trust Update: Tony Law reporting. The local trust committee is working on climate change initiatives and is starting a targeted review of the Official Community Plan. Community consultations will be scheduled in May. LTC is also working on how to address the summer vacation home rental issues. The dilemma of waste accumulation on private property was noted. Action to remedy this situation is being undertaken by the Trust. The Trust council will meet on Hornby in March; council will be deliberating on the budget and on housing options. The Water Act is under review at the provincial level. Gulf Islands are considered a priority area. Tony summarized some BC Ferry information and RCMP consultations regarding summer policing.

On Going Business:

  1. Sollans Road well site: The government land negotiating team has notified us that this site is to be included in the offer to the K’omoks First Nations. HIRRA has a lease with the provincial government for the well site; the lease is valid through 2015. It was noted that the Sollans Road well site is the only free public water on the island and HIRRA has held a lease for this well site for more than twenty five years. The water is considered unsafe for drinking, and the well site is posted with a Boil Advisory as mandated by the Vancouver Island Health Authority.
    Motion: Tom Knott/Paddy Tsurumi. “That HIRRA pursue a renewal of the lease for the well site and send a letter to the Negotiating team expressing our Association’s wish to maintain the community lease to this well site. At minimum, we wish to maintain free community access to this well.” Carried
  2. Report from the Recycling Manager: Stani Veselinovic reviewed the last year of consultations with the CVRD regarding the upgrades to the recycling depot. The original expenditures of $600,000 were rejected by the CVRD board; modifications to the plan are in the works. Composters are available for sale. Representatives of the committee and the manager attended the Coast Waste Management Association conference in Victoria. San Francisco has a diversion rate of 75%, the highest in North America. Stani proudly informed the assembly that Hornby Island has a diversion rate of 70%. There was applause. Stani is the delegate to the CVRD Solid Waste Management Planning group and attended an inaugural meeting. CVRD is conducting a survey on waste management. Copies of the survey were available as handouts.
  3. Trails Committee – Andrew Carmichael presented maps showing St. John’s Point Road trail system, and the Big Tree to the School trail that runs along the unopened highway right of way. Some work was done to the School end of the Big Tree/School trail in 2001; the on going maintenance of this trail is, and has always been, done by the neighbours. The trails committee is proposing to fill in around the exposed roots of the trail, to place the trail on the highway right of way connecting it to the Central Road Hall to Co-op trail segment. At the November meeting the Trails committee was asked to do more consultations. There have been 20 letters received by the committee from islanders in favor of the aforementioned plan.Motion: Maureen Tierney/Dan Johnson, “That the trails committee proceed with the smoothing of the rough area at the western end of the school trail by filling in round the tree roots and that this committee construct a new trail (approximately 120 meters) on the highway right- of- way to connect the School Trail with the Central Road Trail at the western end by the mail box.” There was discussion. Two members spoke against doing any work on the Big Tree trail. The school is neutral on this initiative; there is no benefit or detriment to the school. The connection that the big tree trail provides walkers from St. John’s Road to the School/Hall is valued. Roots are dangerous to walkers. How do bikers feel about the roots? Seems they may prefer the challenge of root travel. Neighbours look after and are satisfied with the condition of the trail. Connector will draw more attention to this trail which passes along the boundaries of many residences. Bikers race along the central road trail and one speaker doesn’t want the same to be the case on the Big tree/School trail. The assembly was encouraged to respect the people who live along the trail. Another person spoke against the proposal and about the origins of the trail which was used for safety for bikers going from Outdoor Education to the Hall. Appreciation for the trail committee and for neighbours who have maintained the trail was expressed. It was noted that all the trails on the island don’t have to be the same. A road allowance is a public domain. Trail users often cross private properties near the trail which is bothersome. This has always been primarily a neighbourhood trail and should remain such. Trail was originally designed as a school access trail and should be safe for children. There was expressed appreciation of this being a sensitive issue. Strangers wandering through private properties are a safety concern.
    The vote was called by the chair and, by a show of hands, the motion was defeated.
  4. Report from Regional parks: Betty Kennedy reported that work is being done on the Upland Crownland Trails– Brian Allaert has inspected the upgrades and work was approved and will continue. Beach access work will be proceeding and neighbours will be consulted. Sandpiper is due for a remake of the stairs, improved parking, and locating a permanent privy. Community consultations have been extensive; all encouraged to get on with the improvements.

New Business:

  1. Motion: Judith Lawrence/Paddy Tsurumi,” That the Hall Committee be reduced from 7 to 5 members.” Carried
  2. It was agreed by general consent that HIRRA negotiate the RCMP lease fee up to $900/month for a 5-year term commencing May 1, 2010.
  3. Motion: Paddy Tsurumi /Lynne Carmichael, “That HIRRA not increase the lease fee in 2010 for the HI Arts Council. Carried.
  4. Motion: Vikki Bale/Tom Knott “That HIRRA waives the 2010 lease fee for The Kitchen. Carried.

Adjournment: at 9:30 P.M. by general consent.

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March 10, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Len Olsen, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 48 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Ron Sitter introduced the executive, HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of Meetings and the meeting agenda.

Minutes of the meeting on Feb 10, 2010 were approved as read by general consent.

Island Trust: Fred Hunt noted that the next LTC meeting, March 17th will have short term vacation rentals and the Thatch development application on the agenda. Trust Council meets on Hornby in March. The Triad (CVRD Area A director/Trustees and HIRRA executive) meets with Emcon on April 1st.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA:

The following members have served for all, or part of, the last year on HIRRA committees. We give special recognition to Jeremy Payne, Jenny Brown, Serena and Richard Laskin, April Lewis, Joan Brears, Anne Ngan, Annie Fearman, Jim McLeod and Alan Beattie.

Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting:

a. RCMP Property Management division have agreed to a rental increase of $150 per month – to $900 – for the next 5-year contract that begins June 1, 2010.

b. Representatives from the Regional District made a presentation on Hornby, March 1 that detailed the 2010 budget. Some of the highlights included approval of all HIRRA budgets submitted – including the recycling budget that included money to pay workers to clean up Big Tribune and public areas starting this summer. This will become an ongoing budget item. The RD has also approved spending up to $1,000 a year for the management of invasive plants. HIRRA’s requests for funding for the Kitchen, for Possum management and for annual cemetery maintenance were declined this year; however they have left the door open to pursue these in the future. They want a ten year plan for the capital improvements at the hall.

c. Volunteer appreciation: HIRRA committee members are invited to attend a pot luck supper at the Community Hall prior to the April 14th General meeting. More information will follow.

d. Tonight Len Olsen will be stepping down as Secretary of HIRRA after serving 4 years on the executive. We are greatly indebted to Len for his contribution over those years.


  • K’omoks Land negotiations: Janet read the following, Anya Thomas’s reply to our interest in Sollans Road Well.

“Thank you for your email. We have taken note of the well-site on Sollans Road. Pre-existing leases located on proposed Treaty Settlement Land, and access to them, are protected in the treaty. Lease-holders are issued replacement tenures at the time the treaty takes effect. We recognize the importance of this well-site to the residents of Hornby Island, and look forward to discussing the matter further with you in the future.” Anya Thomas

New Business:
a. Motion: Lynn Nunley/ June Crichton, “That $300 be approved from General Funds to be used to purchase organic, fair-trade Easter bunnies from Denman Island Chocolates to be used for the 3rd annual children’s Easter egg hunt at the Copse.” Carried It was suggested that the milk chocolate would be preferred by the kids.
b. Motion: Len Olsen/Kathi Mukai: “That up to $750 be approved from General Funds to provide an additional bike rack, and to fund pre-summer tree limbing and clean-up at Copse.” Carried. Any money spent by HIRRA will be matched by the farmer’s market group.

President’s annual report: Presented by Ron Sitter; approved by general consent.

Auditor & Treasurer’s report – Rudy Rogalsky presented the auditor’s report from Meyers Norris Penny LLP for the 2009 fiscal year.

  • Motion – Rudy/Paul “That the 2009 auditor’s report be approved as presented.” Carried
  • Motion – Rudy/Carole “That we defer the appointment of an auditor for three months while we explore options.” Carried
  • Appointment of Paul Clemens and Daniel Siegel to HICEEC board was by unanimous consent.

Committee Annual Reports: Reports were presented and are posted to the web site www.hirra.ca.
Recycling: Kathi Sauve; Recreation: Donna Tuele. Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy.
Trails: Andrew Carmichael; Hall: Judith Lawrence; Fire Department: Lu Ackerson.
Cemetery: Eva Wetzel; Fall Fair: Carole Chambers. All approved by general consent.
Motion: Donna du Plessis/Valerie Pagnier, “To approve the appointment of the Fire Chief Giff LaRose.” Carried
Elections 2010
All elected by acclamation
Lynn Nunley elected to a two year term as Vice President.
Daniel Siegel elected to a two year term as Secretary.
Recycling Committee: Kathi Sauve, John Howard, Jan Kennedy, MaryAnn Handy and Ilze Raudzins.
Recreation: Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Tim McCarty, Sharon Rogalsky. Meghan Cannon, new HIRRA member, will be appointed in 42 days in compliance with the by-laws. This was agreed by unanimous consent of the assembly.
Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy, Jeremy Payne, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Sasha LeBaron.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie, Jill Beattie and Shelley Tetz.
Trails: Andrew Carmichael, Dan Johnson, Maureen Tierney, Charles Western and Lindsay Allen.
Hall: Judith Lawrence, Derek Ward, Suzanne LaRose and Valerie Pagnier. Catherine Quinn, new HIRRA member, will be appointed in 42 days in compliance with the by-laws. This was agreed by unanimous consent of the assembly.
Fire protection: Lu Ackerson, Bob Kungl, Brian Amos, Jim Garton and Kevin Woods.
Cemetery: Eva Wetzel, Pat (Gemma) Colin, Margaret Sinclair, Margaret Pethick, and Larry Smith.
Fall Fair: Jack Hansed, Pam Gordon, Carole Chambers, Joan Harris, Kurt Wetzel, Lori Nawrot and
Pat (Gemma) Colin.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. by general consent.


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April 14, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 37 members of the community. Katie Marshall new member.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Ron introduced HIRRA’s guide to the Etiquette of Meetings, the executive and the agenda. Daniel Siegel, newly elected secretary, was welcomed with applause.

Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2010 were approved as read by general consent.

Special recognition to Francka and Roger Jenzer, Yopi, Tina Wai and Alistair Heseltine for colouring all the easter eggs and Paul Wullum Mister Easter Bunny Boy.

Executive Report: Ron Sitter reporting

  1. Copse 3rd bike rack is now installed
  2. Easter Egg hunt was a success. 50 kids attended. It was a fun event.


  1. Email from Bryan Fisher, CEO of the Union Bay Credit Union expressed interest in the rental of the Savoie building as the future location of the Credit Union.

Islands Trust:

Tony Law provided highlights. The Trust Council meeting in March was successfully hosted by Hornby.

Rudy Rogalsky was thanked for the excellent posters for the Official Community Plan public meetings. Next OCP review meeting is April 20th. The Local Trust Committee meeting is April 21st; agenda items include the Thatch development proposal and the Development Variance Permit application for the installation of a windmill adjacent to the Ford Cove Store. Fred Hunt thanked the Advisory Planning Commission members for the organization of the OCP review process. More than 35 people attended the first OCP update/review meeting.

On Going Business:

  1. Beach Clean Up: proposed ad calling for submission of proposals for Beach clean up at Big Tribune, Little Tribune and Co-op corner was read. This ad will be circulated via the Hornby Tribune. It was suggested that Grassy Point, Sandpiper and possibly Phipps Point public beach accesses could be included in this clean up plan, with weekly waste pick ups. It was noted that the executive is overseeing this new service. It was reinforced that we all bear some responsibility to clean the beaches. The use of Cameras to document big messes was suggested. Garbage bins are not planned, as it is felt that this attracts more debris. Suggested that we need one “no littering” sign on the island; suggested that such a sign be made by the school kids in Hornby art tradition. Litter contractors will be expected to promote a philosophy of “pack it in pack it out” to members of the public encountered during beach clean ups. There was acknowledgment by applause for the efforts of Colleen Work who has held the Privy maintenance contract for many years.
  2. Savoie Building: There was discussion of the community consultation process and the Credit Union’s expression of interest. HIRRA requires rent for this building. The possibility of future siting of a second building on the site was noted. Many spoke in favor of the Credit Union being located in the Savoie Building. Tony Law stated that said zoning can be adjusted to accommodate the UBCU at the Savoie building. Green house gas generation would be reduced with the UBCU in the island center. It was suggested that office space for non profit organizations, if needed, would be better accommodated at the school. Hillary Brown was an early member of the Credit Union movement as were many islanders. It was agreed by general consent that HIRRA advertise in the community for expressions of interest in the rental of the Savoie building.
  3. Raven Coal development project proposed for Vancouver Island. Tom Knott gave background. There was discussion. Denman Islanders have expressed opposition to this project citing noise, air pollution and environmental concerns. Economic benefits were mentioned. Coal is used to manufacture steel which we all need. Suggest that we wait till the government’s environmental assessments are complete. We need more information. A map was available. Coal burning is a big contributor to green house gases. There was objection to resource extraction for use overseas. There needs to be community involvement all the way along to watch what this company does. Should we form a subcommittee perhaps jointly with Denman to study this on an ongoing basis? It was agreed by general consent that the executive committee work with Tom Knott to craft a motion for consideration at the May meeting.

Adjournment: at 9 PM by general consent.

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May 5, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Ron introduced HIRRA’s guide to the Etiquette of Meetings, the executive and the agenda. Circle configuration was used for assembly seating.

Minutes of the meeting of April 12th 2010 were approved as read by general consent.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA:

Anne Ngan was thanked for her artistic and organizing direction of the recent ISLA hat fashion show, “A Roof Over Our Heads”. There was applause.

Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting

  1. Meeting with Denman Island Residents Association April 28th was a valuable information sharing opportunity hosted by DIRA.
  2. RCMP will attend the June HIRRA meeting to take questions about summer plans. Constable Derek Kryzanowski who was stationed on Hornby fifteen years ago, and Constable Duncan McGeorge who was here last year will be returning to serve as summer staff. A third member is yet to be assigned.
  3. HIRRA’s committee volunteer appreciation dinner attended by more than 40 members on April 14th was a success. This is planned to be an annual event.


Mia Wood’s letter requesting the siting of a power shed to provide electrical power to the Copse was read. Mia has submitted a proposal complete with drawings which will be presented at the June meeting. A dedicated electrical source is necessary if food vendors are to operate out of the Copse Farmers Market.

Report updates by Island’s Trust:

Fred Hunt gave a summary of the OCP review meetings recently convened. The APC group was again thanked for their organization of these sessions. Bylaw on climate change mitigation is being presented at public hearings. The subdivision process to enable the Weiss family donation of land to ISLA for housing is nearly complete. There was acknowledgement by the trustees and applause for the generosity of this Hornby family.

Regional Parks Committee:

Betty Kennedy reported that the committee recently met with the equestrian group re trails suitable for horse traffic. Sandpiper beach park improvements soon will be underway. Park surveys to establish lot lines of the beach access parks are being done, commissioned by the CVRD. A letter from CVRD regarding incidents of illegal cutting of wood in the Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park was read for information. There was brief discussion concerning the harvesting of blow downs; there has been a request from HIRRA to CVRD asking that this issue be addressed in the park master plan. It is understood that this would require a public discussion and a defined process.

Raven coal development:

Motion: Tom Knott/Betty Fairbank:

“HIRRA views the proposed Raven Coal Mine on Vancouver Island with deep concern. This comes from:

  1. The local and global carbon footprints of coal mining and burning, particularly in light of the Provincial Government’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the Province;
  2. The negative impacts of the mine on the environment, in particular on Air Quality, the burying of fish habitat in Cowie Creek, the possible longterm effects on Baynes Sound, and on the forests and wildlife habitat of Vancouver Island;
  3. The deleterious effects of transporting this coal by truck on the highway leading to Pacific Rim National Park and Tofino;
  4. A desire to leave a world of abundant beauty and plentiful resources for future generations.


  1. inform appropriate Federal, Provincial, Regional and Local governments of these concerns;
  2. solicit volunteers to form a working group to form alliances with other concerned groups, to monitor the Environmental Review process, and keep the Hornby community informed.”

There followed discussion.

Maureen Tierney/Janey Bennet, “That the opening statement of the motion be amended as follows: ….. “HIRRA views the proposed Raven Coal Mine on Vancouver Island with deep concern and is opposed to this development.” There was discussion on the amendment. The vote was called and the amendment was passed by a majority. The amended motion was passed by clear majority show of hands. Tom Knott provided the administrator with a list of email addresses of officials at all level of governments as well as local press for distribution of this HIRRA motion. Tom requested on going support by formation of a working group and asked that interested persons contact Tom Knott or Ron Sitter.

New Business:

  1. Report on April meeting with RCMP Liaison meeting to discuss summer policing on Hornby. Attending were HIRRA Executive Daniel Siegel and Lynn Nunley, the Island Trustees, the Area Director Bruce Jolliffe, Fire Chief Giff Larose, CVRD staff and RCMP members. Daniel Siegel and Lynn Nunley summarized the discussions. During summer the Fire Chief will be informed if there is to be a period of no police presence on Hornby. Regular meetings of the RCMP and a community liaison group will be held. The RCMP requested that we have more liquor limiting signage for public spaces. A quad all terrain vehicle will be used by the RCMP in patrolling Big Tribune Beach. Candidates for employment as jail guards are being screened. Ticketing for illegal fires will be done. The nuisance bylaw of the CVRD will be amended to increase the fine to $500; this bylaw includes noise infractions. The RCMP will use “clubs” to immobilize the cars of charged impaired drivers. Impounding cars is being investigated. There was discussion. Members of the ad hoc group formed at the October HIRRA meeting expressed willingness to be involved in the community liaison with the RCMP. It was noted that the RCMP have been invited to the June HIRRA meeting.
  2. K’ómoks First Nation treaty negotiations progress report – Tony Law summarized the May 4th meeting in Courtenay. The Hornby land area of interest, Crownland between Carmichael and Sollans Road includes the Sollans Road well. Tony reported that the public use of the well would continue.
  3. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation report – Daniel Siegel noted that HICEEC board is involved in strategic planning and visioning. They have a five year plan which will be presented at the June AGM.
  4. Appointment of Hornby Ferry Advisory Committee representative: There were no volunteers

Adjournment: @ 9:15 by general consent.


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June 9, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 50 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M. Ron introduced HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of Meetings, members of the executive and the agenda. The circle configuration was used for assembly seating.
Minutes of the meeting of May 5th 2010 were approved as read by general consent.

Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting:

  1. On June 28, the CVRD staff will meet with members of the executive for discussions on the lack of progress of the recycling depot upgrade and the renewal of HIRRA’s contract with the CVRD.
  2. We now have two expressions of interest for the Savoie Clinic building when it becomes available – we encourage any interested parties to submit and will be looking at a cut-off date of late summer. A letter from the HIAC and HARG expressing interest in using the Savoie Building as an Art Gallery was read. Ron Sitter stated that later in the fall we will ask the assembly to vote to decide who occupies the Savoie Bldg. After the new clinic opens in 2011.
  3. Robin Keller and Colleen Work were awarded the beach cleanup contract, the first such summer clean up initiative funded from the tax base.
  4. Hornby Island Police Liaison Committee: In October 2009 the RD organized a meeting between the RCMP and elected reps from the HIRRA executive, Local Trust Committee, and the Fire Department. During that meeting, the issues gathered at the October HIRRA general summer debriefing meeting (flipchart from this meeting was posted on the wall) were presented. The results of that were presented to the HIRRA membership in a subsequent meeting as well as printed in the First Edition’s monthly HIRRA update. In April a second meeting of the same representatives was held – to review the pre-summer plans. The results were presented to the HIRRA membership at the April HIRRA meeting. Since that time representatives from Hornby’s Health Network Group were added to the representatives who will meet with the RCMP in these two meetings per year. The health group cover many services including emergency, social, health and family services. The two additional representatives are the doctor and the youth worker. These two will take information from these meetings back to the Health Network Group. It is the opinion of the executive that this group is broad enough in representation to be officially called the H.I. Police Liaison Group.

Report updates by Island’s Trust: Fred and Tony summarized recent Islands Trust issues, including the deliberations around the Short Term Vacation Rentals, the clean up of the Wilson property on Harby Road, the rezoning application for the Hornby Island Resort, the application for the wind turbine at Ford’s Cove and a plans for a working group on environmental assessments.

Appointment of Auditor: Audit costs in 2009 were double the cost in 2008 due primarily to the asset valuation done for the first time last year. Approximately $7000 or half of the audit fee will be expensed from the general funds rather than from the tax funded services. Rudy then gave the range of quoted prices for the 2010 audit.
Motion: Rudy Rogalsky/Gina Horvath, “That HIRRA appoints Presley & Partners as auditors for 2010 for a review engagement.” Carried.

Appointment – Ferry Advisory Committee.
Motion: Tony Law/Lynn Nunley:” That Rob McCreary be the HIRRA appointee to the Ferry Advisory Committee”. Carried.

Recreation Committee:

Motion: Donna Tuele/Sharon Rogalsky: “That the recreation committee recommends approval of the 2010 recreation grant funding distribution as follows:

HI Education Society: Gym use …………………. $2150
HI Education Society: After school programs…….$2700
HI Education Society: Teen night …………………$2700
HI Tennis Association: Youth instruction…………$1900
HI Athletic Association: Baseball ………………….. $500
Taekwondo: Travel subsidy…………………………..$975
HI Mountain Bike Association: Bike Track………..$1000.

There was discussion. It was reported that there is a high demand for youth tennis lessons. There was brief discussion on the principle of user pay and its application to augment tax funding for recreational programs. The vote was called and the motion carried. Current recreation programs were summarized. A comprehensive catalogue of schedules and venues for CVRD recreation opportunities is being distributed to Hornby Island mail boxes.

Farmer’s Market: A proposal to build an electrical shed to service food vendors at the Farmers Market was presented by Mia Wood. Vendors are required to meet VIHA standards for food preparation in the Copse and require electricity to do this. Marketers will build a 4X6 foot shed 7 feet tall sited on HIRRA land adjacent to the Copse. The marketers will be responsible for all construction costs and will reimburse HIRRA for the costs of the electricity from this drop.
Motion: Mia Wood/Vikki Bale, “That HIRRA approve the siting and building of an electrical supply drop on the HIRRA land adjacent to the Copse, with all associated costs and the cost of electricity consumed to be borne by the market users.” There was discussion. Unanimous vote in favor.

Hall Committee Report: Judith Lawrence reported that Valerie Pagnier has resigned from the committee due to health reasons. Potential volunteers for this vacancy, please contact Judith.

General: There was some discussion about BC Hydro’s tree cutting along St. John’s Point Road for the provision of three phase power to Whaling Station Bay. Information was shared.

Meet the summer RCMP: RCMP Constable Derek Kryzanowski was in attendance and spoke to the assembly. He is a 20 year policeman and previously worked on Hornby in 1993/94. RCMP Objective: Turn Tribune and the beaches into family places, through education first and enforcement as necessary. Derek has been meeting with island youth. Constable Duncan McGeorge is returning for a second term on Hornby. There will be three members on staff for the summer. Two Tuesdays in July will be without coverage so far. Derek will inform the Fire Chief all dates when there are no RCMP staff on the island. Derek will be here every weekend. Duncan will be away for two weeks in July. Clubs will be used too immobilize vehicles. Quads will be stationed at the Outdoor Education Center.
There was a question and answer period. There are three fire patrol personnel for this year. RCMP ratio for summer population was mentioned as was the suggestion that Hornby could lobby for a permanent RCMP detachment.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm by general consent.


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July 14, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer, Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper, Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 17 members of the community.

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M. Ron introduced members of the executive and the agenda. The circle configuration was used for assembly seating. It was noted that, in the absence of a quorum, this is an information meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of June 9th 2010 were approved by general consent, with the following correction to the Islands Trust report as noted by Tony Law: ”a plan for a working group for environmental assessments for the Raven Coal project proposed for Vancouver Island.” There was brief discussion concerning the observed discharge of boat effluent into Tribune Bay. The reporting of such violations was recommended.

Executive report: Ron Sitter reporting:

  1. We currently have two expressions of interest for the Savoie Clinic building when it becomes available – we encourage any interested parties to submit and will be looking at a cut off date in a few months.
  2. Sandpiper community park & beach access – local crew under the auspices of HIRRA’s Regional Park Committee is well underway with the new park plan. The stairs will be decommissioned and a new entrance is being built that will not involve a steep slope. Other improvements, including the parking area and green space were noted.
  3. The farmers market now has a reliable supply of electricity and a brand new electrical shed. Well done Mia and the market people and special thanks to Ron Doucette for hooking it up so quickly. It was noted that there are many other volunteers who worked to make this improvement a reality. Thanks was extended to all those islanders.
  4. The $1000 received from the CVRD to remove aggressive invasive plants from Hornby has been spent removing Scotch Broom from Roburn Rd. This is a wonderful accomplishment. As well it provided some work income to a few people.
  5. There is no HIRRA meeting in August; next meeting is September 8, 2010.


  1. Email from Tina Wai thanked all for the broom removal from Roburn Road.

Report updates by Island’s Trust: Tony Law announced up coming Trust meetings as well as sessions on the Community plan review. Fred Hunt reported that there have been many emails received with comments on the wind turbine proposed for Ford Cove. The Thatch application for redevelopment, now being considered by the Trust, was summarized. A public hearing date was announced.

Summary of meeting with CVRD and HIRRA executive was given by Rudy Rogalsky. The CVRD/HIRRA 5 year contract writing is in progress; we anticipate the contract will include all local services administered by HIRRA. The financial review engagement for 2010 was approved by the CVRD and they suggested a full audit was necessary only every five years. The executive requested that the CVRD proceed with depot equipment upgrades as soon as possible and infrastructure renovations after the summer rush. It was noted that many of the structural improvements are necessary for general safety as recognized by a CVRD safety audit a couple of years ago.

Recycling Report: Kathi Sauve reported that backhoe is broken; vandalism is a recurring problem and if this doesn’t cease, extra security measures may be necessary; these may change the free spirit of the recycling premises forever. Kathi asked everyone to take heed.
The promotional T-shirts this year have the message, re-think, re-flect, re-fuse, re-duce,re-use, re-cycle, re-new, re-spect, re-store, re-plenish, re-furbish. An information brochure has been distributed around the island via mail and local outlets.
Kathi thanked the Free Store volunteers, without whom Hornby would not achieve the 70% diversion rate that leads the country. There was applause.
An idea to curb the vandalism, generally attributed to acts committed by idle youth. It would help if local youth would post information on Facebook that would educate potential mischief makers about the role of the Free Store and depot and the sad impact the vandalism acts have.
The recycling manager, Stani Veselinovic, fielded questions.

Fire Chief’s Summer Report: An information brochure is being distributed to island wide. There are currently 19 members plus one auxiliary member. Wild fire training is underway. Equipment checks for wildfire management has been done. 5 weeks of specialized training is underway on high angle rescue and vehicle extrication. Cutters need to be upgraded. Fire fighters grab and go equipment for forest fires is available.
Summer fire patrol personnel are Ron Sitter and Marc Roder. Fire Hall planning is in limbo. CVRD has applied for a 2.5 acre piece of Crownland across from the current fire hall. If this is available, the drawings will be advanced and public consultations will commence.
There was discussion regarding the departments plans to reduce the fuel load on Mount Geoffrey. The problem of home owners having debris to get rid of and not being allowed to burn other than small camp fires was mentioned.

Fall Fair Committee: Carole Chambers Sunday September 19th. The theme is the BEE. There will be a Queen Bee and a Spelling Bee. Volunteers needed. Lori Nawrot is the volunteer coordinator.

Road side Clean up: Will we do one this year after Labour Day weekend? Volunteers needed to coordinate.

Ferry Advisory Committee: Rob McCreary reported that the cable ferry from Denman to Buckley is still being considered. B.C. Ferries is also considering eliminating the noon run to save money. Brochures with schedules to be eliminated; schedules will be posted and available online. Ferry service was generally discussed. People were encouraged to call their 1-800 number. Further information will be available at the September meeting.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm by general consent.


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September 13, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer, Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper, Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members of the community. Guests: RCMP Constables Derek Kryzanowski and Duncan McGeorge.

Minutes: The minutes of the July 14th meeting were approved as read by general consent.

BC Ferries Advisory Committee Update: Rob McCreary reported that BC Ferries is considering a 15 minute cut off before the 6 PM sailing. There was discussion. People were asked for their opinions.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA:

All HIRRA staff who worked so hard this summer to do what they do – this includes: Yana Pethick, Bonita Wexler, Colleen Work, Lynn Nunley, Basil DuPlessis, Giff Larose and his officers, Stani Veselinovic and all the depot staff and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator.

Executive report:

  1. Because of the conflicting and busy schedules of the executive we had no option but to change the day of the HIRRA meeting for the months of September, October, November to the second Monday of each month. Dates of meetings are Monday, Oct 11, and Monday, Nov 8, 2010.
  2. We have two expressions of interest for the Savoie Clinic building when it becomes available – the Union Bay Credit Union and the HI Arts Council/ HI Artists Run Gallery group. We have sent a request for detailed proposals to each of these entities to be submitted by October 30th. The executive will present the findings to this assembly in November and ask for a deciding vote at the December meeting. This schedule was agreed by general consent.
  3. The executive would like to introduce a concept that we feel has good potential on Hornby. Hornby has a perennial problem where good renters get evicted for the summer months and where summer workers can’t find a place to live. We would like to propose the concept of developing a campground to provide a summer home-base for these folks. The campground would be built on HIRRA leased land that is not yet utilized. This campground would be managed by an “on-site” supervisor and would have platforms for the tents. A portable toilet would be in place. There would be no electricity. There will be no fires allowed. A monthly fee would be charged for the tent site. We would begin small, building six sites and grow as appropriate with time. How we would handle the water situation is not evident. If the membership approves this concept in theory we will send a letter off to the ILMB to explain our intentions. Following brief discussion, there was a request from the floor for a show of hands vote to indicate approval in principle. There was a clear majority show of hands in favor. The executive will proceed with further planning of a HIRRA campground.
  4. Miscellaneous: Roadside Clean-up: Tim Biggins volunteered to coordinate.
  5. HIRRA has acquired an HP Compaq DC5300 SFF (1 GB Ram) from the Islands Trust surplus
    equipment cache for $50. To be determined where it will be used within HIRRA.
  6. Earlier today, there was a meeting of key front-line stakeholders to discuss strategies to improve the
    2011 summer experience. Many local service people were there together with RCMP members.
    Ron summarized directions the meeting went: Joe King Park has decided to not have dances on the
    long weekends next year. Four jail guards will be trained. Closing Big and Little tribune fires at
    midnight was discussed. Co-op is considering closing liquor sales at noon on long weekends.
    RCMP wants more signage re no parking on Shields Road and St Johns Point Road. August long
    weekend expected to be a “gong show” again next year and the RCMP may bring portable jail
    cells and extra guards to the island. It was agreed that summer behaviours were generally better
    except for the August long weekend.

On Going Business:

  1. Recycling Committee Report: Kathi Sauve reported vandalism on the August long weekend. Actively pursuing a video surveillance system. Committee members and manager are attending a conference in Parkville in October. The back hoe is unable to do garbage compaction and the CVRD is actively shopping for a replacement. White appliance (except refrigeration units) tipping fee policy was reviewed and reaffirmed. The regional solid waste management plan was reviewed. Tipping fee increases were mentioned as a possibility for Pidgeon Lake landfill. All information available on the CVRD web site. Andrew Gower of Weber Engineering is the project manager for the $250,000 upgrade to the depot. This project is launched with request for proposals imminent.
  2. Regional Parks Committee Report: Betty Kennedy stated it was a great summer in the parks. People really enjoyed the trails on the mountain, the new signage, and trail and beach access upgrades. CVRD staff member Brian Allaert is coming to the island this month to discuss ongoing projects. Fire department will install a water tank in the hidden beach park; will meet with the park committee and neighbours to decide siting and decorating. Sandpiper Beach upgrades and the new beach trail have been very well received. The motion on harvesting blow downs will be re submitted to the CVRD because the regional parks master plan is under review.
  3. Fall Fair Committee Report: Carole Chambers says the forecast is for sunshine on Fair Day, Sunday. Theme is the BEE. An information brochure was distributed on Hornby and Denman.Bee keepers will have displays available. There will bee Entertainment thru the Fair day. There were questions and answers; we’re all excited about the Fall Fair! BEE there! Parade at 11 am.

New Business:

  • Joanne Ovitsland was appointed to the Community Hall committee by general consent.
  • Post-summer discussion. Ron gave praise to the RCMP for techniques in calming the summer scene: being very visible around the island; showing outdoor movies at the detachment (with popcorn) and writing information articles in the Island Grapevine. Derek noted that the August long week end was exhausting for RCMP members. Derek plans on returning next summer; he commended Duncan on his rapport with youth. Duncan noted this was his third summer; things have become a lot better in the three years. RCMP goal is that Hornby be a family vacation place, not an out of control party place. There were anecdotal accounts of summer, most accompanied with empathy and humour, along with concern. A knitted doll in RCMP dress uniform, crafted by Brigitte Mattei was presented to the RCMP constables Derek and Duncan amid applause.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM by general consent.


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October 11, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Ron Sitter, President; Lynn Nunley, Vice President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer, Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 18 members. New member registered: Robin Keller.
It was noted that this is an information meeting only in the absence of a quorum.

Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Special recognition for contribution to HIRRA:

The Fall Fair Committee and all the volunteers were given acknowledgement and thanks!

Miscellaneous: Hunting season and shots are heard on the mountain. There are concerns re people at risk, due to the ever increasing popularity of the walking/biking trails. Rob McCreary asked for input re BC Ferry issues, and received some members’ suggestions.

Executive report:

  1. HIRRA has sent a request for proposals to both the UB Credit Union and the Arts Council/Gallery Group regarding the rental of the Savoie building after the New Clinic opens in the spring of 2011. We have put a deadline of Oct 30 to receive the proposals. Once this information is in hand, the executive will present the findings to this assembly for decision in the form of a motion. A vote will then be taken to select the new tenant.
  2. At the Sept meeting the membership approved in principle the establishment of a “Temporary Summer Residence” area for summer workers and evicted summer renters. This base-camp area is proposed to be located on the HIRRA leased land that is not yet utilized. We sent off a registered letter to the ILMB and they have responded saying that such is not an approved use of the leased land and that we would be required to apply for an amendment to the lease. As well, the Islands Trust has indicated we would require a Temporary Use Permit for such an undertaking. This initiative will be studied further.

Islands Trust: Tony announced upcoming meetings. The OCP review continues.

Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reported the fall fair was a most successful time, in spite of over cast day and rain that fell just as the fair was ending. Financially successful; Sunday schedule made it a good community event. Ron Sitter was thanked for being the parade master and a group thanks went to all volunteers. Significant Pakistani Relief $$ were raised. Thanks to all for their generosity.

Hall Committee: Judith Lawrence reported. Leisha Scott will operate a three day winter café, open Fridays, Sundays and Mondays starting October 24th. Glenn Ford is performing the maintenance work.

Recreation Committee: Donna summarized the summer programs, swimming, pole walking; 136 participants. Sailing program very popular. With executive approval, the recreation committee purchased two used beginner sailing boats. Thanks to the Stonehouse family for sharing their heated pool for swimming classes. New schedule of recreation events has been circulated. Family climb being offered through the Outdoor Education Center; Brain gym also this month. Suggestions welcome regarding group recreation activities. The committee wants to apply for a Direct Access Grant. There were no objections. No other HIRRA committee has intention to apply for a Direct Access Grant so the coast is clear! Donna offered appreciation and thanks to Bonita Wexler for coordinating the rec

Beach and Roadside Funded Litter Management Initiative:

Colleen Work summarized the areas that were “pick up zones”: Shields Road, Tribune Beach areas, Little Tribune Road, Hidden Beach, Grassy Point, Sandpiper Beach, Whaling Station Beach and Phipps Point. 100 bags of garbage were collected. Patrick Kennedy assisted. Also picked up around the Syzygy corner and the road up to the depot. Interesting “objets d’art” were the subjects of laughter. A large number of cans and bottles were also collected and retained by the collectors. They put in eight hour days on the long weekends. Big Tribune and Little Tribune and Shields Road were the worst littered areas. Cigarette butt discarding on the ground was discussed.

Wages 2011: The executive approved a 1.5% to the wage rates for those who are at their maximum.

Adjournment: at 8:25 P.M.


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November 8th, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator, Bruce Jolliffe Area A Director and 32 members. The 2011 budgets were available as hand outs.

Minutes: The minutes of the October meeting were approved as read by general consent.

Executive report: Lynn Nunley reporting.

  1. Ron Sitter has resigned as President of HIRRA and has moved to Nanaimo to pursue his career as a teacher at Vancouver Island University. Lynn Nunley has assumed the presidency in accordance with the bylaws. Ron’s contributions were acknowledged with applause.
  2. Lynn and Daniel attended a meeting at the CVRD offices to discuss summer policing; the RCMP
    summer staff were in attendance as was the Fire Chief and others.


  1. UBCU proposal regarding the long term rental of the Savoie building was read.
  2. Letter from the artists group indicated that they do not wish to rent the Savoie building. Lynn Nunley
    noted that the executive will work with the UBCU toward a rental agreement.
  3. Letter from HDCHCS asked seniors to complete a survey, data collected to be used in planning.

Bruce Jolliffe, Area A Director mentioned that Fire hall planning is continuing; the loss of Accreditation of the St. Joseph’s Hospital is a concern. The CVRD is working with Hornby and Denman Island on economic development strategies.

Islands Trust:

  1. Fred Hunt noted that the next LTC meeting is December 15th at New Horizons. CVRD and LTC’s from
    Hornby and Denman will meet and will have on its agenda the Kensington development at Union Bay.
  2. Tony Law reported that Carol Quin has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Planning
    Commission. Tony will serve as a member on a CVRD committee on homelessness.

2011 Budgets:

  1. Core Services: presented by Janet LeBlancq. The 2011 budget detailing expenses estimated at
    $45,000 was approved by general consent.
  2. Comfort Stations: presented by Allan Beattie. The 2011 budget detailing expenses estimated at
    $10,160 was approved by general consent.
  3. Recycling Budget: presented by Stani Veselinovic. The 2011 budget detailing expenses estimated at
    $207,334 was approved by general consent. Stani explained the cost of a superior dental plan and the
    revision of the budget to allocate the refundable monies to the Free Store upgrade special project.
    There was discussion regarding the difficulty in maintaining the access road to the depot. The depot
    rebuild will cost $250,000.00; these monies will come directly from the CVRD capital fund.
  4. Fire protection Services: presented by Giff LaRose. The 2011 budget detailing operating expenses
    estimated at $176,338 and capital expenses estimated at $285,538 was approved by general consent.
    The purchase of breathing apparatus equipment is the most significant increase, at $90,000. There
    were questions about the public process to approve the building of the new Fire Hall. There were some
    comments on honorariums.
  5. Community Hall: presented by Judith Lawrence. The 2011 budget detailing expenses of $44,810 was
    approved by general consent.

Adjourned at 8:50 PM by general consent.


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December 8th, 2010

Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and
16 members. The 2011 budgets were available as hand outs. In the absence of a quorum, this was an information meeting.

Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were read.

Special recognition: The recycling committee, manager and staff were thanked for the work done to prepare for construction of the new facility; there was applause.

Executive report: Lynn Nunley reporting.

  1. Savoie building: In order to facilitate the UBCU moving its offices to the Savoie building, revisions to the official community plan are being explored with the Trust Planner and Local Trust Committee.
  2. Bookkeeper’s hours of work have been increased by 5 hours per month effective January 1, 2011.
  3. Hazardous waste collection at the recycling depot will be discontinued January 1, 2011.
  4. The administrator will work with HDCHCS to draft an agreement between HIRRA and HDCHCS
    that describes the terms of their occupation of land leased by HIRRA from the province.

2011 General Funds budget: presented for information. Budget calls for status quo plus an expenditure of $5000 for new flooring the green room suite including the festival offices as well as renovating the lighting fixtures in the green room suite.

Recycling Program: Kathi Sauve reported. Maryanne Handy resigned from the committee; Michael Williams has agreed to serve on the committee. He will be registered as a new member of HIRRA.
Allan Fletcher was awarded the contract to build the new recyclable collection building. Site preparation has been done and construction will commence soon. Bottle refunds revenues will be used to upgrade the free store. No more household hazardous wastes will be accepted at the depot after January as we do not have the proper facilities. HAZCO will remove hazardous materials at a cost of approximately $6500.00. There are no plans to construct the infrastructure that would be required for the collection of hazardous wastes. The CVRD has supplied the depot with a reconditioned backhoe.

2011 Regional Parks Budget: Betty Kennedy reported. She summarized the improvements planned for 2011. This was received as information. There was a request to do road improvements at Grassy Point.
An error was noted in the actual expense of signage at Grassy Point. The administrator will follow up. More public consultation on the topic of the supply and location of a picnic table at the Sandpiper Beach
Park was recommended. CVRD have accepted this plan of expenditures for the parks.

Daniel Siegel reported that there will be a CVRD questionnaire circulated to ask Hornby Islanders for input on the economic enhancement service. HICEEC plans to have some local content specific to Hornby Island. The HIRRA canvas banners, originally commissioned for the Fall Fair Parade, painted by Janet Morgan were on display. HIRRA will hibernate in January; the next regular meeting will be February 9/11. Volunteers were invited to serve on the nominating committee in preparation for the March elections.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm by general consent.


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