2023 Minutes

HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

Minutes of HIRRA Committee meetings are available for viewing by HIRRA members by contacting the Administrator at (250) 335-1842 or office@hirra.ca.

Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 31 other HIRRA members including screen shares (38 total participants)

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation (by Allie Quelch) for Craig McGillivray for volunteer maintenance at the Ballpark.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as presented by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Dec. 14, 2022 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Met with HICEEC re: Vision Renewal. Seeking three candidates for Executive as well as other positions. Roads report posted to web-site. Cell tower discussions best hosted by Islands Trust.
  4. Historical minutes Lynn read from 1976 HIRRA minutes regarding Hall heater and Grassy Point road delineation.
  5. Community Announcements:
    • Community Vision Renewal session: HIRRA and HICEEC seeking public feedback in-person and by Zoom. Vision document to guide and support island group projects.
    • Hornby Bus driver training: HICEEC sponsoring driver training May 27. Appreciation for Rudy as HIRRA appointee to HICEEC.
    • Dates for: Vision Renewal, Hornby Arts Social, Resilience Initiative climate film, Crop Circle potluck Seedy Saturday.
    • Spark updates: Community makerspace at the old Fire Hall. Member fees cover operating costs and allow access to shop space, kitchen, internet, laundry, etc.
  6. Privacy Policy: Draft HIRRA Privacy Policy was circulated by email, posted to web-site and reviewed. Question: Does HIRRA need a Privacy Officer?
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Judith Walmsley
    “That the HIRRA Privacy Policy be adopted as presented.”
  7. Regional Parks and Trails Advisory: The Committee requested an increase in members.
    M/S/C Leslee Richards/Amy LeBaron
    “That the Regional Parks and Trails Advisory Committee be increased from five members to seven.”
  8. Hornby Island Fire Rescue updates: Fire Chief, Doug Chinnery: Now at 30 members. Four Duty Officers. Cadet Camp and fire extinguisher training planned this spring. FireSmart reminder. HIAA now hosting Warming Centre and accessing funding. HIFR expecting grants for propane-fuelled car fire and other training props, and shelter and equipment for Structural Protection Trailer. Suggestion for neighbourhood FireSmart programs.
  9. Recycling Waste Management updates: Depot Manager, Stani Veselinovic: Now collecting single-use disposable and “packaging-like” items. CVRD increasing tipping fees. Exploring setting up a re-useable building supply area at the Depot. Needs volunteers to supervise. People really want to be able to re-use building supplies.
  10. Islands Trust updates: Regrets from Trustees.
  11. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corp. updates: HICEEC employee, Karen Ross: Excited about the Vision Renewal project. Hornby/Denman Internet Committee still active. CityWest planning to start work on fibre-optic on Hornby this spring. Sold Blue bus last fall. Seeking a smaller 20 passenger bus for this summer.
  12. Ferry Advisory Committee updates: FAC members,Stephan Wehner and Karen Ross: BC Ferries has committed to putting Quinitsa on Hornby run this summer. FAC preparing a report and questions for Ferry Commissioner about BC Ferries “Performance Term 6” review, including fare caps for next four years. Appreciation for Stephan’s work on the report. Gravelly Bay expansion has started as planned by BC Ferries some years ago.


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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 27 other HIRRA members including screen shares (33 total participants)

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation (by Reina LeBaron) for Lloyd House for his creative iconic Hornby buildings.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Feb. 8 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Kent Lukinuk’s resigned to join a CVRD Committee. Appreciation for his work on the Executive. Danger tree assessment in Market Copse. HIRRA and HICEEC co-hosted Vision Renewal events. Central Use Area meeting planned. Volunteers needed for Executive, several Committees and appointee to HICEEC.

Historical minutes: Lynn read from Oct 1978 HIRRA minutes regarding Recycling wage suggestions and garbage burning.

  1. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Crop Circle potluck. Seedy Saturday. Pruning Workshop. Trust Committee meeting. Water Stewardship “lifelong learning” presentation.
  2. Committee Consultation Policy: Draft HIRRA Committee Consultation Policy was circulated by email, posted to web-site and reviewed. Three friendly amendments were made and agreed to clarify points 4 and 6, and to add “Standing Committees” throughout.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Margaret Birch “That the HIRRA Committee Consultation Policy be adopted as amended.”
    M/S/DEFEATED Judith Walmsley/Sheila McDonnell “That the Draft Committee Consultation Policy be tabled to a future meeting.”
  3. Comox Valley Regional District Director updates: CVRD Director, Daniel Arbour did not attend the meeting.
  4. Water Stewardship updates: Water Stewardship member, Darren Bond: Displayed graphs. Precipitation levels lower than averages since 1945. Drought sign at gas bar is based on BC drought levels (average precipitation and stream flow). Monthly low temperatures in 2022-23 were significantly higher than average. Sampling of 29 shallow well and ditch sites on Hornby showed significant increases in E. Coli in summer. Discussion followed.
    Questions: How accurate is data? What will the response be if summer starts in drought?
    Suggestions: Post drought sign at ferry landing. Strengthen bylaws regarding water and septic capacity requirements for sale of properties. Establish a community water storage area. Assess and improve existing water and septic systems.
    Comments: Complex ecosystem situation. Dying trees are clear sign of drought. Trees are also impacted by increase of insect pests with warmer climate. Conservancy Hornby Island has a program of planting trees using varieties better adapted to drier conditions (e.g. Gary oak). Hornby’s Environmental Adaptation Loan micro-loan program has funds available.
    Reminder to contribute to the Vision Renewal process.

Adjourned: 9:08pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 48 other HIRRA members (including 6 screen shares); 3 new members; and 1 guest, John Moors of the Robbins and Co. Accountants (58 total participants)  
Regrets: Stani Veselinovic, Liz Earle

Call to order: 7:35pm        

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of March 8 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel. Attached. HIRRA Exec. Report AGM Apr 12-23
  4. Appreciation by Daniel, Reina and Garth Millan for Lynn Nunley for her twenty years of dedicated service on the HIRRA Executive and her previous service as Hornby Is. Fire Chief.
  5. Community Announcements: Dates for 2 upcoming events.
  6. Financial report: Presented by Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator. Power Point presentation summarized the Robbins and Co. Year-end Review Engagement and the “fund balance report” prepared by the Financial Administrator. Attached. HIRRA Dec. 31 2022 Financial Statements
    M/S/C Lynn Nunley/Daniel Siegel “That the Robbins and Co. Accountants’ 2022 year-end review engagement report be accepted as presented.”
    M/S/C Lynn Nunley/ Daniel Siegel “
    That Robbins and Co. appointed as HIRRA’s Accountant for the 2023 fiscal year.”
  7. Tax-funded Committee reports: Written reports were circulated with the AGM email notice and posted to the hirra.ca website. Highlights were shared verbally. HIRRA AGM reports 2023
    1. Community Hall: Presented by Hilary Wood-McDonnell, Committee Chair.
    2. Fire Protection (HIFR): Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. 2022 HIFR Annual Report
    3. Comfort Stations: Presented by Reina on behalf of Tony Law, Acting Committee Chair. Suggestion to ask BC Parks to install an RV sani-dump station.
    4. Recycling report: Presented by Jan Kennedy, Committee Chair. Attached.
    5. Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator.
    6. Invasive Plant Control: Presented by Reina on behalf of Liz Earle, Committee Chair. Was the complaint regarding broom sent to the property owner?
    7. Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Amy LeBaron, Committee Chair.
  8. Other Committee Reports: Written reports were circulated with the AGM email notice and posted to the hirra.ca website. Highlights were shared verbally. [see AGM reports 2023 link above]
    1. Regional Parks and Trails Advisory: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member. Attached.
    2. Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Reina on behalf of Tina Wai, Committee member.
    3. Fall Fair: No written report presented. Committee member, Chelka Mackeson, reported that the 2022 Fall Fair was a great event—a rekindling of community spirit. Financially successful. Committee hopes to purchase a mobile storage unit for tents, tables, etc. Appreciation for Committee members, Sheila, Landys and Jeff. Seeking more Committee members. Have a tentative theme, and a date set for Sept 17, 2023.
    4. Boat Ramp: No report as Committee was inactive in 2022.
  9. Elections and acclamations: All positions are for two-year terms.
    1. Executive elected by acclamation: Ashley Stotts is willing to stand for President.
      Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Ashley was declared elected by acclamation. He introduced himself and why he was willing to volunteer.
      Jeff Rabena is willing to stand for Second Vice-President. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Jeff was declared elected by acclamation. He introduced himself and why he was willing to volunteer.
      Angeleah Hoeppner is willing to stand for Treasurer but is not yet eligible as she joined HIRRA in March. Chair called for nominations. Receiving none, the position was declared vacant. In two weeks, when Angeleah becomes eligible, she will be appointed. She introduced herself and why she was willing to volunteer.
    2. Recycling Waste Management: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jan Kennedy, Ilze Raudzins, Richard Margetts.
    3. Community Hall: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Hilary Wood-McDonnell, Margaret Birch.
    4. Fire Protection: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Tor Nawrot, Don Peterson.
    5. Recreation: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jonattan Mendoza, Bonita Wexler, Donna Tuele.
    6. Emergency Preparedness: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Bernie Kowey, Tom Ruth, Henry Touwslager. The Committee still has two vacancies.
    7. Invasive Weed Control: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Rachel Platt.
    8. Comfort Stations: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Tony Law. The Committee still has two vacancies.
    9. Cemetery Stewards: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Gemma Colin, Iain Palmer, Barb Inglis.
    10. Regional Parks/Trails Advisory: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Leslee Richards, Amanda Zielinski, Dean McKay and Rob White.
    11. Fall Fair: Chair called for further nominations. Jonattan Mendoza was nominated by Judith Walmsley and accepted the nomination. Receiving no more nominations, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Chelka Mackeson, Jonattan Mendoza. The Committee still has one vacancy.
    12. Boat Ramp: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Larry Wasserman. The Committee still has three vacancies.
  10. Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC):
    The following candidate was elected to the HICEEC Board (one year term) by acclamation: Sheila McDonnell. There is still one vacancy for another appointee.
  1. Appreciations and song: There were appreciations for all Committee volunteers, appreciation for Daniel as retiring President, and a Hebrew song for Daniel sung by Chelka.
  1. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:24pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 By Zoom

Present: Ashley Stotts, President; Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 40 other HIRRA members including screen shares (45 total participants)

Regrets: Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President;

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: Ashley acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of April 12 HIRRA AGM were approved as presented by poll.
  3. Appreciation: Sara Vipond remembered and honoured Keith and Bertie Stonehouse for their contributions to the Hornby community.
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Enthusiastic new Exec. members attending a number of extra meetings. Call for volunteers to do summer beach water sampling. Call for more volunteers for Comfort Stations Committee.
    Suggestion to disband the Committee and the Executive to manage outhouses directly.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Start of Market. Heron Rocks Plant Sale and Berry Tea.
    2. Hornby Radio: Successful emergency alert test broadcast. Thanks to funders, members and volunteers.
    3. Co-op art wall: Extension of the Blues Art show organized by Hornby Arts.
  6. Islands Trustee updates: Trustee Grant Scott: Trustees established a “project charter” to define the work and cost for proceeding with drafting revisions to the OCP and LUB based on the recommendations from APC and consultants. Information will be on the web-site. Staff report on cell tower to be presented at June 16 Local Trust Committee Zoom meeting.
  7. Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Director updates: CVRD Director, Daniel Arbour. CVRD has contributed funding to the Beulah Creek project. Elder Housing Village, Spark and school playground will get grant funding this year. Comfort Stations received a grant to replace the Little Tribune outhouse (rather than increasing taxes). Still seeking grants for electric bus, boat ramp replacement and other community projects. Daniel supports improving the “active transportation” roadside trail network on Hornby. Daniel is mostly focussed on some large capital projects in other parts of Area A.
    Q: about petition regarding composting toilet residuals. No update.
    Q: about septic regulations. No update. CVRD may consider regulations in the future especially regarding septic systems in high density neighbourhoods.

Q: about City West promised free fibre optic drops to island residences. City West may seek further government grant funding to finish the project. Request for clarity about the agreement with City West. CVRD was not involved in the original agreement between Province and City West, but did make a funding contribution to the project. CVRD and Internet Committee will bring up the issue with City West.

  1. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) updates: Sheila McDonnell, HIRRA’s appointee to the HICEEC Board. Initially City West promised to deliver a free drop to all the people who signed up in advance. There have been issues with high inflation, supply chains, labour shortages, and rocky geology. Joint Hornby/Denman internet Committee is working with City West to address issues. Work is going well on Hornby and expect to have the service operational this year.
    Bus: Denman “scuttle-bus” is running. New second-hand bus purchased for Hornby. Twelve people attended driver training class sponsored by HICEEC. Bus schedule not yet out.
    Rural Island Economic Partnership forum: Sheila attended the forum on Gabriola. Many shared concerns re: environment, tourism, ferries, housing. Many island projects frustrated by the “urban bias” in funding and regulatory bodies. Suggest adopting the “doughnut economy” model that takes into account environment, economy, social support.
    On-line Community Calendar: Send event announcements to Karen to post on-line
    Community Vision: Collaboration between HICEEC and HIRRA to renew the Hornby Community Vision.
    Vacancy for HIRRA appointee to the HICEEC Board.
  2. Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) updates: Rob McCreary, HIRRA appointee to FAC.
    Working to get larger reliable ferries on both routes. Hornby and Denman populations increased 20% in the past few years. In the same time, ferries have reduced service and capacity. Long wait-times and overloads even in off-season. Denman ferry is often unavailable for off-hours emergencies. BC Ferries has committed to the Quinitsa serving Hornby from May to Dec. 2023 and Kahloke running in tandem with the Cable ferry June to Sept on week-days 2023. Not a long-term solution. BC Ferries is hosting “Community engagement meeting” Sat. May 27, 11-2 at the Hornby Hall. Everyone urged to attend and let BC Ferries know that we need larger, reliable ferries on both routes.
    Suggestion to go to a 16hr crew on Hornby route. BC Ferries has been having issues with sufficient staffing.
    Suggestion to consider upgrading terminals to accommodate “island-class” ferries.
    Q about how to measure success of ferries. Suggestion for BC Ferries to provide the metrics they use in reporting to Commissioner. Issues with how “reliability” is measured.

Suggestion to have a second tourist ferry running directly from Vancouver Is. to Hornby.
Appreciation for FAC volunteers.

Adjourned:  9:08pm.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 By Zoom

Present: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 38 other HIRRA members including screen shares, and one guest (45 total participants)

Regrets: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President;

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Ashley acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of May 10 HIRRA meeting were approved as presented by poll.
  3. Appreciation: Ashley read a brief biography of Heinz Laffin and appreciation for his community contributions (written by Christina Laffin).
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Hall is busy. Danger trees removed. Mileage rate for HIRRA increased to match Federal rate. Jeff will participate in Collective Agreement negotiations. Considering options for projects for quilt funds. New Little Tribune outhouse planned for Sept. Attending BC Parks meeting regarding Big Tribune. Received notice of claim for an accident at Fall Fair accident. Met with CVRD re: finances.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Septic care and maintenance course. Local Trust Committee meeting. Pride parade at Co-op. Everyone encouraged to support LGBTQ community.
    2. Ferry Advisory Committee: Public information meetings held on both Hornby and Denman. Quinitsa on Hornby route has helped reduce wait times, but Baynes Sound ferry now often overloaded. Encourage people to fill out ferry survey and focus on need for larger ferries for both routes.
    3. Natural History Centre: Open Tues to Sat through the summer.
    4. We-store: Proposed “we-store” building supply re-use area at Depot. Volunteers willing to supervise. Hoping for HIRRA and CVRD support for fencing a building supply area to keep useable materials out of the landfill.
    5. BC Parks sani-dump: M/ Judith Walmsley “That HIRRA write a letter to BC Parks to request a public sani-dump in the Tribune Bay Provincial Park.”
      Executive is planning to speak to BC Parks in person and get more information on a possible sani-dump. May result in a motion to write a letter at the next HIRRA meeting.
  6. Cemetery policy changes: Tina Wai, Committee member. Committee decided to increase Cemetery fees this year ($200 for ashes; $600 for full body burials) and will probably increase them again next year. The revenue will build a reserve for anticipated costs to acquire new land. Burial fees elsewhere are at least $1,000. Government will subsidize people who are unable to pay. Committee allows multiple cremated remains in one plot. Plots cannot be reserved. Only Hornby residents are eligible to be buried at the cemetery.
  7. RCMP updates: Corporal Aaron Chamberlin. Plan to come on particularly busy special event weekends and also make irregular overnight and day visits. No overnight parking signage responsibility of MoTI. RCMP can call to have vehicles towed if necessary. Attended BC Ferries meetings and made similar recommendations regarding need for increased capacity. Considering some renovations to the existing RCMP building to make for space for accommodations.
    Concerns about lighting on building. Anyone can call or file an on-line complaint to create a file with the RCMP. RCMP is over-extended. Prefer for general community concerns to come through HIRRA.
  8. Hornby Island Arts Council updates: Louise McMurray, acting ED and Sheila Morrisette, acting Chair. Arts Centre building has started and is going smoothly. About a third smaller than originally planned due to increased construction costs. Plan to open in 2024. Plan to have sufficient parking for Arts Centre, and may also be shared with other venues. Recently received a Co-op Community Spaces grant for a wheelchair accessible indigenous plants trail on HIAC’s Crown Land lease. Plan to eventually also create outdoor sculpture trails. Partnering with other island groups to offer diverse arts programming.
  9. Emergency Preparedness drought preparation: Tom Ruth, Committee member and member of Cape Gurney Landowners Association. Island Health requires businesses and small water systems to submit a drought emergency response plan. All well owners should consider having a drought plan. Water is a provincial resource. Water systems that serve more than four households or businesses that use water have to register their wells.
  10. Hornby Island Fire Rescue Fire Smart: Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. Wildland Urban Interface fire information. Prepare homes in advance to reduce ignition risk from flying embers. Fire Chief can visit to do a free fire smart assessment on how to improve landscape and buildings to reduce ignition risk. During a large WUI event, Fire Department is more likely to prioritize houses that are more defensible (e.g. fire resistant roofing, cleaned gutters, screened vents, non-combustible areas around the house). What to do with small flammable pruning/gardening debris? Keep it away from buildings. Fire Department has organized community chipping program. Suggestion to mail-out Fire Smart brochures to all residents. Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Hornby prepared some years ago. Evacuation routes depend on the specific location and spread of fire. In a wide-spread emergency, CVRD sends emergency alerts through a smart phone “app” and also via radio and other media. Comox Valley Emergency Preparedness has an Evacuation Plan for Hornby and would be in charge of evacuation in a large emergency.

    Adjourned: 9:25pm.

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    Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

    Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

    Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 21 other HIRRA members and 2 guests

    In person: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 8 other members and 1 guest (Janu)
    (38 total participants.)

    Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary

    Call to order: 7:35pm   

    Introductions: Ashley acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.

    1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
    2. Minutes: June 14, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved as presented by general agreement.
    3. Appreciation: Judith Walmsley appreciated Kent Lukinuk’s recent article re: roadside trail.
    4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Testing hybrid meetings at Room to Grow. Improving computer security. Following up on Governance Review suggestions. Considering HIRRA web-site rebuild. Attended BC Parks meeting at Tribune Bay, including plans to “de-densify” the campsite and promote non-vehicle traffic. Farm owners willing to host Fall Fair this year.
    5. Community Announcements:
      1. Emergency shelter: Athletic Association is a designated emergency shelter for cooling or warming in case of extreme weather.
      2. War ships in Tribune Bay: Canadian and US practicing joint military exercises.
      3. We Store: Volunteers interested in establishing a building supply re-use area at the Depot when approved by the CVRD.
      4. Date for: Studio Tour.
    6. Employment and Contracting policy changes: Ashley reviewed the proposed revisions to clarify policies impacting unionized and non-unionized HIRRA employees.
      Questions and comments: Concerned Exec. is reversing previous membership approval to match Union wages and benefits for non-union staff. Request more discussion. Concerned only Exec., not membership, needs to approve downward wage adjustments. HIRRA Directors and Officers liability insurance covers Committees and Exec. volunteers. HIRRA is a complex organization with different types of staff. It is good to clarify policies. Suggestion to include Code of Conduct in Collective Agreement and employment contracts.
      M/S/C Angeleah Hoeppner/Lynn Nunley “That the proposed revisions to the HIRRA Employment and Contracting Policy be approved as presented.”
    7. BC Parks Sani-dump: Executive received community request to ask BC Parks for a sani-dump on Hornby. BC Parks’ stated policy is to not install any new sani-dumps.
      Comments: Public sani-dump could also serve residents living in trailers and campers. Opposition to encouraging visitors to come to Hornby in large RVs. RVs sometimes empty their tanks into Hornby public outhouses, ditches, or creeks. All BC Parks outhouses are sealed concrete vaults. Sani-dump would also be a sealed concrete tank.
      M/S/C Judith Walmsley/Jazzmyre Corrigan
      “That HIRRA request BC Parks to establish a public RV sani-dump in the Tribune Bay Provincial Park or campground.”
    8. Recycling Depot Waste Management updates: Manager, Stani Veselinovic Baling more material reduces frequency of shipping. Using dust suppressant in parking area. Paving would be very expensive. New roof between Free Store and Library. Planning to extend Depot building next year. Tipping fees will be raised in 2024. CVRD is not opposed to building re-use area, but funding would not be available until 2024. Appreciation for staff, volunteers and Committee members.
      Suggestion to use gravel to reduce dust in the parking area.
    9. Recreation Programming updates: Recreation Coordinator, Jade Wilson. Summer program brochure is only digital this year. Summer youth recreation programs listed. Hired a summer student. Other all ages recreation events listed.
    10. Hornby Festival updates: Festival General Managers, Liam and Gjoa. All music events will be happening at the Farm. Artists listed. Non-classical nights will all have local opening acts. Indigenous programming at the Community Hall. Fundraisers include bird house auction, 50/50 draw, and Celebration of Summer dinner. Still seeking volunteers.
      Suggestion to consider scheduling the Festival for a less busy week of summer. Festival often books acts when they are in the area anyway.


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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 21 other HIRRA members

In person: Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 5 other members and 1 new member (32 total participants)

Regrets: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Allie Quelch, Secretary

Call to order: 7:35pm   


Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: July 12, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Appreciation: Mary MacKenzie appreciated Helen Onorah for her many years of community contribution as a marriage commissioner, quilter, actor, and volunteer.
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: BC Parks declined to install sani-dump. CVRD has approved receiving compost toilet residuals from Hornby. Majority of Community quilt funds planned to go to Water Stewardship. Comox Strathcona Waste Management plan input opportunity. Approved 3% COLA for non-union employees for 2024.
    Question about Union Collective Bargaining Agreement COLA rates and cost of living.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. We Store: Volunteers considering applying for a grant to establish the We Store building supply re-use area at the Recycling Depot
    2. Date for: Fall Fair and parade. Affordable Housing discussion. Ferry Advisory Committee meeting. HICEEC AGM (membership forms available online).
    3. Arts Centre: Close to lock up on the new Arts Centre construction.
    4. Dragon Boat: Good turn out for dragon boat paddling. Room for more participants.
  6. Core Services DRAFT budget: Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator presented and reviewed the 2024-28 DRAFT Core Services budget.
    Comment: Difficult to approve a budget five years in advance. The 2024 budget is for approval and further years are a financial plan that may be adjusted as need be.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Angeleah Hoeppner “That the Core Services five-year budget for 2024-2028 be approved as presented.”


  7. Property Management DRAFT budget: Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator presented and reviewed the 2024-28 DRAFT Property Management budget.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Donna Tuele “That the Property Management five-year budget for 2024-2028 be approved as presented.”
  8. Comfort Stations updates: Dan Bruiger’s letter to the Executive re: funding a public privy at Ford Cove was read aloud. Committee Chairperson, Tony Law gave updates. Appreciation for Colleen’s many decades of service. Sanae Work hired as outhouse cleaner. Shields Road outhouse will not be removed as long as it is still useable. Little Tribune outhouse replacement delayed for archaeological permitting. Ford Cove Harbour Authority provides a permanent outhouse for their patrons, but not for public use. Ford Cove Restaurant has toilets for patrons but not enough septic capacity for public use. BC Parks is planning a permanent outhouse at the Leaf House entrance to the Park. BC Parks may contract Comfort Stations to clean their new outhouse. Tony will continue to research possible locations for a summer porta-potty at Ford Cove.
    M/S/C Tony Law/Judith Walmsley “That HIRRA supports the Comfort Stations Committee including in their 2024 budget provision for a public outhouse at Ford Cove, involving either a) operating an existing facility, if available, year-round, or b) renting and cleaning a seasonal portable facility.”
    annual cost: $3,000. Revenue contributions might be solicited from Ford Cove Store and MRDT tax funds.


  9. Community Hall updates: Written report from Committee read aloud. Synopsis: Living roof replacement anticipated soon. Busy summer season. CVRD grant received to hire a cultural heritage consultant to draft statements of significance for Community Hall and first School building. Appreciation for Colleen work, retiring after 37 years as Hall cleaner.
  10. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Karen Ross (full report here: HICEEC _HIRRAreport_ Sept 13-23) Internet project: First phases are complete, but the last phases are being delayed by lack of permit approval from MoTI. Suggestion to contact news agencies about the issue.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Bree Stotts “That HIRRA write a letter to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure requesting they expedite approving the City West internet project permits for the Connected Coast project, with copies to other relevant officials.”
    ACTION: Admin will circulate draft letter template to all HIRRA members.
    Municipal Regional District Tax is a 3% tax on “fixed roof” visitor accommodations. Unclear why camping and glamping are not included in the MRDT. HICEEC is researching revising their strategic plan to allocate more MRDT funds for affordable housing.
    Details of MRDT funding may be brought to the next HIRRA meeting. Short term vacation rental owners are legally required to collect and remit MRDT. Contact HICEEC for help.
    Planning a consultation on affordable housing meeting (requires pre-registration).
    Bus: Appreciation for sponsors, volunteers, drivers and riders of the new Community Bus.
    Ferry: Karen chairing Ferry Advisory Committee. The Hornby service this summer was the best in years, but there were still issues with the Buckley Bay run.
    Appreciation for visitor info booth at Farmers’ Market.
  11. Summer reflections discussion: Deferred to next meeting.

Adjourned:  9:35pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 24 other HIRRA members, and 2 guests (Lyn Hall Wellesley Consulting, Calum Matthews 4VI)

In person: Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 4 other members, 1 guest (37 total participants)

Regrets: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President;

Call to order: 7:33pm   


Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Sept 13, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Appreciation: Melanda Schmid-Ocheing appreciated the late Klaus Schmid for his dedicated work on the Sollans Road Community Well and pump.
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Hall living roof being replaced. Negotiated inflationary increase for CUPE employees. Depot composting toilet residuals successfully delivered to CSWM facility. Recreation programs coming up. Successful Fall Fair.
  5. Community Announcements:
    Dates for: HICEEC consultations, Halloween party, HIRRA Nov. budget meeting
  6. CUPE inflationary bonus: Rudy Rogalsky, Negotiating Team member. The 2022 Collective Agreement includes a basic 2% Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) and agreement to discuss additional inflationary increases at the end of each year. Based on BC’s most recent Consumer Price Index of 3.8%, Negotiating Team recommends an additional 1.8%.
    M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Angeleah Hoeppner “That an inflationary bonus of 1.8% (in addition to the 2% already agreed in the CBA) be approved for HIRRA’s unionized employees to receive as detailed in the Memorandum of Understanding with CUPE.”


  1. Summer Reflections discussion: Busy summer. Extra ferries and new bus worked well. Water Stewardship planning to set up water testing at Spark. Precipitation statistics: 67% of normal for summer months with a long-term downward trend; lowest recorded ground water levels in observation well. Summer high temperatures about one degree warmer on average than 1940s, and lower temperatures were over 2 degrees warmer on average.


  2. Fall Fair report: Deferred as no one available to report.
  3. Ferry Advisory Committee updates: Rob McCreary, HIRRA appointee to FAC. BC Ferries is planning to improve the process for first ferry assured loading pass drivers. Quinitsa on Hornby run and both Kahloke and Baynes Sound Connector (BSC) on Denman route during the summer reduced wait times. Both routes still need much larger capacity ferries year-round. Denman/Buckley Bay ferry has the same capacity as 1983 despite increases in both island populations. FAC requested an 80-car ferry replacement of the BSC, but will need community support. Notes from BC Ferries public engagement meeting on Hornby did not capture many of the community’s identified problems. More meetings planned this Fall. Appreciation for all members of the FAC and “sea-dogs” consulting volunteers.
    M/S/C Karen Ross/Rob McCreary “That HIRRA write a letter of thanks to the 12 volunteer Hornby/Denman FAC members and their volunteer consultants: Pete Kimmerly, Kent Lukinuk, Bernhard Weiss.”
  4. Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Karen Ross, HICEEC Economic Enhancement Officer.
    MRDT: Municipal Regional District Tax is a 3% “pillow tax” on short-term fixed roof visitor accommodations (not camping/glamping). Province allows one-third of the funding to be allocated to affordable housing. MRDT consultant from 4VI, Calum Matthews, attended as a guest. 4VI assisting with reviewing the “tactical plan” for managing Hornby’s MRDT funding. Planning a stakeholder engagement meeting this Fall. Delay in implementation due to accessing funds from multi-national on-line accommodation providers through Minister of Finance. Funding received from 2022 is currently invested in term deposits. Community would like details of funding. HICEEC could not provide specific accurate numbers for the amount of MDRT monies submitted by Hornby vacation rental providers since June 2022. Financial plans for MRDT are available on HICEEC website. HICEEC can change strategic plan at the end of the five-year plan (2024). Cortes was recently permitted to allocate all of their net MRDT proceeds to affordable housing.
    Economic Development Strategy: Wellesley Consulting representative, Lyn Hall, attended as a guest. Consultants leading community consultation process following up on “2015 Economic Action Plan.” Funders want to see community consultation and detailed information to support potential “work-force housing” project. Consultants have access to Draft Community Health Profile, Community Vision Statement, and many other community reports. They welcome additional reports (e.g. Hornby Housing Strategy, Ferry, and Water Stewardship reports). Request to consider Climate Change as foundational to all community planning. Question about lack of engagement from business owners. Consultants will be reaching out to businesses. Community invited to send feedback by email or online.
    Fibre Optic internet project update: Delay issues still not resolved. Internet Committee met with the Ministry, City-West and other stakeholders.
    Dates: AGM and Business Mixers coming up. “Enterprise of the Year” nominations also include non-profits.



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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 37 other HIRRA members,

In person: Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 4 other members, 1 guest (44 total participants)

Regrets: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.

  2. Minutes: Oct 11, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.

  3. Community appreciation: Ashley appreciated all the Committee volunteers and staff for their work on the budgets.

  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: New trail being built on Mount Geoffrey. Water Stewardship interested in moving from Heron Rocks to being a HIRRA Committee. Insurer approved adding water testing service and We Store building supply area to HIRRA’s policy.
    Discussion and motion coming to Dec. HIRRA meeting.

  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Chipping program, Housing Society AGM, HIRRA 50th anniversary, Hornby Arts studio tour,
    2. We Store: Thanks to HIRRA, CVRD, Depot staff and volunteers for support of We Store.
    3. Boat Ramp: Director Arbour secured funding and a grant for replacing Boat Ramp.
    4. Hornby Arts: Thanks for people engaging with community consultation process.

  6. Presentations and MOTIONS to approve tax-funded Committee 2024 budgets: Financial Administrator, Joanne Ovitsland introductory overview [Budgets may be viewed on the 2024 Budgets and Reports page]
    1. Comfort Stations: Committee Chair Tony Law presented and reviewed the budget.
      M/S/C Tony Law/Doug Chinnery “That the Comfort Stations five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    2. Community Hall: Committee member Margaret Birch presented and reviewed the budget. Noted that CVRD holds a Capital Reserve for most of the tax-funded Committees. Roofing update. New roofing keeps the rain out. More work to be done to replace the living roof.
      M/S/C Margaret Birch/Kent Lukinuk “That the Community Hall five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    3. Emergency Preparedness: Committee member Henry Touwslager presented and reviewed the budget. Funding received through Comox Valley Emergency Program.
      M/S/C Henry Touwslager/Doug Chinnery “That the Emergency Preparedness five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    4. Fire Protection: Fire Chief Doug Chinnery presented and reviewed the budget. Currently 28 HIFR volunteer members.
      M/S/C Doug Chinnery/Judith Walmsley “That the Hornby Island Fire Rescue five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    5. Invasive Weed Control: Committee Chair Liz Earle presented and reviewed the budget. Thanks to long-time Committee members for their decades of work. Increased funding for invasive plant removal in the Regional Parks. Request for a public presentation on invasive plant information.
      M/S/C Liz Earle/Kent Lukinuk “That the Invasive Weed Control five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    6. Recreation: Recreation Coordinator Jade Wilson presented and reviewed the budget.
      M/S/C Jade Wilson/Judith Walmsley “That the Recreation five-year budget for 2024-28 be approved as presented.”
    7. Recycling Waste Management: Recycling Depot Manager Stani Veselinovic presented and reviewed the budget. Suggestion to replace spiffy biffy with a vault outhouse. Tipping fees increased to offset CVRD 2024 tipping fee increases. Capital project wishlist to pave area around the Depot site. Big fluctuations in requisition each year.
      M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Kent Lukinuk “That the Recycling Waste Management 2024 budget and five-year financial plan be approved as presented.”

Adjourned:  9:31pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Angeleah Hoeppner, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 41 other HIRRA members, 1 guest (47 online)

In person: Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 2 other members (50 total participants)

Regrets: Ashley Stotts, President;

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.

  2. Minutes: 8, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.

  3. Community appreciation: Sheila McDonnell appreciated Tony Quin (and Carol) for his experience in community planning and leading CHI to advocate and fundraise for the acquisition of the Mount Geoffrey Escarpment as a Provincial Park (Bench and Ford Orchard). Also his commitment to agriculture and Fall Fair.

  4. Executive report: Email from Ashley Stotts, President: Exec. gave preliminary approval of Water Stewardship joining HIRRA including adding insurance coverage. Holly removal and a new trail in the Mount Geoffrey Regional Park.

  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Composting Toilet education, Polar Bear swim, Heron Rocks Wassail
    2. Hiring a new HIRRA Financial Administration Assistant
    3. Anniversary event: Postponed to Sunday, Feb. 25
    4. Traffic on Denman: Request for ideas to reduce speeding across Denman. Email Hornby Trustees.

  6. Water Stewardship: Darren Bond, Water Stewardship The Project was started about 30 years ago by Mary MacKenzie under the umbrella of Heron Rocks Friendship Centre Society. Focussed on water conservation and protection and public education. Provided projects, seminars, workshops, public information outreach, scientific research and water testing. Significant interest in having home water testing service on Hornby. Rented a room in Spark and received a grant to purchase equipment to do the E. Coli testing and train staff. Bureaucracy would then be beyond the capacity of volunteer non-profit. Anticipate covering costs for staff and testing through user fees, starting with a one-year pilot project with no tax implications. HIRRA seems to be the logical home for the group and water testing service (for information only). CVRD is considering the possibility of including water services as a tax-funded service that might include subsidies for water catchment, but that would require approval by tax-payers. Water Stewardship would not be offering “certified lab” results.
    Question about creating public water systems for multiple homes in subdivisions and possibility of deferring vote for more public information.
    Islands Trust has a fresh-water analyst who has been assisting gulf islands. Water systems would be multi-million-dollar investment.
    Water services are a good fit with HIRRA.
    M/S/C Darren Bond/Sheila McDonnell “
    That Water Stewardship become a Standing Committee of HIRRA with the existing Water Stewardship members appointed as volunteer Committee members until elections are held at the HIRRA 2024 AGM.”

  7. BC Parks report on Big Tribune and campsite plans: Derek Moore, Manager of BC Parks on Hornby and Denman Purchased adjoining parcels to Big Tribune Park and also include the adjacent foreshore area. Used various assessments and community consultation to create a management plan for the Park addition. Draft Recreation site plan reviewed. Includes reducing old campground by about 40 sites and instead have those be walk/bike only campsites in the newly acquired area. Planning the main Big Tribune driveway as a one-way road to access for all areas including campsite. Hoping to start work in Fall 2024. Working on a new trail beside Shields Rd. and also drilling new well for water to the new campsites.
    Questions: Beach patrol noted that it is a busy beach with the need for oversight. Is BC Parks going to patrol for fire every evening in summer? Still considering whether to allow campfires in the campsites and on the Park foreshore. Appreciation for the Katimavik Trail. There will be some disturbance during the construction phase (2026). There will not be a sani-dump station. How much parking? Day-use parking will remain at the same level. Any plans for composting toilets? No, vault toilets. Katimavik Trail is a very beloved, please don’t change it much (e.g. large parking area for walk-in campsites). Suggestion to move the campsites and parking closer to St. John’s Point Rd. and Co-op corner. How long will the season be? Not clear yet. Planning to start being open from May long-weekend, until Oct. 1. How many spaces for vehicle/RV camping? Likely the same or fewer. Any possibility of having some long-term campsites for seasonal workers? Not part of BC Parks mandate at this time, but discussing at higher levels whether to offer space in the off-season. There will be on-site housing for Parks staff. Appreciation for new plan to increase lighter footprint camping (e.g. cyclists). People were curious about the price paid for the new properties. Province felt they were highly important and valuable properties. Will there be a limit on number of cars on drive-in sites? One car per site (additional fee for additional cars). Noted that there is no RV sani-dump on Hornby. If staff are housed in RV’s they would be required to use outhouses. Good idea to have additional access via the Big Tribune driveway. Suggestion to have the new road be both ways to reduce Sheilds Rd. congestion. Most congestion seems to happen when campers first arrive. Appreciation for Derek’s time and responses.

  8. Hornby Island Athletic Association (Joe King Ballpark) updates: Sheila McDonnell, Bookkeeper. Busy year with grant from Co-op Community spaces. Eagles Ball-team improved ball-field and back fence and are now looking at improving multi-use court. Clubhouse was originally a gift from the Rawlinsons in 1988. With the grant funding and individual donations, replaced roof, gravelled road, insulated floor. More upgrades needed, including septic system and electrical system, including proper generator and transfer switch, but will take significantly more funding. Charitable tax receipts for donations. Lots of recreation use for baseball, pump-track, frisbee golf, gym, multi-use court, also offer showers, laundry, HIES Kitchen, Food Bank, emergency extreme weather warming shelter, Joe’s Café winter drop-in space, special community events. Memberships are key to covering operational expenses.

Adjourned:  9:20pm


Minutes of HIRRA meetings are posted after approval by the HIRRA assembly (usually at the following month’s meeting). Generally there are no HIRRA meetings in January or August.

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