2022 Minutes

HIRRA’s Guide to Meeting Etiquette

Minutes of HIRRA Committee meetings are available for viewing by HIRRA members by contacting the Administrator at (250) 335-1842 or office@hirra.ca.

Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 71 other HIRRA members, 1 new member and 4 guest (82 total participants)

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

  1. Community recognition: Reina LeBaron appreciated Ed Hoeppner for community contributions regarding alternative wastewater systems.

  2. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.

  3. Minutes: Minutes of Dec. 8, 2021 HIRRA meeting were approved as presented by poll.

  4. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: HIRRA named in lawsuit for mountain bike accident. Lawyer has been appointed by insurance company. HIRRA’s insurance cancelled in late Dec. Extended to the end of Feb. with requirement to close technical trail features. HIRRA’s broker is researching new options.
    1. Beulah Creek project Letter of Support: Hornby Island Housing Network requested letters of support for project from Hornby groups. CVRD Board has approved $100,000 contribution to the project and approved a housing tax-service feasibility study.
      M/S/C Daniel Seigel/Kent Lukinuk
      “That the assembly authorize the Executive to write a letter of support for the Beulah Creek housing project and send it to the relevant authorities.”
      HIRRA will circulate the letter template to members to write individual letters as well.

  5. Community Announcements:
    1. BC Ferry Advisory Committee meeting on Feb 23
    1. Pruning workshop at Heron Rocks on March 6
    1. Herring Fest art show
      Reminder not to harvest beach seaweed from now until May to leave roe for forage fish.

  6. Hornby/Denman Community Health Care Society: Lori Nawrot, HDCHCS Executive Director: Home Support used to be quite extensive, but now restricted to essential personal care. Island Health funds the service. Designed for urban rather than rural communities. Several service gaps and lack of integration in services. Karen Neilson ideal new home support manager with a lot of experience. Designing a project proposal to Island Health for redesigned home support with a “community for life” model suited to needs of clients in rural remote communities. Exploring establishing a Community Health Centre with multi-disciplinary healthcare team.
    Planning more in-depth community meetings and a public survey. Volunteer input welcome.
    Comments and questions: Will clinic size increase? Funding issues with Clinic expansion plan, so hopefully this will allow access to capital funding. Will island heath agree? Hopefully, may serve as a pilot project for other communities. Appreciation for Lori and Karen and the Home Support workers. More home support workers needed and need to be central to the consultations about new services. Some seniors don’t need a full “certified care worker.”

  7. CVRD Composting Toilet Residuals Project: Presented by Vince Tongeren, CVRD Environmental Analyst. Results of the CVRD feasibility study on managing composting toilet residuals. Estimates up to 175 composting toilets about half would use a residuals management service. Volume of 20 tonnes/yr. Long-term vision for a small facility at the Recycling Depot to process composting toilet residuals to provincial standards. Interim options to transport residuals to existing composting facility in Cumberland. Could be collected in a sealed bin at the Depot or monthly pick up from homes by a contractor (once a year for 100 users). Cost would depend on number of people participating.
    Questions and comments: How would we deal with that amount of compost? Would be to BC standards and available to gardeners. How would homeowners deliver to a central facility? Composting toilet residuals would only be accepted after initial composting so residuals would have no odour or moisture. Pick up contractor could also act as a community educator.

  8. Recycling Report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Flooding in lower mainland meant not able to accept certain materials for some time. Snow and blow-down closed Depot temporarily. Free Store remains closed due to Covid. CVRD asked that the 2022 budget be reduced. Reduced number of planned days for Free Store Greeter.
    Graphs displayed huge increase in waste transferred off island. Significant increase in materials shipped off. In winter two containers every two weeks and then in summer up to eight bins every week.
    Questions and comments: How much do the bins weigh? FAC has concerns about amount of heavy traffic displacing passenger vehicles. Kahloke ferry is limited to 80 tonnes.

  9. Water Stewardship updates: Presented by Darren Bond, Water Stewardship member. Proposal to install a “Drought level” sign board near Fire Hall based on Provincial designations. Design sign-board mock-up presented.
    Comments: Gabriola has a sign like this posted facing the ferry line-up coming onto Hornby where it is not a driver distraction. Suggestion to include web-site: Hornbywater.org. What is the hoped for outcome? Education. Stronger message to conserve water. Simplify. Too busy for driving by.
    Poll in support. 79% support sign and design 17% support sign but not design 4% do not support
    68% Spark side, 28% Fire Hall side, 4% do not support

  10. HICEEC updates: Two vacancies on HICEEC Board. Welcome feedback from community. Affordable housing is top priority: Beulah Creek housing project and then possibly accessing the 14 acre piece of Crown Land (old gravel pit between Recycling Depot and Spark). MRDT “pillow tax” earmarked for housing support. High speed internet. Cortes currently in process. Hornby and Denman are next, probably this spring. HICEEC has hired a bookkeeper and still seeking an administrative assistant.
    Questions and comments: What about the web-site? Hornbyisland.com web-site was updated and redesigned this year to be less commercial. HICEEC recently bought out the partner and is now full owner of the site. Messaging is congruent with community. What is the ”pillow tax”? Municipal Regional District Tax recently expanded to allow funds to go to housing.

Adjourned: 9:41pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 54 other HIRRA members, 4 new members and 1 guest (66 total participants)

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Welcome to newly appointed Secretary, Allie Quelch

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Feb. 9, 2022 HIRRA meeting were approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: HIRRA got new insurance for property and liability (except for Parks and Trails which reverted to CVRD management), but at a significantly higher cost. Appreciation of Kent for overseeing Savoie Centre building improvements. Re-roofing underway. Kent asked for contact for someone to do a small urgent job on the Savoie Centre. Restorative Justice sessions planned regarding school fire. Special appreciation for Reina regarding insurance issues.
  4. Revised Travel Policy: Revised travel policy was presented and changes reviewed.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Tom Knott
    “That the HIRRA Travel Policy revisions be approved as presented.”
  5. Community Announcements:
    • HICEEC MRDT notice: A 3% Municipal Regional District Tax recently approved and will be implemented in June. Applicable on all short-term vacation rentals.
    • RCMP: Constable Paul Jones RCMP met with MoTI to assess no parking signage in key spots. RCMP plan to be on island more often through summer. Planning to tow illegally parked vehicles as necessary. More discussion planned for May HIRRA meeting.
    • HDCHCS: Meetings planned for consultation on Home Support program revisions.
    • HEAL: Hornby’s Environmental Adaptation Loans available to residents at no interest.
  6. Community Conversation: Community Conversation continues to be part of all HIRRA meetings. Daniel read an item about garbage from 1972 HIRRA minutes.
  7. Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program updates: Various Emergency Preparedness Committee members: Need two new Committee members. High-ground Hike Tsunami awareness event planned in April. Committee reviewing CVEP draft NEPP guide with feedback from some neighbourhood coordinators. Seeking more neighbourhood coordinators. Draft map of neighbourhood zones presented. Starting to walk neighbourhoods to assess time needed to check on each house. Map neighbourhood zones will be adjusted if need be. Generator donated by Hornby Housing for emergency centre back up power needs some work. Committee applying for BC Hydro grant.
  8. BC Ferry Advisory Committee updates: Rob McCreary, FAC member. Denman and Hornby ferries scheduled for refitting this spring. Plan to now unload bicycles after cars. Natalie McCall new BC customer service rep. Designs underway for changes to Gravelly Bay terminal. Ferries provide overnight emergency service if possible, but not obligated to. Peak season wait times main issue for FAC. Reduction of aging Hornby ferry “Kahloke” weight limit will increase wait times. Due for replacement in 2034. FAC scheduled to meet with MLA about issues.
    Discussion: HICEEC has a ferry committee with retired BC Ferries workers. New legislation proposed to give more authority to BC Ferries oversight board.
    Waste increases tremendously in summer. Big construction trucks have the biggest impact on ferry capacity. Can’t bring cement trucks in summer because time sensitive. Anyone can to complain to BC Ferry customer service directly.
  9. Food Security working group updates: Nym Hughes: Food Security Report available on hirra.ca web-site. Group meeting monthly mainly acting as communication hub to connect with other groups and share information. Three levels of focus: 1. individual/household, 2. Island/community, 3. regional/national/regulatory. Hope to have a food security event in the Fall.
    Discussion: Suggestion to do an island food production census. Connect with Lush Valley. Water key requirement for food production.
  10. Messaging working group updates: Mary MacKenzie: Group meeting to develop messaging for public signage, digital media and other communication avenues (e.g. businesses, non-profit web-sites, ferry computer screens). Overall theme: “Being here—what you do matters.” Unclear who could authorize putting in a large sign at Buckley Bay.
    Discussion: Check OCP regulations regarding signage. Suggestions: include “please,” put most important item at the beginning of list.
    General support for concept by poll.  

Adjourned: 9:34pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting and Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Jeremy Payne, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 53 other HIRRA members (59 total participants)
Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:35pm         

Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

  1. Agenda: The posted agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of March 9, 2022 HIRRA meeting were accepted as circulated by poll.
  3. Community Announcements:
    1. Emergency Prep: Tsunami Preparedness Week notice.
    1. Ferry Advisory Committee: Met with MLA, but no other follow-up meetings yet. Meeting planned with Minister in May regarding summer ferry.
    1. Messaging Working Group: Recently finalized text of a press release. Will circulate to membership email list for support.
  4. Hornby Is. Economic Enhancement Corporation: Rudy Rogalsky, HIRRA Appointee to HICEEC Board reported on Municipal Regional Development Tax (MRDT or “Pillow tax”). A 3% tax on short term vacation rentals will start June 1, with funds returned to community via HICEEC. Originally funds were only used for vacation marketing, but now also available for affordable housing. Spending on proposed projects requires prior consultation with “tourism stakeholders” (broadly defined). HICEEC has posted one year and five year plans to hiceec.org web-site. They are planning some studies re: housing and carrying capacity, and responsible tourism messaging.
    Q: Are administrative costs fixed? Who will be asked for input as “stakeholders”? What percent of MRDT go directly to housing? How does this work with visitors who have already paid? What is meant by “carrying capacity”? Complex questions with many details yet to be finalized.

Minutes of HIRRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (immediately following)

  1. Executive report: Presented by Daniel Siegel. Attached.
  2. Treasurer’s report: Presented by Joanne Ovitsland and Lynn Nunley. Power Point summarized the Grant Thornton Year-end Review Engagement and the “fund balance report” prepared by the Financial Administrator. Attached. Suggestion for Accountants to attend AGM. Would cost extra.
    M/S/C Lynn Nunley/Joanne Ovitsland “That the Grant Thornton Accountants’ 2021 year-end review engagement report be accepted as presented.”
    M/S/Deferred Lynn Nunley/Joanne Ovitsland “
    That Grant Thornton be appointed as HIRRA’s Accountant for the 2022 fiscal.”
    The motion was deferred to a future general meeting in order for the Executive to explore quotes from other accountants.
  • Tax-funded Committee reports:
    • Community Hall Presented by Vicki Bale, Committee Chair. Attached.
    • Hornby Island Fire Rescue report: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief. Attached.
    • Comfort Stations: Presented by Nym Hughes, Committee Chair.Attached.
      Suggestion to request Provincial Parks to take over outhouse at the end of Shields Rd. Request for more outhouse service in Central Use area.
    • Recycling report: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager. Attached.
    • Recreation: Presented by Bill Hamilton, Committee Chair. Attached.
    • Invasive Plant Control: Presented by Anna Zielinski, Committee Chair. Attached.
  • Other Committee Reports
    • Regional Parks, Crownland and Roadside Trails: Presented by Tom Rutherford, Committee member. Attached.
    • Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Amy LeBaron, Committee Chair. Attached.
    • Cemetery Stewards: Presented by Tina Wai, Committee member.Attached.
    • Fall Fair: No report as Fall Fair was cancelled in 2021.
    • Boat Ramp: No report as Committee was inactive in 2021.
  • Elections and acclamations: All positions are for two-year terms.
    • Executive elected by acclamation: Patrick Lui is willing to stand for First Vice-President.
      Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Patrick was declared elected by acclamation. Allie Quelch is willing to stand for Secretary. Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, Allie was declared elected by acclamation.
    • Recycling Waste Management: Chair called for further nominations three times. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Kathi Sauve, Alsoon Brine. The Committee still has one vacancy.
    • Community Hall: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Vicki Bale, Judith Lawrence, Gabriel Jeroschewitz.
    • Fire Protection: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Brian Amos, Jim Garton, Jason King.
    • Recreation: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Bill Hamilton, Alex Lamont, Karen Young.
    • Boat Ramp: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation:  Mike Pedneault. The Committee still has one vacancy
    • Emergency Preparedness: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Amy LeBaron, Albini Lapierre, Robert Evans. The Committee still has two vacancies.
    • Invasive Weed Control: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Anna Zielinski, Liz Earle.
    • Comfort Stations: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidate was declared elected by acclamation: Shelley Beckett.
    • Cemetery Stewards: Chair called for further nominations. Receiving none, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Tina Wai, Gloria Herbert, Larry Smith, Kathleen O’Brien.
    • Regional Parks/Trails Advisory: Chair called for further nominations. Four candidates are standing for three positions: Tom Rutherford, Nadeane Trowse, Chloe Baird-Titcomb and Dean McKay. Candidates spoke to their interest in being on the Committee. The following candidates were elected by poll: Tom Rutherford, Nadeane Trowse, Chloe Baird-Titcomb.
    • Fall Fair: Chair called for further nominations. Sheila McDonnell volunteered. Receiving no more nominations, the following candidates were declared elected by acclamation: Landys Klyne and Sheila McDonnell. The Committee still has two vacancies.
  • Appointments to the Hornby Island Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC):
    The following candidate was elected to the HICEEC Board (one year term) by acclamation: Rudy Rogalsky. There is still one vacancy for another appointee.
  • Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:54pm             

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 39 other HIRRA members, and 1 guest (47 total participants)

Call to order: 7:34pm    

Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves. Appreciation for Anna Zielinski and Eva Wetzel for their work removing invasive weeds.

  1. Agenda: The agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of April 13, 2022 HIRRA AGM were approved as circulated by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Hybrid Executive meeting (Zoom and in person), Collective agreement negotiation preparations, policy revisions, Water Stewardship doing summer beach water sampling, Hornby roads meeting.
    Daniel read an item about summer crowding from Aug. 1980 HIRRA minutes.
  4. Community Announcements:
    1. Collective Agreement negotiations: Rudy Rogalsky reported tentative Collective Agreement for 2023 was successfully negotiated. Draft still needs ratification by CUPE members and HIRRA membership.
    2. Fall Fair: Sheila McDonnell reported Chelka appointed to Committee. Fair scheduled for Sept. 18 at Rosemuir Farm. Possible theme: “Life’s Cycles.” Volunteers needed.
    3. HICEEC: Rudy Rogalsky reported appreciation for Messaging Group work. Proposal to change HICEEC bylaws at May 29 AGM.
    4. Heron Rocks Plant Sale (with no berry tea) date.
  5. Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) updates: Daniel Arbour, CVRD Area A Director: Met with Ministry of Transportation and others about ferry problems. Parks transition going well. Housing feasibility study in collaboration with Is. Trust and Housing Network. Septic regulation changes in Comox Valley may have implications for Hornby down the road. Fibre optic being installed on Denman and Hornby. Hoping to be operational by the Fall. CVRD working to improve re-use of construction and demolition waste. Met with K’omoks First Nation, Provincial and Federal rep’s regarding treaty process. Relationships continue to improve. Tentative Treaty timeline: public process in 2022, possibly ready to sign Fall 2023. Hornby Crown Land parcel spanning between Sollans and Carmichael part of Treaty offer.
  6. Islands Trust updates: Alex Allen, Hornby Island Trustee: APC recommendations on housing and short term vacation rental presented as part of upcoming OCP review. APC will also make recommendations on riparian area regulations and First Nations reconciliation. Documents on Is. Trust web-site. Planning OCP review and public consultation for 2022 and 2023. Received approval from K’omoks First Nations for Resort development variances. Is. Trust Council is divided on governance review issues. Trust Council by Zoom June 23-25.
  7. Pre-Summer Community Conversation:
    1. Messaging Working Group updates: Patrick Lui reported Working Group developed messaging for public signage for large sign, beach protectors and forest protectors. Images presented. Overall theme: “Being here—what you do matters.”
      Text for digital media and other communication avenues presented, incorporating feedback from membership. Appreciation for thoughtful responses.
      General support for signage and text by poll.
    2. RCMP: Constable Paul Jones RCMP will be on island irregularly at least twice a week from May long-weekend to Labour Day. Plan to focus on speeding and recurring issues with beach access partying and overnight parking. Arranged with tow company to tow repeated illegally parked vehicles to temporary impound lot at gravel pit as last resort. RCMP response based on community concerns and urgent calls. Always call RCMP to report issues. Staffing based on numbers of reports. Building a file of reports helps justify enforcement if necessary. Hornby complaint files will be referred to the Hornby officers. Discussion: Appreciation for RCMP assistance with late night medical evacuation.
      Kent Lukinuk, Lindsay Allen, Kevin Woods recently formed a Police Liaison Committee (contact through HIRRA). RCMP on-line reporting form also available. Concern about targeting marginalized overnight campers. Be kind. Ferry regularly has long line-ups of cars parked overnight. Ideally places could be found for seasonal workers to camp through summer.
      Noise violations are not high priority (under CVRD bylaws). RCMP “West Coast Marine” (marine response unit) can respond to boating issues. No animal control bylaw for loose dogs on Hornby.
  1. HIRRA Policy revisions: The revised Committee Terms of Reference, Employment Policy, and Conflict Resolution Policy were presented and revisions reviewed.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Albini Lapierre “That the HIRRA
    Committee Terms of Reference revisions be approved as presented.”

M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Ashley Stotts “That the HIRRA Employment Policy revisions be approved as presented.”

M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Avi Dolgin “That the HIRRA Conflict Resolution Policy revisions be approved as presented.”

Adjourned: 9:15pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 47 other HIRRA members, and 2 new members (55 total participants)
Regrets: Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President;

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: Daniel welcomed everyone and acknowledged unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation for Mary MacKenzie’s community contributions over many years.

  1. Agenda: The agenda was approved by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of May 11, 2022 HIRRA meeting were approved as circulated by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Staff in new HIRRA office; Market WiFi installed; CVRD meeting re: contract; will consult with members to prioritize roads issues; Sheila McDonnell volunteered as second HIRRA appointee to HICEEC.
    Daniel read an item from 1973 HIRRA minutes suggesting a large welcome sign at the ferry.
  4. Community Announcements:
    1. Forest singing event
    2. Pride parade
    3. HIAA (Ballpark): Board voted to create four campsites for summer workers. Waiting for response from Crown Lands.
    4. Emergency Preparedness: NEPP networking events. Rain and wind warning this week. HIFR working on protocols to respond to extreme weather events.
    5. HISTRA: info meeting re: APC recommendations re: short term vacation rentals
  5. HIRRA CUPE Collective Agreement: Rudy Rogalsky, negotiating team member, presented key points of the draft Collective Agreement for Jan 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2026, including new compensatory inflation bonus provision. Appreciation for Depot staff and collaborative negotiation process between CUPE and HIRRA. Staff ratified the agreement.
    M/S/C Rudy Rogalsky/Lynn Nunley
    “That the HIRRA Assembly ratify by majority vote the 2023 to 2026 Collective Agreement between HIRRA and Employees at the Hornby Recycling Depot (represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees) as negotiated and presented.”
  6. Hornby Is.Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Karen Ross, staff: Recent AGM, membership requirements will be implemented next year, invitation to everyone to join, working on ferry issues, summer bus, Market outreach, MRDT tax on short-term vacation rentals in effect, supporting Farmland Trust with their food hub projects, HornbyIsland.com events calendar, met with CVRD.
  7. Hornby Is. Fire Rescue: Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief (from Fire Chief’s Conference in Victoria): Budget update; forest fire structure protection equipment trailer; training from off-island instructors for structure protection and vehicle extrication; Blues workshop at the Fire Hall; upcoming events and community training. Building wall moisture monitor showed walls were performing as expected. Not doing public forest fire training, but encouraging people to make homes more “fire-smart”.
  8. Hornby Is. Arts Council: Louise McMurray, President and Juniper Slieker, Administrator: New staff members introduced; seeking a new Exec. Director; Andrew Mark now working with Courtenay Arts on “Walk With Me” project; upcoming events announced and listed on website, including “Adrift” community art project; Arts Centre in selecting contractor phase with work planned to start this Fall.
  9. Ferry Advisory Committee: Rob McCreary, HIRRA representative. Ferry Advisory members met with Ministers about ferry wait-times and reduced capacity of Kahloke. Received disappointing response suggesting old solutions: shuttling, traffic control and fare incentives to encourage travel at less busy times. Requesting feedback and moving to political pressure. Need to increase pressure this year before next BC Ferry contract is completed.
    Suggestions: try reservations if it didn’t adversely impact residents; priority loading for residents; invite Minister to Hornby during busy season; water taxi to Deep Bay; petition; email and/or letter writing campaign with central collection of letters; survey of ferry traffic in line ups. Karen offered HICEEC box as a place to collect hard copy letters.

Adjourned: 9:32pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator; 34 other HIRRA members, 2 new members and 1 guest (43 total participants)
Regrets: Patrick Lui, First Vice President

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation for Bev Lownie’s humanitarian community contributions over many years.

  1. Agenda:
    M/S/C Kent Lukinuk/Gina Rae
    “That the agenda be changed from ‘MOTION to approve Composting Toilet Residuals Pilot Project’ to ‘Discussion of Composting Toilet Residuals Pilot Project’.”
  2. Minutes: Minutes of June 8, 2022 HIRRA meeting were approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Messaging signs have been posted around the island. Exec. approved parity between CUPE and non-union HIRRA employees, for vote at Sept. HIRRA meeting. Call for volunteers for a working group to organize a newcomer meet and greet event. Water Stewardship doing beach water sampling this year. Emails sent to HIRRA members regarding APC recommendations and ferry issues.
    Daniel read a resolution from April 1990 HIRRA minutes for HIRRA to take leadership on climate change and environmental destruction.
  4. Community Announcements:
    • Fall Fair: Call for input and volunteers for the Fall Fair, Sept. 18.
    • New-comer meet and greet: Distillery offered as a location for an event in August.
  5. Recreation Committee: Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator: Ongoing and upcoming summer recreation programs announced. Most registrations now via web-site.
  6. Recycling Committee: Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager: Free Store open shorter hours. Baling many recyclables has reduced shipping. Appreciation for volunteers and staff.
    Question about scrap metal. Working on possibilities for a building supply “re-store” area.
    Question about glass pile. At CVRD direction, no longer accepting non-recyclable glass.
  7. Composting Toilet Residuals Processing Pilot Project: Vince Van Tongeren of Comox Strathcona Waste Management and Ed Hoeppner answered questions.
    History: Proposal for processing composting toilet residuals on Hornby at the Depot was brought to the Oct 2016 HIRRA meeting and resulted in a membership approved HIRRA letter of support for CVRD feasibility study.
    CVRD started a Feasibility Study in 2018. Staff report prepared in Sept 2020. After feedback from the Recycling Committee, there was a follow-up report in Nov. 2021. CVRD staff gave a presentation to the Feb. 2022 HIRRA Zoom meeting. (Links to reports on hirra.ca)
    After extensive discussion and consideration, the Recycling Committee supported the Pilot Project (shipping stabilized odour-free composting toilet residuals to the CVRD sewage processing site for treatment) in order to assess participation and quantity of residuals and determine whether to proceed with a small on-island treatment facility at the Recycling Depot. CVRD Staff reports provided estimates for full user pay and cost sharing with user fees and tax support to encourage broader participation.
    Discussion key points:
    Opposition to tax subsidies for composting toilet residuals processing. Owners should pay for proper disposal of residuals just as septic owners pay for pump-outs (over $500 per pump-out). Well-managed septic tanks don’t need pumping very often. CVRD sewage processing of septic tank effluent is already subsidized by taxes.
    Composting toilet residuals may be odour-free and appear safe, but still have pathogens, heavy metals, or high ammonia levels. BC Legislation requires oversight by a septic engineer or treatment at a certified facility. Concerns about toxic pharmaceutical residues in treated sewage residuals (sky-rocket). Pilot Project estimates cost at $150 per year per composting toilet without tax subsidy, depending on number of participants.
    Properly managed composting toilets could help mitigate island water issues. Worker rentals on Hornby often include illegal and unsanitary composting toilets. Tax support for residuals processing would encourage people to improve existing composting toilets or switch from septic to composting toilets and enhance water conservation. As with recycling, Hornby could be a leader in composting toilet sustainability.
    Request for CVRD to prioritize tax support for housing and water collection.
    Request for CVRD to send clear information and options to all residents and hold a referendum vote regarding tax support for residuals processing project.
    HIRRA will ensure more public information is circulated before a future vote.
  8. Hornby Is.Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Sheila McDonnell, HIRRA appointee to HICEEC: Public information booth at Farmers’ Market. Bus being well-used, including runs to Helliwell and improved schedule. Meeting planned between HIRRA and HICEEC Boards. Planning community outreach events in Oct. re: goals and visions. Working on housing and engaging younger residents. CAST meeting suggestion to have a “non-profit fair” for people to learn about Hornby groups.
  9. Ferry Advisory Committee: Karen Ross, FAC member. Appreciation for many people sending letters and signing HICEEC’s Change.org ferry petition. Paper petitions available at HICEEC Market booth. Call for volunteers to offer petition to traffic in ferry line ups. FAC still lobbying politicians for better service.
    Request for volunteer with a truck to help put up the “ferry line-up” sign structures.

Adjourned: 9:20pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Sept 14, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; 37 other HIRRA members, 3 shared screens and 1 guest Corporal Aaron Chamberlin (44 total participants)
Regrets: Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator

Call to order: 7:33pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation for ferry workers for their work this summer under difficult circumstances.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as presented by poll.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of July 13, 2022 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Exec. planning outreach at Fall Fair, meet and greet event in future, seeking two new Executive members at AGM, hired Bookkeeping Assistant, signed multi-service contract with CVRD, roads survey planned for this Fall. Three Exec. positions are up for election in 2023. Two members not planning to stand at this point.
    Daniel shared ferry statistics for July & Aug 1967 compared to same months 2019 & 2020.
  4. Community Announcements:
    • Hornby Island Housing Society: Local Trust approved Beulah Creek development permit. Now being reviewed by BC Mortgage and Housing.
      Estate planning workshop and AGM coming up. Pie fundraiser at Fall Fair.
    • Fall Fair: Call for input and volunteers. Appreciate community support and participation.
    • 70th Birthday Party: Latin dance at the Hall for everyone turning 70 this year.
    • Community Health Profile grant: Plan H grant received to hire a coordinator to collect and collate data on various social determinants of health for Hornby and Denman.
    • All candidates meeting: In-person all candidates meetings planned.
  5. Accountant: Financial Administrator researched three quotes for accountants.
    M/S/C Lynn Nunley/Patrick Lui
    “That Grant Thornton Accountants be appointed to perform HIRRA’s 2022 year-end review engagement.”
  6. Wage rates: Collective Agreement includes annual review regarding inflation rates. Executive will coordinate with negotiating team in future about implications for non-union staff. Questions: What are the over-all financial implications? Would non-union employees then be paid more than union employees because they don’t pay union dues?
     Reina LeBaron/Stephanie Wells “That all non-unionized HIRRA employees receive equivalent wages and benefits to CUPE staff as detailed in the 2023-26 Collective Agreement.”
  7. Core Services budget: Executive Administrator reviewed the draft Core Services budget.
    M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Doug Chinnery
    “That the Core Services five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
  8. Community Conversation discussion on summer reflections (not reports per se)
    • RCMP: Corporal Aaron Chamberlin. RCMP mostly came on long weekends plus other random visits. At community request, RCMP focussed on illegal overnight camping for the first time and issued some tickets. Some were local or summer workers. RCMP funding and staffing is very limited. Hornby RCMP funding comes from BC. RCMP frequently requests increased funding but has not been approved. Suggested regular meetings with HIRRA Police Liaison working group. Encouraged people to report any issues to RCMP to document in their files. Request for RCMP to share statistics with HIRRA.
    • Comfort Stations: RCMP support worked well this summer for Colleen. She also posted a sign warning campers of her loud early morning outhouse cleaning routine.
    • Roadside camping: Some campers shifted to area beside Phipps Point. Some moved on a daily basis. Three to nine vehicles parked at end of Slade Rd. through the summer, Lots of toilet paper in the bushes. Some visitors reported issues with Tribune Campsite not answering their phone People living in vehicles and illegal camping is an issue throughout the region. Parking at the Cove was still sometimes so crowded that the HIFR vehicles couldn’t get down to the Cove (especially when RCMP were not on-island). Photos can be uploaded to the RCMP reporting site and they will follow up.
    • Water: Concerns about water usage and impact of increased use on vulnerable wells.
    • HIAA (Joe King Ballpark): Stephanie Wells. Ballpark had serious vandalism this spring and appreciated follow-up from RCMP. Tried to set up a few campsites for summer workers, but were refused by Crown Lands. Also had to discourage people trying to park overnight at the Ballpark.
    • Traffic and bikes: Safety concerns with single-lane traffic along Central when the ferry line-up is backed up past Mount Rd. Concerns about vehicles passing cyclists dangerously. Can be reported to RCMP with photo of vehicle license plate.
    • Ferry Advisory Committee: Rob McCreary.Very busy summer with long wait times and overloads. FAC did a lot of lobbying this summer, supported by HICEEC’s ferry petition, and hopefully will have some solutions next summer. BC Ferries made verbal commitments to FAC of a larger ferry on Hornby run and Kahloke to assist BS Connector, and replacement vessels and increase to size of BS Connector by 2026. Ferry traffic this summer was down about 8.6%. Appreciation for the FAC members.
    • Community Bus: Karen Ross. Bus will run for the Fall Fair. Appreciation for new Steering Committee members. Five years of service. Bus was damaged this summer. Seeking Transit funding for new buses for both Hornby and Denman. New runs to Whaling Stations were moderately used. HICEEC requested Islands Trustees address issues of congestion at Ford Cove. Some bus runs to the Cove were cancelled because of congestion at dinner time.
    • Hornby Is.Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Karen Ross. Appreciation for young local “community ambassadors” at the HICEEC Farmers’ Market information booth this summer.
    • CVRD Director report will be circulated by email.

Adjourned: 9:32pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 52 other HIRRA members, (58 total participants) including shared screens and a group of people sharing one connection at the Hall group
Regrets: Allie Quelch, Secretary;

Call to order: 7:36pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation for nurse Maggie Ellis’s compassion and hard-work, along with all other nurses.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as presented by poll. Request to return to in-person meetings. Executive will discuss meeting options at their next meeting.
  2. Minutes: Minutes of Sept 14, 2022 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.
  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Discussed wage issues. Communication outreach. Nominating Committee seeking volunteers. Hornby roads survey and meeting planned.  HICEEC/HIRRA joint meeting. Plan H grant approved for Hornby and Denman Community Health Profile.
    Daniel read an item from old minutes regarding outhouses and RV pump-outs.
  4. Community Announcements:
    •  Emergency Preparedness: NEPP manual online and also as a hard-copy in the library. In-person NEPP info session from Comox Valley Emergency Program Nov 19 at Fire Hall. Request for people and businesses to update contact information for Hornby emergency resource list.
    • Community Health Profile: Housing Network plans to advertise for a research assistant for the project.
    • Dates for: Elections, Seniors Advocate
  5. Hornby Island Housing Society: Jo Harrison, President of HIHS presented information. Elder Village has 11 units running since 1998. Shift in eligibility criteria to now having a maximum income and asset amount based on BC Housing criteria. Beulah Creek planned to have 26 affordable housing units being managed by Makola Housing. Received Development Permit and other permits. Funding by provincial, federal and local sources. Need to update cost estimates for BC Housing. Once approved, the project will be put out to tender next spring with potential move in date of 2024. HIHS also involved in advocacy and hopes to create a “housing strategy.” Appreciation for HIHS work.

  6. Water Stewardship: Darren Bond presented information. Communicating Provincial drought levels, including new sign at gas bar. Monitoring quantity and quality of water. Collecting data on temperature and peak summer population trends. Working toward: on-island water testing, cooperating with K’omoks First Nations on research, CVRD rebates for water storage and septic improvements.
  7. Composting Toilet Residuals letter: Ed Hoeppner reviewed background information: BC composting toilet regulations have three options for dealing with composted residuals. Shipping composted residuals to a certified off-site processing facility is simplest and most cost-effective. CVRD feasibility study suggested starting by hiring a contractor to ship residuals to the Cumberland processing facility. Estimated cost could be $100-$150 per year per user. Funding model will require more community discussion and decision. After assessing the amount of material produced on-island, CVRD might consider building a small certified processing facility on Hornby. The next step is to request that CVRD accept Hornby’s composting toilet residuals. Project would allow residents an option to safely and legally deal with composting toilet residuals, improve water conservation, and provide public education. More information is still needed on a number of questions.
    Questions: Cumberland does not currently accept Hornby’s composting toilet residuals. Why would it be CVRD or HIRRA’s responsibility to hire a contractor? GFL already pumps septic tanks, as well as outhouses and composting toilets. They may use water to create a pumpable slurry. Are all the sources of septic residuals merged? Cumberland facility processes all septic residuals into fertilizer. How is composting toilet liquid leachate dealt with? Concerns about pharmaceuticals in residuals. Users should cover costs of dealing with any septic residuals. People spoke for and against the motion.
     Ed Hoeppner/Scott Sweeney “That HIRRA send a letter to CVRD requesting that the Comox Valley Sewerage Service (CVSS) accept stabilized composting toilet residuals from Hornby at their composting facility.”
  8. Hornby Is.Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC): Rudy Rogalsky Nov. 6 community meeting sponsored by HICEEC and HIRRA to consult about updating the 2020 Community Vision. Request for volunteers to look closely at different sectors for the 2030 Vision update. Nomination forms coming for Hornby Business of the Year. Business Mixer at Seabreeze Nov 14.
  9. Ferry Advisory Committee: Everyone encouraged to write the Ferry Commissioner about personal experiences of difficulties with ferries on both routes and respond to concerns.

Adjourned: 9:40pm

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Nov 9, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 40 other HIRRA members, including shared screens and a group of people sharing one connection with Patrick and Kent at the Hall, and one guest (48 total participants)

Call to order: 7:34pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation (by Wendy Burton) for Phoebe Long, former Co-op Manager, now Community Kitchen volunteer and liaison on HIES Board and HIAA Board.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as presented by poll.

  2. Minutes: Minutes of Oct 12, 2022 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.

  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Staff bonus, Land Transparency Report, Hall shared screen option, Roads meeting re: Ford Cove congestion and other issues, meeting with HICEEC, offer to co-host vision renewal meeting.
    Daniel read from Sept. 1974 HIRRA minutes regarding parks, litter and roadside camping.

  4. Budgets: Overview of budgets presented by Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator.
    • Emergency Preparedness: Presented by Margaret Birch, Committee Co-chair.
      M/S/C Margaret Birch/Doug Chinnery
      “That the Emergency Preparedness five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Fire Protection: Presented by Doug Chinnery, Fire Chief
      M/S/C Doug Chinnery/Scott Sweeney “That the Fire Protection five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Recycling Waste Management: Presented by Stani Veselinovic, Depot Manager Question about replacing old backhoe. CVRD decision.
      M/S/C Stani Veselinovic/Scott Sweeney
      “That the Recycling Waste Management five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Invasive Weed Control: Presented by Liz Earle, Committee Chair
      Question about Daphne education.
      M/S/C Liz Earle/Doug Chinnery “That the Invasive Weed Control five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”

  5. Community Announcements:
    • Dates for: CAST Zoom meeting, Remembrance Day, Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness presentation, Co-op membership engagement,
    • Congratulations: Doug Chinnery received Comox Valley Local Hero award
    • Healthcare: Island Health taking over management of Home Support
    • BC Ferries: BC Ferries held open house meeting on Denman. Still not fully committed to Quinitsa on Hornby route. Encourage people to email and write with copies to FAC.

  6. Budgets continued:
    • Comfort Stations: Presented by Tony Law, Committee Chair
      Future capital projects will need further consultation and agreement.
      Question about insurance.M/S/C Tony Law/Lynn Nunley “That the Comfort Stations five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Community Hall: Presented by Hilary Wood-McDonnell, Committee Chair
      Question about accessibility upgrade.
      M/S/C Hilary Wood-McDonnell/Joanne Ovitsland
      “That the Community Hall five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Recreation: Presented by Jade Wilson, Recreation Coordinator
      M/S/C Jade Wilson/Hilary Wood-McDonnell
      “That the Recreation five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”
    • Property Management: Presented by Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator
      M/S/C Reina LeBaron/Lynn Nunley
      “That the Property Management five-year budget for 2023-27 be approved as presented.”

Appreciation to Joanne for work on preparing presentations and to all the budget presenters, especially first timers.

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Minutes of HIRRA General Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022 By Zoom

Present: Daniel Siegel, President; Patrick Lui, First Vice President; Kent Lukinuk, Second Vice President; Lynn Nunley, Treasurer; Allie Quelch, Secretary; Reina LeBaron, Executive Administrator; Joanne Ovitsland, Financial Administrator, 31 other HIRRA members and 1 guest (39 total participants)

Call to order: 7:35pm   

Introductions: Daniel acknowledged and appreciated unceded First Nations territory.
Executive and staff introduced themselves.

Appreciation (by Rob Lewis) for Fire Chief Doug Chinnery for recent Comox Valley recognition, his tireless community service and quiet excellence.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as presented by poll.

  2. Minutes: Minutes of Nov. 9, 2022 HIRRA meeting approved as presented by poll.

  3. Executive report: Daniel Siegel, President: Staff holidays, Day of Mourning resolved with CUPE, informal meeting with HIAC.
    HIRRA notified of Rogers Cell Tower proposal as a neighbour. Still early in the process. Other discussion meetings held recently. HIRRA will circulate a PDF of Rogers proposal and a fillable comment form for members to complete and return to consultant.

Rogers Cell Tower community announcement: Amanda Hale reported that a core group opposed to tower organized an information meeting last Sunday. About 50 people attended, including several knowledgeable speakers. Planning another meeting in January with speakers who successfully resisted a cell tower proposal at Dove Creek. People urged to write to the consultant with feedback.

Historical minutes Lynn read from 1975 HIRRA minutes regarding fire protection, garbage dump, Hall and illegal camping at beach accesses.

  • Community Announcements:
    • Warming centre: Emergency Management BC will fund a warming centre when temperature drops below -4. Forecast for cold weather this weekend.  Fire Department will organize a warming centre and publicize it.
    • RCMP seeking accommodations for next summer.
    • Dates for: Wassail in January.

  • Accountants: Grant Thornton resigned from serving HIRRA.  
    M/S/C Daniel Seigel/Joanne Ovitsland
    “That Robbins and Company Certified Accountants be appointed to prepare HIRRA’s 2022 year-end review engagement.”

  • Community Hall Capital budget: Nelson Roofing quote for replacing living roof membrane on the Community Hall was higher than expected.
    M/S/C Daniel Seigel/Vicki Bale
    “That the Community Hall five-year capital budget for 2023-27 be approved as revised.”

  • Fall Fair report: Chelka Mackeson, Committee member. Fair went very well after three-year Covid hiatus. Revenue from donations and basket auction exceeded expenses. Planning to purchase a cargo trailer for tents, tables and other Fall Fair equipment. Ideally to be stored on HIRRA property.

  • Regional Parks and Trails updates: Leslee Richards, Committee Chair. Lawsuit related to mountain bike accident led to HIRRA not being able to get liability insurance for managing Parks and trails. CVRD took over managing Regional Parks and trails directly. Committee is now an advisory body only. Appreciation for HIRRA’s long-time Parks Maintenance Contractor, Yana Pethick. Maintenance Contractor now hired by CVRD. Committee submits First Edition articles and has an email for public comment. Passes on community feedback and provides guidance to CVRD. Recent maintenance work reported.
    Appreciation for CVRD staff for smooth transition.


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Minutes of HIRRA meetings are posted after approval by the HIRRA assembly (usually at the following month’s meeting). Generally there are no HIRRA meetings in January or August.