HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
February 8, 2012
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Secretary; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members. Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel, Vice President.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. The executive and HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings were introduced. The agenda was posted. New members registered: Petra Chambers-Sinclair; Christl & Neil Hansen & Alex Allen.
Andrew Carmichael provided information regarding blown down trees that have been cleared from the trails on HIRRA land behind the HDCHCS property: can they be used for firewood? Andrew asked that this be considered and voted on, perhaps in April.
Minutes: The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved (with a date error corrected) by general consent.
Executive Report: A proposed revision to CVRD/HIRRA five year agreements has been submitted by the executive to the regional district.
Response from the RCMP regarding helicopter “buzzing” last summer was read. There was discussion. The buzzing most offensive was that over Little Tribune beach during a wedding. The RCMP have pledged to revise the protocol in consideration of community complaints received. Also read was an email, provided by Bernhard Weiss in which the Minister of National Defence, Peter MacKay assured Mr. Weiss that there would be a review of the circumstances which led to a military helicopter landing on the Weiss property during the same time period.
A request from New Horizons for support in attaining CVRD funding for the Archives was read. Archive project coordinator, Margaret Sinclair, gave background information about the planned construction of an archive storage building on the New Horizon’s property. There is an active fund raising effort to raise the capital funds for this construction. New Horizons Society also needs operating funds for the archive program. The regional heritage fund, which is supported by Hornby tax dollars could be accessed to assist in the archive operating costs. There was a question and answer period. M/S/C Margaret Sinclair/Judith Lawrence: “That HIRRA write a letter to CVRD Director A Bruce Jolliffe supporting New Horizon’s request for funding for the archives program from the regional Heritage Fund.” Carried by unanimous vote.
BC Hydro’s response re smart meters was read.
On Going Business: Smart meter dialogue update. There was discussion. The question of refusing a smart meter on our community hall was raised.
M/S/ Dan Bruiger/Elspeth Armstrong: “That HIRRA obtain the Citizens for Safe Technology kit and that we post a “refusal of smart meter” at the hall building meter and that we “collar” the analog meter to prevent smart meter installation”. There was discussion. Fire safety was mentioned. The fire department has indicated in an article in the First Edition that the collaring of the analog meters is not a fire hazard.
M/S/C Tony Law/Rudy Rogalsky, “That HIRRA table the motion to be brought forward at a future meeting as determined by the executive.” Carried with 14 in favor; 6 opposed and 2 abstaining.
Reports: Recycling Committee update on design and planning. With the aid of a map hand out, Recycling Committee Chairperson Jan Kennedy reported on the expanded committee proposals regarding the siting for the hazardous materials storage building and the traffic flow proposal to give the best access and traffic movement on the site. There was a question and answer period. Judith Lawrence acknowledged the work done by the recycling committee and, in particular, Jan Kennedy in this community consultation process. The recycling committee will discuss at their next meeting if they wish to expand to seven members. There was no voiced opposition to this initiative.
Preparing for the March 14, 2012 Annual General Meeting: Lynn reviewed the executive terms of office. Her term as President expires in 2013. Rudy Rogalsky, who is retiring as Treasurer, accepted the role of chair of the nominating committee. Carol Quin, currently Secretary, and Daniel Siegel, Vice President, are both prepared to serve another term on the executive. There are ten HIRRA committees with volunteer members between three and five people.
Islands Trust: Tony Law and Alex Allen gave updates on Trust work. Main projects are finishing the Short term vacation rental bylaw and reviewing the official community plan as well as reviewing riparian areas vis a vis new regulations. The trustees are planning to have a meeting with the HIRRA executive and the regional director. 2012/2013 Trust budget is on the trust website and the public is encourage to review and comment. Next meeting of the Trust Council is March 8th on Gabriola Island. At the March meeting, it will be decided whether or not the Trust policy statement will be subject to public consultative review process. New and needing to be addressed in the policy statement are affordable housing, first nations relations, and the definition of amenities.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 14, 2012 (AGM)
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Daniel Siegel, Vice President, Chair; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper & 29 members.
Absent with Regret: Lynn Nunley, President, Carol Quin, Secretary.
New members: Angela Hudson; Matthew Chambers-Sinclair; Monica Currie.
Minutes of the February 2012 meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Daniel noted that we received thank yous from Bruce and Christl for our support of the Archive project.
Vice President’s Annual Report was presented by Daniel Siegel. The report was received with applause.
View the Vice President’s report.
Treasurer’s Report was presented by Rudy Rogalsky. The 2011 Financial Statements from Presley and Partners were available as handouts. A financial summary, available as a handout, was reviewed line by line. There was a question and answer period. There was a suggestion that the recycling fund raising revenues be retained for enhancing the program, rather than paying down the balance of the composting toilet which was paid for from general funds.
View the 2011 Financial Statements
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Donna DuPlessis “That the audit review report be accepted”. Carried with one abstention.
Rudy praised the work of our bookkeeper, Basil DuPlessis. There was applause.
Appointment of Auditor: Rudy/Paul “That Presley and Partners be appointed as auditors for the 2012 review engagement.” Carried
HIRRA Committee Annual Reports:
Recycling: reported by Jan Kennedy. | View Recycling Report |
Fire Protection/First Responders: reported by Lu Ackerson. | View HIFD Report |
Community Hall: reported by Judith Lawrence. | View the Hall Committee Report |
Mt. Geoffrey Regional and Community Parks: reported by Betty Kennedy. | View Mt. Geoffry Regional Report |
Recreation: reported by Donna Tuele. | View Recreation Report |
Cemetery Stewards: reported by Eva Wetzel. | View Cemetery Report |
Fall Fair: reported by Carole Chambers. | View Fall Fair Report |
Roadside Trails: Charles Western reported. | View Roadside Trails Report |
Privy Council: Allan unable to attend; all is well. |
M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Barbara Baird “That we accept all the annual reports as presented”. Carried.
2012 Elections
Rudy Rogalsky chaired the elections.
See the complete election results.
All following were elected by acclamation
Executive: Daniel Siegel, Vice President, a two year term; Carol Quin, Treasurer, a one year term.
Rob McCreary, Secretary, a two year term.
Committees: One year terms
Recycling: Jan Kennedy, Kathi Sauve John Howard, Ilze Raudzins and Barbara Baird.
Recreation: Donna Tuele, Gord Campbell, Tim McCarty, Meghan Nordmann, Judy Stransman.
Parks: Betty Kennedy, Tyler Manson, Gerhard Kozel, Brian Kittleson and Sasha LeBaron.
Privy Council: Allan and Gill Beattie.
Roadside Trails: Andrew Carmichael, Dan Johnson, Charles Western and Lindsay Allen. fifth position vacant.
Hall Management: Judith Lawrence, Paul Clemens, Roy Slack and Matthew Chambers – Sinclair; fifth position is vacant.
Fire protection: Lu Ackerson, Kevin Woods, Jim Garton and Brian Amos; fifth position is vacant.
Cemetery Stewards: Eva Wetzel, Gemma Colin, Margaret Sinclair, Margaret Pethick and Larry Smith.
Fall Fair Committee: Jack Hansed, Carole Chambers, Joan Harris, Gemma Colin,
Florrette Maclean and Glen Haddon; seventh position is vacant.
Invasive Plant Control: Ilze Raudzins and Anna Zielinski
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Lu Ackerson, “That the appointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief be ratified”. Carried
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Jan Kennedy, “That Rob McCreary be appointed as HIRRA’s representative to the BC Ferry Advisory Committee; and that Daniel Siegel be appointed as HIRRA’s representative to HICEEC”. Carried.
Pete Kimberly, who stated he is the leader of the “official opposition” to a cable ferry for the Denman/Buckley Bay route spoke briefly. More information at www.hornbyisla.ca
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. by general consent.
Daniel Siegel, Vice President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 11, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 37 members and 5 new members: Kees Vandervalk, Janey Bennett, Sylvia Button, Joanne Wyvill & Arlene Mason.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the March AGM.
Motion: Jan Kennedy/ Betty Fairbank, “That the minutes of the March 14th Annual General Meeting be approved as read.” Carried.
It was noted that all annual reports are posted to the HIRRA web site, www.hirra.ca.
President’s Report: Lynn welcomed Rob McCreary to the position of secretary; she thanked Rudy Rogalsky for his years of service to the executive and his hosting of this year’s Easter egg hunt; Carol Quin was thanked for willingness to serve as treasurer; Lynn also voiced appreciation for the accounting work of Basil DuPlessis and the administrative tasks done by Janet LeBlancq. There was applause.
Motion: Judith Lawrence/Betty Fairbank “That HIRRA approve the appointment of Janey Bennett to the Community Hall Management Committee”. Carried.
Motion: Tony Law/Donna DuPlessis: “That we take the February smart meter motion off the table.” All in Favor.
M/S/ Dan Bruiger/Elspeth Armstrong: “That HIRRA obtain the Citizens for Safe Technology kit and that we post a “refusal of smart meter” at the hall building meter and that we “collar” the analog meter to prevent smart meter installation”.
Discussion was opened and members were invited to speak to the motion.
#1 Amendment to the motion: Tony Law/ Jan Kennedy, “That the motion be amended to say that HIRRA inform BC Hydro that the meter has been collared and that HIRRA refuses the installation of a smart meter in support of the objective of a smart meter free Hornby Island”. Carried with 2 opposed.
#2 Amendment to the motion: Tony Law/Gina Rae Horvath “That we change the word “obtain” to “implement”. All in Favor with 3 abstentions.
Amended Motion: “That HIRRA implement the Citizens for Safe Technology kit and that we post a “refusal of smart meter” at the hall building meter and that we “collar” the analog meter to prevent smart meter installation; that we inform BC Hydro of these actions taken in support of the objective of a Smart Meter Free Hornby Island ”.
Ballots were distributed. Judith Lawrence was appointed scruitneer. Lynn Nunley announced the results of the vote: 32 in favor; 10 opposed. The motion was carried. The ballots were destroyed.
Hornby Island Education Society (HIES) information was presented by Vikki Bale, President. The objective of lifelong education was noted. The HIES board will be undertaking a strategic planning session to guide the board through transition.
Hornby/Denman Community Health Care Society (HDCHCS) reported by Butch Leslie, President. Web site will be launched soon. The age friendly community’s project continues; more grant funding has been obtained.
Islanders’ Secure Land Association (ISLA) update reported by President Michael McNamara. ISLA has received 18.5 acres of land donated by the Weiss family. There has been a biophysical study of the land. ISLA will also be doing a Riparian assessment report; Beulah Creek runs through ISLA’s land. Next is a rezoning application to the Islands Trust. Infrastructure cost estimates are $750,000; this will be done in stages. There is a focus group of potential residents. ISLA, a community land trust for affordable housing will hold a lease with home owners on ISLA land.
Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) update reported by director Darren Bond. Aim is for a healthy, diversified economy for the island. Providing support through information and grant funding for business infrastructure. Joanne Ovitsland is the Executive Director, and HICEEC has a store front office in the Savoie Building. HICEEC works with Denman Works, a sister organization on Denman Island. HICEEC’s web site is increasing in popularity. An electronic newsletter disseminates HICEEC information.
Islands Trust: Tony Law Trustee gave an overview of the Trust mandate and process involved. The Local Trust Committee is currently working on Vacation Home Rental regulation bylaws and on Riparian regulation to protect land adjacent to fish bearing streams. Alex Allan provided further information.
Hornby Island Arts Council reported by King Anderson, President. Summer schedule of art events is now available. Studio guides also being finalized. HIAC has a lease on the 5.8 acres between the Hall and Joe King Ball Park and invites community input for consideration by the arts council building committee.
There was applause in appreciation for each presentation.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 16, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 21 members; new residents welcomed: Linda and Gary Manzer.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the April 11th meeting and they were approved by general consent.
Executive Report: Hall hydro meters are collared and posted with refusals of smart meter installations. Lynn attended the annual RCMP/Community leaders meeting; there will be cut backs in RCMP coverage this summer. Later this week, the executive will meet with the Island Trustees and Area A director for their local governance session, usually convened annually.
Regional & Community Parks Update: Grassy Point and Hidden Beach Parks were surveyed and Grassy Point east boundary will be marked with rocks or some such marker clearly delineating the boundary between private and park property. Mt Geoffrey trail building workshop was very successful. A card and chocolates were sent by the CVRD to the parks committee and HIRRA executive in appreciation of work done in the regional and community parks.
Elder Housing: Joanne Harrison, President of Elder Housing acknowledged the work of recently deceased islander Jack Hansed for his excellent contributions to Elder Housing. The village was described; the society holds a mortgage with UBCU and fund raising is necessary to meet operation costs. Operated by volunteers. The land is built out with the current number of units. The units are fully self contained. The basic rental rate of $1 per square foot is subject to small annual increases. Applications are accepted from residents over the age of 55. The Elder housing AGM is June 24th at 11 am. Brunch will be available. Rides available for those who need.
Fire Protection/1st Responders: Giff LaRose, Fire Chief reporting.
- The donated burn house for practice burned down off schedule. It is not known how this happened. There were no ill effects save for a late night fire call out and upset to the fire fighters, who would have gained training in the controlled burn planned for the next day. There was suspicion that a group of visiting young people seen in the area around the time of the late night fire may have been responsible.
- All open burning is suspended starting Friday. Camp fires are allowed. Dimensions: 450mm by 450 mm or 18 by 18 inches. Beach fires can be larger and situated below the high tide line.
- The CVRD hired consultants to do an administrative review of regional fire departments. The Hornby model of the relationship between HIRRA and the fire department is held up as positive in community consultation. Identifying officer efficiencies is an objective of the study; eventually this will affect budgets, as certification training will need to be compensated at some level.
- Fire hall planning process: CVRD was waiting for land acquisition from the province…ILMB has given word: there is a meeting of the Select Committee tomorrow to review the plan for community communications regarding the new Fire Hall. On May 30th there will be a public meeting at New horizons about the process toward the planning/ construction of a Fire Hall. Watch for ads.
- Emergency Health Services Bill 48 Health Services Act….may provide financial assistance to our 1st Responders program through equipment purchases, volunteer training.
- Fire Patrol starts Friday night: Dave Hanna and Albini LaPierre are the fire patrol personnel this season.
Conservancy Hornby Island: Tony Quin summarized. CHI was organized in1991 and qualified for charitable status in 1997. A fee of $10 gives a life time membership. CHI relies upon donations and fund raising. The conservation purposes were summarized. CHI spearheaded the mapping of Upland Crownland for HIRRA and was the driving force behind the acquisition of the Link Parsons Land now preserved as the Mt Geoffrey Escarpment Park. CHI is involved in the process of private land donation for conservation purposes working in collaboration with the Islands Trust Fund and land owners. There are currently four applications on Hornby Island. CHI is also working on marine environment protection; currently sponsors a project to study samples of fish eggs in beach and sand gravel, looking for sea lance and surf smelt. Two Hornby youth have been hired for this sampling. Kelp studies also being done to determine if the kelp is regenerating. CHI publishes conservation information through local media. CHI also sponsors bird counts through the year.
Recycling Update: Stani Veselinovic reporting. The transportation of all materials will be paid directly by the CVRD henceforth. This due to a regional transportation contract negotiated by the CVRD. Advantage: tax efficiencies. Solid waste management planning was high lighted. Hazco will come June 9th to Hornby for collection and transportation of hazardous wastes. Denman collection is the next day (Sunday) if you miss the Saturday drop off on Hornby. A list of common household hazardous waste will be distributed. Beach access clean up personnel will be hired for summer litter management. Organics are 30% of land filled waste. To promote removal of organics from the waste stream, Composters are available at the depot for $45 each. In 2015 organics will be banned from the landfill.It was noted that the CVRD plan to build a depot surround fence in approximately one year to reduce liability. The methods of sound dampening in the new recycling reception building are being researched by CVRD. The new free store planning is in the works.
HI Community Fund: April Lewis reporting. The Community Fund was started in 2002 for the purpose of having a fund that will create interest for annual allocation to community groups. Currently the Fund is approximately $150,000. Annual interest of $2000 is topped up for local distribution so the fund allocates about $5000.00 to be awarded yearly. Peter Wardle and Brenda Cha have been very generous with fund raising done at their private golf course. The members of the board were acknowledged. How to donate to the fund and how to apply to be a recipient of Community Fund grant was explained. The fund rents out table/chairs/cutlery/table clothes/plates/glasses/cups. They are looking for someone to manage this loan service.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 13, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 25 members.
Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel, Rob McCreary.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the May 16th meeting and they were approved by general consent.
HIRRA will write to offer community thanks to the Sorensen’s for the very generous donation of $22,000 to the Hornby Island Tennis Association to repave and refurbish the Tribune Bay tennis courts. There was applause.
Executive Report: Hydro has notified HIRRA that they will not install smart meters on Hornby Island until after a community meeting tentatively scheduled for the month of September.
In response to our letter of request, School officials have approved Farmer’s Market vendor’s parking at the school grounds as per past practise.
Recreation: Bonita Wexler presented the report and recreation funding recommendations:
M/S/C Bonita Wexler/Betty Kennedy, “That HIRRA approves recreation grant allocations as presented: HI Educational Society: $7500; HI Tennis Association: $1000; HIRRA Recreation $17,500.”
M/S/C Bonita Wexler/Donna DuPlessis, “That HIRRA approves the application for a New Horizons for Seniors grant to be filed by the recreation committee.”
Heron Rocks Friendship Society: Muggs Sigurgeison summarized the history and purpose of this non-profit society which was an off shoot of the Heron Rocks Camping Co-op located on land donated by Hilary and HB Brown; Hilary formed the HR Friendship Society. Last year’s activities included Wassailing in January; spring seed exchange and annual plant sale, the fall fair, “Under the Maple” discussion groups, music, and other workshops. The society is allied with the Hornby/Denman Growers and Producers Alliance. A source of income is realized from the rental of two apartments that were originally Hilary’s home. Hilary’s garden is a peace garden. The principle building of the society, known as the Annex, has been renovated. The grounds and gardens are maintained primarily by volunteers. There is work being done to eradicate invasive species. HRFS gave financial support to several island youth and some organizations. There was applause.
HI Athletic Association: Paul Clemens, past treasurer was asked by President Craig MacGillvary to report. Also offering information was Scott Kittleson, Past President of HIAA. HIAA leases the land and owns the club house at Joe King Ball Park. The recreational facilities include a ball diamond, tennis court and a small gym with exercise machines. Other services operated on site are public showers and laundry machines. The Hornby Radio Society’s B. Kungl studio is located on HIAA leased land.
It is estimated that the buildings are valued at $1 million; these were mainly built by volunteers. HIAA has little cash reserves. The annual operating budget is $25,000.
Basic expenses are $2500 per month. HIAA hosts dances and other events to fill the coffers. Approximately 150 community members use the HIAA facilities. Volunteer hours of work are estimated to be 1000 – 1500 per year. The board members log up to 100 hrs per month of volunteer time. HIAA is a place for all the people. There are challenges including the lack of liability insurance, health and safety regulations, crowd control and liquor regulations, problems with accounting, difficulty recruiting volunteers. Paul noted that the current four member board is not representative of the community or the membership; HIAA needs community support. There was a recent meeting between HIAA president and the RCMP and liquor inspector. There is a tentative plan for an application for a community fund grant for the purpose of a broad community review of the role of the Hornby Island Athletic Association. Janet LeBlancq has offered assistance in this process. Scott Kittleson stated that he served two years as President and found difficulty in gaining consent to purchase Directors & Officers liability insurance. He noted that a constitutional review will hopefully get people engaged. HIAA’s lease with Crownlands is in effect until 2016. Scott noted that a review of the terms of the Lease should be done.
CHFR 96.5 FM: Maggie Smith, President, reporting. Maggie expressed support for the ballpark. She represents “People who want to do radio”. She noted that there is no lease agreement with HIAA, but there is have an understanding that all radio members will be HIAA members. 161 members signed up during recent CHFR’s membership drive. Radio show schedules are published locally. Emergency preparedness is a goal; they want to be able to broadcast during a power outage. A generator has been obtained; now need to build a little shed. There have been numerous donations of equipment, records and CD’s. There are 52 Disc Jockeys at present. The Radio Station is operating on approximately $4000 per year. Board members include Gina Rae Horvath, Scott Sweeney, Phil Bailey, Steve Pacheco, Ron Emerson and Maggie Mae. Gina Rae spoke about the sponsorship agreement has been reached by the board and details will be published. HICEEC was the first sponsor. Reina LeBaron is the board’s recording secretary. Daniel Siegel facilitated a decision making workshop for the CHFR board. Board members are investigating D&O insurance with the intention is to purchase. Thanks to all for support. Bob Kungl was a major player in planning and providing equipment and knowledge to CHFR; studio is named in his honour. There was applause.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
July 11, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: : Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 18 members. This is an information meeting in the absence of a quorum.
Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes: The secretary read the minutes of the June 13th meeting. The following revisions were noted: “Heron Rocks Friendship Society: Muggs Sigurgeison summarized the history and purpose of this non profit society, a registered charity founded by Hilary Brown and located on land donated by Hilary and HB Brown.” The president of CHFR is Maggie Mae. The minutes were approved with corrections as noted by general consent.
Farmer’s Market: Jeannette Freestad, market coordinator reported that the May long week end was the launch of this years’ market activities. Since that time there has been just one rained out day. There are more vendors, 76 at last count with 3 of these vendors selling on Wednesdays only. The inner circle of the Copse was expanded with alterations of vendor sites as well to accommodate extra booths. Vendor parking behind the school is very appreciated. There followed general discussion. Jeannette was thanked and excused to give care and attention to her new puppy!
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley noted that the next general meeting of HIRRA will be September 12/12. Volunteers appreciate this recess. The executive will meet if necessary to deal with HIRRA business.
Administrator’s Report: At the request of the Chair, Janet LeBlancq reviewed the history of the litter management funding and the current description of duties and pay. Litter management has been incorporated into the waste management program under the supervision of the Recycling/Waste Management manager and committee. The $6000 allotted is predicted to be adequate funding for year round litter management. It was noted that the CVRD policy of encouraging regional beach and park users to “pack it in, pack it out” is promoted by HIRRA; however, there is provision for beach litter management as well as beach access litter pick up. In response to a question about the $30/hour for a person and truck to perform litter pick up and delivery to the recycling center, it was reported that the current island rate for a person and a truck is $35/hour. The rate of $30/hr includes fuel and all equipment. It was suggested that we obtain a MOTH no littering sign “like the one on Denman Island.” Agreed by general consent.
Fire Protection: Doug Chinnery, Deputy Chief, summarized and expanded upon the written report from Giff LaRose, Fire Chief. The department responded to a house fire on Cowie Road and was able to contain the fire to the original structure. The cause of the fire is still being looked into. There has already been one grass fire, which was near the top of Ford Cove hill and thanks to the wet weather this did not spread any further than 20 feet. The cause of this fire was difficult to determine and could possibly have been a cigarette butt or due to the road paving that had been completed that day.
The Fire Patrol has been active, despite the wet weather as the two new patrollers, Albini LaPierre and Dave Hanna, have been adjusting to the duties and responding to calls for rear yard burning and weekend partiers.
Canada Post has initiated some changes in their mailing procedures and this has resulted in quite a few people requiring clarification of their street address. Hornby is not alone in this as all communities are facing this change. Two representative from the Regional District and North Island 911 recently met with the Fire Chief to discuss the address changes and the numbering system on Hornby Island. They were impressed by the numbering system that was adopted many years ago and confirmed that it represented the best and safest system for property location during emergency response as well as allowing for future changes. Our system is based on the measurement in meters along the road from a point off Phipps Point, with numbers ending in 5 on the north or left side as you head east from Phipps and 0 on the right. The same applies for roads heading north/south. This allows emergency responders to locate a house when an address sign is missing. (all too common on Hornby). If an address sign is located along a road, the responders can then subtract this address from the emergency location and the travel the appropriate distance, in meters, to find the house. A bit hard to describe but very easy to use!
The task of issuing addresses was delegated to the fire department and the Fire Chief quite a few years ago as it was recognized that this ensured the best recording of accurate information for emergency responses.
CVRD will be holding an information meeting at the Hall on July 26th from 4 PM to 7 PM to introduce the planning process for the proposed new fire hall. They also hope to have the project web site running very soon. This site will answer all the questions about the costs, options, etc.
There is currently a ban on open burning of branches, yard cleanup, waste lumber, etc. Camp fires and beach fires are allowed until further notice.
Military canister flares found on the beaches are to be reported to 19 Wing Comox for retrieval who respond quickly.
Al Cannon has completed a two week high angle rope rescue training course. The fire crew members are reviewing and upgrading the high angle rope rescue protocol within the department.
There was a question and answer period.
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported that this is a busy time of the year with the hall housing many art shows and other events. Current maintenance challenges include a dusty parking lot, how to curtail cigarette smoking at the front hall entrance, parking congestion along Sollan’s Road, potholes, how and when to open the hall roof slats and the sandwich boards as vision blockers at Sollans/Central Rd. corner. Remedies to be applied, all in good time!
BC Ferries Advisory Committee: Tony Law summarized: There was a cable ferry information open house on Denman Island last week. There were many questions, and concerns. BC Ferries has had a feasibility study done; now doing design proposals and exploring the concept of an alternate service provider to operate the cable ferry. BC ferries would work with a new “company”. BCF have hired an experienced marine company to do the first stages design work: an initial task is the assessment of wind and waves of Baynes Sound. These actions may be strong and require to heavy a cable to be efficient. Future planning sessions by BC Ferries were referenced. The current smaller ferry will be on the Hornby/ Gravelley Bay crossing until July 31/12 while our usual larger ferry is undergoing a major overhaul with some unforeseen maintenance issues.
Island’s Trust: Tony Law reported that the trust’s strategic planning is underway; information is on the Trust web site. A first draft revision of Hornby’s Official Community Plan will be on the Trust web site in the next week or so. Public meetings to review the OCP will be scheduled later.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
September 12, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members.
Absent with regret: Daniel Siegel.
New member: Claudie Azoulai-Snarch.
Call to Order: at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the July meeting. There was a concern that opinions expressed regarding the smart meter concerns were inadequately recorded. Cathie Howard requested to go on record as being not in favor of meeting further with Stan Boychuk. The minutes were approved by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn noted the transition from summer busyness, stating “remember to take care of yourselves, your family and your neighbours and your local businesses. We can make such a difference.”
Correspondence: A letter from BC Hydro dated September 12, 2012 noted that smart meter installations are expected to begin on Hornby Island in mid October. The letter also referenced community generation options available to the island in administering our own electricity. Issues of hypersensitivity to electromagnetic technology are on the increase according to one member; BC Hydro should put a moratorium on Smart Meter installations. People were encouraged to do their research.
Motion: Cathie Howard/ Judith Lawrence, “That BC Hydro be informed that we want to keep our analog meters and purchase power from BC Hydro, a company owned by the citizens of B.C.” There was discussion regarding the notification of the general public of the motion before voting. Options available were discussed. Carol Quin co-chaired the deliberations during a temporary absence of the president.
Motion: Fred Hunt/ Rudy Rogalsky, “That the motion be tabled.” Carried with 17 in favor; 7 opposed, 3 abstained. Discussion regarding publication of the letter followed.
A letter from Doug Allen was read; he expressed concern that there is an increase in the rat population of the Sandpiper area.
Fire Protection Services/1st Responders: Doug Chinnery, deputy chief reported a slow summer with two exceptions; a day with three call outs and a night of two calls outs. There was one car crash with no serious injuries. RCMP staff coverage was reduced resulting in occasions when the Fire Department was requested to aid in policing; the fire department had to refuse such requests as a continuation would place its members in harm’s way. The Fire Department’s open house held at the Fire Hall was a success with much information being provided to the public. There was a recent meeting of the new fire hall select committee attended by Director Jolliffe. The fire patrol personnel did a good job of attending and monitoring beach fires. There was applause.
Recreation Program: Donna Tuele, Committee Chair, reported that it was a great summer. Bonita was thanked for her work as coordinator. Of the 230 participants in summer programs,114 were locals, 20 were visitors and the remainder were regular summer residents. Activities included a Tribune Bay Beach day with sand sculpture building, swimming and sailing lessons, soccer, gym, hula hooping and dancing. Fall programs were highlighted. There was applause.
Fall Fair: Janet LeBlancq reported that the fair is Sunday next and all are invited to Olsen’s farm to enjoy this annual organic experience. The committee members are too busy with final preparations to attend tonight.
Summer Wrap Up:
Policing: Carol related some stories of yesteryears on the topic of RCMP presence..
Motion: Carol Quin/Donna DuPlessis: “That we write to the RCMP thanking them for summer service and asking that they assure adequate staffing during the summer such that the fire department personnel will not need to be called out to assist in policing.”
Air traffic over Hornby Island:
Motion: Dan Bruiger/ Cathie Howard, “That we write to all relevant authorities asking that airplanes not travel over the Hornby land mass.” Carried. 3 abstentions.
Gary Manzer offered information about Golf carts as alternative modes of transportation was provided. If the speed limit on Hornby was reduced by 10 kilometres, golf carts could be legal vehicles. There are manufacturers of suitable golf carts in B.C. The government is encouraging the use of electric vehicles through grant offerings for recharging stations. There was applause.
It was decided by general consent that HIRRA write to thank the Olsen family for their generosity over the years in hosting major community events such as the annual fall fair on Olsen’s farm.
Hornby Island Arts Council board member King Anderson commented on the Campbell’s Soup can mural at the Brigantine fire water tank painted by Pyx Sutherland. There was a HIAC member survey: 8 people don’t like the mural; 33 do like it. There have been discussions on freedom of expression, censorship, expression thru art. The council considered the possibility of moving the tank to the recycling depot. The costs of replacing the soup can tank and moving it to the depot seem prohibitive. The HIAC board has voted not to paint the mural over. Rob McCreary described the public consultative process in which he was involved. The neighbours and the artist had decided upon a floral design. King Anderson stated that artist Pyx Sutherland has acknowledged responsibility for changing the mural design. The council has not decided if the artist will be paid or not, given that she broke the contract made with the neighbours. There was general discussion. The option of painting over the mural was noted. King was thanked by the chair for this update.
Adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
October 10, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 27 members.
Absent: Carol Quin and Rob McCreary.
New member: Steve Salter, Alsoon Brine and Ted Goodden.
Call to Order: Lynn Nunley called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of Meetings was read by Daniel Siegel.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the September meeting. The minutes were approved by general consent.
The assembly was invited to consider the disposition of the following motion tabled at the September meeting:
M/S Cathie Howard/Judith Lawrence, “That BC Hydro be informed that we want to keep our analog meters and purchase power from BC Hydro, a company owned by the citizens of B.C.”
Motion: Dan Bruiger/Fred Hunt, “That we take the motion off the table.” Carried.
There was discussion on the main motion. The question was called. The voting results were: 4 in favor; 13 opposed; 2 abstentions. The motion was defeated.
- A letter from BC Hydro dated October 5/12 noted their intent to begin installation of Smart Meters on Hornby soon.
- A letter from Jeffrey Rubinoff introduced a petition to support public hearings for all zoning and rezoning decisions taken by the Trust.
Committee Reports:
- Fall Fair: There was applause for a most enjoyable Fair!
- Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy reported it was a very good summer in the parks. Trail maintenance projects were summarized. A parking area will be developed at the left side of the Grassy Point access road. In response to a recent sighting, Cougar sighting signs will be obtained from the CVRD and posted at the park entrances. There were compliments for the Sandpiper Park and mountain trail improvements. The committee works closely with CVRD parks staff in planning projects.
- Community Hall: Judith Lawrence noted that there is a vacancy on the committee. Custodian Colleen Work will be on medical leave for some months. The Septic system replacement project is progressing. Quotes are being solicited.
Trust Update: Tony Law reporting. There is a revised draft of the Official Community Plan on the trust website. Everyone encouraged to review and comment now so revisions can be made before the public hearings. BC Hydro may be preparing an opt out option for those customers who refuse smart meter installation. BC Ferries are revising services and fares. The reduction of speed limits to accommodate electric vehicles is being explored.
The Neighbourhood Zero Emission Vehicle Proposal
Gary Manzer gave a presentation in support of neighbourhood zero emission vehicles. The entire report is appended to these minutes.
Motion: Gary Manzer/Tony Law:
RESOLVED that the HIRRA Executive is instructed to:
- Write an email letter expressing our support to our Local Trust Committee with respect to their spearheading the initiation of a Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure (MOTI) road assessment on Hornby with respect to allowing NZEV’s to operate on the whole of our island. In this letter we need to affirm our interest in coming up with a plan where we as a community will work to change community culture and driving practices to support adherence to a lowered speed limit. This letter of support, interest include should be sent to:
- David Graham – Local Trust Committee Chair – dgraham@islandstrust.bc.ca
- Tony Law – Local Trust Committee – tlaw@islandstrust.bc.ca
- Alex Allen – Local Trust Committee – aallen@islandstrust.bc.ca
- Bob O’Brien – MOTI Operations Manager ?Vancouver Island District – bob.obrien@gov.bc.ca
- Sonja Zupanec – Island Planner (Gambier and Hornby Island Local Trust Committees) – szupanec@islandstrust.bc.ca
- vi. Michael Pearson – MOTI, District Transportation Engineer – Michael.Pearson@gov.bc.ca
- Write and email a letter expressing our support for amending the speed limit phrase in of Section 24.06 (1)(a) of the Motor Vehicle Regulations from “40 km/hr or less” to “50 km/hr or less”. This change would allow Neighbourhood Zero Emission Vehicles (NZEV’s) to operate on all 50 km/hr roads with no distinction as to whether the roads fell within incorporated municipalities or in rural areas. (The current wording of Section 24.06 (1)(a) states: “A person may operate a Neighbourhood Zero Emission Vehicle in an unorganized area of British Columbia on a highway or class of highway that has a speed limit of 40 km/hr or less”.)
Motion: Muggs Sigurgeirson/Jackie Schoffner. “That we defer this motion to a future meeting.” CARRIED.
Zero Emission Vehicle Motion HIRRA Oct 10th
Adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 14, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 19 members.
New members registered: Colin Klone; Dave Hamm.
A Community Information Session included the announcement of a benefit at New Years and the BC Ferry Corporation’s open house session to discuss future service and possible fare changes. The recreation Committee will apply for a direct access grant from the provincial government. A Christmas event at Ringside Market was announced.
A quorum was declared and the business meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M.
Minutes: The administrator read the minutes of the October meeting. The minutes were approved by general consent.
Lynn Nunley called attention to HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.
Budget Presentations (all budgets were available as handouts)
Fire protection Services/1st Responders
Fire Chief Giff LaRose reviewed the Fire Protection 2013 budget for operations and equipment upgrades, detailing expenditures of $220,285.00 for the 2013 fiscal year. Training budget increases are necessary to meet provincial standards. A question was asked re the wages for fire chiefs. It was reported that the CVRD is working toward standardization of reimbursement. There was general discussion.
M/S/C Lu Ackerson/Rob McCreary, “That the 2013 budget be approved as presented. Carried.
Core Services: Janet LeBlancq presented the 2013 Core Services budget, detailing expenditures expected to be $53,753. The method of calculation of core services was also explained and a spreadsheet was available.
M/S/C Carol Quin/Paul Clemens “That the 2013 Core Services Budget be approved as presented.” Carried.
Recycling Program: Manager Stani Veselinovic presented the Recycling budget plan noting the 2.5% wage increase and additional costs of providing benefits to a qualifying staff member. The reduction in tipping fees paid to CVRD was due to less garbage probably due to bin monitoring and less construction activity last year. Next season there will be recycling outreach personnel at the farmer’s market collecting recyclables and garbage and distributing brochures.
M/S/C Donna DuPlessis/Eva Wetzel “That the recycling budget plan detailing 2013 expenditures totalling $212,848.00 be accepted as presented.” Carried.
Community Hall: The budget plan was presented by Judith Lawrence. Question asked if the hall committee plans to buy a generator. This will be referred to committee for deliberation. Judith noted that the hall does not do active fund raising as this would be in competition with non tax funded community organizations and initiatives. There was a question as to how the unused funding collected through taxation, is managed by the CVRD.
M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Muggs Sigeirsson, “That the community hall budget plan, detailing 2013 expenditures of $51,000 for operating costs and $50,000 for capital improvements be approved as presented.” Carried
Comfort Stations aka Privy Council: Janet LeBlancq presented the Comfort Station 5 year budget plan, detailing expenditures expected to be $11,920 in 2013.
M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Donna DuPlessis, “That the budget be approved as presented.” Carried.
Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy presented the 2013 budget detaining expenditures predicted to be $48,870 for maintenance and improvements to Mt. Geoffrey Regional Nature Park, the Crownland trail system and the four beach access parks at Grassy Point, Sandpiper Beach, Hidden Beach and Clamshell Park. There was a question about the fire patrol dollars that are allocated to the fire department for park fire patrols. The protocol for fire patrol personnel in summer months was reviewed. There was a question and answer session. Horse back riders want to be consulted on the rebuild of the logging railroad trail. This was referred to committee. Regarding beach access parks, there was a concern raised re the cutting down of trees/bushes located in the beach access by nearby residents for the view. This was referred to the committee for deliberation.
M/S/C Donna Tuele/Basil DuPlessis to accept the Regional Parks Budget as presented. Carried.
Invasive Plant Species
M/S/C Muggs Sigeirsson/Vikki Bale, “That we request $1500 from CVRD for invasive plant species control.” Carried.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, Vice President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 12, 2012 @ 7:30 PM
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present:Daniel Siegel, Vice President, Chair; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 30 members.
Absent with regret: Lynn Nunley, President.
Daniel Siegel called attention to HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.
Minutes: The minutes of the Nov. meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Financial Report: Following introductory remarks from Carol Quin, Janet LeBlancq reported income and expenses in general funds; the summary was available as a handout and is appended to these minutes. The fund raising efforts of the recycling committee toward paying for the composting toilet were noted with appreciation. Sponsoring CHFR radio and Georgia Strait Alliance was discussed. The executive was encouraged to have future discussions about allocating surplus reserve funds.
M/S/C Paul Clemens/ Rudy Rogalsky, “That we apply general funds to clear the balance owing for the composting toilet facility at the recycling depot”. One abstention.
M/S/C Tony Law/Eva Wetzel, “That HIRRA sponsor CHFR with a payment of $200.00”
M/S/C Judith Lawrence, Carole Chambers, “That HIRRA donate $500 to the Georgia Alliance in 2013.” One abstention.
Daniel Siegel offered heartfelt appreciation to all HIRRA volunteers. The executive was also thanked. There was applause.
Recycling Committee Report: Stani Veselinovic: Light bulbs will be collected at the depot in 2013. Other new programs were highlighted. Our depot may become a bottle return center; public input is requested. The Beach access clean up was successful and litter management continues. The future landfill ban for all compostables was mentioned. A new ring road construction will commence soon on the depot site. New depot gate and a product care building are planned; free store will be rebuilt next fall.
Electric vehicle initiative discussion: Gary Manzer gave information regarding the permitting of zero emission vehicles to operate on the whole of Hornby Island. He wishes to withdraw the October motion. He read a motion; the assembly proceeded to discussion in advance of entertaining the motion as agreed by general consent.
M/S/C, Gary Manzer/Jan Kennedy. “That a letter be sent to both TranBC and Islands Trust authorities expressing our desire to work with them towards the goal of permitting Neighborhood Zero Emission Vehicles to operate on the whole of Hornby Island.” There was discussion on the motion. The question was called. Voting by a show of hands indicated 14 in favor, 10 opposed and 3 abstentions.
Donna DuPlessis was thanked for making coffee and tea and baking cookies.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by general consent.
Daniel Siegel, Vice President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary