HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
February 13, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President (Chair); Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 27 members.
Daniel welcomed all and introduced HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.
Minutes of the December 2012 meeting were read and approved by general consent.
Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele received notice that they will receive a Direct Access Grant of $8000 in support of an expanding sailing program.
Fire Protection: The web site for the Fire hall Renewal is now up and running, Lu Ackerson reported. An information session about this web site will be given at the February 21st New Horizons luncheon.
Miscellaneous: Gary Manzer volunteered to form an ad hoc committee to further study transportation issues on the island and offer input on these to the Islands Trust. He invited those interested to contact him.
Executive Report: Daniel Siegel reporting.
- There was discussion on the next steps on the refusal of the installations of smart meters at the Community Hall. It was noted that the terms of the original motion do not support further action.
- Notice from BC Assessment re possible change to tax exemption for Savoie Centre was received.
- Tenancy agreements:
M/S/C: Donna Tuele/Barbara Baird, ”That we continue to waive the rent for the Community Kitchen operated by HIES.”
M/S/C: Fred Hunt/Vikki Bale, ”That we continue to charge per year for services to the HI Arts Council. - Letter from Dale DeVost re CHFR radio station was read. The policy on the reserve funds of HIRRA is currently under review. The executive will schedule a meeting with former treasurers to assist in crafting this policy. It is anticipated that a draft policy will be presented to the assembly by May this year.
CHFR Hornby Community Radio Station information update was given by Dale Devost and Scott Sweeney. They need to raise $5000 to increase wattage in order that all islanders can receive the signal. There was general discussion.
Denman Opposes Coal information update: Mike Nestor informed of the public process concerning opposition to the Raven proposal to establish coal mining on Vancouver Island. The web site www.ravenmineaction.ca is where public information is available. People are encouraged to comment. Mike suggested avenues for public input and timelines for same. There was discussion.
M/S/C Vikki Bale/Judith Lawrence, “That HIRRA go on public record as being opposed to the proposed underground coal mine project on Vancouver Island.”
Mike was thanked for his presentation.
Recycling Committee: Jan Kennedy gave an update on planning the new Free Store and the product care building. Committee is supporting 24 hour access to the new Free Store. There is a petition to sign in support of this that Jon Isfeld will present to the CVRD. $60,000 is available in CVRD coffers for the Free Store construction. This is approximately 50% of what the committee projects is needed. Design is being worked upon as well as the site of the new Free Store. Minutes of the design group are posted to www.hirra.ca. There is consideration being given to forming a sub committee to manage the free store building project. It is hoped that recycling staff will participate. Fund raising has been suggested by community members. Jan Kennedy noted that the Recycling Committee is committed to completing this project within budget. The number of worthy causes dependant upon and seeking islanders’ dollar contributions was acknowledged.
Community Hall report: Judith Lawrence. The floors have been refinished. The upper galley floors look great. Septic system replacement is being tendered. Janet LeBlancq reported that Able and Ready pumped the tank today and offered information regarding re-aerating the field to add life to the current field. This is referred to the hall committee for consideration.
Preparations for the March AGM Elections: There are a few positions remaining. A nominating committee was considered but deemed by the assembly to be unnecessary.
Recruiting volunteers to committee positions will be an undertaking shared by all.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
March 13, 2013 (AGM)
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Annual General Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: : Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 33 members.
Lynn welcomed all; the agenda and HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings were posted. Financial reports were available as handouts as was the Fire Chief’s report.
Minutes of the Feb. 13, 2013 meeting were read and approved by general consent.
Business Arising from the minutes: Daniel Siegel noted that the executive reviewed all motions on the issue of smart meters to reach its conclusion that HIRRA does not have a mandate to take further action on this issue.
President’s Report: Lynn Nunley The president opened her report by reading HIRRA’s Constitution. She continued, “Our HIRRA volunteer committees are Cemetery Stewards, Fall Fair, Fire Protection, Hall Management, Invasive Plant Control, Regional Parks, Privy Council, Recreation, Roadside Trails, Recycling and the Executive. Their reports will catch us up.
Last year we invited ISLA, HIES, HDCHCS, HICEEC, HIAC, Elder Housing, CHI, & HI Ferries to address our membership. The HIRRA meeting floor has provided a forum for community concerns. This year we had to put our heads together and share ideas about what to do, if we could, when we could. Please contact us, the executive, with ideas and concerns, before the executive meetings, so that we have time to plan before the next General meeting agenda is set. Thank you to all for your amazing hearts and minds, working together to Keep HIRRA healthy, wealthy and wise”. There was applause.
Treasurer’s Report: Carol Quin reporting. “The Hornby Island Ratepayers’ Association began 60 or so years ago to speak for the then small community of settlers, by lobbying various levels of government for such things as bringing electricity to the island, better road maintenance, school or health care improvements, ferry service, etc. At the same time, although rarely consulted, it continued to question both the value of the services that were provided, and the ‘mill rate’ or amount property taxes collected for those services by the three upper official levels of government: the federal, the provincial, and later, the regional district. As volunteers, working without delegation from a ‘higher’ government authorizing them to deliver their own local services, ratepayers’ associations all over, many still existing, became powerful lobbying voices for many communities large and small. Many however, feeling left out of the consultation process, became little more than a thorn-in-the-side of the provincial and regional governments and were generally ignored.
The various local volunteer ‘societies’, however, unable to officially provide even minor local services to their communities or to charge them for it through taxation as the municipalities could, continued to help their communities grow through their diligent volunteer work.
As an aside, becoming a municipality seems to be the only way a local community can officially provide its own local services, such as fire protection, waste management, managing public facilities, etc., through property taxes. Municipal status can be granted to an interested community which can meet certain requirements after review via extensive government-funded studies. The Province may then grant municipal status to the community, but only after much community consultation and a local referendum.
Over time however, our local ratepayers association, by now the H.I. Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association, and the Comox Valley Regional District, which provides both our local services and our ‘regional’ services, such as hospitals, libraries and recreational facilities, gradually found less confrontational ways to convince each other the best way to provide local services to the island, or not, and how much to tax them for it. They began to listen to each other, working together and gradually gaining needed trust and confidence. HIRRA, with its many committees of volunteers, gradually evolved into a greater and more advisory role, thus being better able assist the Regional District Board and staff, which in turn seemed to become more sensitive to a more Hornby way of doing things.
And over recent years, this situation has evolved, through respectful communication and consultation with HIRRA’s executive committee and administration staff, into a mutual long-term legal contract between HIRRA and the CVRD regarding decision making, budget development, use of local labor, terms of reference of both organizations regarding roles, accountability and transparency. HIRRA’s local service committees, the ones elected at each year’s AGM, now have a far greater role than they have ever had before, possibly making our home-made quasi ‘local government’ unique among other still existing ratepayers’ or residents’ associations.
Our budget year starts with the committees who, with help from both CVRD staff and HIRRA executive committee and staff, present their proposed local service budgets for the coming year to the HIRRA membership for adoption and recommendation to the Regional District staff and Board for their review and adoption. The necessary taxes are then requisitioned from the users of the various services by the Regional District though property taxes, which are then distributed by the RD to HIRRA, to administer the funds. The financial statements are then audited annually by an outside auditing firm.
To everyone’s credit, our attempts to manage our own local affairs has become a huge but rewarding job, allowing for more local decision-making, community consultation and greater local employment, but it still requires much effort from many, many local volunteers, whom we thank greatly and rely on immensely to continue building our “unique way of governing ourselves”.
Janet LeBlancq reviewed the Presley and Partner’s financial report with background information provided by Basil DuPlessis. A financial summary indicating HIRRA’s specific tax funded and non tax funded services was provided. Copies of the auditor’s report and the HIRRA financial summary were available as handouts.
M/S/C Carol Quin/Donna DuPlessis, “That the auditor’s report and financial summary be approved as presented.” There was applause.
M/S/C Carol Quin/Stani Veselinovic, “That Presley & Partners be retained to do a review engagement for 2013.”
Recycling Program: Stani Veselinovic, manager, reported.
“2012 has been a busy year for the recycling depot. Last spring we had a design committee comprising of staff, committee members, “free store” volunteers and management. The design group came up with the idea of a ring road around the waste bins to alleviate the traffic congestion in the summer. This concept was approved by the CVRD and work on the Ring Road was completed this winter by Dig Doug and the recycling depot’s Scott Hardy. We’re excited to see how it will work this summer with the additional traffic at the depot. The design group has been meeting this spring to come up with a solution for our “Free Store” which needs to be rebuilt.
We shipped 16 40 yard bins of recycling to the recycler and we shipped 23 40 yard bins of household garbage to the landfill. As well 9 40 yard bins of construction waste, 8 40 yard bins of clean wood waste and 6 40 yard bins of dirty wood waste were send to the landfill. We send 7 40 yard bins of scrap metal to the metal recycler. We shipped approximately 90,000 beverage containers and close to 100 skids of computers and electronics to the Encorp stewardship program; 10 skids of household batteries to the Call2Recycle stewardship program and 100 car batteries to the recycler. We shipped 340 gallons of latex paint, 88 gallons of oil paint, 73 gallons of stain and 97 cans of spray paint to the paint steward ship program. 500 tires where shipped to the tire steward ship program. In addition we shipped approximately 100 bags of overstock clothing from the “Free Store” to the Salvation Army.
British Columbia will receive new legislation in 2014 addressing all packaging and printed paper. A new steward ship organization has been established called “Multi Material BC” which will be distributing funds collected from the producers to pay for the collection and recycling of these products. The Hornby Recycling Depot had been invited to take part in discussions on how this new “Stewardship Plan” will work throughout the past year and we hope this new legislation will enable us to recycle more products and receive funding from the “Multi Materials BC” stewardship program.
The Hornby Island Recycling Depot has worked hard to become a member of the Light Recycle steward ship plan and since the first of March 2013 we have been able to accept all kinds of light bulbs. We now accept light bulbs, paint in its original sealed containers and batteries every Friday.
The CVRD has in its plans to construct a “Product Care” building on the recycling depot grounds this summer which will enable us to collect household hazardous waste materials covered by the “Product Care” stewardship programs.
Last year we introduced a Bin Guide position at the recycling depot to guide patrons as to where to place their waste. This has proved to be extremely successful in diverting waste from the bins we send to the land fill.
If the Hornby Island Recycling Depot will be hiring a Beach Access Clean Up Crew again this summer will depend on budget approval from the CVRD.
We are also planning to have an outreach person at the Farmers Market this year to engage the visitors of the market and educate them in the Hornby Island way of waste diversion. As well they will be collecting garbage and recycling from the markets visitors. We hope that this will encourage recycling and waste diversion and be of assistance to the market vendors.
In light of the CVRD’s proposed ban of organics from the waste stream by 2015 the Recycling Depot and its committee have had a community outreach program inviting commercial enterprises for discussion and to gather input from stakeholders so we can prepare for 2015. Organics make up 30% of the waste we send to landfills. The recycling committee also organized a public composting presentation at New Horizons and at the Hornby Island Community School this spring. The Recycling also has composters and food digesters available for sale at the depot. If you need one get them soon as we regularly run out of them by the summer. We still have some “Sky Rocket” available for sale at the depot and are now selling it for $5.00 per garbage bag or garbage can.
The CVRD has planned to install solid steel barricades in front of the dumpster bins to prevent patrons from falling in, and start work on the “Product Care” building by the summer. In addition the CVRD has told us that they have future plans to fence the recycling depot grounds to protect themselves of any liability issues. The recycling committee feels strongly that the “Free Store” should stay open 24 hours, 7 days a week and we have posted a signup sheet in the “Free Store” for anyone to sign who feels the same. We would like to thank all the volunteers, who steadfastly look after the “Free Store”.
Finally we would like to thank John Howard who after many years is stepping down from the recycling committee and we will miss him. We would like to take this moment and thank him for all the years of faithful service to the recycling program”.
There was applause.
Recreation: Donna Tuele reported. “Hornby Recreation had a great year; I would like to say a special thank you to the committee, Gord Campbell, Meghan Nordmann, Tim Chapman and Judi Stransman. Meghan is stepping down this year and we would like to acknowledge her for her wonderful contribution. Bonita Wexler has served the community amazingly as our coordinator. We value her hard work, enthusiasm and her ability to take an idea and run with it.
- Our 2012 recreation events included:
- Full Moon Walks every month ranging from 5-15 participants.
- Horne lake Caves adventure: 18 kids & adults;
- Skate & swim: 25 kids & adults;
- Ski & board trip up Mt. Washington had a record turn out: 58 people!
- Summer: Pilates at the school was well received by 13 people, how wonderful to pay attention to our feet.
- Swimming – 42 kids using Bertie Stonehouse’s pool, a very special thank you to Bertie & George Stonehouse for so generously donating the use of the pool. Soccer- 17 kids.. more kids this year due to all the grand kids visiting.
- Eagle Awareness Nature camp- 11 kids enjoyed a revised program.
- Hula workshop- 7 kids.
- Artistic movement/gymnastics- 15 kids.
- Circus- Another fabulous summer of circus with 31 kids & a great circus show at the end.
- Zumba Dance Fitness- 12 adults.
- Dance Camp- we had new this year a week long dance camp for both kids & adults from ballet, hip hop, jazz/modern and gypsy.
- Sailing, 2 white sail weeks- 16 kids, opti sail- 16 kids, learn to race- 8 kids for a total of 40 sailors. We are expanding our fleet of optimist beginner type sailboats. In addition, we had
- Beach Day with sand competitions 23 different teams,
- Pole walking Demonstrations, The Terry Fox Run, Games at the Fall Fair, Bike rides & Checkups, a Treasure hunt, Reindeer Walk, Tennis lessons for the kids and Move for Health Day.
2012 recreation tax grants to the community were as follows:
- HI Educational Society $7,500 (Gym Users $2,500); After School Programs $2,500, Teen Night $2,500)
- HI Tennis Association: Youth instruction $1,000.”
There was applause.
Mount Geoffrey and Regional Parks: Betty Kennedy reported.
“In November of 2012 the budget for maintenance of the Parks was presented and approved at the HIRRA meeting. This was sent on to the CVRD for approval which will take place this month. We have sent on a new cover photo for the brochure along with a few changes that the CVRD requested. This will be ready for printing soon. At Grassy Point Park a new parking area has been established and the grass area has had a cedar rail fence placed to keep vehicles off. Access for a wheelchair has been left at the top entrance. On the east side large rocks have been placed to mark that boundary. A small sign will be placed this spring. The invasive plant at Hidden Beach Park has mostly been removed.
Thank you to whomever it is that has done some lovely planting in front of the water tank! All of the bridges in the parks and crown land have been covered with wire mesh to make them safer when it is wet. The trails have been cleared of blow downs and debris. The grass at Sandpiper Park was kept cut and will start again soon. A lower bridge access will be built this spring. There was no work done at Clamshell beach. The CVRD will send out a letter to each of the contiguous and surrounding neighbors to inquire about suggestions of what is needed there and the parks committee will follow up with an on site meeting later in the spring”. There was applause.
Privy Council: AKA Outhouse Committee or Comfort stations: Allan Beattie thanked Colleen Work, the maintenance provider for many years. The question of a permanent privy at Sandpiper Beach and the siting of the privy at Grassy Point will be further discussed with neighbors and the Regional Parks committee.
Roadside Trails: Andrew Carmichael reported. “The committee’s role is to act as custodian of the money we have on account and the stock of surfacing material we have on hand. There is no new trail construction planned. Annual maintenance consists of brush cutting on sections of trail, which happen to be near the Coop Corner, clearing fallen trees and reinforcing wet patches with surfacing material (gravel)”. There was applause.
Community Hall: Judith Lawrence spoke of some of the events hosted in the Community Hall: Art shows, dances, gym sessions, meetings, wedding, concerts, memorials, auctions to name a few. The Hall’s wood floor surfaces were redone in 2012. Thanks to Michael Hills, a “meticulous craftsman”. The committee is proceeding toward upgrading the septic system. Judith offered thanks to Shakti who filled in for Colleen, Glenn Ford for maintenance and Una Keziere for curtain repairs. Thanks to Paul and Roy and Janey who served on the hall committee. Judith stated, “It is a privilege to look after this hall which has been here for over 80 years in one form or another”. There was brief discussion about whether the hall committee could apply for a club license. Further discussion was invited. There was applause.
Fire Department: Giff LaRose Fire Chief highlighted a comprehensive report. He noted that fire fighter recruitment and training are top priorities. He commented on the water tank beautifications. There was a Q & A period. There has been a revision in the name from Hornby Island Volunteer Fire Department (HIVFD) to Hornby Island Fire Rescue (HIFR). Giff explained the rationale behind this revision. It was suggested that the consultation process for water tank art be broadened to include all islanders.
Giff read the roster of officers. There was applause. (report is appended)
M/S/C: Lu Ackerson/Paul Clemens, “That HIRRA approves the appointment of Giff LaRose as Fire Chief.”
Cemetery Stewards: Eva Wetzel reported.
“The Cemetery Committee’s responsibilities include looking after the affairs and care of the Hornby Island cemeteries and administering burial sites at the current cemetery. The committee sets policies and works to maintain and improve the cemetery grounds. We had five interment of ashes and three full body burials this past year.
Projects completed: Installed one laminated poster that explains the history of Hornby Island cemeteries. The cost of this was shared by Hornby Archives. Thank you to Stevi Kittleson who created the graphic design for the board, Margaret Sinclair who wrote the text, Carole Chambers who wrote a poem, and Bill Cannon who mounted the poster board.
Projects in progress: Bill Cannon has provided a map of the cemetery with a permanent numbering system. We have started to install small cement markers for the grave sites so we can readily show who is buried where, as well as vacant spots. Site care including cleanup of leaves, broom control and planning for lawn mowing.
We will create a new walk-in entry where the old road used to be. We will display a map over who is buried where on the grounds.
There is a need for a new cemetery. The HIRRA executive has agreed to be involved in future expansion plans. Special thanks to Eban Walmsley and Craig McGillivray for their careful work when digging graves.
Fall Fair: Carole Chambers reported that the Olsen family has informed her that the Hornby Festival and Fall Fair are welcomed to be on Olsen’s Farm indefinitely. Acknowledgement of this good news will be sent from HIRRA. Sept. 15 is the date of this year’s fair. The “apple” is the theme. There was sustained applause.
The committee annual reports were approved by general consent.
Lynn Nunley stepped down from the chair and the assembly proceeded with the election of executive and committee members.
Download HIRRA Election results 2013
Elections: Daniel Siegel assumed the chair for elections.
President: Lynn Nunley nominated by general consent. Elected by acclamation.
Treasurer: Carol Quin nominated by general consent. Elected by acclamation.
All committee volunteers were elected by acclamation:
- Jan Kennedy
- Kathi Sauve
- Ilze Raudzins
- Barbara Baird
- Alsoon Brine
- Donna Tuele
- Gord Campbell
- Tim Chapman
- Judi Stransman
- Eban Walmsley
Regional Parks
- Betty Kennedy
- Tyler Manson
- Gerhard Kozel
- Brian Kittleson
- Sasha LeBaron
Privy Council
- Allan Beattie
- Gill Beattie
- Andrew Carmichael
- Dan Johnson
- Butch Leslie
- Lindsay Allen
- Daniel Siegel (May/13)
Ferry Advisory
- Rob McCreary
Hall Management
- Judith Lawrence
- Paul Clemens
- Roy Slack
- Scott Sweeney
- Janey Bennett
Fire Protection
- Jim Garton
- Lu Ackerson
- Brian Amos
- Kevin Woods
- Garth Millan
Cemetary Stewards
- Eva Wetzel
- Gemma Colin
- Margaret Sinclair
- Margaret Pethick
- Larry Smith
- Bill Cannon
- Tina Wai
Fall Fair
- Carole Chambers
- Alsoon Brine
- Gemma Colin
- Florette MacLean
- Glen Hadden
- Linda Manzer
- Gary Manzer
Invasive Plant Control
- Ann Zielinski
- Ilze Raudzins
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
April 10, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 31 members.
Minutes: The minutes of the March 13th Annual General meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley reporting: Advertising for septic system install is in progress; Easter Egg hunt was fun for approximately 50 children on a beautiful Easter Sunday! Have begun a policy review, a process we undertake every 5 years or so. Reminder that the May meeting will be on the 15th, a week later than normal to accommodate the blues Festival.
Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy Revisions for approval:
M/S/C: Carol Quin/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the HIRRA travel expense policy wording be revised to state “car pooling is encouraged” and that the mileage rate of .53 cents/km be approved.”
- Thank you from Georgia Strait Alliance for recent donations was read.
- Letter regarding future community use of the current fire hall was read. It was agreed by general consent that the Administrator and Fire Chief continue to consult with the CVRD to work toward reuse of this resource.
- Letter from the Government of Canada granted HIRRA $5000 for equipment purchases for Seniors’ programs as requested by the recreation committee.
- Letter from Tony Law and MADD re citizen reporting of drunk drivers. The MADD group letter asked to post signage on Hornby indicating a 911 call should be made to report an impaired driver. There followed discussion. A show of hand vote indicated the assembly did not deem this an appropriate deterrent on Hornby primarily due to the fact that we do not have 911 police response for most of the year.
Revised Recycling Budget 5 year plan presented by Stani Veselinovic, Manager: The following was published in the April 4/13 Island Grapevine:
“The HIRRA assembly approved the recycling budget at the November, 2012 meeting. That budget contained a miscalculation of revenues needed to support the expenditure plan, resulting in a lower than required CVRD funding request. The CVRD is recommending approval of the corrected budget, contingent upon HIRRA approval.”
Copies of the revised budget, indicating a CVRD revenue request of $158,863 in 2013 and a 5 year budget plan with increases generally at 1.5% per year were available as handout.
M/S/C: Tony Quin/Kathi Sauve, “That the revised Recycling budget plan be approved as presented.”
Recycling Program Mission Statement: Jan Kennedy read the following Mission statement developed by the committee, manager and administrator. This is posted to HIRRA’s web site.
Vision Statement – why are we here?, what is our future?
Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment.
The Hornby Island Recycling Program exists to responsibly collect and divert waste while promoting the concept of zero waste.
Mission Statement – how do we get there? what do we do?
The Mission of the Hornby Island Recycling Program is:
- To transfer “absolute” garbage and recyclables to the appropriate off-island facilities until our goal of zero waste is achieved.
- To maintain and operate a waste diversion and recycling facility, including a “Free Store”, for the benefit of island residents, visitors, local businesses and the environment.
- To manage the diversion, recycling and reuse of the island’s waste in a way that is consistent with, or superior to, applicable government regulations, including environmental, health and safety.
- To operate the Hornby Island Recycling Depot in a fiscally responsible manner where cost effectiveness is based on a full accounting of costs and benefits, both monetary and non-monetary.
- To ensure ongoing public consultation and communication among all residents and business operators, members of Hornby Island Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association and the Comox Valley Regional District.
- To promote community education and support for continued waste reduction, reuse and recycling toward the goal of zero waste.
- To measure progress toward the goal of zero waste, and revise practices accordingly.
M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Ruth Fortune, “That the mission statement for Hornby Island’s recycling program be approved as read.”
Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele reported, citing pickle ball, ping pong and Frisbee golf as activities for seniors; a large field area is needed for Frisbee golf. Ideas welcome. Scheduled events were listed. 32 participants enjoyed the last full moon walk!
Effective signage to advertise recreation events was discussed. The possibility of establishing a capital fund with surplus recreation revenues will be discussed with the CVRD director of finance.
BC Ferries Update: Donna reported that the cable ferry is scheduled to be installed on the Denman/Buckley Bay run in 2014. BC Ferries is assessing the use of the experience card by non residents especially on ferry routes that are operating at a loss.
It was noted that non-scheduled ferry runs will be permitted during power outages when requested by BC Hydro.
Mt. Geoffrey & Beach Access Regional Parks Committee: Betty Kennedy reporting.
Grassy Point: A cedar rail fence has been installed to replace the rotting logs and cable barriers. A private area has been selected for the summer privy location.Clamshell Beach: A neighbour consultation meeting will be scheduled for May or June. Plans for stewardship include some undergrowth brush thinning.
Hidden Beach: Working on the drainage ditch and invasive plant control.
Sandpiper Beach: The first mowing has been done. The nettle patch is being preserved. Dangerous trees are monitored and will be removed if necessary from the wooded area. An on site meeting is scheduled for April 16th at 1 PM to discuss: trails, bridges. The issue of access to privies was discussed. Composting solar toilets have been developed. A year round portable privy is an option. There will be ongoing public discussion on the topic of public privies involving the CVRD and all of us.
The five acre public park at Tralee Point is not on the regional park committee’s agenda. If people are interested in improvements to this area, contact the CVRD.
Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation update
Darren Bond, Board Chairman and Daniel Siegel, former chair and retiring HIRRA appointee spoke. A point summary of their comments follows:
- Community consultation is a priority of the board.
- Advice has bee to “think smaller”.
- Seeking projects that support the community.
- Stable $40,000 tax funded annual revenue.
- There is a substantial reserve fund held by the CVRD of $90,000.
- With current tax assessments, the reserve potentially increases by $22,000 per year.
- The HICEEC AGM will ask the membership for direction; HICEEC’s vision needs to be restated.
- HICEEC actively supports CAST…Community Action Solutions Together, which brings all the non profit societies and associations together twice yearly for general discussions and a catered luncheon.
- HICEEC is seeking to provide more opportunities for non profits to access grants.
- Exploring micro lending to entrepreneurs.
- Financial literacy is a perceived need.
- Realhornby.com is exploring how to optimize accessibility through smart phones.
- Exploring year round economic activity opportunities on the island.
- Promotes a buy local campaign.
- Interested in a review of the community vision developed in 2006. Community Input will be sought. Plan is to create an addendum to this original vision document.
- Active support of farm equipment purchases by the GPA and wash house equipment for the Joe King laundrette.
- Supports arts endeavors.
- Everyone was encouraged to attend the HICEEC AGM.
HICEEC was invited to utilize the HIRRA forum opportunities to report to the public.
Darren and Daniel were thanked for their presentation.Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by unanimous consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
May 15, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin,Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 25 members. Absent: Daniel Siegel.
Lynn Nunley introduced the executive and HIRRA’s etiquette of meetings.
Minutes of the April meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report:
- We are seeking a volunteer to stand for appointment to the HICEEC board.
- Discussions on reserve fund policies have begun and will continue with a report to the assembly anticipated to be in the next couple of months.
- VIHA has informed us that the water quality of the Sollans Road public pump has tested negative for several extra tests conducted by HIRRA and VIHA. The boil advisory will remain posted; a cap will be constructed for the top of the hand pump, and an emergency response plan developed. The VIHA records will be revised to indicate the potability of this water source. It may be that a boil advisory will have to remain because the hand pump can never be a closed system.
- We will be seeking building inspection quotes on the community hall and the Savoie Building, a prerequisite to assist in financial planning.
- Funding letters from CVRD for 2013 services of Fire Protection, Community Hall operations, Refuse disposal, Comfort Stations and the Recreation Grant were read.
- Letter from Gerald Hodge re forming a seniors committee and HIRRA. There followed discussion. The executive will confer on this and report back to the assembly.
Committee Reports:
- Community Hall: Judith Lawrence reported that the annual booking meetings will be held in March each year commencing in 2014. There will be a booking meeting in September/13 as previously scheduled. There are a lot of rent subsidies requested and granted. May 22/13 will be the deadline for receipt of the quotes/proposals for the new septic system.
- Recreation: Upcoming events were announced. Summer rec programs will be published next week. Need a sailing instructor. Donna explained that the recreation committee was offered a 50% portion of the 2013 community quilt raffle.
M/S/C Donna Tuele/Fred Hunt, “That the recreation committee’s request to participate in the 2013 community quilt fund raising effort be approved.” The 2013 budget was available as a handout. Grants to local recreation groups will be presented at the next meeting for approval. A capital reserve fund comprised of fund raising proceeds is being developed. There followed discussion regarding what capital projects may be considered in the future.
M/S/C Donna/Tim Biggins, “That the 2013 recreation budget detailing expenditures of $47,500 be approved as presented.” - Cemetery Committee: Eva Wetzel: A new information board has been erected on the side of the garden shed; it has received good reviews. Space available Numbers: 131 full body interment plots, 54 of which are currently occupied. There are 75 ash plots spots, 17 of which are occupied. A challenge is varying geological make up hindering the ability to dig deep and there is no way to determine this ahead of time. Eva estimates that there are 25 sites for full body interments. Then, from a cultural point of view, what is the need for plots? Emphasis is on green burials. The ground up hill from the present cemetery is not suitable for full body interments. There followed general conversation on the topic of cemetery space.
- Fire Protection Services: Giff LaRose reported that a new recruit has started. There was a fire training for staff at the C0-0p. Fire hall planning process is slowly proceeding. An ad has gone out for a pre construction coordinator to give information to the community and to get input re the design. The web site hifd.org has a direct link to the CVRD’s fire hall planning web site. The CVRD did not approve the $5000 increase in the fire chief’s 2013 salary; there are discussions ongoing between the fire chief and the CVRD.
Giff anticipates open burning bans soon, but the province has not yet issued the order.Fire patrol begins this weekend as does the attendance on island by the RCMP. A community meeting was held with the RCMP to discuss summer policing.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
June 12, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary;
Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 35 members.
Lynn Nunley called the meeting to order, welcoming all. She introduced the executive and HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of meetings.
Minutes of the April meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report:
- Rudy Rogalsky was declared an appointee to HICEEC board by general consent and applause.
- The septic system proposals for installation at the Community Hall are under review by a selection panel; it is hoped that a decision will be reached by the end of June. The panel is working with the CVRD in this process.
- Gerald Hodge’s request to establish a committee of HIRRA to address seniors’ issues. Daniel Siegel noted that a HIRRA committee on seniors’ issues does not fall within the HIRRA purview; also many of the members of HIRRA are seniors. There will be more conversations with Gerald Hodge as he feels there is still more to talk about. The history of the Community Vision was reviewed. There are community discussions planned over the summer toward a review and revision of this document, which addresses seniors’ issues. New Horizons, Elder Housing and the Hornby Denman Community Health Care Society were named as advocacy organizations for seniors.
Mount Geoffrey Regional and Beach Access Parks Committee:
Betty Kennedy read from a written report, reproduced in its entirety:
“The committee met on site at the Sandpiper Park with many people who live nearby. Concerns were expressed about the maintenance of the trail and the grass cutting as well as hazard trees in the wooded area.
Just last week the committee toured several of the parks with Brian Allaert and Michael Nihls from the CVRD.
Clamshell Park
A few neighbors joined the committee along with Janet, Yana, and Brian and Michael. The boundary lines were found and there was discussion about creating a small parking area to free up the kayak launching access. A summer meeting of more neighbors will be arranged.
Sandpiper Park
Michael and Brian were very impressed with the openness of the park remarking that that is a very unique feature. They requested that the current style of grass cutting be continued, that a small foot bridge be constructed to cross the ditch to connect with the lower part of the beach access trail and that the mid wet trail be completely blocked off as was requested by the risk management assessor. They will provide a new sign to replace the spray painted one. They would like to see the wild roses protected.
Mt. Geoffrey Park, the ‘Back 40’
We all walked the area and viewed the erosion and the new water course that has been carved by the winter run off. We are in communication with The Land Conservancy (TLC) through Tony Quin, regarding the covenant. We discussed reviewing the Master Plan when the Mt. Geoffrey Escarpment Plan is reviewed.
Grassy Point Park
Brian and Michael were very impressed with the cedar rail fence and the improved parking area. The grass has grown up along the cedar fence and it looks as though it has always been there. CVRD will provide a small sign to mark the boundary on the east side. I will be meeting with Allan Beattie of the Privy Council to relocate the privy prior to the end of June.
Tralee Point
The group toured Tralee Point Beach Access. We will locate the boundary pin markers and do a GPS survey of the present trails. We will continue communication with the CVRD.
There have been many sightings of motor cycles in Mt. Geoffrey Park and the Crown land as well as on the bench trail in the Escarpment Park. The CVRD will provide signs to indicate that motor vehicles of any kind are not allowed in the Park.”
There were questions about mowing practices in Sandpiper Park and the planned construction of a cross creek bridge. The history of the CVRD taking over management of the beach access parks was reviewed by Carol Quin. It was explained that some park improvements are necessitated by the CVRD’s risk management process. It was suggested that a mulching mower be used rather than bagging the grass. Several neighborhood residents expressed concerns that suggestions they made to leave certain areas unmowed had not been acted on. There was a difference of opinion on the nature of the meeting which had taken place between the parks committee and the neighbors, particularly as to whether the meeting had been a decision making meeting or simply advisory. This led to further discussion as to what entity actually decides on the nature of the park, whether that is the regional district or the local community. The example of the Grassy Point gate was raised, where community members petitioned the district which then agreed to allow the decision to be made locally and the suggestion was made to try a similar approach in this case as well.
Farmer’s Market: Jeannette Freestad, the coordinator of the market was unable to attend. Her written report was read by Rob McCreary. This season will experience a full market, three overflow spots were chosen; there are four vendors on the waiting list. The process of decision making was explained. The vendors vote by ballot on issues that affect their interactions. 84 vendors regularly sell at the market. VIHA is working with the vendors regarding the health regulations. One requirement is on site availability of hot and cold running water for hand washing. How to address this a challenge. The market group offered thanks to HIRRA for providing the site for the market and for the portable privy.
Public Forum: Islanders’ Secure Land Association President Michael McNamara addressed the assembly about the development of affordable housing. This topic was discussed at the CAST meeting in May. One idea that came up was the possibility of doing community housing on the public use zoned land in the center of the island. Michael wants to start a conversation in the community using HIRRA as a forum to discuss community housing in the island center. HIRRA has some leased land where this could occur. The original plan for a portion of the leased 10 acres was as a site for a new community hall. It was suggested that Elder Housing land could accommodate affordable housing; using the old fire hall for housing has also been mentioned.
Other possible sites in the island center were identified. Michael invited all to attend the ISLA AGM on June 23/13 at 2 P.M. Michael noted that the ISLA land at 5040 Central Road has an excellent well and a good septic site.
Fall Fair Committee: Carole Chambers reported that the theme of this year’s fall fair is “garden guests and pests”. Olsen family have offered the farm for the fair and, in the event that it does sell the farm in the future, they will urge the new farm owners to continue hosting the fair. September 15 is the date of the fair. The Fall Fair committee has funds raised from previous years, more than sufficient to operate this year’s event.
M/S/C Carole Chambers/TonyQuin, “That HIRRA approve a donation of $1000 to the Olsen Family holding company in thanks for their generosity.”
RCMP services for the summer: It was reported that the RCMP will overnight on Hornby only from Fri – Mon and Fri – Tues for long weekends. It was further reported that the mounties are using water transport more often and that there is a travel time of under one hour in responding to a Hornby callout. There was no further direction from the assembly on this issue.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. by general consent. Next Meeting date is July 10th
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
July 10, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer; Rob McCreary, Secretary;
Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 23 members.
Lynn Nunley called the meeting to order, welcoming all. She introduced the executive and HIRRA’s Guide to the Etiquette of meetings. New member registered: Meg Savory.
Minutes of the June meeting were read. It was noted that Michael McNamara is the treasurer of ISLA. The minutes were approved as amended by general consent.
Community Announcements: Provision of water to the farmer’s market food vendors is a conversation that many wish to have in the fall. Water Stewardship may facilitate this; HIRRA was encouraged to participate.
Sandpiper Beach Park Maintenance and neighbor’s concerns: Daniel met with neighbors and committee members and it was decided that there will be no bridge across the creek; there will be no mowing around the apple tree; the grass will also be allowed to form a natural barrier to the mid field rough trail down to the beach.
Islands Trust: Alex Allen reported on the learning curve that he has experienced, the many meetings and the volumes of information to digest. Recent trust council meeting was hosted by Mayne Island. The Council had a presentation by Kinder Morgan. Carbon offsets as an initiative in environmental protection were discussed. Tony Law reported he noted that housing is a big issue throughout the Trust Area. The Community Plan addresses housing challenges; everyone was encouraged to participate in the revision of the plan. He is expecting a rezoning application from ISLA in the near future. Met recently with the Emcon personnel and discussed solutions for traffic/parking/road roughness challenges. Met with the CVRD and discussed overlapping issues. Marine issues as they will be affected by Kinder Morgan pipeline proposals are being discussed by the Trust. Ways of opting out of Smart Meters are being explored. The ferry fare conundrum is a concern of the Trust. The lowering of speed limits to accommodate Neighborhood Electric Vehicles is not being supported by the Trust.
Recreation Committee: Donna Tuele gave information on the many summer activities currently underway on the island. Complete information is available on the Real Hornby web site, on Facebook, as well as the locally published Tribune and First Edition. 50% of the quilt raffle revenue will be allocated to the recreation committee. The setting aside of a reserve fund for future recreation capital projects is being discussed. Negotiating with the Community Fund about reserve funds being allocated and managed by the community fund. A power boat is being offered to HIRRA . It needs a trailer and HIRRA would hold the insurance for the boat and trailer. Further information and discussion to be referred to the executive.
M/S/C Donna Tuele/Sharon Rogalsky, “That HIRRA approves the allocation of recreation grant funds for 2013 as follows: HI Athletic Association: $800; HI Tennis Association Children’s lessons: $700; HI Education Society: $2500 after school gym use; $2500 for the after school program for kids and $2500 for teen night. Carried.
Recycling Program: Stani Veselinovic, Manager reporting:
We are open Thursdays – Sundays 9am – 1pm. We have started up the Beach Access program collecting waste from the beach access points and we have started our outreach program at the farmers market; providing a recycling solution to the venders and public as well handing out recycling brochures and selling some T-shirts as a fund raiser. Thanks to the Free Store volunteers who have done an outstanding job this spring in reviving the depot garden and our tire planters. Thanks also goes out to Scott Hardy who together with Dig Doug did an amazing job on the new ring road which is now open and hopefully will ease traffic congestion at the depot this summer. We would like to congratulate our employee Scott Sweeney and his partner Maggie May on the birth of their son “Tyrus – Jay” last week.
Free Store Upgrade
The recycling committee and the design committee together with the CVRD came to the decision that our aging Free Store can be upgraded to satisfy the CVRD’s insurance requirements; as opposed to being torn down and rebuilt. A structural engineer from the regional district has been at the depot to look at our Free Store and we are waiting on a drawing from the regional district that we can share with you.
Product Care Building
The regional district is moving forward with the construction of the Product Care building and the province wide prescribed bin wall upgrade. We were informed of this upgrade several years ago and the CVRD is hoping to complete the upgrade soon.
We have been informed by the CVRD that they are planning to fence the recycling depot in 2014 and that fencing would incorporate 24 hour access to the Free Store.
Vistors from Other Islands
Last month we had representatives visit us from Saltspring Island and Lopez Island in Washington to find out how we do what we do at the recycling depot. They were impressed by the high level of service we provide to our community.
New Packaging Legislation
In May 2014 the province’s Printed Paper and Packaging legislation will introduce a new way how the recycling of packaging and printed paper will be financed in this province. Currently most recycling programs in BC are tax based. With this new legislation the producer pays a fee per package to a central collection agency called Multi Materials BC. Multi Materials BC then distributes these fees to the recyclers and collectors of printed paper and packaging. In order to receive funding from Multi Materials BC the recycler or collector has to sign a contract with Multi Materials BC. In this contract it stipulates that Scavenging is forbidden. Contractor will not scavenge, or permit any person (including its employees) to scavenge any materials (including materials other than PPP that have been delivered by Customers to the Depot) at any time and at any location during Contractor’s performance of the Services or otherwise.
There was a question and answer period: It was noted that the Sky Rocket compost is not recommended for vegetable gardens. The question was asked, “Should more information be made available regarding the use of this human compost?”
Roadside Trails: Andrew Carmichael showed the map of roadside trails that have been built on the island. In a financial overview of the program since its inception, he noted that all funding was through grants and donations. Signage is an ongoing project. Andrew had signs available to view. Maintenance and upgrade are the main undertakings of the committee this year. Dan Johnson, Lindsay Allen, Butch Leslie and Andrew are the current committee members. Our system of road side trails have been used as a model for Denman, Saltspring and Pender Island residents who have toured and gathered information about our program. Andrew reported that funds are running out. New trails are considered when community members put in requests and HIRRA does a consultative process. Donna Tuele commented that the equestrian group may be interested in more riding trails.
Miscellaneous: Daniel Siegel informed the membership that there is a modest survey on community visioning that will be available through local media. This is being coordinated by members of HICEEC and Heron Rocks Friendship Society; HIRRA is invited to be involved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. by general consent.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
September 11, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President, Chair; Janet LeBlancq Administrator; Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 24 members. Absent: Rob McCreary, Secretary and Carol Quin, Treasurer. New member registered: Art Radtke
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:35p.m. by Daniel Siegel who introduced the executive and administrator and called attention to HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings. The agenda was approved by general consent with the addition of a discussion on community hall ladders as requested.
Minutes: The minutes of the July 13th meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Fall Fair is Sunday September 15, 2013 at Olsen’s Farm. Everyone encouraged to attend.
Executive Report: Daniel reported that the executive had two special meetings this summer with CVRD on the topics of changes in the administration of fire protection services.
2014 Core Services budget detailing expenses totaling $53,322 was presented by Janet LeBlancq.
M/S/C Donna DuPlessis/Fred Hunt, “That the Core Services budget be approved as presented.”
Fire Protection Services: Fire Chief Giff LaRose reported that the summer medical callouts were approximately the same number as last year. There were no callouts to assist the RCMP, as there have been in previous years. The pancake breakfast served 512 breakfasts and it was a lot of fun. $1900 was raised. Funds will be used for a thermal imaging camera. The retail cost of these cameras is approximately $9,000. The fire chief reported that he has found a demo camera for $4500. There was discussion about whether there will be another pancake breakfast next year. Denman Fire department provided a lot of equipment and advice. There was appreciation expressed by members for this event. The department has purchased a new truck to replace the 1995 duty officer vehicle; the old truck will be given to Fanny Bay Fire department. Fire Patrol personnel were challenged by rowdy uncooperative partiers on one occasion. The 24 hour on island presence of RCMP only on weekends was mentioned. HIRRA executive and Area A director, Islands Trustees and the Fire Chief will meet to discuss RCMP service.
Tor Nawrot, pre-construction coordinator, fire hall renewal project reported on the 8 community consultation meetings held over the summer. The majority of attendees were island residents with only 10% being non-resident property owners. Overall the message was to be cost conscious and benefit from other designs of fire halls already built. The second tanker to haul water and result in lower insurance costs is a separate program independent from the new fire hall. Tor reported that there was good support for the work of the volunteer fire fighters and it was suggested that they be involved in the design of the new fire hall. The full disclosure of costs was requested. The summary of the consultations will be published. The request for proposals is being revised after information received from the summer sessions. Then the plan is to hire an architect for design. There will be another round of public meetings. The question was asked why it is necessary to hire an architect. It was reported that there needs to be a professional architect to sign off on the new building design and specifications to comply with regulations.
Recycling Program Report: Stani Veselinovic, Recycling Manager reported on a busy summer. He then talked of changes to the recycling of printed paper and packaging planned by the provincial government. More products like polystyrene, paper coffee cups and lids will be recyclable. The revisions seem manageable with the scavenging language being revised. How many people want road improvements done to the depot access road? The CVRD suggest that $500,000 would be needed to upgrade the road. This would be a tax funded project. HIRRA is asked to participate in this public consultation. The CVRD engineer will not recommend the renovation of the current free store due to the inability to meet code requirements. The recycling committee will be discussing this with CVRD at a scheduled meeting. The Hazardous materials storage building is planned to be built this year. Several spoke against paving the access road to the depot. One person suggested that a permeable surface would be appropriate. There was discussion. This topic is referred to the recycling committee. The full recycling report is appended to these minutes.
See appendix for the full recycling manager’s report.
Community Hall Ladders: The hall ladders are rickety and should be replaced according to one concerned member. This was referred to the hall committee who will investigate.
Public Forum: How was your summer? Discussion. Main Points follow:
- Tribune Bay scene was generally family friendly and clean.
- Substantial progress has been made in changing the party mess scene at Big Trib.
- Concerned that reduced policing on the island would attract more party rowdies.
- Is there a way to deal with traffic/parking congestion adjacent to the beach accesses?
- There was discussion regarding the speed limits. Executive will discuss highways/parking etc. at the annual meeting with highways people.
- Increased seaplane traffic at Big Tribune is a safety and noise pollution concern.
- Many cyclists riding without helmets and on the wrong side of the road. Helmets should be encouraged, and stay on the proper side of the road, or on the roadside trails.
- Summer vacation slum rentals and over-crowding a concern to one member. Refer to Island Trust.
- Successful summer for the Co-op with low stress levels and very few yahoos to deal with. It was incredibly serene. Restricted the liquor sales on the August long weekend for the third year. Wanting input from the membership re the restricted liquor sales.
- August stats: ferry ridership was up just a bit from last year. YTD is up by 2.7%.
- Bicycle riders have the right to use the whole lane; helmets are mandatory.
- Bicycle issues to be added to the agenda of the executive/RCMP/Trustee/Area Director upcoming meeting.
- Hot sunny weather ….. Drought is a concern…is this climate change?
Adjourned: at 9 PM by general consent
Daniel Siegel, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
October 9, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Daniel Siegel, Vice President/Chair; Lynn Nunley, President; Carol Quin, Treasurer and Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 34 members. Absent: Rob McCreary, Secretary.
The chair welcomed all and called attention to the Etiquette of meetings. Diana King registered as a new member.
Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were approved as read by general consent.
M/S/C That the agenda be approved as advertised/posted.
Executive Report:
- There is an October meeting to be attended by executive members on the topic of police services to Hornby and Denman Islands.
- The executive is in the process of reviewing the HIRRA/CVRD Agreement for services as it has been revised by the CVRD to reflect the new administration model.
- The assembly is asked to consider revisions to HIRRA’s financial policy: Daniel read the current and revised policies and provided background to the revisions.
Current Policy:
Rental revenues from the RCMP are allocated to the general fund; Clinic rental revenues are allocated to the Clinic reserve fund. HIRRA shall seek to maintain as a general fund, an amount equal to 10% of the association’s total annual revenues for the latest year. To the extent that the general fund exceeds this, the balance shall be allocated to a capital reserve fund.
Revised Policy for discussion:
“The reserve fund sources are the RCMP land rental income, as well as those Savoie Building rental income funds that exceed a dedicated balance for Savoie building upgrades, the amount of this to be determined by the executive committee from time to time. HIRRA shall hold in reserve the amount of $50,000.00.”
Motion: Tim Biggins/Judith Lawrence, “That the Reserve Fund Policy be open to discussion.” The following points were raised.
- Should the reserve fund be used to pay HIRRA core services? This question, raised by the fire services committee, will be discussed in future meetings.
- More clarification needed in the policy language as to determining the Savoie building and property maintenance costs and the resulting reserve/surplus balances.
- Potential costs of the fall fair and the hope Kitchen: could these be financially assisted?
- More guidelines as to the management of surplus monies need to be articulated. It was noted that all reserve fund expenditures are presented to the full assembly for approval.
- The general fund budgets which include the RCMP revenue/expenditures and the Savoie Building revenue/expenditures are prepared and presented for approval annually, usually in January.
- The future of the RCMP detachment rental revenues are uncertain.
The executive committee, following further deliberations, will revise the policy language to include this input and will present to a future meeting.
Committee Reports:
Recreation: Donna reported that the quilt raised over $9000, to be shared equally by recreation and natural history. 235 kids participated in summer programs, with 62% being local residents. We now have 3 table tennis and 2 pickle ball sets. Bonita was thanked for doing a great job as coordinator with a hearty round of applause.
The recreation committee intends to apply for a Direct Access grant for ongoing programs.
M/S/C Donna Tuele/Barb Baird “That HIRRA approves the recreation committee applying for direct grant access grant funding for 2014.” Carried.
Fall Fair: In a comprehensive report, Gary Manzer summarized a successful fall fair, in spite of a drenching rain that caused an early closure. 80 competition categories of produce, livestock and other creations and 42 vendor and “not for profit“ booths were occupied. Gary reviewed the finances of this break even event. Thanks to the Olsen family was expressed earlier in the year by a donation of $1000. Where will the Fall Fair be held next year? There was discussion. The fall fair committee will be looking at possible locations and is encouraged to consult with the HIRRA membership on selection of the venue for next year’s Fall Fair. Some equipment purchases are needed; the fall fair funds currently stand at approximately $7000.00.
Public Forum: Many islanders are reporting rat sightings.
Questionnaire results…58 residents reporting.
38 have seen evidence of rats; 20 reported no evidence of rats.
Areas of island where rats have been reported:
Sandpiper/Seawright: 16 | Central Road: East:1 West: 4 |
Fords Cove: 2 | Shingle Spit: 2 |
Whaling Station/Anderson Drive: 2 | Slade Road: 2 |
Strachan Valley: 1 | Euston Road: 1 |
St. John’s Point Road: 1 | Roburn Road: 1 |
Lea Smith Road: 1 | Galleon Beach: 1 |
An email from Doug Allen, describing his concerns about rats was read.
Summary of Discussions:
Live trapping and drowning are being used by some. Trapping preferred rather than poison. Mary McKenzie read two stanzas of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, as requested by Carole Chambers. A “Death trap box” containing poison that is not dangerous to other animals and a strangulation trap were introduced. Efforts need to be coordinated. Rats are attracted by bird food, chicken food, uncovered compost heaps to name a few. Have we been too successful in controlling the feral cat population? Humane methods were encouraged.
Adjournment: at 9:10 P.M. by general consent.
Daniel Siegel, Chair
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
November 13, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Minutes of Regular Meeting, At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer;
Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator and 42 members.
Minutes: The minutes of the October meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report: Lynn Nunley offered a short presentation, a commentary on the ridiculous side of mayoralty issues currently playing out of Toronto. There was laughter.
Rats and Us: Daniel Siegel created a worksheet on rat management and circulated to all. There are copies at the Co-op. This work sheet is appended to these minutes. Doug Shaw addressed the assembly on rat control methods. The Co-op is not licensed to sell rat poisons that are toxic to other animals. There was general discussion. Several solutions were advanced. The question was asked can we give out traps? Toxic poisons are the last resort.
Ferry Advisory Committee Report: Rob McCreary reporting: The Oct 30th meeting was summarized. Issues: Denman boat launch relocation a concern as it will be affected by the cable ferry introduction. Main concern with Cable Ferry is the crewing level. Transport Canada and BC Ferries are consulting on this. FAC recommended four crew members especially in the summer. The loading of the full ferries without crew instruction could end up with less cars being able to fit. The future transportation need and size of ferries needed over the life span of the cable ferries was introduced by the FAC. BC Ferries has no intention of building the cable ferry larger to address this. Communications with stake holders was discussed. Specific Route Service consultations will be conducted. On Nov 27 from 5 to 8 PM there will be a community consultation on Hornby Island. The evening sailings may be targeted for cancellation to save money for the corporation. Everyone encouraged to attend. Nov 28 is the same consultation on Denman Island. Tony Law is retiring as chair of FAC but will continue on the FAC for another year.
Discussion. Denman Island Ratepayers Association has voted against the cable ferry. Pete Kimmerly believes the cable ferry is the wrong ferry for the Denman West/Buckley Bay run. It is too small to meet future needs. The cable ferry is not able to run in high winds according to Pete, who also reported there is much opposition to the cable ferry system.
M/S Pete Kimmerly/Judith Lawrence, “That HIRRA send a strongly worded letter to BC Ferries and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure expressing concerns about the lack of reliability and long term negative effects of the proposed cable ferry project.”
Carried with one opposed and one abstention.
M/S Pete Kimmerly/Judith Lawrence: “That HIRRA press the Ferry Advisory Committee to take a stand on the cable ferry issue”. There was discussion. Motion failed.
M/S Judith Lawrence/Carol Quin, “That HIRRA press the Ferry Advisory Committee to take a stand for or against the cable ferry issue”. There was discussion. Carried. 3 abstentions.
Budgets: available as handouts.
Recycling Budget, presented by Stani Veselinovic, detailed expenditures of $216,954 for 2014 and included a five year forecast.
M/S/C Barbara Baird/Donna DuPlessis, That the Recycling 5 year budget plan be approved as presented.”
Community Hall Budget, presented by Judith Lawrence, detailed expenditures of $51,000 in 2014 and included a five year forecast. The potential increased cost of Smart Meter refusal was raised. There was discussion.
M/S Stan Combs/Doug Chinnery, “That HIRRA not spend extra money to have the analog meters read.” Shannon Warwick is willing to assist in filing papers that may result in not incurring extra costs for retaining analog meters. It may be that the hall as a commercial building must have a smart meter. We have not received any notice from Hydro about extra costs in view of our refusal of smart meters. The question was called.
Motion Failed. 10 in favor; 18 opposed; 9 abstentions. It was noted that if extra charges are levied by B.C. Hydro for reading the analog meters at the Community Hall, the HIRRA assembly will be consulted for advice and consent.
M/S Judith Lawrence/Janey Bennett, “That the Community Hall budget be approved.”
Carried with one abstention.
Fire Protection/First Responders Budget, presented by Giff LaRose, detailed expenditures of $177,308 in 2014. The Fire Chief wages in 2014 will be paid directly by CVRD and therefore will not show on HIRRA’s budget. There was information given on the water tank program in response to a question.
M/S Basil DuPlessis/Doug Chinnery “That the Fire Department budget be approved as presented.” Carried with one abstention
Comfort Station Budget, presented by Janet LeBlancq, detailed 2014 expenditures of $11,890 and included a five year forecast.
M/S/C Carol Quin/Rudy Rogalsky, “That the Comfort Station Budget be approved as presented.”
Mount Geoffrey & Regional Parks: Janet LeBlancq presented the budget, detailing 2014 expenditures of $47,264; Brian Kittleson offered the following information: The Sandpiper mid field path to the beach will be signed as dangerous area; Tralee Park is a valuable community resource and Parks committee will be consulting with the community about use. Community consultations are planned. There was a request for Clamshell neighbors to be consulted further before parking area is constructed. This was noted.
M/S/C Brian Kittleson/Tony Law, “That the Regional Parks budget be approved as presented.”
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary
December 11, 2013
Hornby Island Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association
Minutes of Regular Meeting, 7:30pm At the Community Hall
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Carol Quin, Treasurer;
Rob McCreary, Secretary; Janet LeBlancq, Administrator, Basil DuPlessis, Bookkeeper and 25 members. New members registered: Kassie and Tom Ruth.
Lynn Nunley introduced the executive and HIRRA’s guide to the etiquette of meetings.
The posted agenda was approved by general consent.
Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were approved as read by general consent.
Executive Report:
- Carol Quin reported that Hornby and Denman Islands are exempt from participating in the tax based funding of a new curling rink in the Comox Valley. There has been concern expressed regarding the landing of Seaplanes at Big Tribune beach which is in the provincial park. Carol has done some research into this. An email response from B.C. Parks supervisor Derek Moore stated, in part, “I do not foresee them (the floatplane company in question) applying for a park use Permit nor do I foresee us (B.C. Parks) granting a permit for such an activity. Based on this, we should not see that company landing in Tribune Bay Provincial Park …in the future.” Carol recommends that HIRRA take no further action at this time; local residents will continue to monitor this very visible happening.
- There followed brief discussion about rat control.
General Funds Budget was presented by Janet LeBlancq and detailed expenditures and revenues forecast for 2014. A $716 expense item was noted to be in error. It should have been recorded as revenue. It was suggested that a five year budget plan for general funds revenues be developed. There were comments about the method of accounting of the amortization in the budget. The policy on reserve funding is under review.
M/S/C Stan Combs/Gary Manzer, “That the 2014 general funds budget be approved with correction as noted.” Carried by unanimous vote.
Recycling Program Report: Summarized by Jan Kennedy. The complete report is appended to these minutes. The committee has researched steel buildings including quotes. The CVRD staff is attending recycling committee meetings to discuss and plan the new free store. The design group will be reconvened in the New Year. There was applause.
Ferry Service Reductions: HIRRA’s response to the ferry service proposed cuts was discussed. A summary follows:
- Donna Tuele is organizing a letter writing campaign.
- More letters should be mailed to the media.
- Everyone is encouraged to write a letter.
- Phone your local MLA.
- People are outraged with the lack of public consultation.
- The erosion of the one evening per week sailings to Hornby is intolerable.
- Ferries are an essential service. There is no alternative.
- We chose to not have daily evening sailings years ago and now we are being threatened with some Friday evening sailings being discontinued.
- We are part of the Hornby/Denman ferry system.
- Discontinuing the early morning Denman/Buckley Bay sailing has severe negative impact to Hornby Islanders trying to get to Vancouver Island.
- Tourist visits to Hornby will be negatively affected.
- The desire for priority loading for Hornby traffic at Denman West was mentioned.
It was agreed by general consent that HIRRA write a letter to BC Ferries and the B.C. government expressing our concerns.
Roadside Trails Committee: Andrew Carmichael’s email notified of his intention to step down as chair of the committee. He also spoke of on-going maintenance requirements and the need to raise more money to pay for trails maintenance.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Lynn Nunley, President
Janet LeBlancq, Recording Secretary