2024 Minutes

HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

Minutes of HIRRA Committee meetings are available for viewing by HIRRA members by contacting the Administrator at (250) 335-131 or office@hirra.ca.


Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, 29 other HIRRA members, 1 guest

In person: Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 4 other HIRRA members and 1 guest
(41 total participants)

Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: 13, 2023 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement with one typo correction.
  3. Community appreciation: Jeff Rabena appreciated plumber Rick Morritt, Hornby resident since 1967, for his many years of cheerful community service and support.
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Trail accident claim settled out of court. Fibre optics being installed. Vacancy for Treasurer as Angeleah stepped down to become Financial Administration Assistant. Water Stewardship now a HIRRA Committee. New signs and trail upgrades in Mt. Geoffrey Regional Park.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: HIRRA Anniversary event at Hall. Karaoke night. HIAC Trail plan walk
    2. Connected Coast: subsea cable notification for boaters
    3. BC Parks sub-committee updates: BC Parks Advisory sub-committee requesting BC Parks reconsider plans for major development in Big Tribune in light of Outdoor Education Centre changes.
  6. Community Hall Committee updates: Margaret Birch, Committee member: Heritage Register project statements of significance completed for three public buildings. Register on Local Trust Committee 2024 work plan. Living roof replacement not yet complete. Call for Committee volunteers.
  7. Recycling Waste Management report: Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Garbage price increase to match CVRD. New covered area being built for e-waste. Highlights of 2023: covered breezeway, tobacco butts recycling, cooking oil recycling. Comparative statistics of waste shipped. Suggestion to publicize cooking oil recycling more. We-store construction waiting for CVRD budget approval and purchase of posts. Free Store shorter hours are working really well for volunteers. Need more volunteers to be open more hours.
  8. Composting Toilet Residuals Pilot Project: Jan Kennedy, Recycling Committee Chair. Recycling Depot delivered finished composting toilet residuals to Comox Valley Sewerage facility. Letter of understanding is the next step in a pilot project to assess demand on Hornby. Once the letter of understanding is signed, the next step would be to solicit a contractor to deliver the residuals. Residuals must be fully composted before shipping. How costs will be covered has yet to be decided, but no tax funding at this time. Recycling Committee is willing to oversee the pilot project. Residuals cannot be processed on Hornby at this time because there is no facility to do so.
    Jan Kennedy/Ed Hoeppner “That HIRRA proceed with the Composting Toilet Residuals pilot project under the Recycling Waste Management Committee and sign the letter of understanding between with Comox Valley Regional District as presented.”
  9. Appreciation: Ashley appreciated HIRRA staff, volunteers, Committee members and all the HIRRA members who attend meetings. Reminder that there are vacancies for positions on Executive and Committees.

Adjourned:  8:47pm         

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, 36 other HIRRA members, and 1 guest

In person: Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; and 1 guest (40 total participants)

Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: 14, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Community appreciation: Ashley appreciated Craig Heath, for picking up roadside trash.
  4. Executive report: Ashley Stotts, President: Hall applying for grants. Trail accident claim settled out of court. Call for volunteers.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: AGM, Fire Cadet Camp, HICEEC Business mixer, Heron Rocks Seedy Saturday, pruning workshop, Is. Trust meeting.
    2. Natural History: open two days a week.
  6. Comox Valley Regional District Director updates: CVRD Director did not attend.
  7. Hornby Is. Arts Council updates: Judith Fletcher, Board member. Seeking a new Exec. Director. Five contract staff. Regular programming in collaboration with other groups. Arts Island video series. CVRD funding approved for core costs. Co-op Community Spaces grant for accessible trails and native plant walk between HIAC, Hall and Ballpark. Arts Centre is smaller than planned because of inflationary costs, but is now nearing completion. Short video.
  8. Hornby Is. Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) updates: Marilyn Kopansky, HIRRA appointee to the HICEEC Board. HICEEC wrote to School Districts to keep Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Centre. Renewed 5-year contract with CVRD. Supporting a CVRD feasibility study on Short Term Vacation Rentals. Wellesley Consulting is working on feasibility study for Affordable Workforce Housing. Wellesley Consulting finishing Economic Action Plan. Supporting Farmland Trust on their “food hub” building currently under construction. Seeking summer bus drivers, office cleaner, HICEEC summer ambassador.
    Request to update public information regarding financial plans for larger amount of tax funding received, whether the budget is significantly larger than it was previously, and how much of that funding is returned to the community, request for information on specific figures for MRDT tax funding. Karen will follow up. Check hiceec.org website for MRDT information.
    Question about short-term vacation rental licensing through CVRD. Province is limiting STVR’s and excluding them from “grandfathering in.” Hornby is excluded from that legislation. Is. Trust is planning to change bylaws to only allow “grandfathered” STVRs. CVRD is licensing ability. CVRD are undertaking a feasibility study (at Is. Trust request) with public consultation to see how existing STVRs could be licensed. HICEEC is supporting the study.
  9. Community Vision Statement: Jeff, Reina and Karen: Planning to bring 2040 Community Vision to the HIRRA May 8 meeting for ratification. Notable changes to 2020 Vision: inclusion of indigenous reconciliation and climate change mitigation in over-arching goals. Contact HIRRA or HICEEC with any feedback before ratification.
  10. Hornby/Denman Ferry Advisory Committee: Karen Ross, Chair. BC Ferries stopped engagement with local communities since their difficulties with Sunshine Coast consultation last Fall. FAC still working to improve service on the Hornby and Denman routes. Likely to have similar service as last summer. MLA Osborne continuing to advocate for islands. Island FACs are frustrated by BC Ferries process and lack of engagement (e.g. Gravelly Bay terminal improvements, BS Connector availability for emergencies in off-hours). Contact Karen with any concerns.Hornby Is. Provincial Parks sub-committee updates: Jan Kennedy, Hornby Is. Provincial Parks Committee ad-hoc sub-committee. Presentation. Conceptual plan from BC Parks shared at Dec. HIRRA meeting. BC Parks Advisory Committee has terms of reference for communications with BC Parks. Sub-committee of about 8 residents with strong concerns about the plan communicating with BC Parks and requesting further community consultation. BC Parks already working on significant trail work in the Park. Concerns about damage to wet-lands, intact forest area, natural Katimavik trail. Changes at Outdoor Ed Centre may provide a better location for walk-in campsites. Plans for current campground are to reduce density by moving walk-in campsites to another area. BC Parks proposed a new one-way road from Big Tribune access as a way to reduce congestion on Sheilds Rd. Concern about damage to the wetlands that are extremely important for water retention on Hornby. Sub-committee hoping to work collaboratively with BC Parks for the best outcomes.

Adjourned: 9:31pm

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Minutes of HIRRA Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: by Zoom: Ashley Stotts, President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, 37 other HIRRA members, John Moors, Accountant, and one guest.

In person: Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Jeff Rabena, Second Vice President; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; and 5 other HIRRA members (49 total participants)

Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: 13, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Executive report: Presented by Ashley Stotts, President. Attached. HIRRA Exec. Report AGM Apr 12-23
  4. Community appreciations: Ashley appreciated all the volunteers who serve on Committees every year. Members appreciated retiring Executive members.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Emergency Preparedness drop-in event. City-West information event. BC Parks Tribune Bay information session. Islands Trust meeting.
    2. We Store: Seeking more volunteers to run the We Store building supply re-use area.
  6. Year-end Financial report: Presented by Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator. Power Point presentation summarized the Robbins and Co. Year-end Review Engagement and the “fund balance report” prepared by the Financial Administrator. Attached. 2023 Year End Financial Statements – HIRRA Power point presentation: HIRRA 2023 year end financials presentation
    Question about fluctuating fund balances (especially Recycling) and suggestion to set up better systems for forecasting budgets. HIRRA Admin staff are hoping to meet with CVRD Financial staff to improve the processes for carrying forward surplus/deficits.
    M/S/C Ashley Stotts/Angeleah Hoeppner “That the Robbins and Co. Accountants’ 2023 year-end review engagement report be accepted as presented.”
    M/S/C Ashley Stotts/Angeleah Hoeppner “
    That Robbins and Co. appointed as HIRRA’s Accountant for the 2024 fiscal year.”
  7. Tax-funded Committee reports: Written reports were circulated with the AGM email notice and posted to the hirra.ca website [most reports are combined here: HIRRA AGM Reports Apr 2024].
    1. Comfort Stations: Presented by Reina on behalf of Tony Law, Committee Chair.
    2. Community Hall: Presented by Margaret Birch, Committee member. Hall AGM Report Apr 2024
    3. Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Bernie Kowey, Committee Chair.
    4. Fire Protection (HIFR): Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. HIFR AGM Report to HIRRA Apr 2024
    5. Invasive Plant Control: Presented by Liz Earle, Committee Chair.
    6. Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator.
    7. Recycling Waste Management report: Presented by Phil Bailey, Acting Manager. Attached. Request to move the smelly cigarette butt recycling bin.
  8. Other Committee Reports: Written reports were circulated with the AGM email notice and posted to the hirra.ca website. Highlights were shared verbally.
    1. Boat Ramp: Presented by Reina on behalf of Mike Pedneaut, Committee member
    2. Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Reina on behalf of Tina Wai, Committee member.
    3. Fall Fair: Presented by Sheila McDonnell, Committee Chair. Attached.
    4. Regional Parks and Trails Advisory: Presented by Leslee Richards, Committee Chair. Attached.
    5. Water Stewardship: Presented by Darren Bond, Committee Chair. Attached. Appreciation for Water Stewardhsip FaceBook posts. Water Stewardship AGM Report Apr 2024
  9. Elections and acclamations: In general positions are for two-year terms.
    1. Executive elected by acclamation: Ashley is stepping down part-way through his term. Jeff Rabena is willing to stand for President to complete the term. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Jeff was declared elected by acclamation.
      Ted Goodden is willing to stand for First Vice-President for a two-year term. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Ted was declared elected by acclamation.
      There is no nominee to complete the Second Vice-President term. Chair called for nominations. Receiving none, the position was declared vacant.
      Angeleah stepped down part-way through her term. Patrick Lui is willing to stand for Treasurer to complete the term. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Patrick was declared elected by acclamation.
      Heather Dawn (Caton) is willing to stand for Secretary for a two-year term. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Heather was declared elected by acclamation.
    2. Recycling Waste Management: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Kathi Sauve, Alsoon Brine. The Committee still has one vacancy.
    3. Community Hall: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Vicki Bale. The Committee still has two vacancies.
    4. Fire Protection: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Jim Garton, Brian Amos, Jason McRae-King.
    5. Recreation: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Christina Lenic, Jack Thomas, Byron Corner.
    6. Emergency Preparedness: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Amy LeBaron, Albini LaPierre. The Committee still has two vacancies.
    7. Invasive Plant Control: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Liz Earle, Anna Zielinski.
    8. Comfort Stations: Chair called for nominations. Receiving none, the Committee still has two vacancies.
    9. Cemetery Stewards: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Gloria Herbert, Larry Smith, Tina Wai, Kathleen O’Brien.
    10. Regional Parks/Trails Advisory: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Tom Rutherford, Braea Walmsley, Nadeane Trowse.
    11. Water Stewardship: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Melanda Schmid-Ochieng, John Cox.
    12. Fall Fair: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Sheila McDonnell, Landys Klyne. The Committee still has one vacancy.
    13. Boat Ramp: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates was declared elected by acclamation: Mike Pedneault, John Ross, Peter Walford.
  10. Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC):
    The following candidates were elected to the HICEEC Board (one year term) by acclamation: Sheila McDonnell, Marilyn Kopansky.

Adjourned: 9:40pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: In person: Jeff Rabena, President; Heather Caton, Secretary, Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; and 4 other members

By Zoom: Ted Goodden, First Vice President; Patrick Lui, Treasurer; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 28 other HIRRA members (38 total participants)

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Community appreciation: Jeff read Hilary Wood-McDonnell’s appreciation of Margaret Birch for her work on the Hall Committee.
  2. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  3. Minutes: April 12, 2024 HIRRA annual general meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  4. Executive report: Still one vacancy on the Executive.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Privies: Suggestion to have a year-round outhouse at Grassy Point.
    2. Dates for: Heron Rocks Plant Sale, Co-op presentation of plans for new building, memorials for Rosie Nixon and Remi Savoie
  6. Community Hall washroom addition plans: Margaret Birch, Co-Chair of Community Hall Committee presented history, preferred design, and funding plans for accessible washroom addition.
    M/S/C Margaret Birch/Judith Walmsley “That the Community Hall design idea A for a handicap accessible washroom addition be approved as presented and that the Hall Committee proceed with seeking funding to complete the proposed accessibility upgrades to the Community Hall.”
  7. Community Vision Statement: John Heinegg, HICEEC President: The draft Hornby Community Vision 2040 was circulated to HIRRA members in March and again prior to this meeting. Suggestion to have a mechanism for reviewing progress toward visions. The Community Vision is an aspirational document that all Hornby groups can use to assess proposed projects.
    M/S/C John Heinegg/Reina LeBaron “That the Hornby Community Vision 2040 be adopted as presented.”
  8. Hornby Village Centre Planning group: Michael McNamara, Village Centre Planning group. Small working group interested in community planning for the four corners/Co-op corner area. With significant development plans in process by Co-op and BC Parks this is a key time for community input into proactive planning for a Village Centre as a social and economic centre with amenities such as washrooms, seating, pedestrian paths, adequate parking, bus stop.
    Most significant issues are with the road spaces. Planning group is exploring BC Active Transportation grant opportunity for how to improve pedestrian and bike, and bus transportation at the corner. Planning group has connected with stakeholder businesses and groups in the area.
    Request for public presentation of potential plans for changes to the area. Suggestion to create opportunities for community input into planning for the general area.

Adjourned: 8:50pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present: In person: Jeff Rabena, President; Heather Caton, Secretary, Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; and 6 other members, 1 new member and 1 guest

By Zoom: Patrick Lui, Treasurer; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 26 other HIRRA members, 1 guest (40 total participants)
Regrets: Ted Goodden, First Vice President;

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: May 15, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Community appreciation: Jeff appreciated Remi Savoie for his contributions to the community, especially providing temporary housing and helping at the Ballpark.
  4. Executive report: President Jeff Rabena Still one vacancy on the Executive makes it challenging to get quorum. Applied for a grant for Strategic Planning, starting this Fall. Met with HIAC to review sub-lease terms. Ratified the Community Vision Statement. HIRRA will likely continue to be a venue for BC Parks discussions. Hoping to move to primarily in-person HIRRA meetings at the Hall in September if the technical issues can be resolved.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. We Store: Project still in progress.
  6. RCMP check in: Constable Paul Jones Planning to have similar level of presence on Hornby as other years. Have arranged with towing company for towing illegally parked vehicles if need be. RCMP building has been modified for staff accommodation. Report any concerning incidents to ensure they are recorded on file. At least two-hour response time by boat for high priority incidents. Planning to do extra traffic enforcement a few times over the summer using automatic license plate readers.
  7. Hornby Is. Fire Rescue: Deputy Chief Rob Lewis Summer Fire Patrols start soon. All of Big Tribune Bay is now under BC Parks jurisdiction. Initial site visit for fuel load reduction project for Crown Lands in Central Use area around Hall. Exploring installing several BC Hydro EV fast-charging stations at the Fire Hall. BC Ambulance has agreed to provide a power-cot.
    Free Fire Smart assessments are ongoing. Keep flammable materials at least 1.5 meters away from house. Most wildfire structure fires start from flying embers. Received grants for wildfire structure protection unit equipment (sprinklers, hoses, pumps, etc.). Four firefighters signed up for deployment to fight wildfires elsewhere in BC.
  1. Water Stewardship Committee Chair Darren Bond Shared a power point presentation. Drought is a long-term event. This year has had an average amount of precipitation, but groundwater is still low after multiple years of drought. Water storage is very important. Strategies to slow water down: swales, rain gardens, beaver dam analogues, wetlands. Measuring a few test wells. Starting to offer on-island water tests for e-coli (approx.. $45 per test). Contact via: testing@hornbywater.org. Appreciation for HIRRA administrative support. Noted that BC Parks plan for development includes large raingardens.
  2. Hornby Is. Community Economic Enhancement Corp.: HIRRA appointee Marilyn Kopansky New regular water taxi service on weekends through summer between Shingle Spit and Comox. Fibre optic project progressing. Some people already activated. Bus starting soon, including a new bus-finder app. HICEEC budget has increased because of higher office and staff costs. Visitor brochure has been printed. Appreciation for visitors providing MRDT “pillow tax” funding to support workforce housing and other initiatives. HICEEC Board members working with Farmland Trust on the new Community Food Hub. Board approved a grant for HIAC. HICEEC’s mandate is to provide seed funding that will increase overall community prosperity.
    Response to question about difference between HICEEC funding request and CVRD requisition amount: CVRD requisition includes their expenses. HICEEC budget is approved by the Board and presented as part of annual financials to HICEEC members at the AGM. No updates from Wellsley Consulting on the HICEEC strategic planning process. Request for HICEEC budget approval to be a more public process before it is sent to the CVRD.
  1. Hornby Denman Ferry Advisory Committee: HIRRA appointee Rob McCreary FAC meeting was not attended by any BC Ferries decision makers, just two “community engagement” representatives. Concerns about lack of capacity on Denman West to Buckley Bay sailings year-round. Ferry capacity has not increased despite increased population on both islands. FAC suggested a larger capacity conventional ferry on the Denman West route. BC Ferries may still host a public open house on Hornby. Everyone encouraged to share concerns with BC Ferries.
    Suggestion for FAC to ask to attend meetings between Islands Trustees and Ministers.

Adjourned: 8:52pm 

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Hybrid by Zoom and at Room to Grow

Present in person: Jeff Rabena, President; Heather Dawn Caton, Secretary, Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; and 6 other members

By Zoom: Ted Goodden, First Vice President; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 26 other HIRRA members (37 total participants)
Regrets: Patrick Lui, Treasurer;

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: June 12, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Community appreciation: Reina appreciated Albini LaPierre for his contributions to the community, especially on the Fire Department and Community Radio Society.
  4. Executive report: President Jeff Rabena Strategic Planning Session planned for November. New Executive working well together. Still one vacancy to be filled.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Dates for: Book sale, water testing by Water Stewardship
    2. Campfire ban: Propane braziers are still allowed during fire bans. Suggestion to limit the number of bonfire spots on the beach.
  6. Recycling updates: Depot Manager Stani Veselinovic Depot now open summer hours. Not planning any paving at this time. CVRD applied Magnesium Chloride dust suppression. Composting Toilet Residuals survey coming out. Vaping and e-cigarette waste should be returned to point of sale. Volunteer-run We Store building supply re-use area moving ahead. CVRD extending Recycling building for e-waste. Appreciation to all staff and volunteers.
  7. Changes to urgent after-hours medical care Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief and Exec. Director of Hornby Denman Health, Lori Nawrot Mail-out circulated notifying residents of upcoming gaps in after-hours medical care since Dr. Chalfin has retired. Probably no on-call doctor about one-third of time in upcoming months.
    Fire Department First Responders will respond to 911 calls, but without doctor support they have limited scope of care. Likely that many patients will be transported off-island. Ferries are often not an option for transportation at night because of staff shortages. BC Ambulance is working on solutions. VIHA is working to recruit locums and hire a new doctor for Hornby. Most doctors in BC are no longer expected to respond to after-hours calls.
    Hornby Denman Health is concerned about lack of ambulance station and paramedics to respond to after-hours call outs. “Virtual doctor” and other rural support tools may become feasible options once internet service is adequate.
    Appreciation for existing medical service. Reminder to address medical issues during Clinic hours whenever possible. Letter template will be provided to HIRRA members to request ambulance station on Hornby.
  8. Recreation updates Recreation Coordinator Jade Wilson Summer youth and adult programs underway. Local summer student assistant hired. Check the web-site for events. Request to post map and information about disc golf at the beginning of the course.
  9. Hornby Denman Community HealthCare updates Director Lori Nawrot In 2022 Home Support transitioned to direct management by Island Health. Hornby Denman Health now provides “Home Assist” services (other than medical and personal care support). Rides to health appointments by volunteers. Extreme weather registry. Many capable staff for counselling, youth outreach, mental health support. New project: “enabling aging in place.”
  10. Friends of Tribune Bay Ecosystem Petra Chambers and Henk van Klinken Addressing islanders’ concerns about BC Parks Tribune Bay plans for new parking lot and camping area. Planned development area is in a wetland identified as a sensitive protected area by Is. Trust. BC Parks is not fulfilling promised “low impact” development. Trustees and CHI are sending letters of concern. Request for BC Parks to pause the project (due to start in Oct.) and undertake more ecological studies. Concerns about impact to ferries and roads from so many truckloads of gravel.
    There has been some First Nations consultation.

Adjourned: 9:15pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Hybrid at the Community Hall and by Zoom

Present in person: Jeff Rabena, President; Heather Dawn Caton, Secretary, Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, and 16 other members

By Zoom: Ted Goodden, First Vice President; Patrick Lui, Treasurer; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 20 other HIRRA members (43 total participants)

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: July 10, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Executive report: President Jeff Rabena Welcome back to the Hall. Important to provide a forum for respectful community discussions even when issues are divisive.
  4. Community appreciation: Jeff appreciated Don Nixon for his contributions to the community as a President of HIRRA, postmaster, Santa Claus, and many other roles.
  5. Community Announcements:
    1. Date for: Fall Fair, Community photo, call for volunteers and pies.
  6. Core Services budget: The 2025-29 Core Services budget was presented and reviewed
    Reina LeBaron/Patrick Lui “That the Core Services five-year budget for 2025-2029 be approved as presented.”
  7. Property Managent budget: The 2025-29 Property Management budget was presented and reviewed
    Reina LeBaron/Patrick Lui “That the Property Management five-year budget for 2025-2029 be approved as presented.”
  8. Hornby Farmland Trust: Chair Marilyn Kopansky Focussed on food security, including the new “Food-shed” building, which will include community food storage space and food processing equipment. Public outreach planned for Sept. 19 at 5pm at Joe King Ballpark. Appreciation for grants and donations. Overarching goal is to increase farmland held in trust and increase local food production.


  9. Ferry Advisory Committee: Committee members Rob McCreary and Karen Ross
    Report circulated with meeting notice was reviewed. Improvements in service, but still many issues to address. FAC advocating for decommissioning cable ferry and replacing with a larger self-propelled vessel.
    M/S/C Bronwyn McLeod/Amanda Hale “That HIRRA approach BC ferries to ask that Hornby residents have guaranteed 15 car spaces on the Denman to Buckley Bay ferry daily until 12:00pm Monday to Friday.”
    Karen Ross recused herself from the vote.
    Suggestion to also copy the letter to local MLA and others.
  10. Hornby Island Fire Rescue: Fire Chief Doug Chinnery Summer call out statistics reviewed. Important to minimize time needed on call outs. Grants received for various equipment. Wildfire Risk Reduction project planned for Central Area Crown Lands to be funded by BC Wildfire Service. Long-term goal to have a BC Ambulance Station on Hornby. HIFR has requested a powerlift cot from BC Ambulance. Volunteers signed up for deployment for interface wildfires. Hoping to do community chipping program again.
  11. Water Stewardship: Committee Chair, Darren Bond Fairly average rainfall this year, but groundwater took longer to replenish. Bacterial water testing program pilot project underway. Hoping to add other testing parameters. Community well sign posted. Request to post results of well chemical survey.

Adjourned: 9:30pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Hybrid at the Community Hall and by Zoom

Present in person: Jeff Rabena, President; Ted Goodden, First Vice President; Heather Dawn Caton, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, and 13 other members

By Zoom: Patrick Lui, Treasurer; 23 other HIRRA members and one guest (43 total participants)

Call to order: 7:37pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: 11, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Executive report: President Jeff Rabena Potential new Executive member. Financial tech issue created more work for staff. Exploring: how to include youth perspectives, volunteer accident insurance, accessibility policy. Strategic Planning session in Nov.
  4. Community appreciation: Patrick appreciated Eva Wetzel for her many volunteer activities from Invasive Plants to Hornby Island Cats Society.
  5. Community Announcements:
    • Dates announced for: Voting, Community Hall party, Co-op AGM, Invasive Plant talk.
    • Ferry Advisory Committee: BC Ferries is planning to put the Kahloke on the Hornby run instead of the Quinitsa for the winter. General agreement for HIRRA to write to BC Ferries, Ministry of Transport and MLA to request that they keep the Quinitsa on for the winter. Recommendation for individuals to write letters as well.
    • RCMP lighting: General agreement for HIRRA to write a letter to RCMP to ask them to reduce the bright lighting outside their office.
    • Sandpiper and Porpoise traffic change: Neighbours expressed frustration at the change from a triangle yield intersection to an urban-style T-intersection with stop signs. Concern that there was not sufficient consultation with the neighbours.
    • Affordable housing at the old gravel pit: Request that HIRRA support HICEEC in their application for affordable housing on the old gravel pit Crown Lands. Islands Trust did not approve locating a Rogers cell tower there.
    • Hornby Island Arts Council: Request for HIRRA to write a letter of support for Hornby Arts grant applications. Concern about letters of support being written without full knowledge of the whole application. Request for clear parameters on how to request letters of support from HIRRA.
      Reminder that Community Announcements are for brief announcements, not for making new motions.
  6. Islands Trustees updates: Trustee, Grant Scott Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw revisions received and given “first reading” for referral to local governments and Advisory Planning Commission. Expecting feedback in the new year.
  7. Comox Valley Regional Director updates: Director, Daniel Arbour CVRD Rural Community Grant deadline now Oct. instead of Feb. CVRD initiating a Regional Housing Corporation to support affordable housing. Ammending the Transit Function to include support for active transportation initiatives. Working to reduce carbon emissions and improve Comox Valley recreation facilities. Now full bus connections between Victoria and Campbell River with transfer at Deep Bay. Planning more advocacy with BC Transit.
  8. Hornby Is. Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): HIRRA appointee to the HICEEC Board, Sheila McDonnell. Advocating for better ferry and bus service. No change in Board members after recent AGM. Eagles Micro-loan program available for community members. Delays from consultants in finishing the economic action plan and housing strategy.
    Housing: Much of MRDT “pillow tax” funding is reserved for affordable housing. Old gravel pit Crown Land beside Spark identified as the best site for affordable workforce housing for trailers, caravans and other mobile dwellings. HICEEC is researching applying for a free Crown grant and putting in infrastructure for rental housing.
    M/S/C Amanda Hale/Judith Walmsley “That HIRRA support HICEEC in their application for affordable housing on the old gravel pit Crown Lands as soon as possible.”
    Suggestion that HIRRA write a letter to the Local Trust Committee to ammend the Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw to allow residential use in Public Use area.
    HICEEC may bring motions to a future meeting with more advance publicity and detailed information about the project.

    Questions and comments: Ammendments to the OCP and LUB to allow residential use in Public Use area are already in process. What about water legislation?
    Request for specific details of the proposed project and total MRDT funding. [NOTE: The hiceec.org website “Our Priorities” has details of the Crown Land housing plan under “housing” link in “IT CrownLand_KatherineMarch24.pdf” and details of MRDT funding in the official “HICEEC 2023 Annual Performance Report” under “MRDT” link.] Accumulated affordable housing MRDT funding is currently invested in GICs. Tourism stakeholders must be consulted about allocating MRDT funding. HICEEC is reaching out to K’omoks First Nations and seeking their support.
    Concern about the term “workforce housing” as it is quite subjective. Suggestion that HICEEC publicize a definition of “workforce housing.” There are a range of housing solutions needed on Hornby, including Beulah Creek rental housing project already underway.

Adjourned: 9:46pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 Hybrid at the Community Hall and by Zoom

Present in person: Jeff Rabena, President; Heather Dawn Caton, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Angeleah Hoeppner, Financial Administration Assistant, and 13 other members

By Zoom: Ted Goodden, First Vice President; Patrick Lui, Treasurer; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 23 other HIRRA members (43 total participants)

Call to order: 7:38pm   

Introductions: First Nations territory was acknowledged and appreciated, Executive and staff introduced.

  1. Agenda: Agenda was approved by general agreement.
  2. Minutes: Oct 9, 2024 HIRRA meeting minutes were approved by general agreement.
  3. Community Appreciation: Amanda Hale read a poem and text from Pam Gordon’s daughter Suzie appreciating her many contributions to the Hornby community: farming, teaching riding, dancing, volunteering for Fall Fair and Heron Rocks in particular.
  4. Executive report: President Jeff Rabena Executive approved budgets, need another Exec. member, sent letters of support. Several meetings planned for Nov. info on adding items to an agenda
  5. Community Announcements:
    • Dates announced for: Open house to present Wildfire Reduction plan for Central Crown Lands, Chipping Program, Slide show of bike-riding in France, Literary Lunches, NEPP Coordinator event, Hornby Is. Housing Society AGM, Hornby Is. Education Society AGM, Invasive Plant Literary Lunch talk
  6. Presentations and Motions to approve tax-funded Committee 2025 budgets:
    Financial Administrator Joanne Ovitsland presented an overview of the budgets. Changes to budget presentations: presenting amortization amounts differently, and at CVRD direction, undertaking annual audits and no longer carrying forward surplus/deficit amounts.
  • Comfort Stations: Committee Chair Tony Law presented and reviewed the budget.
    No significant changes to budget and operations.
    M/S/C Tony Law/Darren Bond “That the Comfort Stations five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
    Suggestion to plan for a permanent outhouse at Grassy Point. First priority is to have a permanent outhouse in the Central Farmers’ Market area. Committee members needed.
  • Community Hall: Committee member Felicity Roberts presented and reviewed the budget. Modest increase in rental fees planned for 2025. Memorial magnolia tree has been moved, thanks to $2,000 grant from HICEEC, to make room for accessible washroom. Applying for grants for accessibility upgrades.
    M/S/C Felicity Roberts/John McLaughlin “That the Community Hall five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
  • Emergency Preparedness: Committee Chair Bernie Kowey presented and reviewed the budget. Focussing primarily on public education and awareness in support of Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program on Hornby.
    M/S/C Bernie Kowey/Darren Bond
    “That the Emergency Preparedness five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
  • Fire Protection: Fire Chief Doug Chinnery presented and reviewed the budget. Noted that CVRD owns all Fire Department capital assets. Appreciation for significant ongoing Provincial grants.
    M/S/C Doug Chinnery/Judith Walmsley “That the Hornby Island Fire Rescue five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
  • Recycling Waste Management: Recycling Depot Manager Stani Veselinovic presented and reviewed the budget. Moving ahead with the We Store in 2025.
    M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Daniel Siegel “That the Recycling Waste Management five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
  • Invasive Weed Control: Committee Chair Liz Earle presented and reviewed the budget.
    Received a grant from BC Parks to remove holly in Escarpment Park. Appreciation for an anonymous donation and for property owners who remove invasive plants. Over 3,000 holly plants removed this year.
    M/S/C Liz Earle/Donna du Plessis “That the Invasive Weed Control five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”
  • Recreation: Committee Chair Donna Tuele presented and reviewed the budget.
    Program expenses are mostly offset by revenue. Planning more community events. Question about missing sailing dinghy. May partner with Dragon Boat group.
    M/S/C Donna Tuele/Judith Walmsley “That the Recreation five-year budget for 2025-29 be approved as presented.”

Special thanks to Financial Administrator Joanne Ovitsland for preparing all the Power Point Presentations and all her work on the budgets.

Adjourned: 9:09pm

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Minutes of HIRRA meetings are posted after approval by the HIRRA assembly (usually at the following month’s meeting). Generally there are no HIRRA meetings in January or August.

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