HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
February 9, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 24 members. Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel.
Minutes of the December 8, 2010 meeting were approved as revised by general consent. Revision to the regional parks budget: Grassy Point signage cost $120 in 2010.
Special recognition: CHFR Radio station crew, volunteer board members, volunteer program directors and volunteer DJs! Applause was enthusiastic!
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
- Review engagement of HIRRA?s financial operations is being done by Presley & Partners.
- Savoie Building: We met with Trust planner Brodie Porter; the Union Bay Credit Union manager Bryan Fisher has also communicated with the Trust planner. We have received information that the UBCU occupation of the Savoie building in a ?Public Use? zone is a permitted use and the UBCU will be added to the list of public entities in the Official Community Plan.
- Contracts for rental: It was agreed by general consent that the terms of the tenancy agreements with HIAC and The Kitchen remain unchanged: $300 per annum charged to HIAC and no charge to HIES for operating the Community Kitchen.
- Policy for general revenues surplus funds will be crafted and presented at future meetings for consideration.
The chair asked for a motion for approval of the $5000 from general funds to upgrade the Green Room. This motion had been tabled at the December meeting due to no quorum. M/S/C: Judith Lawrence/ Donna duPlessis.
- Letter from ISLA: Requested a letter of support for ISLA?s affordable housing to include with grant proposals. Agreed by general consent that HIRRA write a letter of support for ISLA.
- Letter from David Cloud proposed the installation of water for sale terminal on HIRRA land with HIRRA realizing 10% of the revenues. It was noted that such a commercial activity is not a permitted use of HIRRA properties.
Islands Trust Update: Fred Hunt and Tony Law provided information The proposed 2011 Trust budget is on the Islands Trust web site. Dates of upcoming meetings were announced.
BC Ferry Update: Rob McCreary reported that ferry terminal upgrades will interrupt service for approximately two weeks in October. Rob explained how the service will be modified to accommodate the travelling public and commercial vehicles.
Age Friendly Communities Grant Project Update: Butch Leslie, member of the Board of Directors of the Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society (HDCHCS) reported on this grant which was undertaken by 30 ? 40 communities in B.C. The grant is an opportunity for a community to take a look at services for the elder citizens. HDCHCS elected to conduct two surveys of elder islanders. Planning will be facilitated using the results of these surveys. There are public presentations in March. Focus groups will be formed for discussions. HIRRA will be asked to participate.
Recycling Budget Revision: Stani Veselinovic reported that the CVRD have requested that the refundable bottle revenues remain in operating revenue; capital funds will be allocated by CVRD for free Store improvements.
Motion: Ilze Raudzins/Vicky Bale, ?That the revised budget, detailing Operating expenditures totalling $209,554 be approved.?
Hazardous waste removal is estimated to cost $22,000.00. Discussions on this unbudgeted expenditure are underway with the committee, executive and the CVRD.
Community Hall Report: Judith Lawrence reported on vandalism of the Community Hall on January 11th. Seven windows were smashed and the fire extinguisher was discharged in the hall, necessitating cleaning and dry cleaning the curtains. We have $1000 deductible in our insurance policy and the costs of repair, cleaning etc. will approximate $3000.00. Volunteers helped clean up the hall the day after the vandalism.
This report was received in sorrow.
Ferry Fares: There is talk of increasing ferry fares next year by as much as 50%. Tony Law encouraged everyone to voice their opinions on this proposed change.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 9th, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 27 members.
Absent with regret: Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer
Minutes: The minutes of the February regular meeting were approved as read by general consent.
General: Doug Carrick gave information about the proposed coal mine site on Vancouver Island. There is fear that a coal mine development will result in watershed pollution, shell fish health, birding area contamination. Doug warned that we will not have opportunity to vote on this coal mine development. He fears that the environmental assessment done by authorities is just a rubber stamp. There is a public meeting scheduled for March 18th @ 7:30 P.M. at the hall; a representative from Coal Watch will speak. Doug encourages all to come and be informed and he offered “no coal mine” signs to distribute. There was discussion.
President’s Report: Lynn Nunley reporting:
I was looking at the HIRRA Family Tree on our web page, and noted I have been on the executive since 2003. I continue to thoroughly enjoy how my life is enriched by my participation. Past executive members I have shared time with and benefited from their experience, I now thank: Fred Hunt, Reina LeBaron, Serena Laskin, Dan Bruiger, Paul Clemens, Len Olsen and Ron Sitter. And thanks to my current executive members, Rudy Rogalsky and Daniel Siegel.
I give a very generous thank you to former president, Ron Sitter. He is an amazing person who enriched the HIRRA contributions to all of Hornby in very special projects as well as giving due attention to the regular tasks, sharing with generosity of his talent and vision.
Thanks to our super capable administrative staff, Janet LeBlancq and Basil du Plessis keep all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed and more.
As you see the list of our volunteer committee members is truly amazing! Your commitment and willingness to take on the tasks of management of each and every committee keeps this world turning, thoughtfully and intelligently.
To the HIRRA membership, thanks for coming out to our meetings to participate in our unique opportunity to self govern or simply to eat our cookie genie, Donna’s du Plessis, fresh cookies. Thanks Donna.
We have to take a moment to give our Fire Fighters and First Responders a giant thank you for all they do for our island, training more training and being ready to respond to our emergencies at a moments notice.
Thank you to the Trustees, Fred Hunt and Tony Law and Ferry Advisory Committee Representative, Rob McCreary for keeping us informed.
Some highlights of HIRRA’s year 2010.
- Our Fall Faire is one of our best home grown pleasures.
- K’ómoks first nation is close to signing their land claim settlements. Welcome to Hornby Island.
- Our stagnant project of building a new recycling structure has been dusted off and become reality.
- The 4 former highway road easement beach accesses, now Regional Parks, are being pampered and groomed.
- The Hornby Medical Clinic is scheduled to open beginning of April.
- The Savoie building is being appraised by UBCU for renovations that are necessary for the UBCU to take occupancy.
- The Copse, home of the Farmers’ Market, was further enhanced with hydro for food vendors use. The Farmers’ Market is also a home grown pleasure.
- The beach and roadside cleanup budget is being managed by the Recycling Depot.
- We received monies for our invasive plant control project.
- HI Police Liaison Committee continues to meet twice annually with Inspector Gray and several constables and the CVRD to provide input and to define policing needs on Hornby, mostly with a focus on the busy visitor season.
- The Executive was pleased to be invited to a forum by the Denman Island Residents Association to share our HIRRA model of how we function.”
There was applause.
Financial Report: The review engagement report done by Presley and Partners was presented by Administrator, Janet LeBlancq.
It was noted that the improvements to Sandpiper Beach were listed as capital improvements. This will be discussed with the accountants.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Andrew Carmichael “That the 2010 fiscal year end review engagement and financial statements detailing expenditures totalling $574,367 be approved as presented.” CARRIED
Recycling: Kathi Sauve highlighted the past year’s activities, including Back hoe problems, decision to not collect household hazardous wastes, the beginning of constructing the new recycling collection building, incidents of vandalism and the installation of security cameras.
Fire Protection Services: Giff LaRose, Fire Chief circulated a comprehensive written report as a handout. He summarized. There were 108 incidents and 3300 hours of volunteer time plus home study. There are currently 16 trained firefighters, 5 recruits and 2 auxiliary members. Training courses and public education opportunities were summarized. The CVRD’s five year budget includes a raise in the requisition from the current $.7791/$1000 assessed property value to $.9279/$1000 to finance the costs of a new fire hall. The detailed annual report is on the web site, www.hifd.org .
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence’s report:
In reviewing previous annual reports I have come to two conclusions.
- That we’ve spent a lot of time fixing things
- That I’ve been on the committee for an awfully long time.
I don’t want to talk about renovations and repairs
I don’t want to talk about the café
I don’t want to talk about the vandalism in January.
But of course I must, because that’s all there is to talk about!
Well no, there is something else. There is the history of our community hall, which I will get to in a minute.
Ben chose not to do a café in the round room this year, and Lisha Scott decided to take on a weekend café, including Sunday nights. We really appreciate her work and dedication to this project, and thank her for efforts. And we should mention Reuben and his pals for their lively music on Sunday evenings.
I will touch briefly on the vandalism. This was the first time we have experienced vandalism in the Hall, and it was a cruel blow to many of us. We don’t know who the vandal was, but the damage which has all now been repaired, cost upwards of $4000.00. We have a thousand dollars deductible and hope that the insurance will cover the difference.
However the vandalism, whilst taking a lot of time and attention brought up some issues.
That’s where the history comes in.
Almost every feature of this hall has somebody’s name attached. The corner windows which were smashed and have now been replaced were created by Jerry Pethick. Curtains were woven by Christa Yeomans, the floors were laid by a whole lot of volunteers. This is very much our Hall, and we felt it personally when it was attacked.
At Janet’s suggestion I trolled through some old hand written minute books, and learned a lot of interesting things.
The original hall on this site was built in 1926. In April of that year Messrs Harwood, Scott and Strachan became trustees of the Hall. They held the title deed on behalf of the community.
In 1966 the hall appears in the HIRRA minutes with discussion of the deed. It was discovered, not surprisingly, that all three trustees were deceased. So new trustees were appointed Messrs A Savoie, J Parnell, and W Arthurs. A letter was sent to the Dept of lands asking for a new deed to replace the first one which was lost.
Renovations seem to have started in 1966 when HIRRA donated $110.00 to help pay for them. There is further mention of renovations in April,1967 the same time that Mr and Mrs Helliwell were thanked for the gift of the Park! In April 1972 The hall appears again, with a request to the registrar of Titles for a new deed (did they lose it again?) and with a legal description of the property, one acre more or less.
In September 1972 committee was formed to assess repairs and upkeep requirements for the hall. In November 1972 the weavers made and donated curtains .During the 70’s volunteers took on the care of the hall for a month or two at a time. In October 1973 a LIP grant was applied for to build an addition and do needed repairs on the existing hall. A grant of $20,000. received approval on December 4th and work started on December 5th. In May 1974 it was reported that the wiring in the and the flooring in the halls had been more expensive than budgeted for. Guess what? They had a raffle! They raffled donated pots from Fran Martini, Heinz Laffin, Father Sylvanus, and Wayne Ngan. So there is a snapshot which tells us that the hall has been loved and cared for since 1926, that it has had constant maintenance and frequent renovations, and that when the cash ran short we relied on the artists of the Island to donate something for a raffle! Nothing much has changed! Thanks to the committee members this year, Suzanne, Joanne, Derek and Quinn. Thanks to Colleen for her sterling work in cleaning and keeping things going, and to Glen Ford, who has become our maintenance man.”
Mount Geoffrey regional Parks and Upland Crownland Trails and Community
Beach access parks: Betty Kennedy reported.
The Beulah trail upgrade has been very successful in providing a dryer and safer route for the many walkers, cyclists, and equestrians who are using this and other trails for commuting and for pleasure.
Most of the trails have suffered from the effects of the persistent rain and wind and snow all winter. With dryer weather in site the blow downs will be cleared and water erosion damage repaired. The HIMBA group of volunteers is helping to bring some of the trails to the IMBA standards.
The local HIMBA is planning a downhill race for the Island Cup in Mount Geoffrey Park in late June.
Most of the work at the Sandpiper Beach Park is complete. People have been thrilled with the safer and easily accessible trail to the beach and the new, well drained parking area. The bridges to cross the drainage ditch should be finished soon. The committee has received many comments and suggestions from frequent users of the Park who are interested in being involved in a work day to do some planting along the drainage ditch. We encourage this kind of communication and caring for our parks. The nettles, protected, are growing well.
The Fire Department water tank has been installed at the Hidden Beach Park. We expect that some clean up and planting will take place as the weather improves so it will be less intrusive.
We are planning an Open House information sharing day in April. We will have maps and photos available for each of the Parks. This will be an opportunity for input from the community. Other committees and organizations will be invited to share the Hall with us to make this a community information sharing event.
Recreation: Donna Tuele’s report:
I would like to thank my fellow committee members for the participation this past year and would like to mention we have quite a lot of fun as a committee and welcome participation, if anyone would like to join us.
Gord Campbell Sharon Rogalsky Tim McCarty Meghan Nordmann
And a very special thank you to our Recreation Coordinator – Bonita Wexler
Bonita organized another great recreation year, providing year round activities plus a full spectrum of summer programs. Bonita also does regular fitness and health articles for our local publications.
Summer programs were provided to 136 participants with this being made up of 80 locals and 46 summer residents and 10 visitors in all the summer programs; swimming, soccer, wild roots, artistic movement/gymnastics, circus and sailing. Sailing has been growing over the years and this year we have partnered with Comox and Powell River to have a fleet of optis and will be running an enhanced sailing program including a learning to race event with the Optimist Fleet.
Activities through the year included a very successful Walk around the island series with guest speakers, wall climbing in Cumberland, Many full moon walks, brain gym, pole walking, health & fitness day and the Terry Fox walk/run, snow day of skiing and snowshoeing on Mt. Washington, hiking in the alpines and games at the fall fair were all well attended. A special thank you to the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Centre for sponsoring an Islanders day at the facility
We were able to have the Courtenay/Comox Recreation guide distributed on the island and have travel subsidies offer to assist travel to recreation events
We have an event notice by email program, a blog and we are also working a facebook page. Information about events can also be found on the Real Hornby web page
Grants for 2010 totaling $11,500.00 were given out to HIES, HIMBA, HITennis, Twaekwondo. HIAA and the deadline for grant applications this year is April 15th.
Visioning Session: April 13th watch for advertising – We welcome community participation, this is important to give us direction. What is recreation is it being active physically or social events?
Upcoming Events for March include:
- Match 18th – Skating from 1 – 2 at the Comox Valley Sports Arena
- March 19th – Full Moon Walk 8pm Helliwell – Glow Sticks Provided
- March 20th – Beulah Creek Bike Ride meet at the Bike Shop 10 am and immediately after there will be a demonstration at Joe King by the HIMBA
- March 27th – All ages fun gym time at 1pm
We look forward to another great year and welcome participation and or suggestions.
Be Active, Stay Healthy and Have Fun !!
Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reported on a successful Fall Fair. The Sunday schedule proved popular. This year’s fair is just in the planning phases. The committee has sufficient funds to continue. Pam Gordon was thanked warmly for her years of service.
Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel reporting: It was noted that since 1935 the current community cemetery has been cared for by community volunteers. Before 1935, there was a small cemetery located beside the Pre School. The Cemetery Committee’s responsibilities include looking after the affairs and care of the Hornby Island cemeteries and administering burial sites at the current cemetery. The committee sets policies and works together with volunteers to maintain and improve the cemetery grounds.
After a busy year in 2009, there was just one burial of ashes in 2010.
Projects completed:
- Workdays to gather tree litter, pull broom and add dirt to sunken graves.
- The cooperation with Regional Parks regarding using the cemetery parking lot for trailhead parking appears to have increased the visibility of the cemetery while providing a service to the community.
Projects in progress:
- Create 2 display boards and attach to the wall of the shed. One will be permanent information regarding the cemetery and the people buried there. The second will contain information that may change and the current brochure will be displayed there. We have begun the process of gathering information for the permanent display board.
- Grid the cemetery, create a permanent numbering system and make cement number markers for the grave sites so we can keep better track of vacant and occupied spots. Bill Cannon, aided by Lyle Chambers, are providing this service.
- Broom control; adding a composting bin; improving the water collection system off the shed.
Decisions taken:
- To explore the possibility of a memorial wall. We have ample space for ashes but see a need for a place where names could be placed in remembrance.
- We have come to the conclusion that we lack the expertise and time to take on a land acquisition project. We suggest that an Acquisition Committee be formed from HIRRA at some point, to take this over. We will continue to take care of the cemetery as we have been doing.
- To gain more gravesite spaces at the current site by shifting the entry and path higher up the hill where the soil depth is insufficient for grave digging.
- To envision the use of smaller equipment for grave digging (e.g. small excavator operated by Sasha LeBaron). Thanks to Tina Wai for assistance given.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie sent his regrets; all is well with the council.
Roadside Trails: Andrew Carmichael reporting:
Construction of the section of the St John’s Point Road trail that runs in front of the Gas Bar was commenced. We plan to finish it before the summer. Various small trail maintenance jobs were undertaken. The committee has cash and materials to allow us to continue with maintenance and minor upgrading. The current fund balance is $3,193.
Invasive Plant Species: Anna Zielinski’s report was emailed and summarized by Janet.
Each year we send about $1800 in taxes to CVRD for the removal of invasive plants. We are now getting $1000 of it back to deal with some of Hornby Island’s many invasive plants. This is helpful as we have many invasive plants such as holly, Daphne and broom.
Ilze Raudzins and myself are willing to organize and train those who will be paid for the removal of the plants. We would like to get 2 – 3 people for the project and will be paying them $15 per hour. The time and effort that Ilze and I will be putting into the project will be on a volunteer basis. The method of removal will be cutting and pulling. The most likely area that we will concentrate on will be the broom at the ball park.
Thank you to HIRRA for organizing the money end of this project. AZ
Fire Chief Giff LaRose assumed the chair for the annual elections.
Executive: President: Lynn Nunley; Vice President: Daniel Siegel; Treasurer: Rudy Rogalsky; Secretary: Carol Quin were elected by acclamation.
Recycling Committee: Kathi Sauve, John Howard, Ilze Raudzins, Jan Kennedy and Michael Williams elected by acclamation.
Recreation: Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Tim McCarty, Sharon Rogalsky and Meghan Nordmann elected by acclamation.
Parks: Betty Kennedy, Jeremy Payne, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Sasha LeBaron elected by acclamation.
Privy Council: Allan and Gillian Beattie elected by acclamation.
Trails: Maureen Tierney is retiring. The committee will carry on with four members.
Hall Committee: There is one vacancy. Basil du Plessis nominated Tim Biggins who was elected by acclamation.
Fire protection: Lu Ackerson, Kevin Woods, Jim Garton, Brian Amos and Larry Smith were elected by acclamation.
Cemetery: Eva Wetzel, Gemma Colin, Margaret Sinclair, Margaret Pethick and Larry Smith were elected by acclamation.
Fall Fair: Jack Hansed, Carole Chambers, Joan Harris, Lori Nawrot, Kurt Wetzel, Gemma Colin and Florette MacLean were elected by acclamation.
Invasive plant management: Anna Zielinski and Ilze Raudzins were elected by acclamation.
Lynn Nunley assumed the chair; Giff LaRose was thanked for chairing the elections.
Appointment of Auditor:
Motion: Paul Clemens/Lu Ackerson, “That Presley & Partners be appointed to conduct a review engagement for the 2011 fiscal year.” CARRIED
Appointment of Fire Chief:
Motion: Donna du Plessis/Basil du Plessis, “That HIRRA approves the reappointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief.” CARRIED
Appointments to Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation:
Motion: Tim Biggins/Judith Lawrence, “That Paul Clemens and Daniel Siegel be reappointed as HIRRA’s representatives to HICEEC.” CARRIED
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 13, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 21 members.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm
Minutes: The minutes of the March AGM were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
- The Copse has been tidied and is ready for the 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt 11 am Easter Sunday. Easter bunny expected. The first market day will be in May.
- We will meet with the Union Bay Credit Union manager to discuss renovations to the Savoie building and negotiate the terms of occupancy.
- We have received budget approval from the CVRD for our three major services: Fire protection, Waste Management and the Community Hall.
- We appreciate and recognize the efforts of Robin Walford and Kati Marshall in organizing the recent community Spring rummage sale, the proceeds from which will be directed to Doctors without Borders and our own Islanders’ Secure land Association.
Recycling Program Report: Stani Veselinovic presented a revised 2011 Recycling Budget that includes the projected costs of the hazardous waste removal; the previous years’ surplus is included in the 2011 revenue.
Motion: Annette Hurtig/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the 2011 Recycling Budget be approved as presented. CARRIED.
The new recycling building is nearing completion. There are bins to be added and interior painting needs to be done before the building is occupied. There were questions and answers re the handling of the hazardous wastes.
Mount Geoffrey/Regional Parks Update: Betty Kennedy announced the April 22nd day time open house at the Community Hall, the purpose of which is to provide general public information. This event, organized by the Regional Parks committee, has been opened to other HIRRA committees and community organizations. The Round Room Café will be open. Sandpiper Beach upgrades have been completed and a meeting with neighbours is being arranged to talk about plants for the park. A truck was driven over the Cliff at the top of the Summit Trail and rests on the regional park cliff face, hung up in trees, firmly lodged, by all reports. Appropriate authorities are aware of this and discussions are underway regarding removal.
Coalmine Information: Doug Carrick reporting. There will be public meetings scheduled on the topic of the proposed coalmine on Vancouver Island. People are encouraged to attend. Doug provided information on many environmental groups at work in the Comox Valley. There was discussion.
Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Daniel Siegel reporting: The Thatch Audit by the CVRD has been completed; HICEEC has received and accepted the report which will be posted to www.realhornby.com HICEEC has signed a 5 year contract with the CVRD. Agreement was reached with CVRD on funding with HICEEC’s budget and work plan being approved. Activities were summarized.
- Taxation workshop for small businesses and board development workshops were held. Scheduled workshops: financial literacy workshop (in partnership with HIES); communication design workshop for artists and small businesses and a FoodSafe workshop (in partnership with HIES).
- Food and Farming: Future of Food and Farming on Hornby Forum
(in partnership with Growers and Producers Alliance). HICEEC will hire a summer student to assist with agricultural marketing and an agri tourism proposal. - Micro-loan program: (Proposal developed in partnership with Union Bay Credit Union). Needs Hornby and Denman volunteers to help form Community Loan Society
- Tourism: Providing support for developing Denman-Hornby Tourist Guide (to avoid increasing rates and improve its effectiveness). Working with Denman orgs and Tourism BC on developing a Community Tourism Foundations program.
- Website: adoption of social media (blog / face book / twitter). HICEEC is actively encouraging community members to submit blogs. Suspension of renewal fees for listings on www.realhornby.com. There will continue to be a modest initial set up fee and the renewal fees will be evaluated yearly.
- Matching Funds: Matching funds are available for community projects that address HICEEC goals. The Next AGM: First week of June. HICEEC’s approach: spending significant time on community brainstorming. Issues: Revision of constitution; Nature of the organization: federal corporation or provincial society; Strategic planning and increasing communication and involvement of the community.
Islands Trust: Tony Law announced meeting dates for the Trust and the BC Ferry Advisory Committee.
General: There was discussion re what can HIRRA do to take further action in opposition to the Coal mine development on Vancouver Island. Vikki Bale volunteered to get people together to discuss. There were questions and answers on the scheduled ferry service interruption in October 2011. There will be information sessions hosted by BC Ferries explaining how we will be ferried.
Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 11, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 38 members.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm
Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Celebrating the Hornby Community Health Clinic: (opened April 2011)
Lynn Nunley announced that this was a period of celebration of the new clinic volunteer crew. Jim Garton, chair of the New Clinic Committee was invited to take the floor. Excerpts from his comments follow: “Four years ago the vision began. The Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society undertook the project: to design and build a community clinic. Mike Parrish, Karin Ristau and Chris Weixelbaumer began the initiative to build a new clinic. The effort grew and came to include so many community members, an absolutely amazing volunteer effort. John Bennett was the volunteer coordinator. Over 200 individuals volunteered; over 50 companies donated time and material to the project. A year and a half ago the trees were cleared and work began. Through community donations, the building is completely paid for; there is a lease with the Vancouver Island Health Authority for income and a reserve is being set up to maintain and expand the building in the future. This new clinic helps assure that we can attract doctors and provide the level of care that we will need. There was no gov’t funding. There will be a community clinic open house on May 28th. Committee members in attendance were recognized by Jim Garton: John Bennett, Jeff Pollitt, Doug Christie Chris Weixelbaumer, Karin Ristau, Verna Kimmerly, John Grunwald, and Andrew Carmichael; not in attendance, also recognized, were Oakley Rankin and Mike Parrish.” There was applause. Various members spoke in tribute to this community accomplishment. Doris Savoie was acknowledged for her years of dedication to the health clinic and services. She offered some comments about the community contributions in the past. It was stated that the “old” clinic building will be known as the Savoie Centre. Carrot Cake, baked by the Cardboard House Bakery was enjoyed by all amid reminiscences and appreciation.
Correspondence: The Union Bay Credit Union letter detailed terms of a rental agreement wherein the Savoie Building will serve as the Hornby branch office. Significant renovations to the building interior are planned and plans will be on view at a public meeting. In summary, the Credit Union requests a 15 year lease with a one year escape clause. The rent will be $1000/month with a review every three years. The renovations are anticipated to cost the UBCU between $75,000 and $100,000. There is provision for a 192 square foot HIRRA office space with a separate entrance.
Special Recognition for contributions to HIRRA: Thanks to the Easter Egg Hunt organizers and contributors, 56 children enjoyed the event on Easter Sunday. Appreciation was expressed by Lynn Nunley to the Easter Bunny, Franska Jenzer, Tina Wai, Jeff Pollitt and Rudy Rogalsky. It was such a good time. One notable accounting error was the source of amusement. There were 64 chocolate bunnies purchased, 56 children attended. Rudy did an on the spot audit, accounting for five of the missing chocolate bunnies. Will we ever know where those three other bunnies went?
Executive report: Lynn reported on a meeting she attended with island trustees and highways representatives to discuss road conditions and maintenance.
Islands Trust: Tony Law reported on recent progress on the rezoning application of the Thatch pub. There was some discussion.
Other reports: There will be more consultations about ferry service during the planned October 2011 shut down. Fred Hunt announced the Community Action (CAST) group’s annual meeting at the school library May 28th at 3-5 pm.
Fire Protection: Giff LaRose reported that the training focus is on vehicle extrication skills. Derelict cars used for these training sessions will be removed from the gravel pit soon. The last of the water tanks has been installed at the top of Euston Road. The Fire Hall renewal project is proceeding slowly. The regional district has applied for a piece of Crownland next to the Joe King Ball Park. There will be meetings to begin plans for the public consultation about a new fire hall. Burn permits required except for camp fires. Giff is on the ferry advisory committee to provide for emergency transportation during the ferry service interruption in October. In answer to a question, Giff explained the process of preparing the training cars for transport and recycling.
Community Hall: Judith reported they are working toward finding the most suitable septic system replacement for the Hall. Tim Biggins is in charge of soliciting fire wood contributions for the hall. The committee is considering the installation of security cameras at the hall as a result of two recent instances of wilful property damage.
Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele reported that CVRD granted $26,000 in recreation funding. Following a review of applications from community groups the allocations recommended are:
Requested | Recommended | |
HI Education Society | $8500 | $7500 |
HI Tennis Ass’n | $2000 | $1700 |
Taekwondo | $675 | $300 |
HI Mt. Bike Ass’n | $2000 | $1000 |
Fire Dept cadet training | $1860 | $760 |
HIRRA Recreation | $14,740 | $14,740 |
Total | $26,000 |
The recommendations for the allocation of recreation funding were approved as presented by general consent.
Raven Coal Mine Group: Vikki Bale requested that this group be an ad hoc committee. There was no dissent.
Doug Carrick reported that between May 18th – June 27th public commentary will be received on the proposal for the development of Raven Coal mine on Vancouver Island, just west of Fanny Bay. The public can comment on line, by email, fax, regular mail or at public meetings. A list of contact information and meeting dates was available as a handout. Upcoming meetings were announced. Doug Christie introduced a report from the federal and provincial environmental authority on the Raven Coal Mine proposal.
President Lynn Nunley noted that HIRRA had previously voiced concern and opposition to this resource extraction. All were encouraged to submit their input during this public consultation period.
Public Forum: Janet LeBlancq reported that the Ministry of Environment has been asked for assistance with the control/eradication of possums. Islanders have reported increasing numbers of these predators with alarm. HIRRA is investigating the feasibility of a possum trap sharing system. Over the years the MOE have supplied upwards of 100 traps that are in circulation on Hornby properties.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 8th, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 11 members.
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm. In the absence of a quorum, this is an information meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the May meeting will be approved at the July meeting.
Executive report: Lynn Nunley noted that the HIRRA web page has been upgraded. Kevin McMahon is the web architect and will manage the site.
General Discussions:
Fall Fair: Carol Chambers reviewed plans for the Fall Fair on September 18th. David Wiseman will be the parade master. There was discussion and all agreed that HIRRA express gratitude to Arnie Olsen and Asmina..
BC Ferries Advisory Group: a written report from Rob McCreary noted that details of the October 2011 ferry service that will be available during rebuilds at Graveley Bay and Hornby terminals will be advertised by BC Ferries.
RCMP Constables Duncan McGeorge and Darryl Kryzanowski reported that summer staff will include three constables who have served on Hornby previously. BC Parks will assist with extra staffing and other measures to address the rowdy parties on Big Tribune Beach. There is a tow truck on the island but, as yet here is not an impound storage location. People are encouraged to report incidents so the RCMP have accurate data from which to determine policing needs of the island. The inadequacy of jail holding cells is an issue. If there are too many detainees, the ferries will be called out to transfer people to jails off island. Staffing levels were discussed. This month, RCMP are on duty here during weekends and some week days. Jail guards are needed. Islanders are requested to submit applications. The RCMP will be showing outdoor movies again this year on the grounds of the detachment.
Coal Watch: Vikki Bale and 30 Hornby residents attended the information meeting about the Raven Coal mine at Union Bay June 3rd. Representatives of the mining company were present to answer questions. This was the third such public information meeting. It was agreed that HIRRA write a letter demanding that the current assessment process be upgraded to a joint federal/provincial independent expert review panel with full public hearings.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
February 9, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 24 members. Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel.
Minutes of the December 8, 2010 meeting were approved as revised by general consent. Revision to the regional parks budget: Grassy Point signage cost $120 in 2010.
Special recognition: CHFR Radio station crew, volunteer board members, volunteer program directors and volunteer DJs! Applause was enthusiastic!
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
- Review engagement of HIRRA?s financial operations is being done by Presley & Partners.
- Savoie Building: We met with Trust planner Brodie Porter; the Union Bay Credit Union manager Bryan Fisher has also communicated with the Trust planner. We have received information that the UBCU occupation of the Savoie building in a ?Public Use? zone is a permitted use and the UBCU will be added to the list of public entities in the Official Community Plan.
- Contracts for rental: It was agreed by general consent that the terms of the tenancy agreements with HIAC and The Kitchen remain unchanged: $300 per annum charged to HIAC and no charge to HIES for operating the Community Kitchen.
- Policy for general revenues surplus funds will be crafted and presented at future meetings for consideration.
The chair asked for a motion for approval of the $5000 from general funds to upgrade the Green Room. This motion had been tabled at the December meeting due to no quorum. M/S/C: Judith Lawrence/ Donna duPlessis.
- Letter from ISLA: Requested a letter of support for ISLA?s affordable housing to include with grant proposals. Agreed by general consent that HIRRA write a letter of support for ISLA.
- Letter from David Cloud proposed the installation of water for sale terminal on HIRRA land with HIRRA realizing 10% of the revenues. It was noted that such a commercial activity is not a permitted use of HIRRA properties.
Islands Trust Update: Fred Hunt and Tony Law provided information The proposed 2011 Trust budget is on the Islands Trust web site. Dates of upcoming meetings were announced.
BC Ferry Update: Rob McCreary reported that ferry terminal upgrades will interrupt service for approximately two weeks in October. Rob explained how the service will be modified to accommodate the travelling public and commercial vehicles.
Age Friendly Communities Grant Project Update: Butch Leslie, member of the Board of Directors of the Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society (HDCHCS) reported on this grant which was undertaken by 30 ? 40 communities in B.C. The grant is an opportunity for a community to take a look at services for the elder citizens. HDCHCS elected to conduct two surveys of elder islanders. Planning will be facilitated using the results of these surveys. There are public presentations in March. Focus groups will be formed for discussions. HIRRA will be asked to participate.
Recycling Budget Revision: Stani Veselinovic reported that the CVRD have requested that the refundable bottle revenues remain in operating revenue; capital funds will be allocated by CVRD for free Store improvements.
Motion: Ilze Raudzins/Vicky Bale, ?That the revised budget, detailing Operating expenditures totalling $209,554 be approved.?
Hazardous waste removal is estimated to cost $22,000.00. Discussions on this unbudgeted expenditure are underway with the committee, executive and the CVRD.
Community Hall Report: Judith Lawrence reported on vandalism of the Community Hall on January 11th. Seven windows were smashed and the fire extinguisher was discharged in the hall, necessitating cleaning and dry cleaning the curtains. We have $1000 deductible in our insurance policy and the costs of repair, cleaning etc. will approximate $3000.00. Volunteers helped clean up the hall the day after the vandalism.
This report was received in sorrow.
Ferry Fares: There is talk of increasing ferry fares next year by as much as 50%. Tony Law encouraged everyone to voice their opinions on this proposed change.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 9th, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 27 members.
Absent with regret: Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer
Minutes: The minutes of the February regular meeting were approved as read by general consent.
General: Doug Carrick gave information about the proposed coal mine site on Vancouver Island. There is fear that a coal mine development will result in watershed pollution, shell fish health, birding area contamination. Doug warned that we will not have opportunity to vote on this coal mine development. He fears that the environmental assessment done by authorities is just a rubber stamp. There is a public meeting scheduled for March 18th @ 7:30 P.M. at the hall; a representative from Coal Watch will speak. Doug encourages all to come and be informed and he offered “no coal mine” signs to distribute. There was discussion.
President’s Report: Lynn Nunley reporting:
I was looking at the HIRRA Family Tree on our web page, and noted I have been on the executive since 2003. I continue to thoroughly enjoy how my life is enriched by my participation. Past executive members I have shared time with and benefited from their experience, I now thank: Fred Hunt, Reina LeBaron, Serena Laskin, Dan Bruiger, Paul Clemens, Len Olsen and Ron Sitter. And thanks to my current executive members, Rudy Rogalsky and Daniel Siegel.
I give a very generous thank you to former president, Ron Sitter. He is an amazing person who enriched the HIRRA contributions to all of Hornby in very special projects as well as giving due attention to the regular tasks, sharing with generosity of his talent and vision.
Thanks to our super capable administrative staff, Janet LeBlancq and Basil du Plessis keep all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed and more.
As you see the list of our volunteer committee members is truly amazing! Your commitment and willingness to take on the tasks of management of each and every committee keeps this world turning, thoughtfully and intelligently.
To the HIRRA membership, thanks for coming out to our meetings to participate in our unique opportunity to self govern or simply to eat our cookie genie, Donna’s du Plessis, fresh cookies. Thanks Donna.
We have to take a moment to give our Fire Fighters and First Responders a giant thank you for all they do for our island, training more training and being ready to respond to our emergencies at a moments notice.
Thank you to the Trustees, Fred Hunt and Tony Law and Ferry Advisory Committee Representative, Rob McCreary for keeping us informed.
Some highlights of HIRRA’s year 2010.
- Our Fall Faire is one of our best home grown pleasures.
- K’ómoks first nation is close to signing their land claim settlements. Welcome to Hornby Island.
- Our stagnant project of building a new recycling structure has been dusted off and become reality.
- The 4 former highway road easement beach accesses, now Regional Parks, are being pampered and groomed.
- The Hornby Medical Clinic is scheduled to open beginning of April.
- The Savoie building is being appraised by UBCU for renovations that are necessary for the UBCU to take occupancy.
- The Copse, home of the Farmers’ Market, was further enhanced with hydro for food vendors use. The Farmers’ Market is also a home grown pleasure.
- The beach and roadside cleanup budget is being managed by the Recycling Depot.
- We received monies for our invasive plant control project.
- HI Police Liaison Committee continues to meet twice annually with Inspector Gray and several constables and the CVRD to provide input and to define policing needs on Hornby, mostly with a focus on the busy visitor season.
- The Executive was pleased to be invited to a forum by the Denman Island Residents Association to share our HIRRA model of how we function.”
There was applause.
Financial Report: The review engagement report done by Presley and Partners was presented by Administrator, Janet LeBlancq.
It was noted that the improvements to Sandpiper Beach were listed as capital improvements. This will be discussed with the accountants.
Motion: Paul Clemens/Andrew Carmichael “That the 2010 fiscal year end review engagement and financial statements detailing expenditures totalling $574,367 be approved as presented.” CARRIED
Recycling: Kathi Sauve highlighted the past year’s activities, including Back hoe problems, decision to not collect household hazardous wastes, the beginning of constructing the new recycling collection building, incidents of vandalism and the installation of security cameras.
Fire Protection Services: Giff LaRose, Fire Chief circulated a comprehensive written report as a handout. He summarized. There were 108 incidents and 3300 hours of volunteer time plus home study. There are currently 16 trained firefighters, 5 recruits and 2 auxiliary members. Training courses and public education opportunities were summarized. The CVRD’s five year budget includes a raise in the requisition from the current $.7791/$1000 assessed property value to $.9279/$1000 to finance the costs of a new fire hall. The detailed annual report is on the web site, www.hifd.org .
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence’s report:
In reviewing previous annual reports I have come to two conclusions.
- That we’ve spent a lot of time fixing things
- That I’ve been on the committee for an awfully long time.
I don’t want to talk about renovations and repairs
I don’t want to talk about the café
I don’t want to talk about the vandalism in January.
But of course I must, because that’s all there is to talk about!
Well no, there is something else. There is the history of our community hall, which I will get to in a minute.
Ben chose not to do a café in the round room this year, and Lisha Scott decided to take on a weekend café, including Sunday nights. We really appreciate her work and dedication to this project, and thank her for efforts. And we should mention Reuben and his pals for their lively music on Sunday evenings.
I will touch briefly on the vandalism. This was the first time we have experienced vandalism in the Hall, and it was a cruel blow to many of us. We don’t know who the vandal was, but the damage which has all now been repaired, cost upwards of $4000.00. We have a thousand dollars deductible and hope that the insurance will cover the difference.
However the vandalism, whilst taking a lot of time and attention brought up some issues.
That’s where the history comes in.
Almost every feature of this hall has somebody’s name attached. The corner windows which were smashed and have now been replaced were created by Jerry Pethick. Curtains were woven by Christa Yeomans, the floors were laid by a whole lot of volunteers. This is very much our Hall, and we felt it personally when it was attacked.
At Janet’s suggestion I trolled through some old hand written minute books, and learned a lot of interesting things.
The original hall on this site was built in 1926. In April of that year Messrs Harwood, Scott and Strachan became trustees of the Hall. They held the title deed on behalf of the community.
In 1966 the hall appears in the HIRRA minutes with discussion of the deed. It was discovered, not surprisingly, that all three trustees were deceased. So new trustees were appointed Messrs A Savoie, J Parnell, and W Arthurs. A letter was sent to the Dept of lands asking for a new deed to replace the first one which was lost.
Renovations seem to have started in 1966 when HIRRA donated $110.00 to help pay for them. There is further mention of renovations in April,1967 the same time that Mr and Mrs Helliwell were thanked for the gift of the Park! In April 1972 The hall appears again, with a request to the registrar of Titles for a new deed (did they lose it again?) and with a legal description of the property, one acre more or less.
In September 1972 committee was formed to assess repairs and upkeep requirements for the hall. In November 1972 the weavers made and donated curtains .During the 70’s volunteers took on the care of the hall for a month or two at a time. In October 1973 a LIP grant was applied for to build an addition and do needed repairs on the existing hall. A grant of $20,000. received approval on December 4th and work started on December 5th. In May 1974 it was reported that the wiring in the and the flooring in the halls had been more expensive than budgeted for. Guess what? They had a raffle! They raffled donated pots from Fran Martini, Heinz Laffin, Father Sylvanus, and Wayne Ngan. So there is a snapshot which tells us that the hall has been loved and cared for since 1926, that it has had constant maintenance and frequent renovations, and that when the cash ran short we relied on the artists of the Island to donate something for a raffle! Nothing much has changed! Thanks to the committee members this year, Suzanne, Joanne, Derek and Quinn. Thanks to Colleen for her sterling work in cleaning and keeping things going, and to Glen Ford, who has become our maintenance man.”
Mount Geoffrey regional Parks and Upland Crownland Trails and Community
Beach access parks: Betty Kennedy reported.
The Beulah trail upgrade has been very successful in providing a dryer and safer route for the many walkers, cyclists, and equestrians who are using this and other trails for commuting and for pleasure.
Most of the trails have suffered from the effects of the persistent rain and wind and snow all winter. With dryer weather in site the blow downs will be cleared and water erosion damage repaired. The HIMBA group of volunteers is helping to bring some of the trails to the IMBA standards.
The local HIMBA is planning a downhill race for the Island Cup in Mount Geoffrey Park in late June.
Most of the work at the Sandpiper Beach Park is complete. People have been thrilled with the safer and easily accessible trail to the beach and the new, well drained parking area. The bridges to cross the drainage ditch should be finished soon. The committee has received many comments and suggestions from frequent users of the Park who are interested in being involved in a work day to do some planting along the drainage ditch. We encourage this kind of communication and caring for our parks. The nettles, protected, are growing well.
The Fire Department water tank has been installed at the Hidden Beach Park. We expect that some clean up and planting will take place as the weather improves so it will be less intrusive.
We are planning an Open House information sharing day in April. We will have maps and photos available for each of the Parks. This will be an opportunity for input from the community. Other committees and organizations will be invited to share the Hall with us to make this a community information sharing event.
Recreation: Donna Tuele’s report:
I would like to thank my fellow committee members for the participation this past year and would like to mention we have quite a lot of fun as a committee and welcome participation, if anyone would like to join us.
Gord Campbell Sharon Rogalsky Tim McCarty Meghan Nordmann
And a very special thank you to our Recreation Coordinator – Bonita Wexler
Bonita organized another great recreation year, providing year round activities plus a full spectrum of summer programs. Bonita also does regular fitness and health articles for our local publications.
Summer programs were provided to 136 participants with this being made up of 80 locals and 46 summer residents and 10 visitors in all the summer programs; swimming, soccer, wild roots, artistic movement/gymnastics, circus and sailing. Sailing has been growing over the years and this year we have partnered with Comox and Powell River to have a fleet of optis and will be running an enhanced sailing program including a learning to race event with the Optimist Fleet.
Activities through the year included a very successful Walk around the island series with guest speakers, wall climbing in Cumberland, Many full moon walks, brain gym, pole walking, health & fitness day and the Terry Fox walk/run, snow day of skiing and snowshoeing on Mt. Washington, hiking in the alpines and games at the fall fair were all well attended. A special thank you to the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Centre for sponsoring an Islanders day at the facility
We were able to have the Courtenay/Comox Recreation guide distributed on the island and have travel subsidies offer to assist travel to recreation events
We have an event notice by email program, a blog and we are also working a facebook page. Information about events can also be found on the Real Hornby web page
Grants for 2010 totaling $11,500.00 were given out to HIES, HIMBA, HITennis, Twaekwondo. HIAA and the deadline for grant applications this year is April 15th.
Visioning Session: April 13th watch for advertising – We welcome community participation, this is important to give us direction. What is recreation is it being active physically or social events?
Upcoming Events for March include:
- Match 18th – Skating from 1 – 2 at the Comox Valley Sports Arena
- March 19th – Full Moon Walk 8pm Helliwell – Glow Sticks Provided
- March 20th – Beulah Creek Bike Ride meet at the Bike Shop 10 am and immediately after there will be a demonstration at Joe King by the HIMBA
- March 27th – All ages fun gym time at 1pm
We look forward to another great year and welcome participation and or suggestions.
Be Active, Stay Healthy and Have Fun !!
Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reported on a successful Fall Fair. The Sunday schedule proved popular. This year’s fair is just in the planning phases. The committee has sufficient funds to continue. Pam Gordon was thanked warmly for her years of service.
Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel reporting: It was noted that since 1935 the current community cemetery has been cared for by community volunteers. Before 1935, there was a small cemetery located beside the Pre School. The Cemetery Committee’s responsibilities include looking after the affairs and care of the Hornby Island cemeteries and administering burial sites at the current cemetery. The committee sets policies and works together with volunteers to maintain and improve the cemetery grounds.
After a busy year in 2009, there was just one burial of ashes in 2010.
Projects completed:
- Workdays to gather tree litter, pull broom and add dirt to sunken graves.
- The cooperation with Regional Parks regarding using the cemetery parking lot for trailhead parking appears to have increased the visibility of the cemetery while providing a service to the community.
Projects in progress:
- Create 2 display boards and attach to the wall of the shed. One will be permanent information regarding the cemetery and the people buried there. The second will contain information that may change and the current brochure will be displayed there. We have begun the process of gathering information for the permanent display board.
- Grid the cemetery, create a permanent numbering system and make cement number markers for the grave sites so we can keep better track of vacant and occupied spots. Bill Cannon, aided by Lyle Chambers, are providing this service.
- Broom control; adding a composting bin; improving the water collection system off the shed.
Decisions taken:
- To explore the possibility of a memorial wall. We have ample space for ashes but see a need for a place where names could be placed in remembrance.
- We have come to the conclusion that we lack the expertise and time to take on a land acquisition project. We suggest that an Acquisition Committee be formed from HIRRA at some point, to take this over. We will continue to take care of the cemetery as we have been doing.
- To gain more gravesite spaces at the current site by shifting the entry and path higher up the hill where the soil depth is insufficient for grave digging.
- To envision the use of smaller equipment for grave digging (e.g. small excavator operated by Sasha LeBaron). Thanks to Tina Wai for assistance given.
Privy Council: Allan Beattie sent his regrets; all is well with the council.
Roadside Trails: Andrew Carmichael reporting:
Construction of the section of the St John’s Point Road trail that runs in front of the Gas Bar was commenced. We plan to finish it before the summer. Various small trail maintenance jobs were undertaken. The committee has cash and materials to allow us to continue with maintenance and minor upgrading. The current fund balance is $3,193.
Invasive Plant Species: Anna Zielinski’s report was emailed and summarized by Janet.
Each year we send about $1800 in taxes to CVRD for the removal of invasive plants. We are now getting $1000 of it back to deal with some of Hornby Island’s many invasive plants. This is helpful as we have many invasive plants such as holly, Daphne and broom.
Ilze Raudzins and myself are willing to organize and train those who will be paid for the removal of the plants. We would like to get 2 – 3 people for the project and will be paying them $15 per hour. The time and effort that Ilze and I will be putting into the project will be on a volunteer basis. The method of removal will be cutting and pulling. The most likely area that we will concentrate on will be the broom at the ball park.
Thank you to HIRRA for organizing the money end of this project. AZ
Fire Chief Giff LaRose assumed the chair for the annual elections.
Executive: President: Lynn Nunley; Vice President: Daniel Siegel; Treasurer: Rudy Rogalsky; Secretary: Carol Quin were elected by acclamation.
Recycling Committee: Kathi Sauve, John Howard, Ilze Raudzins, Jan Kennedy and Michael Williams elected by acclamation.
Recreation: Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Tim McCarty, Sharon Rogalsky and Meghan Nordmann elected by acclamation.
Parks: Betty Kennedy, Jeremy Payne, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Sasha LeBaron elected by acclamation.
Privy Council: Allan and Gillian Beattie elected by acclamation.
Trails: Maureen Tierney is retiring. The committee will carry on with four members.
Hall Committee: There is one vacancy. Basil du Plessis nominated Tim Biggins who was elected by acclamation.
Fire protection: Lu Ackerson, Kevin Woods, Jim Garton, Brian Amos and Larry Smith were elected by acclamation.
Cemetery: Eva Wetzel, Gemma Colin, Margaret Sinclair, Margaret Pethick and Larry Smith were elected by acclamation.
Fall Fair: Jack Hansed, Carole Chambers, Joan Harris, Lori Nawrot, Kurt Wetzel, Gemma Colin and Florette MacLean were elected by acclamation.
Invasive plant management: Anna Zielinski and Ilze Raudzins were elected by acclamation.
Lynn Nunley assumed the chair; Giff LaRose was thanked for chairing the elections.
Appointment of Auditor:
Motion: Paul Clemens/Lu Ackerson, “That Presley & Partners be appointed to conduct a review engagement for the 2011 fiscal year.” CARRIED
Appointment of Fire Chief:
Motion: Donna du Plessis/Basil du Plessis, “That HIRRA approves the reappointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief.” CARRIED
Appointments to Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation:
Motion: Tim Biggins/Judith Lawrence, “That Paul Clemens and Daniel Siegel be reappointed as HIRRA’s representatives to HICEEC.” CARRIED
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 13, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 21 members.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm
Minutes: The minutes of the March AGM were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
- The Copse has been tidied and is ready for the 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt 11 am Easter Sunday. Easter bunny expected. The first market day will be in May.
- We will meet with the Union Bay Credit Union manager to discuss renovations to the Savoie building and negotiate the terms of occupancy.
- We have received budget approval from the CVRD for our three major services: Fire protection, Waste Management and the Community Hall.
- We appreciate and recognize the efforts of Robin Walford and Kati Marshall in organizing the recent community Spring rummage sale, the proceeds from which will be directed to Doctors without Borders and our own Islanders’ Secure land Association.
Recycling Program Report: Stani Veselinovic presented a revised 2011 Recycling Budget that includes the projected costs of the hazardous waste removal; the previous years’ surplus is included in the 2011 revenue.
Motion: Annette Hurtig/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the 2011 Recycling Budget be approved as presented. CARRIED.
The new recycling building is nearing completion. There are bins to be added and interior painting needs to be done before the building is occupied. There were questions and answers re the handling of the hazardous wastes.
Mount Geoffrey/Regional Parks Update: Betty Kennedy announced the April 22nd day time open house at the Community Hall, the purpose of which is to provide general public information. This event, organized by the Regional Parks committee, has been opened to other HIRRA committees and community organizations. The Round Room Café will be open. Sandpiper Beach upgrades have been completed and a meeting with neighbours is being arranged to talk about plants for the park. A truck was driven over the Cliff at the top of the Summit Trail and rests on the regional park cliff face, hung up in trees, firmly lodged, by all reports. Appropriate authorities are aware of this and discussions are underway regarding removal.
Coalmine Information: Doug Carrick reporting. There will be public meetings scheduled on the topic of the proposed coalmine on Vancouver Island. People are encouraged to attend. Doug provided information on many environmental groups at work in the Comox Valley. There was discussion.
Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Daniel Siegel reporting: The Thatch Audit by the CVRD has been completed; HICEEC has received and accepted the report which will be posted to www.realhornby.com HICEEC has signed a 5 year contract with the CVRD. Agreement was reached with CVRD on funding with HICEEC’s budget and work plan being approved. Activities were summarized.
- Taxation workshop for small businesses and board development workshops were held. Scheduled workshops: financial literacy workshop (in partnership with HIES); communication design workshop for artists and small businesses and a FoodSafe workshop (in partnership with HIES).
- Food and Farming: Future of Food and Farming on Hornby Forum
(in partnership with Growers and Producers Alliance). HICEEC will hire a summer student to assist with agricultural marketing and an agri tourism proposal. - Micro-loan program: (Proposal developed in partnership with Union Bay Credit Union). Needs Hornby and Denman volunteers to help form Community Loan Society
- Tourism: Providing support for developing Denman-Hornby Tourist Guide (to avoid increasing rates and improve its effectiveness). Working with Denman orgs and Tourism BC on developing a Community Tourism Foundations program.
- Website: adoption of social media (blog / face book / twitter). HICEEC is actively encouraging community members to submit blogs. Suspension of renewal fees for listings on www.realhornby.com. There will continue to be a modest initial set up fee and the renewal fees will be evaluated yearly.
- Matching Funds: Matching funds are available for community projects that address HICEEC goals. The Next AGM: First week of June. HICEEC’s approach: spending significant time on community brainstorming. Issues: Revision of constitution; Nature of the organization: federal corporation or provincial society; Strategic planning and increasing communication and involvement of the community.
Islands Trust: Tony Law announced meeting dates for the Trust and the BC Ferry Advisory Committee.
General: There was discussion re what can HIRRA do to take further action in opposition to the Coal mine development on Vancouver Island. Vikki Bale volunteered to get people together to discuss. There were questions and answers on the scheduled ferry service interruption in October 2011. There will be information sessions hosted by BC Ferries explaining how we will be ferried.
Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 11, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 38 members.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm
Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Celebrating the Hornby Community Health Clinic: (opened April 2011)
Lynn Nunley announced that this was a period of celebration of the new clinic volunteer crew. Jim Garton, chair of the New Clinic Committee was invited to take the floor. Excerpts from his comments follow: “Four years ago the vision began. The Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society undertook the project: to design and build a community clinic. Mike Parrish, Karin Ristau and Chris Weixelbaumer began the initiative to build a new clinic. The effort grew and came to include so many community members, an absolutely amazing volunteer effort. John Bennett was the volunteer coordinator. Over 200 individuals volunteered; over 50 companies donated time and material to the project. A year and a half ago the trees were cleared and work began. Through community donations, the building is completely paid for; there is a lease with the Vancouver Island Health Authority for income and a reserve is being set up to maintain and expand the building in the future. This new clinic helps assure that we can attract doctors and provide the level of care that we will need. There was no gov’t funding. There will be a community clinic open house on May 28th. Committee members in attendance were recognized by Jim Garton: John Bennett, Jeff Pollitt, Doug Christie Chris Weixelbaumer, Karin Ristau, Verna Kimmerly, John Grunwald, and Andrew Carmichael; not in attendance, also recognized, were Oakley Rankin and Mike Parrish.” There was applause. Various members spoke in tribute to this community accomplishment. Doris Savoie was acknowledged for her years of dedication to the health clinic and services. She offered some comments about the community contributions in the past. It was stated that the “old” clinic building will be known as the Savoie Centre. Carrot Cake, baked by the Cardboard House Bakery was enjoyed by all amid reminiscences and appreciation.
Correspondence: The Union Bay Credit Union letter detailed terms of a rental agreement wherein the Savoie Building will serve as the Hornby branch office. Significant renovations to the building interior are planned and plans will be on view at a public meeting. In summary, the Credit Union requests a 15 year lease with a one year escape clause. The rent will be $1000/month with a review every three years. The renovations are anticipated to cost the UBCU between $75,000 and $100,000. There is provision for a 192 square foot HIRRA office space with a separate entrance.
Special Recognition for contributions to HIRRA: Thanks to the Easter Egg Hunt organizers and contributors, 56 children enjoyed the event on Easter Sunday. Appreciation was expressed by Lynn Nunley to the Easter Bunny, Franska Jenzer, Tina Wai, Jeff Pollitt and Rudy Rogalsky. It was such a good time. One notable accounting error was the source of amusement. There were 64 chocolate bunnies purchased, 56 children attended. Rudy did an on the spot audit, accounting for five of the missing chocolate bunnies. Will we ever know where those three other bunnies went?
Executive report: Lynn reported on a meeting she attended with island trustees and highways representatives to discuss road conditions and maintenance.
Islands Trust: Tony Law reported on recent progress on the rezoning application of the Thatch pub. There was some discussion.
Other reports: There will be more consultations about ferry service during the planned October 2011 shut down. Fred Hunt announced the Community Action (CAST) group’s annual meeting at the school library May 28th at 3-5 pm.
Fire Protection: Giff LaRose reported that the training focus is on vehicle extrication skills. Derelict cars used for these training sessions will be removed from the gravel pit soon. The last of the water tanks has been installed at the top of Euston Road. The Fire Hall renewal project is proceeding slowly. The regional district has applied for a piece of Crownland next to the Joe King Ball Park. There will be meetings to begin plans for the public consultation about a new fire hall. Burn permits required except for camp fires. Giff is on the ferry advisory committee to provide for emergency transportation during the ferry service interruption in October. In answer to a question, Giff explained the process of preparing the training cars for transport and recycling.
Community Hall: Judith reported they are working toward finding the most suitable septic system replacement for the Hall. Tim Biggins is in charge of soliciting fire wood contributions for the hall. The committee is considering the installation of security cameras at the hall as a result of two recent instances of wilful property damage.
Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele reported that CVRD granted $26,000 in recreation funding. Following a review of applications from community groups the allocations recommended are:
Requested | Recommended | |
HI Education Society | $8500 | $7500 |
HI Tennis Ass’n | $2000 | $1700 |
Taekwondo | $675 | $300 |
HI Mt. Bike Ass’n | $2000 | $1000 |
Fire Dept cadet training | $1860 | $760 |
HIRRA Recreation | $14,740 | $14,740 |
Total | $26,000 |
The recommendations for the allocation of recreation funding were approved as presented by general consent.
Raven Coal Mine Group: Vikki Bale requested that this group be an ad hoc committee. There was no dissent.
Doug Carrick reported that between May 18th – June 27th public commentary will be received on the proposal for the development of Raven Coal mine on Vancouver Island, just west of Fanny Bay. The public can comment on line, by email, fax, regular mail or at public meetings. A list of contact information and meeting dates was available as a handout. Upcoming meetings were announced. Doug Christie introduced a report from the federal and provincial environmental authority on the Raven Coal Mine proposal.
President Lynn Nunley noted that HIRRA had previously voiced concern and opposition to this resource extraction. All were encouraged to submit their input during this public consultation period.
Public Forum: Janet LeBlancq reported that the Ministry of Environment has been asked for assistance with the control/eradication of possums. Islanders have reported increasing numbers of these predators with alarm. HIRRA is investigating the feasibility of a possum trap sharing system. Over the years the MOE have supplied upwards of 100 traps that are in circulation on Hornby properties.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 8th, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 11 members.
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm. In the absence of a quorum, this is an information meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the May meeting will be approved at the July meeting.
Executive report: Lynn Nunley noted that the HIRRA web page has been upgraded. Kevin McMahon is the web architect and will manage the site.
General Discussions:
Fall Fair: Carol Chambers reviewed plans for the Fall Fair on September 18th. David Wiseman will be the parade master. There was discussion and all agreed that HIRRA express gratitude to Arnie Olsen and Asmina..
BC Ferries Advisory Group: a written report from Rob McCreary noted that details of the October 2011 ferry service that will be available during rebuilds at Graveley Bay and Hornby terminals will be advertised by BC Ferries.
RCMP Constables Duncan McGeorge and Darryl Kryzanowski reported that summer staff will include three constables who have served on Hornby previously. BC Parks will assist with extra staffing and other measures to address the rowdy parties on Big Tribune Beach. There is a tow truck on the island but, as yet here is not an impound storage location. People are encouraged to report incidents so the RCMP have accurate data from which to determine policing needs of the island. The inadequacy of jail holding cells is an issue. If there are too many detainees, the ferries will be called out to transfer people to jails off island. Staffing levels were discussed. This month, RCMP are on duty here during weekends and some week days. Jail guards are needed. Islanders are requested to submit applications. The RCMP will be showing outdoor movies again this year on the grounds of the detachment.
Coal Watch: Vikki Bale and 30 Hornby residents attended the information meeting about the Raven Coal mine at Union Bay June 3rd. Representatives of the mining company were present to answer questions. This was the third such public information meeting. It was agreed that HIRRA write a letter demanding that the current assessment process be upgraded to a joint federal/provincial independent expert review panel with full public hearings.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
July 13, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Jon Isfeld, CVRD Assistant Manager Of Comox Valley Waste Services and 52 members.
Minutes: The minutes of the May & June meetings were approved by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reported that the CVRD has sent the first draft of the five year agreements with HIRRA for the services of Fire protection, Recycling, Community Hall and Comfort Stations. The executive will review this draft and offer remarks in the fall. The Savoie building renovations are underway, being done by a Fanny Bay carpenter. Local contractors were already booked for summer work.
Recycling Committee Special Report: Lynn Nunley acknowledged the transition challenges being encountered at the recycling depot’s new facility; she thanked the recycling committee for hosting extra sessions to hear the public concerns. Jan Kennedy gave the summary of this process. Priorities have been identified and a list has been compiled and submitted to the CVRD. Free Store improvements will be addressed in the fall. Parking, ventilation and sound insulation have been identified as needing attention. Jan gave details of priorities. She included a short history of the rationale for the replacement of the old and unsafe structures of the recycling material handling area. Ideas were welcomed. The chair opened the meeting for questions and a speaker’s list was enacted. Summary of comments:
- New set up calls for moving cars more often.
- Noise is troublesome.
- Staff and volunteers are separated.
- Traffic gridlock at the recycling building.
- Can the old set up be refurbished?
- Can the new building be converted to a hazardous waste accumulation center.
- Recycling is a pleasant social experience.
- The flow of materials and people interactions are not as effective.
- Social space is lost with the new building.
- Next stage of construction can benefit from experiences gained with this building.
- Lack of availability of materials (new bldg. Is locked up) is missed.
- Assembly line bothersome.
- How to deal with hazardous materials.
- Appreciation expressed to the recycling committee and staff.
- Household hazardous waste round up is being planned by CVRD; also Product Care will be working with CVRD and recycling manager in collecting hazardous materials for recycling.
- CVRD staff is working with the recycling committee and staff to resolve the glitches being experienced in the new building.
- A letter expressing regret that there is no parking at the entrance to Tribune Bay Education Center was read. Most people expressed agreement with the parking restriction due to a fear that a child could be exposed to danger from passing traffic. Can the Outdoor Education Center allow some parking area? The more parking areas there are, the more cars will be there. Horse pasture owners are in favor of the no parking. Tennis players are a bit out of luck and sympathy was extended. Originally, it was recalled, the government planned public access at both ends of Tribune Bay Provincial Park.
- A letter from CVRD requested a HIRRA appointee to a committee to review rural fire services administration; Lu Ackerson was asked and accepted appointment to this committee; this was approved by general consent.
Fire Protection Services Update: Fire chief Giff LaRose displayed art work done by Orlando Graham a few years ago depicting two trees, one healthy and one fire damaged. This art work, laminated and displayed along the trails on Mount Geoffrey is still used by the HIFD to remind everyone to prevent forest fires. Giff noted with sadness that the HIFD was involved in the unsuccessful search for Orlando who failed to return from a kayaking trip at the end of June. There was information on seasonal fire safety.
Smart Meters: Dan Bruiger gave information about smart meters that BC Hydro is planning to introduce. Information handouts were distributed; Dan will email copies of this on request. Issues that are objectionable include privacy invasion, government graft, increased electromagnetic radiation, no choice in the matter. Options for public action are to ask for land lines or shielding, reject the concept, go off the grid, make a personal appeal for health reasons, de-ray listing, or, at the very least, protest. More information at www.citizensforsafetechnology.org A resolution requesting further public consultation on the subject of smart meters will be drafted by the executive and presented at the September meeting.
HICEEC update: Daniel Siegel noted that Tony Law is on a leave of absence as executive director; Joann Ovitsland is acting ED. A HIRRA appointee will be needed in September as Paul Clemens is resigning his position.
Trust update: Fred Hunt and Tony gave updates on bylaw approval progress.
Other: There was a request for the chair to entertain a resolution proposing the formation of a committee to be involved in the recycling depot construction project. The president and vice president affirmed confidence in the recycling committee staff and management. There was agreement to proceed no further and the resolution, which had not been formally moved, was abandoned.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
September 14, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; and 22 members. New member registering Nina Adrianna and Virgil; Regrets: Carol Quin, Secretary.
Members were asked to select their preferred colour combinations for the painting of the exterior of the Savoie Building by initialling colour charts available. The building will house the Hornby branch of the Union Bay Credit Union and a general purpose office.
Minutes: The minutes of the July meeting were approved by general consent with a revision: “Recycling used to be a pleasant experience”.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting.
- The Fall Fair is just 4 days away!
- Farmer’s Market report: Jeannette Freestad, in a written report noted that it has been a good season for 60 regular vendors; there were more than 70 market spots filled each week. Markets were each Wed and Sat in July and Aug. Thanks to HIRRA for use of the land.
- Savoie building renovations are proceeding. October 15th is the target date for UBCU to take possession.
- In response to a query from a member, the minutes of the previous meeting must be read at each meeting.
- It has been suggested that HIRRA write a letter to Canada Post office stating that we expect there to be advertisements in local media for employment opportunities on Hornby Island. Following discussion it was decided that more information will be obtained.
- It was noted that our community is talking/brainstorming/troubleshooting/worrying about our recycling depot and the adjustment to the new facility. The Recycling Committee was thanked for listening, organizing and sorting the many ideas that are being offered. They will be giving their scheduled report at the October meeting.
- Janet LeBlancq reported on meetings she had with Debra Oakman, Chief Administrative Officer of the Comox Valley Regional District and Wendy Byrne, Financial Manager. It was noted that there is a reserve fund of approximately $70,000 that is available for hall infrastructure projects such as the septic system replacement. The current bylaw needs revision to permit CVRD funding of community hall capital Projects.
Motion: Rudy Rogalsky/Butch Leslie, “ HIRRA requests that the board of directors of the Comox Valley Regional District revise Hornby Island Community Hall Service Area Conversion and Establishment Bylaw 1993 to read “for the purpose of providing community hall operating funds and capital funds relating to the infrastructure….” CARRIED.
- Hornby & Denman Community Health Care Society is requesting HIRRA’s support in their grant application for funding for seniors’ support projects. Butch Leslie, Chair of the board of HDCHCS, spoke about programs that are planned using the New Horizons for Seniors federal funding.
Motion: Butch Leslie/Annette Hurtig, “That HIRRA support the HDCHCS application for grant funding from the New Horizons for Seniors federal program CARRIED by unanimous vote.
- Hornby Island New Horizons Society is requesting grant funding from the same source for replacement of the roof on the Betty Smith Centre, other building renovations and funding support for the archives project.
Motion: Annette Hurtig/Vikki Bale “That HIRRA supports the New Horizons application for grant funding from the New Horizons for Seniors federal program. CARRIED by unanimous vote.
Fire Chief’s Report: Giff LaRose reporting.
Giff read a report written by Gregg Kendrick, Fire Patrolman who was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. There was general summer fire control information provided. Lu Ackerson, HIRRA appointee to the CVRD fire service administration model review group, informed the assembly that she would be attending meetings to begin the review.
BC Ferries Update: Rob McCreary reporting.
The ferry services will be interrupted from October 23 to November 7 for the rebuilding of docks at Hornby and Gravelley Bay, Denman Island. Everyone was encouraged to attend upcoming information meeting on September 28th at 6 PM at New Horizons. about the revised services. Also scheduled in late September, the BC Ferries commissioner will be on Hornby to host public meetings; ferry rates will be discussed. Some concerns were expressed regarding how foot passengers will get across Denman Island during the absence of a car ferry between Hornby and Denman.
Smart Meters: Daniel Siegel reported on a meeting he attended with the Island Trustees and a BC Hydro representative. The purpose was to schedule a meeting for BC Hydro representatives to attend to provide public information about smart meters. Daniel noted that the provincial government mandated the installation of smart meters by BC Hydro. The Trust will call this information meeting. There was discussion. People are concerned that the electromagnetic emissions are dangerous to health.
Motion: Annette Hurtig/Rob McCreary, “We, the residents and ratepayers of Hornby Island, recognize that wireless technology has not been proven safe, and that BC Hydro has not made a convincing case for the economic benefits of replacing existing meters with smart meters. We therefore direct that a letter be drafted requesting that the provincial government introduce a moratorium on the installation of smart meters pending fuller public consultation and study and that letters of concern be drafted to appropriate ministers of the provincial government, the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors and officials of BC Hydro.”
There was discussion concerning postponing the vote on this motion until the October meeting to permit publication of the motion on the agenda. It was suggested that this could be decided by considering a motion to “table”. With this intent, Rudy Rogalsky moved to table the motion. Motion to table was defeated.
The question was called and the main motion was passed unanimously.
Summer Wrap Up: Suggested that the lack of appropriate housing for summer workers needs to be discussed and solutions investigated. Some summer workers are known to live in the woods in tents with no amenities. This is not sustainable.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
October 12, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Carol Quin, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 39 members. New members registering: Carol Legate and John Nemy
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m; the executive and administrator were introduced. The agenda was posted.
Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved by general consent by unanimous vote. Because there were uncertainties regarding the number of voting members available at the September meeting, the following motions were presented for reconsideration by the assembly.
“HIRRA requests that the board of directors of the Comox Valley Regional District revise Hornby Island Community Hall Service Area Conversion and Establishment Bylaw 1993 to read “for the purpose of providing community hall operating funds and capital funds relating to the infrastructure…”
M/S Lu Ackerson/Rudy Rogalsky; Carried by unanimous vote.
“That HIRRA support the HDCHCS application for grant funding from the New Horizons for Seniors federal program”.
M/S Andrew Carmichael/Donna DuPlessis; Carried by unanimous vote.
“That HIRRA supports the New Horizons application for grant funding from the New Horizons for Seniors federal program”.
M/S Annette Hurtig/Vikki Bale; Carried by unanimous vote.
“We, the residents and ratepayers of Hornby Island, recognize that wireless technology has not been proven safe, and that BC Hydro has not made a convincing case for the economic benefits of replacing existing meters with smart meters. We therefore direct that a letter be drafted requesting that the provincial government introduce a moratorium on the installation of smart meters pending fuller public consultation and study and that letters of concern be drafted to appropriate ministers of the provincial government, the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors and officials of BC Hydro.” M/S Tom Knott/Annette Hurtig. There was discussion. The motion was withdrawn by Tom Knott and Annette Hurtig.
M/S Annette Hurtig/Rob McCreary
“We, the residents and ratepayers of Hornby Island, recognizing that wireless technology has not been proven safe, and that BC Hydro has not made a convincing case for the economic benefits of replacing existing meters with smart meters and given that UBCU has passed a similar motion, therefore direct that a letter be sent by the executive requesting that the provincial government introduce a moratorium on the installation of smart meters pending fuller public consultation and study and that letters of concern be drafted to appropriate ministers of the provincial government, the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors and officials of BC Hydro.”
Carried by unanimous vote.
Special Recognition: The many Pre School Auction volunteers were recognized for their contributions to the community and appreciated with enthusiastic applause.
Executive Report:
- Terms of the Union Bay Credit Union lease agreement describing conditions of tenancy at the HIRRA owned building at 2115 Sollans Road were highlighted: M/S Dan Johnson/Donna DuPlessis “That HIRRA approve the lease agreement with the Union Bay Credit Union”…
M/S Paul Clemens/Carole Chambers
“That HIRRA approve the lease agreement subject to a legal review”.
Amended motion carried by unanimous vote. - On October 19th the executive will meet with CVRD staff to review draft 5 year HIRRA/CVRD agreements; the draft agreements will be distributed to committee chairs October 13th for comment. Copies of the draft agreements are available to the membership on request.
Recycling Committee Report: Jan Kennedy reviewed the process of planning and constructing the new recycling facility, current recycling, reuse and waste transfer programs and future plans, related to both operational and capital infrastructure projects. See the entire report. At the conclusion of the reading of this comprehensive review, there was applause. There was a question and answer period. Public participation in planning modifications and rebuild of the free store was requested and the recycling committee noted that this is the intention.
Recycling Committee Report – Planning/Constructing New Facility
Fall Fair: Carole Chambers. Although preparations were hampered the day before the fair due to rain, the Sunday Fair was a wonderful success. It was noted that the parade is over too soon! Date conflicted with the Terry Fox annual run. This request was noted.
The idea to host the fair on the weekend immediately following the Labour Day weekend was advanced.
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported that firewood has been restocked through a mostly volunteer endeavour. Tim Biggins and Derek Ward were thanked for organizing and working on this significant project. The committee needs a new member as Quin has relocated off island. There will not be a winter café this winter, though there will be some “restaurant” like events scheduled at the hall. The summer hall events went well. There was a suggestion to hold a raffle as a way of distributing the excess fire wood.
Recreation: Donna Tuele stated that province has announced funding for recreation. Committee wants to do visioning to determine recreation needs of the community and requests pre authorization to apply for a grant under this new funding.
M/S Donna Tuele/Donna DuPlessis, “That HIRRA approves the recreation committee plan to apply for funding under the provincial recreation initiative”. Carried by unanimous vote.
Following discussion it was agreed that the administrator will contact all other HIRRA committees asking if they are planning to apply for a direct access grant. The recreation committee plans to apply if no other committee comes forward. It was noted that this application has a November deadline. There was appreciation expressed for the recreation programs. Bonita Wexler was thanked for her coordination efforts.
Regional Parks Committee: A written Report submitted by Betty Kennedy was read.
The committee is thankful that the Mount Geoffrey Regional Park and the Crownlands have made it through another summer with no fires. Sandpiper Beach upgrades have invited more users and some beach fire concerns that were referred to the fire patrol. Budget planning is underway. The winter trail maintenance has begun on the Mount Geoffrey and Crownland trail systems. A volunteer committee member is being recruited to replace Jeremy Payne who has relocated off island.
Smart Meters: Dan Bruiger provided information from citizens for safe technology.
Island trust update given by Tony Law included upcoming Trust meetings. November 19th is election day. Climate action meeting on Vancouver Island was attended by Tony Law and Fred Hunt.
M/S Donna Tuele/Donna DuPlessis, “ That HIRRA appoint Rob McCreary as representative to the Ferry Advisory Committee”. Carried
M/S Carole Chambers/Paul Clemens, “That HIRRA appoint Rudy Rogalsky as representative to the HI Community Economic Enhancement Corporation”. Carried
It was noted that Rudy will serve in this capacity until March 2012.
Paul Clemens, retiree from the appointment to HICEEC, was thanked with applause.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM by unanimous consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
November 9, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: : Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 25 members.
Absent with Regret: Lynn Nunley, President and Carol Quin, Secretary.
New members registering: Tyler Manson and Darren Bond
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Danial Siegel. HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings was introduced.
Minutes: The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved by general consent by unanimous vote. Typo error noted: UBCM is the Union of BC Municipalities.
Community Announcements: Ferry will resume normal schedule tomorrow. Special recognition was focussed on the recreation committee and coordinator with applause for the visioning process to determine community recreation needs for inclusion in a provincial grant application.
Executive Report: Following a review by a lawyer, the Union Bay Credit Union/HIRRA tenancy lease some minor revisions and clarifications were made. The executive and administrator met with the CVRD staff to review and revise our management agreements for the tax funded services of Fire Protection/1st Responders; Solid Waste Management, Comfort Stations, Mt. Geoffrey and Regional Parks and Community Hall and we await the final draft. It was noted that the agreements are basically the same terms with attached schedules which will enhance staff to staff communications.
Committee appointments: The following committee appointments were approved by general consent: Paul Clemens: Hall Committee; Tyler Manson: Regional Parks and Barbara Baird: Recycling.
2012 Budgets
Core Services: Janet LeBlancq presented the core Services budget detailing 2012 expenditures forecast to be $47,506.
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Jan Kennedy, “That the Core Services budget be approved as presented.”
Recycling Budget: detailing 2012 operating expenditures forecast to be $267,735 and capital expenditures estimated to be $82,000 was presented by Stani Veselinovic.
M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Barbara Baird: “That the recycling budget be approved as presented.”
Fire protection/First Responders: the 2012 budget, detailing operating expenditures forecast to be $192,961 and major equipment and minor capital upgrade expenditures of $27,200 was presented by Chair Lu Ackerson.
M/S/C Lu Ackerson/Vikki Bale: “That the 2012 Fire Protection/First Responders Service budget be approved as presented.”
Community Hall: the 2012 budget, detailing operating expenditures forecast to be $48,503 and capital improvements expected to be $50,000 for a septic system were presented by Janet LeBlancq. The 2013 – 2016 budget forecast was available for information.
M/S/C Joanne Ovitsland/Rudy Rogalsky: “That the 2012 Community Hall budget be approved as presented.”
Mount Geoffrey & Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy gave details on 2012 estimated expenditures of $63,803 for trails and parks projects and maintenance.
M/S/C Betty Kennedy/Carole Chambers, “That the 2012 Regional Parks budget be approved as presented.”
Comfort Stations: Allan Beattie presented the 2012 budget detailing expenditures of $12,795. The 2013 – 2016 budget forecast was available for information.
M/S/C Allan Beattie/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the 2012 Comfort Station Budget be approved as presented.”
Invasive plant control: The proposal to deal with broom, hogweed and Japanese Knot Weed at a cost of $1500 was read.
M/S/C Paul Clemens/Vikki Bale, “That the 2012 budget for invasive plant control be approved as presented.”
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 14, 2011
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: : Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 28 members.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. The executive and HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings were introduced. The agenda was posted.
Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved by general consent. It was noted by the administrator that the CVRD had requested that the Mt. Geoffrey and Regional Parks 2012 expenditures not exceed the 2011 expenditures.
Executive Report:
- The CVRD board has approved the five year management agreements; we await the final drafts for review and signature.
- The lease with the UBCU will be finalized next week. The HIRRA office space will soon be ready for furniture and occupation.
- Daniel and Janet attended the Community Action Solutions Together (CAST) meeting where island organization representatives discuss progress and challenges. Daniel gave a brief summary. Fred Hunt, chair of the CAST group added his comments. The possibility of island organizations reporting at HIRRA meetings to keep the public informed was discussed and is being considered by the executive. The role of the MLA was also discussed.
- HIRRA will adjourn in January. The next regular meeting will be on February 8th. The executive committee will meet in late January. Any agenda items to be considered for the February meeting should be submitted in writing to the executive or administrator by the last week in January.
General Funds 2012 Budget: detailing discretionary expenditures of $3,950 and Savoie property maintenance/improvement costs of $8000 was presented by Janet LeBlancq. The balance of fund at year end 2012 is forecast to be $87,461. Sharon Rogalsky gave some information about Georgia Strait Alliance in support of increasing the HIRRA donation from $250 to $500 per annum.
Motion Paul Clemens/ Rudy Rogalsky: “That the 2012 general fund budget be approved as presented.” CARRIED
Recreation: Donna Tuele, Committee Chair gave an update on details of a grant application for an indoor recreation facility being filed by our recreation committee in partnership with the CVRD. The application required that we have 20% funds on hand, limiting our application to $120,000 that will pay for design and engineering consultants and some ground breaking and perhaps infrastructure for an indoor recreation facility. There was a question and answer period.
Recycling Report: Stani Veselinovic, Manager reporting: A structural engineer has recommended that the free store not operate during high winds or snow loads. A design group is being formed to work out the design for the new free store. Volunteer work crews have made good progress in dismantling the former recycling stations. The Coast Waste Management Association had a sell out attendance at the annual fall conference attended by Stani. There will be increase in tipping fees as the CVRD is increasing its landfill tipping fees for garbage and wood waste. The new rates were listed. There will be staff assisting patrons at the dumpsters to restrict the dumping of hazardous wastes, compostables and electronic equipment. There was discussion. The recycling depot and specific locations in Courtenay accept all electronics/household appliances for recycling at no cost. The depot hopes to soon be able to collect light bulbs; in the meantime, Courtenay is the nearest drop off for these.
Military Helicopter Activity over the island, Summer 2011: Bernhard Weiss had voiced concern over the helicopters buzzing island properties last summer. In an email to Bernhard, the RCMP indicated that this practise will change. It was suggested that the RCMP response to Bernhard’s concern over the helicopters be submitted to the First Edition. It was noted that the helicopter flew over a wedding party at Little Tribune Beach, and the Farmers Market, acts that seemed senseless to those there.
Motion Tony Law/Carol Quin: “That HIRRA write a letter to the RCMP expressing concern voiced by Hornby citizens disturbed by the low flying military helicopters last summer.” CARRIED
Smart Meters: Jan Kennedy summarized her own experience. She is concerned over lack of response by BC Hydro and government to the many requests for a moratorium on Smart Meters. Island efforts to stop the installation of these were summarized.
Motion Jan Kennedy/Christa Yeomans: “Given the lack of response by the BC government to many and significant calls by BC citizens for a moratorium on smart meter installation, and the need to make a significant statement of this community’s concern toward this issue, that HIRRA will now take immediate action to secure the meters on all public buildings administered by HIRRA.” Following much discussion, this motion was withdrawn in favor of the following friendly amendment:
Motion Jan Kennedy/Christa Yeomans: “We call on HIRRA to follow up on its letter requesting a moratorium on smart meter installations and to inform BC Hydro that we are putting them on notice of our intention to refuse the installation of a smart meter on our Community Hall.” Carried with three abstentions.
This letter to be sent to BC Hydro, BC Government MLAs Don MacRae & Rich Coleman, Premier Christy Clarke, IslandsTrust Council, Corix, CVRD, and UBCM.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary