HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette
Minutes of HIRRA Committee meetings are available for viewing by HIRRA members by contacting the Administrator at (250) 335-1842 or office@hirra.ca.
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer, Reina LeBaron, Administrator; 37 other HIRRA members and 4 new members, and 2 guests.
Regrets: Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper;
Call to order: 7:35pm
Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of Dec 9, 2020 HIRRA were reviewed and accepted as presented by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. Proposed HIRRA Bylaw changes publicized for vote at March meeting. Contracts signed. RCMP addition likely postponed. HIAC starting construction soon. Volunteers needed for Nominating Committee and Executive. Started planning for facilitated Covid Community Conversation.
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Jeremy Payne “That the over-all costs of the Covid Community Conversation facilitation ($2,000) be approved to be paid out of the Core Services Community Contingency funding and that HIRRA continue to seek outside funding to off-set the expense.” - Community Announcements:
March events: Herring Fest virtual art show. Covid Community Conversation - Regional Parks and Trails report: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member. Parks Contract posted. Awarded to Yana Pethick. Gull Road Greenway project connecting St. John’s Pt. Rd. to Fowler Road built with funding from BC Active Transportation Grant and Parks reserves. Sandpiper Park permanent outhouse installed and beach access improved. Access road improved to Back 40 for regular mowing. New Recycling Trail connects Roadside Trail to Recycling Trail. Plan to connect to French Connection. Committee under-budget for 2020. Replacing mesh on wooden surfaces. Plan to improve drainage on Coltsfoot Trail.
Sasha LeBaron resigned from the Committee. Amanda Zielinski has been appointed until AGM. HIMBA collaborates with Parks Committee on regular volunteer trail-work. HIMBA conditionally supports Big Mountain proposal.
Appreciation for trails and volunteer work. - Big Mountain Bike Adventures presentation: Presented by Chris Winter, Owner. Based in Whistler. Big Mountain offers guided mountain bike trips world-wide since 2002. Hornby is unique in BC for mountain biking with trails that aren’t too technical and weather for year-round riding. Doesn’t want to over-promote the island. Eager to work with HIMBA and Parks Committee to be aligned in values and ensure project works for everyone. Willing to sign a letter of agreement with community re: terms of use.
Proposal: Youth mountain bike day-camps in summer and/or spring break.
Women only bike skills camps over four days in shoulder season with accommodation and meals included. Accommodation would be a limiting factor.
Strong leadership of small groups (6-12). Guides have OFA and coaching knowledge. May hire local guides and would offer subsidies for local participants. Safety very important.
Offer for participants to donate to HIMBA and give volunteer to work on trails.
Comments: Concerns about increasing tourism in summer re: ferries. Suggestion to bring youth in off-season in collaboration with schools. - HICEEC report: Presented by John Heinegg, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. Web-site has been renewed. MRDT “Pillow tax” being considered again. Fibre Optic project is now with CVRD for consideration. Two resignations from Board. Approved contribution to Covid Community Conversation.
- Islands Trust updates: Presented by Alex Allen, Islands Trustee. Good community attendance at LTC Zoom meetings. Zoom Trust Council on March 9-10. People can participate in Town Hall session, by petition, delegation or correspondence. Trust does a lot of advocacy for ocean health. Next Trust Council June 8-10
- CVRD updates: Presented by Daniel Arbour, Area A Regional Director. CVRD considering 2021 budgets. Transit funding of $100,000/yr approved for Hornby and Denman. Also talking with School District about sharing bus and discussing electric bus purchase.
Discussing tax-funding for maintenance of HIAC Arts Centre when completed.
Fibre optic cable being installed across Lambert Channel to “landing stations” that could be used by Telus or by joining City-West for internet service. Further funding and investment needed. - Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President (chairing); Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 22 other HIRRA members and 2 new members
Call to order: 7:35pm
Introductions: Jeremy welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of Feb 10, 2021 HIRRA were reviewed and accepted as presented by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Jeremy Payne, Vice-President. HIRRA Employee Handbook drafted. HIAC starting construction soon. Working on RRSP program for employees. Recycling Depot will be closed on Stat Holidays. Call for volunteers needed for Executive. Appreciation for Nominating Committee members.
- Community Announcements:
March events: Covid Community Conversation
HIAC virtual art show for Herring Fest.
Island Health arranging for Hornby community-wide vaccination in April.
- Community Announcements:
- Bylaw Revisions (poll percentages = “in favour”):
- M/S/C (88%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That the changes to the Purposes of the HIRRA Constitution be approved as presented.
- M/S/C (77%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That the new clause be added to the HIRRA Bylaws Section 2 Membership Rights and Obligations as presented.
- M/S/DEFEATED (67%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That the new clause be added to the HIRRA Bylaws Section 4 Executive Committee and Management Committees as presented.
M/S/DEFEATED (33%) Stephan Werner/Nym Hughes That the motion be amended to change the Bylaw from “30 days before AGM” to “14 days before AGM.”
There was discussion regarding abstentions. Robert’s Rules of Order p 396 clarified: abstentions are not counted as part of a final percentage vote.
However, HIRRA’s bylaws state that bylaws can only be amended with a 75% majority of members at a meeting, therefore the motion did not pass. - M/S/C (93%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That clause e) of the HIRRA Bylaws Section 4 Executive Committee and Management Committees be modified as presented.
- M/S/C (92%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That clause f) of the HIRRA Bylaws Section 4 Executive Committee and Management Committees be modified as presented.
- M/S/C (84%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That the new section “Role of Executive Committee” be added to the HIRRA Bylaws as presented.
- M/S/C (82%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That the new section “Role of Management Committees” be added to the HIRRA Bylaws as presented.
- M/S/C (91%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That clauses a) through d) of the HIRRA Bylaws Section 7 Duties of Executive Committee Members be modified as presented.
- M/S/C (100%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That clause e) of the HIRRA Bylaws Section 7 Duties of Executive Committee Members be modified as presented.
- M/S/C (91%) Rudy Rogalsky/Alpen Kelley That clauses e) and f) of the HIRRA Bylaws Section 7 Duties of Executive Committee Members be modified as presented, AND that Section 8 of the HIRRA Bylaws be modified as presented.
- HICEEC report: Presented by John Heinegg, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. HICEEC has moved to new office at Thatch. CVRD has cut budget somewhat. Updated web-site online by April. Applied for grant to develop an on-line store. HICEEC is writing a letter to the Islands Trust opposing a proposal to remove “housing” from their purposes.
HICEEC will share information with HIRRA. - Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm.
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer, Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 39 other HIRRA members and 2 guests.
Call to order: 7:35pm
Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of March 10, 2021 HIRRA were accepted as presented by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley, President. Covid Community Conversation well attended. Important to continue community discussions.
Working on HIRRA policy documents. Roof quotes received for Savoie Centre. Building inspections scheduled for Savoie Centre and Hall.
RRSP Program: Rudy Rogalsky presented update on RRSP program discussion with Union. Motions will be brought to May (AGM) meeting to ratify letter of understanding (screen-shared) and extend it to non-unionized HIRRA employees. - Community Announcements:
May events: Covid vaccination clinic, HIRRA AGM, Beach clean-up on Earth Day, Heron Rocks diversified plant sale
Moment of silence in recognition of Margaret Pethick’s passing. - Boat Ramp Committee: Presented by John Struthers, Committee Chair. CVRD has taken over responsibility for the ramp via Crown Land license of occupation. Some repairs have been made. Applying for grants for replacement. Several people have resigned from Boat Ramp Committee.
M/S/C John Struthers/Jeremy Payne “That the Boat Ramp Committee be reduced from seven members to five members.” - HIAC update: Presented by Andrew Mark, Executive Director of Hornby Is. Arts Council. Hornby/Denman virtual Arts Summit planned. Planning to seek tax-funding for Arts Centre ongoing maintenance.
Rachelle Chinnery, Program Director: No major in-person events planned for this summer. Working on virtual projects, including: Arts in the Garden, Hornby Live (music and spoken word), group art show focussed on “water” in partnership with Water Stewardship. Also planning outdoor youth programming with school,
Tor Nawrot, Project Manager: Arts Centre site cleared. Timber has been purchased off-island. Working on electrical and mechanical design details. Construction material costs rising. A lot of materials have been purchased and stored. Working on septic field replacement sized for future expansion of RCMP. Hoping to pour concrete before summer. - HICEEC report: Presented by Katherine Ronan, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. Web-site has been renewed but still has some glitches. Hornby “branding” on the web-site is a byline “find your own way”.
Visitor guide for 2021 includes Covid safety messaging. Small print run for distribution at Buckley Bay ferry and on Hornby.
Local bus options: either continue current model of locally-controlled transit with tax-funding or join with Denman to request CVRD take it on and ask for bids to provide summer bus service on both islands. Cross-Denman bus service planned to run this summer as a pilot project.
Covid Community Conversation was very beneficial. HICEEC supports another one next year.
Questions/comments: bus increasing island traffic issues, electric bus, combining with school bus, suggestion to increase size of Covid banner on web-site. - RCMP summer outreach: Presented by Corporal Aaron Chamberlain: Four officers coming on a random schedule this summer. Have temporary accommodations. Waiting for provincial response regarding funding for building expansion. Summer priorities: illegal drinking, camping and parking.
Questions: Use of cell? Cell is non-conforming so RCMP usually take offenders off-island.
Vagrancy law? No bylaw on Hornby.
Fines for littering on beaches? Yes, fines are an option. Drinking contributes to problem.
Concerns: Repeat offenders returning to Hornby. Not having RCMP protection in isolated community.
RCMP cannot discuss individual cases. RCMP forwards information, evidence and recommendations to Crown Council, who then decides whether to press charges. Courts don’t usually bar offenders from returning to a community. RCMP may request more extensive restrictions on offenders in remote communities. Need evidence from complainants. Important to report incidents to RCMP. All reports are recorded. RCMP have limited resources. Union of BC Municipalities may ask province to provide more RCMP funding. Contact CVRD Director to advocate for Hornby.
- Islands Trust updates: Presented by Alex Allen, Islands Trustee.
Thatch developer in discussion with Komox First Nations.
Trustee appreciates one-on-one conversations about Trust issues and concerns for Hornby.
Commercial re-zoning application coming up for Bradsdadsland. - Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.
Minutes of HIRRA Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Lynn Nunley, President; Jeremy Payne, Vice President; Rudy Rogalsky, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 56 other HIRRA members
Call to order: 7:34pm
Introductions: Lynn welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. The Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of April 14, 2021 HIRRA meeting were accepted as circulated by poll.
- Community Announcements:
Remembering Dale Chase: Acknowledgement of Dale Chase’s passing and his contributions.
Fire Chief award: Congratulations to Doug for receiving the Community Achievement Award.
Round of applause.
Heron Rocks Plant Sale: Tomato plants for sale at various locations.
HIAC: Zoom open house re: Arts Centre - Executive report: Presented by Lynn Nunley. Attached. President’s report AGM 2021
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Doug Chinnery That the Letter of Understanding between HIRRA and CUPE regarding initiating an RRSP program for 2022 be approved as presented.
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Jeremy Payne That the proposed RRSP program be extended to non-unionized HIRRA employees on the same terms as those agreed to in the Letter of Understanding with CUPE. - Treasurer’s report: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky. Power Point summarized the Grant Thornton Year-end Review Engagement and the “fund balance report” prepared by the Bookkeeper. Attached. HIRRA Fund Balances 2020
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Joanne Ovitsland “That the Grant Thornton Accountants’ 2020 Year-end Review Engagement report be accepted as presented.” Year-end Review Engagement 2020
M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Joanne Ovitsland “That the appointment of the accountants for the 2021 fiscal year-end be deferred for three months to research options.”
- Tax-funded Committee reports: Compilation of Committee reports other than HIFR: 2021 HIRRA AGM Committee Reports
- Hornby Island Fire Rescue report: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. M/S/C Judith Lawrence/Alpen Kelley That the HIRRA thank the Fire Department for their volunteer work in serving the Community. Attached. HIFR AGM Report 2021 Round of applause.
- Comfort Stations (Privy Council): Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair. Attached. Round of applause.
- Recycling report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Attached. Round of applause.
- Regional Parks, Crownland and Roadside Trails: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member. Attached. Round of applause.
- Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator. Attached. Round of applause.
- Invasive Plant Control: Presented by Anna Zielinski, Committee Chair. Attached. Round of applause.
- Community Hall Presented by Vicki Bale, Committee Chair. Attached. Round of applause.
- Other Committee Reports
- Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Tina Wai, Committee member. Attached. Round of applause.
- Emergency Preparedness: Presented by David Wiseman, Committee Chair. Attached. Round of applause.
- Fall Fair: Sent by Alsoon Brine, Committee Chair. Fall Fair was cancelled in 2020, so no work for the Committee last year. They have not yet decided about the Fall Fair for 2021.
- Boat Ramp: Presented by John Struthers, Committee Chair. Attached. Suggestion to dissolve the Committee if it is not active and have a one-person liaison with CVRD. Boat ramp is critical for emergency response if the ferry is not operational. Round of applause.
- Elections and acclamations: All positions are two-year terms as per the revised bylaws. Only about half of Committee members are up for election to implement the new staggered terms.
- Executive elected by acclamation: Daniel Siegel is willing to stand for President.
Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Daniel was declared elected by acclamation.
There was appreciation for Lynn as President (and flowers).
Kent Lukinuk is willing to stand for Second Vice-president. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Kent was declared elected by acclamation.
There was appreciation for Rudy as Treasurer (and a card).
Lynn Nunley is willing to stand for Treasurer. Vice-chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Lynn was declared elected by acclamation.
- Executive elected by acclamation: Daniel Siegel is willing to stand for President.
Daniel Siegel Chaired the meeting for Committee elections.
There was appreciation for Donna Tuele and Ellen Leonard’s work on the Nominating Committee.
- Recycling Waste Management: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jan Kennedy, Ilze Raudzins.
- Regional Parks/Trails: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Leslee Richards, Amanda Zielinski.
- Community Hall: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Hilary Wood-McDonnell, Margaret Birch.
- Recreation: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Henry Touwslager. Mike Pappas is willing to join and will be appointed when he is a fully eligible HIRRA member.
- Fire Protection: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Tor Nawrot, Don Peterson.
- Boat Ramp: Chair called for further nominations. Liz Earle nominated Rachel Platt. Rachel accepted. Receiving no further nominations, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: John Struthers, Larry Wasserman, Rachel Platt.
- Invasive Weed Control: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Rachel Platt.
- Comfort Stations: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Nym Hughes, Tony Law.
- Cemetery Stewards: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Gemma Colin, Iain Palmer.
Barb Inglis is willing to join and will be appointed when she is a fully eligible HIRRA member. - Emergency Preparedness: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: David Wiseman, Patrick Healey, Margaret Birch. The Committee still has one vacancy.
- Fall Fair: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jeff Rabena, Liz Earle.
- Appointments: (One-year terms.)
Daniel turned the meeting back to Lynn Nunley for election/acclamation of the appointees.- Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): The HICEEC bylaws regarding HIRRA appointees to the HICEEC Board were read aloud.
Bee Wolf-Ray, Rudy Rogalsky, John Heinegg, and Katherine Ronan are willing to stand for the two positions. Rudy, Bee and John spoke to their experience and interest in the appointment. Katherine was not able to attend.
The following people were elected to the HICEEC Board by Zoom poll: Rudy Rogalsky, Bee Wolf-Ray. - Appointment to BC Ferries Advisory Committee: Rob McCreary is willing to continue as HIRRA appointee to the Hornby/Denman Ferry Advisory Committee. His appointment to the FAC was approved by acclamation. There are two vacancies on the FAC for other Hornby representatives.
- Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): The HICEEC bylaws regarding HIRRA appointees to the HICEEC Board were read aloud.
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:59pm.
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 33 other HIRRA members and 1 guest.
Regrets: Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President
Call to order: 7:33pm
Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory.
Statement regarding recent tragedies: There was general agreement to post a statement on HIRRA web-site and FaceBook page and send it to impacted leaders. Noted that tragedies like this happen regularly around the world. Noted that public statements are positive, but also important for organizations to examine policies and personal responsibility.
DRAFT statement: “Amidst the realities of global atrocities, here in Canada, HIRRA looks with horror at the events of the past two weeks and we weep for the 215 Indigenous children whose bones were found at the Kamloops Residential School site and for the Afzaal family who were recently killed in London, On. We reject violence against any religious, ethnic, and Indigenous people, and hope for healing and comfort for those who have lost so much.”
ACTION: Executive will finalize wording this week and circulate to the HIRRA membership email list for review (no response will be taken as assent).
Introductions continued: Executive and staff introduced themselves. Happy anniversary to Kent and Sherri!
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of May 12, 2021 HIRRA AGM were accepted, with two corrections, by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel, President. Call to Order is HIRRA’s first reference for parliamentary rules. Focussing on recommendations of Governance Review report, reviewing Job Descriptions, following up on issues identified in Building inspection of Savoie Centre. Bring suggestions for HIRRA agenda items to the Executive meeting first. Motions may be tabled to the next meeting if more discussion is needed.
- HIRRA Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy: The DRAFT policy was circulated with the meeting notice. Please give feedback before next Executive meeting (June 22).
M/S/TABLED Jeremy Payne/Doug Chinnery “That the HIRRA Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy be approved as presented.”
M/S/C Rachelle Chinnery/Vicki Bale “That the motion to approve the Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy be tabled to the next meeting.” - Community Announcements:
HIAC: Studio Tour, art show at the Hall, raffle fund-raiser.
June events: Covid second vaccination clinic, Hall booking meeting.
Ferry Advisory Committee vacancy: Seat available on FAC (usually for Emergency Services). Anyone interested?
Recognition for community members: Carol Quin, Ruth Fortune, Andrew Carmichael, Don Joyce.
Covid Community Conversation: Final report posted on web-site. Feedback welcome.
- HICEEC report: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. Annual work plan has many valuable goals based on community’s input into the Hornby Economic Action Plan in 2006. Visit the hiceec.org web-site for more information. Appointees will provide a two-way conduit for communication between community and HICEEC. Zoom AGM coming up.
- Town Hall: pre-summer discussion and larger issues facing the community:
Suggestions: Replace highly visible signage at Buckley Bay re: Is. Trust, only come to Hornby if accommodation booked; Sollans Rd/Central intersection three-way stop; remember that everyone has had a difficult year.
Concerns: Need more Fire Patrol staff; difficult to be welcoming of lots of visitors after Covid; anticipating frustratingly long ferry line-ups; no pub this year may impact public drinking;
Hopes: Excited to have new school ready to open; appreciation for part-time residents who have respected PHOs and stayed home; excited to welcome new faces and new ideas. - Adjournment: 9:05pm
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 31 other HIRRA members
Regrets: Jeremy Payne, First Vice President;
Call to order: 7:30pm
- Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. Executive and staff introduced themselves.
- Recognition for community member: Appreciation for Janet LeBlancq, who recently moved off Hornby, for all her community input: Depot Manager, HIRRA Administrator, Emergency Social Services coordinator, board member of Housing Society, Co-op and Healthcare Society.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of June 9, 2021 HIRRA meeting were accepted as presented by poll.
- HIRRA Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy: The revised draft policy was circulated with the meeting notice and posted to the website. Discussion re: the inclusion of “volunteers” in the Harassment Policy. Suggestion to have a separate volunteer-specific policy regarding harassment.
Suggestion that “Step 4” is confusing as it directs people to contact shop steward.
Noted that Human Rights Tribunal is available to everyone if other processes are not adequate.
M/S/FAILED Wendy Burton/Vicki Bale “That the word “volunteer” be removed from the HIRRA Harassment Response Policy.”
M/S/C Kent Lukinuk/Stani Veselinovic “That the words “Step 4” be removed from the HIRRA Harassment Response Policy and the “Step 4” sentence be combined with Step 3.”
M/S/C Rachelle Chinnery/Jan Kennedy “That the HIRRA Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy be approved as amended.” - Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel, President. Savoie Centre building repairs; RCMP liaison; request for feedback re: Covid Community Conversation next steps; appreciation for feedback from membership from email consultations.
- Community Announcements:
- HIAC: Studio Tour, raffle fund-raiser, Zoom open house re: Arts Centre; water themed art show, art/music show re: Coast Salish connections.
- Advisory Planning Commission: Work on referrals from Local Trust Committee. Meetings open to the public. Currently working on Official Community Plan (OCP) review re: First Nations, Housing, Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) and Riparian Zones.
- Resilience Initiative: Rack card available at brochure racks and for STVR operators.
- Ferry Advisory: Stephan Wehner volunteered and appointed to Ferry Advisory Committee.
- Islands Trust: Trustee Grant Scott reported. Appreciation for APC. First Nations relations very important to include in OCP. Trust Council meeting last week re: Trust Policy Statement review. Many people requested better community consultation and information re: reviewing the Policy Statement. Hornby Trustees planning a community consultation process to collect feedback on the Policy Statement for Trust Council.
- Skatepark grant application letter: Email request received this evening. Deadline is before next meeting. There was general agreement, by poll, for the Executive to decide whether to write a letter of support for the grant application for a skatepark at the Ballpark.
- Recreation Committee report: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator. Offering several summer recreation programs: sailing, kayaking, nature, tennis, arts, swimming, first aid, soccer. Open to both visitors and islanders.
- HIAC update on Arts Centre and operational funding: Arts Centre update presented by Tor Nawrot, Arts Centre Project Manager. Many materials have been purchased. Plan to put out to tender soon and start work this fall.
Operational funding proposal presented by Louise McMurray, HIAC President. Working on long term planning for stable operational and maintenance funding. Need to demonstrate strong community support. Discussed with CVRD staff and recommending $30,000 annual tax funding for maintenance. More information and a motion will be brought to Sept. HIRRA meeting. Further information will be on HIAC web-site, at the upcoming HIAC Zoom open house, via mailouts, or by contacting the HIAC Exec. Director. Summer students will be at the Farmers’ Market. - Recycling Committee Report: Historical item from 1988 HIRRA minutes: decision to gate the Depot driveway. Report presented by Stani Veselinovic, Recycling Depot Manager. Depot is very busy. Physical distancing no longer required, but people still asked to wear masks indoors. Free Store open during regular Depot hours. Depot closed all Stat. Holidays. Shipping two bins of recycling and two to four bins of garbage weekly. New sculptures in the garden. Appreciation for staff and for volunteers in garden, Free Store, and HIRRA Committee.
- HICEEC report: Presented by Bee Wolf-Ray, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. Invite input via email to karen@hiceec.org. Summer bus is running and well-used. Not equipped with wheelchair lift at this time. Municipal Regional District Tax (MRDT) survey of STVR providers. Province now allows the MRDT tax monies to be used for housing (esp. for summer workers). Internet project is still in process. CVRD applying for a grant for “last mile” to get fibre optic access to islands. Everyone encouraged to complete the HICEEC “exit survey” regarding ferry service. HICEEC Strategic Planning session in Sept.
Request for a tourism survey (similar to the MRDT survey) to be available to all Hornby islanders. Appreciation for increased communication with community and feedback from community. - Adjournment: 9:25pm
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Bookkeeper; 103 other HIRRA members, 6 new members (total: 100 plus 14 extra people sharing screens)
Regrets: Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Alpen Kelley, Secretary;
Call to order: 7:41pm
- Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged First Nations territory. Executive and staff introduced themselves. Zoom protocols were reviewed.
- Recognition for community member: Remembrance for Dr. David Wiseman, Chair of HIRRA’s Emergency Preparedness Committee.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of July 14, 2021 HIRRA meeting were accepted as presented by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel, President. Researching accountants and data security. CVRD budget deadline moved to October. Farmers’ Market WiFi use has increased. Improvement will require better connection speed (e.g. fibre optic).
- Community Announcements:
- Dates announced: Upcoming Federal Election at the Hall
- Remembrance for Frank Elkins, former member of HIRRA’s Fire Hall Select Committee
- Core Services Budget: The draft Core Services budget was presented and reviewed.
M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Judith Fletcher Elkins That the Core Services five-year budget for 2022-2026 be approved as presented. - HIAC request for support for operational funding: Operational funding proposal presented by Andrew Mark, HIAC Executive Director. HIAC asked CVRD to include a HIRRA letter of support as part of their financial plan for tax support. Proposing a temporary three-year contract for $30,000 annual tax funding for maintenance and staffing some evening hours starting when the Arts Centre opens to the public. Dependable tax funding is critical for public arts services and will assist HIAC in applying for grants.
Plan to put tender out for building construction soon, then one or two years to complete.
A referendum would be expensive and CVRD thinks HIAC fits well under existing tax service.
Pros: Art Centre will be valuable interior place open to public year-round, small tax amount per household, big benefit to Hornby
Cons: HIRRA meeting not representative of all taxpayers, HIAC limited recent art-show participants to paid HIAC members.M/S/NOT ALLOWED Judith Walmsley/Anna Zielinski That the motion be postponed until such time as every taxpayer has received notification of the proposal.
Motion not allowed by the Chair because HIRRA and HIAC do not have access to a taxpayer mailing list.M/S/DEFEATED Dale Devost/Vicki Bale That the motion be postponed until the November meeting to give time to explore with the CVRD adding HIAC tax support to the upcoming referendum.
M/S/C Karen Ross/Andrew Mark That the motion be amended to add “for three years”.
M/S/C Andrew Mark/Rachelle Chinnery That the HIRRA Executive draft a letter of support on behalf of the Hornby Island Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association in favour of the Hornby Island Arts Council’s proposal for dedicated municipal support for three years funded by a property tax increase applied to the Hornby Island Heritage Conservation tax service for the maintenance of the Arts Centre once it opens. - HICEEC report: Presented by Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC. Visit web-site to see complete HICEEC information. Strategic planning session coming up. Email Rudy with input. Survey respondents supported using income from proposed MRDT “pillow tax” for affordable housing. Fibre optic plan proceeding with City West. Info coming from CVRD for upcoming referendum. New HICEEC office in school modular administration building.
- Covid Community Conversation next steps: Daniel collected feedback from community over the summer on issues and directions to explore. Suggestion to establish working groups focused on specific community issues within the larger context of Climate Crisis.
Barbara Baird for Hornby Is. Housing Society: Suggest long range affordable housing plan for Hornby. Researching multiple solutions and options from other communities and levels of government. Project Manager is working on costing and bureaucracy for Beulah Creek Housing.
Ellen Leslie and Darren Bond for Water Stewardship: Summer water art show in partnership with HIAC well-attended and stimulated lots of discussion and education. Poll on options for requesting CVRD support for addressing water quantity and quality issues. - Adjournment: 9:53pm
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 36 other HIRRA members and 3 new members
Regrets: Alpen Kelley, Secretary;
Call to order: 7:31pm
Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Community recognition: Nym appreciated Colleen Work: a long-time essential worker on Hornby, a hard-worker with a strong commitment to the environment. Round of applause.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel, President. Executive meeting took place over two sessions to look closely at budgets and other business. Annual opportunity for public to look at budgets and provide feedback to the CVRD. Earlier CVRD budget deadline means projecting year-end amounts was more difficult. Bee Wolf-Ray has resigned as HIRRA’s appointee to HICEEC.
- Minutes: Minutes of Sept 8, 2021 HIRRA meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented by poll.
- Community Announcements:
Upcoming dates announced: Fireworks for Halloween, Halloween outdoor family event and dance at Tribune Campsite, HIAC Winter Studio Tour, Hornby Housing AGM,
Dragon Boat: Some interest in purchasing a dragon boat for Hornby. - 2022 DRAFT Five-Year budgets for approval:
Overview of budget information presented by Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, in particular the way that surplus/deficits are shown on budgets.
Noted that members are displeased with short lead-time for budget preparation and review.- Comfort Stations: Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair. Question: has portable at Little Trib been considered instead of rebuilding permanent privy. Several years ago, HIRRA approved Comfort Stations’ plan to move to permanent outhouses to reduce transportation and environmental costs.
M/S/C Nym Hughes/Doug Chinnery “That the 2022-2026 Comfort Stations budget be approved as presented.” - Community Hall: Presented by Vicki Bale, Committee Chair. Q: Do budgets take into account RRSP program? Yes. Where do funds for capital projects come from? CVRD Reserve funds.
M/S/C Vicki Bale/Nym Hughes “That the 2022-2026 Community Hall budget be approved as presented.” - Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Amy LeBaron, interim Committee Chair. Committee requesting new tax funding from CVRD.
M/S/C Amy LeBaron/Doug Chinnery “That the 2022-2026 Emergency Preparedness budget be approved as presented.” - Fire Protection: Presented by Rob Lewis, HIFR Training Officer
Summer call volume increasing each year.
M/S/C Rob Lewis/Doug Chinnery “That the 2022-2026 Hornby Fire Rescue budget be approved as presented.” - Recycling Waste Management: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Member concerns about large increase in wages budget. Suggestion to remove the Free Store Greeter position from 2022 budget or not plan for it to continue for five years. Committee considers Greeter essential for enforcing Covid protocols and keeping Free Store open. Suggestion to increase tipping fees to help offset expense, and consider having a volunteer greeter. No volunteers willing. Need more volunteers for sorting and organizing Free Store donations.
General agreement that the Recycling Committee be asked to investigate increasing tipping fees in the 2022 budget to help offset expenses.
M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Judith Fletcher-Elkins “That the 2022-2026 Hornby Island Waste Management budget be approved as presented.” - Invasive Weed Control: Presented by Anna Zielinski, Committee Chair.
M/S/C Anna Zielinski/Jan Kennedy “That the 2022-2026 Invasive Weed Control budget be approved as presented.” - Property Management: Presented by Reina LeBaron, HIRRA Executive Administrator.
M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Joanne Ovitsland “That the 2022-2026 Property Management budget be approved as presented.” - Recreation: Presented by Bill Hamilton, Committee Chair. Member concerns about amount of expense for few programs. Suggestion that Committee increase user fees to recoup program expenses. Noted that there is a requisition cap for all tax-funded services.
M/S/C Bill Hamilton/Doug Chinnery “That the 2022-2026 Recreation budget be approved as presented.” - Regional Parks and Trails: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member. Suggestion to explore separate liability insurance for Parks/Trails as a cheaper alternative to being included under HIRRA’s policy. Q: about increase in Roadside Trails maintenance amount. To pay for more hours for a second annual brushing of all the Roadside trails.
M/S/C Tom Rutherford/Reina LeBaron “That the 2022-2026 Regional Parks and Trails budget be approved as presented.”
- Comfort Stations: Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair. Question: has portable at Little Trib been considered instead of rebuilding permanent privy. Several years ago, HIRRA approved Comfort Stations’ plan to move to permanent outhouses to reduce transportation and environmental costs.
Appreciation for staff, volunteer Committee members and meeting participants for creating and reviewing budgets.
- Town Hall discussion: Deferred to next meeting
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 10:02
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 70 other HIRRA members and 6 new members (82 total participants)
Regrets: Jeremy Payne, First Vice President;
Call to order: 7:34pm
Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Guidelines for meeting were outlined.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of Oct. 13, 2021 HIRRA meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.
- Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel, President. Discussed work on the Savoie Centre, RRSP plan, improving budget process. Meeting re: summer issues at Little Tribune.
- Community Announcements: Upcoming dates announced for Remembrance Day gathering and Referendum on fibre optic service.
- Appointment of accountants:
M/S/C Daniel Siegel/Joanne Ovitsland That Grant Thornton Accountants be appointed to complete the 2021 Year-end Review Engagement. - Community Heritage Register: Margaret Birch: Hall Committee researching a Community Heritage Register for heritage buildings on Hornby through Is. Trust.
Questions: Does it provide protection? Would it include First Nations sites? Would it restrict renovations? Questions need further discussion with Local Trust Committee.
M/S/C Margaret Birch/Alpen Kelley That HIRRA write a letter to the Hornby Local Trust Committee requesting that they establish a Hornby Island Community Heritage Register. - Town Hall Community Conversation: Daniel read item from Aug 13, 1980 HIRRA minutes re: over-crowding on Hornby and reviewed Climate Crisis impacts from this summer.
Important to have data and research to inform decision-making. - Community recognition: Daniel appreciated April Lewis for her support and dedication to the Hornby community in many capacities.
- Hornby Housing Network: Sadie Chezenko: A group of individuals representing many different groups are meeting to share information and potential actions to address housing issues on Hornby. Open group: more people welcome.
- Water Stewardship: Darren Bond: Collaborated with HIAC on art show and got feedback on possible tax incentives to help people deal with water issues. Made a presentation to CVRD for their consideration. Put up drought signage at ferry landing. Tracking observation well at Sandpiper and precipitation. Worked with Is. Trust on water and geology study. Started on-island e-coli water testing.
- CVRD Director: Daniel Arbour: Climate Crisis is a key challenge for local, provincial and federal governments. Migration due to climate change may mean more people moving to the BC coast. Other “drivers” at CVRD: First Nations reconciliation, fiscal responsibility, community partnerships. Appreciation for everyone quietly working to support the community.
- HICEEC: Rudy Rogalsky: Appreciation for Bee Wolf-Ray who recently stepped down as HIRRA appointee. Seeking another appointee from HIRRA. HICEEC submitted budget to CVRD with wording changed from “grow the economy” to “develop a sustainable economy.” Working on establishing a 3% MRDT tax on STVRs. Revenue is planned to help mitigate impacts of tourism, specifically to support housing for summer workers. Participating in Housing Network. Wrote to MLA to ask her to support of Beulah Creek project. Suggestion for HIRRA to do the same. Fibre Optic project referendum coming up Nov. 27.
Noted that MRDT tax was originally intended to “promote tourism.” - Open Community Conversation:
Water: Concern about impacts of private water sales on Hornby. Concern about households that run out of water and need to purchase water in summer. Complaints can be made to the Province, as they are in charge of groundwater regulation. Province requires businesses to register wells.
Island has a water storage issue—lots in the winter if it can be stored. Suggestion to require STVRs to have cisterns for water storage. Suggestion to explore reverse osmosis systems.
HIFR has water catchment system for truck and hose-washing. Landscaping at HIFR was done with drought-tolerant local plants, including Garry oaks.
Suggest a free public water source from rain-water collection cisterns. Water available at the public well with hand-pump on HIRRA lease. Water meter can be installed on personal wells.
Short-term rentals (STVRs): Water issues directly related to STVRs being over-booked or over-used. Most residents are responsible about conserving water, but difficult to effectively manage water at high turnover large occupancy STVRs.
STVRs also directly linked to ongoing housing issues.
Appreciation for HISTRA, especially for encouraging STVRs to post contact info signage at their driveways, and including Land Use Bylaws on their website.
Illegal roadside camping: Several group reps met about issues at Little Tribune. Concern about pushing the problem to other locations. Possible actions: ask people to gather further away from parking lot, post signage at Buckley Bay to remind visitors they need reservation or confirmed place to stay in summer.
Concern about illegal roadside camping impacts on the groundwater. Too many people came this summer with no place to stay.
Concern about having space for people who can’t afford STVR reservations. Some island residents started out camping or marginally housed.
Housing: Workforce housing benefits workers and also benefits employers. Essential that people who work on the island have places to live.
Long-term rentals are not publicly posted on Hornby. Some summer workers have come for over ten years and never found a place to rent.
Light pollution: Concern about light pollution, particularly from RCMP floodlights and Community Hall exterior lights. Is. Trust Bylaw bans lights shining on other properties and into roadways. Request to preserve Hornby’s “dark skies” by removing or reducing intensity of exterior lights. Exec. contacted RCMP about changing the bright floodlights. Exec. will follow up as landlords. Suggestion for RCMP to get a better camera.
Communications and messaging: Suggestion to set up a working group to develop wording for social media and other publicity to inform visitors that they need a pre-arranged place to stay before coming to Hornby. Mary MacKenzie is willing to participate.
Reminder to speak up about community limits and boundaries for our island home.
Set the expectation that visitors treat the island and residents respectfully.
Support for messaging about respecting the community.
Next Steps: Contact HIRRA as information hub to share concerns and ideas for solutions. - Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:21pm
Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 By Zoom
Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 45 other HIRRA members, 2 new members and 1 guest (52 total participants)
Regrets: Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Alpen Kelley, Secretary; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator;
Call to order: 7:34pm
Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.
- Community recognition: Joy Jeffries appreciated Susan Crowe for establishing and promoting food programs on Hornby, leading to The Kitchen, and for her many other volunteer contributions.
- Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
- Minutes: Minutes of Nov. 10, 2021 HIRRA meeting were approved as presented by poll.
- Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Reviewed draft Contract with CVRD; meetings will continue by Zoom; awarded contract for Savoie drainage work; still seeking HICEEC rep.
- Community Announcements:
- Water Stewardship: grant for signage, CVRD denied incentive program for water catchment this year.
- Hornby Environmental Adaptation Loan (HEAL): No-interest loans available. More private funding welcome.
- Community Health Profile: Project for both Hornby and Denman in development phase.
- Gas Bar: Continuing to ration to 30 litres per vehicle. Hoping for a gas delivery soon.
- Heron Rocks: Wassail Party happening Jan 9
- Hornby/Denman Community Health Care Society presentation: Regrets from Lori.
- Town Hall Community Conversation: Daniel read item from 1969 minutes re: pollution sign.
All the topics are interconnected. People encouraged to get involved in whatever way possible. Contact HIRRA as information hub to share concerns and ideas for solutions or be connected to others. Congratulations on getting through this difficult year.- Food Security Project: Nym Hughes gave a power-point presentation on research project and invited more people to participate in working group. Lots of possible strategies.
Q: Will group look at difference between food security for winter and summer populations? - Messaging Working Group: Mary MacKenzie: Seven volunteers meeting in Jan to develop text for public messaging (signs, social media, print) for approval at a future HIRRA meeting.
Q: Any idea what the maximum number of visitors to Hornby would be?
Isn’t messaging the Islands Trust responsibility? - Islands Trustees: Grant Scott: Trust Council last week hybrid of Zoom and in-person. Approved budget for supporting Hornby APC to review and update Hornby OCP and LUB. Concern about proposed changes to Trust Policy Statement (guidelines for Local Trust Committees). Changes are still in process with more opportunities for input.
Improving communications with First Nations about Thatch development. Encourage people to attend Local Trust Committee meetings. Working on presentation about structure and mandate of Is. Trust.
Alex Allen: Look for nominations for Is. Trust Stewardship Awards to recognize individuals and groups working to preserve and protect islands.
Apparently, Hornby and Maine are approaching carrying capacity. - RCMP: Constable Paul Jones: RCMP considering how to address camping at Little Tribune parking lot, possibly including towing vehicles to a local temporary compound. Hoping to add some improved accommodations to allow increased RCMP presence on Hornby.
Offered to give a presentation on recreational drugs including Fentanyl.
Call RCMP to report ANY incidents. If it isn’t reported, they don’t know it happened.
Q: Can RCMP make public statement on criminal reports for Hornby?
Yes, paperless reports are available and can be made public. - Hornby Is. Athletic Association: Stephanie Wells: HIAA Board is considering whether they could set up a few “summer worker campsites” providing Crown Lands approves.
- HIFR: Albini Lapierre, Deputy Fire Chief. This may be the busiest year on record. Upgrading building and training facility for on-island interior training. New Year’s Day Polar Bear Swim.
- Emergency Preparedness: Amy LeBaron: Lost David Wiseman this fall. Committee members introduced. Still seeking more volunteers. Working on NEPP map and information pamphlet. Expecting a new CVRD NEPP handbook in new year. Goals reviewed.
- Conservancy Hornby Island: Grant Scott: Recently held AGM. New Board members. “Let the Herring Live Forum” in January. “Herring Fest” in March.
- Food Security Project: Nym Hughes gave a power-point presentation on research project and invited more people to participate in working group. Lots of possible strategies.
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:23pm