2020 Minutes


HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
Minutes of HIRRA Committee meetings are available for viewing by HIRRA members by contacting the Administrator at (250) 335-1842 or office@hirra.ca.

HIRRA General Meeting minutes

of February 12, 2020, at the Hornby Island Community Hall

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Linda Manzer, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Anita Lewis, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 52 other HIRRA members, and one baby Caspian.

Call to order: 7:35pm

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of December 11, 2019 HIRRA meeting were read aloud and accepted by general agreement with one correction.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley. In summary: wage review of non-union staff is underway; HIRRA Governance Visioning committee appointed and meeting; CUPE Collective Agreement ready to ratify; nominating committee needed.
  4. CUPE Collective Agreement: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer and Jan Kennedy, Recycling Committee Chairperson. In summary: Depot employees unionized in August; nine days of bargaining; 3 year agreement retroactive to Jan 2020; details include improved vacation, sick leave and benefits, higher pay rates with “premiums” for specialized tasks.
    There were some questions. View the Collective agreement with CUPE.
    M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Jan Kennedy “That on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, HIRRA members present ratify the Collective Agreement between the Canadian Union of Public Employees representing employees of the Hornby Island Recycling Depot and HIRRA.”There was a vote of thanks for everyone involved.
  5. Revised 2020 Recycling Budget Approval: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer. Four options for services with new Collective Agreement reviewed: 1. Operations unchanged (raise tax budget) 2. Reduce number of staff 3. Reduce operations 4. Blend of reductions and tax increases. Executive recommends option 1.
    There was a suggestion to increase the tipping fees collected or remove the “business” day of operation.
    M/S/C Stani Veselinovic /Kathi Sauve “That the revised Recycling 2020 budget and five-year plan be approved as presented.”
  6. Emergency Preparedness report: Presented by Russel Roy, Committee member. In summary: grant funding and expenditures detailed; thanks to funders; emergency radios and supplies purchased; upcoming training session announced; need for Hornby Emergency Response Organization (HERO) volunteers.
  7. HICEEC: Regular HICEEC report deferred to March meeting. John Grayson, Vice-chair read aloud a letter of response signed by the Chair to HIRRA’s letter declining to renew the HICEEC lease for exclusive use of the Savoie Center office. In summary: listed office uses; concerned about “eviction” and associated expenses; requested discussion.
  8. School updates: Presented by Judith Walmsley, School Design Committee member. In summary: Design committee working on plans including large gym, library, good lighting, adequate parking, keeping a portable unit for the Natural History collection, recycling material from the remains of the old school.
    A letter from Alissa Pratt, Vice Principal was read aloud. Temporary cover for basketball court planned; Kindergarten registration open; school hatching Coho salmon eggs.
  9. Climate Change Strategies: Presentation by Mary MacKenzie, Hornby Resilience Initiative member re: April 5, 2020 forum on Climate Crisis. Topics include: youth perspective, food security, creating a climate action plan for Hornby, community participation/action, working with eco-grief and despair.
  10. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates: Dates were announced for Herring fishery protest, Heron Rocks Seedy Saturday, HIAC Social and Film Fest, CHI Herring Fest, Spark workshops, Grant in Aid deadline.
    2. CVRD Regional Director update: Report by Daniel Arbour Area A Director, read by Karen Ross, Alternate Area A Director. In summary: working on sewage project in Union Bay; CVRD considering new septic regulation framework that Hornby and Denman may opt into.
  11. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:36pm.

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HIRRA General Meeting minutes

of March 11, 2020 At the Hornby Island Community Hall

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Linda Manzer, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Anita Lewis, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 29 other HIRRA members

Call to order: 7:37pm

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Feb. 12, 2020 HIRRA meeting were read aloud and accepted as presented by general agreement.
  3. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates: Dates were announced for Heron Rocks Pruning Workshop and Seedy Saturday.
    2. Resilience Initiative: Climate Crisis Forum postponed to fall. Exploring other options for community engagement.
  4. Covid 19: Information presented by Dr. Laura Chalfin. In summary: Don’t panic. Wash hands often and thoroughly. Spread by inhaled droplets. Symptoms are fever and dry cough. Contact clinic to request testing if sick. Returning travellers requested to self-isolate for two weeks. Slowing the infection rate keeps resources from being overwhelmed.
  5. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley. In summary: Recycling requisition not increasing this year but likely next year. Met with HICEEC re: sharing office space. Creating separate handbooks for HIRRA volunteers and staff. Nominations requested for two Executive vacancies.
  6. Wage Review: Presented by Anita Lewis. In summary: Executive reviewed wages of non-union staff (Lynn recused) in consultation with the CVRD. Recommendations sent to Committees for their review and feedback.
  7. Hornby Island Fire Rescue report: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. In summary: Lots of call-outs; old 64 truck sold on island; BC Ambulance updating agreement with Coast Guard to transport when ferry isn’t able to; grant received for equipment for structural protection during forest fires.
  8. Governance Review update: Presented by Daniel Siegel, Committee Chair. Committee appointed to review HIRRA governance structure is researching and considering what changes to recommend. Informal input welcome.
  9. Hornby Denman Community Healthcare Society plans: Presented by Butch Leslie, Board member. Basic plan displayed. HDCHCS Board approved plan for expanding the Clinic with larger emergency room, storage, nurse’s office and second storey space (not part of the rental agreement with Island Health). Currently negotiating updates to the rental agreement.
    M/S/C Butch Leslie/John McLachlan “That HIRRA support the completion of the expansion to the Medical Clinic located on HIRRA’s Crown Land Lease as per the design circulated.”
  10. Ferry Advisory Committee report: Presented by Karen Ross, Committee member. In summary: BCF considering proposal to run a ferry directly from Buckley Bay to Hornby for construction and commercial traffic in the summer. BCF requesting offers of crew housing on Hornby. Uncoated cables likely to be installed in Fall. BCF pilot project on Thetis to include commercial traffic with dangerous cargo sailings. First ferry off Hornby changing to 7:25am as of April 6. Working on schedule changes for lunch hour.
  11. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) updates: Presented by Karen Ross, Economic Enhancement Officer. In summary: Internet public consultation and feasibility plan complete. Telus will not implement fibre optic to the islands. HICEEC researching options. Proceeding with public consultation to implement the MRDT “pillow tax” to be collected by accommodation providers. Planning to replace broken Electric Vehicle charging station with a more robust version.
  12. HICEEC Board update: Presented by John Heinegg, President. HICEEC met with HIRRA regarding needs for office space. HICEEC interested in a long-term lease on HIRRA land beside the Savoie Centre for an office building. Researching various options for office space.
  13. Hornby Island Housing Society: Presented by JoAnn Harrison, Board member. In summary: HIHS is an amalgamation of Elder Housing and ISLA. Approved for large grant. Plans for Beulah Creek Village being considered by BC Housing. Next steps will be community consultation and Islands Trust permit applications. Islands Trust map was not updated with approved Land Use Bylaw changes.
    M/S/C Karen Ross/Daniel Siegel “That HIRRA write to the Local Islands Trustees to express support for a speedy resolution to the map amendment to R3A for the Beulah Creek property.”
  14. Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Gary Burtinsky, Committee member. In summary: successful emergency simulation workshop. More training planned in the future. Some supplies purchased. Working with CVRD, HIFR and Hornby businesses to update resource list and prepare for emergencies.
  15. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

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HIRRA General Meeting Minutes 

of Wednesday, May 13, 2020 by Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Anita Lewis, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 40 other HIRRA members and 4 new members

Call to order: 7:32pm

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined. Acknowledgement and round of applause for Linda Manzer, retired Vice President.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of March 11, 2020 HIRRA meeting were read aloud and accepted as presented by general agreement.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley. Summary: Linda Manzer stepped down at the end of her term. Daniel appointed until the AGM. Two Executive position open for election at the June 10 AGM. Regular Covid Community Response group Zoom meetings. Executive also attending State of the Economy Zoom meetings. Working on Comfort Station cleaning protocol and additional funding application. Permanent outhouse going ahead at Sandpiper. Hall closed but time is being used to repair chairs and building repairs.
  4. Wage Review: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky. Summary: Wage Review Committee developed recommendations for non-union HIRRA employees in consultation with CVRD and Management Committees overseeing employees. Collective Agreement benefits would be extended to non-union employees and changes would be retroactive to January 2020. During the extraordinary Covid situation, the Executive made the emergency decision: “That the Wage Review Committee’s recommendations for non-union HIRRA employees be approved as approved by the Management Committees and Executive with an estimated total increase of $26,000 for 2020 based on 2019 hours.”
    Zoom poll to concur (or not or abstain) with the Executive decision. Of 42 who voted: 28 concurred 14 abstained.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. HRFCS Plant Sale: Large Plant Sale cancelled, but still selling plants on May 24 and 25 from multiple locations.
    2. Zoom AGM dates: HICEEC and New Horizons AGMs will be held by Zoom
  6. Hornby Island Fire Rescue report: Sent by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. Summary: reviewing capital projects; new generator installed; practices and callouts more challenging with physical distancing and safety protocols; appreciation for gardeners. Round of applause for HIFR.
  7. Recycling report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Summary: keeping depot open while keeping staff and customers safe during Covid crisis. Expect long wait times as long as physical distancing is required. Refundables now accepted. Household Hazardous Waste opening soon. Working on ability to use “tap” for touchless card payments. Appreciation of recently retired staff: Annie Nagle.
    There was a question about how long line-ups may be handled as traffic increases.
  8. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) updates: Presented by Karen Ross, Economic Enhancement Officer. Summary: BC plan for phased reopening of the economy over the next few weeks and months. Starting with local travel then province and nationwide before international travel. Safety is highest priority.
  9. HIAC updates: Presented by Andrew Mark, Executive Director: Successful events: February social and Herring Fest art show fundraiser. Postponed 2020 Film Fest. Three main plans during Covid: supporting literary arts, engaging youth with art/ecology in their backyards, quality photos of art and artists in an island directory. Created on a Hornby art directory mobile app. Assessing “virtual” art opportunities. Working on funding opportunities. Art Centre has $1.2 million in funding. Hired Tor Nawrot as project coordinator. Selected a registered architect. Hoping to start building in November. Trailer for sale.
    M/S/C Andrew Mark/Karen Ross “
    That the HIRRA Executive write a letter of support for the HIAC application to BC Arts Council for Arts-Based Community Development funding to support HIAC’s first group show and opening of the new Arts Centre in 2021.”
  10. Emergency Preparedness: David Wiseman, Committee Chair. Committee meeting monthly by Zoom. Working on neighbourhood preparedness and getting a generator. Emotional and psychological wellness also important in emergencies.
  11. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:59pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA Annual General Meeting

of Wednesday, June 10, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Daniel Siegel, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Anita Lewis, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 40 other HIRRA members and 6 new members

Call to order: 7:35pm

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of May 13, 2020 HIRRA meeting were read aloud and accepted as presented by general agreement.
  3. Community Announcements:
    Community support:
    A group of people showed support for workers with pot banging and were videoed. HRFCS AGM will be held in the field.
  1. Treasurer’s report: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky (Grant Thornton report) and Joanne Ovitsland (fund balances). Rudy noted impacts of Unionization. Attached.GT_HIRRA_2019 Year End Report
    HIRRA_AGM 2019YE_ Tax-Funded balances
    HIRRA_AGM 2019YE_Services Balances
    M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Joanne Ovitsland “That the Grant Thornton Accountants’ 2019 Year-end Review Engagement report be accepted as presented.
    M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Joanne Ovitsland
    That Grant Thornton Accountants be appointed to perform a Year-end Review Engagement for 2020.
  1. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley. Attached.
  2. Tax-funded Committee reports:
    1. Regional Parks, Crownland and Roadside Trails: Presented by Sasha LeBaron, Committee member. Attached.
      Question: Who is putting up hand-painted folk-art trail signs? Don’t know, but they’re great.
      Round of applause.
    2. Recycling report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Attached.
      Round of applause.
    3. Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator.
      Round of applause.
    4. Hornby Island Fire Rescue report: Power Point presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. Question about starting Fire Patrol. Probably starting soon on weekends as people on island increase. Round of applause.
      HIFR AGM Report June 2020
    5. Community Hall Presented by Vicki Bale, Committee Chair. Round of applause.
    6. Comfort Stations (Privy Council): Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair. Round of applause.
    7. Invasive Plant Control: Submitted by Anna Zielinski and Eva Wetzel, Committee members. Read by Administrator. Attached. Round of applause.
      Tax funded services reports AGM 2020
  3. Other Committee Reports
    1. Boat Ramp: Summarized by Report sent by John Struthers, Committee Chair is attached. Round of applause.
    2. Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Tina Wai, Committee member. Round of applause.
    3. Emergency Preparedness: Presented by David Wiseman, Committee Chair. Round of applause.
    4. Fall Fair: Presented by Anita Lewis, 2019 Committee member. Round of applause.
      Combined HIRRA services reports AGM 2020
  4. Elections (and acclamations)
    1. Executive elected by acclamation: Caroline Sneath nominated Alpen Kelly for Secretary. Alpen spoke to her interest in participating now she has some time to contribute. Chair called three times for further nominations. Receiving none, Alpen was declared elected by acclamation.
      Daniel Siegel nominated Jeremy Payne for Vice-president. Jeremy spoke to his interest in participating. Chair called three times for further nominations. Receiving none, Jeremy was declared elected by acclamation.
    2. Recycling: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jan Kennedy, Ilze Raudzins, Barbara Baird, Alsoon Brine, Kathi Sauve.
    3. Hall: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Vicki Bale, Judith Lawrence, Cathy Bonner, Hilary Wood-McDonnell, Gabriel Jeroschewitz.
    4. Fire Protection: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Tor Nawrot, Brian Amos, Jim Garton, Don Peterson, Phoebe Long.
    5. Comfort Stations: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Nym Hughes, Tony Law, Shelley Beckett.
    6. Invasive Weed Control: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Anna Zielinski, Eva Wetzel, Liz Earle.
    7. Parks Committee: The following incumbents were willing to stand for re-election: Betty Kennedy, Sasha LeBaron, Rusty Harrison, Brian Kittleson, Tom Rutherford.
      Ilze Raudzins was nominated by Anna Zielinski. John Grayson was nominated by Tina Wai.
      Betty, Sasha and Tom spoke to their interest in continuing on the Committee. Suggestion for HIRRA to re-evaluate the nomination process rather than having open nominations at the AGM. John spoke to his interest in joining the Committee. Ilze had technical difficulties and was unable to speak to her nomination.
      The following people were elected to the Parks Committee by Zoom poll: Betty Kennedy, Sasha LeBaron, Rusty Harrison, Brian Kittleson, Tom Rutherford.
    8. Cemetery Stewards: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Gemma Colin, Margaret Pethick, Tina Wai, Larry Smith, Iain Palmer, Gloria Herbert, Kathleen O’Brien.
    9. Emergency Preparedness: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: David Wiseman, Russel Roy, Amy LeBaron, Gary Burtinsky, Albini Lapierre, Helen Grond, Michael Berman.
    10. Fall Fair: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Alsoon Brine, Alison Stevenson, Landys Klyne, Liz Earle, Jeff Rabena.
    11. Boat Ramp: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: John Struthers, Colleen Work, Peter Walford, Larry Wasserman, Mike Pedneault, Rich Ward, Sally Englund.
  5. Appointments:
    1. Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): John Heinegg and Katherine Ronan’s appointment was approved by acclamation.
    2. Appointment to BC Ferries Advisory Committee: Rob McCreary’s appointment was approved by acclamation.
  1. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 48 other HIRRA members and 5 new members

Call to order: 7:35pm         

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of June 10, 2020 HIRRA AGM were read aloud and accepted as presented with minor corrections by general agreement.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. Who speaks for Hornby? Organization principles for public communications proposed. (Attached)
  4. Community Announcements:
    1. LTC meeting in Sept. (Sheila Macpherson) look at the Resort application and send input.
    2. Boat Ramp (John Struthers) CVRD has approved some repairs for this summer.
    3. Hornby Resilience Initiative (Mary MacKenzie) Had to cancel Sustainability Forum this spring. Planning an Oct. Town Hall meeting to assess this summer’s activities. Will keep everyone informed via letter.
    4. Water Testing (Darren Bond) Water stewardship will soon be able to offer low cost on-island water testing for coliform count by a hired lab technician.
  5. Comfort Stations Report: Presented Nym Hughes, Committee Chair. Outhouses open with added safety protocols for Covid 19. Likely to over-spend budget for increased supplies needed.
  6. FAC report: Presented by Karen Ross, Committee member. Replacement of plastic covered cables with steel cables on Baynes Sound Connector happening soon. Hatch marks painted to mark no parking in front of driveways by ferry. HICEEC requesting access to BC Ferries video feed to live-stream line-ups. Hornby/Denman visitor guide and CVRD health pamphlet being handed out at Buckley Bay.
    There was a question about privacy and the video feed. Likely to blur image to protect privacy.
  7. HICEEC updates: Presented by John Heinegg, President. Working on 12 main action items (details on web-site). Internet fibre-optic upgrade project; support for Beulah Creek housing project; visitor brochure redesigned with Covid 19 info and smaller print run; public messaging about keeping Hornby safe during Covid 19; State of the Economy Zoom mtgs; support to start Hornby Is. Short Term Vacation Rental Association (HISTRA); support for arts; grants on hold due to Covid; upgrade to electric vehicle charging station.
    Documents that guide HICEEC’s annual work plan up for renewal this year: Community Vision 2020, Economic Action Plan 2015. HICEEC supports BC health orders and guidelines. Questions/comments re: web-site: Cost, design, “rebranding”, tendering of Hornbyisland.com web-site upgrade/replacement. “Who speaks for Hornby?” Cost seems excessive. Needs more consultation and transparency with community re: cost and plan for content.

Responses: Private “social enterprise” web-site 50% owned by HICEEC. Web-site is broken. Plan rebuild of existing web-site with increased functionality. Contract already signed with Victoria designer after receiving quotes from several qualified companies (cost is confidential).
Funded from donations and loans from private individuals to be paid back in three years. Contact Jeff Z. with concerns or ideas.

Questions/comments re: Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs): Inappropriate to allow STVR advertising that contravenes existing bylaws. Enforcement of STVR bylaws is important. Trust planning to review STVR bylaws.

Responses: HISTRA started before Covid, 65 members share information re: best practices.
HICEEC calling for review of STVRs bylaws. Private website owner is not currently willing to police bylaw compliance in STVR ads.

M/S/C Jan Kennedy/Mary MacKenzie “That HIRRA write a letter to HICEEC requesting that they postpone any marketing initiatives such as the website revision and vision process until this Fall.” Passed 23-19

  1. HIAC: Presented by Tor Nawrot (Arts Centre Project Manager) HIAC selected Darcy Jones as registered architect to finalize design. Waiting for arborist’s report. Proposing modified site to preserve large trees, leave sound barrier between the Centre and traffic, improve parking layout, and promote connection to Market, Hall, trail network.
    HIAC offered old trailer to HDCHCS to be sited in clear area beside HDCHCS office.
    M/S/C Tor Nawrot/Rachelle Chinnery “That the modifications to HIRRA’s Crown Land Lease site plan be approved as presented: to allow the HIAC trailer to be located next to the HDCHCS office as a storage/meeting space and to adjust the site of the HIAC Arts Centre.” 
  2. Islands Trust: Presented by Alex Allen, Trustee. Highlights of last meeting: H.I. Resort application decision deferred to Sept.; Big Jer’s Smoke Show temporary use permit approved; Wiseman application still in process. Plan to review STVR bylaw regulations in the Fall with community consultation.
    Suggestion to have monthly Face Book highlights published in the First Edition.
  3. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:43pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Sept 9, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 59 other HIRRA members and 4 new members
Regrets: Jeremy Payne, Vice President;

Call to order: 7:35pm         

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. HIRRA Visions. CVRD info re: budgeting in time of Covid. Considering bylaw changes re: governance, roles of Exec. and Committees.
  2. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement.
  3. Minutes: Minutes of July 8, 2020 HIRRA were read aloud and accepted as presented with spelling corrections by general agreement.
  4. DRAFT 2021 Core Services budget: Presented by Reina LeBaron, Administrator.
    Increases to wages and hours (raise plus increased work), office (set up of new office).
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Doug Chinnery
    “That the 2021 Core Services budget be approved as presented.”
    Approval by CVRD not part of usual process. CVRD reviews and approves tax-funded Committee budgets (including Core Services allocations).
  5. Community Announcements: Upcoming meetings by Zoom: LTC mtg, Co-op AGM, Hornby Housing, HIAC book reading events.
  6. CVRD Regional Director updates: Presented by Daniel Arbour, Regional Director. Assessing all services re: Covid-19. Appreciation for emergency services. Received feedback from residents re: tax burden.
  7. Co-op updates: Presented by Lisha Scott, Co-op Team Leader. Appreciation for Covid Community Response Zoom meetings. Continuing with safety protocols.
  8. HIFR report: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. Budget on track. Call-outs similar to 2018. Five new rookies. Working with CVRD on jurisdiction for marine emergency response areas. More trail rescues this year. Training centre footings completed. Round of applause.
  9. Recycling Waste Management report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Adjusted to Covid protocols. Still in effect. Working on how to move recycling back into the building for winter. Free Store volunteers met to consider how to reopen. Thanks to all staff.
    Discussion: Concerns about not accepting some commercial recycling. Directive from processor via CVRD: commercial soft plastic and paper recycling can’t be included in residential recycling streams. Pigeon Lake accepts some commercial recycling streams (for a charge). Looking for solutions. Round of applause.
  10. HICEEC updates: Presented by Katherine Ronan, Secretary. Working on communicating more clearly with community. Vision update proceeding this fall. Seeking a new office space. Contact Karen with ideas, suggestions. Considering purchasing a shipping container (e.g. 8’X20’ for about $4,000) for non-profit dry-storage with a lightbulb for heat.
    M/S/F Katherine/Donna Tuele “That HIRRA be asked to research finding a site on HIRRA land on which to locate a dry storage container provided by HICEEC to be used by non-profit organizations.”
    20 in favour 29 opposed Motion FAILED
    Discussion: Needs more research re: size, needs, options, existing spaces, cost/life-cycle comparison. Aesthetic objections. Store digital files instead of paper. Consider lobbying to change rules re: requirements to keep hard copies. Round of applause.
  11. Summer Review Town Hall Discussion:

Challenges: Number of visitors. Busy ferries and multiple sailing waits. Lots of campers/vans along driveways and roads. RCMP schedule (no back-up enforcement for Fire Patrol education). Garbage on beaches. Fires allowed along Big Trib (in BC Parks).
Statistics and anecdotal info: July ferry stats car traffic similar to other years, passenger numbers down. Less travel by locals? Outhouses needed extra pump-out. Ringside small businesses sales down about 25%. Farmers’ Market sales up. Co-op sales and HIFR callouts similar to other years. Gas bar extra busy with Co-op closed in spring. Fewer people in Ringside. People using their second properties more.
Appreciations: Covid Community Response meetings support. Community pulling together. Customer appreciation and support for Co-op and safety protocols. Active safety plans and protocols. Support for local businesses despite fear and uncertainty. Quiet family time. Hornby young folks coming back home. Visitors staying at “home” at rentals or outdoors. Island as a recharge place for visitors. HISTRA sharing information and support between members (e.g. health orders, contact tracing, recycling information). Appreciation for Depot. Lots of bicycles.
Ideas: Research RCMP reports for Hornby. Invite RCMP to a community meeting. Research condition of island trails. Town-hall specific to managing tourism. Is it sustainable? Do we need to advertise for people to come to Hornby (not just on-island advertising)? How to represent Hornby to outside world? Is. Trustees planning community conversation meeting re: next year’s directions. HISTRA wants to be part of visioning. How to manage density and recreational use and create positive solutions, messaging? Ferry reservation system for residents. Wider community conversations/consultations, large and smaller meetings, surveys, etc. for broader feedback on managing tourism. Schedule Festival on a weekend other than August long weekend. How to keep Hornby safe and still support Hornby businesses and staff?

12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 10:14pm.
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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 39 other HIRRA members and 4 new members

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by general agreement (by poll).
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Sept 9, 2020 HIRRA were read aloud and accepted as presented by general agreement (by poll).
  3. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President: Budgeting. Hornby Evacuation Plan completed. Joint request with DIRA for Animal Control Bylaw Feasibility Study by CVRD. Presentation on possible bylaw changes for discussion at Dec. HIRRA meeting.
  4. Community Announcements: HIAC book launch. Flu clinic. BC Election.
  5. Regional Parks and Trails report: Presented by Sasha LeBaron, Committee member. Busy summer with heavy trail use. Permanent outhouse and new trail to beach at Sandpiper. Gull Rd. Greenway project approved for grant and work started. Request for a memorial bench in Sandpiper park. Request from Big Mountain Tours to lead small group tours in shoulder season. Work plans: replace mesh; a trail between Recycling Depot and Roadside Trails.
  6. Recreation report: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator. Summer programs mostly cancelled. Soccer and nature programs ran for local youth.
  7. HIAC Arts Centre updates: Presented by Tor Nawrot, Project Manager. Shared and reviewed the new design for new art centre (attached).
    Questions about cost, windows, earthquake safety, heating, fire protection. HIAC requested HIRRA letter of support for a grant application to Provincial Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program. There was general agreement (by poll) for HIRRA to write a letter of support.
  8. Resilience Initiative updates: Presented by Jan Kennedy, Steering Committee member. Communicating with community and giving input on community issues. Creating fact sheet of relationships and responsibilities of groups that “speak for Hornby”. Over 100 people expressed support. Support community engagement on issues (e.g. housing, food security, tourism).
  9. HICEEC updates: Presented by John Heinegg, President and Katherine Ronan, Secretary. Fall business mixer Nov. 12. Seeking new office space. Steering committee reviewing Community Vision Statement (2002) and Economic Action Plan (2015). Helping Free Store reopen. Helping Farmland Trust to apply for a grant for a community food storage, processing and sales facility (incl. commercial kitchen). No detailed plans shown. Concerns about competing for same grant as HIAC.
    Request for HIRRA letter of support for Farmland Trust grant application supported 20 to 16 (by poll).
  1. Services and Expenses Town Hall Discussion: Introduced by Reina LeBaron, Administrator. Opportunity for community feedback on tax-funded services prior to drafting budgets.
    Question re: process to decide not to renew HICEEC lease for Savoie Centre office. Executive decision when 2019 lease expired. Suggestion that membership discuss and vote on the use of office space.
    Comment: surprised by salary increases for HIRRA Admin staff.
    Reflective of HIRRA-wide wage review.
  2. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 32 other HIRRA members and 1 new member

Regrets: Alpen Kelley, Secretary

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
There was a moment of silence and acknowledgement of Remembrance Day.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. Presentations at meetings maximum 15 minutes. Agreed to circulate previous month’s draft HIRRA minutes with email invite. Budgets posted on web-page. RCMP requested permission to add two-bedroom addition (approval at Dec. meeting). Animal Control Bylaw Feasibility Study (for Hornby/Denman) has been included by CVRD for 2021. Considering hosting facilitated Covid Community Conversation.
  3. Minutes: Minutes of Oct 14, 2020 HIRRA were reviewed and accepted as presented by poll.
  4. HIRRA Bylaw Changes: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer. Power Point on proposed bylaw changes for discussion at Dec. HIRRA meeting with final approval at Feb. HIRRA meeting.
  5. Community Announcements:
    Upcoming dates:
    CHI Herring Fest in March. HICEEC Business Mixer.
    HICEEC: Appreciation for letters of support for Farmland Trust.
    HIAC: Art Crawl in Dec. Invitation to submit art “reaction to pandemic” to HIAC community show in new Arts Centre (when built). HIAC soliciting programming suggestions for new art show.  and HICEEC.

Emerg Prep: Working on mapping of zones for neighbourhood teams. Seeking grants and tax funding.
HIFR: Public chipper program planned to pick up debris to reduce forest fire fuel load.

  1. 2021 DRAFT Five-Year budgets for approval:
    1. Comfort Stations: Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair.
      Question about extra pump-outs this summer.
      M/S/C Nym Hughes/Rachelle Chinnery “That the 2021-2025 Comfort Stations budget be approved as presented.”
    2. Fire Protection: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief.
      M/S/C Doug Chinnery/Fred Hunt “That the 2021-2025 Hornby Fire Rescue budget be approved as presented.”
    3. Invasive Weed Control: Presented by Liz Earle, Committee Member.
      Question about dealing with ivy. Committee member will visit and discuss.
      M/S/C Liz Earle/Kathi Linman “That the 2021-2025 Invasive Weed Control budget be approved as presented.”
    4. Regional Parks and Trails: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member.
      Question about revenue for HIFR and Parks Patrol. Was it once a separate revenue stream?
      Question about Boat Ramp.
      M/S/C Tom Rutherford/Jeremy Payne “That the 2021-2025 Regional Parks and Trails budget be approved as presented.”
    5. Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator.
      M/S/C Jade Wilson/Bill Hamilton “
      That the 2021-2025 Recreation budget be approved as presented.”
    6. Community Hall: Presented by Vicki Bale, Committee Chair.
      Question about rental income remaining low in future years (2022-2025). Can be adjusted next year.
      M/S/C Vicki Bale/Doug Chinnery “That the 2021-2025 Community Hall budget be approved as presented.”
    7. Recycling Waste Management: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot
      M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Jan Kennedy “That the 2021-2025 Hornby Island Waste Management budget be approved as presented.”
    8. Property Management: Presented by Reina LeBaron, HIRRA Administrator.
      M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Daniel Siegel “That the 2021-2025 Property Management budget be approved as presented.”
  2. Appreciation for members attending and participating.
  3. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:23pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 By Zoom

Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 34 other HIRRA members and 2 new members and 2 guests

Regrets: Alpen Kelley, Secretary

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Nov 11, 2020 HIRRA were reviewed and accepted as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. Two Executive positions are up for election at the next AGM. Invitation for interested people to attend.
  4. Community Announcements:
    1. HIAC: Opening art show call for submissions with theme of responding to the pandemic. All mediums welcome.
    2. HDCHCS: Quilting group donated a quilt hanging at UBCU. UBCU will match community donations. One donor will receive the quilt in a random draw.
    3. HIFR: Contact HIFR about installing a carbon monoxide alarm.
  5. RCMP Bedroom addition proposal: Presented by Corporal Aaron Chamberlain. RCMP propose building a 12ft wide staff accommodation addition to the existing RCMP office. Plan to install a cistern and bringing in own water, upgrade cell service, WiFi and septic. If approved and RCMP provincial funding approved, addition would be in use next summer.
    Concerns raised: Market noise and parking, traffic flow, water usage in summer, visual appearance and landscaping.
    RCMP to be included in Central Area planning re: parking, traffic and aesthetics.
    M/S/C Rachelle/Stan Combs
    “That the proposed RCMP bedroom addition, located on HIRRA land, be approved as presented in principle, providing adequate septic capacity and appropriate permits are obtained.”
  6. Hornby Is. Evacuation Plan: Presented by George Doerksen Deputy Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Comox Valley Emergency Program. Short Power Point of highlights of the revised Hornby Is. Evacuation Operational Guidelines. Full Power Point and Guidelines available on CVRD website. Appreciation for Emergency Preparedness Committee and HIFR.
  7. Recreation storage container proposal: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator. Private shop space used to store Recreation sailboats and other equipment no longer available. HIAA approved locating a storage container on Ballpark property. Three quotes received.
    M/S/C Jade Wilson/Bill Hamilton “That the Recreation Committee be approved to purchase a shipping container for storage of recreation equipment, to be located on HIAA (Ballpark) land, at a cost of approximately $4,000.”
  8. Bylaw Changes: Presented by Reina LeBaron, Administrator. Proposed bylaw changes were circulated prior to the meeting and screen shared for discussion.

Questions/concerns: Minor edits, nomination process seeming restrictive, role of Exec. to bring issues to Assembly, vote in Feb. will be clause by clause, who should set wage rates.

  1. HICEEC report: Presented by Katherine Ronan, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. New e-commerce platform “Hornby Comeback” free for island businesses and groups to be listed. Business of the year award: Hornby Is. Bakery and Pizzaria. Grants to Free Store, Natural History, Radio and HISTRA.
    Plans for 2021: improved internet service, affordable housing, food security, 2020 Community Vision and 2015 Economic Action Plan review, property tax review, support off-season events, and environmental initiatives. Still seeking new office space.
    Noted HICEEC grants come from tax funds.

  2. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:43pm.


Minutes of future meetings will be posted after approval by the HIRRA assembly (usually at the following month’s meeting).
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